The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks ago.

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  • Morning all , interesting article on the ABC this morning re food guilt.

    Now back to bed with what is supposed to be a special treat of hot choc but as no taste it may
    as well be warm water. Its beginning to sink in Ah…………..

    Not surprisingly I get a great lift from reading all your comments, here you are trying to maintain weight and I need to put on another 4 Kg to get back to MW. Aint that the way of the world?


    @tim well good luck with putting the weight on. Even though I like fruit and vegetables, i am one of those people who would too often make the wrong food choices if it was just up to what I feel like. My meal portions were never big just the desert and the treats after supper and sometimes in the afternoon. When on the go i could easily substitute lunch with a snickers bar or two.
    Fasting really does re-set my sense of hunger and also food choices. After a day of fasting I want to give my body some nutrients and i feel fuller quicker. Also the awful sugar cravings are reduced.

    Hi gang
    So glad you are able to justify your actions and clear your name, Happy. Things can get so complicated and frustrating. Go and yell at the chooks. I used to loose it with the goats when things frustrated me;) The cat suffers these days.

    Hot chocolate based on water, Tim?…my mum used to make that. No wonder I don’t like chocolate. Keep lying around doing nothing and you’ll soon put on the weight. We’ll be up your way this weekend…I’ll give you a “cooee”

    Had a really c**p night last night, myself. Don’t feel at all like fasting, but will anyway…see how I go.

    Cheers all, P

    Interesting article Tim, can relate to it!

    Had a fast day yesterday that I didn’t want to do either Purple but I still did and today I’m glad!

    Thanks Carol
    I am fasting and feeling better because I am. Cheers P

    Morning All.

    Off to the office today, so rushing (as usual!).

    Fast yesterday was getting on for 19 hours, and then below TDEE but not 25%, but back to 59.1 (from 60.2 weekend weight). So all good.

    Quite amazing to be able to micro manage my weight in this way.

    P, Tim will be expecting more than a cooeee if you visit him in bed..!

    Cheeky girl H! We are just going to be ‘within cooee’ as we call anywhere within a 100 km radius!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Have fun at work.
    Settle down Tim

    Had a lovely night-time paddle yesterday – probably the last evening on an open river of the season. Clear skies, good view of the stars – trees and banks mirrored in the water. It’s a beautiful finish to that part of the season.

    Yesterday’s FD was a little more generous than usual (but still <450kcals) as I’m experimenting with shifting more of my kcals to earlier in the day, rather than later. It’s based on trying to establish a better circadian rhythm before the clocks go back (I’m a poor sleeper and clock changes mess me around) and the number of research findings that indicate our muscles are more insulin sensitive in the morning. Good discussion, summarised as:
    “eat more when the tissue-specific circadian regulation of insulin sensitivity is high in muscle and low in adipose = earlier in the day…

    Nutrient timing > CICO. Periodโ€ฆ however, all of this is assuming a a plant-based, low net carb, whole foods template. And a protein-rich breakfast; not typical breakfast food [cereal-based undesirables: pastries, cereals etc.].”
    There’s considerably more nuance to the issue and much depends on whether you have other essentials in hand, such as sleep but I need to try out every sensible modification that might preserve my muscle mass.

    P, fun is not a word normally associated with going to the office! When I work at home, I can focus on my work. In the office there is no escape from politics and corporate (and personal) agendas. It’s good to show my face once in a while though, I don’t want them forgetting me!

    However, in a positive mood today. Just saw a friend on the train that I hadn’t seen since early July. She says I look amazing (still!) and that I look like I have lost more weight (I haven’t).

    She tried 5:2 after I saw her last, and liked it, but then lapsed over the school holidays. Perhaps seeing me again will spur her on to get back in the saddle?

    @ssure, very interested to hear about your experimentations and I look forward to reports from you – how you are doing with a protein based breakfast.
    Please let us know how you fare.
    Sorry, I don’t quite understand why it is important to have breakfast in the morning unless you are the type of person who is hungry in the morning when a protein breakfast would be preferable to a carb one.

    It’s a personal experiment, Lichtle – not a recommendation for anyone else. The review I linked is quite technical (and refers heavily to research papers) but it does state in several places that nuance is relevant and personal context (e.g., poor sleep, a different cycle etc.) might make this inappropriate for some people.

    It recommends a protein breakfast (tho’ it doesn’t follow it should solely be protein) because skeletal muscle tends to be more insulin sensitive at that time: the suggestion is that our fat tissue is more insulin sensitive later in the day so eating particular carbs then *above a level that suits you* may well find that they’re readily shuttled to your fat stores.

    Now, I think that some of these timings may also be contingent on many other factors – which is why I need to experiment. I’m also interested in some of the Bill Lagakos’ overviews of circadian cycles and their influence on sleep so I’m shifting my meal times as part of that as well in the hopes of maximising my chances of rehabbing quickly from the surgeries (when they happen) and minimising the weight gain during the sedentary period.

    Hi Ssure, does that mean muscle is more insulin sensitive in the morning and fat more insulin sensitive in the evening? Sorry, I seem to be a bit slow here – not questioning your logic. Are you experimenting with eating in the morning and early afternoon and skip the evening meal? You have mentioned your TDEE is now around 1000cal which really only is enough for two half decent meals, I guess.

    Hi Lichtle – yes, that’s right – muscle is more insulin sensitive in the morning and fat tissue later in the day (as you say) which means that it’s possibly easier to end up (unwittingly) shunting your carbs into your fat stores if you eat above a certain level (which will vary on an individual basis) later in the day.

    Spot on – at a TDEE of 1000kcal on a sedentary day, I feel that I have to maximise every practical approach that I can to make sure that I retain my muscle mass and don’t add to my fat stores. So, yes, altho’ I currently eat dinner with my DH in the evening, I’m going to shift the bulk of my kcals to earlier in the day. So, a latish breakfast (to let me commute as I tend to be travel sick) and then a late afternoon/early evening snack (depending on whether we’re kayaking). And then no dinner or just a mug of broth and some vegetables for dinner.

    I’m hoping that if I get used to this pattern now, it will be established by the time that I’m rehabbing from the surgeries and I won’t unwittingly be adding more than I intend to my fat stores while I’m protractedly sedentary.

    I’m open to the possibility that this might not work but feel it’s a fairly practical thing that I can experiment with that is not particularly disruptive.


    You are clearly far more knowledgeable and informed than me on nutrition and eating.

    Many people report weight gain over winter. Is this due to lowered activity, different food choices (comfort eating) or ‘eating in the dark’?

    I could imagine that in evolutionary/physiological terms it might make sense for your body to respond differently at different times of year. So when food is scarcer and your eating window shorter, your body may respond differently? Of course for us food isn’t scarcer or the eating window reduced in winter…

    Unfortunately for me, with both of us working full time, eating during daylight in winter won’t be practical. But I might try it when OH is working away and I am working at home. The cats will be confused by ‘tea’ at 4 and bed at 5 though!

    Re: insulin sensitivity and muscle/fat stores. Is this to fuel your muscles early when you need to be out chasing mammoths, but to lay down fat/maximize storage later when you’re back at the cave…?

    Sorry if I’m being stupid. This is not my area of science!

    On a personal note. I’m feeling reasonably chipper so far today… But then I haven’t checked work emails yet!

    Yesterday was not a fast day, but started light. Unfortunately at lunchtime I sleepwalked to the carob brazil nut shop (I expect they sell other things…). And then demolished 1000 calories… And was late home and ended up making us a quick cherry tomato pasta…

    I fully expected the scales to show at least a water weight gain, but no! 59.3.

    You know. I think I’m getting the hang of this maintenance thing! I don’t eat TDEE everyday, some days it’s over, some under, I regularly skip breakfast. and the odd fast day drops a kg and gives me a ‘reset’ on food choices and portion sizes.

    Happy happy!

    Ditto happy Happy
    This maintenance stuff seems to be second nature now. Don’t read the work emails. Might spoil everything ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Off to dinner with friends. Have a good Friday and weekend. P

    Hi P,

    Enjoy your meal.

    Going to see Dad this weekend. He reports that he can pull his waistband out and see his feet now. Time for some new trousers….?

    But before I go, I’m going shopping. I have seen a coat and skirt online, just hope they have them in-store in my size. I was going to add ‘and I hope they fit’, but that’s a given! So ‘and I hope I like them’

    You’ll appreciate this Happy. ..I was told not to lose any more! Geez..they never say to fatties..”don’t put on any more”!
    Hope the clothes are in the shop. I looked today and couldn’t find something for between seasons, party clothes, that weren’t kids or old ladies:( P

    Hi Purple

    Went shopping today, and found lots of clothes and underwear in DJs on big sale. Came home with a smart casual white jacket and a lovely smart tangerine jacket. Goes with my new Sportscraft navy trousers and my apple green top. I now have an armful of other larger clothes to take to the Sallies shop tomorrow. Simple happiness ๐Ÿ™‚

    Cheers, Bay ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy, hope you also found some nice clothes. B

    Well done Bay. Dr M should be congratulated for the upturn in retail spending. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi P, on what do they base their ‘don’t lose any more’ advice exactly? Because you are actually underweight and your health is at risk? Or because you would then be slimmer than them? (I’ve had this from a slim friend!) Or because they are overweight, can’t recognize what a healthy weight is, and don’t need you showing them up?!

    I hope you challenged them! Or is that just me…?!

    Hi Bay, great you had a successful shopping trip. I’m out tomorrow (Saturday morning). Annoyingly, the shop I’m looking at sent me a time limited 20% off voucher on email… And I didn’t check my emails that day. Hmmph. So if it all fits, it’s full price. This being thin thing could get expensive.

    Hi Happy
    The latter I’m afraid! I could lose another 6 kilos and still be in healthy range. I chose not to fight back, but did point out that that is why I could eat whatever, including dessert and lots of wine, as I know how to control my weight now and have wriggle room to indulge occasionally.
    Maintaining in the healthy range with 5:2 is empowering!
    Enjoy your weekend. Cheers P

    Hi P, I must admit there were several larger people (who struggle with their weight) that witnessed my carob brazil nut binge. I might as well have been talking a different language… To start with I’m thin, so what do I know about weight issues?! And nuts (with or without carob) are not their weakness (cakes and sweets are). And none of them seemed at all appalled by the prospect of a 1000 calorie ‘snack’! One lady actually said that it was important to keep eating to avoid feeling hungry…

    Is this how people who have always been thin feel socially? I suspect not, as they are not recovering fatties!

    Anyway, there’s something to be said for overeating (particularly carob brazil nuts..) as this evening i weighed in at 58.5! I know I know, obsessive weighing, but maintenance is a whole different ballpark…

    PVE, HappyNow and everyone have Just been advised my ISP is folding today so no internet or Voip. Feel like a drama Queen! Emails maybe forwarded???????????? Who knows.

    Take care,the very best of Maintaining to all.

    Hi P and Happy,

    I’m up a bit earlier so I’ve time to chat before I get back to the almost-there dissertation.

    Isn’t it amazing what b—ocks people burble about weight, diet, etc? How come everyone feels qualified to pontificate, including the lucky b–gers who’ve never had a problem and wouldn’t know a calorie from a hole in the ground, and the others who do have a problem and consider their way is the only way?

    I suspect ‘don’t lose any more’ is code for ‘if you get even more gorgeous you are going to make me look like the Michelin man’.

    Not having a particularly sweet tooth, it wouldn’t have been Brazil nuts for me. My 1000-cal snack would consist either of a bucketful of smoked salmon taramasalata or a great big tube of Pringles sour cream and vinegar flavour, or even both. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Whatever our little fall from grace is, being accustomed to 5:2 makes it easy enough to compensate for any sweet or savoury binge whether, like you guys, one is maintaining, or like me (who strictly speaking shouldn’t really be on this thread) with 6 or so kilos to go.

    P, I can’t remember whether you are a cat person like Happy, but I’d love to know about any moggies either of you own. I’m beginning to get serious moggy-withdrawal symptoms. It’s getting on for two years since the feline Hermaj went off to the big cattery in the sky at the ripe old age of 21 – her twin went six years earlier – and it’s getting to be time we got another pair of puss-cats.

    Indeed hermaj, I have always had a cat since I was about 16.
    The current one is about 9 and can be a bit pushy if she feels she has been ignored. Just arrived home after being away last night. You would have thought it had been a month. She had plenty of food and water but no humans to tend to her every whim. She is a very fluffy, very pretty moggy but her claws can inflict serious wounds on me ๐Ÿ™
    Off to another party to show off in my super tight pants and heeled boots. Hope I don’t get more negative responses. Cheers P

    Morning All!

    Hermaj, for the last 20 years we have mostly had 3 cats, not the same ones!

    Currently we have an 8 year old long haired tabby. He’s very handsome, a proper boy and a bit of an oaf.

    We also have a little fluffy cat, adopted 6 years ago when he was found as a stray, emaciated and malnourished with badly infected ears. He was terrified of everything and didn’t go outside for a couple of years, and spent a lot of time hiding from visitors in a box under the bed. Six years of patience and TLC has worked wonders, and he’s now quite sociable and brave. He’s a real sweetie and very playful. He loves his toys, and regularly juggles his catnip mouse (he throws it in the air and then chases it). Sadly he has terminal cancer, and we suspect we will lose him in the next couple of weeks.

    We also have an old lady (17), adopted earlier this year when her owners went into a home. She’s very sweet and affectionate, but a real glutton! She’s also old and wise enough not to fall into the traps the oaf sets for her (he adopts an ambush position, she says that’s fine I didn’t want to pass anyway I’ll just stretch out here, suddenly he finds he’s the one who’s trapped…).

    I grew up with dogs, but the psychology of cats is endlessly fascinating.

    P, I hope the party’s going well. And if anyone is negative, remember that’s says more about them than you.

    It’s funny that a lot of people really can’t find it within themselves to celebrate the success of others, unless they are similarly successful. A family member who’s weight yoyos told me I would put weight on again, and after several days together burst out ‘oh, stop going on about your weight’. Odd, as although it had been discussed at the start of the weekend (because no one has ever seen me so slim), it was not mentioned after that. I guess just seeing me slim, happy and healthy every day must have passed for me going on about it..!

    It is hard not to be deflated by other people’s negativity though.

    Success gang! We both wowed them all. Great pr for 5:2. P ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Excellent news, PVE. Good job it wasn’t a wedding, you and OH spuld have upstaged the happy couple!

    I had a reasonably successful shopping trip earlier (only a mad half hour dash to one shop). Of course I took 8s and 10s into the changing rooms, and tried to convince myself the 10s fitted! The deciding factor though was pulling out the waistband and realizing there was enough space to fit a small child…(OK, possibly a slight exaggeration….). So anyway I got a reversible skirt (one side autumnal reds with a bold clock motif, the other sort of mottled green and black) and a soft jersey shirt in a sort of teal (not my usual thing but I’m trying to expand my comfort zone). The coat I had my eye on was disappointing in reality (should have been fitted but bagged) so that saved me ยฃ100!

    Anyway, I don’t like spending or wasting money, so buying a new smaller wardrobe is another incentive to maintain my current weight…

    Purple and Happy,

    I did enjoy reading about you feline friends. They all sound lovely in their different ways. Your pretty, fluffy one sounds a bit of a madam, P, but aren’t they all? I have no illusions about cats, they are largely motivated by self-interest, but I still think they are great and miss not having any.

    So sad about your rescue moggie, Happy. Hermaj’s twin had the same problem – hers was in her mouth – and we still feel bad for not taking her to be put to sleep a few weeks earlier as she was very unhappy. Your little old lady must be doing something right to still be around and having fun at 17 – 90-something in human years.

    Thank you both again for your good wishes re the dissertation. Tomorrow will still be busy. I’ve still got a conclusion and a synopsis to write and various other boring loose ends like bibliography, getting it comb-bound etc etc. But I will get it in hours before the deadline on Monday.

    Hi everyone, just a thought on people not liking our change in size and the words of warning so as not to become “too thin” I have often heard the expression: “I’d rather be overweight and happy, bubbly and fun than “thin and miserable” as if a bubbly personality had anything to do with the weight. .

    Yes L. People often think fat is fun and comfortable. I’m every bit as funny when I’m thinner.
    Interesting,ly most of the crowd last night were young and have known me a long time. They were incredibly supportive and complimentary. I wonder if giving complements freely is something the younger generation are better at?
    After 2 nights partying I am still only 58.1 this morning. ..better go and have a slap up brunch ๐Ÿ˜‰ Cheers MC mates. P

    Your shopping trip sounds a great success Happy. I’m glad you saw sense re the size 10 pants…no point in buying something that you will never fit into again ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I seem to have introduced teal into my wardrobe this year too. It must be coming back. I am finding my wardrobe palate is including a larger variety of colours now.

    I have just had my first real swim of the season…I didn’t feel well enough at the beach yesterday, but today, at home, the pool looked SO inviting, I ventured in. Then cooked lunch (sausages and chickpeas in a Moroccan flavouring) on the bbq out on the deck in my swimmers. Ah! I can almost smell summer. The garden is a mass of spring flowers, the birds are busy protecting nests and the air has that lovely sent of spring. 25 deg here today and the pool water is 21. Not bad.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend MCs. I am actually looking forward to fasting in the morning. Cheers P

    Sorry Tim…probably too late. My message to you didn’t go.
    Try to behave while you are offline. We’ll miss you mate. P ๐Ÿ™‚

    Doesn’t it make you sick, Lichtle! Who want’s to be ‘bubbly’ anyway? I always associate the word ‘bubbly’ with another word – airhead. ๐Ÿ™‚ But maybe it’s just me, a miserable, not-nearly-as-fat-as-I-used-to-be, old bat. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Purple, I’m sure younger people are much better at paying compliments. It wasn’t weight-related, but I was overwhelmed by the lovely things my younger MA-mates said about my dissertation work-in-progress presentation a few months.

    I think we’ve had this conversation before on the forum, but I wonder if it’s because we more mature Anglo-Saxons were brought up not to be proud of ourselves and be wary of receiving compliments – you know, the ‘don’t let it go to your head’ syndrome.

    I’ve had a few verbal punch-ups with OH who for a highly intelligent guy is still so 1950s British in some ways. If I pay him a well-deserved compliment he tends to grunt and say ‘not bad’. To me that seems to belittle and insult the intelligence and taste of the person showing his or her approval.

    Yes, I’ve noticed the “don’t get too thin” comments are always from people who actually need to lose weight themselves!

    Sorry, that should have been ‘a few months ago’. I’m definitely losing it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Lichtle,

    “Many people report weight gain over winter. Is this due to lowered activity, different food choices (comfort eating) or โ€˜eating in the darkโ€™?” It may well be a combination of those and the emotions that we associate with Winter(?). E.g., there’s no more scheduled open water night-time paddling for me because of the loss of light and the temperature drops. Until my surgeries, I have the option of a session in a swimming pool but that’s nowhere near as physically intense as open water – better than nothing and I enjoy it but less activity.

    “I could imagine that in evolutionary/physiological terms it might make sense for your body to respond differently at different times of year. So when food is scarcer and your eating window shorter, your body may respond differently? Of course for us food isnโ€™t scarcer or the eating window reduced in winterโ€ฆ” Agreed with this – we’ve been shifted from seasonal scarcities and limitations to dealing with the new issue of permanent abundance when some of us are still oriented to Eat All the Things While They’re Available and Before They Disappear (which they don’t).

    “Unfortunately for me, with both of us working full time, eating during daylight in winter wonโ€™t be practical. But I might try it when OH is working away and I am working at home. The cats will be confused by โ€˜teaโ€™ at 4 and bed at 5 though!” We work FT and away from home but DH will eat his breakfast before leaving for work and I tend to eat mine after I arrive (I leave enough time for this because I’m readily travel sick). Your cats will eat at 4 and go to bed at 5? Or you? I’m not bringing bed time forward, just the bulk of my food intake.

    “Re: insulin sensitivity and muscle/fat stores. Is this to fuel your muscles early when you need to be out chasing mammoths, but to lay down fat/maximize storage later when youโ€™re back at the caveโ€ฆ?” Who knows, tho’ that’s a charming/lovely way to think about it. I think it’s possibly a response to the autophagy and general clean-up that’s been taking place while we’re asleep (with luck).

    Hi SSure,

    Thanks for the response.

    The comment about going to bed at 5 in winter was about me, not the cats! Given how damaging night shifts are, particularly I think for women, and the known importance of sleep (in the dark) for health and weight maintenance, it occurred to me that if I should be eating in daylight then I perhaps ought also to be avoiding artificial light and going to bed at dusk….! And of course not getting up until it’s daylight (which I must say is very natural for me!).

    Tim, I hope you are back with us now? And not gone into a decline having been offline for a day….?

    Hermaj, given your impending deadline I think you can be forgiven for ‘losing it’! Not long now though…. And then a party?! Interesting comment about your OH. Mine is in his early 50s, but can’t be gracious or admit to having done a good job. I’m afraid I can’t be doing with having to bolster his fragile ego!

    On the subject of are the ‘young’ better at compliments. Perhaps it’s easier to compliment between, rather than within, generations? You can more easily celebrate someone’s success if you cannot compare yourself to them (and find yourself wanting)?

    Morning MCs
    Another week. Another fast. It seems an age since my Thursday fast. I’ve done so much!
    (Just editing as we were typing together Happy!) I guess compliments are easier between people who are less emotionally connected? It is sad how we are less polite to those closest to us. I just told OH how ‘spiffy’ he looked as he headed off to work (poor darling). He puts a lot of effort into dressing and was raised by his family to accept compliments graciously. I wasnt so usually don’t believe people. Crazy!

    While in my pool yesterday (first of the season) I recalled early last year when all this started. I had had surgery and then two really dramatic falls that had left me very immobile. My early rehab was pool exercise. It was SO effective as I could build the muscles without damaging the joints. Now, 27kg lighter, I can run up stairs and not even puff!
    Thanks Dr M. P ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi P,

    Have I told you that I hate you?! You have a pool… And the weather to use it…

    It has been a lovely day here (South Wales), t shirt and shorts weather, but not hot. Driving this morning, ate a banana and some almonds, a light lunch with Dad (ham and salad), a run this afternoon, then smoked salmon, fillet steak, and yep, cheesecake!

    Dad reports no movement on weight for a couple of weeks, but has had to tighten his belt. Have tried to reassure him that it’s a common phenomenon and all good…

    Happy Monday, Upsidedowners. Goodnight, Rightwayuppers.

    Oooo…not so happy, Happy? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Our home is 40 minutes from the beaches, and gets quite hot in summer. I believe I’m actually part dolphin, so I dehydrate without a pool! It was built for my 60th birthday present. Our holiday place, north of here, is right opposite the beach, so I have access to swimming both places now.

    When we were kids, we dug up the back garden one summer holidays(mum and dad were at work and didn’t notice). Dad was REALLY impressed when he saw the mess….we had to fill it in again! Since then, I have had a pool in every home I’ve lived in. It is a great excuse to wander around all day in swimmers, too! BTW my new cossie is really comfortable and the body looks pretty good in it…if I don’t say so myself!

    Your dad will have to get new belts to hold his daks up, won’t he? Good on him. Sleep well Happy, from your mate in the sunshine (btw, “down under” is a Eurocentric construct!) P x

    @PVE – I might be a bit jealous, too.
    @ssure Thank you for your thought provoking comments but reading PVE’s comments about the pool, there is the answer for me. We just naturally move more when it is warm (swimming :-), walking, gardening etc). My 80 year old dad always grows a little pouch during the winter for it to miraculously disappear in the summer when doing all the gardening, hedge pruning car and house maintenance. Being outdoor just means he has no time for coffee and treats.

    Having fun with family and although managing moderation at mealtimes, I have had some lovely cakes and apple crumble (not so moderate) ๐Ÿ™ in the afternoon. Visiting beautiful National Trust places with their coffee shops. Luckily, so far the damage is limited with stable weight +/- 1lb. Despite this good news, I am looking forward to my first fast day on Wednesday. After feeling quite full most of the time, I am looking forward to a feeling of emptiness/lightness/hunger. Very pleased about that – more so than about not gaining weight, because I want to keep going through the cold season so that fasting is becoming not just a seasonal WOE as it was for me in the past two years.

    Interesting L.
    I’m the opposite. First hot day here. Too hot to go for a walk and making me too lazy to anything much ๐Ÿ™
    Gee, a cold wine by the pool would be good, but I’m fasting so will keep vegging with my book ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    @PVE ;-)) We probably talk different languages when it comes to heat. Our temperatures rarely venture above 28 degrees here.

    Hi PVE,

    I absolutely love love love swimming. I used to swim regularly, but don’t have easy access to a pool anymore. Many Yeats ago, after uni and while job hunting, I had a 3 month period where I swam once or even twice a day. The local pool did an early morning session, but all the workers were out by 8 and I’d have it to myself for an hour and a half. Happy days. I never got out because I was tired, only because time was up! On days when I went back in the afternoon with Mum, I could rack up a couple of miles in total (a bit over 3k). I wondered if I should try and swim the channel….! I was carrying a bit of whale blubber then!

    And I can’t believe you don’t think you’re ‘down under’

    It’s that here today but as it is the first warmer day it is a bit of a shock and I’m probably overdressed! Can’t complain though. Great place to live. P

    @PVE enjoy and take some clothes off ๐Ÿ™‚

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