The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks ago.

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  • Good morning buddies and it must be the day for vehicles! I am off to Norwich shortly with hubby to drop off our car for a service then a spot of shopping is called for whilst we wait for it to be done……several hours worth. πŸ™‚
    If I don’t hear from the powers that be about re- labelling this thread it would be a good idea to start a new one HappyNow as you have suggested.
    Catch you all later and enjoy your day/night!

    I was pondering the postings suggesting that better eyesight had been noted from fasting. I wondered if that’s because very obese people have tiny eyes caused by the fact that fat accumulates everywhere on the body including around the eyelids giving that squinted appearance and perhaps impeding sight somewhat?

    Hi Purple

    I think I posted on the wrong thread. I love, love the idea of a new FIAT convertible and I can see you driving around Sydney with the wind in your hair! πŸ™‚

    I am doing a dance since I bought size 11 Sportscraft trousers today. Starting from size 16 trousers on 25 January 2014, reducing to size 11 seems like a miracle to me. Am dancing with delight. πŸ™‚

    Meant to say that I get my satisfaction by focussing on the size of clothes rather than an ideal weight. We needn’t become sad about not reaching a particular weight, but rather celebrate our new healthy size. πŸ™‚

    My sisters have commented how they like my new figure and that I have not become scrawny. πŸ™‚

    Hi Elaine and Purple

    Can we drive the FIAT through Greece and on to the islands for next years garlic festival? Hehe! πŸ™‚

    Well done on the size 12s Bayleaf. I’m sure your sisters are jealous.

    Elaibe, I laughed so loud over the image of the poor coffee sipping Greek men fleeing to the hills as we kicked up a storm πŸ™‚

    I managed really well Happy. It is such fun to drive! The family all approve of my new baby and we drove through the city with the roof down. Not SUCH a good idea late afternoon, winter with the first spots of rain for weeks. But hey, you only live once!!

    I hope you get some good shopping done waiting for the car Auriga.

    Neither hubby or I were grossly obese, so that can’t be the explanation Elaine.

    Cheers to all
    P πŸ™‚

    O, no. My sisters have been my cheer squad. πŸ™‚ They are thrilled for me AND are very happy that I am NOT scrawny. They have been lovely to me and very supportive every step of the way. I’m sorry if I expressed myself badly in the previous post. I am blessed in having genuinely loving sisters. πŸ™‚

    Yes Bay. Let’s hire a Fiat and, no, it was quite clear that your sisters were supportive. I have a very supportive daughter and dil. No sisters πŸ™ P

    I am really happy for you bayleafoz and your new size 11’s!

    Right gang I have been looking on the maintenance forum thread and none of the topics there seem to have been very well attended, quite a few have fizzled out and if we’re going to start a new thread off there we need something catchy by way of a title! Something that will include everyone and make people want to share their successes and failures as they learn how to go about maintenance. I wondered if we should include our top ten tips or something like it. I am a bit of a serious creature and don’t always have a ready quip to hand so let’s have your ideas chummies!

    I think JJ can move the entire thread but we need a new title!
    Maybe ” Maintenance Chatbox” or “Maintenance Mates”. Help I need suggestions pronto!!!!

    Auriga, I think either of these would work.
    I was initially attracted to this thread, Auriga because of the Thanks Dr M title. I’d waited a whole year to say thanks and didn’t know how.

    Once I did my first post, I discovered this wonderful warm group and was hooked.

    I guess whatever it is called, if you keep the energy going, it just grows naturally. My ablr forum users would know how to skim the recent posts to find the one that helps them:)

    Thanks for the continued support all.
    Your Aussie Maintenance Mate
    Purple πŸ™‚

    Ok I have asked JJ to re title the thread “The Maintenance Chatbox….come and share your success with us!” and move it to the maintenance threads.
    Hope this is Ok with everyone? I don’t know quite when this will happen!
    I hope we don’t fizzle out now! Auri x

    Excellent choice Auri!!
    We’ll follow you anywhere…especially to the Greek get together!
    We get stuck with Stephen Fry on almost every tv show here (when Tony Robinson isn’t on). Stephen lives over in your district, doesn’t he?
    Lunching with a friend today so no breakfast, soup for dinner, even though it’s a non fast day. It seems so natural to simply eat less now.
    See ya, P

    Indeed PVE, Stephen Fry does live somewhere near me, can’t quite remember the name of the village! The old cerebral lets me down at times! And you’re stuck with Tony Robinson too……do you get a lot of our programmes or do these chaps like to visit Australia a lot??
    I haven’t mentioned it before but my elder son and my daughter in law are going to emigrate to Brisbane probably sometime next year after the birth of their first baby. I might be visiting that neck of the woods when they do!!! It will be an adventure. πŸ™‚

    Yes Auri
    Our ABC, shows pretty much only BBC programs and their own high quality ABC made programs eg really good docos and dramas.
    Unfortunately Rupert has done a deal with BBC to get many of our favourite UK shows for his Foxtel, so we might be watching Midsomer Murders replays forever! I don’t watch commercial or cable tv πŸ™‚
    Love to see you over here. You could catch up with quite a few FDers…
    Cheers P

    I guess a small part if me…..namely my future grandchild… always going to be Australian! I shall now dream if wallabies and kangaroos!
    Enjoy your day PVE πŸ™‚ good night.

    Hello everyone, regarding the new name for thread, I know we do not want to lose any of our/your followers, so that they can catch up. I know I did not come on here for a few weeks and still looked for the thanks Dr Michael’s etc. we do not want to lose any of your followers. I lost 1/2 a pound of my 2 pound I put on on my long week/end away and I am happy with that, it’s the way of eating that works for us. Happy fasting etc etc JIP.

    Hi Auriga
    Thank you for your kind words. It will be good to keep a link somehow between the old and the new name. Love them both. Thanks for beginning this thread. πŸ™‚

    Congrats on the new size, bayleafoz. I liked your comments re: support from sisters and not being scrawny. I don’t have sisters only brothers. One I hadn’t seen for a while said I shouldn’t lose any more, otherwise I’d be thin. I’m not entirely sure that counts as support?

    And morning everyone else.

    Must say I’m looking forward to the inaugural Greek symposium of Maintenance (thank you Dr M). I think it will be a valuable opportunity to further explore the benefits of the Mediterranean diet also…..! Whenever you’re ready for us Elaine….!

    PVE, pleased your enjoying your new car. The weather might not be ideal now but just think when summer comes…

    Anyway, to serious business. I consumed more calories yesterday than I would normally (possibly 1000 more….I succumbed to a flapjack and a bag of banana chips), yet this morning the scales say I weigh light (59kg). Think I must have had a body transplant because the one I’ve got now is definitely not mine! It doesn’t look like mine and it certainly doesn’t behave like mine!

    And Auriga, I’m merrily waffling on here. We haven’t moved yet have we? And how was the shopping?

    Good morning buddies….we’re still here…..I guess it could a few days to move us!
    Congratulations JIP on losing that 1/2 pound you wanted towards the 2lbs you put on whilst away.
    The shopping was great HappyNow I bought a raincoat in the sales , size 10!yay!, which I badly needed as I have given most of my coats away to charity. I really enjoyed looking in the mirrors and hubby seems to have taken a new interest in shopping for some reason too, wonder what that can be?! Mind you all he came away with was a new book.
    I have managed to get down to 56.6k this morning, partly due to my upset stomach earlier in the week I have to say! A loss of 1.4k in a week since my return from France. I do not normally lose this fast.

    Happy, I think your new body is just saying. ..go ahead, live a little, I know we can control it πŸ™‚
    I only have brothers (They’ve said nothing), 3 sons and a daughter. Not a lot of comments from her. I’m now lighter πŸ˜‰ but one son told his dad he was impressed with his weight loss but said nothing to me. I asked why. He hugged me and said I didn’t look as if I needed to lose weight. Blind or a flatterer?

    Girlfriends rarely say anything other than “Your looking good.” I guess they never said ” You’ve put on weight” in the past, so fair enough. Most of them think it is retirement that’s done it. Hummmppph! It was perseverance! !!! Have a good morning/evening, Maintenance Mates. P

    We all keep overlapping with typing!
    You are up early Auri.!
    Well done with the weight. Easy peasy, as the kids would say AND you enjoyed your French holiday. πŸ™‚ Doesn’t say much for your summer weather if the only thing you bought was a raincoat though πŸ™
    I own one from visiting my son in WA and two umbrellas from Galway and Florence. Hardly use them here.
    Good work on your weight, too, JIP. It’s obviously the Nordic Walking. You are such a trendy! P

    I guess it doesn’t say much about the English weather! It’s been raining cats & dogs lately as we’ve been getting a lot of thunder storms and more to come. At least the rain is slightly warm!

    When you visit the grandchildren, we can have a skinny maintenance mates get together. πŸ™‚

    My OH has not said a word about weight loss, as he never said a word about my weight increase. πŸ™‚
    However, OH has been VERY complimentary about my new clothes. :). I’ll settle for that!

    Might be a year or two before I get to Brisbane bayleafoz!
    Men are strange creatures sometimes aren’t they PVE. Not quite got to grips with mine after 42 years either! He’s in training still!!

    But Auri, after 42 years (same as us) you wouldn’t want to trade them in. Not trained, but at least they are stickers.
    I doubt if they even try to understand us.
    Vive la difference! πŸ™‚

    Gee, at this rate, we can have meetings all over the world. We need Franfit and Big Dave back from the US.

    We definitely need our US chummies! I need another book recommendation from franfit and where are the men when you need them !

    On my other website you can tag people so they get e-mailed and know you want to alert them to something, talk to them etc It would be a useful addition…..I suggested it, but I don’t think it will happen this side of Christmas!

    Wow Auriga, size ten eh! Funny the different shapes we all are, because me and you are the same hight, UR currently 4lbs lighter than me but there’s no way I’d fit into a size ten because of my ample cleavage! So it sounds like everybody is planning a visit to Greece next year, hmmmm, I obviously should be employed by the Greek Tourist Board…

    I hope you’ve got plenty of room there Elaine for us all!
    I have got very skinny bones Elaine, but I still have padding left around the middle as I am a true apple. I think if I lost all the fat that is remaining I would be a size 8……maybe a tad too light, not sure. I am still thinking about it.

    Ha ha I’m not saying whether I’ve got room enough or not until we get to know each other better LOL! I think you’ll know when you’re at the right size for you, might mean dropping a bit and then readjusting. I still feel a bit heavy but nobody else thinks I am! I’m gonna drop a bit more though when I’m able and see how “I” feel:-)

    Me too Elaine!

    Hi! Just a heads up that, as requested, I’m changing the name of the topic to “The Maintenance Chatbox…..come and share your success with us!” and moving it to the Weight Maintenance forum. The link to the topic will stay the same, so you will be able to use your bookmarks and history to find it. πŸ™‚

    I don’t want anyone to accidentally lose track of it!

    Thank you JJ alias fastdiet! We would hate to lose it!!

    I hope buddies you can find the thread….

    Ok…here goes…
    Good morning / evening to all…Auriga, Elainefriend, Happynow, Bayleafoz, JIP, Franfit, Big Dave and the many more I can’t recall at 6.30am. πŸ™‚

    Welcome to the new/old Maintenance Chatbox!!!!
    A brand new title, for me a brand new fast day to maintain the fabulous success I have had from this WOL:)
    Cheers to all….enjoy wherever you are. Embrace your new lifestyle.
    PVE/ Purple

    Well done, Auriga and JJ. It works!
    Elaine, I thought you were already on the Greek Tourist Board. do a damn good job. πŸ˜‰ P

    Yay! It’s working! Hello PVE and all buddies everywhere!
    You’re up early PVE ! 10:15 pm here and after a feast day I am whacked!
    I have decided to go for a bit more wiggle room and shall be a bit stricter with my calorie allowance on fast days for awhile just to see how I go. After a long maintenance period since February I think it’s worth a go. Uncharted territory. πŸ™‚

    Actually Auri, I turn the wifi on the phone on at 6am when the radio comes on. I get up and feed the cat, let her out, put the washing on and scramble back to bed with a cuppa (black today) to read the overnight posts.
    I chose a very low cal non fast yesterday. No alcohol or breakfast and soup for dinner, but a Malaysian stir fry for lunch at the beach. Now I’m doing a proper fast today. I really prefer to enjoy indulging meals and keep the rest low cal, minimal snacks. I walk a fair bit, but am no gym junkie. ..far too busy for that. I’m retired!!!
    Sleep well my maintenance mate πŸ˜‰
    Cheers P

    Well done Auriga, hopefully we will get some new buddies linking up with us now we’ve defined this link, because, as we all know, losing the weight is only half the battle won and we newly slimbees still need advice, support and information to help us keep the lost fat off. I’m doing a fast day tomorrow not because I’m actively trying to lose weight but I’m ensuring I don’t gain – it will be my first fast since last Thursday. Most 5:2ers seem to choose Mondays and Thursdays. Come on all you maintainers tell us your stories, we are a friendly bunch and don’t bite – unless of course it’s a non-fast day and you are dangling a fat juicy steak in front of us non-veggie 5:2ers;-)

    Anyway Auriga & PVE, I can’t have u coming here and spoiling my honeymoon, me and my OH have only been together 34 years, nothing compared to you two Darby & Jones!

    Elaine, we ARE still honeymooning! Especially with the four kids finally gone πŸ˜‰
    I guess we’ll have to have the meeting in Norfolk or Brisbane then. What about an island on the Great Barrier Reef? P
    ps I can’t justify staying in bed ….the washing is ready.

    Hi everyone, I was going to bed about an hour ago and tuned into the new MC thread.
    Happy fasting or feasting, now I am up to date with everyone. Good night all

    Hi fastdiet and Auriga,

    Thanks for the link to the new name. Welcome to newbies. πŸ™‚ we are a fun lot and we support each other a great deal. πŸ™‚

    I am fasting today, second one this week. I choose to keep on 5:2 for maintenance. This allows me to eat without calorie counting on nonfast days. I also choose to walk every day.

    Since January 2014 I have lost 16 kg and 18 cm around waist. Have gone down two sizes in clothing.

    To maintain, I choose 5:2 so that I can relax on the other nonfast days. All the best to each and every maintainer. πŸ™‚

    Hi Maintainers everywhere. How.great to find an active maintenance thread at last…!

    PVE. My OH gets up, feeds the cats and lets them out, and then brings me a cuppa in bed. The WiFi is on permanently, so nothing for me to do first thing (except weigh myself!)

    Hi Auriga, how much wiggle room have you decided to allow yourself?

    Hi Elaine, gutted you don’t like us enough to welcome us with open arms (yet!). You’ll just have to stop painting such amazing pictures of Greece with your posts….

    And morning JIP, in sunny South Wales…?!

    After the surprise of weighing less despite eating more, I had another fairly relaxed nf day yesterday (not 16:8, and carbs). 59.3 this morning, so at least in the short term no damage done. I guess you’re right PVE, I need to have a bit more faith that my new body can manage my weight now. Not.something that’s happened for a long while, so a difficult concept to embrace!

    However I think I’m going to join bayleafoz and fast today. I’m on holiday from tomorrow for about 10 days,.. more alcohol and food temptations. Hopefully a fast today will stand me in good stead! This will be the first proper test of ‘new me’ away from the routine of home (odd weekends away or with friends don’t count because I don’t fast weekends anyway and a couple of days isn’t long enough to undo my ‘hard’ (!) work). Also away from the scales…. ! Wish me luck!

    You don’t need luck, Happy. You can do it:)
    I’m (and I guess Bay) are on the home straight of our Thursday fast. I really think it’s worth doing 2 properly so that I can eat whatever later.
    My husband finds he HAS to fast twice a week to keep his blood sugars level. He’s much better about it than me πŸ™ To corrupt the phrase : The price of a healthy body is eternal fasting! !!
    Don’t keep us in suspense…where are you going? Make sure you describe it in glowing terms to make Elaine jealous πŸ˜‰

    Thanks PVE. At least I know now that if I do gain, I can lose it again. And thinking about it, I have got some wiggle room since I’m 9 – 10 lbs below the weight I originally thought I’d stop at….

    I’m off to the exotic west coast of Scotland, staying in a little place on a sea loch. Stunning scenery. The sands are golden and the sea azure…. you’d think you were in the Med… if only it was a bit warmer… with a few less midges!

    Fingers crossed for the weather. Although I’ll have my kindle and my smart phone so I’ll be happy whatever, but if you see more posts from me next week you’ll know it is raining!

    We stayed on the west coast of Scotland a couple of years ago. It was midsummer. The midges drove us insane but, oh the scenery!!! Skye is the most stunning place on earth.
    We might have to convene there πŸ™‚ We’ll bring our Skin So Soft to shoo the midges off.
    Have a wonderful relaxing 10 days. SO envious! But then the sun sparkling off Sydney Harbour, ferries plying the clear waters, yatchs scudding along in the wind, people walking and jogging in the Gardens with the Opera House and Bridge peeping through the trees was a pretty nice way to get exercise on a fast day!
    All for a $2.50 train ticket!
    Have fun Happy….P

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