Hi HappyNow
No, you haven’t offended me but I do take exception at some of the statements you have been making lately on this thread. There have been others previously which I felt were inappropriate also but let them go.
I do not think you are ‘smug’ – unlike you, I am extremely careful in my choice of words on this forum. However, if you read the wording of my post properly, I do feel the type of statements, you in particular have made, could certainly be construed as smug and complacent and smacking of ‘I‘m alright Jack’.
It’s interesting that you chose not to answer the questions I put to you…..how much you ate or overate prior to the FD; what constitutes the ‘cr*p‘ food that you disdainfully keep referring to; what dietary changes you made when you started the FD etc.
Has the menopause kicked in for you yet? You may find, that losing weight or even maintaining weight is not as easy as it has been for you up to now….you should never assume that just because other women on this thread are managing to successfully maintain after menopause; that it will follow the same for you.
And where are the people who ‘resent’ fasting in the first place?
Why are you reluctant to answer those indicative questions, I wonder?
Making comments about – ‘god-given right to eat whatever they want, as much as they want, whenever they want’ etc – I find statements like that quite insulting and they don’t even apply to me!
I think you should just perhaps rein yourself in a bit; try and couch statements like these, if you must make them – with a lot more sensitivity to the feelings of other people on this forum.
It might pay you to always have in mind; that just because not everyone posts on a thread doesn’t mean they don’t see or read the posts on the ‘recent posts’ list as I did.
If you want to make really hard hitting, in my opinion, insensitive, statements like that, then you should have the courage of your convictions and be prepared to explain them.
With respect HappyNow; facial expressions and intonation, would make no difference whatsoever to those kind of comments.
And no-one minds you being delighted at your results so far, nor anyone else on this thread I’m sure. But you can rejoice surely without making disparaging gross assumptions about other people who haven’t had your level of success.
4:54 pm
14 Aug 14