Struggling on Second Week

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  neenyglen 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I’ve just been weighed this morning on week two of my journey with the Fast Diet and I’ve lost 5 pounds!!!!

    My first two fast days last week were relatively easy (I think the novelty of the situation carried me through!!!). Yesterday was my first fast day of my second week and I was demented………by midday I could gladly have eaten my desk and the hours limped by until the end of the work day and I raced home so I could devour my other 400 calories..

    I really hope tomorrow is easier……

    Anyway just wanted to say “hello” and “good luck” to my fellow fast dieters.

    hi Neenyglen and well done on your fasts so far!

    your post made me smile because it reminded me of my own fast day lol, I am fasting today and its going ok but I have to keep busy or the day just drags, plus am not working I am home today grrrrrrrrrr

    good luck and happy fasting and hang in there 🙂

    Thank you.

    Keep to it, it does get easier!

    I drink tons of water and green tea on my fast days and I do not eat anything at all until dinner as this is easier for me than eating something small during the day.

    Best of luck

    Thanks Stef. I think I’m going to try different combinations for the first couple of weeks.

    I’m one of those people who normally have to have something to eat before I leave the house in the morning, but I can happily go the rest of the day and have a late supper.

    Don’t know how I could go not having a breakfast.

    I’ve been drinking lots of water today n found it ok. Downside is I’ve been at the loo at least 8 times! Definitely a new experience for me.


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