September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,071 replies, has 74 voices, and was last updated by  FasterJo 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 401 through 450 (of 1,074 total)

  • @rainbowsmile: Just skimming through the posts and had to find out what you’d done to your foot. Broken metatarsal I see…poor you. At least it was spotted before it “came apart”, so you’ll be fine.
    A few years back, after returning to my deliveries after a three month absence when I had a big toe joint replacement, I did too much too soon (same old story I’m afraid) and then got a stress fracture on the second metatarsal.
    This was not picked up on the X-ray until five weeks later. Having done all the Christmas deliveries on it and assuming the extra pain was due to the big toe op I carried on…(us posties are a hardy lot). As you know, we wear shorts all year round!
    Anyway, during a follow-up appointment, it was finally spotted on a second X-ray…he called it a “barn door” fracture by then. Wide open. Four more months off work before it finally knitted together…nightmare! Luckily they didn’t give me the sack from Royal Mail..
    My current Plantar Fasciitis is a breeze in comparison, I’ve managed with no time off work, so far. You sound as if you are doing fine. All the best to you.

    Day 8 second post


    Way back when, I was working with neuropsychs to identify and find ways around cognitive impairment. Due to autoimmunity & medication I couldn’t do things I’d found easy eg see the words in a word search or use a particular word with a very specific nuanced meaning.

    The zillions of tests had shown some gaps but mostly very subtle changes, & in many things I was performing well above average. But I kept falling into the holes of what didn’t work bc I was used to my normal and hadn’t developed workarounds. The community psych came every couple of weeks for a long time, but one of the most useful things she taught me was this (paraphrased, but this is what I remember).

    If you use the old measures of success you’ll always be stuck with the thing that has changed, and see it as broken. That’s a place of judgement, regret misery. But if you look at how things are and find different ways to measure progress is both useful and compassionate. It helps us to accept where we are and look forwards, creating acceptance and understanding which will ripple onwards & outwards.


    Day 8– Colorado USA— NFD

    Aah! Work week in my rear view mirror. Errands run & done.
    Now I get to relax & read, snuggled up with my 2 fur babies (they follow me around the house supervising my chores, then cuddle up as soon as I settle down.)

    August had me testing my return to the 5:2 WOL. With success! And so far I’m pleased with September as well. Looking forward to posting progress updates at month’s end.

    If I remain on this trajectory, I should hit my goal by Christmas! 🎅🏻🎄🎉 ….. but we all know what the Holiday Dragons drag in (sugar plums & cocktails, oh my!) …. so downward progress may detour. But I’m hoping I’ve learned enough about dragon-slaying that I can carry on….into some pretty party dresses! 💃🏼👗

    In the meantime my new mantras, so that I cleverly convince myself I am not deprived, are:
    — Cut back today. Cut loose tomorrow!
    — Don’t deny, just delay

    Day 8 – Eastern WA USA – FD maybe

    Trying to listen to my body, and don’t plan to eat until hungry. It’s basically 10 AM and so far only water and coffee with a little cream. So maybe I’ll be joining @dingping and @snowflake56. One of my challenges is that I don’t want to waste fresh produce in the fridge. I think that making a soup with some of the produce plus some sausage I have in the freezer, will be a good project. It’s my former MIL’s b-day tomorrow and a jar of fresh soup would be a good gift.

    @rainbowsmile – here’s some more [[hugs]]! – your “healthy” ankle has probably been compensating for the “sick” one. Our gait usually changes when one is injured. About 2 yrs ago I started with an injury on my right foot, before all was said and done, injuries had moved through my body like dominoes, ending with a metatarsal injury on the opposite foot. Part of my challenge was not getting to the root of things quickly and continuing on it and travelling… As @ciren2 says, that you caught it early should help. I’m glad you’re healing well, even though it feels slow to you.
    On the saggy loose skin topic, yes it tends to disappear with longer fasting. I know that Dr. Jason Fung’s patients have not needed surgery for excess skin removal. That was good news to hear, so I really want to get this fasting down.

    @michelinme – the job I’m starting is only part-time; 1/2 time at the max (I’ll have to keep an eye on things but I’m told it will be flexible – as much as I want. If I bite off too much on the 1st 1/4, I can cut back the next.)

    @daffodil2010 – TY for sharing your route. Are you riding your bike through France etc after you get off the ferry? It sounds wonderful! I’ll look the places up. Yes, dreams do come true!

    @happymargo – it sounds like you’re back on the wagon solidly! Some good mantras do help.

    Glad we’re in this together!

    Day 8 UK FD

    I had a lovely lie in this morning (I NEVER get to lie in anymore) and I think my body definitely needed it as I woke up feeling great.

    I didn’t feel hungry at all until about 5pm so decided to make today a FD.

    30DS done and now I’m going to curl up on the sofa with the baby. 😍

    Wishing you all a great Saturday night.

    We took MIL for high tea yesterday for her 91st birthday. Strangely the scales were down today! I guess my 3 fasts this week finally caught up!

    Regarding all the people who are sick or injured – rest unfortunately is the only cure! Put your feet up and watch some Netflix and rest, I tend to overdo it then the recovery is longer!

    We are off to London today so all packed and ready to house hunt! It will be strange living in the UK after 24 years away but exciting in its way. My OH is in the movie industry so a better spot for us. Talking of which have major event coming up – his latest movie is in the Vancouver film festival, so have the motivation to keep with this WOL SO I can fit back into my fancy dresses!

    Has anyone fasted on a travel day? I packed some snacks but thinking this could be the perfect opportunity…

    BTW the only way I have found Chai seeds to be palatable is on zucchini or sweet potato muffins (they add bulk), or if I make my own crackers or bread. Otherwise they tend to have the consistency of frogs spawn….

    Still Day 8 –

    @ali wants to wear a bikini – I find that travel days are often good for FDs. Just water & coffee mostly & not near the kitchen…works great.

    @sarahbob – glad you got to rest or “sleep in” as we say on this side of the world. When you have small children, that is a rare treat.

    RainbowSmile your foot has to heal slowly. Never mind your other foot feeling it needs to imitate your real injured foot.

    As for your ex being in your village, don’t mind him. Please do a favour to yourself and don’t binge eat and when you do just press the reset button and move on to this wol.

    RainbowSmile I used to read the Old Testament of the Bibble a lot but now I’m in a Eucharistic group which meet every Monday from October to June and we read the New Testament with some reference to the passages of the Old Testament. The New Testament is so beautiful, I suggest you try it and start to read it.

    RainbowSmile take care.

    3 rd post
    Hi All,

    Successful FD, thanks to @snowflake56 my usual Saturday fasting buddy and I see there were a few other FDers today, @sarahbob, @ccco, and potentially @annemarylin – normally a lonely place on a Saturday but today we were are own five-a-side team! I’m pleased with myself for successfully getting through 3 fasting days in a row, hope my fellow FDers had a good day and everybody has made positive steps with a successful week.
    I’m starting to feel in control and so much more positive that I can do this, so all in all a good return to this WOL!

    Just a quickie as I’m still not up to speed with all the post these past few days but saw through skimming that @rainbowsmile you ask why your other ankle is now achy? I agree with @annemarilyn you probably have been compensating for your restricted movement and therefore holding your posture differently, walking differently and hence utilising muscles differently resulting in overworking your unaffected side, you’ve become a bit unbalanced!

    Even though I’ve gone veggie I can’t stop thinking about Florentine steak, yum, yum! If I’m a carnivore again after the w’end it’s all your fault @anna6 for tempting me back!!!
    Enjoy the rest of your w’end everybody and thanks for being around.
    Ta x

    Day 8, UK, NFD

    Its late but its been a busy day and didn’t get much time to spend online. This community has been super bust as well, so many posts, its so great 😀 .
    I did ok eating wise today, tbh been too busy to focus on food, whicg is always helpful 😉

    @northerndawn have a lovely holiday, see you when you get back 😀

    @rainbowsmile the other ankle is doing double work now because you have to rest the injured one, so it will feel it. Its normal. I remember when I had an injury in my left calf, after a while my right leg was aching from all the effort. As for your ex, treat him as you would treat a stranger, since you broke all ties with him, he has right to be abusive as much as a stranger would have, and he gets the treatment as any stranger in that situation would. Sending you a virtual hug 🤗

    I need some rest now, going to take @ali-wants-to-wear-a-bikini‘s advice and put my feet up and watch some TV 🙃

    Have a great day/evening everyone ❤

    Day 8 USA – NFD

    Doing my best to make today a more controlled day than yesterday was. The peach cobbler I made on Friday is so delicious though… hopefully it will be gone soon!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 9 NFD country West Australia
    Halved my food intake in the past week, saying no to wine and chocolate ( mostly), upped the exercise , sloshing with water – and down 2kgs. Possibly water weight but at least heading in the right direction.
    @happymargo glad you are back on track
    @rainbowsmile hope the feet/ ankles recover

    Just off to paint the bathroom ceiling before 10 am church!!
    @anna6 and @metatauta I like reading both the OT and the NT. Both are good to read and the OT has good life advice in general!
    If people want love, action, murder, fighting, intrigue – the OT is the place to read it!!
    Have a relaxing blessed Sunday all.🤗

    Day 8 – Intermittent Fasting – Lima Peru

    Just back from a business trip with no scale. Very careful eating and despite the occasional Gin & Tonic (a weakness, I must admit). Good results – weigh is down to 81.5 kgs (179.6 lbs). Here’s to hoping another successful day and weigh-in tomorrow (Sunday).

    Day 8, Emden Germany, NFD

    yesterday’s FD went well, couldn’t let you and our fellow fasters down @dingping, could I?

    @northerndawn, sorry for mixing you up with @gretta, have a nice holiday!

    @gretta is your back any better now, are you able to do the run today?

    @rainbowsmile I agree with the others about the compensation, take it easy and don’t overdo it. How unpleasant to walk into your ex, try to ignore him. You are so strong, you can do this. Hugs xxx

    @at I hope you’re feeling better this morning.

    @formerly-fat-pete well done, away from home it’s always harder. We all have our weaknesses, once in a while we just need to give in.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 9 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Another busy day dawns. We are heading off on the motorcycle to complete some photo rally points and it’s going to be a 7 hour round trip. But it’s a chance to break in new tyres and test some of the new helmet equipment before our trip to Spain on Tuesday @annemarilyn, yes we are taking the bike and riding through France at our leisure to Spain. It’s a great way to see the world.

    @formerly-fat-pete. Welcome back after your trip. I meant to say earlier in the forum that I am delighted that we have a Peruvian resident on board. I was in Peru at the start of the year, we were there to follow the start of the Dakar Rally, then we became tourists and off to Arequipa, Colca Canyon, Machu Picchu…….it all seems like a dream now ☺️

    Have a great Sunday everyone. The snacking was a bit much for me yesterday, but a day of biking will keep snacks out of my gob.

    Loving this forum. So much news!! Hoping to catch up with @bert1802 story later. 😄

    Morning all – had a big business event in Harrogate Yorkshire yesterday so a hefty night before and a fair. It of junk food during the day. Daughter cooking chicken stew for dinner so I aim to hold out today and squeeze in an early fast day. Happy Sunday all.

    Day 9, Guildford UK, NFD

    Feeling much more positive today, yesterday I guess was one of ‘those’ days. I feel so blessed to have this wonderful amazing group supporting me and giving me the best of all hugs. I didn’t actually run into my ex (although he goes into my favourite cafe) but no doubt I will. He is making it clear that he is here and my neighbours and friends have even sat next to him at the cafe and local pub. So discretion is the better part of valour and I will stay away from the cafe for the time being. I don’t pub anyway as I can’t afford it and alcohol isn’t my thing.

    @daffodil2010 you are an adventure queen, I think of you as so glam in your biker togs. I know it’s not breeze in your hair because of the helmet but it’s a romantic thought.

    @snowflake56 thank you, I shall hold my head up and pass on by. I could try a shin kick with my good foot, may be not!

    @formerly fat Pete yeah to go!

    @lilymartin painting a ceiling? Visions of a cistine chapel, but guess not and before 10 on a Sunday? Such dedication when all I can do is YAWN.

    @songbirdme that cobbler sounds soooooo tempting.

    @shinything too busy for food? Awesome.

    @dingping I am usually a Saturday faster because I dance that day and it’s easiest not to have a full tummy. So I will be back to Saturday fasting soon when healing needs change.

    @aliwantstowearabikini with you on the frog spawn. I tried googling recipes but frankly nothing appeals yet.

    @sarahbob you are inspiring me on the 30DS (365 version)

    @annemarilyn thank you for the enormous big hug. Every Sunday I convert the sadder veg into juice in my juicer. I can cook with it or add it to my bone broth. Please please look after those bones, your story worries me a little as a little roughty toughty is great news but cascading injuries. A little loose skin is nothing really compared to having good bones. Precious lady please take care.

    @happymargo I love hearing about clothes and pretty dresses. So I want all the gen on your favourite Christmas Dress.

    @michelinme more flowers to buy for me with your name and the biggest and warmest hug. I return it redoubled. I had to Google cognitive impairment and that is very complex as a diagnosis and particularly as treatment. It’s no wonder you are so together and articulate with such well reasoned posts. Must have been such hard work to recover. One of the posts on docontherun was about recovery goals which I looked at again following your post. I have also been a member of superbetter for a long time, it’s Jane McGonigal and my favourite TED talk ever ever. And I love her outfit, it’s the stuff I used to wear, very Stevie Nicks.

    @ciren2 my gorgeous postie friend, we need you looking after our mail. Please take great care of those feet. Have the best of shoes that you can. BTW i have claimed for a tax deduction for protective shoes and orthotics before for a delivery person, not much I know but it helped and you can get these VAT free if your doctor agrees. I also agreed 50% of the treatment as a tax deduction following a work related injury, your union may be able to help.
    19,000 steps is enormous stress on your feet. I can imagine you on a beach in cute shorts and a tye dyed T knotted at the waist and a great cocktail in hand relieving your feet in the warm sand and gentle waves at sunset. That is what my Ciren2 deserves after all that mail.

    Off to have a bath and start my day, I am going swimming and will try biking today.


    Morning all…I expect I’m the only one on here that’s not actually doing 5:2 at the moment…but hey.
    Hats off to all of you for sticking with it.
    Walked the dog, foot ok-ish. I’ve decided it WILL get better on it’s own…eventually, as long as I don’t climb church towers or get stuck in deep ditches (what caused it)! Delivering mail, I just have to do.
    65 next Saturday…should be retired really, oh well…
    @rainbowsmile: have a good, smiley day, you sound full of energy!

    Day 9 UK NFD (but mindful it needs to be controlled!)

    We did it @snowflake56, we are back on course – thank you!

    However woken to feeling very hollow after my fasting days, need to be mindful, anxious at taking that first bite… will it unleash a tsunami…

    @rainbowsmile – will look forward to you returning to being part of the Saturday Fasting Crew, you’ve helped me in the past and it’s been much appreciated. Sorry you are feeling shaken by your ex husband’s antics, stay strong and calm.

    Start of our w’end here (Sunday – Tuesday cause of OH’s working week) so off to get some downtime.

    Enjoy your day.

    Ta x

    Day 9, Gozo, Malta,nfd

    Dingping enjoy meat again, why not. It’s delicious with some sea salt and pepper.

    Today I’m having asti Italian wine and Chinese takeaway food which I ordered from a good reputable restaurant.

    I’m again the weight I was before the cruise in August. Hooray 😄! It took me three weeks to get there. Today is a nfd but tomorrow I’ll start to fast again for three days at least. I only fast at 800 calories or thereabouts but it’s working for me. Sunday’s is the day when I don’t Count calories and may go over tdee but I’m mindful the rest of the week.

    I’ve been to mass this morning as usual. Now it’s time to relax with the family. Have a great Sunday everyone.

    Day 9, London, UK, NFD,

    Aiming to be controlled today, and certainly aiming to avoid the vino until next weekend (4 day weekends are not great for ‘controlled’ wine drinking!!!!)

    Anyway, I’m giving myself a break and starting my more focussed September on Monday. If I look too closely at the things I’ve done this week which are NOT part of my plan I would sink into a pit of despair, so tomorrow is another day!!!!

    Aiming for some serious dragon drowning, so I’ll be polishing my armour in preparation for tomorrows battle!!!!

    Enjoy the remainder of the weekend folks!!!

    Day 9, UK, NFD

    Its such a nice and sunny day here, time to get some gardening done 🙂
    Debating whether to have a glass of vino today with lunch, but haven’t decided yet.
    Trying to be mindful 😇

    @formerly-fat-pete well done on losing weight, keep going 😀

    @anna6 I like the way you do this WOE, I might try that because maybe being more relaxed will do me good and help me get of this plateau 🙂

    Have a great weekend everyone 🌻

    Days 8&9, UK- NFDs

    Mood: shaken by seeing my backside in a changing room mirror just now.

    Definitely a FD tomorrow

    Day 9 – Intermittent Fasting – Lima, Peru

    Good results – closed my rings (Apple Watch, it’s silly I know but a great motivator for me) and had no desire to eat yesterday – apart from a cappuccino and chocolate and maracuya muffin no food.

    Weight is down to 80.9 kg (178.4 lbs for our American friends). I can now use a belt from high school – 30 years ago (had to share – my wife and daughters rib me mercilessly about that)!

    @daffodil2010 – fantastic that you ride and visited Peru – sounds like you enjoyed your time here. What bike, if I may ask?

    @snowflake56 – yes, GTs are a weakness, or rather, an occasional pleasure. I often find it easier to fast completely when traveling – as others in the thread have mentioned, skipping airplane and airport food is a no-brained, even in business class. I have been known by colleagues to go on long trips with no food except… one GT and the little nut bowl offered on each long flight. 🙂

    2 Nd post

    ShinyThing try my wol. Be vigilant for six days ie three fast days and three controlled days and on Sunday relax and forget to count calories but keeping to eat meal times with family. You’ll get the hang of it.

    Day 9 Northern NSW Australia NFD (almost Day 10! …only 1 more hour to go!)

    Going well. Happy with progress and results despite veering off course. Most recent FD appears to have eased me back into a comfortable place on the scales and in my clothing. I’m planning a FD for tomorrow though also have some challenging exercise planned via a Live02 session on a training bicycle while utilizing altitude contrast technology. Previously these sessions and fasting haven’t paired well together for me. Am considering an 800 calorie FD in light of this, just so I don’t find myself ‘energy’ crashing in the aftermath of the Live02 exercise session.

    Day 9- Colorado USA— FD

    Have a trip coming up this week. Heading to Indiana for my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary.
    It’s going to be a giant 2-day blow-out family reunion party! 🎉 🎈 🎊

    Going to take the advice of my Fasting Friends on here & use the airport travel day as an easy FD.

    Normally we plan enough extra time to not rush with parking, lines, getting thru TSA screening,etc and then relax with a meal or snack. In the airport that usually means McD’s or Panda or Subway. Not the best, but fast & filling.

    This time I’ll pack my clean canteen stainless steel water bottle for easy re-fills & order some hot decaf coffee to keep me going. Thanks for the nudge in a healthier direction, Gang!

    I’ll also chant in my head my new mantras, to cleverly convince myself I am not deprived:
    — Cut back today. Cut loose tomorrow!
    — Don’t deny, just delay

    Day 8 – USA – NFD
    Day – USA – NFD

    Still no FDs purposely just because I’m still sulking about that extra 10 lbs…wah. However, I just started a new p/t job where I will be hopping around like a bunny. Training will be off site, which means very early starts this week (3-4 a.m.) and finishing by the early afternoon. It will be just another adventure, but I imagine it will also help my attitude and give me more chances for FDs.

    Day 9 – Florida

    NFD Well, I made August goal today.! Not too far off. Now, I’ll work toward my original goal of 170. Then I’ll reassess for the next big goal to set once I get there. Getting ready for our big Spain Trip. Got our train and plane and cruise tickets. Watching a lot of travel shows in Spain and Portugal. Getting excited. We love the convenient transportation Europe has to offer. Wish the USA would implicate the trams and light rails. I think the USA is still to obsess with their cars. Although if you don’t have a choice, you would need one. The city bus system is less than to be desired and some don’t even run on the weekends. 🙁 Looks like we are escaping the next hurricane. Think there are two more deciding which way to go.
    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Day 9……Florida…… FD

    Since we’re not going to talk about yesterday or Matilda! Oh, food wise, it was not a good one. So, we try again today!

    Last chapter

    What a strange world, we live in when a place of business has to place a plan of engagement if the person you going to fire because of theft it a gun weilding, crazy Dr patient.
    So, the plan comes into action. Everyone even people who had the day off come into work. A family member and his wife, both carrying members of society come in carrying. For the most part everyone feels a bit more protected.
    She walks in…… I might add, carry herself like her shit don’t stink! Okay that’s my perception but I may projecting my feelings here.
    She does act a bit surprised when all members of staff, the bosses wife who never arrives before 11 am, and the family members are all gathered.
    Pleasantries are exchanged and she is taken into the office.
    Evidence is presented
    Now excuses a plenty…
    1. I did not ring this order it got Michelle name on it
    2. Michelle stole your money, not me
    The next couple are when she admitted that the credit card used was hers
    3. I lost my credit card and the person who found it used my card
    4. Michelle stole the card out of my purse
    5. Michelle wants my job and by doing this she could ensure you gave it to her
    6. This is retaliation because you didn’t give her the manager position……
    I’m in the door when she said this….I’m like what?
    Now these are all the excuses, I heard because at this point, I pulled the bosses wife out of the office because she was screaming, hyperventilating and starting to move towards the co worker and I just saw her getting ready to knock this chick out.
    I’m going to fast forward a bit because well I just missed it but what other said isn’t worth repeating.
    So, as we head back in the girl yells I didn’t do this but I will pay every penny back to you!
    She leaves!
    1/2 hour later our phone systems starts ringing off the hook. It’s her husband and father in law. No one will talk to them.
    Now remember our body guards… they hang out with us all day
    Well they stop the father in law from entering the building and he’s screaming in the parking lot. That the co worker has done this before and he wants to make sure none of his cards were used.
    That same day, locks were changed, a safe was installed and computer pass words were changed.
    And a restraint order was placed for all the family members
    Remember the accountant…. she was the chicks best friend
    The chicks husband has stalked and harassed still to this day!
    The detective said it could take up to two months before she will be arrested or any one involved because they have to have warrants and sopenas to get the credit card information. So it’s awaiting game now.
    As it stands right now, everyone is pitching in to help anyway we can! We are all learning new things.
    Last I heard, she is still blaming me for setting her up, stealing her credit card and such.
    Since there was mention of the manager position, I will add more tomorrow!

    It was me…. I admit it…..I let the dogs out!

    Day 9 USA – NFD

    Ate just under TDEE yesterday, and happy for that. Not the world’s best choices of food, but not that awful. And only a small piece of peach cobbler! 😀

    @kaywesterman – living in Florida this time of year can be immensely stressful! My parents lived in Ft. Lauderdale and Pompano Beach starting in 1969 and made it through some of the worst ones (Andrew, etc.) and were in a retirement village the last 15 years, until 2009 when they both passed away. I remember having many conversations with them about hurricane woes! Hugs to you.

    Onward and downward.

    Oh MY @bert1802 – that is indeed quite a tale! Yes, I imagine the workplace IS quite different now with fear of people “going postal” and such. Glad YOU are safe … well, at least for now and well protected!

    Day 9 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Today is the last of my three in a row CNFD’s and feeling really good about staying in control. My weight is staying in check. I was worried since I stopped smoking July 6th. I love this WOL and without all of you I don’t think I could have done this. I have lost 25lbs since Mid January 2018.

    I have found that I had muscle under all that fat. No sagging skin.

    Life isn’t about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself. Have a great Sunday everyone

    Day 9, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Off hiking, then harvesting my Italian plums (eating them as well 😊). Will have grilled chicken breast and veggies or salad later. Never made the pollo asado yesterday. Ate mostly nuts and went nuts with the nuts 😄😆🤣.

    @bert1802: What a story! Wow! 😲😲😲

    Healing vibes and hugs to all with ailments! 💐

    Have a good Sunday everyone! 😊🌻🌼

    Day 9 NC USA NFD

    Did 1400 NFD yesterday. Woke up to only a .2 of a pound gain but still under 191 lbs so happy. I do my next FD on Monday and hope it may get me closer to my short term goal to get into the 180s. Wondering if I am eatting too few calories, my weekly net average calories is just running just below 1200 at around 1150 but I did do two CFDs along with the 2 FD last week plus I have been eatting around 1400 on NFDs. My sedatary goal weight TDEE is about 1600. Like the faster weight lose, so far down about 8 lbs in about 2 weeks of this new WOL. Just don’t want to overdo it.

    Also I saw a stuff on HIIT (high impact interval training) from the author of this website.

    Do any of you do HIIT? If so what method do you follow and how many times per week do you do it? I have a cheap $100 Elliptical, that I may try it with.

    Day 9 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    What a great day!
    @rainbowsmile – so appreciated watching the TED talk you shared with us! Thank you so much! Now that would be great for healing and increasing anyone’s life!

    @Kaywestern – glad you’re okay hurricane wise. My son lived in south Florida a little over 13 years before he moved back up to the inland NW. I remember many times wondering how he was faring. I’m glad you’re also getting to go to Spain. I wish you a lovely time!

    @diana123 – “no saggy skin” good for you! If I remember correctly, you did some fairly long fasting and often they didn’t involve food.

    @bert1802 – glad you’re safe so far and hope it continues so!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    Day 9 UK NFD

    After yesterday’s bread-baking & -eating day, woke up this morning at 147lbs again, up a whole 5lbs from Fri & Sat 🙂 Think my body needs a lot more water too. Today was a little better – resisted cake & ate a banana to keep me going til late lunch of eggs/salad and ONLY THEN bread and honey for tea. It’s a really seedy bread so i’m getting protein in with the carb 🙂

    Next week I’ll try to make it with even more seeds to increase the protein content, & then have a go at a paleo loaf made with ground almonds, coconut flour & nuts. I’m experimenting to find a loaf that will work for me and be sustainable for me in the longer term. My carb consumption has gone down to c70% of a seedy/oat/yogurt loaf per week, which is a fair shift over the last year.

    Was very tired this morning despite 9 hrs sleep, and got v breathless a few times. It’s now 9 weeks since pneumonia began – i’m halfway to the “you should be less breathless & weary” guidance of 3 months. I think my body is taking time to recover from the long long days of trip away this week, and even the 29 hrs sleep of the last 3 nights hasn’t got me there yet. Aiming for a few more 10hr sleeps and perhaps some afternoon rests for the next couple of days as I’m on gentle project work at home til Weds.

    You know that thing where there’s an excited something in your head that you think relates to good news, but can’t remember what it is? That!

    @diana123 fancy finding muscle under the fat – excellent news 🙂
    @kaywesterman congratulations on making your August goal!!
    @bert1802 you are an excellent storyteller! looking forward to the next chapter
    @basyjames and @at hope you are feeling better
    @formerlyfatpete congrats on the belt fitting!
    @borealis haven’t heard from you for a while, hope you are doing ok? x
    @rainbowsmile thank you for the Ted talk, I’ll enjoy that. Cognitive impairment was one effect of autoimmune response to a virus, along with neuromuscular symptoms. Long story, prob covering 15 years! But yes, subtle deficits and slow recovery, plus adjusting to what’s now possible rather than holding onto how things used to be. There are upsides as well as down, and accepting what is a wonderful learning curve. Hope you have had a good day xx

    Feels like bedtime, get the week off to a good start by looking after Future Me. Onwards & downwards 🙂

    Day 9 London UK NFD

    Backhome after glorious few days in Lille. What a lovely city for a quick getaway! We were very lucky with the weather which meant we walked everywhere. I didn’t do 30DS while away so did level one and two back to back this afternoon. I collapsed in a jelly like heap straight after!

    I walked 20,000+ steps every day (up and out early for hour and half walk and exploring on my own, my usual early starts with toddler made that seem like a lie in!) and skipped breakfast so managed 16:8. My friend asked questions which made it clear that she thought I was starving myself but it didn’t matter a jot because for the first time in years I was on holiday wearing what I wanted. She is very overweight and starting WW next week. I do wish I could’ve convinced her to try 5:2/IF but I just didn’t have it in me this weekend.

    Will be back on the scales tomorrow morning to start the week! A bit nervous but also excited… as has been said on here before, “easy on, easy off” 🤞🏽. Tomorrow will be first FD since last Wednesday and I’m looking forward to that fasting feeling again!

    Hoping to have time to catch up on posts tomorrow, I hope everyone is well/on the mend and has had a lovely weekend X

    Day 9UK NFD

    Just a quick check in to say hi and I did my 30DS. Fast day for moi tomorrow.

    I’m a sleepy bunny today so I shall say good night zzzzzz

    Day 10 Aus FD.
    A beautiful, sunny Spring day 🙂
    Day 3 w/o any wine to try to shake things up.
    Pocket list-

    Day 10 NSW Australia FD
    Hi everyone. Just checking in.

    Day 10 pocket list-

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Day 10 NFD country West Australia
    Who decides to paint a bathroom on a Sunday ???
    Did the ceiling before church, out to lunch with friends, decided to paint the bathroom walls when we got home.
    Finally finished . Hot, sweaty , dirty and really looking forward to a shower – and then realised we couldn’t have one for 24 hours to let the paint dry!!!!!
    Crawled into bed at 12.30 am – almost posted then but needed the sleep.
    Woke up feeling blah and have to work this afternoon so felt like tea and toast for breakfast.
    There goes my Monday FD.
    Good luck to all pocket fasters. Will be with you in spirit if not in body.

    Day 10 – Japan – FD

    Not keeping up with this forum or even my exercise. However I’m trying to a least fast.

    Day 10 (Day 9 here) Ohio, US NFD

    Day 8 was a NFD.
    Day 7 was a NFD.

    Thanks all for the kind comments about my dog. With the new medicine he’s feeling much better and tomorrow we’ll start tapering off some of the medications.

    Friday night went out to dinner and then did my usual week-end chores. Usually I run chores on Saturday afternoons, but the weather forecast said that the remnants of tropical storm Gordon would hit then and there were flash flood warnings. So Friday night had to do. In any case, what with the dinner out and being really fatigued, I went way over my TDEE.

    To compensate I reduced my calorie intake on Saturday, so that the average for Friday & Saturday was the TDEE. Not really fasting, but definitely calorie reduction. Today was back to my normal eating routine.

    Because I was out running chores and over-indulging until late Friday, Saturday was a low energy day, with the result that I didn’t post on either day. With any luck this post brings my accountability up to snuff. By the way, my plan of only eating one dessert and that only on the day after FD’s got blown out of the water on Friday night. So I’ll have to try another plan. Strangely enough, there was no craving for dessert yesterday nor today. I’m hoping that Friday was a unique set of circumstances and that by planning I can avoid repeats of that in the future. Well, time will tell.

    Enjoy the start of the week!

    Day 10 – France – FD
    Hello all, am back from a weekend in Brussels! It was fantastic and we walked for miles and miles! I didnt overdo the food and my weight didnt go up but as usual it hasnt gone down either.
    I was there with two slim girls; slim people do eat differently. For one, they don’t eat unless they’re hungry, something i all too often forget about.
    Will now go back and read the posts!
    A good day to all!

    Day 10, Emden Germany, FD

    decided to have 56-58 kg as my goal weight. My bum got lost while losing all the fat, after gaining weight it’s back and I don’t want to lose it again. I definitely look better with a bum. We’re both 2kg down already so one more kg and we’re done.

    @matpi I’m glad your dog is getting better now. Why don’t you try to do the basic 5:2 for a start, it works, you can change things around later on.

    @lilymartin well done on the 2kg loss! You inspired me to paint the downstairs powder room yesterday, it looks nice again. How unfortunate you were not able to take a shower after such a job.

    Day 10 pocket list


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 10 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    We did a 450km round trip yesterday around Northern Ireland. A lovely day, no snacks, …….until we got home that us and made some popcorn. And had some Guinness. Oh well.

    It’s the busy day before the holiday proper today. As we are travelling to Spain by motorcycle there is a lot to do (packing clothes for 3 weeks is a challenge… everything has to match and be easily packed and weigh nothing 😨), plus lists of things to organise in the house. My brother is house and cat sitting for us so that’s a relief but still lots to do.

    I plan not to eat until later today…..try to do a 16:8….Holiday mode addles the brain 🤔

    Day 10 Spain FD

    Had a very social weekend!! Out for drinkies Friday evening, bbq Saturday, friends around for a Thai Extravaganza last night, so seriously fasting today (and no alcohol)! One of the things I really like about 5:2 is it me and I get two dry days a week 😊😊 and alcohol is my BIG problem!

    Would love to try liquid fasting but still feel the need for something more solid. Get around this by having chunky vegetable soup!

    Oh, and had just arrived at the bbq and got out of my car (before any alcohol had passed my lips) when one of the dogs of the house leapt up at me to say hello! Couldn’t step backwards to keep my balance and fell straight over some rocks around a tree. Twisted ankle, scraped and bruised leg, bruised shoulder where I landed on a rock and bump on head from tree!! Luckily a friend was there and my husband and they pulled me up otherwise I’d still be there. All I could think about was thank god I don’t weigh over 100kg anymore!! They’d never have been able to lift me 😂😂😂

    Day 10 pocket list-

    Good luck everyone 💕

    Day 10, UK, FD.

    Good morning, lovely people.

    Day 10 pocket list-

    It’s after 6.15 pm & I have only had 327 cals & am not hungry. The boiled egg was the trick! I have had a small tub of forme zero yoghurt & will have another when we get home from a meeting.
    I may do BTB tomorrow as I have to have a fasting blood test in the morning. I’ll see how hungry I am. 3rd day no 🍷

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