The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,642 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Pollypenny 3 months, 1 week ago.

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  • I thought I heard my ears burning, P, as I popped in for a break in the gardening. Can’t do as much as I used to be able to, without getting tired. It’s the only sign of aging, fortunately. Although I went to a client’s funeral during the week, and realised she was only ten years older than me!

    So yes, spring today in the South, Fasting, and nearly 14 degrees! But just looking at the forecast, there threatens to be five days of rain or showers, so I must get out for some more vitamin D creation. There will be plenty of spring growth when we get back from Hawai’i in two weeks 🙂 . So looking forward to a warm break! Enjoy your season of mellow fruitfulness.

    This holiday will mean that there will be a truce in the battle that has been joined to get back to my desired weight. There has been a slight nudge downwards, and so there should be, with no breakfasts, no 72% chocolate, two FDs, low-to-no carbs, and my new tool, carnivory from Friday to Sunday evening’s roast. You might want to look at this last option, Hermaj, as a way of breaking your plateau. There is a FB page, Principia Carnivora, on the subject, and some of the followers have been doing this for quite a few years. Many of them came to this way of eating with health as well as weight issues which a zero carb diet has been resolving for them.

    Polly, I agree spare beds can go unmade. The two in the back bedroom, and their mattresses, are still on their sides from when these were the bases for shelves for my temporary kitchen in January (to April…). You won’t have any problem with an automatic car, and it will be so much better for your OH.

    Hi All,

    I’ve been away for a few days, so I’ll need to have a read back and catch up with you all!

    Great to hear from you Hermaj, I’d been thinking about you this week and wondering how you were getting on!


    Great that you’re managing to shift your excess, but I still think it’s environmentally irresponsible of you to peddle a zero carb diet!

    “Meat consumption is rising annually as human populations grow and affluence increases. Godfray et al. review this trend, which has major negative consequences for land and water use and environmental change. Although meat is a concentrated source of nutrients for low-income families, it also enhances the risks of chronic ill health, such as from colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease. Changing meat consumption habits is a challenge that requires identifying the complex social factors associated with meat eating and developing policies for effective interventions.”

    Thanks for the info re carnivory, Barata. I’ve just applied to join the FB group, and look forward to getting some new ideas.

    However, I’m not a big meat eater and red meat is an occasional treat, perhaps two or three times a month. Last night it was a lamb and green olive tagine as a special treat for a 9-year-old great-nephew who’s been having a rough time lately. As a rule I try to alternate our evening menus over each 4 days, chicken-veg-fish-veg. The veg meal is often achieved by using quorn or soy mince in a recipe instead the meaty stuff.

    I’m pretty good at all-day fasting. I eat little or no lunch, and if I do it’s very low or no carb. And I haven’t eaten breakfast in years. If I try, as I have occasionally done while on holiday, I feel horribly ill for the rest of the day. And I’m definitely not a comfort eater. Quite the opposite. Under stress I go into full-on fasting mode.

    I guess I have to accept I’m a very slow loser. It’s taken 5 1/2 years to lose 21 kilos, which my calculator tells me averages out at 3.818 kilos a year. But they have been lost, seemingly for good, and the occasional one or two regained have rapidly disappeared following a bit of extra care. Perhaps I need another couple of years to drop from BMI 26.4 to BMI 24.9, at which level (top of the “normal” range) no doc can tell me “don’t put on any more”. That’s before I tell them I’ve LOST 20+ kilos. No wonder I keep away from the white coat brigade.

    Can’t remember who, but some very wise person on this thread pointed out that I was designed to be a small, sturdy pit pony, so it was pointless to try to be a slender racehorse.

    Small, yes, but a pit pony? I don’t think so Herm!!! You look terrific, just as you are. Always keep in mind, if you were tall, you’d be desperately thin and they’d start telling you to eat more!
    Btw, is ‘carnivory’ a word? I like it.
    The word, not the idea.

    I’ve just been admitted to the FB Principia Carnivora group. On first impressions it seems far too meaty for my taste. I can see the role meat can play in battling the excess consumption of the wrong sort of carbs. It could be said that a lamb chop does less damage than a doughnut, but I guess I instinctively belong to the “too-much-meat-ain’t-good” school of thought, as argued in Happy’s link to sciencemag. Nice to hear from you, Happy. 🙂

    Yep. I’m in that camp too. There was a time when meals centered around the meat. Now they start with whatever fresh veg are available and work forward from there. Plenty of flavour, a variety of colours and textures, that’s my approach.

    I don’t mind being a pit pony, Purple. And thanks for the “terrific”. 🙂

    With my ancestry, I doubt I would ever be tall and/or skinny. Not sure whether this is down to nature or nurture. I’m the offspring of two fat families given to eating humungous quantities of pretty well everything. I’m pleased to say – so far at least – I’ve escaped all their health issues, including Type 2 diabetes, which has affected both sides.

    A cousin on my father’s side, who was a stunningly handsome slender young man, is now shaped like Humpty Dumpty and beset with heart problems. On my mum’s side they were all fat, apart from one.

    My brother and his son, both of whom had to be weight-vigilant, were wise enough to procreate with naturally slim and, in the latter case, tall women, resulting in a generation of tall, athletic, slender boys, one of them now over 6 foot.

    Barata, I’m glad you are keeping your hand in with the gardening. We have to keep moving and doing! Hawai’i, eh? Been there before? Where will you be visiting?

    After our 3 days in Wine Country, we had both gained 2+ pounds. After yesterday’s Fast, we each lost 2 pounds! We are happy. Our son the biologist says that a fast day simply means that ‘you are getting rid of all the food in your pockets’ [meaning residual food in the digestive system] and that’s why you lose weight. Not sure if he is a scoffer or not. He has developed hereditary high cholesterol and a little medicine-induced weight gain. I have suggested Fasting to him, but he is lukewarm on the topic. He eats sensibly, thank goodness.

    We have meat/animal protein 2-3 times per week: Sunday, Tuesday [leftover from Sunday], and maybe on the Wednesday pasta or in the Thursday Fast meal. Red meat is rare here for us. I’m with you, PVE, on meal design.

    Happy weekend, everyone. Happy September with all that it brings.

    After spending a bit of time looking at Principia Carnivora’s FB page I decided not to linger. Certainly, it’s a point of view but not one I can share.

    The list of what followers of this WOE can and can’t eat – the latter including all sorts of healthy, nutritious stuff – is mind-boggling. See
    And the link on the home page to Coffee Enemas put me right off.

    OK, it works for some people, whose success stories appear among on the website and on the FB page. But I don’t think I could handle it, nor would I even want to try. One man’s meat is another man’s colorectal cancer, or another’s cardiovascular disease.

    Principia C seems to be based on the diet observed by people in communities, e.g. tribes in Sub-Saharan Africa, whose eating patterns are governed by what produce has been readily available to them for generations and no doubt their bodies are well adjusted to their diet.

    I watched ‘The sugar film’ last night – killed my Saturday night! 😂

    (Hope that link works)

    I’m getting ready to try almost anything to get rid of those two kgs, which I see as the beginning of a slippery slope to continuing weight gain. 5:2 is not enough to maintain by for me, so I want to find out what works (N=1). Hence casting my reading and experimenting net wide. Carnivory is not a permanent woe for me, but low-carb will be, I think.

    It’s not surprising the PC group was too meaty for you, Hermaj, as that’s the purpose of it 🙂 . I just wondered if some radical change might be what your system needs to move the weight that’s not shifting by other means. I haven’t found the coffee enemas.

    I cannot disagree with you about the effects more intensive farming and animal protein has on the environment, Happy. But I am also aware of the susceptibility of a number of folks to plant toxins. There are just too many of us on the planet.

    Fasting, back in the eighties when OH was working in the US and the planes couldn’t make it all the way across the Pacific without refueling, he calculates he visited Honolulu 14 times! So it’s been high on his bucket list to actually leave the airport. We are spending three nights on each of Maui, Hawai’i and Oahu, giving ourselves time to sightsee and relax in each location. The travel agent suggested two nights on all four islands, but we felt that would be just too rushed. Any ideas of must-sees?

    Talk of killing, Carol – sugar is doing that to us! I read the book, scary indeed.

    I wonder why you’re having trouble, Barata? Your winter weight maybe? You’ve maintained for years haven’t you?

    I’m vegetarian so any carnivore ideas are out for me. OH eats meat on 3or 4 days, fish on a couple and just veg on the others. Hugh Fernley Whitenstall has been doing a series of programmes on sugar, with a challenge in Newcastle. It’s been both frightening and interesting.

    Fasting, I like your son’s verdict. It seems that the odd indulgence or threat can be managed, but it’s the slide into habitual treats or huge portions which cause weight to settle. I need to watch my portions again. A ice lolly, like a Solero, is at least calorie controlled. On the other hand, a bowl of ice cream – oooh, just a little bit more! 🤔😏

    Definitely the winter of my discontent, Polly. But unfortunately these have been lingering for a couple of years. I have been doing 5:2 for five years (anniversary later this month!), and the graph goes down and down, levels off for a couple of years, and then creeps up again. 🙁 For no reason, as by that time I had got on top of my post-dinner snacking. Hence my grumbling, and determination to deal with it.

    B and I are similar ages and our 5:2 experience has been similar. I wonder if it is a settling down of the body to a weight it prefers, or us not being quite as stringent? I still fit in to my clothes and have plenty of energy to lead an active life, but a little voice pops up in the background asking ‘what is going on? Is this the slow slide back to a fat Purple?’ After all, it took decades to become overweight before 5:2.

    Snap, P. I am very happy with the current weight, but view the increase with concern. Three more sleeps, then in the big bird…

    We are skipping off to the warmth up north tomorrow. Enjoy your trip. P

    Barata, your plan to ‘leave the airport’ in Honolulu is a good one! Friends lived on Oahu for 2 years. When I went for a visit, they were in total tour-guide mode, showing me the Garden of the Gods, the North Shore [surfing mecca], and the WW2 monument to the Pacific Theater. I also went wave-hopping on their local beach which ended in a encounter with a Box Jelly. Ouchy. Lots of food, a real ethnic mix, and very caloric. We also went to the restaurant where the Obamas often dined when in residence. The table has a brass plaque.

    Isn’t a ‘carnivore diet’ just like the ‘paleo diet’ just like the ‘keto diet’? Too many changes. Have been trying to get ODH to reduce sugar in our diet. Minimal success. I tried ‘counting sugar grams’ for a few days but gave up. Does one count only ADDED sugar [like what would go in coffee] or the sugar listed on the label [ex: 12 gm in 1/2 cup yogurt]? Or both? Our son-the-biologist says sugar is the anti-Christ and tries to avoid it. I’m a label-reader, so avoiding fructose, sucrolose, and fake sugar is easy. I’ll redouble my efforts this week. Fasting days are easy for reduced sugar!

    For those of you on plateaux, what about upping your calorie burning? Move vigorous walking, perhaps?

    Pol, how has your OH been doing? Any more flare-ups?

    Absolutely agree about sugar, fasting. And it’s the way carbs are turned into sugar which is horrifying. We have a pair of doctors/twins who present health programme. One Xan Van Tulleun (sp?) did a great programme The Truth About carbs which showed this. Interestingly, toast made from frozen bread undergoes cellular changes which considerably reduces the sugar.

    I’ve been watching OH’s fruit intake like a hawk. He is better. Now our plums are appearing so he will want those. Tried a boost today, telling him he looks lovely from the back. Shame about the gut.

    Had our new car yesterday- an automatic, so hopefully no more foot problems.

    Fast, if you look at the figures on the calorie burning of exercise versus changing/reducing food intake, it is a no brainer. The diet is 80% of the equation.
    Even if I do long, taxing hikes all day, like I did this weekend, it makes no difference to my weight. I feel good and clearly have better muscle tone, but it will never burn the calories needed to lose weight like dietary changes and fasting does. P

    No doubt that diet is the main driver for fat loss but the right kind of exercise is key in the long run. I’ve boosted my RMR Resting Metabolic rate 21% in 13 months via increased muscle from resistance exercise (measure via gas exchange). It is also possible that my mitochondria are healthier / more plentiful. So I get to eat 21% more calories just to maintain my weight. My scale weight is exactly the same (175 lbs) but DEXA says I gained 20 lbs of muscle and lost 20 lbs of fat! I’m also much stronger and very energetic.

    Yes the exercise was hard work but it was really worth it! I averaged 3 weight and one HIIT workout a week. My blood chems all improved as well with a fasting glucose of 69 and APO B ( bad dense cholesterol) down to 79.

    I experimented with a variety of eating plans and fasting. I found that time restricted eating (10 hours) with a quarterly 5 day water fast worked best for me. Lots of veggies, good fats and about 150 G of protein a day (IGF-1 did not increase). Minimal sugar, fruit and starchy carbs. I did eat some fruit and or potato/ rice after working out to recharge glycogen. Every other day water fasting was the worse for RMR, it went way down after 4 weeks of that! I also lost some muscle and of course fat.

    I’m 67 years old and was taking part in a study that will be published. Other male and female participants that did the work had similar improvements in RMR, muscle gain, fat loss, strength increase and improved key health indicators. All where over 40 YO. No one else in the group fasted.

    The key takeaways are that intense weight training supported by good nutrition can increase metabolism and strength while reducing fat mass and improving key health indicators in mature adults.

    I’m continuing with the program and will be tested again in 6 months.

    Ah Diver, but we are talking a normal, sustainable, lifestyle here. Not devoting most of our life to the gym!
    Exercise is vitally important to the health of all of us. I am your age too, but have absolutely no intention of doing gym workouts or extreme fasting. 2 fasts a week, good food choices, limited carbs, max veg, 2 meals a day and lots of exercise embedded in my lifestyle. That’s how I continue to maintain this lifestyle. After 5 1/2 years, it is an excellent habit. I retweek regularly, but it always has to include a good strong love of life. 😊😊

    Barata, watching the sugar film on the weekend reinforced for me how I have been letting things slide. Although I had no weight gain during my holidays since I’ve got home I’ve gone Crazy! Today is FD, got on the scales and higher than I have been for 9 weeks! (I weigh every day).

    Watching the sugar film was a kick in the butt for me, so I got out my nutrition books yesterday, went through the glycemic index of all the foods I eat, compiled a list and will now start my good old food diary again! The food diary and wake up call seems to be enough to get me back on the straight and narrow.
    For me, weight gain seems associated with less vigilance. I don’t know how many times a day my little voice says “that little bit won’t matter’. Sadly, everything matters!! I’m not saying my methods works for everyone, I believe we all need to find the way that works for us and so good on you for trying different methods.

    I also believe we do have a set weight – a weight we will normally hover around without much effort and even some lapses to our 5:2 regime. If that 2kg has been there for a while now and you’re happy with the weight do you really need to knock yourself out trying to get below?

    I get hooked on the numbers. When Happy was posting recently getting below 58 I felt quite envious! I wanted to be below 58 too – but why – what difference does 2,3,4,5 kg make? I don’t look any different, clothes all still fit – I’m just hooked on the number!

    Barata, you’ve done great, everyone on here has done great! We’re a lucky bunch, we’re motivated enough to make an effort! Forget all about this, enjoy your holiday and see how you feel about it when you get back.

    Safe travels and happy holiday! 😄🐠🐟☀️🌞🍸🍹

    Excellent post, Carol. Solid and grounded. P

    Thanks for the boost, and the bon voyage, Carol. I am, I am, very happy with where I am, just have the concern that if two kgs can sneak on and not shift, what’s in the future? Not much fasting in the short-term though 🙂 And you are right, we are a successful bunch with glowing halos.

    Safe driving, Polly. We get your doctor twins here, with and without Dr M. Lots of interesting stuff, including Dr M last night on sleep. So I had half a kiwifruit, and one of the other suggestions that I have forgotten for now – and got woken at 11.30pm by OH’s snoring!

    Pouring rain, blasting southerlies, and snow on the passes in the south – welcome, spring! I would send it west if I could, P.

    Don’t worry, B. Cold and raining here too!.☺

    I couldn’t think of anything worse that diverdog’s way of maintaining. 20 years ago, when I did the F Plan, I did exercise a lot , but found that I couldn’t stop losing weight and went down under 8 st, 112 lbs, looking gaunt.

    Purple has beautifully summarised how I also eat and maintain. I do also manage a glass of wine every night. My wriggle room seems to have put itself down to 125-128. I can still enjoy food, drink and the occasional chocolate.

    As you say, Carolann, what difference do a few kilos make? Maybe I should stop fretting about BMI and just to be glad to be 44 lbs lighter than I was 5 1/2 years ago, with a whole range of health spin-offs (some quite unexpected), to see a pleasing image in the full-length mirror and to enjoy wearing clothes that would have been unthinkable in the fat old days.

    It could also be that a few extra pounds are actually beneficial to the over-60s. Although not conclusive, this article based on research carried out in Denmark, sees it as a distinct possibility.

    My 26.4 places me well within the healthy limits. And no, it’s not an excuse to stuff my face with sweet, fatty stuff, most of which I actively dislike or can easily take or leave, or drink bucket-loads of booze, which I went off big-time when I quit smoking getting on for 17 years ago.

    Of course, there is other research that suggests that being overweight, let alone obese, is very, very bad. Some 3 years ago, I did one of those online longevity surveys, which told me I would live to see 95, while also pointing out that women with my BMI – admittedly still in the borderline obese category at the time – were usually dead by 71, in other words, why aren’t you dead yet, Fatso?

    Intermittent fasting works for me as no other way of eating ever has, especially in the way the lost weight has stayed off. It has also led to me finding it impossible to overdo things without feeling exceedingly unwell, which can only be a good thing.

    Here, here! You all make a wonderful case for women our age to maintain a Fasting Lifestyle. We are slimmer, healthier, and happier with ourselves than we were 5 years ago. And that’s what its all about.

    Fasting today. Zucchini-Egg Bake with late season strawberries for breakfast. Tonight, since it is labor Day: Deviled Egg, Hot Dog, Grilled Tomatoes, and 3-Bean Salad — a real ‘picnic dinner.’ Hope to go to the beach for swimming today. The ocean will begin to cool off as the sun’s angle decreases.

    What temp is the ocean where you are FM?

    Thanks for the post about basal metabolism and exercise, diverdog.

    I think we all know that muscle mass declines as we age, hence our TDEE’s decline, we find it harder to lose weight, etc. But it’s good to have a reminder of the benefits of maintaining and increasing muscle mass as we age.

    And actually, for us ladies, it’s really important that we do factor in weight-bearing exercise in order to maintain bone density. Walking is great exercise, but it’s not enough to ensure we live long healthy lives! We might not want to go to the gym, but perhaps we should be. And if not, we ought perhaps to have some weights/ a kettlebell at home? I know my upper body strength and muscle mass is declining, and I’m approaching 50, it’s something I’ve been ‘thinking’ about for a while… time for action methinks!

    Barata, and P, have you considered that your extra couple of kilos might simply be due to reduced muscle mass, a natural side effect of aging? Rather than going to ever more extreme diets and upping the number of fast days, adding in a couple of high intensity weight bearing exercise routines to rebuild muscle and increase basal metabolic rate might be worth thinking about?


    I’m back in the low 59s now 😊 But fasting today, so back in the 58s tomorrow…. I’ve had a week off, eating bread and cake every day, so need to knock the sugar habit on the head with a good fast!

    And I’m with you on 2 or 3 kg not showing, but I would notice 5kg!

    I agree with weight training Happy, but life is too short to spend in a gym. Far better to lug a really heavy suitcase on and off public transport while travelling around the world 😉😉 P

    7-Minute Fitness. It is a FREE app for the phone or tablet. [I use the men’s version because of the familiarity of the exercises.] In 7 minutes it takes you through a series of exercises for the major muscle groups, along with bursts of high energy activities. Plus there is time built in for you to get out of one position [ex: off the floor] and into another position, so it really does take only 7 minutes. I have done this at home and in hotel rooms; in the barn and in the car lot. Exercises include: jumping jacks, pushups [you can do the modified girlie ones on the floor or on the counter top], squats, triceps dips, lunges, step-ups, running in place, front planks, side planks. I think it qualifies as HIIT exercise [without the gym membership].
    Happy, you are so right about muscle mass and aging. Build the muscles, raise the metabolism.
    PVE, how about I travel the world but without the very heavy suitcase?
    Yesterday’s Fast saw both of us lose a pound. We discussed reducing sugar while breakfasting.

    I’d forgotten about that 7minute app. I did try it some years ago, but didn’t succeed – maybe because I was 28lbs heavier and unfit.

    Just been to tai chi. That was pretty energetic today.


    There’s loads of 7 minute workout apps in the app store, but ‘7 minute fitness’ isn’t returning any results. Too much choice!

    The ocean this August in PEI was 22.5 C. Due to sun shining on the Gulf of St Lawrence, which is broad but relatively shallow. Normally, the temp = 20 to 21. So much warmer than the ocean off New Hampshire and Maine.

    “7-minute Workout” or “7-m Workout” could be the correct name. The logo [for the men’s version] is a 7 in a dashed circle on a blue-green field. The women’s version logo is a white W on a pink field. Son #2 downloaded it for me, so I’m no help. One of the many things I like about it is that you can do in to your own level of intensity — during the 30-seconds devoted to push-ups, you can do 5 or 15 or 25, as long as you are trying your best to do pushups.

    Yesterday, I dutifully recorded all the added sugar we consumed. Today began as normal, but then an appointment in Town morphed into a Linner at a pub which specializes in curry…. I had a draft cider [1/2 pint] and ODH had a full pint of milk stout. The curry came with SO much white rice, it was disgusting. And a naan. I left 9/10 of the rice and brought the sauces and naan home. Then ODH suggested ice cream cones…
    I told him that this would be our “free day” for sugars, instead of Sunday. Darn good thing tomorrow is a Fast Day!! I’ll need to do the 7-minute Workout tonight for sure. True, the exercise alone will not lose me weight, but I’ll feel better about it.

    Hi, patilpooja. I have seen you writing on various threads. Are you an Ayurveda practitioner or healer? Or do you follow that lifestyle? You made me curious, so I looked up the recommended diet:
    Intake of six rasas or tastes. At each meal, you will incorporate foods that are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent. You begin your meal with foods that have a sweet taste (like sweet fruit), then consume food that salty (such as seafood) and sour (citrus fruit, for example), then finish with foods that are pungent (like onions or peppers), astringent (such as green apples or tea), and bitter (celery, kale, or green leafy vegetables).
    Eat mindfully and with concentration. Avoid talking, laughter, and other distractions to fully appreciate your meal and the wholesome benefits it provides
    Eat slowly enough that you can savor the taste of the food
    Eat quickly enough to prevent the food from getting cold
    Eat the proper quantity of food. Be aware of hunger signals and signs of fullness to avoid overeating
    Eat only when your previous meal has been digested. Guidelines suggest that you do not eat within three hours of your previous meal or snack and you should not go without food for more than six hours. Many Ayurvedic practitioners also recommend that you eat a modest breakfast and a larger, satisfying lunch. Dinner may or may not be consumed based on your hunger levels.

    Sounds very comparable with the 5:2, although without the calorie restriction 2 days/week. But I must say that not talking or laughing during a meal does not sound appealing!
    When I looked at the 3 “personalities” for the purpose of focusing the diet, I found that I was intense, intelligent, calm, focused — in short, I was combinations of all three personalities. Since the foods to avoid/foods to include do not overlap, I can’t really see how I could decide among them.
    In your above message, you say ‘this is a great idea.” To which idea are you referring? Surely you didn’t mean going out for a big curry meal?! LOL. Perhaps you meant reducing sugar? Or was it the exercise?
    You are always enigmatic in your posts, so we have no idea of you and your journey in Fasting.

    On to Fasting: Ham & Mushroom Omelette this morning, which was very good! Tonight will be lamb kabobs, but I haven’t got the recipe worked out yet.
    What are you all eating? I know that some of you are not eating, so happy Fasting to all.

    I reported the post. It was a sales pitch, and completely inappropriate. It is important never to engage with this sort of post.

    PVE, I notice that the Admin removed it. It did make me curious, which is why I looked it up. I like to needle these people to see if that shuts them up or makes them squirm.

    Fasting today: Roman Breakfast [diced cucumber, apple, chicken, date + whole-grain thingy] and Vegetable Quiche for dinner.

    Cool weather has descended on the North Shore of PEI. It was 10 C. this morning! Sunny and brisk, but certainly not beach weather. Maybe a good day to work in the garden. With the constant wind and frequent salt spray, it is tough to introduce plants here. I am trying to carve out a small fruit garden within a 40-foot wide ‘hedgerow’ on our property, hoping that the native plants will shelter the small fruits from the elements. Lots of clipping and then I should pull the roots. Already have black currents [donation from friends’ garden], gooseberries [volunteers], wild cherries, and wild apples. We’ll see how well I can keep that up…. Never too good on follow-through.

    Happy Fasting.

    If that’s your menu on fast day, F, please will you invite me for dinner some time? FD or NFD – either will do!

    Hi FFS!
    Yes, I agree. I’m always jealous of FMs “fast day” food!
    We were travelling during yesterday’s fast, so it was eaay to just sip water all day and ignore the “snacks” offered by the airline. I still find zero food fasts the only way to fast frankly.
    9 deg at home this morning. A bit disappointing after warmer weather up north 😏 At least we’ve had some rain to keep my little new spring veg growing. P

    FastFS! Where have you been? Just lurking I hope, but otherwise OK?

    P, our temperatures have plummeted – rain and 11 to 14 degrees today ☹️

    I’m in the office tomorrow, so will take advantage of their heating and have a fast day without freezing…

    Hi Happy, et al – so glad you remember me! Yes, just lurking, and fine, thanks, though I admit the lurking-without-posting started during a spell of ‘too knackered even to read’ (unheard of for me) earlier this year, which then morphed into ‘too busy to get back into the swing. Thanks, Fasting, for exciting my tastebuds enough to get me going again!

    We’re ticking along, maintaining nicely, though my regular summer fruit-induced couple of lbs gain is currently sitting on my tum, and OH, whose poorly back has meant a summer of comfort eating and no exercise, has once again developed some rather Pooh-like love handles. . But still on target (- his BMI still just about healthy, and I’m, in fact, being lectured by GP for being ‘underweight’ – can’t win, can you?) so relaxed but vigilant, and pretty sure it will disappear when my daily patrols of the garden, harvesting what has ripened, eating on the go, and cooking up a storm, come to an end… Fasting properly this week, as we have a Golden wedding anniversary on Friday (don’t ask me how – sheer stubbornness, I reckon – or as I’ve heard it better put, ‘two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other’!) and our offspring have just told us they’ve arranged a rather indulgent night, so I shall need the wriggle room…

    Met up with the beauteous Herm for an all-too-brief time in London last week, between one appointment for me and a different one for her. She is looking fab – a brilliant advert for perseverance and IF!

    It’s good to be back – thanks for the welcome!

    Congratulations on hanging in there Fast! Marriage and fasting require a certain bloody minded stubbornness, I feel. Enjoy your night 🙂🤗😍P

    Dear FFS, of course you are an integral part of this thread. Better Pooh than Eyore for OH!

    No FDs at the moment, soaking up the Hawai’ian sun, temp got up to 96f today! So pleased with how easy it is to skip a breakfast or lunch, wish I could say the same for OH, who is suffering from aching joints which in the early hours I reasoned might be his carb indulgence, away from my evening menu control 🙁 Off to Oahu from Hawaii tomorrow, started on Maui, bliss. And only two hours’ time difference from NZ!

    That sun will do you both good B. I sleep much better when I’m not cold. The aching hips etc settle down.
    Enjoy Hawaii. 🍍🍌🍍 P

    Hi, Fast, where’ve you been all this time? I’m another envying fasting’s menus, especially as we’ve got s bit dull recently. OH has stopped pouring over Mimi’s recipes. I did the first real fast in ages last Friday as I felt stuffed. Generally around 126lbs, though, on 16:8.

    Oh, Hawai’i! You lucky thing, Barata. I’d love to visit there. Anyone remember James Michener’s book? I think there was also a film. Surprised at comment from you doctor. What’s he looking at, I wonder.

    I’m involved in a discussion on weight on another forum. This was prompted by an obese model on the front of Cosmopolitan. Views range between fat-shaming and body-pride. My feeling is that it could encourage acceptance, to the detriment of the health of individuals and added strain on the health service.

    Polly, I constantly get cross about the acceptance of larger people as being ‘proud’ of their bodies, but the madness in the press when people are extremely thin. I would have thought anorexia and morbid obesity are both dangerous extremes.
    I was reminded how set in our menu we have become this winter, when I ate a stunning Asian dish in Queensland last week. It was very much in the vein of Mimi’s recipes (lime, peanuts, chilli, beanshoots, chicken) Very fresh. I must pull my recipe books out again, now that the weather is warming up. Tantalising the taste buds is an absolute must. P


    I’ve read some articles about that Cosmo cover. I’m afraid I struggle to think that anyone should be ‘proud’ of being morbidly obese. It should not be considered normal. But that doesn’t give me the right to verbally abuse fat people in the street! However, people that are large clearly need clothes so having models in a range of sizes that more accurately reflect society, and clothes designed for bodies other than beanpoles, seems appropriate. But personally, if I did buy women’s magazines (which I don’t), I wouldn’t buy those targeted at the overweight/ obese demographic.

    Difficult. I don’t see the obesity crisis getting sorted.

    My blushes. Thank you for all the nice comments about my Fast meals. I have fun creating them. The Quiche last night was a first-time recipe using 4 eggs and tons of veggies. It filled a 9×7″ oval pan — and that was to serve TWO people. ODH took his fair share and at the whole thing. I ate 2/3 of my portion.

    Good to hear from FFS/Fast again. Happy Golden Anniversary. Friends of our’s just celebrated their 51st, and sent photos of themselves having a celebratory breakfast at Burger King! Last place I’d go — for any reason. But they have a quirky sense of humor, cardboard crowns and all.

    Barata, glad you are loving Hawai’i. When my friends lived there, they were shocked to find there was no air conditioning in their house. Everyone said, ‘You don’t need it due to the trade winds.’ but when the trade winds didn’t blow, it was awfully hot in the house. Glad you are liking the heat.

    Yeah… about the obesity models… I’m not into fat shaming, but it can’t be healthy! Isn’t ‘feeling good about yourself’ an excuse not to change the things that need to be changed? I think Charles Manson feels good about himself too. Yes, models should not all look like Twiggy but it would be better if all people were encouraged to be at their best health. A good friend of mine was very much overweight and complained of her knees. She used to say that it was what it was and she was OK with that. Then she decided that she couldn’t take the knee pain any more and started losing weight. She has made great progress and looks more like the way she did 35 years ago when we became friends. Weight Watchers and having her husband diet with her have made a big difference in her life.

    PVE, be sure to share some of the tantalizing recipes that you find!

    Exactly, Happy and Fasting. Two Guardian headlines adjacent to one another one day last week: one pointing to the recent report that a huge proportion of the population is grossly overweight and unfit, the other advertising an article complaining about ‘fat shaming’ , claiming that the (extremely large) writer is perfectly fit, despite her size, and vilifying the reluctance of fellow travellers to share a (normal-sized) bus or plane seat with her as prejudice and abuse. Nothing gives anyone the right to abuse another person about their body shape (or colour, sexuality, gender, beliefs or anything else – understood) but sometimes I wonder whether we’ve lost the ability to discern the ridiculous – despair is close!

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