The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks, 1 day ago.

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  • Good morning buddies. Are you feeling any better PVE?
    Weight loss doesn’t always happen gradually HappyNow , for me it was always in leaps. I found that measuring myself was more reliable too. Get the tape measure out and check. You could always stuff yourself with bread/pasta/rice etc !
    Sylvia x

    Morning Sylvia!

    How are you today?

    Thanks for the reassurance.

    I have a background in science, and like to understand things. Unfortunately I don’t know enough about human physiology to make sense of my data!

    Each time I have done a 6:1 (since stopping 5:2) I have lost at least 1lb. I just don’t understand how it happens though so it worries me!

    Re: eating more. I have got half a chocolate pecan pie in the freezer. Trouble is, it won’t be 7000 calories and I’ll feel really sick before I’m even quarter way through it…! Oh well…

    Anyway, this appears to confirm what I found previously (I can’t maintain on 16:8 and 6:1). I can do 16:8 and the odd longer fast (20 hours plus) and not lose more weight though. So I guess that’s the future for me!

    HappyNow I think you’re really lucky to maintain at 16:8 only, so don’t worry! Your body must be quite efficient now.
    I too like to read about how the metabolism/chemical processes in the body work as I like to know what’s going on inside me! 🙂
    I have to stick to 4:3 and 16:8 just to stay as I am…. So consider yourself very fortunate. As I really love food it’s hard at times.
    I am really well thank you 🙂 which is a good job right now with our house move as there’s such a lot to do. I expect next week I won’t get much time to be on here so I am making the most of it.
    Sylvia x


    Re: Elaine’s preparations for our Greek sojourn… I fear Elaine may have come over all weak again at the thought! She will probably need a lie down, either in bed with a coffee or on the beach in stylish new swimwear!

    My recent ‘cold’ didn’t progress as I would have expected previously and seemed quite mild and short lived. Fingers crossed your super enhanced immune system shakes yours off!

    PS. Following my recent ‘hearing the grass grow’ incident, I have reverted to trusty old stealth bra….

    Trust our buddies to put a smile on our faces …..tee hee HappyNow! Perhaps you should grease the new one up with coconut oil!!
    S x

    Thanks girls.
    I am a bit better so we are heading off for the weekend.
    OH suggests you have a couple of 200 gm steaks with everything at the local pub.
    it IS odd though. Remember how much our digestive systems can hold (or not)
    I’m still waiting for Elaine’s reaction. 😉 P

    Love the idea of a MC “conference”… Also it’s a bit of an idea for a follow up to Dr M’s original programme… that with an update on the science developments / findings…

    Ha ha re image of an Highlander… mmmm well hate to spoil your image there.. but am really from Englandshire and drifted North.. at one point there were bets on how far North I would go.. but seem to have settled in Easter Ross..

    I also count my hill running as HIIT.. I think the key is really pushing yourself to get really out of breath.. and then once there to ramp it down but keep going.. am finding that when I started to ramp it down and recover I needed to walk.. but now I can just slow to a jog of small steps but keeping the tempo almost the same.. Also my muscle recovery is vastly better.. from aching the next day to not at all now.

    Re the Vit D.. I really noticed a difference as in winter we have very very little light / short days and the Vit D really really helps with the SAD thing.. I read somewhere that anyone north of Watford should routinely up their intake of Vit D.. PVE it’s really interesting that you are being advised to supplement with Vit D despite living somewhere so gloriously sunny..

    Hi iwb12
    Ah the Highlands. .love ’em. They’re in my blood!
    A friend is part of a dementia study and the results indicated advantages in Vit D. I hadn’t realised I was low but took it as insurance. My recent blood tests showed a marked improvement to normal. As one of Scottish heritage I am very prone to skin cancer so have always covered up. Anglo Celts living in Aust have the highest skin cancer rate in the world 🙁 P

    Well, you’ve either all been abducted by aliens or are just bobbing along, happily maintaining, with nothing to report….

    So after the shock of dropping 1kg after a 6:1, I’ve worked hard to eat plenty over the last two days… I haven’t denied my hunger, have even eaten chocolate, and am now well into a bottle of wine! Tomorrow is my official weigh in, and 3 days from fast so should be a true weight.

    I’ve had an update from Dad. He thinks he may have plateaud (it’s been one week!). We discussed food on a fast day. I’ve suggested that the wine and cheesecake might be hindering weight loss… He says it’s only a small slice of cheesecake… I know (because I gave him the recipe) that it’s a small slice of ginger biscuits with butter, topped with cream cheese, double cream, condensed milk and lime. Where’s the harm in that…?!

    Help , help I have been abducted by aliens !!!
    No harm in the cheesecake tee hee. 😉 Actually stop the cheesecake right now !!

    I HAVE been abducted, but having a great time. Rolling back over to enjoy the sun streaming in on my bed as I watch out for passing whales…
    talk next week!
    Have a great weekend MCs. P

    Whales, whales bloody great fishes are whales ! Yes…. We HAVE been abducted by aliens!!!
    Oh dear ……..

    Ha! Greetings Extra Terrestrial! We already knew you were from outer space…

    Well I must say it is a fine, and easy, cheesecake recipe… which is why I introduced my Dad to it!

    He’s a widower, but was already a capable cook, and just needs a bit of reassurance/confidence to introduce new recipes to his repertoire. He now merrily makes cheesecake and freezes ‘individual’ portions. Mum would have known about the calories, but he’s a real novice…

    He’s lost over a stone on 5:2 so far and feels better. He’s not normal BMI yet (27 from 29). But if he only ever maintained this he’d still be 1 stone lighter, and healthier for it…

    Anyway, he wants to lose another half stone. He says he’s eaten the cheesecake from the freezer so, as long as he doesn’t make more, maybe he can break through that plateau!

    Go dad! And what’s a little cheesecake? Well…delicious, calorific, heartwarming…how can that much fat and sugar be bad for you? 😉
    Don’t tell my OH. He used to adore my cheesecake and my apple and walnut cake with cream cheese icing…mmmm
    That was the old days! P 🙂

    Well PVE, pleased to hear your aliens are friendly and suitably hospitable! And that they have taken you somewhere warmer than home?!

    Yep. Dirty weekend away 😉

    Hey your dad sounds great HappyNow. Give him my love 🙂
    My bags are packed
    I’m ready to go
    I’m standing here outside your door
    I hate to wake you up
    To say goodbye …
    Err mum just a song I know …., goodnight all 🙂

    G’night all MCs on your side of the globe! I’ll keep the maintenance watch while you snore. P

    PVE, I’m drawing up a work-rota for you all – I’ve got loads of jobs that need doing here – so far I’ve got you down for cooking and HappyNow for gardening..

    Excellent Elaine!
    Don’t forget jobs for the OHs too! And maybe cheesecake making for Happy’s dad 😉 P

    Hi Auriga

    I love that John Denver song. Hope your move goes smoothly. I have indeed been abducted by aliens and this is my last post for some time. I have had a warning about too much close work being bad for my eyes. Last time this happened I was 12 yo. And was being warned off reading too much and sewing and knitting. I need to go play golf and do a lot of outdoors stuff to counteract the loss of long sight.

    I just wanted to say thank you for making me laugh, and for making maintenance easier than I thought. For the heck of it, I did 4:3 this week and shook off that last kg that was my goal. For two days now I have sat at 60 kg neat, so I proudly claim the weight. I have reached my goal. 🙂 I have control over my eating. We ate Thai food last night and I didn’t have any rice. Had a lager 🙂 came home for some mango sorbet.

    Since 25 January 2014 I have lost a total of 17 kg (= 37 lb) and 19 cm off my waist. Looking forward to having a figure this coming Summer. 🙂 🙂

    Look after your alien selves. See you in a while. Bay 🙂

    Purple, thanks for the Vitamin D tip. Will start taking them soon. Enjoy your dirty weekend and the whales. Bay 🙂 🙂

    Hello bayleafoz ! I am awake really early today which is a good job as I might have missed you otherwise 🙁 I am so pleased for you bayleafoz and your achievements with weight loss it’s brilliant news. We can be so proud of ourselves 🙂 I am really going to miss you if you can’t post for a while 🙁
    I guess you have to look after your eyesight it’s pretty important so go and do your outdoorsy stuff and get the old peepers exercised so you can come back to us soon!! Much love to you bayleafoz 🙂 Sylvia xxxxx
    “I hate to wake you up to say goodbye,” seems a bit prophetic now! But it’s not really good bye just goodbye for a little while. Enjoy the outside world bayleafoz Xxxxx

    Bayleaf, enjoy your golf and outdoor, long sight activities. Catch up when you get your eyes back in shape.
    Thanks for all your positive spin on the Fast Diet. We’ll miss your sage advice.
    Your twin P 😉

    Bye bye Bay, gonna miss you. Give your eyes the rest they need and check back in with us from time to time if you are able to :-))

    Sorry Bay has had to leave us, temporarily I hope. Great news on reaching her goal and joining the 60 and under club. In honour, and because I also love Thai food!, I am cooking chicken green curry this evening.

    My weight this morning was unchanged so, for me at least, 6:1 is the new 5:2! Went out today in my new size 8 skirt. Very odd. I kept thinking perhaps I should have bought size 10, but then realized it was only because I was aware of it at my waist (and not hanging off hips)!

    I am now finding that I bang my hip bones a lot. I used to regularly just push things with my hips (shopping trolleys etc) but need to stop that as it hurts!

    Also have been trying to rub my thighs together when I walk, but can’t! Sore sweaty thighs used to be a feature of hot summers. No more!

    Elaine. Re: PVE cooking, me gardening. I’m up for it! Outside is my favourite place to be. So I’ll be more than happy to grow the veg. Although I hope you also like flowers and wildlife. I should warn you that, despite my tender years (!), I am very traditional and cottage garden is my style. Is there a Greek equivalent?

    Oh dear HappyNow I fear we have been deserted!
    I love cottage gardens but also whilst in Cyprus ,as we lived in Nicosia whilst working for the United Nations, we had Frangipani, Oleanda, Pomegranate bushes, Mimosa and Jacaranda trees and extremely large geraniums . Not quite cottage garden but I loved it. We also had a climber which we knew as Pakistani night (not sure about its Latin name) and the smell of a Jasmine still fills my memory now.
    I am sure Elaine has her Greek equivalent but that’s mine from the time I was in the med. Such good memories of wonderful gardens. Sighs 🙂
    S xxxx

    Actually I shall add to the description. We also had a small lemon tree, several large cactus, spiky things ( poke your eyes out if you weren’t careful) and a snake which lived under the back staircase and frightened itself and me every time it appeared. Ah well good times !

    Hi Auriga,

    Well I think a quiet maintenance thread speaks volumes for successful maintenance!

    Since you began this thread at the end of May, it’s notable that there have been no crises or drama, no weight gain to report. Everyone has found what suits and has been happily maintaining.

    I have always thought anyway that this thread tends to be quieter at weekends than during the week. I’ve got more time, but the retirees have got less!

    Hi girls
    I haven’t deserted. As Happy says. Steady as she goes maintaining. Easy peasy! Busy enjoying life. 😉 P


    Love the description of your garden. So exotic. I can’t really imagine it!

    When choosing plants for my garden, being hardy to -16 is a fairly standard requirement! Last year I think -8 was our lowest, and not prolonged, but it can be significantly colder.

    The thought of citrus from my own garden….! I know when we’ve holidayed in Greece, the fresh orange is a million miles from what you get in the UK.

    Which reminds me, our tomatoes have started ripening. I only buy vine-ripened anyway, but really, there’s no comparison. For anyone that has only ever even eaten supermarket tomatoes… you don’t really know what a tomato tastes like!

    Hello Everyone .
    At the moment i am struggling to keep up with everything.

    This is what PTSD does to you ( it F###### Awful ) Sorry . But it really does get to me sometimes , Bloody Active service grrrr

    Anyway , as i am opening my heart to all you nice people , I can also tell you that there is no cure for PTSD as sufferd by thousands of ex service personnel , all we can do is learn to “COPE” with it. So that is what i do

    Please dont think badly of me . I am a genuine 5:2 er
    And i will continue to read all your fantastic comments and stories

    At the moment i just cant cope with posting , I hope you all understand

    I will try and keep up with the other thread as well but i wont be posting much on there too ( My progress exciting thread)

    I think you are all a truly fantastic bunch of Ladies, and I know you will be here for me at anytime

    If any of you do wish to contact me on a personell level i would love to hear from you
    No phone number this time lol
    but you can send me a freind request on Facebook to Kenneth Livesey

    Love you all xxx

    P.S. I have maintained for 2 weeks running x

    G’day Ken
    Great to hear you have maitained for a few more weeks. Well done!
    Sorry the demons are getting to you, mate. A real bugger.
    Must go back to sleep. ..3.19am 🙁 Purple

    I shall sing you a lullaby PVE and it might soothe Ken too. Sorry about your demons Ken it must be a real pig for you. Life is short so try and enjoy what you can

    Hi Ken, judges you here. And you have nothing to apologise for. You post when you want to, and not because you think we expect it.

    I’m sorry you’re suffering at the moment. I can’t even begin to imagine… and I do have quite an active imagination!

    I hope, if you are reading the thread, that we are able to divert/distract/amuse/frustrate you for a while at least!

    Fingers crossed you’ll be fully back with us soon. Good work on maintaining, despite being in a dark place.

    Oh wow.. what a lot to keep up with..

    Ken .. my thoughts are with you.. and I hope suceed in banishing the demons and am super impressed you have maintained despite the demons.

    Bayleaf .. Take care of your eyesight..

    Happy.. yummy sun ripened home grown tomatoes..

    Had a lovely rather indulgent weekend.. and looking forward to my fast tomorrow ..Monday.. It always makes me feel renewed.

    Take care everyone.

    Thanks for the wishes, Sylvia. I did drop off for a few hours. Fasting today, so hopefully the cold will be shaken off.
    Despite an indulgent weekend….lots of socialising, but also lots of long walks along the beaches in the sun, I still weighed 58.6 this morning. Had a late breakfast and lunch yesterday (no refined carbs, just wonderfully tasty veg and protein, but plenty of wine) Had blue cheese and gf biscuits and a glass of red when we arrived home instead of dinner. I NEED the fast today!
    I have referred a new poster to this thread. Might be good for Happy to explain your eating regime. I made a botch of it:( Sleep well my UK mates, and Happy Monday Elaine and Bay (in abscentia) P

    Great that this thread features tales of overindulgent weekends as part of weight maintenance. You can have your cake and eat it, just not necessarily every day and/or such big slices as previously!

    Talking of cake, I’ve been looking at paleo diet recipes. They avoid wheat flour, using almond flour, chestnut flour etc. And.also no refined sugar, things like raw honey instead. Suddenly sugar and plain flour don’t seem very appealing! It will be interesting to see if they are similarly addictive/moreish, despite the undefined ingredients? I guess at least they will be healthier!

    Well Auriga, if I’m not mistaken, this is the big week?! It will be a relief to finish packing, get moved in….and then start unpacking!

    Hi PVE. Re explaining 16:8, I’ll be happy to, but it got me thinking.

    Re: maintenance regimes.
    Some people maintain on 6:1, some on 5:2, some with 16:8 eating. From reading the LOACA thread, Boo suggests that most LOACAs have to do more than 6:1 just to maintain.

    Re: weight loss.
    A lot of people on the forum are not actually doing 5:2 by the book in the first place.

    I know the 5:2 overseers will be collating all the data they can from these threads (the tracker is for data capture, so will be as much for them as for us!).

    It will be interesting to see break downs by gender and age (and maybe also by how overweight people are/ medical conditions etc).

    Can the difference in effort required for women really all come down to pre and post menopause?

    Hello buddies and yes it is a big week. I should have fasted yesterday but we indulged in several glasses of wine last night. Ah well!
    I am really tired today and feeling a bit STRESSED! But the packing is mostly done except for what the removal firm will do.
    Not sure when we will get the wifi sorted for our new house……I hate being without that. I shall post when I can. I think 3G isn’t too reliable for my phone but we’ll see.
    Have a great day everyone 🙂
    Sylvia x

    Hello HappyNow. I don’t think it’s just difficult for some women, but for anyone. My hubby had to do 4:3 to lose the weight and is maintaining on the same regime as me continuing 4:3 and also 16:8. Our lighter selves just don’t need as much food. It could be an age thing though: taking longer for us older people. Hubby is 64 and I am 63. I don’t think there are many studies in older people so our experiences might be helpful. I know our doctor is impressed! It’s helped our blood pressure a bit but the effect on lowering our triglycerides has been profound. 🙂

    Hi Sylvia
    All the best with the move. It will all be over soon (like childbirth) and remember my motto…once you are out of the old one and the boxes have been dropped off at the new, the job’s done! You don’t have to unpack until you need to find something 😉 You can do that anytime, or never! All the best, mate.

    Hey Happy
    I agree re women and hormones. It still does all come down to calories in, calories out. If we slow down as we age, so does our need for the extra kilojoules. Also, as you say, there seem to be a lot of people who have not read the books/seen the doco/ understood the simplicity of this WOE. It must work to reduce to your ideal healthy weight if you eat less than your body requires and it certainly seems to be a healthy long term WOL giving your body a good rest to heal least once or twice a week.

    I’ve got a big month ahead, with a series of house guests. Have spent today washing and buying in preparation. Also getting eyes checked as I had another retina scare in the weekend- I think Bayleaf jinxed me 🙁 If I drop off the thread, it might be too much on my plate (not food), lack of private time or my eyes. I will try to read this thread, but mightn’t get to answer.

    Elaine,Iwillbe, Ken, Tim and, hopefully JIP again soon, and all those I have left off, will have to do the heavy lifting with you.

    Less than minimal fast almost over…hey, it’s b****y freezing here today, had to have some soup at 2. Cheers all, P

    Auri, we are pigeon pairs (also 63 and 64). It does take a concerted effort, but as we know, well worth it. There are stats on how fast metabolisms operate at different ages, but it simply means, as you say, we need a lot less food as we age. Learning how much we had overeaten for years was probably the biggest revelation, along with learning that we are capable of going all day without food.
    Life changing stuff! P

    I hope your peepers will be OK PVE . Can’t have you disappearing as well!
    The weather here isn’t too good either as hurricane Bertha blew through yesterday and now it’s a tad chilly for August. At least we weren’t flooded in this part if Norfolk as the west of the county was hit very hard!
    Keep warm in chilly Australia, your mate Sylvia xx

    Are you alright up there in Scotland Iwillbe? It looks pretty bad on the news for the Highlands with hurricane Bertha. The winds have just about died down here now.

    Hi yes fine up here.. bit breezy now but sunny again.. had a fair amount of rain overnight but it had stopped by 11 this morning.. so apart from feeling rather autumnal yes am safe and sound.. (also living half way up a mountain means we are ummm well drained. I think other bits of Scotland got it worse than us.. Elgin as usual flooded.. To be honest I’ve seen worse… I remember one particularly big storm.. I could here this odd clanking sound comming from the burn.. on closer inspection it was boulders (big boulders) being thrown around….. and on some occassions the wind has sounded like a Banshee .. really screaming .. which it wasn’t last night..

    So most of the way through my fast today.. not eaten anything since last night.. and went for a lovely run at lunchtime.. sound of running water, wind in the trees, dashing clouds and bright sunshine. Got further than last week.. so feeling generally chuffed and that all is well..

    Auriga hope your move goes as smoothly as possible.. it’s always stressful and is really one of those life events..

    PVE .. all the best for your preparations and hope the retina scare is only a scare..

    take care everyone out there.


    Hi Auriga and PVE. Interesting to have your thoughts on weight loss. I know some older ladies who are convinced the menopause makes weight loss impossible, and many women who think it is automatically easier for men (at any age). I.guess if you are successful there is always someone to say ah well, it’s easier for you because….

    Anyway, weight today steady 1kg under where I was pre last week’s fast. Been feeling out of sorts today and decided on a slice of chocolate pecan pie from the freezer. It was a sickly sugary slice of pie that left me feeling queasy and bloated. I didn’t enjoy it but ate it! That’s how grumpy I was. Suffice it to say it did not improve my mood!

    Anyway, hope you are all OK. I will be back tomorrow when normal sunny service will be resumed.

    Hi there Maintenance Buddies

    I decided to give myself a treat and read the thread twice a week. Great to see the big move is here, Auriga. May you go well. 🙂

    Purple, I hope the retina is ok. 🙂 Bay

    From experimenting I know that I have to continue with 5:2 for life. I totally support you in saying that Michael Mosleys book must be read to understand what 5:2 is trying to achieve. I like my fast days and look forward to them.

    The only two ways that I can continue to lose weight are either to go for 4:3 or to ban all sugars, starches, alcohol and processed food from all days in the week. I prefer 4:3 and have easily given away processed food and wheat.

    Your friend in absentia, Bay 🙂

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