Started well, tailed off a bit… Anyone have similar experiences?

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Started well, tailed off a bit… Anyone have similar experiences?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lee Barnes 10 years ago.

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  • I started in early August at 11st 12. by September end I was 10st 13. End Dec I am 10st 3
    So I lost around 13 pounds first month. And that has tailed off to ten pounds in the subsequent 3 months. Still losing but slowly. I wondered if anyone else was the same.
    To be honest, I was probably more strict to begin with and I think its possibly partly to do with that.

    Hi Lee:

    The average weight loss on 5:2 over time is about a pound a week. Sounds like you are right on track!

    Good Luck!

    Thank you. I feel good about what Im losing, so Im glad!

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