The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month ago.

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  • Hey ! They didn’t believe you. They didn’t believe you ……is this the start of a song 🙂


    Dunno, but you just did post 801, Auriga!!! Woohoo! Weigh to go girl! P

    Hey I am good to go ! Hey!
    Dunno where though! Bags are packed got to go some !

    Good morning everyone,
    Just checking in, I hope you are doing well, I will read back what I missed yesterday later, just wanted to brag about my 30k steps for yesterday with fasting Sunday and Monday I am hoping for a pound off today.
    Have a good day or evening. Back later. JIP

    Hi and well done JIP. Your poor little feet!
    I’ve lent my Fitbit to OH so I have no idea but you have inspired me to go around the block in the last of the sunlight before I cook dinner ( coq au vin). See ya P

    Tell me, MCs, has anyone else noticed they get confused as to whether it is a fast day on non fast days and either not eaten or chosen really low cal foods? This must be part of the sneaky mind play that goes on with this WOE! P

    Morning! I’m afraid I’m not really back into a routine yet, so a bit intermittent on posting as well as fasting!

    PVE. Have you really got 3 sets of bathroom scales? Or are now that you fit on the kitchen scales….?!

    Auriga. Are you all packed up now then? Is move day imminent? Have you got the new keys yet?

    Well despite hitting 59.9 on Sunday, yesterday was back up to 60.8. Disappointing, but not surprising really as I easily consumed several hundred extra calories each day while away (drinking wine in the week, daily puddings, etc). Anyway, I just did a mindful 16:8 with no processed carbs (and no alcohol!) yesterday and this morning am 60.2. I will aim for a longer lower cal fast day this week to make sure I get back under 60. Although I’m easily in my healthy weight range, I don’t want to be complacent and risk gradual creep.

    You’ll be fine Happy. You are well within normal fluctuations.
    I bought a second set of bathroom scales when I gained my own bathroom. ..youngest moved out!
    I believe my upstairs ones are more accurate but I started 5:2 on the others, so when I am particularly low, I race downstairs, naked, to check the others. OH is very disappointed if he doesn’t witness it 😉 P

    Well if you’re like me PVE and weigh at the same time each day, OH can have no excuse for missing it (other than forgetting to set his alarm!).

    Must admit I can’t resist weighing myself on other people’s scales (not sure why since I know they won’t necessarily be comparable to mine!). I don’t know if mine are accurate, but I hope they are at least consistent.

    Re: normal fluctuation. With the removal of processed carbs from my diet, and no alcohol during the week, and lighter eating, I had been finding my weight surprisingly stable (generally 0.3kg variation at most, within and between days). So suddenly seeing an extra kg is a shock. Thanks for the reassurance!

    Still relatively early days as the new lighter me. I don’t know how long I need to have maintained before I can confidently say ‘this is me’ instead of ‘I’m a recovering fat person, and it’s been x months since I was last fat…..’ Who knows, when I pass 3 months I might actually go and buy myself those size 8 trousers! (oh, and chuck out the size 12s!)

    Go on..Happy….toss the 12s. Hang on to 10s to allow for relaxed curled up reading all day and the 8s for knocking them dead!
    I weigh morning and night but ‘he’ is usually in his bathroom at that point. Quite a treat to watch the streaker! Thank goodness the kids have left home 😉
    My weight can be anything from 58.3 to 60.3. I know that’s normal. I just record the lowest! Not sure whether I will go lower. Just letting it happen. P

    can’t really comment on confusing fast and nonfast days, since I’m not doing any very low cal fast days at the mo, but I agree about making different food choices each day PVE.

    For me I think some of it is portion control (naturally now recognising and choosing an option that will be the right amount of food), and some is banking calories for later (accepting that I can have my cake and eat it, just not at every meal!).

    Yep. Have the cake, not every day. Does that include opening a lovely bottle of WA Shiraz liqueur, we brought back from our last holiday, and testing it before using a dash in the coq au vin as I had no Cognac? I think so.
    Happy, we have done the work. We can now enjoy our new approach to eating and look good too. Go MCs!!! P

    Hello buddies! I agree with PVE that you should ditch those size 12s HappyNow! Be brave and do it!
    I don’t get fast and non fast days muddled but I do tend to eat a lot less food generally and most of the time low calorie too with the inclusion of cream in my coffee!

    Hi Purple,

    I agree about mixing up the FD and nonfast days. Today, I was well on my way to a B2B fast when I realised it aint a fast day. So, I’ve just had a Boags lager with cheese n crackers. Woohoo! It was 5 pm before I realised that my stomach was griping as opposed to growling. 🙂 I fasted yesterday and then only had an egg and coffee, plus water for most of today. Had a bowl of almost no cal vege soup around 2 pm.

    I’ve been using a wet cloth and wiping down the whole kitchen family room including all doors and drawer handles, walls, fridge, plantation shutters. The kind of dust that came off today was black, like the London Underground, from the ground up old tile adhesive. Yuk! Who would live in while renovating!

    Have a lot of posts to read. 🙂

    Also like Purple, I fluctuate within a 2 kg range. Before I began this 5:2 I had no idea that such fluctuations appear to be normal. Because I was always so physically active, I never dieted in my life. It has been an interesting experiment to watch what happens when you bring your appetite back to reality. 🙂

    Best wishes to all who are feasting or fasting. 🙂 B

    I never used to think that I overate, but my little body never needed all the food I kept giving it in the past, which is why I was a bit chubby. I did not need three meals a day either. I always ate good food and cooked most of it myself but it was always too much and too often. That’s what I have learned (plus a load of other stuff I never knew before). It’s a real education! 🙂

    I too have learnt that I was over eating (on healthy home grown/ home made food).

    I have also learnt that cakes/pudding/biscuits consumed on a regular and excessive basis are not in fact ‘treats’. A treat is something out of the ordinary that gives great pleasure.

    Intermittent fasting has helped me unlearn bad habits acquired and practiced over many years, and has put me back in control. Hoorah!

    Hello chaterboxer’s I weigh before leaving the house today and I am the same weight at Weight Watchers class, so, I know my scales are within 1/2 pound having walked a bit and spent another penny before weighing.
    I have lost another pound and I am very pleased after over indulging at a 90th birthday party Saturday but I was the driver so it was a alcohol free evening. so we can enjoy ourselves and still lose. thank you Dr Michael for 5-2.
    I am finding it very hard to keep up with reading all the posts on the two threads that I like, this and LOACA thread. So I wish you all happy fasting or feasting and to let you know that I am checking in even if I don’t always contribute. JIP

    Hi JIP
    Well done on the pound and the alcohol free party. Proud of you 🙂
    Tell me, do you weigh naked at WW? I NEVER step on the scales with clothes on, that would be too upsetting! Read my earlier post re streaking ;)P

    PVE. I weigh in my underwear, as I don’t think that weighs much. I hope JIP isn’t naked at WW, even though I’m sure she would look just fine! She might get arrested…. Perhaps she knows the weight of her clothes and just subtracts that!!

    I liked your comment earlier about just recording your lowest weight, and was so inspired I weighed myself after a sweaty, sorry glowing, run. Da dah, 59.8! OK, I may have been a bit dehydrated…. does it still count?!

    JIP. Congrats on enjoying yourself and losing weight. I know exactly what you mean about trying to keep up with posts AND contribute. There’s just too many 5:2ers in the world, and all with too much to say! Do you suppose, seeing as ‘Jedi’ was recognised as a religion at the last census that next time round we could do the same for ‘5:2’?!

    You just pop in whenever you like JIP and it’s good to hear from you. 🙂
    Maybe we will become a new religion HappyNow as we seem to reinvent ourselves doing 5:2! It’s certainly been life changing hasn’t it? However I hope we don’t all have to run through the house naked like you PVE!! 🙂

    Of course, Happy, dehydration counts!!!! Why do you think JIP does B2B fasts before Tuesdays? Anything to see a magic low number. It is all about keeping yourself happy and on track. No one else cares about our silly little numbers games.
    Must go, fabulous smell of a freshly baked loaf of bread wafting up from the kitchen…. I had some lovely grainy wholemeal bread flour I HAD to use up. Added a tbs of local honey, for my hay fever, mind you, and a lot of sunflower seeds. Mmmmm…P

    Oh, come on Auriga, let go…run free with the buffalo! P

    Well I am now happy to run through the house in my underwear, but I wouldn’t want to scare my cats or the postman or passing walkers! And I’m giving my pancakes as much support as possible – I’m not letting them flap free!

    Mmmm, my mouth is now watering from the smell of your bread PVE. Fresh baked bread has always been a weakness of mine….

    I did an 18hr fast today, light snack before my run, normal evening meal. Slightly worried that the government may realise that the lightness of fasting is a natural high and make it illegal! Either that or tax it to recoup lost revenue!

    Ah,Happy, flapping pancakes. Such a sight!
    I think our Government is likely to get wind of the loss to business and ban fasting. Perhaps even lock us up. And not talk about it (Aussies will get the reference 😉 P

    Good night you naughty people! I shall probably have a few dreams about running with buffaloes and cats now!

    🙂 Seep well Auri

    Well interestingly I’m still waiting for my weight to settle and stabilize post-holiday. This morming I am 59.2. I did do an 18hr fast yesterday, but did not then stick to 500 (or less calories). I’m back to ‘processed carb light’ diet though and that, with longer fasting windows, really does seem to make the difference for me.

    I’m a bit lazy, but sometime really ought to work out calories consumed on fast and nf days. I must be naturally averaging TDEE to be maintaining my weight, but it would be interesting to see the breakdown. I assume I am at slight deficit during the week, because weekends are more relaxed and have the added (empty) calories from alcohol. However, I hope that being guided by what my body wants to eat (now I’ve broken the carb addiction) means I am still getting all the nutrients I need!

    Auriga, I hope you slept well. Or at least if you were running with buffalo and cats that you managed to keep up!

    Hello HappyNow, yes I did sleep well thank you and not a cat or buffalo in sight! Pity, might have been interesting!
    I am at 57.1k again today and don’t seem to be able to get below 56k no matter what I do. I seem to range from 56.5k to 58k now depending on carb and alcohol consumption.
    I am feeling a bit unsettled with our house move approaching and it’s beginning to get a bit stressful! 🙁 it’s the logistics of the whole thing, but not too long now. I just hope BT don’t let us down with wifi and telephone connection on the day! Fingers crossed.

    House moving is horrible, especially down-sizing – what to keep, what not to keep and then what to do with the stuff you don’t want. I really don’t envy you, and am not surprised you’re beginning to get stressed! I remember one move I just stood in the middle of the bedroom and burst into tears, I really had no idea where to start, the enormity of the task seemed insurmountable – but it isn’t and just like you managed your weight loss, you’ll manage this move. Are u nearly done, when is move day?

    Hello Elaine 🙂 my house move is on the 14th of August and you’re right it is tricky downsizing particularly when hubby is a bit blinkered as to what we need to get rid of right now! At least we have a garage to put things in for what won’t fit! We shall have to build an extension on the kitchen anyway as it’s far too small for modern living the way we like to do at the moment. It’s just that everything is going round and round in my head trying to visualise it all! I shall get there eventually. I just wish hubby would be a bit more flexible!!!!

    Hi Auriga, I’m sure it will all come together in the end. Just try not to worry about things that you cannot control. And if things do go wrong, try to see the funny side: it is frustrating at the time but often makes for a good story in the long term!

    Wise words HappyNow I hope I can live up to them 🙂 As I am a bit of a control freak it’s tricky! Thank you for this conversation though. Sometimes it’s just nice to know other people have been through the same thing and lived to tell the tale 🙂

    Hi Auriga
    House moving is hard work. All the decisions are exhausting. Best of luck with it. You will survive and prosper as you gave with 5:2.
    Cheers, B 🙂

    Dinner was great. We had Malaysian chicken curry and steamed green vegetables. 🙂

    Your dinner sounded really good bayleafoz, any left overs send my way please 🙂 I am starving today.

    Auriga, me too, I like to be in control that’s not to say “controlling” but to be on top of things, I will pick through stuff with a fine tooth comb deciding what’s needed and what’s not. Hubby however takes everything in his stride and never worries about anything which is, most of the time, exasperating but some of the time, just what the doctor ordered. The last big move (to Greece) when I became overwhelmingly apoplectic (actually hysterical) – he opened the wardrobe,emptied the whole lot into black bags and within minutes declared “right, that’s that done” and I thought yeah you know what he’s right!!!

    Hi gang
    Just catching up after having had internet issues.
    My hubby sounds like yours Elaine. Before we sold our last house, I made a long list of jobs that he had to do to get it ready for selling. (I am a bit of a lists person) He disappeared out the front for a good five minutes, walked up to the list on the fridge and ticked off the top thing, saying “Well, I think that will do.” with a grin and made a cuppa. He had repaired the front gate in 5 minutes. I had been asking for 6 years. Most of the other jobs on the list never got done, but the house sold and no one noticed.
    Remember, Auri, some of us need to stress, but it really doesn’t seem to make any difference to the world. 🙂 P

    PVE, Your OH really cld b interchangeable with mine. My darling procrastinating OH went to work in Canada for a few months a couple of years ago and decided to paint the back terrace metal railings on the day he left for the airport!!!! I couldn’t really fathom why, but thought he was perhaps thinking that if the plane went down, he didn’t trust leaving the job to somebody else! I’d been nagging him that it needed doing on and off for ten years, but not necessarily by him and definately not on that particular day??!!

    Your words have put a smile back on my face buddies 🙂 thank you 🙂

    A money saving tip for my buddies – if any of u r partial to a Bloody Mary (I prefer mine with gin, but that’s another conversation) don’t waste money on cartons of tomatoe juice, buy passata (sieved and strained tomatoes). In Lidl (we have a Lidl here in paradise) yesterday tomatoe juice was 1.19 euro a litre and passata 39 cents for 500 grms so 79 cents a litre, splash in some Tabasco and you save even more – spicy tomatoe juice is 1.99 euros a litre! Low in calories – less than a 100 calories for a large Bloody Mary – low in sugar and gotta be worth a one of our five a day fruits and veg :-)))

    Auriga, put that box down, mix yourself a Bloody Mary with a stick of celery lunch sorted and nerves calmed:-))

    Hi All,

    It is interesting to hear about other people’s experiences of maintaining their weight. I managed to lose just over 2 stone over a five month period using a mixture of 5:2 and increased physical activity. I have now been trying to maintain that weight since April 2013. Initially I went down to 6:1, rather than 5:2, but noticed the weight starting to creep up again so moved back onto 5:2, however as soon as I did this more weight started to come off, so I am now a few pounds below my initial target weight. At the moment this isn’t really worrying me, as I am still in the middle of my healthy weight range, but I do wonder whether my body will reach the point where I naturally stop losing weight despite maintaining 5:2. I certainly don’t want to go the other way and become underweight.


    Hello Nicky you could try mixing 6:1 with 16:8 and see if that helps at all or do alternate weeks of 5:2 and 6:1 🙂

    Just read about more than seven portions of fruit and veg not having any effect on health. Sometimes I get the feeling that you are best off not doing what is recommended at all. Let’s just go with Dr M ….. Not entirely proven as yet but ” good to go” as was said in ‘ Contact’, my favourite film 🙂
    Elaine I hate tomato juice so just had the gin!

    Hi Nicki and welcome!
    I think most of us on this maintenance thread are experimenting with a similar dilemma.
    My husband and I find 6:1 doesn’t work for us. Currently we do 5:2 very carefully, but let our guard down on normal days. We used to be more careful. My weight fluctuates within a 2 kg area, in the middle of healthy. It is really slowly coursing down, but with two fasts and eating a bit more on normal days I can control it. My husband, a diabetic who has got off insulin with this WOE, finds he has to do 2 fasts to maintain the steady blood sugar levels, so that probably tells us all that healthwise it is necessary.
    We also find having two fasts keeps our head in a better eating space too.

    Glad you are feeling more positive re the move Auriga. You’ll be fine. Think of it as a great way to clear out all the unwanted stuff. I probably need to move again to clear our place up a bit.

    Love your idea of Bloody Marys made on passata, Elaine! You are right, a really good low cal choice!!!! Years ago my husband also worked in Canada. Before he left, he got me to organise a house cleaner as (I quote) “You’ll need some help”! I’ve had one ever since. I’ve never mentioned that it was always me that did all the cleaning anyway. Funny boys 🙂 P

    ‘If only’ PVE I could get rid of all the unwanted stuff….. That’s been the whole point of my contention so far….hubby just likes to cling on to the past …… Hey! You have to let go at some point in time.
    Any way it got to us both today so we cracked open a bottle of really good wine and now we are relaxing 🙂 🙂


    Carbs, including fruits and veggies, are unnecessary for human survival or good health. They have risen to their current god like status because of the low fat diet mantra, combined with the ‘new’ knowledge that processed carbs are pretty much poison for humans. If you can’t eat fat, and you get sick if you eat too much protein (which you do), and you can’t eat sugar or processed wheat products, all that is left are fruits and veggies. There is nothing wrong with them, so you can eat them in moderation, but the body does not need them. That explains the article you referenced. The body does need saturated fat and protein, however, and dies without them. The trend is changing slowly, with the Mediterranean diet getting grudging approval from some low fat advocates. It allows 300% more fat than current government guidelines for fat intake. It will take awhile for over 50 years of teaching the wrong thing to be overcome, however.

    Gosh simcoeluv what article did I post! Well I agree with you anyway so thanks for that !

    Hi All
    I’m new to the maintenance thread but I’m joining you from Sweden, my native home, although I live in England these days. I’m not quite there with my weight loss yet, as I have 5 more kg to go.
    I have lost 17.5kg since January and I LOVE this new way of life so thank you Dr Mosley and Mimi for a great book and concept.

    It would be really interesting if there was a way to estimate the total extra number of years they have ‘given’ so many people because of their happier, healthier lives due to the FAST way of life!

    I will not kid myself that I am going to lose any weight over the summer holidays so I have keenly read this thread about maintenance. Thanks for all the great tips!

    All the best

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