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This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks, 1 day ago.

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  • Thanks Clare. I must admit I didn’t read the original research, just the reporting of it in the media. It certainly seemed to contradict the immune system benefits reported elsewhere. Perhaps I should be asking who funded their research, or indeed who owns the media where the story was used to try and put people off 5:2!

    Hi Auriga. Great news on OH blood work. Brilliant that IF is helping so many people. They should teach it in school!

    I was 60.3 yesterday morning, 59.8 this morning (that’s my weekends for you!). Am going to do a 6:1 day this week though I think (with a maybe 20hr plus fast) for extra benefit. I’ve been pretty stable for a while so will be interesting to see if it still causes weight loss.

    PVE. Aubergine and black olives are two of my favourite purple foods.

    Iwi. You are taller than me, and make me look positively dwarfish (I’m 5ft6), and will make many of the maintainers appear truly tiny!

    mmmm black olives… I could live off them… purple stuff today.. beetroot, which coloured everyting else purple.. red onions (they’re really purple in my book..), purple broccoli.. which is really mostly green.. more a label than a reality.. black olives (of course) .. blackberries, and blueberries… and my fingers from chopping the beet..

    HappyNow.. ah well.. I obviously ate too much marmite when I was kid!

    Iwi, I find it hard to believe that I didn’t eat enough marmite as a child! I still love it and regularly disgust my OH by eating it by itself… sometimes having stuck my finger in the jar…

    So the tallies here love marmite then. What about our little friends….?

    Morning All.

    Weight this morning is down to 59.5, which I find odd as I easily ate over my TDEE yesterday – on top of normal food, including macaroni cheese for tea, I had 1000 calorie bag of yoghurt coated nuts….once the bag was open I couldn’t stop!

    So if ‘treats’ are just that (something on an occasional basis) then my body can cope. To be honest, I wouldn’t want to eat like that every day anyway (I felt a bit queasy well before I’d finished the bag, but persevered!)

    OH is out late tonight, so the opportunity has arisen for a 6:1. It will be interesting to see, since my body now copes with occasional overeating, how it will cope with occasional undereating.

    I know I can maintain on 16:8, and believe there will be health benefits from the regular 16hr fast, so why do 6:1? Because there might be extra benefits from the calorie restriction and, until there’s more evidence, I guess it will be an extra health insurance policy.

    Happy fasting/maintaining.

    Good morning everyone.
    On the question of Marmite my tall friends! I love Marmite and blame my 5 foot 4 inches on a lack of crusts on bread! I would never eat them as a child. I used to eat Marmite heaped on Jacob’s Crackers. I have a weakness for peanut butter too…
    On the question of at least doing 6:1 HappyNow. It looks like I shall have to do 4:3 for the rest if my life to stay at 57k or just below and the effects on my blood profile and OH has been so beneficial that I won’t stop now. I think fasting as well as 16:8 is very good for you.
    I am sure our illustrious leader dear, dear Dr M will keep posting on this when more results and abstracts become available.
    Sylvia x

    Morning Sylvia,

    You may have hit on something! I always ate my crusts. But for some reason still have straight hair…!

    Is the end in sight with your packing yet?

    Hello Happy. We still have a little bit to do and take down all our art work off the walls. It really will be bare then.
    We’re taking the day off today and going out! Yay!
    I wondered why my hair is straight too……:)

    Morning HappyNow, interesting that u didn’t gain after eating 1000 cals worth of yogurt coated nuts! My treat of choice is mixed nuts I buy pistachios, almonds, hazel nuts, walnuts, chashews, sunflower and pumpkin seeds mixed them altogether and eat either as a meal, snack or treat and, interestingly, although very high-calorie, I don’t seem to gain weight on them. Now if I only sniff bread, rice, pasta or sugar and eat only 100 cals worth I guarantee my weight will be up next day – so perhaps with some of us we can eat certain foods without gaining? Although some nutritionists argue that all calories are the same, and yet we know high calorie fat isn’t fattening when eaten alone (cheese, cream, butter, meat etc) if that’s all one eats ie Atkins, so therefore I’d argue that perhaps not all calories do react in the same way ie happily your 1000 cal yogurt coated nuts treat:-)))
    Auriga, I love peanut butter and sometimes I will just eat a spoonful from the jar as a treat – cld never eat it on bread though, I’d gain 14lbs overnight. Same with cream crackers, I adore them, but guarantee my weight will go up after having consumed them:-(
    I’ve just purchased a yogurt maker and will have some home-made goats yogurt later that I made yesterday. Am attempting a fast-day today but haven’t been very successful with them recently although most days do 16/8 – did a 22/8 on Monday so staying with the program (excluding the boozing):-) Have a good day everybody from an extremely hot Greece.

    I too eat nuts daily, usually almonds and walnuts but could eat any as I love them. I agree Elaine that it’s very strange that we can eat vast amounts of some food and not put on weight. All calories cannot therefore be created equal. I think we must metabolise some things through different pathways…..if only Franfit was about I am sure she would have something to say on that. I am still wondering what happened to her.
    PVE and bayleafoz are a bit quiet too….. Where are you our Australian buddies?

    Hi Auriga

    I posted a very long post on the LOACA thread because Boo persisted in asking me when and how I experimented with different food types. I hope I didn’t bore people.

    I am totally convinced that not all calories are created equal.

    I believe from personal and family experience (and from my reading) that sugar, wheat and processed foodstuff cause weight to go on. Conversely, eating only small portions of protein and green vegetables causes me and my family to lose weight.

    I love nuts, avocado, olives, tomatoes, green vegetables, raw carrot and celery, and salmon. B 🙂

    We are having fabulously blue sunny days of 14 C in mid Winter. Over night it got down to minus 8 C. Minus 6C when OH took dog for walk at 6 am.

    The tiler is into his last 24 hours. Tomorrow he will put in the grouting and generally clean up. His work is meticulous and the result is a delight to look at. He has laid 450 cm square tiles through most of the ground floor, includes the kitchen, family room, dining room and hallway. Glad to stop living in two rooms.

    Hope the packing is going well, Auriga. B 🙂

    Hi MCs Been a busy grandparent but caught bits of the purple food talk. I love olives and Vegemite..the Aussie addiction!
    Ate far too much at a function today. ..and drank…ah well. Tomorrow is another day.
    Your list of top foods could well be mine Bay. I always go savoury. SO much more satisfying. I occasionally start eating sweet fatty foods and now just push them away. Just no appeal.
    Warm and sunny in the day, but with the long dry,we are having very cold clear skies at night . Have a happy Weds my western Hemisphere mates. P

    Years ago my mother used to say that pasta , potatoes and bread were the worst things you could eat if you wanted to stay slim.
    I think it’s time to return to the old ways of looking at some things when fats were good for you (no trans fats), just good old fat!
    What do you feel is your nemesis? Mine I think is comfort eating and I used to love bread in any shape or form!!!

    Hi Auriga, hope you had a nice day ‘off’ today?

    I fasted today, first time in what seems like ages. It was probably nearer 600 cals than 500, but still restricted and sufficient to offset yesterday’s yoghurt nut binge!

    My old weaknesses?
    Fresh baked white bread…soft in the middle and crusty…still warm…with or without butter gently melting on it….
    I also have a great pasta recipe… mascarpone and butter melted, with chopped pistacchios, chopped herbs (basil, chives, parsley, tarragon) and parmesan. I have no ‘full’ switch for it!

    No cakes or sweets though interestingly, which has undoubtedly helped with weight loss!

    Current weaknesses? Nuts! Alone, or in yoghurt or carob coating (not chocolate). Red wine!

    So after all the talk of improving eyesight and medical conditions, I thought yesterday that I had developed super hero hearing… I was cleaning out the chooks, and every time I bent down I could hear noises that then stopped when I stood up. Can I really be hearing small mammals in their burrows? Or insects? Or even the grass growing?! Nope, my new bra has reeaally creaky straps! Oh well…!

    Super hello bras ! What a concept !
    Live life !

    Pleased you are having a day off Sylvia 🙂
    Oh Happy! You had me laughing about your mystery noises!
    I’ve been unable to reply, only read and was in hysterics. Thanks MCs P

    Hi PVE. Easy for you to laugh! Now I’m paranoid that other people will be able to hear me creaking! Not quite the same as having a squeaky shoe….

    Did you manage to wear the grandchildren out?

    I don’t know about all the maintainers, but interesting that at least some of us actively prefer savoury foods instead of sweets now. Every now and then I do fancy something sweet, and I’m happy that it’s my body sending me a request rather than my brain trying to feed an addiction.

    Well after yesterday’s fast, this morming sees a new low for me – 58.5. 1kg lighter than yesterday. Previously my day-after-fast weight has been my new weight, but I can’t believe I can have lost that much. I’ll keep you posted. If it is right then I’m going to have to try and gain it back.

    And I’m absolutely certain that I have never before said I need to put weight on!

    Hope my upside-down friends have enjoyed another glorious winter’s day; that Elaine isn’t bored of paradise; and that the sun is shining on you Auriga (and your boxes). And to all others wherever you are, happy maintaining….

    Auri/ S, my weakness is definitely cheese. But since 5:2, and banning all cheese except ricotta and parmesan for months last year, I am so much more restrained. If we have a pre-dinner snack of cheese and biscuits, I put out a set, very limited, number of biscuits and slice the cheese all ready. No more putting the packets out and see how much we can eat!

    I find I can eat a lot less now and concentrate on flavour, and lot of veg, ahead of quantity of the food in total. I still love French sauces, but am just as happy using lower cal Asian flavourings (especially Thai).

    Just looked at my wedding ring as I type…it really is FAR too large for my finger now. Cool!!

    Happy, your message just posted as I type…. Who’s upside down???? Well done on your new PB. It IS hard to know when we are at the minimum, isn’t it?
    Yes, squeaky bras ARE worse than squeaky shoes. The kids more than wore me out. They gave me their colds and now I have a roaring headache:( You’ve gotta love ’em 😉
    I overindulged yesterday so am really enjoying having a fast day today and some peace at home. It is a lovely little reset of the system. Cheers all, P

    Congratulations HappyNow on your new low. You made me laugh with your squeaky bra 🙂
    I too am having a fast day today PVE because OH and I truly over indulged yesterday… Sort of drowning our sorrows I think which is never a good idea.
    I am glad you had a good day with your grand children PVE but sorry you have a cold now.
    I’ve actually not been very good at eating sensibly just lately, I think I need the energy though so maybe not doing too much damage. I shall be angelic after the move which is now looming over me!

    God, PVE, cheese! Yes! How could I have forgotten it from my list? It’s been a lifelong obsession. Not a fan of strong goats cheese, but apart from that I like it all. And still cut a piece of extra mature cheddar as a snack. Good with some homemade chilli jam. Oh no, I’m starting to salivate at the thought.

    Well I think it is you that is upside-down, as you are on the other side of the world, and everyone knows the northern hemisphere is the right way up!

    Are you going to have the wedding ring cut to size? You don’t want to risk losing it.

    Haha, Happy. Love your imagination. 🙂

    Unlike the improvement in my BP meds, my eyesight is actually worse. I am wondering if I am doing too much screen time with tiny type. Going to back off the threads for a while and see. 🙂

    Experimented this week with 4:3 to see what would happen. I weakened on my non fast day and had half an indulgent piece of flourless chocolate cake with double cream. Loved every mouthful, but it does put weight on me! So most likely will end the week weighing the same as I began.

    Feeling very happy with the lovely tiled house and with my fitness levels. 🙂 B

    Morning Auriga,
    Well I hope you enjoyed your overindulgence of yesterday at the time.

    Re: not eating too sensibly. I think you’ve got enough to worry about at the moment. And with all your house packing and nervous energy, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Don’t know if you’ve started on the kitchen, but it gets hard to eat well with no pans/plates/cutlery in any case! And for us the first few days in the new house was takeaways and wine also!

    Hi Bay,
    I work on a computer daily and know that’s wrecking my eyes. Every time I have a week off work, by the end I can read a book/the newspaper/my smartphone text without my reading glasses. You’ve got to love the modern world….

    Pleased to hear your refurb trauma is over and the results are worth it.

    The cake sounds delicious! My brother gave us a couple of paleo diet books and there’s some flourless cake recipes I really must try. There’s a bit of a ‘thing’ in work for taking cakes in, and there’s a few people there who eat a LOT of cake. I wonder what their reaction to wheatfree would be? Would they not like it since it doesn’t feed the addiction?

    It IS hard to not feed other people’s addictions isn’t it? I try to get straight into the main course when we have visitors now and am amazed at people, who know of our success, bringing “nibblies” anyway. Hurrumph!
    I have actually been away on a holiday with the grandkids. Many hours in the car each way. They were very good and are adorable, but it is lovely to get back to peace and quiet, even with the germs:(
    Cheers from your mate P from the other side of the sphere we call earth.
    (Maps are flat and were draw by dead white European men, so I don’t think their perspective counts.) xx

    Hehe Purple, totally agree. Don’t you love the maps that are drawn with South at the top? 🙂
    Most people love flourless cakes, if you don’t mention it in advance. There are two staples around here. Flourless orange and almond cake with orange syrup, and flourless chocolate cake with ganache. Good luck with the cooking. B 🙂

    PS. I think the addiction is to the sugar, and so long as the flavour is there, most people love flourless cakes. My niece has adapted many recipes to be wheat free.

    I have a great recipe for a flour less orange cake I bet it’s similar to yours bayleafoz! I serve it with basil cream, might sound weird but it works. I also have a recipe for flour less chocolate cake made with beet root! The recipes are packed away in boxes right now I ought to put them on my laptop instead!
    I never had much of a sweet tooth but I do like a slice of cake sometimes. 🙂
    Talking of spheres one never knows which way up we are really, the northern hemisphere might be down under!! Mind boggling! Or perhaps were all sideways on!
    Sylvia x 🙂

    Morning all, Auriga, my mum also used to cut out bread and potatoes, known as “starch” years ago, to lose a few pounds. I don’t remember there being a lot of pasta around when I was a child growing up in the 50s. I do remember being made to consume a teaspoonful of cod liver oil everyday. Our parents knew what was healthy without all the “expert” advice and diet gurus! My food nemesis is cheese and crackers, bread and potato crisps, I’ve got no likening for anything sweet at all.
    Creaky bras indeed, HappyNow you do like to delight and amuse us with tales of your wayward pancakes! Well done with the fast, it’s eye opening how easily weight comes off with fasting, I keep attempting one, then life conspires to scupper me, I will attempt one today.
    Strange about your eyesight Bay, I’ve read on WOACA that some people are reporting improved eyesight, not sure how old UR but eyesight does naturally deteriorate once we’ve each our 50s so the eyesight and fasting may be coincidental.
    Have a lovely day everybody:-)

    Our eyesight went down hill in our early 40s. OHs latest script is weaker now and I am watching tv without glasses more often. I do get dry eye and suspect typing on the phone doesn’t help :), but I wouldn’t miss out on pancake talk for quids! P

    I have dry eye too PVE it’s a real nuisance! I don’t think my eyesight has altered very much in the past year, although I too prefer to watch TV without my glasses on. Hmmmm
    I’ve decided if our Australian friends are ‘down under’ then shouldn’t we be ‘up over’ 🙂 x S x

    I hope not S! Sounds a bit like the missionary position; )

    You’ve got me in stitches Purple! 🙂

    Hi Elaine

    I don’t for one moment think that fasting has anything to do with my eyesight. However, i think it may be too much time spent on the iPad. My long sight is worsening. Will keep it brief.

    Thanks, Happy. B 🙂

    I use Systane Ultra for my dry eyes. It makes a huge difference to my vision. B

    Thanks Bay. Turkey and veg spaghetti (miracle noodles) now heading for bed.
    Talk tomorrow. P

    Good night P and thank you B. I might try Systane 🙂

    I’ve been reading the LOACA thread and have noticed that JIP is having some problems and that Precious Boo Boo has been in contact with her.
    If you read this JIP I am thinking of you, as I am sure we all are. 🙂

    Had a good giggle at the bra sound effects…

    Had a bit of a feast day yesterday… a long one at work.. so had my fav purple porridge.. (porridge with blackberries, raw choc nibs and some date syrup..) yummy and a lunch of raw carrots and celery with houmous followed by melon, blueberries and rasperries.. and a supper of chicken and lentils with purple broc and a treat of more berries with some creme fraiche and a blackforest cookie… so must have been a well over my TDEE day..

    Successfully managed to eat under on Mon and Tues .. and only ate in the evening..

    Today is not eating until after work day .. and also have done a good run.. up the track behind the house up a good hill.. feeling quite pleased .. as I am steadily increasing how far I can get up the hill and my “sprint” intervals.

    I’m not sure whether I have a particularly sweet tooth but i do love cake.. all those flourless recipes sound interesting.. must look into them.. but am not a great baker .. I do my weekly rye sourdough loaf and that’s my baking for the week unless there is something particular to bake for.

    Elainefriend.. re the codliver oil.. I started taking it a few years ago with additional vit D after breaking my wrist pretty badly (yes it was falling off the pony in my profile).. on advise of doctors .. and it made such a difference to my general health and well being I haven’t stopped. And yes I totally agree about cutting out the bread/potatoes/pastry/starchy foods is a good strategy.. before I discovered IF this is what I was doing and loosing weight on it.

    You’ve quite worn me out Iwillbe with all that running up hills!
    Your feast sounded delicious… Can I come round your house please next time!
    I am fasting today too and have had. 150 cals so far. Think I shall just have a plain salad tonight and a few raspberries. : )

    Auriga I’ve only done one run this week.. 😉 Did a couple of Lunchtime stomps (walking) up hill behind work on Mon and Tues..

    Wed wasn’t fast it was FEAST .. and yummy it was.. Of course you are welcome but it may be a bit of journey as am way up a glen in northern highlands 😉

    Had Mushroom, spinach and feta omlette tonight..with salad.. also yummy and feel some berries and creme fraiche comming on.. mmm diference being I didn’t eat during the day at all.. tomorrow ..will see how I feel.. but think I will do another only eat in the evening day tomorrow.. Friday my routine supper is stir fry prawns..

    I only do one or 2 runs a week now.. before I piled on the weight I used to run every day.. but am finding I don’t need to run everday to improve my fitness I think because I have a more or less daily fast exercise type routine.. step ups (50 on each leg) 50 star jumps, at the moment 35 lunges (I’ve decreased these from 50 as was feeling it in my knees so thought I would decrease and wait for my knees to build up their ligaments etc), and 20 – 35 press ups … the version from your knees .. again this is a bit dependent on my left arm / wrist that isn’t as strong as it was after my umm crash landing off the pony.. I’m also doing some yoga type stretches and pilates exercises for balance, core strenght and supleness..

    I am on a bit of mission.. but ulitmately I am want to take the pony cross country and need to be pretty fit / balanced to do her justice..

    Hi all.
    Iwillbe, I remember mum lining us up on the front verandah and giving us a spoonful of caster oil followed by a liquorice allsort (a lolly). Don’t know why she did it; but the oil was ghastly 🙁

    I take cod liver oil, krill and vit D (as well as vit b, calcium, magnesium and glucosamine and aged garlic) I was advised to take Vit D to ward against dementia. (My mum had it) My latest blood tests show I now have a good level. Interesting, considering I live in sunny Australia and still lack vit D. However I always wear hats and sunscreen to avoid sunburn.

    I agree Auri, iwl has a great regime (particularly the purple food). I had a good fast yesterday despite feeling sick from my sore throat and put on no weight from my few days away. A great WOL. Purple 🙂

    Well Iwillbe you wear me out just reading your routine but good for you! Good luck with your pony quest 🙂

    Hello PVE I hope you’ll be feeling better soon. 🙂

    Mmm, Auriga, think I might have to fight you for Iwi’s leftovers!

    I’ve eaten well today, a lot from the garden and eggs courtesy of the ladies outside. Must admit I have been hungry following yesterday’s fast, but I’m in control now so we (my hunger and me!) ate when I said so!

    Also been for a run, just 5K. I have a flattish half mile before I hit my hill. Like you Iwi, I’m finding I can run a bit further and a bit faster uphill before I have to stop, and the stops are fewer and shorter than they were. It doesn’t get easier though, as you just work harder the fitter you get…

    Anyway, hope the up overs have had a good day, and the down unders have got a good day to look forward to. (We’ll miss you Bay! Rest your eyes and come back soon!)

    And by the time I press send, several new posts have appeared!

    Well Iwi, I’m working up to ramping up the exercise! Although I reckon my hill runs count as HIIT! And I do a lot of HIIT weights, lugging sacks of animal food/compost/coal and log buckets etc! So upper body strength and tone not too bad. I really need to get into a good routine for winter though (get exercise induced asthma and find running diff in the cold).

    I now have a picture of you as Highlander I’m afraid….

    Good night fellow up overs and have a good day down underers. It’s rotten having a sore throat that makes you feel sick PVE. Take it easy today. See you all tomorrow. Take care buddies.
    Good night 🙂 Sylvia x

    Thanks Auri. Feeling pretty crap this morning and we are meant to be having a weekend away 🙁

    Ilb, do you realise, by joining this mob, you have to be willing to host a MCs meeting in the Highlands? Elaine is already planning the Greek get together with great excitement and Bay and I are liaising on the Aussie conference. I’ve even planted extra salad! 😉 😉

    G’night Sylvia x

    Morning Maintenance Mates (Mmm!).

    Am more confused and perplexed this morning than happy….

    Weight again 58.5. How can this be? I had been maintaining, with 59.5 pretty much the lowest weight, on 16:8 for several weeks now. Add in one 6:1 fast day and I’ve dropped 1kg, instantly.

    If I now want to put that 1kg back on, I will have to eat roughly 7000 calories extra! But there is no way that I can have instantly achieved a 7000 calorie deficit to lose that kg in the first place. I’m weighing daily, so presumably if I was in daily calorie deficit (contributing to the kg loss) then I would have been seeing a gradual downward creep?

    How can it be that weight gain is now harder than weight loss?

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