Mmmm…nice dinner B, but are you sure you haven’t gone hyper? 🙂 P
This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by Mr Data 4 weeks, 1 day ago.
So delighted you had a (mostly) positive shopping experience, HappyNow!
I was on a FD yesterday, first one on a Saturday so wasn’t looking forward to it especially, but it was worth it, down another 0.6lbs so I have some daylight between where I am and my target.
Off to church shortly (while OH makes chilli – yum!) then a relaxing day in the garden….assuming the neighbours have finally finished their demolishing and rebuiling of the patio extravaganza….not to mention sanding ALL their patio furniture…..power washing the patio…..2 months of incessant noise when we want to sit outside is not doing our sanity much good!
Have a good Sunday everyone!
Ah, Interesting, I thought Auriga was unusual and therefore I imagined you as very exotic. Not saying you arnt though! Simcoluv posts quite a bit on Women of a Certain Age – think that’s where I got the idea of Simcoluv being a woman? My real name is unusual for a woman therefore I don’t use it online, I quite like the anonymity of posting online. XX
Thanks PVE, probably could have saved on the book then, although have had a quick look and I think I will enjoy the book anyhow. Think I’d better stop playing with you lot and go get my day started – hmmmm, half of its gone already its nearly 12 noon here and I’m lounging about in bed with a coffee and this phone which the old man believes is now a permanent fixed appendage of me!!!!
I don’t think many men talked about their war experiences. My grandpa was in the trenches on the Western front in WW1 and never said anything.
His son, my uncle, was part of Bomber Command, as part of the Aussie Air Force and died in 1944 over France. I never met my uncle. Mum and her mother never discussed it. Mum just talked about him being a “lovely boy” and mad about planes. Unbelievably hardy those generations. P
Hi Purple
My whole family thinks I have too much energy most of the time. Hehe! They only get worried when I say I’m tired or down. 🙂
Today, I’m happy to have the cupboards sorted and the stair rails and balcony railing all painted. OH did all the sanding. I was so focused on the painting, I didn’t think of food once today. I’m thinking of only having vegetable soup for dinner. With my poached egg for breakfast, I’ll be lucky to have 300 calories today. 🙂
Happy fasting Monday ! B
As you know I don’t currently do any 500 cal fast days, just practice 16:8 most days which gives me a 16 hour fast and helps me eat within TDEE/avoid overeating.
Some people elsewhere on the forum, not yet maintaining, question whether they could actually practice 16:8 particularly at weekends.
My experience yesterday: cup of tea (splash of milk) before I left the house, nothing to eat while out shopping, got home at 1ish to find OH painting kitchen ceiling. I couldn’t get to the fridge/kettle/cooker until 2! So an 18hr fast….
Why did I not eat while out? I was busy and no carb cravings so hunger minimal/manageable. I was alone so not tempted to ‘eat in’ anywhere. Food out overpriced and often unappetising. And what I fancied was an egg sandwich. How is that relevant you ask? Well I would never get a shop bought egg sandwich now so have to wait til I get home… ! Our own free range ladies lay the tastiest eggs you could ever eat. If you crack one and compare to shop bought you can see the difference (colour, consistency). And in commercial free range poultry systems most birds don’t actually get outside the shed (the door is open but as few as 10% might actually get out), so while they aren’t in cages they don’t live the good life ours do!
I appreciate though that this can’t be everyone’s experience, and we all have different values. But it is possible to meal skip, even at weekends!
Yes, I get it, Happy.
I find I get really busy and don’t eat in the morning and you know how I’ve expressed I’m a breakfast foodie!!!!
I really can’t face food from shops any more. They really have so little appeal and I know I can make a much tastier, healthier version. So, like you, I don’t eat out and that delays the eating.
I congratulate you on your great success doing 18:6 to maintain your health and weight. I vary, so like to still do at least one good fast a week. Tomorrow, I’ll do 18:6 as I am eating lunch out. I’ll fast Tuesday. It just makes sense. We have such freedom now that we are at goal, don’t we?
Enjoy yourself the way you like. 🙂 Your maintenance mate, P
Hi Bay. Yes, we’re all different. And I’m certainly not suggesting that 16:8 is any better than other fasting models. But for people who aren’t naturally hungry early in the day it may be an option. And I just wanted to demonstrate to those who think they couldn’t do it at weekends that opportunities/circumstances do arise which make it doable.
Having said that this morning I’ve had boiled eggs and toast, finished off with some of last year’s crab apple jelly…
Thought I’d drop in and say hi / introduce myself… am not really sure whether I’m on maintenance or not.. but I tend to think I am even if my waist hip ratio indicates I am still overweight..
I am not sure how seriously to take this indicator (I am high and short waisted.. my (narrow) hip bones are a mere inch below my rather large rib cage, as an ex swimmer I developed rather large lungs.. and friends and relatives reckon I look right and shouldn’t loose more..)
Generally have an odd shape for a female.. large swimmers shoulders and rib cage.. no waist and less hips.. and tallish to boot.. I’ve never managed to find a dress to fit both my shoulders which have always been a size 16 (UK) at least even as an skinny student many moons ago..
Have no idea what my weight is but I reckon I’m somewhere around the 13st mark.. again have always been heavier than I look..
Plus I am upping the anti re exercise and getting fit.. getting back into running and getting into a routine of stretches, core strengthening work and resistence work first thing and before going to bed..
I have noticed some good changes in my body shape since being on a maintenance fasting and increasing the exercise…but the waist remains stubbenly too big for the waist / hip ratios.. have no flab on my arms around my torso, bum and thighs now.
I’m keeping going on my fasting routine of at least one 24 hour per week without food… water and coffee only.. and only eating in the evenings 3 or 4 other days during the week..
So hi to everyone here. am off to read the thread in its entirity now.. so I could be some time…..
PS I think I need a name change.. can you get name changes done on here?
Hi Iwi and welcome.
Congrats on losing weight and reaching maintenance, if not all your goals! Swimmers do have a distinctive physique and are generally slim hipped, and rarely hourglass, so maybe the ideal waist: hip ratio is unrealistic for you. From what you say you aren’t carry excess weight now, and no amount of weight loss will alter your underlying shape!
I don’t know if you can get a name change or not. I know you can get threads renamed however (we weren’t called this originally). You could always just create a new ‘you’ and abandon Iwillbe12st (maybe update your profile to say who you’ve become?).
You say you are tallish, so maybe I am no longer the only giantess on this thread?! I can’t speak for Ken and Tim, but most everyone else seems to be 5 foot 4….
Anyway, bed beckons, but I look forward to hearing more about your weight loss and maintenance journey.
Hi Iwillbe, and welcome. G’day Auri, Happy, Elaine, Bay, Ken, Tim, JIP and Metchick
I was just singing these words :
Sylvia’s mother says, ‘Sylvia’s busy
Too busy to come to the phone’
Sylvia’s mother says, ‘Sylvia’s tryin’
To start a new life of her own’
Sylvia’s mother says, ‘Sylvia’s packin’
She’s gonna be leavin’ today’
I wonder why???? 😉
Sleep well all MCs in the western hemisphere (especially you JIP, I hope things are ok) and have a happy Monday my Australasian mates. No fast for me, officially, as lunching at a special ‘do’. But still 58 this am. Purple
Hi Happy now… I’m not exactly giantess .. at 5’10″… Tall but not 6′!… Had a quick look at my profile and it says you can’t change usernames… Shame really as if I create another I’ll loose the threads I’ve commented on.. odd it’s an odd username for me anyhow as have never been weight focused as always felt it never reflected my fitness well as was always taller and bigger built than my classmates .. even the boys…. Until I was about 15.. those were the days when to be an athletically built girl were uncool etc… Now I am happy to embrace my physique… But I wasn’t then.
Sylvia, so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I know we maintainers have not known one another long, and we do not yet know one another well, but we will all be thinking of you and looking forward to your return.
This thread will continue – as will all of our maintenance journeys. However, today it did not seem appropriate to be our usual irreverent frivolous selves.
Take care.
Dear Sylvia, Oh dear, I’ve just picked up today’s thread, so sorry to hear your bad news. I feel the same as HN, we don’t “really” know each other but to suddenly lose someone who was part of your life is devastating – remember the good times with your friend, it might help bring a smile to your face. God bless:-)
Good morning Girls and Boy
Sylvia , I am so sorry for your loss , my prayers are for you at this sad time x
and i do like the song “Sylvia’s mother”
Well i fasted yesterday and stayed under my 600 cals , (good Boy) lol
Did any of you put a candle in the window last night , between 10 pm and 11pm , we (liz and myself) did and we watched the programme on bbc2 from westminster , it was very good , You will find that no ex service personnel with talk about their active service , it really is to painful , I never do .
ok people i am on foodbank duty this morning , but will read your repots as ever ,
have a good day
Hi HappyNow – Interesting question about the research on fruit flies suggesting that intermittent fasting increased the risk of infection. I had a chat with Mike about this – Apparently this was a study done in flies infected with a fungus which stressed their immune system (at Bath University) and it wasn’t clear how/why they linked it with fasting as they didn’t seem to fast the flies. There is however plenty of evidence from people like Prof Longo that short term fasting increases your white cell count and helps fight infection and cancer.
I hope this is helps to answer your questing & wish you all the best
Ken… Yes I lit a candle… My grandfather was a conc / stretcher barer in Ww1.. agree service people (ex or serving) rarely talk about war. I wonder if this is partly why PTSD can get hold of them?
Clare since I started IF my rate of colds has stopped. Used to get real humdingers, but have only had one since last August.
Sylvia .. I hope hubby’s blood profile is some comfort to you. Especially now.
I fasted yesterday too. Am just heading out for brisk stomp up the hill.
It’s interesting about the decreasing colds. I literally used to be out of action for 3 or 4 days.. but my last cold.. November 2013 was only 24 hours.
Hiya all
Iwillbe we suffer from PTSD in any event. It’s the part of active service you don’t even think about till it hits you years later. In my case it was after the Strangeways riot of 1990 that it hit me. But I will admit now that I was sufering long before the riot . I just didn’t know it . Hope that helps somewhat
Sylvia I am pleased to hear the good news about your hubby xx
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7:33 am
3 Aug 14