The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month ago.

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  • Oh dear wool bathing suits – they were just wrong and I’m sure I’ve got a photo of my mother as a child in one! When I was in my 20s I bought a beautiful white costume and took my young children swimming as I emerged from the pool I looked completely naked it had gone totally transparent!

    Oh dear! It appears you have previous history with inappropriate swimwear?! And you still moved to Greece……

    I started 5:2 on 2nd June aiming to lose 16lbs to get back to where I was 5 years ago after I’d lost wait using LCHF (low carb/high fat). I’d bought the Fast Beach Diet book as well as Michael Mosley’s book and the recipe book but was expecting it to be a very slow process….how wrong could I be!

    As of this morning, I am 0.8lbs below target!! I am going to do a couple more fast days before a 10 day break with family to give me some breathing room although I should be able to manage a fast day while we’re away.

    My husband is already on 6:1 so I will join him.

    This WOE is amazing and can’t thank MM and MS enough for the inspiration.

    Well done Metchick and welcome to the MC ‘s ! We’re a friendly if not completely bonkers bunch.

    Morning Auri snd MCs
    All this talk about sausages to wake up to!
    You are right Happy. I have a pool in the garden so can dispense with swimwear at night…until my fella turns the lights on for a stir πŸ˜‰
    I had a white costume too Elaine. Very Ester Williams until it got wet. Then it was more like the Emporer’s New Clothes.
    Slept like a log last night. So much better than Weds. Must be having my mate back home β™‘
    Well done Metchick. Great success πŸ™‚ P

    Just a swimsuit addition here chummies πŸ™‚ I didn’t have a woollen one but a ruched affair which when full of water made you look like a Michelin man! Not a good look! And …..made worse by a rubber bathing hat! The things they made us wear in the 50’s.

    Ooo hello PVE we posted at the same time πŸ™‚

    Ditto Auri. I also had to wear zinc all over my face, a daggy hat and a shirt all the time…very fair skin in a hot climate. Such a look! And the young people think 50s fashions are cool! πŸ™‚

    I don’t remember it being that glamorous PVE !

    Wow, Metchick! You didn’t hang around! I was pleased with my 20lbs in 4 months. Now I realise I was a sloth…..

    I’ve just had 9 days holiday with family, which did involve more carbs than I like, nightly puddings (I don’t normally do sweets) and alcohol each night (normally only weekends). I came back 1kg heavier and lost that again within days. You’re clearly a super efficient fat burning machine so don’t stress about the holiday! A bit of mindful eating doesn’t go amiss, but go enjoy!

    The trouble with swimsuits is that they work in the cubical of John Lewis, but once in the sea, well anything can happen and with me it usually does! I bought a black onepiece a couple of years back, all was good, I swam, got out all still good, but whilst sunbathing the sea salt dried white all around my boobs – well I’m big busted anyway but gawd they looked absolutely pendulous framed in white glistening salt against a black background – hmmmm, yeah I don’t have a lot of luck with swimwear – oh, and don’t get me started on bikini bottoms that tie up at the sides….

    Weather is much warmer so I had better try my cossies on. Might have to ‘do an Elaine’ and get the machine out.
    The pool has been 18 deg all winter (solar heated) but I haven’t been in for months. P

    Well I haven’t worn a bikini since primary school although I have worn tankinis. I used to swim a lot (physique of a cross channel swimmer/ whale!) so always went speedo not fashion. I’ve clearly missed out on numerous fashion mistakes and humiliating experiences!

    I tried the tankinis but they’re too revealing for me, too much cleavage and too high in the leg. Off to buy a lovely discreet one piece today. Love all the reminiscences. I was the nerdy one on the beach wearing a T shirt over my bathers and a large hat. Staying white after a couple of disastrous burns and peels. Imagine looking like that on the Sunshine Coast with bronzed Aussie dolphin friends all around me. I stayed under the umbrella while they all roasted themselves in the sun. B πŸ™‚

    Well done Metchick and welcome to the friendly bunch! The more the merrier. B πŸ™‚

    OK. So I wasn’t very regular at recording weight loss but I have compiled my records.

    04/01 159lbs (72.4ish kg)
    08/02 152 (69.1)
    08/03 146 (66.5)
    15/04 139 (goal, on my birthday!)
    02/05 138 (62.8)
    31/05 136-138 range; join maintenance thread, shortly thereafter Elaine suggests I can’t get below 60kg (132lbs)…
    16/06 132! I join the club….
    07/07 132
    11-17/07 131
    26/07 134 (post holiday)
    29/07 132
    30/07 131

    I had one plateau only (weeks 2 and 3 weigh in), lost 20lbs in 16 weeks (goal) and a further half stone or so in the following 2 months (without trying…). Since mid June however I have been maintaining in the 59-60kg range.

    I’ve lost 4 inches bust, 5-6 waist, 4 hips, 3 thighs (each!).

    Gone from 12-14 (probably closer to 14…) to 8-10 (closer to 8…).

    Oh and apologies for the mix of imperial and metric! I’m on my smart phone and can’t switch to calculator without losing my post.

    Oh and I really should reiterate that I would not have begun 5:2 if it was just another faddy diet. I knew this was a sustainable lifestyle change that would provide important health benefits over and above weight loss.

    We all tend to celebrate, and focus on, the weight loss because that’s the short term tangible benefit. But hopefully we’ll all still be here as centenarians, looking like cadavers and quite mad! But still with all our marbles and not rattling from all the pills our parents/ grandparents ended up on!

    Look forward to Oct 2051 when I turn 100. Your description sounds great Happy πŸ™‚

    Wow, Happy, weigh to go! Well done! B πŸ™‚

    Hi PVE.

    Well I have every intention, as I suspect do you, of growing old disgracefully!

    I may even take up streaking when I reach 80…

    And who knows, by the time we reach 100, Elaine may finally have come round to the idea of us invading her corner of paradise…?!

    I suspect Elaine will want us to keep our bathing suits on ! πŸ™‚

    During the day, yes, but presumably not for late night skinny dipping?!

    Although after today posts, I’m not entirely sure that Elaine can take the moral high ground on bathing suit attire….?

    The next forty years or so is going to be interesting with all of you ! It’s well past midnight and I am still up.
    It’s been a day of mind boggling body talk, it’s a wonder we haven’t been banned.
    Good night gang…… Enjoy your day Australian buddies and take care πŸ™‚
    Auri x

    I started on 24th April 2013. I lost 18kg (40lbs) in 6 months and 25kg by one year (55 lbs). 27kg to date. I am now hovering between 58-60kg. (just over 9 stone )
    My waist is 12″ smaller and I am wearing size 12 tops and size 8 jeans. I was wearing 16s and lots of flowing clothes.

    My husband started at 100kg. He has lost 30kg and gone from XXXL to M size shirts and 30″ trousers. He lost slightly faster in the initial weeks, but after that we have been consistently 10kg apart! As you know, he has gone from an insulin injecting diabetic to one who only takes 1 Metformin tablet a day and has low steady blood sugars.

    Neither of us actually ever plateaued. We slowed after the first 6 months, but continued a steady downward slope throughout. We have both maintained this weight since April, despite frequent holidays. The only period my graph shows an increase, and only very slightly, was over Xmas when we travelled to Perth to visit family and didn’t fast at all.

    We are now on the life long maintenance of our lovely new healthy bodies. P πŸ™‚

    Well done, Elaine

    I just bought myself a new bathing suit for the very same reason. The new one is two sizes smaller than the old one. πŸ™‚

    Good morning buddies! It’s amazing what we have all achieved, long may it continue.

    good Morning Ladies x
    All this talk about bathing suits , as a bloke my favorite is the topless bikini lol i wonder why

    Well for me it was back to being naked this morning with my Jumbo Sausage lolling around ha ha ha , gosh you lot are awful ,,, but i do like you all

    the best thing is , i have maintained my weight from last week so i am chuffed with myself for that

    reading some of your posts just above this one PVE wowww you and hubby have done fantastic , tell your hubby i am proud of him ok

    Metchick , yours to is a brilliant read you have done so so well , good on you x

    Happy , hello happy at last we get to have a natter , are you on FB happy ?
    as for running round naked i am with you all the way on streaking at 80 hee hee , what a laugh x

    ok girls i better get on , will be here lots today so keep those posts coming in x

    Morning guys, on surfing the morning papers I noticed the Mail Online is running a headline article on the difficulty of maintaining weight loss with a picture of a yo yo dieter backing up the story and the paper predicting that Dawn French won’t keep her weight loss off – all the more reason for her to prove them wrong I say! I will have a read and report back anything interesting…

    Well guys I’ve just read the Yo Yo Dieter’s article in the MailOnline, and I think it’s worth a read, especially for us maintainers. The woman is being brutally honest and I found her story a painful and cautionary tale. below is an excerpt of part of what she says-

    “I can’t believe I have fallen from an inspirational success story to another fat flop who couldn’t hack staying slim – that I worked so desperately hard to achieve my goals only to throw away everything in a few short months”.

    It might not be everybody’s favourite paper but I wonder if there is anything for us maintainers to take away from this “failed” dieter’s story?

    That’s interesting Elaine. How much had Dawn French lost btw ?

    I shall read later Elaine got to go but sounds worth a read. Catch you later πŸ™‚

    Yes Elaine. I’m interested in Dawn too.
    Bought a lovely new swimming costume today at Bays suggestion. Gave up on altering the old ones. A girl’s gotta look good lounging ’round the pool;)

    The article says Dawn had lost 7 stone (94 lbs) by 2012 and apparently appeared in Australia’s “Australia’s Got Talent” in 2013 “allegedly” having regained all of her lost weight plus more and according to the MailOnline’s article has now lost it all and more again. Perhaps that’s so perhaps not, I don’t believe everything I read in newspapers, however, what is of special interest to us is the dilemma of maintaining weight loss and it is one that’s real and important to us maintaining buddies. I do also remember reading a quote from Oprah Winfrey where she said “I was slim for about 3 minutes”. So I guess what our message from all if this is that we can’t take our eye off the ball!

    Not us Elaine. We know how to maintain and with our regular meetings in Greece …..;)

    Ha ha PVE, tenacious little thing arn’t you;-)

    My (not so old) altered costumes look fine, as long as I maintain a crossed leg recline whilst lounging on the beach…

    Elaine, the altered costume sounds lovely, if a little awkward.
    And yes, I’m tenacious ! πŸ˜‰
    Enjoy your weekend. P

    Hi Elaine,

    I don’t think any of us will fall into the yoyo cycle.

    Speaking for me only, my heaviest weight (at starting 5:2) only put me on the cusp of healthy/overweight BMI range, so I have never been very heavy. Also, I have not dieted previously (so have no previously history of yoyo-ing).

    The article refers to not really noticing a few pounds when you’ve been several stone over weight, but I think we have all set ourselves an upper limit on weight, over which alarm bells will ring? For me, at your suggestion (!), 60kg seems like a nice round number to aim for. I crept over this on holiday, but made sure I got back below it on my return (and 59.5 again this morning!).

    And we are all monitoring our weight closely (daily weigh ins), so no complacency there. I had said previously that I would like to stop weighing so frequently, but realise now that monitoring of success (and that includes not only of losing weight, but also of maintaining that loss) is necessary. It may be micromanagement, but it’s easier to shift a kg than 10kg…

    Also, we have all incorporated intermittent fasting (in various forms) into our lives. We have not treated 5:2 as a weight loss tool, and then reverted to old habits once we reached goal. We have made sustainable lifestyle changes.

    It is early days I know, but having maintained a healthy weight through inadvertent intermittent fasting in my late 20s/30s, I have no reason to believe that I will not to able to similarly maintain my weight now.

    I am not a fat person, temporarily thin; this is me.

    HappyNow I concur with everything you say and like you my heaviest weight was only ever 28lbs over what I am now so not obese but even so I’ve still struggled over the years to maintain weight loss and I think everybody is in agreement that keeping the weight off long-term is the more difficult task, so any discussions on this endeavour is welcome. I never understand the motive for bearing one’s soul to the media but nevertheless I found the woman’s story in the MailOnline honest and thought-provoking and I hope somebody points her towards the light of the Jedi, sorry meant the light of Fasting! Bye the way, it really isn’t my fault that you’ve re-discovered your toast rack, you ran with a comment I made and I think believed you couldn’t be a member of this exclusive club without attaining below 60kgs but I did point out that you are a Goliath compared to the rest of us 5ft 4in pygmies;-/

    I too HappyNow have never been a yo yo dieter and like you never terribly overweight……but just enough to start feeling uncomfortable about where it was heading.
    The article doesn’t say what diet Dawn French had been on in the past, nor the other person. It’s well known that calorie restrictive diets on a daily basis ultimately fail 9 times out of 10. However, if 65% of dieters fail after three years then 35% didn’t fail during that period…..there’s just so much you can do with statistics isn’t there?
    I know that I shall have to stick to this way of life if I want to stay within the range I have set myself. Intermittent Fasting is a different kettle of fish to the older ways of trying to control your eating and the way in which your body burns fuel.
    We owe it to ourselves to keep this thread active for those people just setting out to counteract the type of article in today’s press and to hopefully be able to post for many years to come. We have to share our success because obviously it’s not that common yet.
    I have been within the range I want since February now….the lowest was 55.5k and the highest 58k after my holiday to France. I know from that experience that I cannot allow myself to go back to my old ways.
    We are recovering fatties and need to stay on the straight and narrow path!
    Dear Dr Michael has managed to keep his weight down and so too has Mimi, so if they can do it so can I.
    I don’t think that articles like the one in The Daily Mail do dieters any favours and in this day and age of rising obesity levels and Diabetes type 2 they should be encouraging us to carry on or at least try. I am not enamoured of this type of journalism. Failure is not an option in my book!!
    Rant over chummies πŸ™‚

    Hi from across the pond. I just read the book and am starting today. Aug 1. New month–new lifestyle. I am a vegan and yes, vegans can be chubby. You all are doing very well. Hopefully I will have the same success. Daiji

    I disagree Auriga, I’ve read statistics as high as 80% of successful dieters re-gain the lost weight and the papers are full of dieting “success” stories. I think a “re-gain” story alerting dieters to the necessity of being vigilant to maintain their weight loss isn’t a bad thing.

    Hello Daiji and I wish you every success too.
    Elaine I agree we should be vigilant but I still think that it’s very easy to put newbies off trying by citing that failure is more likely than success. I guess the best we can do is set a good example and try not to fail. I know I am determined not to be in the failure percentage group!

    From the outset, the 5:2 wasn’t intended to be a diet but more a pathway to better health perhaps that’s the key to this successful WOE. Most commercial diets don’t work in the long-term and if they did, they wouldn’t be commercially viable – the diet industry is a multibillion pound multinational industry that probably makes most of its money out of yo yo dieters but it’s tragic that somebody who worked so hard to shed such a gigantic amount of weight finds themself having to start all over again with that awful sense of failure. Sadder still is that the failure story is more common than the successful dieters’ stories.

    Well Elaine I guess the proof of the pudding will be in the eating ! We’ve not been maintaining long enough to hold ourselves up as examples of success yet . It’s going to take time, I am up for it if you are ?

    I don’t mind being called a loser but I never want to be called a failure, and, with the help of all my maintaining loser buddies, and the 5:2 WOE, I believe I’ve got the best chance of long-term success:-)

    Hi Elaine and Auriga,

    I refuse to be labelled a ‘recovering fatty’! I am not going to define myself as a fat person in a borrowed thin suit (who’s owner wants it back by the end of the year)!

    Visualising success is a tool used by successful people. The successful golfer, for example, does not concentrate on not finding the bunker with his tee shot; he visualizes hitting the green or the fairway. He does not think about potential failure, he visualises success.

    So focus on what you want to achieve (staying slim and healthy) and not on want you want to avoid (being overweight and unhealthy). And think of yourself as a slim person, not a fat person temporarily thin.

    Well said HappyNow!

    Well, I am now confident enough that my new weight is sustainable that I am… wait for it… going to go shopping tomorrow with the purpose of buying some new clothes that actually fit!! Tops and t-shirts are mostly not too bad (my shoulders are still as broad as they were, and shapewear helps pad out the toastrack!), but trousers and skirts are shocking (with the exception of a pair of jeans, one pair of walking trousers, and a little skirt bought following some weight loss I think I can mostly pull everything up and down without undoing zips or buttons…)

    And I have to tell you that I don’t really like going into town, clothes shopping or spending money. That’s how strongly I believe I’ve made a change for life!

    Brilliant news HappyNow I really hope you have a great time buying new things! I think you might be amazed!

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