The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month ago.

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  • Blimey…..turn my back for a day…..

    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!

    I love your philosophy HappyNow (especially as I play golf!). I’m just returned from 13 holes of golf followed by some clothes shopping and clothes shopping is my least favourite occupation, although my darling OH (of 3 years) makes it much more enjoyable and he’s very constructive and encouraging. I needed shorts for our annual sojourn to the Caribbean for 8 weeks of the UK winter and I found a lovely pair in Fat Face in, wait for it, a size 10…..(the fact that Fat Face is very generous with their sizing is neither here nor there!)…which then meant I had to shop for some tops that went with them as I didn’t have any in the right colour. So a rather expensive afternoon but very satisfying.

    I will catch up with what I’ve missed later as I have to get ready to go out to friends for dinner.

    HappyNow – delighted for you in the clothes department – enjoy it!!

    Blimey Metchick where are you ? Have they reinvented golf courses ? In my day you either did 9 holes or 18!

    Wonderful news, Happy,
    Enjoy your shopping! I have been thrilled over the last two months to buy clothes that are two sizes smaller. So far I have bought new shirts, trousers, and now a lovely one piece bathing suit. It is so satisfying to walk into a store and try on clothes and find they are too big, and that you need a smaller size. 🙂

    Auriga, Elaine, I do not think of myself as a fat person who is temporarily thin. I only gained weight after the age of 55 when my real need for food dropped, but I didn’t reduce my food intake. This is the first time I have been involved with a program. I chose this way of life for the health aspects, as I was putting weight on around my middle and my brother has Type 2 diabetes.

    When I saw the Dr M program on TV, I thought it would be my sort of sustainable program. All or nothing! Has been my motto for a long time :). I read the book and here I am with 16 kg lost.

    I will find maintaining far harder than losing the weight. I will need you guys to the end! I am also hoping for cognitive clarity by keeping slim. My Dad who was incredibly skinny, developed Alzheimer’s. New motto for us maintainers.

    United we maintain, alone we wobble! 🙂 🙂

    Hi Auriga
    It could be a typo, but …. Speaking as a casual golfer, you do 13 holes when you don’t have the time or the energy to finish the 18 hole course. OH and I often find ourselves deciding we will walk off the course at the most convenient spot. Often this turns out to be at hole 13 or 14 . B 🙂

    That’s a great moto bayleafoz !
    My dad too got Alzeimers and declined very quickly. It makes me very sad just thinking about that.
    I think we have all got big stories to tell about what brought us here and why. We need to say what keeps us here. The stories need to be told.

    Well done Metchick, it’s lovely to have a supportive OH. Mine helped me to buy my elegant black size 12 swimsuit yesterday. I didn’t want to look like mutton dressed as lamb. Also bought a filmy black wrap to wear at the coffee shop near the beach. Such fun! 🙂 B

    We played 9 holes on the 9 holes course and then did the first 4 again and walked off close to the clubhouse. We can do the same on the 18 hole course and walk off after 9 or 12 which is very helpful if you don’t have enough time or find the heat too exhausting!

    Right, time for bed (said Zebedee)……

    Well said Bay! UWM, AWW. I like it.

    Dear All.
    I’m not sure I’ve said it before (as I am often not very serious!) but I really do value this thread. This is the first (and only) online forum that I’ve bothered to contribute to. I really appreciate the support and encouragement here. There is no jealousy or judgement. We celebrate our differences and our similarities.

    I was already happy when I joined, but you put a smile on my face every day.

    Ken. Sorry, I have a Facebook account but don’t use it!

    Hi all
    I also immensely value the support I get from this lovely gang of maintainers.
    Neither hubby or I had ever been on a diet before….we both only gained the weight very rapidly due to medical conditions. We have overcome these and now have regained our previous healthy weights.
    We went on this WOL for the health benefits and intend to stay here.
    Thanks for all the support and polite, friendly responses to each other. Much valued.
    Your mate, Purple

    Good morning buddies! Good afternoon Australia 🙂
    Just a quick line to wish HappyNow a very happy shopping trip today. Tell us all when you get back what you bought. Enjoy yourself .
    Auri x

    Good morning and have a lovely weekend everybody. Enjoy your shopping trip HappyNow. I’m slightly hung-over this morning after quaffing rather too much home made rose wine at a friend’s house last night. My weight is down a pound this morning sure sign that I’m dehydrated and hung-over so you all be gentle with me today;-/

    Morning Elaine (I’m whispering), Happy and Auri,
    Not only enjoy your shopping trip, Happy, give the larger items to charity. Someone else needs them and you will never need them in your wardrobe again 🙂
    Have a happy weekend and think about poor Bay freezing in the cold winter winds down her way. Keep warm B.
    I had excellent results for all my tests and am dropping further on BP meds 🙂 This WOL IS the way to go!

    “Passes Elaine a big glass of water! ” 🙂

    Busy cooking osso buco…warming the house. A good red and poached pears for desert. Yum! Too cold for the new swimming costume 🙁 P

    Sorry I’m so slow, it took me ages, Happy, to work out when Bay had said UWM AWW. Excellent line! 😉

    Hehe, Auriga. Well done, Purple. Watch out Big Pharma. We’re coming to getcha! B 🙂

    We’re doing it tough today. 🙂 Going to Tang Dynasty for dinner. New tiles in kitchen, can’t cook. 🙂 Soup is all ready for tomorrow. B

    PVE. Fantastic news on test results! You and OH are living proof of health benefit and weight loss.

    Elaine, sorry to hear you ate not feeling too chipper this morning. Hopefully you had an enjoyable evening though!

    And everyone! Thank you all for encouragement re shopping. It’s got to be done, and will hopefully be an enjoyable experience now I don’t have tyres, lumps and bulges to try and hide!

    PVE. Donation to charity WILL follow. The forecast here is not good, so ideal opportunity to critically review my wardrobe. I am reasonably handy with a sewing machine, so will see if some things can be altered, but know that a lot have gone beyond just needing a tuck at the waist!

    Anyway, time to start the day. Enjoy yourselves, whatever you’re up to.

    Thanks Happy
    I altered a lot of my dresses last summer. Took many inches in each side. Even did skirts. But it is also nice to get some brand new, latest fashions 🙂 We want vivid descriptions.
    Bay, that’s really tough that you can’t cook in the freshly tiled kitchen and HAVE to eat out! Enjoy it anyway 😉
    Sleep it off Elaine. I’ll have your share tonight. Cheers P

    When I was a UK size 14 going on 16 I used to hate clothes shopping so much that I bought everything on line so that I could try it on at home. I still now buy things from my favourite on line company but it’s so much nicer being able to pick up a size 10 and try it on in the shop.
    I’ve still got lumps and bumps even at 56.5k. I think I need to tone up more or shrink even further!
    Enjoy your evening out bayleafoz. When will the renovations be done ?
    Great news PVE on reduced meds.
    Back to packing boxes again…….. I think I’ve got too much stuff argggggggggg !

    We all do Auri
    I’ve been under the house trying to clear some of the ‘kids’ stuff out. The eldest left home 20 years ago and somehow we have moved his stuff with us. We are taking it to him. Won’t HE be surprised!
    I’ve found old patterns for baby clothes and Cabbage Patch dolls. Such memories. It is sort of worth keeping things just for the walk down memory lane.
    Do as we do. Chuck them in boxes and take them to the new place and forget all about them for years. I think that is the soft option.
    Do you have much room or are you down sizing? We will never be able to do that. We just get bigger houses and keep storing:)

    Hi all a newbie here and please blame PVE and bayleafoz as they dragged me over here.
    Yesterday hit my target of 90kg a loss of 23 the last 5 in 6 weeks on the 5:2.

    Tried on summer shorts this morning and couldn’t keep them up even with a belt, kept on falling around my ankles 🙂 Knew I had lost a decent amount but this was ridiculous.
    Went and measured my waist, was 109 cm, now 102 cm.

    Previously I had managed to maintain a weight loss of 18 kg for year but was stuck on a plateau,
    hence taking up 5:2. Now comes the hard part keeping it off for WHO.

    Looking forward to reading the back posts and keeping up with you all.

    Thanks for asking PVE! For years we’ve lived in big houses and collected all sorts of things from our travels, living overseas etc etc . Now I am trying to fit the contents of a five bedroomed house with a cellar into a three bedroomed house with not a lot of storage space. Yesterday we found our boys train sets ( quite a lot of it!) in the roof space. They haven’t got room for it themselves but don’t want us to get rid of it yet, so I think it will be going in the roof space again. I can’t bare to part with things like that. I can’t believe how much we’ve got. I think I am disappearing in a sea of boxes! Mind you things have turned up I have been looking for for years!

    Ooo hello Tim ….. Welcome to our thread!

    Morning ladies and Tim ,
    yipee another chap ha ha
    reading your posts you are all so flipping good ,
    we dont judge on 5:2 , we support and encourage each other ,

    Happy you have a fantstic shopping trip . you are brill xx

    you are all brill xx hee hee

    have a great weekend
    love ken x

    gosh didnt i give out loads of kisses ha ha , well her is another x

    G’day Tim. Hiya Ken.
    Keep packing Auri….watching Father Brown 🙂
    Plenty of xxxxs Ken 😉 P

    HappyNow did you shop!? It’s quiet on here!

    Been watching the last bits of the Commonwealth Games……Usain Bolt – what a showman!

    Yes, HappyNow…we need to know how the shopping went!!

    Sorry! Having WiFi issues….

    Shopping good and bad. Good because no ‘I look fat in this’, just hmm don’t like the colour/fit/style. Bad, because size 8 scarce and indeed missing in a lot of shops. OK, Kendal isn’t London or Manchester but still! I did get a little reversible skirt in White Stuff. Size 8. And a pair of linen mix trousers for work. Size 8. I really liked a maxi dress, red, empire line, with velvet ribbon detail below bust, but smallest size was 10 and it was too big (OK, might go back and try again with padded bra!). I passed on a shirt because they didn’t have the colour I wanted (in size 8!) but I can get it on line (now I know that I like it and size 8 fits). I did nearly buy a black top but realised I’ve got several similar items already and what I need now is colour. I’m ready to stand out!

    I did get a compliment from a random stranger, to the effect that a dress I was looking at would suit me because I had the figure for it. Ah, thanks, I used to be fatter you know!

    So I didn’t buy much but what I did buy was size 8. So no going back now. This is me. Slim. If I lack confidence or fail now I can’t blame it on my weight. I no longer have the fat cloak comfort blanket. I might be wearing clothes now but without my padding I’m actually as exposed as PVE streaking to the scales!

    And I did finally set about the wardrobe when I got back and have a pile for charity…

    Enough about me. I have to catch up with what my buddies have been up to! Hopefully Elaine is still with us….?!

    PVE. My Mum was a terrible hoarder and wouldn’t let us throw anything out as kids (she just used to store it somewhere other than our bedrooms when we tried!). When I finally had my own house she regularly came over with boxes of stuff I thought I’d thrown out 20 or 30 years earlier! So now I’m 45 I still have my first birthday bear…..’She’ is 44 and looking slightly worse for wear but how could I possibly get rid of her now!

    Wow! How happy is our little Happy now?
    You ‘have the figure for it’, as an unsolicited comment, HAS to be tops 🙂
    Now that you know you are an 8, you don’t have to rush in and buy things. You can buy on line, browse at your pleasure, no longer thinking ‘I probably won’t fit into that’.
    Go girl! Enjoy! And well done. I’m proud of you. P x

    I still have my bride doll that I was given as a Christmas present when I was 5 (She is 58 years old! and still hasn’t made it down the aisle!) 🙂

    Hi Tim. Congrats on reaching your goal. Stick with us and we can help one another really make changes for life and keep ourselves accountable.

    I hope you’re not the shy retiring type. as we might shock you?! ….Although you already know PVE and Bay, so probably not!

    Hi PVE,

    A bride doll….Well my teddy for a lot of years wore a little pink lacy bridesmaid dress I had perhaps aged 2 (once it no longer fitted me…). However, she now resides in the embrace of a polar bear that I had as a teenager and who I must say had some very debauched times at university! He is very much her toy boy (at least 10 years younger) and is definitely much more worldly than she. I have not asked if he has made an honest bear of her…. He has survived several attempts on his ‘life’ (previous boyfriend!) and I cannot find it in me to end his ‘life’ now! They look at me accusingly from the back of the wardrobe…. Stupid I know, as they are both fur fabric stuffed with kapok, with plastic ‘eyes’!

    Thanks Mum!

    Hi Ken, keep the love coming!

    I already have a soft spot for you as I lived in Lancashire for 9 years (moved to S Lakes 3 years ago) and still work in Lancashire. We practically live next door to one another!

    I love the description of the sordid happenings in your wardrobe H. My mum had an old jointed dolly that lived in the back of her wardrobe. I used to climb in and stare at her. She just stared back. Really creepy!

    I think Tim can cope with anything, Happy. He gets a bit sick of our chatter, but keeps listening. Good on him!

    Hope the Butter Factory was good Tim. It’s one of my favourite spots to stop on the way north. 🙂 Happy Sunday in the sun. P

    Auriga, Happy Now and the other fella Iancsken thanks for the welcome.

    I had hoped to leave the crazy fems of the Southern Hemisphere behind but seems I have just swapped them for the Northern variety 🙂

    What I really like with the forums is apart from everyone being supportive etc is that there is no
    competitiveness people aren’t trying to out do each other.

    PVE, yes great morning at OBF but sadly had to settle for Carrot and not Mud cake! Next time.


    Hi Auriga, sorry I couldn’t keep you company yesterday evening. I hope the packing is on schedule.

    When we started packing for our last move we found things that had gone straight to the loft when we’d moved in 9 years earlier! I tried to be ruthless and sort stuff out and not just bring it here for the sake of it, esp if we hadn’t needed it for 9 years, but time was against me. I am also always having to fight the hoarding tendency (it might come in useful one day!).

    I think the key to not accumulating junk is to move often or to live in a small house so there’s a limit on how much stuff you can own. Unfortunately (or fortunately), we now live in a big house and want to stay here as long as we are able!

    Morning Elaine?
    How are we feeling today? Did you perk up through yesterday sufficient to have another boozy evening? Or was it so bad you vowed to go teetotal!

    PVE. Just seen your fish parcel recipe. That looks like a winner. I love Thai food so will definitely give it a go. It is amazing when you think how much really good food you can get in so few calories.

    Metchick. I too was watching the games last night. In the past I have found the confidence/arrogance of some top sprinters really unattractive, but there’s something quite infectious about Bolt. You really wouldn’t want to compete against him though! Can I have a headstart….?!

    How often do you play golf? I did play for a few years, but my clubs have now been languishing in the shed for a few years…

    Morning all from a very hot and sunny Greece. I spent yesterday on the beach in a very fetching small strapless black one piece with a yellow belt, and…it’s new! Well done HappyNow on fitting into a size 10, I’m a 12 now, I went shopping a couple week ago and was ecstatic that I could fit into practically everything in the shop – the downside is too much choice and the OH was getting bored, I’m gonna leave him in the bar next time. I’ve also got a childhood teddy – a straw stuffed Lenny the Lion with green glass eyes – I’ve had him from when I was 2 so he’s 59 now! He sits on my bedside table ‘cos he’s only small. I recently had to sew his head back on and his once lovely mane is a bit sparse now but I love him just the same:-) Have a lovely Sunday everybody and happy packing Auriga:-))

    Hello buddies!
    I am so glad you had a positive experience shopping HappyNow and discovered you are now a standard size 8 , that’s just great!
    Talking of wardrobes: when I was a child I used to sit inside my grandma ‘s wardrobe where she kept a large toy koala bear which had leather hands and feet, I used to sit and play with it a lot. My dad had brought it back from Sidney along with a sheepskin rug and wireless. He had been stationed in Sidney (Royal Navy) during the war. I don’t know what happened to the bear when gran died. It was some time ago now.
    I’ve also got a teddy and he’s getting on a bit. He’s living in a drawer under my bed at the moment!

    Good morning to you too Elaine, the beachwear sounds very flattering, I am envious of the beach too! Have a happy Sunday.
    Auri x

    I have tried very, very hard to get my OH to post on here but he’s too shy…… he refuses! Does your OH post on here PVE? I think it’s a shame hubby won’t post because he’s done so well, having never dieted before. That’s why I am glad we have Tim, Ken and (if he’s still there) BigDave. We need more chaps to tell their story too!

    Good morning girls (and any fellas lurking)
    The swimming costume sounds gorgeous Elaine. Ah, sunny Greece….don’t rub it in! You have obviously recovered from your excess. We’ve just been out to get up some extra steps in the cold on this wintery Sunday afternoon.

    I love all the childhood reminiscences. Auriga, we have a little song the kids learnt: “Please don’t call me a koala bear, ‘cos I’m not bear at all.” Koalas are just koalas. Not part of the bear family:) Just giving you a leg up for your trip to Brissy (what Brisbane is called)

    Amazing that your dad was stationed in Sydney during the war. My dad was in Western Australia and later in Brisbane with the Aust Army.

    Yes Happy, Thai food is great. Tasty and low cal if you leave out the rice or rice noodles. I hope you enjoy the recipe.
    Cheers P

    No, Auri, mine won’t post either, but he does hear the news when I read it to him and often gives comments. I think he sees it as my role:)
    Well done to your OH on his success too and, agree, it is nice getting input from “the boys”. P

    Hello PVE thanks for the tips!
    I believe the British Navy were stationed in Sydney because they were expecting the Japanese to invade Australia! Luckily it never happened and dad actually had a great time there!
    He sailed back to England in early 1944 and was involved with the D-day landings. He never talked about that much.
    It’s a pity our chaps are shy.

    Auriga, the Japanese did attack Australia. They bombed Darwin in 1942 killing hundreds and sinking ships and more air raids in 1943.
    They were also advancing across New Guinea in 1942. Australia came very close indeed to being invaded.
    My dad was moved to Brisbane in 44. Mum was there too, serving in the Air Force. Sydney was also attacked by mini Japanese subs and Newcastle was bombed. Many of our men were away defending GB against the Germans. We had very young men signing up to battle the Japanese in NG. Mere kids.
    A ghastly time all round. P

    Wow I didn’t know that PVE. Not much is said about what happened in Australia during the Second World War over here. I think it needs to be told.

    OMG. Take a half day off to paint the handrails and stuff, and this thread explodes with chatter. 🙂 how lovely is that! It will take me a while to catch up. We had a glorious sunny day and Muggins ,elected to get the painting done, while the tiler took his only day off. He tells me he will be grouting on Thursday. Cleaning up Friday morning. Can’t wait.

    Meantime I have also attacked the top shelves inside the kitchen cupboards and all the glassware. Despite OH putting painters tapes down the doors, some of the nasty black dust must have snuck in via the tops of the cupboard doors. 🙂 it is the ground up glue from the old tiles. And yes, it is a fast day for me. Keeping busy and keeping on drinking the water 🙂 🙂

    Had a lovely dinner last night. Grilled salmon, green beans, salad, red wine. Hope your days have all been fine. B

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