I thought I heard my ears burning, P, as I popped in for a break in the gardening. Can’t do as much as I used to be able to, without getting tired. It’s the only sign of aging, fortunately. Although I went to a client’s funeral during the week, and realised she was only ten years older than me!
So yes, spring today in the South, Fasting, and nearly 14 degrees! But just looking at the forecast, there threatens to be five days of rain or showers, so I must get out for some more vitamin D creation. There will be plenty of spring growth when we get back from Hawai’i in two weeks 🙂 . So looking forward to a warm break! Enjoy your season of mellow fruitfulness.
This holiday will mean that there will be a truce in the battle that has been joined to get back to my desired weight. There has been a slight nudge downwards, and so there should be, with no breakfasts, no 72% chocolate, two FDs, low-to-no carbs, and my new tool, carnivory from Friday to Sunday evening’s roast. You might want to look at this last option, Hermaj, as a way of breaking your plateau. There is a FB page, Principia Carnivora, on the subject, and some of the followers have been doing this for quite a few years. Many of them came to this way of eating with health as well as weight issues which a zero carb diet has been resolving for them.
Polly, I agree spare beds can go unmade. The two in the back bedroom, and their mattresses, are still on their sides from when these were the bases for shelves for my temporary kitchen in January (to April…). You won’t have any problem with an automatic car, and it will be so much better for your OH.
3:06 am
1 Sep 18