The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 1 month ago.

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  • Hello PVE ๐Ÿ™‚ I have had a good day packing boxes and hope this will be my last move. I have moved many times before so I am used to it ,but it’s still a chore!
    I am now sitting in bed with my phone and a good magazine, bliss.
    Hubby is off for his annual fasting blood test tomorrow, the results might be interesting when we get them next week. I always like the science stuff.
    Have a great day you lucky Australians……always ahead of us in more ways than one!

    Hi Purple, Is Boo referring to the post about Ken getting his mobile number off the thread? It’s about six posts back from yours. B

    Hello everyone, it’s 22.07 pm Thursday here in U,K. I did win again today that is 4 wins In 4 days. I am playing again in a competition on Sunday so once again I would like you to cross your fingers I am sure it made a difference today. So thanks for that.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Keep up the good work. OW’s and DW’s JIP

    Hello JIP I am so glad you won…..well done and good luck for the next game ๐Ÿ™‚
    Auri x

    Bay, No.She seems to have posted one elsewhere:
    “By the way; I left a lovely congratulatory message for you on the โ€˜My progressโ€ฆ.โ€™ thread โ€“ did you see it? BooBoo”

    I thought all the ‘My Progress ‘ posts went straight to here. Je ne comprends pas:( P

    Hi Purple

    Boo posted to Ken on the thread called ” My progress…exciting ” on 18 July. There are a lot of people we know posting on that thread.

    B ๐Ÿ™‚

    So confusing, this information highway! P

    Too many threads for me to keep up with. I’ll stay with the few I’m on now. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Did my BIG Friday weighin this morning. I am still just maintaining at 58.1kgs, a couple of ozs less and I’d be in the 57kg mark! I took some statistics and realised my hips at 35ins are now the same size as my waist was when I started the 5:2 in Febuary and I’ve lost 7ins off my waist since the start – so, proportionately ive lost more off my waist than anywhere else Yippeeee! It was my waist to hip ratio that prompted me to embark on the 5:2 in the first place so I am delight that I’m finally within the healthy range. My BMI has gone from 25.4 to 21.97. I’m soooo happy. Thank goodness we can be proud and show off our achievements on this link – feels like there isn’t anywhere else we can be loud and proud about our hard won progress. From one very happy Greek bunny on a special day in Greece today – the day of Staint Friday or Agia Paraskevi (ฮ‘ฮฅ.ฮ ฮฑฯฮฑฯƒฮบฮตฯ…ฮฎ) so…there will be much merrymaking for the next couple of days for this London girl washed adrift in a tiny little Greek village – mountain festival tomorrow with boiled old goat on the menu:-/

    Good morning happy bunny Elaine and everyone! Well done on your achievements with weight loss Elaine at least we can tell each other about it on here and I never knew there was a saint for Fridays….. That must be one happy saint Elaine! Not so sure about the boiled goat though…. :/
    Enjoy your fabulous weekend Elaine. I am just going to be packing boxes again. Trying to downsize is proving tricky. :/

    Fabulous Elaine! Shouting loud and proud! And you’ve done it surrounded by all those Greek celebrations.
    The waist/hip proportions were certainly a big motivator. I agree.
    Enjoy the goat . P ๐Ÿ™‚

    Morning Auri.
    listening to one of my favourite radio programs ‘Thank God It’s Friday’. I wonder if it’s Greek?? P

    Hmmm, not too keen on the old boiled goat myself but hubby loves the soup they make from it, it’s served along with a big pile of lemons squeeze into the soup to cut through the grease – yes, well, not really my cup of tea in fact to be honest it’s bloody well yukky stuff! I can hear that downsizing your home is proving more difficult than downsizing yourself – good luck with it – my turn in about 18 months when we will relocate (hopefully) our London home to Windsor, but not something I have to think about just yet thank goodness:-))

    At least Elaine when downsizing yourself you lose fat…..when downsizing house contents my hubby hates parting with stuff and it’s like trying to take candy off a baby….. Hence I am packing things I’d like to chuck out, recycle, sell !!!!! Ah well when it all won’t fit and clogs up the garage he might part with a bit more.

    By the way St. Friday is only celebrated once a year not every Friday! And our fear of Friday 13th is unique I’ve found out because the Greeks have a fear of Tuesday 13th!

    My husband never gets rid of anything. ..including me ๐Ÿ˜‰
    We have SO much storage space in this place it will need a team of trucks (garbage? ) to ever move out.

    I have discovered the joys of eBay, though. I simply photograph something I want his lordship to toss, have the finish time about 8pm on a weeknight and watch the blokes compete. We (I) have managed to get ridiculous prices for things that would have cost us to throw away. It’s called using testosterone for good! P

    I shall remember that trick for e-bay PVE if I am ever allowed to part hubby from his possessions! There’s nothing I would like better than to get rid of everything and start from scratch…… We have a lot of antiques (me included) but I’d love to go really contemporary, must be an age thing :/
    He’s done a really sweet thing now bought me a cup of coffee whilst I am getting ready and chatting to you chummies when he can’t have one because he’s doing a fasting blood test and hasn’t set off for the hospital yet…..awww he’s so nice ๐Ÿ™‚

    When we purchased our Greek holiday home 12 years ago we kept it minimalist but since retiring and living here part of the year, I found it was like living in a hotel – it had no character, so we went out and bought accessories to make it more homely – I think it’s a bit hippy-chic now, hubby would prefer a bit more black ash and stainless steel, the bachelor pad look, hmmm, I don’t need to tell you who won…

    Same Elaine. We have a sparsely furnished beach holiday unit. When we spend more time there, from next year, I also want it more homey. Funny how the junk makes it feel like home ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Morning everyone
    Yesterday i lost 1 more pound taking me to 12st 1 lb . i cant remember the last time i was 11st somthing so i intend on getting there befor i go on 6:1 , wish me luck

    and yes its true us men tend to hoard all kinds of junk ha ha , but i will also use that trick for e bay PVE . good on you

    I have got football this afternoon so i am happy
    Have a great weekend everyone see you all on Monday

    Hi Ken, that’s a fantastic achievement. How tall RU? My other half used to be around the 12 stone mark and he’s now 13st 12lbs and 6ft 1in, he’s tried the 5:2 but wasn’t happy with it – he thought it was making his heart beat faster, different strokes for different blokes. He has a mate whose done brilliantly on the 5:2 losing 20lbs in 3 months. But as I’ve said before I don’t try and peddle this diet not even to my own beloved husband, however he has lost a few pounds recently so I think just witnessing my success and his friend’s success is encouraging him to cut back the calories a bit. Well done again on your well deserved success:-)

    Wow Ken that’s good! You have done well.
    My husband is also 6 foot 1 inch tall Elaine and weighs 13 stone and 9 pounds and that’s after losing two stone with 4:3. He was a bit close to being obese before!
    I think it’s amazing how close we seem to be as a group!
    I hope you’re all having a great weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ Auri x x

    Hi supportive Maintainers!

    It is 6 months since I began on this WOL. In that time I have lost a total of 16 kg and my waist has reduced by 17 cm and hips by 18 cm. My waist to height ratio has gone from a medically challenging ratio to 0.52. My BMI has dropped from nearly 30 to 23.2. My BP medication has been reduced by one third. My shirt size has dropped by one whole size, and my trousers have dropped by 2.5 sizes. ๐Ÿ™‚

    All in all, I am a very happy intermittent faster and hope to live a healthy life for some time. ๐Ÿ™‚ it us indeed a WOL (way of living) that is sustainable. Doesn’t cost a penny in fancy shakes etc and has brought me into contact with a lot of interesting people who post. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you Dr M.

    Fabulous stats Bay! You are a new woman. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I had just measured my waist as I caught sight of it in the mirror and I actually go in and out at the hips! Wooo!!!
    I’ll do a before and after measure properly in the morning. You have inspired me. Thanks P

    Thanks, Purple,

    I really shouldn’t work things out late at night. I have lost 10 cm off my hips not 18 cm. I subtracted the wrong two numbers ๐Ÿ™‚ However, no mistake, I have definitely lost 17 cms off waist. Most proud of that!
    Must sleep now.

    Congratulations bayleafoz!!

    Well done, Purple, Great to go in and out at the waist. ๐Ÿ™‚ B

    Thanks Auriga. It is pretty amazing to me that it has been relatively easy to change my shape.

    I recently plotted all my notes on the tracker, and it is staggering how many plateaus there are in both weight loss and waist reduction. I didn’t notice the weight plateaus at the time, as my waist kept shrinking, and then my hips and arms followed. ๐Ÿ™‚ I was too busy shopping for new clothes. Hehe! B

    Hi MCs
    As I just posted on LOACA thread, Bay, I have lost a whole foot off my waist in the time since May 13. That is SO embarrassing to think this once skinny girl ever let herself go so far off track.
    Never again! I’m here for life. AND LOVING IT:) P

    Morning All.
    Amazing weight loss, health improvement, and shape change stats! Well done all round.

    Well I’m back from hols. Got back on Friday, but busy yesterday so no chance to catch up with you all.

    Exercise while away: munro on Sat, 9 mile walk Sun, 4-6 miles most other days, two 3 mile runs, and canoeing. One 18hr fast. Eating: more carbohydrates than I’m used to (or like), puddings every night, fish and chips twice, ice creams, Welsh cakes and chocolate brownies, and wine every night.

    Weight yesterday: 61.1kg. Weight this morning (after one day of 16:8 and no carbs last night – souvlakia (not goat, Elaine!) and Greek salad): 59.9kg.

    So it looks like the kg was just carbohydrate water weight. And the increase in exercise mopped up the extra calories.

    Auriga, years ago I had a boyfriend from north of Norwich so spent some time in the area. It’s a lovely county, and Norwich was a lovely interesting old city. I have fond memories and a soft spot still!

    Happy fasting, or not, today.

    Welcome home Happy
    See, you can have your holiday and still maintain! There is nothing fleeting about this WOL.
    P ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am glad you had a great holiday HappyNow and that your weight hasn’t increased! It’s good to feel in total control isn’t it. You fare wore me out describing all that exercise, but good for you I say. I am getting packing boxes exercise, climbing up step stools to top cupboards and cleaning exercise…..! At least I am not worn out by the prospect of moving house nor out fazed by what needs doing. Being skinnier seems to keep my energy levels up even when I am fasting. Amazing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Well done Ken, rock on, here come the 11’s. It took me forever to get into the 9’s until I found 5-2.
    Keep us informed. Happy fasting. JIP

    Hello ladies and Ken,
    I am loving reading all your good news, I am playing so many games of bowls at the moment that I only have time to read and enjoy, I have played 5 days out 7 days and by this Thursday it will be 9 out of 11. with my Nordic walking tomorrow and WW meeting on Tuesday I do not have time for much else, so keep up all the good work. I will keep checking in. JIP

    Hi MCs
    Just finishing another 24 fast. Will pop down to the kitchen (couldn’t risk it earlier) and chop veg to my heart’s content, toss it all in the wok, add some salmon, lime, chilli, a dash of soy and Shiritaki noodles. Should take 10 minutes tops.
    All ready for a lovely warm feast with a glass of bubbly water.
    These ‘no food at all’ days are getting easier and easier. I really find nothing much easier than a little. My taste buds aren’t stimulated. And the 24 then, 12 hour no food gaps must be good for cell rejuvenation.
    Enjoy your Mondays fasting or not. P ๐Ÿ™‚

    good Morning Ladies

    Bay well done to you as PVE says your a new woman , and i feel a new man ha ha ,

    Elaine , i am 5′ 8″ not the tallest guy in the world , I was always in the middle in my army photos

    Well i am changing my fast day this week from today to tomorrow cos our Son is calling in from Conway , to take us out for a meal , that is the best thing about I.F. it is so flexible
    ok girls i will get off and look forward to reading your replies
    luv Ken x

    Eat and enjoy today Ken, for tomorrow you fast! ๐Ÿ™‚ P

    Thanx P you are a star x

    Agree Ken, the flexibility of the 5:2 is its best feature, that and only having to cut back twice a week:-)

    Another good point is that in the long run because you eat less you save money!

    And get to spend it on new clothes;)

    Hello , hello I believe there’s been a problem with the website? Sorted now I think ๐Ÿ™‚

    Morning Auriga
    Yes, up and running although I was asleep, so didn’t notice.
    I think it has something to do with Australia’s results in the Comm games ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hope your fast went well. P

    On your bike PVE !!!

    Mmmm… 30 gold, total of 87 for a population of 21 million versus 27 gold, total of 74 for a population of 56 million. Even I can do that maths ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Better get back in the pool and do a few more laps before the triathlon starts. We Aussies do that every morning. Hehe!
    Sleep well, A

    He he oh. Lucky you PVE ! Gosh it’s must be good there. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hehe! I have never woken up to see not one single post on any thread! We’re all such a chatty bunch. ๐Ÿ™‚ B

    And I haven’t mentioned dear old Scotland!
    13 gold, total of 33 with a population of 5 million. Give them their independence….they are SO deserving!
    Well done, my Scottish clansmen ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    Indeed we are !

    Morning B. Hope you slept well. Had to weigh 3 times on different scales this morning as I didn’t believe them…they were too low ๐Ÿ™‚ P

Viewing 50 posts - 751 through 800 (of 11,689 total)

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