The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

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The Maintenance Chatbox… come and share your success with us!

This topic contains 11,643 replies, has 174 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 4 weeks ago.

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  • Hi gang
    Just in from a dinner party (1am here)
    I was full after the entree. When the main course was dished up I just pushed it around my plate. Didn’t want any desert. I felt SO full, bloated stomach, and yet everyone else, except my hubby, polished off the lot. The gathering included all sizes and they all happily ate the huge amount of food.
    I’m a changed girl. Just couldn’t fit it in, even to be polite. Excellent.

    Hello Purple and gang,
    I have been neglecting this thread I am sorry to say but I will take the time to catch up now when hubby is watching the footy. I just had to report that I have been at my Weight Watcher goal for 3 years on the 5th July and with this 5-2 WOE and my still going to my WW meeting every week I feel sure I will be making my way to 4 years, bring it on.
    Purple well done with knowing when you have had enough, I seem to still be waiting for this idea to take effect in my weightwatcher brain. LOL
    I think even more so now that I know I can have a good fasting day the next day to make up for my over indulgence be it food or alcohol. I even look forward to the fasting day that is something I never thought I would say. Going to read back now. Happy fasting or feasting as the case may be. JIP

    Hi JIP! Good to see you here again 🙂

    Hi JIP. Welcome back to the Mainenance Mates 🙂 Your 4 years of steady weight is marvellous. Mind you, I think you never sits down, do you?

    Yes Auriga, we are definitely in uncharted territories. But we know how to do it, don’t we? After last night’s effort, even though it’s a Sunday, I’m fasting. Also, that allows me to have gallettes tomorrow for Bastile Day. 😉 It’s all about balance.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone. ..I’d better go and water again. No rain for ages.

    Congratulations all on continuing maintenance success, however you are achieving it!

    My official weigh day (Sat) showed 59.4, despite egg and chips (with white bread for a butty) and wine on Friday night.

    Interesting that some of us can no longer overeat and recognise feeling full and stop eating, while some balance out overeating (and less healthy food choices?) with the fasting days. I guess it doesn’t really matter which camp you fall into, but I’m intrigued to know why the difference? Is it all in the mind, or is there a physiological basis?

    And I totally agree that this is the place to unashamedly revel in our fasting success!

    For the first time in ages I am not feeling 100% this morning and blame it on last night’s BBQ! Maybe it was all just a bit too much for my poor little stomach !
    I am fasting today in the hope of feeling better later on .
    Enjoy the rest of today wherever you are buddies. 🙂

    Chicken and corn vegetable soup

    2 Carrots, 1 leek, parsley. Sliced.
    2 stalks celery plus a little of leaves. Celery tops add flavour. Sliced.
    3 Spring onions (shallots) sliced. Pepper, fresh ginger.
    GF vegetable stock powder, water to taste. Simmer for 10 minutes.

    1 fresh corn cob, slice off niblets. Feel like a chef 🙂
    Add fresh corn niblets or frozen to soup. Simmer 5-10 minutes.

    4 chicken tenderloins or 1 chicken breast. Slice thinly.
    Return soup to mid boil and add chicken. Cook for 10 minutes. Season to taste.

    Note. Good for nonfast days. Can have on fast days if you leave out the corn.

    Enjoy 🙂

    Hi all

    We had a feast day yesterday, as opposed to a normal nonfast day. I learnt a valuable lesson. 🙂

    We had friends to lunch, then went out to dinner. Lunch was Chicken and corn soup for which I will post the recipe separately, followed by Roast trout and vegetables and peas. Small helpings plus wine.

    Then last night we went to Morks Thai restaurant. Beautiful delicate flavours that we love, chili, lime, basil, prawns, duck, coconut milk. Yummy! The food was lovely and I had two small courses plus a beer. No nibbles.

    However, I can no longer digest that amount of food in a day in comfort. I was awake until midnight and had broken sleep. As discussed before, I sleep very well after a fast day. I can now see that too much food badly affects my ability to sleep. O, well. I’m happy to have proven this yet again! 🙂

    So, little food today and bring on tomorrow’s fast day. 🙂

    Yes. Fascinating isn’t it Auriga and Bayleaf? We have adjusted to the new portion size and REALLY can’t cope with too much food any more.
    I found last night’s overeating quite an eyeopener. As a young, skinny, young woman I always got terrible stomach pains if convinced by others (read my darling husband) to eat too much.
    It has taken all these years to get back to it. A bit like natural lap banding.!!!!
    Cheers Purple

    It’s interesting PVE that a lot of us seem to have abandoned our natural eating habits under persuasion by well meaning friends or loved ones or the media etc to follow their lead. Being now older, and wiser, I know exactly my own body and what works for me, I carefully and selectively pick and choose what advice seems credible and no longer succumb to pressure as to what, when and how I should eat and, miraculously, I am slimmer, happier and healthier than ever – know thyself say I!

    If you were going to help people to get to maintenance what would you say were the best tips?
    From my point of view it would be these things:-

    1.Experiment with what works for you to begin with: such as 6:1,5:2 or 4:3 or even ADF.
    2.Stick with your plan and even if you have the occasional hiccup don’t give up.
    3.Move towards healthier eating……Mimi said that this would happen naturally after several months…..and I think she was right! (Although when I first read that I didn’t quite think that the 5:2 effect-as I call it-would happen to me, but it did.)

    What would your tips be buddies?

    Auriga, I’d say regular weigh-ins and tackle excess weight gains immediately – it’s quick and easy to lose one or two pounds over a couple of weeks of 5:2, 10 or 12 pounds will take a couple of months to shift. Don’t listen to anybody who says “you’ve lost too much”, they are probably envious! Embrace being slim, life as a slim person is so much more enjoyable, from so many perspectives, than being a fat person.

    Oh yes Elaine I quite agree with you on those points!
    A friend of mine recently said I shouldn’t lose any more weight, but he’s pretty chubby to say the least! Hubby thinks we could go a bit lower so I think it wouldn’t do any harm at all. Always leave a bit of wiggle room!

    Ha ha, I love your “bit of wriggle room”! What would you say is a good bit of wriggle room? I thought perhaps two pounds either side of the weight we feel happiest at. Wonder what everybody else thinks?

    Hi Auriga et al.,

    Re: tips for maintenance.

    I’d add that you have to accept that you can never go back to your old eating habits (or at least not for 2 days of the week!).

    And if not eating breakfast or lunch suits you, don’t give in to pressure to eat how other people eat. Go with you natural instincts.

    And yes, healthy nutritious food, and less processed. I cook from scratch nightly. Yes, it’s time consuming, but it’s all about priorities. Why would feeding you and your family well not be a priority for everyone?

    Absolutely agree HappyNow and as for wiggle room Elaine I think I’d go for about 2lbs as you say.
    Let’s wiggle away ! 🙂

    I’ve been wrestling with the idea of losing more weight too. I certainly see fat there, but then so did Karen Carpenter. I am doing a bit of running during my walks to help build core strength (was injured for awhile and had to stop). I think if I build more muscle, I could lose more fat more safely, without losing weight. For me, this is a harder thing to do than simply losing the weight, but harder is usually the best thing.

    Hi dl’berry.

    I also have more fat that I would like to lose (bum/ thighs mainly) but, on the weight loss so far, suspect that my upper body would become too thin. So I’m going to settle here, and exercise more. I know in the past that cycling and running have toned my lower half nicely, so hopefully the same will happen again.

    Interesting reference to Karen C. It has occurred to me that for me at least this is as easy as turning a tap on and off and I know I could go on losing weight. But it was never my aim to look thin, weak and weedy, I want to be slim but healthy, fit and strong.

    I think of Karen Carpenter as fixated on the fat that she could see in the mirror and I notice myself doing that too. Even though I know that people naturally need fat and I don’t want to get rid of it all, I was hoping it wouldn’t still show up around my middle. Alas.

    dlroseberry I know exactly what you mean. My fat (what there is of it & it seems to be most of it!)is still around my middle and it was always the last thing to cling to me in the past, seems like trying to give it the ‘heave ho’ might take extra work.
    I don’t think we’re in danger of turning into Karen Carpenters though.
    Hubby has suggested buying a rowing machine to tone up the flab, maybe after we move house in August we might have a go and see if we’d like one, never having had anything remotely like one before.
    I have to say though that it seems very,very slowly my body is getting defined and slightly more muscular.Not that at the moment I am doing much about it…….it just seems to be happening.
    I guess middle age spread gets harder to shift. 🙁
    I’ve been feeling decidedly poorly all day so signing off now…..think I’ve got a bug!

    Hello everyone,
    Auriga I hope you are feeling better soon, awful things those awful bugs.
    I know what you are saying about the time to know when we have reached that magic time to start enjoying life, while still not forgetting how easy it is to put the weight back on when we may have done this all our lives, I know I have. But I do think I have it under control this time. My advice is keeping in touch like on this thread and for me my Tuesday morning (weight watchers) coffee morning weigh-in. Everyone needs encouragement and with our experiences hopefully it will keep us on the straight road too.
    In all of my 3 years at being at or near my WW goal (within 5lb) I have struggled and now that I have found 5-2 WOE I am not so terrified of letting myself enjoy the W/E away that I had the other day and when I have my next 2 week holiday in the sun I know that I can get back on here and this WOE.
    I would like to lose another 4 or 5 lbs to get away from the dreaded 10 stone it would be a little wiggle room too. It’s only a pound or two now and I know I would feel much more in control knowing that I will have that little cushion behind me. Keep up the good work everyone. JIP

    Just home from an early morning world cup breakfast (5 am start, 3 deg, dressed in a ski jacket)
    I agree wholeheartedly with your advice and would add that to maintain keep telling yourself that you achieved this by taking control of your own life. Be proud. 🙂 Purple

    Interestingly, someone on another thread commented that their glasses were too strong. Both my husband and I have found our eyesight has improved this year. Coincidence or another spinoff from fasting?

    Hi PVE. I’ve had reading glasses for 2 years now. For the past couple of months I’ve noticed what appears to be a slight improvement in eyesight (can read some things without glasses). I’m due an eyetest, not sure the difference will be measurable though.

    I’ve been musing on knowing when to stop, as I had a slight fear that I could just carry on going. And shifting my desk job bum fat would be great!

    Is it nature or nurture that means we see what’s wrong and not what’s right when we look at ourselves? There’s always room for improvement, but striving for perfection will not lead to happiness.

    When I look at myself naked, I see nicely toned arms and shoulders, chest (enough said!), good waist, flatter stomach, bum bit flabby (and definitely not a peach!), slimmer thighs and no cellulite now (but skin damage from stretch marks). Positive and negative. With my clothes on, which is most of the time, no one can see the negatives.

    So when you start obsessing about that problem area, remember to stand back and view it in context and in perspective. Has anyone said to any of us, wow, I would say you look amazing/ you’ve lost enough weight if it wasn’t for your fat bum/ stomach/ legs?!

    Yes Happy
    We need to look at the positives. I do these days. Even accept the pancakes; )
    I’m finding I can watch tv without glasses now. Not crystal clear but I haven’t done this comfortably for years!
    I don’t think mine was measurable, but my bloke, the recovered diabetic, has a lower script!

    Morning buddies. It’s very interesting to read about improving eyesight…..not sure mine is any different.
    I was really poorly yesterday with what I thought was gastric flu but I seem totally cured today! Yay! Whatever the bugs were they couldn’t stand up to my immune system.

    Oh you poor darling. So glad you shook it off so quickly Auriga. 🙂

    Morning Auriga glad to hear you’re better, come to think of it, I haven’t been ill once since I started 5:2 in February. I was posting though for another reason; I was surfing this forum looking for FranFit actually, and I wondered if its possible to edit the name of this thread to include “maintaince” as it’s not apparent that’s what this thread is about. It was actually FranFit who introduced me to it in the first place via another link. Just a thought, not sure if its possible though or if the others feel it necessary?

    I’m wondering where Franfit is. I hope she’s away enjoying a holiday.
    If you want to change the name Auriga, JJ who manages the site could do it.
    Hi Elaine. Haven’t talked for ages. Hope Greece is still treating you well.

    On my other website the original author of the thread can alter the title. Myself in this case! However on this website it’s only possible during the first five minutes of posting.
    Probably Mimi or Dr M could do it or one of their website people but alas not me now Elaine.
    Did you find franfit?

    Hi Happynow, somebody said this to me the other day, whilst I was wearing shorts and a teeshirt, “you’ve lost a lot of weight, you’re just a pair of boobs on legs now”!

    No, I didn’t find FranFit, I was trying to find her last post because I seem to remember she was struggling a bit. Hope she’s well. I enjoyed her perspective on things and she is very knowledgable and insightful.

    I have contacted the website people about labelling this thread as maintenance.
    I miss franfit and her humour and hope she’s just on holiday too 🙁 After all I still have the rubber suit she lent me!!!!!!

    Oh dear Elaine. That would just a toastrack/ xylophone on legs!

    Hi PVE, Greece is great, and our little village that usually consists of around 500 people in the winter now has around 1,500 people – mainly Athenians who have holiday homes here, but also tourists from Germany, Holland, Italy and Russia – not many British find their way here. It’s busy now with lots of festivals mostly religious ones taking place and my other half is a very sociable being and we seem to attend almost everything! Believe it or not we attended a “garlic festival” on Saturday evening, high up on a plateau in a tiny mountain village – its main sauce of income being garlic. It was the 20th anniversary of the village’s first “garlic festival”. There must have been 600 people in the village square which was filled with tables and chairs with a fountain in the middle of the square adorned with ropes of garlic from top to bottom and lit up like fairy lights. Garlic garlans were hanging everywhere like christmas decorations! There was a traditional Greek band playing saxophone and bousouki guitar and a buffet-type food set-up where one could purchase succulent pit-fire roasted whole pork with the crispiest crackling and glistening creamy fat spiting out at us served with large pots of the village’s garlic sauce, which to be honest, consisted mainly of crushed garlic with olive oil complimenting the pork beatifully plus huge loaves of freshly baked village bread and beer. We ate with our fingers trying to mop up with little tiny flimsy napkins – it was magical with the full moon shinning really bright, there was a cool breeze because we were high in the mountain, the music and singing didn’t stop and everybody was dancing traditional Greek dances holding hands in spirals of four and five deep twirling around and around , it was heady and hypnotic, we left at 2am, got home at 3am then slept, the sleep of the contented! Last night of course was the football worldcup – which started here at 10pm, home at 1pm. We haven’t had a night at home since last Tuesday when I did dinner at home for 10. Jeez I’m exhausted and in need of a holiday!!!

    Hi Elaine
    Your life sounds wonderful. Maybe next year we will get to the Greek Islands and soak up some of the atmosphere. Enjoy!

    Elaine that sounds truly magical! It evokes memories of the few Cypriot weddings we attended in the Troodos mountains! Lucky you 🙂

    Ha ha, well I wasn’t sure whether it was a compliment but I laughed anyway:-)

    It would be good if we could post each other or alert each other somehow. Franfit has been missing since 28th June and Amy C hasn’t posted for a while nor BigDave or StraR to mention just a few.
    I hope you’ve all had a good day 🙂

    You are sweet to have missed me. I can’t quite get down to my target weight due to emotional eating issues. I had a hard time coming off of ADF and going to 6:1.

    So, I am not quite done yet.

    I am no longer fasting on alternate days and am getting better control on my non fast days.

    I have about 5 lbs to go.

    So nice to hear from you Amy C !!! I wish you well with the 5lbs you want to lose. Good luck and keep posting! 🙂

    Great to hear you are still fasting Amy. I find it easier to continue on 2 days (Mon/Thursday) as it becomes a habit. Even changing the days, as I have this week takes the naturalness and automaticity away.
    Keep in contact. We are with you. PURPLE

    Oh Elaine, what a beautiful description of your life in Greece! It sounds tough, but someone has to do it!
    I’m packing now, checking the flights… 😉
    What do you think, Bayleaf? It wouldn’t take us long and it would be a lot warmer. P

    Don’t you dare PVE! I’m on my way to yours for breakfast…..

    Think you may regret painting such beautiful pictures for us Elaine, when you find a coachload of skinny women tracking you down! Not sure you’ve told us the name of your village, but I’m sure there’s a trail of, if not breadcrumbs, maybe cauliflower rice, for us to follow…. !

    Auriga, sorry if you’ve already mentioned this, but if you can’t rename the thread to include a reference to maintenance, you could just start a new one and leave a ‘forwarding address’ on this one? We’d come with you, honest!

    Just picked the car up and came straight home. The schools went back today and the after school traffic was terrifying.
    Don’t worry Happy. I’m still offering you a spot at my table. And yes. I think we should plan an excursion to Elaine’s for a maintainers meeting. 😉
    We would follow you Auriga.
    PVE/Purple/P/ call me what you like as long as it’s nice

    Was the traffic terrifying because you don’t normally drive then? Or out of fear for your new pride and joy….?

    What is it, if you don’t mind me asking? And is it purple…?!

    No Happy. I drive in traffic all the time. Hence the need for a tiny car. It’s just that brand new baby thing.
    It’s a Fiat 500 convertible. My first ever car, 44 years ago, was a Fiat 500. It’s a love affair thing. 🙂
    Black. Red roof. Cream retro interior. Very sweet. P

    You goaded my into it, Happy. Drove into the city to pick the fella up from work…. .across the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge and past the Opera House. Brave, aren’t I? SO easy! P

    Ha ha, PVE, Now what could we call a Maintainers Meeting here in Greece – “Slimwomens’ Symposium in the Sun”? I think it would be a bit lively though for this sleepy little village – I think all of us together might make for a bit of a wild bunch! The poor old Greek men in the local kafenion, sipping their little coffees whilst playing with their worry beads might run for the mountains from wence they once came LOL;-)

    Nice one, and what a backdrop for you and your new arrival!
    I don’t blame you for being cautious though. I’m like that with my new road bike. It’s a carbon frame and I’m paranoid about scratching it/ impacts…..

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