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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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  • Hi Lichtle

    Every fast day I join in breakfast with having a black coffee while OH eats full breakfast. I don’t think he even notices. Guests don’t notice either unless you draw attention to it.

    Salads or soups for lunch disguise a lot. No bread or extras on a fast day.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Spot on L
    Glad you understood my morning rambling! πŸ˜‰ P
    Ps typing on phone, squinting sans glasses πŸ™‚

    Hi Bay
    It does seem so much easier not to mention you are fasting. My kids even ask us when we are quite clearly imbibing.
    I find I have a lot of 5:2 conversations in shops with people. It just comes into conversation and they are the ones pressing for information. I am worried about appearing to be proselytizing, but if they ask, I’ll promote through evidence (weight stability, OH curing diabetes, fitness) I should get discounts from booksellers πŸ˜‰ P

    Hi Purple

    Me too. I have personally seen that over 10 copies of the book have been bought from plus the recipe book.

    The chemist at the local pharmacy has asked me about my weight loss, plus the gift shop owner and various sales people in dress shops. I do advocate for 5:2 as the easy way for me to live a new way of life. I stress that it is about health and talk about lowering my BP meds. And getting more energy.

    Happy fasting day everyone. B πŸ™‚

    Hi MCs
    Just had an interesting experience. I went to a big shopping centre to look at summer t-shirts. A girl needs to keep busy on fast days. My dilemma: I fitted into everything I fancied, so had great trouble deciding. I came away with 3. OH will have to decide. In the past I always finished a clothes shopping spree feeling really upset as nothing would fit AND look ok. Good problem to have! Happy days πŸ™‚ P

    Isn’t that a wonderful problem purple! I just love the mental lift I get when I try something on and it looks nice. No trying to tuck the tummy in any more or hold the butt in! Luckily (not so lucky sometimes) I am a hoarder and didn’t throw all my skinny clothes away. So now it’s like I’ve got a whole new wardrobe just wearing clothes I haven’t worn for the past three years!

    BTW Purple, I took your advice and hopped on the scales after getting back from NY, with much trepidation I might add. But I thought it would be useful to see just how much I did put on when indulging. Well surprise, surprise, I had lost 1.8kg while away! (I had done one fast day after getting home and before weighing and had stuck to 5:2 while in Canada). Honestly, I couldn’t believe it. I am now assuming that all the weight I thought I had put on was just bloating caused by all the wheat products I had consumed.

    I received many comments from friends when I returned about how much weight I had lost, even though I have been steadily losing since May with only a few people noticing. So don’t know if that extra loss has made a significant change to my appearance or just the fact people hadn’t seen me for a few weeks was the reason.

    I’d keep all 3 Tshirts πŸ™‚

    Well done Carol! Just shows that this wol becomes second nature, doesn’t it! As my OH often says, it seems to reset our eating habits for good.
    I had kept some smaller clothes I couldn’t bear to part with too. Some are even too big πŸ™‚ P

    @purple, I agree with Carol keep all 3 :-)) I am getting more careful about mentioning fasting because people don’t understand the “maintenance principle” as fasting is seen as extreme. They think you look fine now and stop or you have “issues”. I will only mention it now if the subject comes up in health discussions like a friend who has just found out he is stage 1 diabetic.
    Monday morning – weighed in at 2lb more and hoping to lose before visitors arrive. Still calm and thinking if coffee…. ;-))

    I think I will L. 3 means washing less often. πŸ˜‰
    Stay calm. My weight varies 2 kg from night to morning. Nothing in the scheme of things. You’ll be fine. Enjoy your fast and visitors. P

    … being able to talk about it here in this forum/thread is therefore really important because you don’t have to explain or even defend your decision to fast. You fasting couples are very lucky…I hope you keep telling your spouses πŸ™‚

    I’m sure it is much harder alone. OH keeps me honest with myself!
    Keep sharing with us L. P πŸ™‚

    PVE. Great to now have an actual choice of clothes! Could be expensive though, when everything fits.

    Carol. Great news on your unexpected weight loss. I hoped to stop weighing so often when I reached my goal but realise I need to keep tabs on it until I’m confident in my ability to maintain and manage food (especially away from my normal routine).

    Lichtle. I’d second what’s been said about opportunities for calorie restriction, if not full fasting, with guests around. Breakfast skipping is one I have done on and off for years (look, I’m just not hungry yet!). Salads, barbecues, evening meals, just go processed carb light.

    Its probably the case that most people aren’t paying that much attention to what you eat, you just think they are. And if someone comments, well why not say I’m eating a light meal because I had a large lunch? Or I’m skipping breakfast so I can have pudding later Eating an appropriate amount of food is nothing to be ashamed of. If someone encourages you to eat more, you could say no thanks, I’m a recovering overeater!

    Morning Happy.
    I think you’re right. Other people actually don’t notice how much we eat. Even OH doesn’t notice if he gets a piece of steak twice as big as mine!
    Under the radar fasting…a good expression. Although I think letting people know how successful and powerful this is might help someone else. You have to pick your audience. πŸ™‚ P

    Carolannfud – well done on keeping yourself within bounds on your holiday trip. Maybe it was wheat – maybe it was travel bloat? I always retain water with international travel/flight and it seems to be quite common.

    “I received many comments from friends when I returned about how much weight I had lost, even though I have been steadily losing since May with only a few people noticing. So don’t know if that extra loss has made a significant change to my appearance or just the fact people hadn’t seen me for a few weeks was the reason.”

    There seems to be neither rhyme nor reason to these things – I’ve dropped 60lbs and have been in maintenance for a while but not one person has ever commented (and, no, my family and friends are not so punctiliously polite that they’d forbear to comment for fear of a faux pas – but maybe colleagues feel it’s inappropriate to comment tho’ that doesn’t explain neighbours and so forth). The upside of this (as I’ve mentioned before) is that I haven’t go the approbation to lose, IYSWIM. I know some maintainers say that they miss all of the friendly ‘attagirl/attaboy’ comments and the praise for their emerging waists/appearance.

    I hope you settle back in well from your enjoyable trip. πŸ™‚

    Ssure, my OH got (and still does get) all the praise as they know he cured his diabetes. As he worked out, I’ve actually lost proportionally more body weight than him. C’est la vie πŸ™‚

    Yes, I’ve had relatively few comments. My best recent one was our local farmer, who saw me out running and told me I didn’t look like I needed to run, and I should be careful because ‘plump women always look younger than thin women’. I guess he likes his livestock fattened up…!

    PVE, Neither rhyme nor reason πŸ™‚ Tho’, yes, reversing diabetes II is a striking achievement πŸ™‚

    I recently calculated that I’ve lost something like 36% of my highest weight, or 56% of my current weight which is rather an eye-opener. Tho’ I’ve met some forum posters elsewhere who have shed >200-320lbs and are slivers of their former selves and who have essentially lost up to 2.5 of their current selves, IYSWIM.

    One of the women is in Texas and she laughs about how successful weight loss has turned her and her DH into county celebrities and people know of their success for many miles as she and he now need to travel 4hrs or more to reach a town that has stores that store their clothing sizes (all of the others within more usual driving distances only stock very large and outsize clothing). They’re thrilled by this – iirc, she shed approx. 130lbs and he 260lbs πŸ™‚

    Wow SSure, and I was surprised by my 18% weight loss. But that’s only 28-30lbs, not a whole other person! The man you mention has effectively lost two of me. He must feel now like he’s walking in outerspace… I feel exhausted just thinking about what it would be like to permanently carry one of me around, let alone two.

    I used to calculate every time I lost more weight in packets of butter ..250gm. I am 108 packets of butter lighter. Can’t believe I could carry that much. πŸ™‚

    Great news Purple
    I hope you keep all three shirts. Isn’t it lovely to be able to have a choice. πŸ™‚
    Cheers, Bay

    PVE, I used the packets of butter comparison when I had my first body composition evaluation and fair nauseated myself at the thought. If you’ve ever seen the advert for Country Life Butter – I wasn’t far off that at 42% body fat despite my then <23 BMI (*shakes head*).

    Realising just how much body fat I carried (albeit for whatever weird reason/injury) made me feel like part-woman, mostly whale blubber for quite some time.

    I’ve had comments from lots of friends and relatives, young and old, who want to know how I’ve done it. So I have been advocating 5:2 to them. Many books have been given. It wasn’t until I bought the new slimmer clothes that they noticed. No one commented on the loss of the first 5-6 kgs. However, once I had lost 10 kgs and was wearing smaller size clothing, people asked and approved.

    Now that I’ve lost 16 kgs and have maintained for 4 months, people are starting to see it’s not a flash in the pan. 22% weight loss and 19 cm loss of waist. It is important to have support from all directions for maintaining.

    Another 17 hour fast knocked off today. Off to early bed. Am always tired after a fast day.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    At work and there are more background conversations than I can bear about how people ‘broke their diets’ and ‘went off the rails’ at the weekend and they’re now proposing to fix that reaction against the previous restrictions they attempted to adopt by adding in more restrictions.

    As you might have gathered from my previous observation that nobody has commented on my weight loss, it’s not something I discuss professionally. But at times like this, I genuinely want to learn how they think that increasing the restriction that might well underpin the weekend’s ‘rebellion’ will work for them. But, that isn’t really a conversation that you can have with people when they’re in weight loss mode is it? Sometimes, it feels like something that only other maintainers understand.

    I checked in elsewhere and there are other fasters who are resolving to add in a tiny eating window and suddenly go ‘no carb’ after comparable guilt-ridden weekends of comparative indulgence. I don’t know. Maybe if people are clear-eyed and using this as a time-limited ‘reparations’ plan, it can work (tho’ I still don’t think that can account for a no carb resolution) but in the longer term it’s more my impression that restrictions can rebound and trap people into a
    guilt – shame – greater restriction – more spectacular fall – guilt etc.
    rinse and repeat cycle.

    I can’t think who it is but I’m fairly sure that one of the authors of the books that I’ve seen recommended on a regular basis suggests that sometimes people are addicted to the shame cycle – and it’s that, rather than actual food issues that need to be acknowledged. Sometimes, when I look at people who react with ever greater restriction to their guilt/shame, this makes a lot of sense to me.

    ETA: the above sounds like I’m unsympathetic to this common plight – I’m not, it’s just that it’s quite horrible to hear/read so many people stuck in what seems like a logical fallacy of thinking that increasing restriction is what is needed to correct these ‘transgressions’.

    PPS: Of course, the popularisation of the CW of increasing kcal restriction to lose weight probably underpins this…

    Hi MCs
    As Appollo said “All things in moderation. ” Extreme behaviours are rarely sustainable.
    I’m taking 2 of 3 t-shirts back. I’ll look elsewhere. As Bay pointed out, it is important to change the style for the new bod. OH wasn’t very impressed. I can tell when he just says ‘That’s ok’…read as, ‘I don’t really like it’!
    Planning a nice mushroom and herb omolette this morning. Unlike normal post fast, I feel hungry and, at my size, I can trust my body now.
    Have a happy day/evening P πŸ™‚

    Hi SSure

    If I post along the lines , that because I ate carbs, then I fast the next day, I don’t feel guilt. I maintain my weight from 60-62 kgs through how many carbs I eat. BTW when I talk carbs I mean processed carbs, eg, bread, pasta, and rice, potatoes, sugar. I never mean vegetables. I regard green vegetables as free calories.

    I am using 5:2 and intermittent fasting IF as the means through which I remain healthy and correct weight. Fasting twice a week allows me to have the occasional processed carbs. A balanced diet. πŸ™‚

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi Purple

    I know exactly what you mean. OH looks and says in vague voice, yes, it’s nice. I know that really means, don’t wear it when out with me. Hehe! So, yes take the shirts back and find some that are truly worthy of your new shape and style.

    BTW am back to 60 kgs after fast day yesterday.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    The topsoil has been spread by OH. Now I am going out to broadcast the seed and fertiliser, feeling like an old fashioned farmer! Then water it in. Glorious warm, Spring day today. πŸ™‚

    After this, I am going shopping. My Summer shoes are too big. I forget who else posted this a few months back. I have lost weight in the oddest of places. I need new bra, new shoes and new t shirts. Even though I bought new shirts in June, they are too loose. I think I have lost more in the shoulders.

    Ain’t maintaining fun? Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Yes Bay or Farmer Bay, my shape keeps changing too. My feet are quite thin again and my chest flat but if I pull, I can find a complete ring of spare tyre around the middle. ..I need to grow taller to stretch it out. I figure, as we replace skin at a phenomenal rate, it will eventually fit the bones again πŸ˜‰ P

    Hi Purple

    Don’t want to deter other fasters, but agree that no matter what else happens, I still have the spare tyre around tum. Have to say the waist and hips stay small, and all the extra is carried out front. I have begun to realise that maybe it’s all an optical illusion.

    Precisely because I have lost so much from shoulders, bust, ribs, waist and hips, the tum seems enormous. However, as I am now wearing loose size 11 trousers, down from size 16, I have to believe that the tum has reduced as well. I am sure that yours has too. πŸ™‚

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Know what you mean about the shoes! I have also noticed my rings now slip around on my finger!

    Bay, I still have a bit of a pot belly and am wondering now if that is age related (I’m 64) and maybe that will never really go. It’s flat in the morning but inflates as the day goes on ha ha.

    Bay, I had to laugh yesterday. ..I put on my comfortable “loose” slacks to do gardening in. When I looked last night, they are size 9!!!! I usually wear size 8 in Sportscraft these days (down from 16 eighteen months ago). Have you tried smaller sizes, even if you think they won’t fit? At your weight, you might be surprised. P

    Have faith in your body, Carol. Nothing is set in concrete with living organisms. “They” also told us we couldn’t be the size we were 30 years ago and we can!!!! P

    Haha Carol. Same here. Now I really have to go for a few hours hard work, and shopping πŸ™‚ B

    Hi Bayleafoz – I’ve come to anticipate nothing but sense from maintainers here πŸ™‚

    The conversation I had in mind was an earnest discussion of the merits of reacting to a weekend of carbs and chocolate by going ‘no carb’ to the point where the participants were discussing what would give them ‘zero carbs’ and which meat proteins were to be avoided because they’d contain traces of glycogen.

    But, as ever, it’s so difficult to grasp the context of conversations and the intentions of the participants. (Another, ‘I’m going no carb after a carb-frenzied weekend because I’m so carb sensitive that I can’t handle them’ exchange had someone declaring her intention to eliminate all carbs and ‘fill up on veggies’ – which makes sense as a shorthand for processed carbs (as you indicate) but not as a logical statement.)

    Even when these conversations don’t directly involve me, I can somehow feel them etching away at my sanity quotient for handling even background discussions. Ridiculous, I know.

    Hey Happy. Are you still in bed? Miss you. πŸ™
    I’m off to bed myself. Catch you soon. P

    Hi P!

    No I’m up and working…. bah humbug.

    OH is away this week, so unfortunately I don’t get a cup of tea in bed and time to catch up on posts. I’m up and out at day break for the hens (and the cats….).

    I’ve been reading, just not really had the time to respond thoughtfully!

    I have a lovely image though of you hitching up your skin tyre and wrestling fast food and supersize diet drinks from the hands of larger people….

    Know what you mean Happy.
    OH also away. Changes the system doesn’t it?? No chooks (hens) any more, but the cat gets cross if I ignore her pleas.
    Don’t work too hard. P x

    Hi P,

    OH back tomorrow night so normal service will resume soon!

    Feeling tired and grumpy this week, primarily because work is rubbish at the moment.

    And I have failed to proper fast today (although it will have been under TDEE). Again, too tired and grumpy, and cold (it’s definitely not summer here anymore…)

    Hi @happy yes definitely autumnal and colder. Bought two extra electric blankets today for spare beds. All 5 hot water bottles on stand-by and wondering how i can best finish the knitting under the duvet :-))
    Sorry to hear work not enjoyable. Not exceeding TDEE is great. I definitely did!!! Tomorrow fast day -see how it goes.

    Hi Lichtle,

    Knitting is definitely one benefit of long winter nights! I just have to decide what my next project’s going to be. Sadly these days it’s more about practicality than high fashion!

    I’m going to join you fasting tomorrow. Part of today’s problem was last night’s left overs (yotam ottolenghi puy lentils, and honey and cumin roast carrots)…but they’re gone now!

    So long as I put a vest on, and turn my work phone and email off, it should go well!

    Hi Happy and Lichtle
    I really feel for you. Summer is just over the horizon here and our winters are pretty mild and sunny, so not nearly the same challenge to keep warm.
    Don’t get too upset about your fast/nonfast H. It is just another day, isn’t it? Don’t let work get to you. It is probably because your “sounding board” is away. We all need to debrief after a rubbish day. Go and watch a good movie and pour your favourite drink. Keep warm.
    PS How’s dad? Is his cheesecake diet going well still? P πŸ˜‰

    Funny you should mention Dad, P. We spoke tonight and he is hopeful of having broken his plateau. He’d got to 13st10, but the week before last saw 13 11, and last week 13 12. So he’s decided to eat one meal only, in the evening, on fast days. And has seen 13 9 now.

    He is still aiming for 12 and a half (sorry for imperial, but I don’t readily convert in my head above my previous top weight). At nearly 6 ft he could carry more, but he’s sees it as a challenge now!

    Uncertain times in work for the next year, and further job cuts, mean I can’t relax and tell senior managers they are idiots….just yet! So it’s best behaviour and biting my tongue until the restructuring and streamlining is over.

    OH is a rubbish sounding board! But his presence does free me up to go out for a run or bike ride, and I always come back happy with things in perspective.

    Difficult biting your tongue to keep your job;) Happy. I found the best year at work was my last, when they knew I was retiring at the end of the year. I could say what I liked and had the attitude, “What are you going to do? Fire me?” Lots of my colleagues used me to express their grievances!
    Go dad. He is very tall. His daughter obviously has his feisty nature. Great stuff! My dad always sent us off for a run if we were upset. I didn’t understand it as a teen, but it works.
    Sleep well and wake refreshed. P

    That’s another downside of OH being away! I don’t sleep so well. Mental note to self: get a dog…

    I can well imagine the joy of the last year! I have a dream where I win the lottery and, at my leaving do, instead of the usual niceties I tell it like it is! There’s a lot of people in senior positions who really ought to know they are ignorant t**sers… And if I didn’t have a mortgage to worry about I’d be the woman for that job!

    Anyway, bed beckons. I’ve not got the winter duvet out yet, but the bed socks (OK, hiking socks, but just as sexy!) are definitely calling to me..

    Have a great day. And remember to flaunt it!

    @happy, your mental note about getting a dog made me laugh. Your work situation sadly resonates. I dream about any of the only three women at my work taking charge and show the management what it means to have backbone.
    @purple I will feel exactly the same in my last year. I have a little longer still to go but time races for me and I am sure retirement will suddenly be upon me. You seem to enjoy it spending time with grand children and in the garden and a great long holiday. Look forward to it.

    HappyNow, I’m going to try your breakfast. How big a serve do you have ie how many cups/tablespoons of yoghurt and how many of fruit please?

    Sorry. I can’t help Carol.
    Happy, I hope you slept well and will really be Happy Now today!
    G’night mighty MCs .P

    Hi Carol,

    I just have a pot of yoghurt as it’s a transportable snack (it’s natural, not low fat, and the 150g pot comes in at roughly 120 cals). And then whatever fruit, often medjool dates (about 60 calories per date, but I like them and just have a couple!), or a small banana, or blueberries/ blackberries.

    So break fast probably comes in at 200 – 300 calories, depending on fruit. But it does keep me going.

    I must admit I haven’t been strictly limiting to 500 calories on fast days at any point on my 5:2 journey, and it’s probably often been nearer 600 than 500 or less. But it’s worked for me…

    Hi P,

    Yep, back on a more even keel today, thanks!

    Yesterday was a frustrating day because I was being blamed for delays (with potential for signficant cost implications) when it was in fact very little to do with me. Anyway, I have checked the facts and set them out in writing, and will hopefully be fully exonerated in the eyes of senior management! Hmmppphhh.

    And fasting going well today. Not hungry at all yet, and feeling fully in control. What a difference a day makes!

    Thanks HappyNow!

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