Strong start! I'm hooked!

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  • Hi! I was given Michael’s book by my mom last week, before I was even 1/2 through it I knew I was going to fast the next day and give it a go! (she was in week 2 of the “diet” and so was my brother, both with early success) It made so much sense–the flexibility, the ease, the health benefits, the science behind it all.

    I am a healthy 44 year old female (but with a family history of cancer, high blood pressure, and Alzheimer’s) who struggles with putting on what used to be 10, then was 15, now 20 pounds, every winter, to take it off every summer. Up. Down. Up. Down. Other than breakfast, I don’t typically make great food choices and I don’t have good portion control. I generally eat to become “full”, not satisfied, and I eat way too fast.

    I knew, however, as I was reading, that I would not do well with the 500cal program for fast days. I need this to be “all in” or “all out” for it to work for me, this much I know about myself. So I last ate Tuesday night at 8pm (McDonald’s, ugh) and went 36 hours until Thursday morning with black coffee (interesting), unsweetened tea and water. (I had given up all artificial sweeteners in March of 2012 after reading some pretty horrific things, my only remaining vice was aspartame-sweetened gum and I’ve decided to ditch that now as well)

    It was pretty darned easy! I was hit with about 3 or 4 true hunger pangs throughout the day, which were easily dismissed by looking forward to tomorrow’s free eating and water water water. I was most struck by two things: I became aware quickly how often I eat just to have a diversion from what I am doing, just a reason to stretch my legs and get up from the desk or couch. And I became aware that every time I pull onto my street returning home, I am hit with what I thought was hunger but was just me doing a mental inventory of my pantry to decide what I will eat as soon as I walk in, regardless of the time of day or how long it has been since I last ate. Crazy habit, easily broken now that I am aware of it.

    I did have a bit of sleeplessness that night and was truly hungry, but I used the two awake hours to peruse this blog! Time well spent.

    I broke my fast Thursday morning with some almonds. I found I was very picky about what I wanted to put into my stomach as first meal after a fast, didn’t want to shock the system with a bagel or sugary cereal, even though I know I can if I want. I didn’t want to undo the FIVE pounds I had lost! (I know, it’s mostly water, I don’t plan on losing more than 1 or 2 a week from now on) I had a BBQ lunch and chicken/rice casserole with my family for dinner and skipped dessert, didn’t want it!

    Friday I was going to be occupied and somewhat trapped at my daughter’s cheer competition from early afternoon into evening so I decided Thursday night that I would also fast Friday, seemed to make sense. I don’t intent to do alternate day fasting but it worked out that way this week. (LOVE THE FLEXIBILITY!) Another easy fast day– black coffee, tea and water, nothing else. (Had a piece of gum and found it triggered more hunger so not doing that anymore, thought it might satisfy my need to chew but it backfired I think) Felt good, mentally clear, energetic, and happy. Not at all the sluggish grump I thought I’d be!

    This morning before breaking day 2’s fast I have lost another 1.6 pounds, so down 6.6 from Tuesday morning. Yahoo. I feel a difference in my jeans already. Hope to lose another 14 total which would put me at 150, a comfortable place for my 5’4″ body.

    Ate an egg with cheese on a wheat round to break the fast, a granola bar late morning, vegetable soup and half a reuben (was too full to eat the rest! what?!?!? It’s my favorite food!) for lunch. Dinner is still undecided but not stressing on my choice. Tea and water are keeping me from mindless snacking in the afternoon.

    Wow, if you are considering trying it and are looking for stories to boost your confidence in giving it a go, put me in the “hell yes” column!! This was made for me. I can already see this as a game-changer. I feel in control of my mind and body for the first time. Looking forward to this journey…

    Love your post Believer 69!

    thanks for sharing, keep it the brilliant work, well done 🙂

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