The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 3 weeks, 6 days ago.

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  • How’s Hong Kong, Bay? The food in the airport is ok if you look around, but probably helpful to just walk around that amazing building if you’re fasting. Happy flying , P x

    Hi PVE.

    When you say OH cannot get away with less than one proper fast per week, do you mean that he can control his blood sugar with 6:1? If so, why do you do 5:2? Does he get even better control with 5:2/ lower readings? Sorry if you have explained this before!

    It all comes back to the question of what is the optimal IF regime for health (and not weight loss). Maybe there’s a spin off book on maintenance….?!

    Anyway, I’m doing something approaching 6:1 today, just as a system reset/ keep me on the straight and narrow with carbs and portion sizes!

    Hi Happy
    Sorry to be so brief…still in the wilds of WA with rubbish reception.
    Yes. His b.s. is under control with no drugs at all, including Metformin, if he follows the list I wrote. He seems to be able to get away with 6.1 occasionally with all other factors perfect. The two fasts make up for other variables. Home to civilisation tomorrow. :)P

    Hi all maintainers

    I’m still dithering! I thought I’d drop to 6:1 and was nearly decided. Then I jumped on the scales this morning after fasting yesterday, to find an extra pound! I didn’t expect that after fasting! So it’s 5:2 that’s winning now! Doh!


    Hi MCs
    Home again in my own cosy bed. The cat survived her house sitters. In fact I think she was spoilt, I’ll have to let her have a fast day today, too.
    And the verdict after 3 weeks of travel and random eating?
    I am basically the same weight I was when I left! I guess this WOL is now deeply within my lifestyle now.
    Yesterday, with two plane flights and only airport and plane food available, I still managed to make safer options (eg a vegie wrap, ate the tasty contents and left the wrap;on the plane, I ate the meat and veg in the pilaf, leaving most of the rice, left the bread roll and ate only one teaspoon of the caramel mousse.)
    What I didn’t hold back on was wine and even the occasional cider. I had only 2 non alcohol days in 3 weeks. We tried very hard to walk 10000 steps a day, but some days, like yesterday, we managed less than 5000, and some of those were taking turns to mind the bags while the other walked briskly from one end of the airport terminal to the other. I think they should include a ramped moving foootway for people to run up for exercise at airports!
    Fasting today. It will be good to get back to normal. Hope all is well with my lovely MC mates.
    How did you go with keeping your weight off while away, Bay and Carol? P

    Welcome back PVE!

    Fantastic news on staying the same weight, out of your normal routine for so long.

    I begin to see the benefits of having your OH also fasting. We’ve both taken some time off work recently, but my OH doesn’t do low carb and, while he forgets sometimes to eat during the day, he isn’t actually fasting with me. He’s definitely bad for my weight! So I think something more than 16:8 is called for again tomorrow.

    Hi Purple, Nicky, Happy, Bay, Lizzie,

    I’ve been extremely good this week, really getting stuck into the dissertation, which is beginning to take shape. Maybe a quick read around the forum and a short post before beginning work and another longer one at the end of the working day. I’m pleased to say that so far, I haven’t decided I need “brain food”, i.e. dark chocolate etc., and have stuck within 10-20 cals to the limit on fast days. I’m getting some of my energy and stamina from acupuncture, which has worked like magic for me over the past few years. It has helped all sorts of minor ailments. Now I go every couple of weeks just to get energised.

    I have, however, acquired a recipe for brownies which includes, would you believe, beetroot. As I happened upon some vacuum wrapped beetroot cooked in its own juices (not in vinegar as is often the case), I feel I ought to make a very small batch this weekend. It uses ground almonds instead of flour and no fat so I’m kidding myself it’s relatively “healthy”

    Glad you are back safe, sound and still slender, Purple. Were you only away three weeks? I thought it might be longer than that as you covered so much ground and saw so many things. I find that most encouraging as it gives an idea of what could be achieved in a month or so Down Under. Must give the matter some thought. Thanks again for all your fascinating accounts of your adventures.

    Lizzie, if it’s any consolation, I fasted yesterday and appeared to be a pound heavier this morning, so you are not alone. Ours is not to reason why…

    Bay, enjoy your visit to Honkers, as my OH calls it. His dad was a military policeman stationed, among other places, in Hong Kong, and he used to travel there to spend the long school holidays with his parents.

    Hi Happy
    Yes, my OH can be a good and bad influence. If left to his own choices, he would not have succeeded with this WOL. He is really good at fasting, but still makes staggeringly inappropriate choices if I’m not guiding him or cooking for him. It works both ways though, as I feel guilty if I am tempted to slip up on fast days when he is being so “good”.
    In my mind, there is no question that the fasts, lots of veg and increased physical activity (long brisk walks, no gym junky rubbish) seem the key to continued good health.
    Interestingly, our grandkids here in Sydney and over in WA have all been very ill with the ‘flu that is going around (same thing Tim had). We have only had a few sniffles and we have certainly had plenty of chances to pick it up (how can anyone resist kisses and cuddles with grandchildren?) Touch wood, we remain healthy.
    I think you find 16:8 is working for you as your metabolism in your 40s is still faster. Another 20 years on, Happy, and our food needs are considerably less. Two fasts still allows for the chance to eat all that yummy food on other days. Who knows? As Auriga said, (we miss you), we are the experiments. Cheers P

    Hi hermaj
    It sounds as if your writing is making great progress. You need the occasional break to clear your head and get back to it with fresh thoughts.
    I started writing up my trip journal on the plane last night, and ended up getting distracted by the film “Tracks”. It is the story of Robyn Davidson who travelled across Australia, via deserts, with 3 camels, basically on her own back in 1977. They have done a good job in the retelling. Try to see it to inspire you to come over here. Another fun Aussie movie from a few years ago is Bran Nue Dae (Brand New Day)set in WA and particularly Broome, one of my favourite places.
    I will try to read back the older posts and answer some of your questions after I surmount the pile of washing!
    Cheers for now, happy fasting Thursday fasters, P πŸ™‚

    Hi Maintainers. πŸ™‚

    Congratulations, Purple, on sticking to the WOL so well on your long road trip. I managed well for the first two weeks, then not. We had wonderful fresh produce and fish in Maui, then fabulous Mediterranean food, minus pasta, in Rome. Lots of walking. Had a wonderful time. πŸ™‚

    Once I hit Germany with its fabulous carb treats, lovely rye and seeds breads, I was a goner. In total I gained 3 kg in 3 weeks, all of it related to wheat products. So I am on my first fast day in 3 weeks and have said goodbye to all wheat products yet again. πŸ™‚ Homemade vegetable soup only today.

    My system reacts so badly to all wheat products, that you would think I would learn. It’s very hard to say no when all around you are eating and drinking. So welcome back Mr Will Power. We’re on the wagon again. Home again, washing and lawn mowing done yesterday. Weeding today.

    Good thing you’re all there to provide support. Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Welcome home Purple and Bay.

    Bay, you reassure me about succumbing to German carbs – I thought you were Superwoman! πŸ˜‰ At least the gain won’t take long to shift once all the bad carb effects flush themselves from your system.

    Hermaj, totally agree on Purple’s movie recommendations. I’ve noticed Australians have a different attitude to distance compared with most Europeans. The first time OH and I visited the UK in the mid-70s we only had 5 days before heading home from a conference in Germany in December and compiled a ‘top 6’ list of things to see and do, including a trip on your 125mph Intercity Express. We chose Swansea because it was easy to do there and back within the short daylight hours. The people at our B+B were astounded when we told them where we’d been. On another trip we drove from London to the Shetlands in one day – similar response from locals. When we lived in Brisbane we used to drive to Adelaide for Christmas in 2 days – total of about 2,000km.

    Happy Thursday all from your ‘long-way-to-go before maintenance’ SH mate.

    Hi Nicky

    Thanks for your support. I’m not worried about losing the weight and I think it will go quite quickly, as I have no wheat in the house. What bugs me is not saying no to the wheat in the first place.

    I have to say the German carbs would have been ok, as the whole seeds and dark rye are highly nutritious and provide lots of fibre. What did me in was adding the Belgian croissants πŸ™‚ and the English white bread rolls. πŸ™‚ so tasty and so bad for my system. The reason I don’t eat wheat normally is that it glues up my system. Rye doesn’t.

    O, well two hours of weeding done. Now for some water and prunes. πŸ™‚

    I forgot to say that the TOT still fit me as do all of my new clothes. So the extra weight has gone to the stomach and the insides. Not good for health.
    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Ah, Bay, what a treasure dear Mr Will Power is! He is entitled to take a holiday sometimes too.
    It IS very hard to avoid wheat products in Europe. Actually anywhere but home. I ate much more than I have for 18 months. When I shop tomorrow I’m buying no bread or cheese! They are my weaknesses.
    You’ve had a wonderful trip Bay and 3 kg will go in no time. You ARE an expert.

    I agree about Aussie long distance drivers Nicky. We do the same…drive all over Europe and my English cousin has never even been to Scotland. He will need a passport soon.
    Train’s coming. Happy fasting. P xx

    Glad the clothes still fit. I had to grab a silk blouse to wear in to town as it is a lot warmer in Sydney today. I bought it about 4 years ago and it is super loose. It’s a look, I suppose πŸ˜‰ P

    It is interesting how we change through fasting. Once upon a time, I swore that breakfast was essential. Pinned all my faith on a poached egg with spinach, and coffee with a splash of milk. Plus dinner of protein and vegetables.

    Now I drink black coffee by choice, and today I didn’t have any breakfast. In fact I went on a 19 hour true fast, that is, without any food. Drank lots of water and didn’t miss food at all. For dinner we had Purple’s chili fish, no cashews, no rice, lots of vegetables. Off to bed for another long sleep. Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Well done on the long fast, Bay.
    Guess what we ate for dinner? The chilli fish WITH cashews, added bok choy and Shirataki noodles. Excellent.
    Sleep well…I’m nodding off too. P πŸ™‚

    Hi Purple, Hermaj, Nicky and other MCers

    Great news this morning. Have lost 2.4 kgs. You may think this impossible. However, wheat has such a bad effect on me, I believe it. I think the weight loss is real and caused by three things.

    No wheat, starches or sugar.
    Two huge sleeps in my own bed
    A 19 hour fast and less than 400 calories overall.

    I drank two litres of water, so not dehydrated. Whether it is gluten or FODMAPs that are the problem, a gluten free diet achieves the desired outcome. Recent research suggests FODMAPs may be the problem, but who cares. Gluten free products are easily available.

    Cheers from an immensely relieved Bay πŸ™‚ only one more fast day to lose the rest of the holiday weight.

    Top work Bay!!!!
    Now you know you CAN have your cake (gf) and eat it too!
    Back to wintery clothes here today so no need to rethink the wardrobe just yet.
    P πŸ™‚

    Hi Bay,

    If you’re like me, you’ll be slightly disappointed that you didn’t avoid the weight gain to begin with, but delighted that you know what to do to repair the damage!

    I’d been blaming the wheat as well, but now wonder about FODMAPs. I must say, having read what foods contain FODMAPs, there’s no way I could (or would be prepared to) cut them all out though! Luckily, cutting processed carbs seems to work for me also.


    Very quick post before getting back to what I’m supposed to be doing. At the moment I’m working on British New Wave cinema in the late 1950s and early 1960s – I’m ancient enough to have seen quite a few of them first time around. πŸ™‚

    Anyone who doesn’t regularly post on the ‘lose 2lb a week with jojo’ thread, do go and check it out. Yesterday, SAMM from the USA produced a long list of his favourite one-liners, some wise, some cynical, some gloriously silly. Well worth 5 minutes of your time.

    Morning herm πŸ™‚
    Jojo’s thread seems to attract the same crowd as the MCs. All people having fun with a new WOL.
    Made crispy skinned salmon with a fennel, orange,rocket and carrot salad for visitors tonight. Served on wooden breadboards it looked and tasted top notch. I realise I don’t differentiate much between fast and nonfast meals now…it is the size and frequency that changes. Only one small meal for fast days. Two bigger versions for normal. Very little wheat, potatoes or rice.
    Have a happy weekend. P πŸ™‚

    Hi Purple,

    You catch me just before I go out for an hour or so to walk briskly to the shops. I’d hate my diligence with the dissertation to result in regaining a kilo or three through lack of exercise, although I confess that if I suddenly find myself on a roll and the ideas and words are flowing I stick right there at the keyboard.

    It’s a fast day today so after a low-carb, low-cal lunch, this evening we’ll be dining on homemade minestrone which with the addition of zero noodles comes to not much over 200 cals. I’m planning to revisit your lovely chili fish tomorrow or the next day. I’m keeping it for a non-fast day as I want to use fresh tuna which might be a bit much calorie-wise for a fast day. I like the sound of your salmon, although for some reason neither of us likes rocket, so I would use some other salad leaf.

    Hi Nicky,

    I did a brief catch-up with Purple before striding out to the shops. Now I’m home I’ll do a quick catch up with you. The dissertation is coming along nicely. One problem I have always found is how to move logicallty and elegantly from one topic to another. I finally managed to do it quite neatly yesterday, but found I had only written about 400 words all day. Have you encountered similar problems?

    It’s interesting how people’s perception of distance varies so much from one continent to another. I’ve also heard that the American attitude is like the Australian one – they think nothing of driving 100 miles just to go out to dinner. I’m not sure if it’s true, maybe one of our American friends can confirm or deny it.

    Certainly, the average Brit might be a little bewildered at the idea of London to Swansea and back in a day. In my own case it’s partly because I know how unreliable British Rail can be and a 3-hour journey might turn into a 6-hour slog. I thought I was very clever travelling London to Liverpool and back in a day to catch a Marc Chagall exhibition last year.

    Earlier in the year OH and I did Paris and back on the Eurostar to catch an Edward Hopper exhibition. I love his work (and he’s one of the few painters Him Indoors genuinely likes), and I’m sure it was a dissertation on Hopper on the conversion course that got me a good enough grade to continue to the MA. When we arrived in New York in autumn 2012 we had a major disappointment when we found the Whitney, which has the biggest single Hopper collection in the world, had got the builders in. Very wisely, they sent the collection on tour and we were able to catch it in France.

    Some people will travel miles and miles for dinner – and quite right too. It seems Hermaj will only get off her bum for art! πŸ™‚ Speaking of which, back to work.

    Hi Purple,

    Quick question. How did you dress the carrot and orange salad? If you had a moment it would be great if you could put the recipe on the LOACA recipe thread for us to share. Thanks :).

    Hi herm
    Planned to post the recipe but flat out catching up with people and housework πŸ™
    Haven’t even unpacked yet. Raining now and I’ve just washed. D**n. Enjoy your tuna tomorrow. P

    Love reading your contributions. On my first trip to the UK, I hired a little car and camped in a tent. I covered 5,000 miles in 5 weeks, seeing everything I could in England, Scotland and Wales. I did it by getting up at daylight in Summer, driving for two hours. Then spending the rest of the day being a walking tourist. Loved it all.
    Bay πŸ™‚

    For anyone who’s not also the ‘lose 2 lb a week’ thread where I’ve also posted it, here’s a lovely clip put up on Facebook by a friend of mine.

    I think it’s great. Hopefully othrs will too. Relax for 7 minutes and enjoy the sound.

    Hi all. This last week I implemented as promised a very low carb diet together with 5:2 and lost three pounds???? When I weighed myself this morning, I was just under my target weight. However yesterday was my fast day so I am sure this is not quite realistic but nevertheless I have lost at least two pounds. Unfortunately this weekend we are entertaining so it will be inevitable that some will be undone but at least I know low carb is the thing that will aid the fasting no end.
    Good to know I could reach the target weight after all my doubts.

    Oh, I forgot to ask. Do you maintainers keep entering your weight into the diet tracker for maybe research or own monitoring purpose? Or do you stop?d

    Thanks for the reminder Litchtle. I had forgotten all about the tracker. It is a good idea for research purposes for maintainers to record.
    I used the low carb system through most of last year and have it at the back of my mind when planning our daily menus still. Eg If we have potatoes with one meal we will not have bread or rice at another that day. 5:2 fasting is like a little conscience prick. Cheers P

    Hi Lichtle

    I enter my data on the tracker for my own interest, but also I am under the impression that research can be done on the amalgamated statistics. Not individual cases.

    Also I need the fasting of 5:2 to keep me healthy and on the wagon. I checked this morning and I am the exact weight and BMI of two months ago.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Well done Bay. Your holiday success proves 5:2 has changed your approach to food needs, doesn’t it?
    I agree, though, continuing with regular fasts keeps the brain and mouth on track. Enjoy your spring garden. We have buds on everything and masses of azaleas. The rain while I was away was fabulous for my new veg. They are all shooting up and my herbs have gone mad. Amazing after all the dry for months before. P

    Hi Lichtle,

    I’m not using the tracker. I didn’t join in with the forum until I was already at my goal weight in any case.

    I am monitoring my weight daily though and get a bit stricter/fast a bit more if I’m at top end of my maintenance range, but I’m not keeping a formal record.

    Hi Happy
    I wrote a response to you this morning, but it’s not here πŸ™
    I also joined the Forum when I was at goal. I was attracted by Auriga’s thanks to Dr M.
    I entered my weight loss data recently on the Tracker from my own records. I hope they are compiling the anecdotal records for future reference. We are, after all, doing self experimentation.
    I’m beginning to notice trends myself. Many successful 5:2ers seem very interested in food and cooking, favour cooking for themselves to avoid processed food and have veered away from heavy carbs to veg, protein and full fat. Most have increased their exercise and don’t eat 3 full meals every day. Is this a sweeping generalisation? P

    Hi PVE,

    Your description certainly seems to be true of the maintainers we hear about, but perhaps the reason they contribute here is because they are like-minded?

    Maybe there’s another group of people out there at goal that we just don’t hear from, who’s eating habits didn’t change and who still eat 3 meals a day, high carb/low fat and don’t cook for themselves, preferring fast food? In theory provided they aren’t overeating 5:2 should work for them also?

    And I did set up the tracker a while ago, but didn’t populate it with my data. I will do now though, for research rather than personal purposes!

    In your dreams, Happy πŸ™‚

    If they are doing all that and staying thin, then they’re 40 or younger. πŸ™‚

    Yes, Purple, I still need 5:2 to stay at desired weight. And we have moved to two meals a day, with a small healthy snack ( nuts or fruit or celery and cheese) added on a nonfast day. Also, I get some form of exercise each day, preferably outdoors; walk or golf or weed in the garden, or mop floors etc.

    I choose very low carb/low sugar and natural fats, lots of green vegetables, plus a small amount of protein as the basis of my food.

    I think we’re agreeing on the way to stay slim and fit. πŸ™‚ thanks be to Michael M for publicising this WOL.

    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Hi Purple. I think you are spot on. To keep healthy seems to require more than changing just one habit of a life time. I also believe that 5:2 regulates the hunger setting and makes you question if eating a bar of chocolate really is worth de-railing the healthy system.

    Forgot to say that I planted tomatoes, lettuce, rocket, zucchini, green beans after we arrived home. So looking forward to the harvest. Nothing tastes like veges picked fresh from your own garden. πŸ™‚

    Hi Bay,

    That’s the stuff of nightmares, not dreams! But I am aware that one size doesn’t fit all…

    Personally I’ve been happy to embrace a new healthier way of eating. I’m really glad that I very rarely have cravings for sweet things. And I can now also treat white bread, which I always loved, as a weekend treat.

    Your input to the total knowledge re this wol is vital Happy. Each of us definitely bring our own baggage to it, that’s why I commented on the seeming similarities as I am very aware of all our differences.
    Fascinating stuff. Bed for me now. Granny duties tomorrow. P πŸ™‚

    Hi I’m dotty just joined im hoping to loose about 30 kilos hope this works

    Welcome, Dotty, to this forum. There is plenty of information and advice available on this website and lots of people here to support you on your way. Good luck with this new WOL (way of life).

    Hi PVE.

    I don’t really believe you can carry on eating cr✴p and hope to have a happy, healthy and long life (even with fasting 2 days a week). But I thought I’d better try and avoid coming across as smug/ sanctimonious etc etc….! And I don’t want to risk offending people who overeat and eat cr✴p by suggesting that their poor lifestyle and food choices might compromise their ability to lose weight and keep it off….!

    Those of us that are successful mostly seem to be doing longer periods of time with no food, and low processed carb/sugar. Are there other successful maintainers out there who eat over TDEE most days and eat 3 meals a day and snacks and eat high processed carb and cake every day and don’t exercise?! Hello? Are you there?

    Hi Happy
    I have a friend who “maintains” a lifestyle just like that, but you need to add copious quantities of alcohol too. She weighs 120 kg, has bad asthma and has had hip and knee replacements. Who would have thought? She claims she is doing 5:2.
    A dear girl but had me SO worried. Her long term prospects are very poor.
    I don’t believe it works to water down the message to pander to people who don’t want to hear that they are causing self harm. The message gets so diluted, it is rendered ineffective. By saying “Eat whatever you want on non fast days” is madness and yet people cling to that one point.
    As we realise, this is a way of life, not a short term, part time diet. It is such an effective way of rebooting eating habits!
    Fasting today and minding grandkids. I have no trouble feeding them and not me now because I never want to go back. P:)

    Hi PVE,

    You’re right of course. We need to keep shouting it from the rooftops!

    But I appear to be considered a bully and a trouble maker by some users of other threads, and that’s made me constantly aware that I mustn’t pick on people (even those making immensely stupid lifestyle choices, who aren’t prepared to change their ways…!)

    So, New Week Resolution. Be true to me. Start contributing again. Stop letting people I don’t know, and who’s opinion I have no reason to value, upset me or influence my behaviour.

    So everyone, to recap, I’ve lost my excess weight and more (and it was easy! Sorry!), and I’ve been maintaining a new healthy weight now for 5 months. I’m physically fit. I look good in my clothes. I can stand in a public place now eating chips/ cake/ ‘cr✴p’ if I want, safe in the knowledge that no one can look at me and tut and think ‘no wonder she’s fat, eating that rubbish’. I feel great. I wake up every morning and place my hand on my flat stomach, dipped between my hip bones, and smile. I get up and think it doesn’t really matter what I put on today, I’m not going to feel fat and ugly because I’m not. At worst I’ll look like a slim woman in clothes that are too big for her, at best I’ll exude confidence and I could be wearing a sack. It doesn’t matter now if I overeat one day, because I understand that I ‘compensate’ the next by undereating. I realise that it isn’t a ‘treat’ if I eat it every day (is a cup of tea or a banana or a glass of water a treat?), and eating in moderation is not the same as deprivation. I embrace this because more importantly than being slim I want to avoid those diseases that we associate with old age (but which are nothing to do with aging and everything to do with p✴✴s poor lifestyle choices).

    And PVE! I’m afraid I probably will not be able to stop encouraging Tim! He brings out the worst (best?!) in me…!

    Go for it Happy. You are a legend. And Timmy deserves anything he gets πŸ˜‰ P

    Hi MCers

    Happy, so well said! Live long and prosper!

    Hi Happy
    Go, girl, go! If we want to improve our health, then we have to retrain our appetites in both volume and food type. I am on a 19 hour fast as we speak. I am minding grandkids after school, so am making vegetable soup for me to have later this afternoon. The kids like me to eat with them, and thin homemade vegetable soup is like water to me. πŸ™‚
    Cheers, Bay

    Bay I planned on cooking pasta and sauce for the girls, along with the obligatory fruit. I’m avoiding toasted sandwiches. ..I couldn’t resist them.
    Can I have some of your soup later? I’m hoping to make it through to dinner as OH does. Happy gardening to avoid eating πŸ˜‰ P

    Hi a Purple
    Gardening is done. After 3 hours hard work, I had raw carrot and a few nuts at 1 pm. So another long fast done. πŸ™‚
    Will pick up kids at school gate. You would be welcome to the soup. It is based on fresh ginger and chili together with carrot, celery, tomatoes, zucchini and Spring onions. I look in the fridge to see what needs using up, never adding starchy vegetables. I add some broccoli and salt near the end of cooking.
    Bay πŸ™‚

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