Texas Girl Needs Help!

This topic contains 271 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  fatteacher 4 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 276 total)

  • Hi Minny, sorry to hear your son’s been sick, but so glad to hear he is on the mend again 🙂 It must be such a worry. I can understand how that impacts on fasting and its importance *hugs to you*

    Flo, did you manage any exercise yesterday? I have to confess .. apart from a workout on Monday morning, I’ve done zero since. I’m tired too .. must be something in the air!

    Teach, how did your FD go? I’m sure you did an awesome job.

    Have a great day everyone .. I was contemplating another fast today, and then tomorrow too, but I’m not completely committed as yet. See how I feel as the day goes on. Definitely fasting tomorrow though 🙂

    Take care xx

    The weather has been nice with the exception of the wind. Temperatures have been in the 80’s and 90’s. We only have 5 1/2 days of school left. The kids are getting restless and hard to entertain for very long. Finished final exams today so they know we are finished taking grades. We still have parties and graduation to go. Son is home for summer. We are very pleased with his grades. I can’t believe we have survived 2 years of college. Just 2 more to go. He will be starting an internship Monday, so that will keep him busy. I think the pool at the country club opens next weekend. I didn’t dare show my self out there last year. I have friends that are way younger than me, and they pleaded with me to meet them, but I was just too embarrassed. I am not going to miss out on the fun this summer! With only a few lbs. to go, I have stalled a little, but I am going to stay strong! One month from today is our vacation. Lots of people at school, even parents are commenting on my weight loss. It is encouraging when people notice. This is my first year at my new school, so all they know me as is fat. My weight gain started a year ago when I broke my ankle. Who knew it would actually take me a whole year to get over it,
    I am so glad to hear from you. I was worried that something was going on. I hope your son is better. Is your daughter home yet to help you? It must be really stressful! When our children hurt, we hurt for them! Fasting and eating mindfully is very difficult when we have changes in our lives. I am going to have to adjust with my son being home. We fall into our eating patterns and it is hard when we get out of our routine. Summer is always a challenge for me since I am not on a schedule. I am usually ready to go back to work. Hope you have a good weekend. Please let us know how your son is doing and hang in there!
    It is always pleasant to hear from you. When are you leaving on your trip? I am feeling that Friday is your last day of work. I bet you are getting excited. I love trips! They are part of what makes life fun. Is it just you and your partner or other friends? I wish you could share pictures. I can just imagine you on the beach with a drink in your hand! Have fun!
    How is the sunshiny state? Do you have any plans for the weekend? It must be so nice to be able to go to the beach right near your home. We are stuck up in the Panhandle far from almost everything. The beaches of Texas are more than 10 hours away! They are not even that nice anyway. Dallas/Fort Worth is about 5 hours. There is not much to do in Amarillo. We finally get to go out of town Memorial weekend. We are going to a PGA golf tournament in Fort Worth. It is a tradition for our family. We have been going for almost 10 years. Lots of our friends go and we make a party of it. Can’t wait! I may even lay out at the pool! Keep up your hard work. We are almost there!
    Fasting today. I think I am going to make it. The boys are golfing in a men’s tournament at the club, so I don’t have to cook. That makes it easier. I am hoping to see a difference on the scales tomorrow. Take care!

    Hi Teach 🙂 Its wonderful that people are noticing your weight loss .. what a boost! You will be able to enjoy yourself at the pool this summer for sure! You’ve earned it 🙂

    So, today is my last day in work before two weeks off! I’ll probably not be able to get online during the break, but will definitely be back when I return .. hopefully without too much damage done weight wise. Aww, Teach I wish I could share my pics too .. I’ll raise my glass to you when I’m lounging on the beach 🙂

    Welcome Julia!! I look forward to chatting with you after my break. This thread is so lovely 🙂

    Flo, Minny .. take care of yourselves while I’m away.

    Love to all xx

    I am so excited for you Dragonfly….I know that you will have a lovely time. Safe travels to you and enjoy every minute!

    Minny – so sorry to hear that your son has not been feeling well…I hope that things have continued to improve.

    Teach – I have been so busy at work…exhausted every single evening… I would love to be looking forward to a couple months worth of vacation…but, I get the lack of schedule, getting old after a while.
    You have done really well with your weightloss, you should be so proud. You will feel great on your Mexican vacation.

    I had 2 good fasting days this week…so I am back on track. Yipee!
    Have a great weekend everyone…and a wonderful trip Dragonfly!

    Glad to hear that you are back on track. Congratulations on your 2 successful days of fasting. It always feels good when you know you made it through another week. I am going to really try hard to control myself this weekend. I tend slip up on the weekends, then I end up regretting it on Monday. It sounds like you have it down! Keep up the hard work!
    Hope your son is doing better. I know it is hard, but make sure you are taking care of yourself, too. Check in with us to let us know how you are getting along. I will be thinking of you!
    Lucky!!! Where exactly are you going on your trip? I want to look it up on the internet. Have fun and don’t worry about weight! You will look great! Strut!

    Glad you are joining us! I can’t see your post anymore. I saw it at work and when I got home and had time to reply, it was gone. Hope to hear from you again.

    Well, I turned 54 today. I almost made it to my goal for my birthday. I am only 5 lbs. away. I have lost 34 lbs. since I started this journey. You guys have helped me more than you know! Thank you so much! Together we can!

    Teach – Congratulations on your weightloss…that is quite an accomplishment!

    Today is my fasting day…I am hoping to get back to the exercise this week…I was a slug last week.

    Have a great week everyone. 🙂

    I am new to the diet and I was looking for a group to interact with and I really like how supportive you all are of each other and I hope you dont mind if I join. I live in Brandon Fl and I just had my first FD on the 23rd. Yay, I survived and did not die of hunger. My next fast day is tomorrow.

    Hi Disneyfan – It looks like we are practically neighbors…I live in Fl as well…guess you saw that, if you read through the thread. Anyway, I am glad that you had a successful fasting day…and good luck with your next one!

    Again, if you read through the thread, I have been pretty successful with this way of eating…been doing it since the first of the year and have lost 20+ lbs. May has been a rough month for me, but about a pound a week for me and I can live with that.

    People aren’t posting as much…but I’ll check back for sure…I plan to go like gang-busters next month. 🙂

    Minny – I hope that everything is going well for you…are you going to your lake-cabin this weekend? We miss you.

    Dragonfly is on vacation…she’ll be back soon. I hope that you are having a wonderful trip!

    Thank you for letting me know how successful you have been. I am excited about this plan and hope it works for me. 1 pound a week is alot more than I have done in a long time so I’ll take it. I thought I saw that you were in Tampa in one of the threads, thats cool.Not looking forward to our summer weather, but oh well its here and going to get hotter. This is my second fast day and so far staying strong. Do you guys eat just bk and dinner or do you guys do 3 small meals?

    Hi friends!
    One more day of school. I am ready for a break! Going to be a fun weekend. Going to Fort Worth for a golf tournament!
    Any beach time in the near future? It sounds like you have been sticking with it and are continuing to steadily lose lbs. I bet you look great! Keep it up! You are almost to your goal.
    Hope you are alright! Miss hearing from you. Hang in there!
    I bet you are enjoying your trip! I can’t wait to hear all about it!
    Disney Fan
    So glad you joined us. This is a positive and encouraging group. I never eat breakfast. I try to eat a small lunch and then have most of my calories for dinner. If I am fasting, I don’t eat dinner. Some days it is hard and other days I sail right through it. I have been at it for about 3 months and it has been great for me. Stick with it and you will start to see a change soon. Have you set a goal yet? I made a calendar to estimate my progress. I haven’t been able to stick with it exactly, but it gives me something to work towards. You can do it! The hardest thing is taking the first step and getting started. You are already on your way.👍

    Yes! Last day of school and headed to a golf tournament! I am going to try not to gain. Hope everyone has a great start to summer this weekend! 😊

    I think encouragement and support of each other is very important. Thank you guys for the warm welcome. I need to write out my goal , right now I just have a month in mind,Dec and I think 30 pounds at least. Thanks for letting me know how your doing the diet. Have a great holiday weekend everyone.

    Disney – my husband and I actually both graduated from Brandon High School…we left the area about 20 yrs ago, it was getting too crowded for us…we moved north, now that we are looking towards our retirement, we are planning to move down to the Bradenton area. Our fingers are crossed, hoping to sell our house soon.

    I typically fast on Monday and Wednesday…in the beginning I tried to plan very healthy lunch and dinners under 500 cal…it was just so difficult and I ran the risk of overeating….I tend to have an all-or-nothing personality…it was just easier for me not to eat at all. So on Monday and Wednesday I do a complete water fast, nothing but water…and on Friday I don’t eat breakfast or lunch…then enjoy what I want at dinner. This is what I have found works for me. It took me a few weeks in the beginning to find what would work for me…you will find your rhythm as well.

    Teach – I hope that you are having fun in the sun, golfing!

    Unfortunately, I have to work this weekend…but my hubby did take me out on the boat yesterday…we had a wonderful time! Picnicking with family Sunday afternoon (after work), then home on Monday…Even though I am working, still a fun weekend! 🙂

    Stay safe everyone!

    Small world. We lived in Tampa and moved over here in 2007 cause both of are jobs are closer to Brandon, but yeah its crowded,carzy crowed, I understand that.
    What I did my 2 fd was I drank a protein shake for bk, 160 calories with 30 grams of protein and 1 g sugar. Then for my dinners I stopped at Fitlife food and found a few healthy meals under 300 calories. So I plan on getting 2 of their meals for my dinners so its controlled calorie count.I am horrible at being honest with portions and how many calories that really is, hahaha. So that takes the guess work out of it for me and I LOVE their food.
    Bradenton is a very pretty area. And boating and picnic sounds fun. You have a good time 🙂

    Florida Girls
    Hope you are having a great long weekend! We got back from The golf 🏌 tournament in Fort Worth at about midnight last night. We had a lot of fun and I was able to wear shorts and feel pretty good about myself. Every year when we go, we eat at del Frisco’s , a fancy steakhouse. Well , I didn’t hold back! I ate like it was my last meal. On the way home, we stop at another place called Sweetie Pies Ribeye’s. Their specialty is chicken fried ribeye’s, homemade rolls, mac and cheese and much more. Let’s just say too much food and drink definitely took its toll. I was afraid to weigh, but I forced myself to measure the damage this morning. 129 before, 134 after the trip. I didn’t think 5 lbs in 2 meals was possible! It goes without saying. Today and tomorrow are definitely FD for me. Hubby and son just got finished eating the left overs and it didn’t even look good to me! That is what I like about this WOL. I enjoyed and now I am right back at it. I don’t have to feel guilty. I know I can get the extra lbs off quickly. Before, I would have just let it go and eaten today and day after day. That is how the weight crept up on me before. I am going to stay strong and keep plugging along! My goal is to have it back off by Friday. I am also going to do some exercising this week.
    Glad you got to go on the boat and sorry you have to work! It sounds like you got to have some fun anyway! Where do you boat? Is it at a lake or in the ocean? How far do you live from the water? I like to water ski but don’t really get much chance any more. It is pretty dry in the Texas Panhandle. We have a couple of small lakes about an hour from here, but most of the time the water levels are pretty low, so it isn’t worth having a boat. Last year on the 4th of July friends invited us to their lake house and got to go on boat. I am hoping they invite us again this year.
    It sounds like you are getting on board quickly. I know what you mean by needing the meals and calories counted before hand. When I cook, I tend to over eat even if the food is healthy. I am a test taster. By the time the meal is ready, I am usually full, but I end up eating more anyway. Buying premade is a good plan! Hope you had a good weekend. Stick with it and you will see results quickly! You can do it! It gets to be a habit!
    Miss you! Hope all is well.
    Dragon Fly
    Can’t wait to hear of your adventures!

    Hi everyone!!!! Thank you so much for all the kind words and thoughts. My son is doing better. Not he doctors have ruled out most of the really bad things that could have been wrong so that leaves only the less scary stuff. So we are very relieved. I’m back in a routine and ready to get going on this journey. So is back to fast tomorrow.

    I just got back from the cabin and it was heaven on earth. Quiet and peaceful! I really needed that. We don’t have wifi and cell coverage is pretty spotty. I have to go outside to the top of the hill in our backyard to get a signal. My hubs can get a signal inside do at least we are “connected” but I’m pretty much out of touch. Which is actually good.

    Everyone seems to be doing well, and we are even adding to our awesome group. (Disneyfan….I’m looking in your direction. Lol). Welcome!!!

    Happy fasting peeps!!

    It does sound like everyone had a marvelous weekend!

    Glad to see you back, Minny!

    Teach – Right now we live about 30 minutes from the gulf … we always take our boat out on the gulf. We have our house on the market…once we move, we will be a block from gulf access. We have our fingers and toes crossed hoping to sell our house soon. I am sure you will be right back where you want to be by Friday.

    Disney – it sounds like you have a great plan going there. Good luck with you plan this week.

    Fasting day for me today…and back to the exercise!

    Have a great day!

    So glad you are back! Prayers for your son and family! I hope you get good news soon! Sounds like the cabin is a peaceful place to relax. Take your time and take care of yourself and your family. That is a good thing about this WOL. You can pick right back up when you are ready! Everyone has the same struggles from time to time. It sounds like you have a great support system in your family. Remember that we are here to encourage and lift you up. ♥️
    I love the way you enjoy yourself and then on Monday you are right back at it. After a weekend of over eating and drinking, I tend to be slower at bouncing back. The longer I put off fasting the longer it takes to get the extra lbs. off again. My motivation is less now that I am closer to my goal. How do you stay motivated?
    How is your fasting going? Hope you were able to get through your 2 fast days last week. Keep working at it! I know it works!
    Dragon F
    Has anyone had any success lately? I certainly have not. I want to hear about some victories! I need something to motivate me. Let’s get on the ball so we can 🎉 celebrate!
    We have been waiting for summer. It’s time to break out the shorts, swimsuits and tanks. Anyone want to join me for a big push for the rest of the week?

    Happy to meet you. I am hoping to learn alot fro this group and happy to be apart of it.
    I did good my two fasting days last week but I really should have thought that through cause with it being a long weekend, I did not really watch anything except bad stuff going into this mouth after FD. So this week I started my fasting day yesterday and I plan on doing it again on Friday. I think last week my Tues and Thurs was just a little close together and that lead to havoc Fri, Sat , Sun and Monday. I have a recumbent bike in my house so i did 30 minutes on it last night and hope to keep that up for at least 3 days a week.
    I am really going to try to watch the non fasting days but I want this to work and I am ready to get this weight off!! I will try to rally with ya teach!!

    Last month didn’t go as well as my previous months…I only had a 3lb loss, but I know where I went wrong…the beach weekend, hardly any exercise this month and less fasting days.

    Since the weekend I have gotten back on track on all accounts. This month I will do my 2+ fasting days every week…exercise at least 4 times a week…and no snacking between meals on NFDs. I have 2 months ’til my vacation in the Keys and I’d really like to drop another 10lbs.

    Tuesday was a good fasting day and I did exercise…stuck to my meal plan yesterday and did exercise again. Today is fasting day #2 and I am planning to exercise again when I get home.

    I hope that you all enjoy your day.

    I did not do so well in May either. It was my worst month so far. Have had a lot of family stress. My mom got out of the hospital today. She is 70 and had a bad case of pneumonia. Things are starting to look up for her. Not looking forward to the weekend. We are going to Ft. Worth tomorrow to attend the graduation of my good friend’s daughter. It is going to be hard! It is the friend who passed away on April. I feel like we are going to her funeral again. I went shopping for a dressy for the graduation today and I really felt like she,my friend,was giving me her opinions about the dresses I was trying on. I felt the same way when I was looking for a dress for her funeral. I know this sounds weird! She and I always enjoyed dressing up when My husband and I went to visit. She was a real beauty! I miss her so much! I will try to stick to the plan! 2 weeks until Mexico!

    Aww, Teach…you have had a rough time of it lately. 🙁 Sorry to hear about your mother…but glad to hear that she is on the mend. I totally understand how this is going to be a really hard weekend…but you have to be strong for her family…just being there and loving them will be so helpful for everyone. It is so cool that you felt as if she were there helping you to pick out a dress…really awesome. <<hugs>>

    Travel safely…

    Thanks for the kind words. Have a great weekend. Do you have plans? I am going to try to be better this weekend. I finally got the 5 lbs off that I gained last weekend just in time to leave town again. I don’t want that to happen again!
    Disney and Minny
    Hope you are well!
    Check in when you can!

    Still out of town. Graduation was great. I feel good about getting to see the kids. Friend’s husband was back to his old self. He made graduation really special with food and a cake. We laughed and told stories about the good times we had and enjoyed being together. I can’t imagine what they have been through. They are going to be alright! I can feel my sweet friend with us!
    Have not fallen off the wagon yet. Tonight will be the test. We are going to Ruth Chris Steakhouse to eat . Send some strength my way!

    Hello again.
    Seems I have some catching up to do. I’ve been in England for 2 weeks on a hiking trip.
    Lots of you worry about how to maintain weight loss when away; when you can’t exactly control what you eat; when you want to go to a favorite restaurant.
    I treat those days like Demi-Fasts. For breakfast, I stick to a Fast Diet. An egg, fruit, maybe a bit of Canadian Bacon or cheese. This is simple from any menu, especially at a hotel buffet. Keep it high in protein and low on fat and carbs. Then the remainder of the day is lots of water/black tea/black coffee. This way you can ‘afford’ the extra calories at dinner.
    I’ve done this many times ad it works well for me. Even at a restaurant you can dine well, even without binging.
    Teach: glad the graduation didn’t turn into a 2nd funeral for you and your friend’s family.
    Flo: if you want to lose a little faster, try 2 Fast Days/week plus one extra day of a <300 calorie dinner.
    DG [other FloridaGirl!]: keep the faith and you will meet your goals. But don’t burn yourself out in the early days. Remember that this plan will lose your weight slowly, giving your body time to readjust. Your exercise program sounds like the ticket. Good luck.

    I’m back guys!! I’ve missed you, I’ll be reading back on your posts, but just wanted to check in now, as I’ll have a busy morning (first day back at work after two weeks!)

    My holiday was AMAZING .. just what I needed. I love Greece, the people, the food, everything was perfect. It wasn’t a very busy resort, but that’s what we wanted. A complete chill out … relaxing, walking, bathing in the sun, swimming. We did it all, and I loved every second. I miss it so much now I’m home .. and we have promised we will make a conscious effort to save up for more breaks away.

    Last week was spent at home (and is the week where I put the weight back on). When I came back from Greece, I’d gained 2lb, and this morning, another 2lb. I’m SO glad to say I’m fasting today .. I need it. I need to shift the 4lb gain, to get me back to where I was pre-holiday, and then go on to lose more.

    Hope all my lovely friends are doing ok. I’m glad to be back with you again.

    Stay strong everyone 🙂 Anyone fasting with me today?


    Oh, Teach, just read that I missed your birthday! Hope you had a lovely time 🙂 🙂

    The place I went on holiday was Kefalonia, one of the Greek Islands. The resort we stayed at there was Katelios 🙂 Quiet, and perfect! x

    Fasting today, natch. Although I’m at my target weight, my Own Dear Husband has been ‘finding’ some weight in the past few weeks. He had decided on a limit above which he doesn’t want to go, so that inspires him to be a good Faster.

    Mexicali Baked Eggs today were very good for breakfast. I’ll blog them next week.
    Need a recipe for tonight which will use up some of the cabbage in the pantry… Maybe the Langostino with Garlic. Or might have to come up with something new. Any suggestions out there?

    This coming Thursday, a Fast Day of course, we’ll fly to Chicago to visit our son. So I’ll follow my own advice: follow a rigorous Fast Day until dinner at a fancy restaurant [celebrating our anniversary and our son’s birthday]. That should keep the weight down. Happily I’m a pound underweight, so I can ‘afford’ some splurging. But the following days will be big dinners out as well, so I’ll have Fast Breakfasts for 2 more days, with lots of protein to keep me full so I won’t miss not eating lunch. Then when we come back home on Sunday, we’ll have some Fast Diet soup for dinner [in freezer already] and go back to Fasting on Monday.

    Dragon: your trip to Greece sounds wonderful. The Mediterranean Diet is supposed to be so healthy!

    Hey everyone,

    I just finished up a fast day and it when well. It feels good to be back in a routine again. I’m having a weigh in on Wednesday so I’ll see how I’m doing then. Good luck to all of you fasters out there!! Stay strong!!💪🏻

    Morning, hope your all doing well 🙂 I did my first FD in two weeks yesterday, and proud of myself to say I DID IT! Headache was a bit of a problem mid-afternoon, but I know this does happen.

    Minny, great job on getting through yours too! I agree the routine feels good 🙂

    Fasting_me, have a wonderful time in Chicago! Congratulations on your Anniversary 🙂 I think your recipes sound wonderful by the way 🙂 I’m always looking for new ideas 🙂

    Teach, Flo hope your both out there doing ok. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Love to all xx

    I am going to try again because I miss your continuing support. It seems that I must be an idiot or perhaps the most tech illiterate person in history. I joined the June Challenge this month and have been sending some of my comments to you guys to the other thread. I have also completed a couple of replies just to see them vanish. Has this ever happened to any of you, or is it just me? I am not that great at typing, so it is really frustrating after spending quite a bit of time with no results. Anyway, I will try again.
    So glad you are back. I really missed your kind words. You have a nice way of cheering others up. I know you had a splendid time on holiday! I have beautiful visions of Greece in my head. I bet you rocked that bikini! I know how hard it is to get back in the groove after a vacation, but overall being on a schedule is what keeps me on track. I am glad you had a successful FD. I sometimes get a headache or feel weak when I fast, but it goes away pretty quickly. Don’t worry you will get rid of those 4 lbs. before you know it! Sometimes I think it is worth a lb. or 2 when you are enjoying yourself and having fun! No one likes a stick in the mud! The important thing is getting back to the plan upon return. In the past that is where I have slipped up, no actually nose dived. I have lost the weight so many times before just to let it creep back up when I get home. I am determined not to let that happen this year. I am too old for that now! This has been the hardest and longest it has ever taken me to get rid of the ugly lard! I admire people like you who jump right back in and go to work! Have a great day! Hope to hear from you soon! 👙👙👙

    Minny! Dragonfly! glad to see you both back….and both getting back into the swing of it.

    Dragonfly, it sounds like you had a wonderful trip!…and I know that it is always difficult to go back to work.

    I met all my goals last week…this week is a little more challenging.

    Good luck to all the fasters!

    Hi fatteacher

    I’ve been following your thread and you seem to have done brilliantly very quickly so I’m wondering if you could give me a break down of how and when you lost your weight. I am new to this (a few weeks in) and inspirational stories like yours really help when my motivation is flagging. I’m in the UK so a long way from Texas and certainly colder but I’m about your age and have about 34lbs to lose. I would love to hear any tips.

    Congratulations for meeting your goals last week! That is awesome! Challenges are good. Nothing ever turns out to be easy. That is why we keep pressing forward. You have been a great example! Good luck with your fasting this week! Sun and fun!

    Glad you are back! Good luck on your weigh in today! It does feel good to fast. It helps me feel like I am in control. How is the weather up north? It has been beautiful here. I looking forward to hearing about your adventures at your cabin. I bet is pretty this time of the year. Hope your family is well. Any luck with your son? Keep pushing forward! You can do anything you put your mind to!

    Fasting Me
    I am so thankful to those of you who are on maintenance but stay to chat and encourage the rest of us. I enjoy your advice and suggestions. Is is great that your husband shares this WOL with you! I am am sure it is a tremendous help to both of you! Have fun on your trip to Chicago. That is one place that I have never been but would like to visit. I am sure you are very excited to see your son. How old is he turning? Are there any grandchildren involved? I see that you are leaving tomorrow and returning on Sunday. That is a quick trip. How long is the flight. Illinois is worlds away from Texas! What a fun way to celebrate your anniversary and son’s birthday! I am sure there will be lots of good food and wine to enjoy! I know you have it under control. I like the way you already have what you are going to eat upon your return. That is truly dedication! Safe travels!

    Disney Fan
    Hope things are going good for you!

    Sweet tooth
    Welcome! Nice to meet you. I would love to share, but must get some work done right now. Will have time to chat this evening. Good luck on your new adventure. You have already taken the hardest step. Starting! 😊

    Hello to everyone!!

    Sorry I have been mia, my stupid yahoo acct was acting up so I just now am reading the emails.
    So jealous of all the trips you guys are taking. My worldly adventures the last 10 years have been Epcot at Disney :). I miss going abroad.
    So last week I lost 4 pounds. My fd on Tues was easier this time, and my next FD is Friday. So I am glad its getting a little easier. I do get the headaches, but I get migraines anyway and a little unsweet tea , caffine, helps a little with that.

    YAY FOR YOU!! Meeting a goal is awesome!! Keep it up!!

    Hi everyone 🙂 Lovely to read your posts. Teach, you can do this! I think that routine and structure, and of course getting into the right headspace is definitely the way to do it. Usually after a holiday, I think .. oh well, nothing to aim for so revert to old ways. Not this time! I too am getting older, and its harder work to shift the stubborn weight, so rather than be down as I usually am about it, I’m straight back into it! 2lb down this week so far, so feeling good 🙂 I’m on second FD today, wish me luck 🙂 🙂

    Flo! Great job on reaching your goals, that’s wonderful … so motivating 🙂

    Sweettooth, I’m in the UK also 🙂 Look forward to chatting with you. Where in the UK are you? I’m near Manchester.

    Minny, how did the weigh-in go on Wednesday? Hope you saw amazing results.

    Disneyfan, WOW 4lb is amazing work, well done! Glad your FD’s are getting easier 🙂

    Sounds like we’re all really focused. Lets do this, whilst at the same time being kind to ourselves, and lets shift those lbs!!!

    Love to all xx

    4 lbs. That is great! Keep up the good work. You will be there in no time! Good luck on your FD tomorrow. My 18 year niece came to stay with us for a couple of days and I tried to do good, but probably ate too much. It was a NFD, but I am a little worried about weighing in the morning. I cooked out steaks and we did not eat until way too late! We only have a son, so it was fun to have her here today. We went to the mall and shopped for swim suits. It was fun to have a girl to give opinions and she was so sweet! She probably weighs 110 soaking wet and she said that she hopes she looks as good as I do when she is my age. No one would have ever said that 3 months ago and and 37 lbs. heavier. I am going to try to never get in that situation again! I did get a headache and was very hungry today. I tried to get through it, but had to have a snack before lunch, but I didn’t eat much and it went away. Have a great Friday and weekend!

    Hope you had a good fast day. Just a week and a half until my beach trip and I can’t wait! I am almost there! So close to my goal. We leave Sunday the 18th. I am going to really try to lose the last 2 lbs. by then. I think I can do it. Went swim suit shopping with my niece today. I bought a bikini and a tankini. I certainly didn’t look like a Victoria Secret model, but it wasn’t that bad for a 54 year old. At least I don’t think I will scare anyone in Mexico! My niece and I are going to the swimming pool at the country club tomorrow. I can try it out and see if anyone screams and covers their eyes! The thing about the pool in our neighborhood is that a lot of my former students hang out there and it is weird when they see me there. Oh well, I am not going to let that keep me away! I was way too fat to even show my face, or shall I say my lard a– there last year! This is a new year and a new me! Enough silly talk! I hope you have a great Friday and a good weekend!

    Teach, I have every confidence in you to lose the 2lb! Your doing an amazing job 🙂 Swim suit shopping sounds fun, like you, only having a son I often think it would be good to have a girl to shop with, do girly things and giggle at stuff lol! Enjoy your time at the pool, and as you said to me … you’ve earned the right to feel good about yourself .. so STRUT! Have fun, you deserve it! Not long till your beach trip now … counting down the days like I was no doubt 🙂

    Have a great day, and weekend too 🙂

    Lots of love xx

    ps. I did my FD yesterday, but was ravenous all day for some reason. I know I went over my 500 cals .. but did an extra long workout this morning to compensate lol 😉 Sometimes, our bodies just tell us to eat, I do think we should listen to them x

    Hey there girls…sorry that I’ve been out of touch lately, work had been crazy!

    It sounds like everyone is doing really well…congratulations! Disney! and Teach, you are almost there! that must feel great.

    I did have 2 good FDs…but I fell down on the exercise this week 🙁 Hopefully, I will be more motivated next week.

    I wish you all a lovely weekend.

    Hey everyone, hope your weekends have been good 🙂

    Flo, well done on your successful FD’s last week 🙂 I’m on my first of the week today, and feeling positive. Not feeling motivated to exercise today though, I really need to get with it …

    Have a great day everyone, lots of love to you all!


    I hope that everyone had a nice weekend…I did a little fishing…no catching, just fishing 😀

    I am fasting with you today, Dragonfly…looking for 2 good fasting days and exercise this week!

    Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. 🙂

    Back from Chicago. Its a 2-hour flight, so that is just a little hop which makes a 3-day trip worth it. We had a wonderful time: visited museums, met The Girlfriend [a delightful young woman, very personable and interesting], dined at 3 great restaurants [steak; German; Italian]; drank some new wines.
    Gained one pound. [Husband won’t tell me what he gained! giggle]

    Today is a Fast Day, so tomorrow should show a better weight for both of us. Back to the gym today [I try to go twice/week for some cardio and muscle building], and errands, and maybe some gardening if its not too humid.

    Teach, so glad to know you have the self-confidence to by the bikini. Atta Girl! While on vacation, try a Fast-style meal at breakfast, no lunch, and then what feels delicious and safe at dinner.

    Dragon, just walking can give you a metabolic boost. And that breeds more exercise. I know what you mean about having a hungry Fast Day. Don’t know what causes that. Drink lots of water/tea and it helps.

    Flo1, good motto! Making the right decisions certainly makes a difference.

    Disney, keep up the good work. Glad the caffeine helps with the migraines.

    Sweettooth, I hope you are finding the Fast Diet to be helpful so far. I find that planning is very important. Decide in advance of a FD what you will eat that day, so you can have all the ingredients on hand. Be sure that there is lots of protein in your meals, which maintains muscle mass and keeps you full longer. Drink lots of water.

    Minny, I see often that people talk about going to a weigh-in? Do you find that this helps your motivation? Is this the Weight Watchers or a program at your gym? Just curious. Good luck at your next one.

    Hi fasting_me, your trip sounded really good 🙂 A 1lb gain isn’t too bad, and easily lost again. Hope your fast day went well yesterday!

    Flo, how did your fast day go?

    I managed mine ok. I didn’t actually eat until really late last night, so really I could have managed all day with nothing. But, I chose to eat and was SO FULL afterwards!

    Hope your all doing well, have a great day.


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