When is a Fast not a Fast

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 2 weeks, 3 days ago.

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  • Hi Folks,
    I am following the Fast Diet, not to lose weight but for all the health benefits and my understanding is that these are associated, not just wilh the limited calorie intake, but more importantly the fact that you are fasting for an extended period of time.

    I would like to know what, if anything you can drink without breaking the fast and lowering the health benefits.
    I like a cup of tea with no sugar and a little semi skimmed milk, would this break my fast.
    Similarly the low calorie cordials with no added sugar 4Kj per 100 Ml would this break my fast.
    Thanks Sue

    No response. A bit disappointed, had hoped for some advice on a topic that I think many folks would be interested to know about.

    Sorry Sue, this forum is a lot less active now, and I think most people here belong to one of the big threads, and just follow that.

    I have heard an answer to your question… but can’t remember it! Certain amounts and certain foods! (I think a cup of tea with a little milk doesn’t upset it).

    I expect the research is ongoing. I think Valter Longo’s work is all about this, so you might find out looking him up.

    Good luck with it.

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