September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,071 replies, has 74 voices, and was last updated by  FasterJo 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 1,074 total)

  • Day 7, UK – FD


    So I’d like to raise a mini-thread on snoring!!

    My DH has always snored horrendously, even when he was a mega-thin whippet in his 20s.

    However, something miraculous has happened and I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this?

    He’s been experimenting with 16:8 and has done really well with it. He now never eats until at least 13:00, but sometimes goes as late as 14:30. He always finishes eating by 21:00.

    He is genuinely operating within 16:8 guidelines probably 25 days per month (some late drinks/dinners for work mean that he can’t always finish by 21:00)

    His snoring has reduced dramatically!!!! (But he still has a collar size of 16″5)

    I suspect that his strong adherence to 16:8 over the last c.six months has really helped him control his blood sugar, but I’m intrigued by the effect on his snoring!

    The other added bonus is that he is no longer suffering with sleep apnea, so the QUALITY of his sleep has really improved – a big pay-off for both of us!!!

    Would love to hear all your comments and insights on this!!!

    I had an easy FD yesterday as I was ill in bed! Just soup to try to cure my flu! Or do Lemsips count as calories. Just woke up to a family of raccoons outside trying to be friendly with my cats! 5am here and catching up on all the posts.

    Thanks for the zucchini muffin recipe – I added some feta and red peppers to mine and came out lovely. I also made leek and cauliflower soup, which is great for feeling like you ate a hearty meal.

    Today we are taking MIL for high tea for her birthday (she is 91), so NFD but gluten free so we will see what the hotel has to offer. Tomorrow we fly to London house hunting, so will try some of the tips and places suggested, thanks to everyone.

    I finally plucked up the courage to stand on the scales yesterday. I knew it was bad but this is the heaviest I have ever been. 🙁 Determined to stick to the WOL and doing 4:3 until it gets to a reasonable level.

    Day 7 NC USA FD
    Yesterday I successfully did a CFD at 1200 and this morning was down .4 of a lb. Today is my last FD of the week. I have a eye dr. apt right in the middle of it and get to find out if I need bifocals. Starting to get up close blurriness. Maybe I will get progressives or just reading glasses. It’s so fun getting older but it beats the alternative! 🙂

    Pocket List

    Day 7 Canada NFD

    I have set myself a 6 week challenge lasting till mid October, so yesterday was the second of twelve fasts. Feels good to have what feels like an achievable time line ahead. I am also working on one thing a week to improve my health. So far I have added drinking home made kefir and eating sauerkraut (thanks clever guts) and being back to the gym for some much needed strength work. This week is cutting alcohol, I plan when I am going to have a glass of wine 24 hrs ahead (thanks to Brook Castillo for this method!)

    @metatuata those scales would be pushing anyone to the limit
    @minka we are heading towards the same goal weight
    @bert1802 I think you have the material for a best seller here!
    Also looking forward to hearing from @dykask he is always here

    Good luck fasters, have fun with all the extra energy a fast can bring 🙂

    Day – Japan – FD

    Actually almost done.

    Day 7, Gozo, Malta, cd

    I’m the same weight as yesterday.

    Today I made a Dijon chicken salad for my pregnant daughter and I; spare ribs with Tex mex sauce for my son and for my OH and son in law I fried lumpuki (a bluish fish, corphene dolphin fish, caught in the Mediterranean Sea) with a salsa made of fried chopped onions and garlic and chopped fresh tomatoes, chopped black olives plus fish herbs and seasoning. For my pregnant daughter and I I’m baking a lampuka with 🍅 tomatoes and capers and serve them with the salsa for this evening. My son in law comes to eat in the evening and my OH will eat fried lumpuki again as he loves them.

    Have a great Friday everyone. Today is the first Friday of the month.

    Third post!!!

    Adding myself to the Day 7 Pocket Fasting List

    Day 7 USA NFD
    Had a successful FD yesterday and I want to follow it up with a controlled day today. My body is feeling very happy to be back on 5:2.

    Day 7, Surrey (UK), FD

    OK friends, hold my hand, because here I go again on the final FD of the week….and good luck to everyone out there, fasting or not, slaying dragons or whatever!

    @cornish-jane – thank you for the link to that fascinating article about relative fat mass (RFM). Thanks to the online tracker, I performed the RFM calculations for myself and compared them to my BMI and my waist-height ratio (WHR) at 3 recent points in time. Here are the results:

    Now: RFM=32% (OK) BMI=23.6 (OK); WHR 0.45 (OK)
    4 months ago: RFM=33% (OK); BMI=25 (borderline); WHR 0.47 (OK)
    5 months ago: RFM=34% (borderline); BMI=25.5% (overweight); WHR 0.48 (OK)
    Borderline measurements: RFM=34% (women); BMI=25, WHR=0.5

    It’s interesting how measurements can vary, not only across time but across individuals as well. From reading previous posts, it sounds like some folks have achieved BMI=25 well before WHR=0.5, but for me it was the other way around, due to my heavy-boned Scandi-European genes, I suspect (my bony wrist measures 7”). If you look at the scatter graphs about ¼ the way down the page, if I were part of the study, I would probably be one of the pink dots straying into the blue-dot zone. Anyway, the RFM provides a welcome reality check, and reminds me that there is more I can do to change my body composition towards more muscle and less fat. I will keep on keeping on, with the exercise as well as with 5:2!

    @cateaus – I was surprised and a little concerned that your doctor is trying to persuade you away from 5:2. I don’t wish to pry, as there could be good medical reasons for their advice, but I wonder why? The medical people I’ve been to see (here in the UK) have been supportive towards me and interested in the methodology, but it seems to me that the benefits of intermittent fasting are not yet widely known among general practitioners. Perhaps your doctor needs some educating? But it’s not my place to say, so excuse me if I’m out of line!

    Adding myself to the Day 7 Pocket Fasting List:

    Day 7 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Yesterday was a good FD staying under 500 calories. Weigh in Friday and the scale continues to be kind to me. I think I have this maintenance thing under control. The next three day will be CNFD’s and the thing I thought I wanted to eat yesterday don’t seem so appealing today.

    Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Have a great Friday everyone.

    Day 7 UK NFD
    Day 6 UK CD

    Friday weigh-day and a new low of 142lb /64.5kg – that’s an astonishing 2lb loss for the week, and 5lbs from Mon’s post-carbtastic-weekend high!

    I put it down an accidental week that got off to a planned start. Mon regular WFD; Tues FD – brought forward from usual Thurs as away so less control. Weds then an unepected 20:4 CD – forgot to eat during busy day, and evening conference meal was tomato & chickpea curry with green veg and a little coconut cake. Thurs I skipped breakfast to save room for lunch at countryside conference centre, but sadly they hadn’t catered for me (GF vegetarian). I eventually found 5 small veg pakora with a few green leaves and a banana, then somehow resisted cake on the train home!

    It’s strange to have weight move down suddenly after ages of little movement. The tracker’s really useful to keep the big picture when it feels as tho things aren’t moving, especially further into the weight-loss part of this WOL. Some months go down only a lb or two but it all adds up eventually, and in the meantime there’s usually something else to measure – inches lost, energy or focus gained, sleep improved, strength or activity increasing.

    Slept for 12 hrs last night and v slow today, plenty to process from my time away, so not caught up with posts from the last couple of days. But very best to all at the end of this first week – here’s to looking after our Future Selves! xx

    Day 7 second post

    @debster251 – thanks for asking! SIL is maybe a little chubby, but definitely not slim, so jealousy could well be the underlying emotion. We have a back history of disagreement over family issues – I won’t go into too many details, but suffice to say that her husband (my DH’s brother) once praised me highly for caring for his parents, when both had dementia at the same time and were living at home. It was a crisis situation and I stepped in. SIL didn’t like it and wrote an nasty, hurtful letter to criticise me for what I was doing. I think, basically, she sees me as a threat. Well, that’s her problem and I’m not going to worry about it. The stats (see my post above) are enough to tell me that I’m on the right track with this WOE and I am not over-doing it, so her opinion is not important in any way.

    @bert1802 – I am in suspenders – your unfolding story is better than the telly! Do let us have Chapter 6 soon!

    Day 7 Spain NFD

    Really struggled yesterday with FD! Was starving hungry all day, but did discover at dinner time that I hadn’t eaten half of what I could have, still had loads of soup left 😂. Actually think I do better when I don’t blitz the soup, so it’s more vegetables in a broth, seems to fill me up more. Did eat more than my 500 with snacking, but wasn’t over 800. Now trying to stay within my TDEE on NFDs. I know I’ve only just started, but disheartened already 😢 weighed myself this morning and I’m a kilo up on when I started 😱

    Second post.
    @bert1802 – we are in complete suspense. Do you take bribes to speed up the next instalment lol ?

    Day 7 USA – NFD

    Good Silver Sneakers class yesterday, but was still a bit sore from having done weight machines the day before. Woke up a pound heavier (always happens after exercise, it seems) and achy. Better now as the day has gone on.

    @fivetwofan5252 – I remember back in the South Beach Diet days (early 2000’s) they did boast about improvements for snorers. Hope your DH’s experience isn’t temporary, and great news that the sleep apnea is much improved!

    @bert1802 – Besides being such an interesting case, you’re so descriptive and energetic in your writing! Thank you for keeping us on the edges of our (shrinking sized) seats!

    Was happy to go to Chico’s yesterday, my fave women’s clothing store. I started out buying size 3’s with them, then 2.5’s, and mostly 2’s. Well, sure enough, I bought a size 1 shirt yesterday that fits beautifully. Still wearing 2’s in trousers or capris, but am happy with the 1 shirt! It’s more of a MEDIUM size rather than LARGE as some might say.

    Onward and downward.

    third post just before bed – 11.30 pm west Aust time.
    @skinnyminny57 please please PLEASE don’t give up.
    5:2 is a WOL not a diet and there are many health benefits as well as weight loss.
    I and some others here ‘ gave up’ and now we are back to basics because it really DOES work. It just takes time with some people and some are slower at losing weight than others.
    It probably took more than a week/month/year to get where you are now so it will take some time to lose the weight.
    @dykask – ‘ almost done’? FD? Work? I’m just wondering. Hope all is OK with you and yours after the typhoon etc.
    Off to catch some well earned zeds on our brand new bed delivered this afternoon.
    DH has just yelled out that he feels like he’s sleeping on boards …..

    Day 7, Emden Germany, NFD

    just a quick check in, next FD tomorrow.

    Have a nice day/evening everyone and @lilymartin sweet dreams!

    Day 7 UK NFD

    Wow it’s busy on here today. Sending you all positive vibes. Just a quick check in as I’ve had a super busy day but I am feeling loads better and I did day 7 of 30DS 💪

    Day 7 Idaho USA 20-4 FD

    Really getting on well, but a super busy day catching up on housework, food prep, appointments etc. Ready for NFD’s Sat and Sun!!!

    @wellrounded, excellent job on not throwing in the towel, accounting for cals and moving on! Such a huge part of learning to live this way!!!

    Day 7 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    What a busy forum! Love it! Was glad to make it a LFD yesterday and the scales are reflecting a downward movement today.

    @rainbowsmile – so glad you’re focusing on healing and that you’re making progress. TY for the doc on the run link. It has some helpful info on a variety of issues.
    @daffodil2010 – what great progress when you back up and look at the holiday to holiday perspective! Enjoy your time in Spain. Can you give a location? I love looking things up so I can envision the beach etc. Of course, I do have a special connection to Spain. I will enjoy it through your eyes this time.
    @wellrounded – congrats on your restraint on the macaroons. Only 1; that’s a victory!
    @lilymartin – good save with the PB I’d say!
    @bert1802 – unbelievable story!
    @ali wants to wear a bikini – to which zucchini recipe are you referring? I must have missed it.
    @michelinme – congrats on your new low!
    @songbirdme – Wow! a size 1 at Chicos. That’s a great accomplishment.

    Make it a good Friday 5:2er friends!

    Day 6 and 7 – UK – NFD

    Came down with a horrible sore throat yesterday and my sinuses are blocked leading to a constant headache – can’t cope with reading the posts let alone reply – hope to feel better next week and will catch up if I can.


    2nd post

    @at get well soon. I like to take local honey with lemon juice and hot water. Take care dear.

    Day 7, UK, NFD

    The scales this morning showed astonishing loss of 300g! Yay! 🐢 I am reminded why I’m a member of tortoise club 😂 . Still, at least its in the right direction!

    Really having trouble keeping up with all posts.

    @basyjames sorry to hear about your tooth, hope your root canal procedure went well 🤗

    @bert1802 your story sounds very wild 😮

    @matpi I also have a problem with NFDs, can’t seem to stick to eating sensibly on them. Let us know how your plan works, might be worth a try :), and your poor dog! I hope he/she feels better soon 🐕
    Sorry your pup is also sick @Redrockgirl , here is to speedy recovery 🤗

    @gretta so sorry to hear about your back injury, they are always awful 🙁 . I hope it gets better soon 🤗 , take care of yourself and give your back a chance to heal.

    @debster251 thank you for offering to host October, I was just thinking to ask that 😀 🤗

    @beththenew bear in mind that scales fluctuate, our weight is not static but goes up/down a little all the time. That is why many of us here have a weight range that we monitor, rather than just one fixed number :). As for NFDs and what we follow … I try to eat to my goal weight TDEE. I don’t count calories very strictly, just did for a while to get an idea how much I eat, because we sometimes don’t think we eat as much as we really do. Also, I allow for the “good” calories, as I believe that the same amount of calories from a chocolate cake is not equal to the same amount of calories from veggies/fruits/nuts for example. So I just try and eat less on my NFDs really. It doesn’t always work though 🙁

    @mogaman I hope your hand heals fast, sending you some healing vibes 🤗

    @cateaus I know the frustration of not being on a plateau, I’ve been there for a while now. With me though, I think the thyroid medication is affecting my weight (as well as sometimes having EFS day), my body is maybe trying to get used to it still, not sure though. Its worth checking with the doctor if there is maybe an underlying issue 🙂 . But we must carry on because the alternative is not acceptable :). Is there any particular reason your doc tried to talk you out of 5:2?

    @fasterjo welcome 😀 , and sorry you lost your first post, many people did last few days, site seem to be a bit temperamental 🙂

    @cornish-jane how is it possible that someone doesn’t notice 33kg loss?

    @rainbowsmile I’m happy to hear you are healing fine, really good news 😀 , just keep taking good care of yourself 🤗

    @ali wants to wear a bikini I hope you feel better soon :hug: , and raccoons? I really like raccoons 😊 . Unfortunately we don’t have them near where I live.

    @at I hope you feel better soon too 🤗

    @daffodil2010 I hope you have a fantastic holiday! ⛱ 🌞

    Have a great day/evening everyone, we can do this together 😊

    Day 7 UK second post

    Just caught up with the amazing number of posts over the last 3 days. Feel as tho i’ve read a book – and i don’t just mean @bert1802‘s epic thriller!

    @debster251 hope you’ve had a great trip to Dublin, and thank you for good wishes for my trip 🙂
    @daffodil2010 My body shape has changed fair bit since younger, esp going by old clothes. Arms &waist bigger, bust smaller, bum flatter!
    @missybear AFAIK in the UK clothes sizes have changed x2 in the last 30 years, so a modern size 10 is a 1980s size 14 and vice versa – really useful info for charity shopping among vintage clothes! There’s also a great website that calculates your size in different brands
    @beththenew you might find it handy to use the tracker on this 5:2 site which calculates TDEE for your weight based on activity levels
    @at hope you feel better v soon
    @fasterjo – Welcome! i saw your first post when reading through the last few days. Drinking lots of water is really helpful on FD, as is a hot salty drink to keep salt up and avoid headache – I drink 1tsp vegemite made with boiling water. Great info re plantar fasciitis – @ciren2 you might like to look at Jo’s post from couple of days ago for some personal advice from a physio 🙂
    @flourbaby i read your day 6 post re wine and took a break to fetch a beer – thanks 🙂 My first alcohol since I think holiday in April – amazing 🙂 – and went straight to my head! Fab motivational post too 🙂
    @marylousw welcome to the Sept Challenge 🙂
    @kerryn73 hope you have a lovely time in London/Slough 🙂
    @anna6 i find myself drooling over your meals and I’m a vegetarian! you describe very well 🙂
    @diana123 so glad you are happy with your MIL’s care giver – what a wonderful gift to know she is comfortable, happy and in safe hands
    @gretta congratulations on your happy weight today
    @cateaus maybe your GP hasn’t come across 5:2 and thinks it’s a crash diet? There’s plenty of research out there eg
    @cornish-jane thanks v much for the great information on fat mass.I’d had no idea of my body fat composition but suspected it would be quite high. Relieved to find it’s 31.5:)
    @ali wantstowearabikini I’m in London, GF & vegetarian and it’s pretty straightforward. For quick food on the go Pret & Itsu are everywhere
    @metatauta scales can be weird 🙁 I had a similar thing happen earlier this year & send huge empathy! i moved my scales and weighed 8lbs more – the floor was uneven and they’re mechanical scales. I’d weighed daily for ages so suspect that i may have weighed 8lbs when i started 🙁 Whatever the reason it’s happened you have lost the weight once and can do it again. ANd it is *just* a number – you will feel Even Thinner when you get there xx
    @basyjames hope your dental pain is settling down
    @annemarilyn congratulations on your new job – that was a short retirement!
    @rainbowsmile yes to the energy for healing, and Well done in making it your top priority. So glad your recovery is going smoothly. Take care of yourself xx
    @wellrounded well done in avoiding blow out and keeping on track. Every time we change our behaviour patterns we’re building new normals for ourselves 🙂

    After which epic read & post session I’m going back to bed – my entire recovery day has been sleeping or lying on my bed and time to get back in! But so glad I caught up, this is an inspiring international community. Have a great weekend everyone 🙂

    Day 7 Minnesota, USA NFD

    I had a successful FD yesterday, around 500 kcal, and ate between 3 pm and 6:30pm only! No snacking, no nibbling in front of the tv (thank you, @snowflake56 for mentioning that….it’s a terrible habit that I’ve allowed myself to slip back into these past two years). Thought of you all to keep me determined.

    Weight is down by 3 lbs since starting this challenge, and 6 lbs (2.73 Kg) since August 14. I’m very happy with this progress; and I’m so afraid I will mess it up going on vacation (Holiday) this next week!

    I won’t be able to check in until possibly Tuesday, and I’m thinking of printing off a few pages of the posts to read for inspiration, especially when I feel like overindulging. It may be vacation, but I know I can’t allow myself to eat uncontrolled, or I’ll just regret it when I get back. I don’t want to go backwards after working so hard these first 3 weeks.

    If I get done packing tonight, I’ll try to read all of the posts since yesterday. If not, I’ll just print and read them as needed. We’ll be back from Holiday next weekend.

    Stay strong and in good health, everyone! Best of luck to all! Looking forward to seeing what you’ve all gotten up to by next weekend.

    Day 8, Tas, Aust-NFD
    What a supportive thread this is. I’ll try to keep up!
    @Debster- I think I am eating enough on NFD’s (about 1600 cals) & I decided against reducing them any more. I won’t mess with the basics.
    @kerryn73, @fatfingers @shinything @michelinme
    – Thanks for your queries. My Dr said, “So, what do you eat on fast days?” & seemed horrified that I don’t eat anything until the afternoon & then usually some celery & maybe a small tub of low-calorie yoghurt & a small dinner. She suggested I have some hummus with the celery & have some nuts etc. I thought she knew about 5:2, but she mustn’t. I have been trying to stick with her as she saw what happened when I went into shock after being exposed to perfume at the medical centre back in March. I have been trying to educate her about MCS, but that has been such a battle. I really am wondering if I should start all over with one of the other doctors. There is absolutely no reason for her to be worried about me doing 5:2. I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic & have never had any issues with glucose levels.
    I feel really good today. I went to a bbq last night & resisted all the unhealthy options, had 2 small glasses of bubbly & am happy to be starting a week without any wine at all. I am going to be extra careful this week.
    Happy Saturday, everyone 🙂

    Day 7, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Another day with great posts!

    Sorry to hear that your pup is sick again @matpi. Thanks for all the good wishes for my pup.

    @at: Hope you get well soon.I ⚘⚘⚘

    @daffodil2010: Have great vacation!😊😊😊

    @bert1802: What a thriller! Looking forward to the next chapter! 🌸🌸🌸

    I like to respond to more posts but I am quite tired. Had a migraine attack today with flashes. No pain but I could not see well for about 40 minutes because of the very bright flashes. Makes me tired and exhausted.

    Have a good evening/morning! 🌾🥀🌼🌻🌺

    Day 8 NFD country west Australia
    @cateaus , I am not a doctor but as long as you feel well can’t see why you should stop 5:2. Sadly some of our medicos are not always up with current research in certain areas. But to be fair they do know an awful about an awful lot in other areas.
    @at sending virtual hugs🤗
    To the peeps with unwell doggies – hope they improve🤞
    To those unwell – hoping for a speedy recovery🙏💐
    @michelinme – great effort for reading and posting on as you recovered. Hope you continue to get better.💐
    Up until June last year I was a daily weigher, weekly recorder and monthly stat taker . I would whip the tape measure out and record bust, waist, hips, thighs, knees, ankles, biceps just to see where muscle/ fat was residing.
    Whipped out the tape measure this morning for the first time since then – and it has obviously shrunk!
    I have gained 7 cms on my bust and 10 on my waist. No wonder my work pants feel so tight.😲
    Great motivation however. Now more determined than ever.
    I find reading the posts here so inspirational as I did previously.
    Just off to do the fat stat as per @beththenew
    Have a good weekend all.🙃

    second post , apologies( can’t seem to edit without losing entire post)
    just did the fat stat and did it 3 times to check – 44.04 !!!!!!! Nuff said.

    Day 8 – Japan – NFD 80kg

    62 – 36+ hour water fasts done in 2018 so far. 28 to get to my goal.

    Day 8 NSW Australia NFD
    Hi everyone!

    Just spent ages reading all recent posts, couldn’t stop – so interesting 💖 Thank you all!

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 8 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Rainy morning. Going to be a busy day running around getting stuff ready for the trip to Spain. Finished work yesterday on high note when HR called me in and told me of new responsibilities they want to slot me into when I get back. Haven’t a clue how to do it but I know I will be fine ……..years of experience will always help and certainly I have more confidence now at 51 than I ever had.

    @annemarilyn We are travelling by ferry to France, then two overnights in Niort and Toulouse, over the Pyrenees at the Colada de Tosses, then southeast to our final destination at a place called Playa Montroig ☺️ Yes even its name is a beach ☀️ It’s on the Costa Dorada. We will base ourselves there and use the motorcycle for trips out into the surrounding mountains. We love it there. We LOVE Spain. If I had the money I would build a house in that area. Dreams…..they can come true?

    @fivetwofan5252 Interesting re your DH and snoring. My DH also follows a form of 16:8 on work days. His shifts are 2pm to midnight, so he normally has brunch at 10, then nothing until his meal (healthy precook meal) at 8pm. I am asleep when he get home but I am rarely wakened now by the thunderous snores that he used to have. So yeah, I think there is something to be said for it. 🤔

    @dykask Good to hear you back and water fasting away. Hang in there with us

    Have a great Saturday all. It’s super busy which is great motivation.

    Day 8 UK FD

    My first attempt and posting didn’t go well as it disappeared into a black hole, hopefully the only hiccup today.

    Putting my intentions down early for another FD, completing therefore a B2B2B, a first for me.
    Note to self to drink more.

    @snowflake56 – are you fasting today? You seem to have been fasting a lot this week. I’m on a roll with my 3 in a row so happy going solo.

    Still out of sync with posts but hope to catch up with all the chatter over a cup of tea later.

    Enjoy your weekends.

    Copy, paste and add your name to join the list.

    Ta x

    Day 8 Pocket Fasting List

    Day 8 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    @at get well soon 🤗

    @michinlinme thanks for the sizes info I feel better about those vintage size 12s feeling tight now 😉

    After yesterday’s upward swing of the scales I calculated my fat ratio as 28.6 so felt better.

    Aiming for a controlled alcohol weekend…..I’ve been enjoying too much vino since the wedding. Have a great weekend everyone, I will pop by later to catch up on the next chapter from @bert1802 🙂

    Day 8, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    NorthernDawn enjoy your holiday.

    Today I’m cooking Florentine 🥩 steaks and organic eggs for everyone. This evening it’s a takeaway meal as usual but I might opt for some fruit instead.

    Have a great Saturday everyone.

    2nd post
    @anna6 – your lunch time recipe just wafted me back to one of my favourite times having supper on a Tuscan terrace at sunset over looking a beautiful valley with my OH. We ate simply with wonderful Florentine steak and chianti. Happy days.
    Ta x

    2nd post

    Dingping I have to be careful what I cook for my pregnant daughter but her gynecologist told her she could eat steaks medium to well done and Florentine steaks are a favorite in our family. I’m glad I bought you happy memories.

    Day 8 UK NFD

    Going to be mindful but relaxed today, esp as I woke up and STILL weighed 142lbs – a weight last seen either yesterday or in c2003 😀 I can feel a 3-egg cheese omelette and green salad brunch coming on – yum!

    More exhausted than yesterday despite rest day, but not surprised. Going to get going now with yoga & meditation then spend today gently preparing for early start/full morning tomorrow and the week ahead. Maybe make some very seedy oat bread and carrot & ginger soup for warming cooler evenings, then finish off a couple of knitting projects for friends’ birthdays – and get to bed early! Feels like a day for gentle practical projects and thinking with my hands so my brain can reflect. Also looking forward to regular telephone catch up with wonderful friend.

    The sense of relief having got through this week is astonishing. So many firsts and overwhelming unknowns, and somehow it seems to have worked. Not sure what will happen next, but going to let go and be where I am and see what the future brings 🙂

    Wishing you all the day you hope for x

    Day 8, Surrey (UK), NFD, still 153lbs and 3lbs to lose to reach maintenance!

    Just a quick post following weekly tracker update. Seem to have stalled on another plateau, but then again I’m only just recovered from a chest infection and TWO food-filled holidays in August. So, this tortoise cannot complain!

    Keep on keeping on, folks, you know you’re worth it! That’s what I intend to do.

    Day 8, Emden Germany, FD

    no @dingping I’ll be fasting also today. We both seem to be doing very well this week, our motivation seems to have come back. I was hungry this morning so already had a small bowl of fruitsalad with yogurt and 2 Finn Crisp with an egg-spoon of home-made peanutbutter on both of them. Later on we will have melon with ham.

    @anna6 thanks for posting, I always enjoy reading your meals, your family is lucky so have you as their cook.

    @at get well soon, sending healing hugs to you xxx

    @daffodil2010 my body has changed over time, my hips, waist and bust stayed about the same (when ~ 56 kg) but the ribcase broadened, this makes it difficult to zip up older tight dresses. I bought my measurement dress (weight 56 kg back then) in 1991 in Toronto, it’s a Canadian size 7. It’s a low back cocktail dress. If I had to zip it up higher than I have to now, the zipper would probably be stuck near the shoulderblades or even lower. I don’t have a photograph of me in the dress, when it fits again(the zipper can go up but it’s still a bit too tight) I’ll do that. It’s such a lovely dress.

    @bert1802 gosh, what a story, looking forward to the next chapter.

    @rainbowsmile take your time to concentrate on the healing, your doing well.

    @northerndawn how is your back doing, are you able to do the run today?

    We all seem to have problems catching up with the posts, I’m one day behind already, just skimmed them.

    Day 8 Pocket Fasting List

    Have a nice day everyone!

    End of my day 8 here in Tas, Aust.
    I had my first out of control day since starting 5:2. It came from nowhere. I felt really tired all day. I’ll have a controlled day tomorrow & eat extra healthy & do a FD on Mon as I can’t wait until Tuesday. I thought these were a thing of the past, but apparently not.

    Day 8, Guildford UK, NFD

    ankle is very sore and achy but not a lot of pain except on waking. I am barefoot most of the time. Solid shoe when I go out. Yesterday I drove my car back from the office.

    I was planning to go to the gym today to start my rehab and get some cardio in. But I am so tired, so following your advice @northerndawn, how can I be tired when all I do is rest? I suppose healing such a little bone with such a little tiny avulsion is very very tiring. Also can anyone explain why the other ankle (the non injured one) has started aching in sympathy?

    Been eating more nuts and seeds, discovered I don’t seem to digest them, never noticed that before so I may have to start soaking.

    I tried Chia seeds and don’t quite get the hype, does anyone have any suggestions? I have a huge bag left.

    Still doing bone broth and am adding veg to make soup, I seem to have gone off it. BTW I do not recommend Chia seeds with bone broth…………..

    I have had to modify the 30DS so substantially @michelinme that I wonder if it is worth it? Basically I just switch the exercises so I wonder if it’s the 30DS anymore! I guess I can measure progress by how easier it becomes. @sarahbob and @beedoo I note you are doing the 30DS and this has helped me keep at it too. This is the super super doopy easy peasy version of it so @flourbaby I am with you on 365DS!

    Sports physio said I am amazing at healing and I have the Dnd2 gene allele g type so I have a very high pain threshold meaning I could quite easily over do it. I have the reverse Brca3 snp the one that is disease resistant and super healing (they refer this combo as wolverine) aged pa had it too. Aged pa gave his daughter a great gift. I had my genes tested for exercise and food together with hereditary testing. Aged ma had expressed haemachromatosis, a gene I carry but has not expressed itself. This epigenetics is fascinating stuff. I went very nerd into it.
    @trxgirl let me know your progress, sending you healing (nearly wrote heeling)! @ciren2 feeling your sadness at your BF big hugs. @at your song choice was just spot on for me when you posted it, I was so in need of a boost that day, big hugs. Thank you @fasterjo for the info, I am worried my PF may worsen because of the injury. I used the stretcher boots at night that really really helped me. Now I know why.

    I would like to welcome the many newbies and returnees individually and will post to you all over the month. So I apologise for being MIA for a few days and just a little introspective at the moment. @shinything keep sending those vibes, i am holding on tigbt. My abusive ex has been seen in my village every day this week, he usually lives in Italy with an ex exotic dancer (truly real life is strange). He has the rest of the world to play in so why my village? I don’t go to his. It’s triggered all my old eating patterns and I am concerned. I ate a bar of chocolate and bread binged. But I am here to turn it around again. @dingping I understand how easy it is to feel despondent, hold on tight to us, I have found this group to be so supportive and non judgemental that I can be open about my challenges and receive the support I need.

    @at I love jazz so when you post about the band’s I greedily Google them. It is introducing me to new artists so thank you. I love jazz blues dancing too, but there is np reason why I can’t still enjoy the music. Thank you for the flowers, when people send me those I visit Sainsbury end of day and buy myself a bunch and put the name of the poster on them. It’s a treat I can’t eat. @babs_b I note you love jazz too so new suggestions welcome.

    @lilymartin haven’t seen @fatrabbit around for a few months. I loved the very humourous posts and jokes with @stevetoontaxidriver. It was a lovely phase when my weight loss was smooth and steady. Instead of this ziggy zaggy line thingies.

    @snowflake56 and @beedoo sometimes the things that get written give me odd quirky picture images. My first thought was why does @beedoo want to buy french fleas? So now I have a very odd image in my head indeed. It is how I remember stuff about posters building 3D moving picture images of them. Sorry.

    @skinnyminny57 rooting for you for that goal. Although do remember at your current weight and holding that’s better than 97% of all traditional dieters.

    @daffodil2010 I was actually rusting! Being the nerd I am I wanted to find out where that slightly peculiar bronze colour in my foot came from. Apparently it’s due to the bruising. The arnica helps with the red blood cell breakdown in the bruise, there are three components and the arnica helps breakdown two of them quickly leaving the third one to last. That last colouring is bronze. Without arnica the last colouring is a greenish one.

    @metatuata I am a frequent bible reader, bit of an old testament fan, it has got lots of action in it. Some books more than others. As a child i was fascinated by the begetting, pillars of salt and towers.

    @debster251 I have a holiday flat in Madeira and I used to go out there regularly but now it’s rented out as I can’t afford it because of the divorce. It is the most wonderful and beautiful peaceful island.

    @slacknz 1 kg is 2.2 lbs. So I always double the kilos and add a fifth. This is a great safe place to get support, I found once I was open about the challenges I faced then the support I got was much more targeted. The ups and downs of life can affect our WOL how could it not be So? From one limping warrior to you the biggest of big hugs and sunshine.

    @kerryn73 I am a tortwah too. I am an L on top and an M on the bottom, so a swapsie on clothes? I can’t buy sets as if the fit on top then I have a baggy bottom (as if it’s not baggy enough on it’s own). It’s my HP moustache tummy that does it that’s my body change @daffodil2010. About 2 months ago I got fascinated (and also concerned) about why when on a long WFD I kept pooing. Sorta odd to me. So I spend 10 days investigating poo and took an online healthy gut course and attended two poo symposiums for retailers selling supplements (yes one of my clients put me down as a member of staff). I have a lot of knowledge now about a few things. So ask me about urine nothing, but poo loads. I now am learning about metatarsal 5, forget the others!

    @dingping, @snowflake I found myself saying the same things about hosting so I asked for a very quiet month (August) and the lovely @shinything set my spreadsheet up for me. I think if it had been this month then I would have been really scared as already there are 8 threads. The posting part you are both already supportive. When you are ready do try it, the well established posters are so supportive. There was one very hidden benefit, it increased my confidence a great deal and also I held myself super accountable for my own WOL in that month.

    @flourbaby thank you I am glad it was 0.8 of water! Funnily enough the benefits of Tortwahdom is that there is less loose baggy skin. I have just a little bit and on my long water fast I noted the between the thigh saggy wrinkly and the top of arm have almost disappeared so it was worth it just for that alone.

    @happymargo I love that phrase “will this get me nearer to my goal”. That can apply to so many things in life. Thank you for sharing.

    @basyjames , @diana123 and @dykask I fret about you when you don’t post. It’s worried of Surrey here. I have been including you in my daily votive.

    @bellyblast I have added the podcast to my playlist. I confess to a recent discovery of rhubarb gin and tonic and find it very refreshing. I tried going sober in August and made it to the weekend following the wedding day of our beautiful @missybear (I also had a friend getting married that day). Thats worrying really to not resist. Especially as alcohol inhibits bone healing. I am sober this month and added the days on to August. I am nipping this in the bud now.

    @valleyview I can understand your challenges, hang on to us. It’s a WOL that will offer great healing benefits and extra energy.

    @bert1802 looking forward to your thrilling catch up. I love flylady and Mari Keno methods.

    @beththenew the trouble with scales is they weigh everything, bones, muscles, fat, water and poo. So up and down is a trend, it doesn’t tell, you if it’s the white subcutaneous or in body fat that you are losing. My scales broke in (I think May). I was a bit obsessed and had naughty thinking weight up meant fat up weight down meant fat down. It isn’t true of course. I haven’t replaced my scales so I now go and have monthly checks at the gym where they do my body composition (Surrey Sports facility in Guildford). Now I will do this every 3 months. Otherwise it’s clothes and a tape measure. It WS a horrible withdrawal but necessary. @sparkly shoes, look into the woosh concept. It’s fat you want to lose especially the nasty inside cavity stuff. That tends to burn with exercise and the fat cells die (half life 6 months), subcutaneous fat cells have a half life of about 7 years. Anyway when fat cells lose triglycerides the structure changes to grab extra water, it closely binds to the remaining tris to hold structure to the cell. No one quite knows why or the mechanism but when the body is fasted it does this more and when fed the water gets released. They don’t even know if there is an insulin effect. All of a sudden the weight drops off. It’s water of course. So the WOL has lost fat and held on to water then the water goes. It’s how my body works, I can whoosh up to 3 kilos. Just plateau, plateau, plateau then whoooooooosh. It works the other way folks can eat loads on hols and not seem to put on, what has happened is that a whooooosh and a fat gain have balanced out but body fat has gone up. Fortunately easy on easy off comes into play as the body uses the latest deposited fat as it generally is laid next to muscle and it’s bonds are looser. That’s how I understand it. So it’s likely you are losing saturated fat but it isn’t showing on the scales. @crnish-jane I can see how relative fat mass fits in. Muscle is denser than fat, so putting on muscle and losing fat will change body shape when weight doesn’t change. Because of injury my composition may change in reverse.

    @skinnyminny I fill up on water! Really I do! But i have a friend who consumes celery cabbage and cucumber to fill up. Bone broth also helps me too. You will find what works for you.

    @krisina love your idea on fruit and veg in the fridge. I am immediately copying. It’s time my fridge was cleaned.

    @bellyblast ouch ouch ouch. Three times? A boot? Fortunately my issue is a traumatic not stress fracture for which I am truly thankful, to be acute not chronic. I have strong lovely bones, I think this WOL and good genes have helped. Several posters here will be wagging fingers at me but I took the boot off, am driving (a little) and barefooting. Exercise 4 times a day too. Rest seems to make my ankle ache. I hope you are ok now, what did you do to rehab? Have you any resources or hints? I got a knee scooter and used it when I went trail hiking with my Goddaughter and her two sons. Easy trail though. That’s one reason I want to hit a low target less stress on the bones and joints.

    @mogaman sorry about your injury. Sending healing vibes.

    @aliwantstowearabikini welcome back to the UK. I love London, it so so vibrant and energizing. And the shopping!

    @lilymartin, accident and FD aren’t designed to be in my vocabulary. Sulk and pout with great jealousy.

    @fatfingers do you remember the TANGO ads and the bitchslapping? Well I have that in mind for your SIL. Get her tangoed.

    @anna6 I just adore your lovely food reports and meal suggestions.

    I think I have caught up, apologies if I missed anyone or something exciting.

    I am basking in all the hugs and well wishes. I just know it’s helping so more hugs please. I will store and pay it forward.

    Pharrell Williams (don’t listen if you get offended by swearing)


    Day 8…..Florida……CD

    Sorry, I did not get chance to post last night. Yesterday was first Friday, so the kids and I went to late Mass, and then a bit of grocery shopping later, it was just to late to post when I got home.

    @kerryn……..I guess, I should have been a bit more specific for those who don’t know me all that well. Matilda is my crazy arse dragon…. I really don’t want anyone to bop your beautiful daughter on the head! I just got on here forgetting it’s been a minute since I’ve been really active on the forum, so some may not know me, my style or hell that I’m just a plain ole nut!

    @52525252…… oh, my word my wonderful DH snores like a freight train, most nights! I mean I’ve slept next to him for over 20 years, so the snoring doesn’t bother me to much. But, if it’s helping, I may encourage him to try 16:8, but like you darling, some nights he has to eat late because of work.

    @cateaus…… I wish you could get more support through your GP. What I have learned is people who have no knowledge on IT or 5:2 automatically assume that we lifers are starving ourselves. Sometimes, it does take some education to turn it around. My sister was the same way, we talked and I asked her if she would mind following 5:2 for one month, if she did feel and see the benefits, I would stop.
    So, she’s been doing 5:2 for about 1 yrs now. I did have brief conversation with her, so I could tell you her specific thoughts. She loves it when I call her at the crack of dawn by the way…… anyways the two things she loves about 5:2 is the energy she has…… she says most days she feels like a ping pong ball on crack and if her dragon Agetha decides to throw a party, she can just turn the next day into a FD.
    Maybe, you could become the teacher here and expand your GP knowledge.

    Oh my this post is turning into a book in its self….

    But for those who don’t know….
    I’m a mother of two boys, 22 and 19, yes, they still live at home. My husband is convinced I’m the reason why they won’t leave! The DH and I have been married over 20 years! We are originally from NY, the good part not the city! We’ve live in Fl for 11 years following my husband crazy arse dream. I do work but most days wish I didn’t. I’m 44. I’ve been doing 5:2 since Nov. 2016, I’m counting my mishap that I took. I’ve lost a couple hundred pounds but only 40 stayed away permanently.
    Yes, What you read about me is exactly how I am the only thing really missing is I have a wild sarcastic sense of humor, it doesnt really show up in the written form. Okay maybe it does a little……
    I think that’s it…..If anyone else has any thoughts your welcome to add them!
    If you’d like to read my adventures just click on my name!

    Oh PS…..Every month, I always end with a funny saying!

    So the detective and the lawyer were at work and on of our contractors over heard what was going on. This happens to be Tuesday. Well, he proceeds to tell us all that she does carry and has a concealed weapons permit which we all know but also she has been seeing a crazy Dr for a couple month as well as her husband being in the looney bin a while back for going loco on some guy in a grocery store.
    Well wouldn’t you know it….. she comes back from vacation tomorrow and when she comes into work all the crap will come to a head!
    As the detective leaves, she says well, since that is technically just hear say we can not place an officer here for a maybe but just give 911 a call if anything happens and she leaves!
    Oh my! Houston we have a problem!
    So….. a plan comes very quickly in to action!

    It was me…..I admit it…..I let the dogs out!

    Hi Bert! I will wait until I have some success with 5:2 to try to educate my GP. Actually I think I will see another dr in the practice. I’m going to have to think of a name for the creature who made me eat “all the things” today. It is a he & I think he’s a gremlin. Hmm- Tyrone I think- Tyrone the terrible! I’m glad today is coming to an end. It was a reminder of the person I once was & am no more.

    Day 8 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    @songbirdme I too am a size 1 in Chico’s clothing. I have lost a total of 25lbs since Mid January 2018. @rainbowsmile thank you for your thoughts and @at I hope you feel better soon.

    My days seem to be running together and life is but a blur. Keep MIL comfortable and safe is our goal. Have a great Saturday everyone.

    Day 8 NC USA NFD
    My FD went good yesterday and I woke up to about a 3 pound lost. Still in the early phase of weight loss where it happens faster I guess but then I have a lot to lose so it is a good motivator for now. Now I am hopping it stays about the same tommorow and doesn’t jump way back up. Looking at my stats for the week on MFP it looks like with the 2 CFD and 2 FD the one 1900 day got overcome as I ate 4,000 calories under the 1680 MFP goal! I don’t know if I will add in CFD days this week but its good to know I can add them in for faster loses if needed. Right now I am 190.3 lbs (86.3 kg), almost into the 180s!

    Went to the eye dr and it’s offical I need progressive lenses or reading glasses just barely. I am going to try the progressives. I asked if I could also buy a pair of cheap readers but I have an astigmatism and my script is -1/-1.75. Regular readers are all positive which I guess is a negative for me. ha ha!

    Thank you all for your supportive messages. I keep meaning to try to write down user names somewhere to keep track of everyone but it hard for me to find time just to speed read all the posts. Wish this form had a daily digest feature so you could get all the days posts in one email. Also a search feature would be great too.

    Day 8 USA, WA-NFD
    Had a good controlled NFD yesterday, in large part because Inwas working all day and had limited time to eat! As it begins to feel like Fall here, it seems like a good time to move back into soups. Someone one upstream mentioned leek soup, which sounded lovely. That should be a good weekend project to take on, around the edges of working today and tomorrow. Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone!

    Day 8, London, UK, NFD

    Late and quick post, busy, busy today!!!

    @minka, never a truer word was spoken (written)!!………………” I welcomed the relief of today’s FD. It’s a return to sanity. Thank heaven for FDs!”

    @dykask, glad to hear from you!!! I hope the typhoon and earthquake had no effect on you & yours!!

    Get well soon @at, you MUST be under the weather!!!! I’m so used to enjoying your lengthy posts, summarising all the good bits I missed!!!!

    Onward & downwards folks!!!

    Day 8, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Puppy 🐕 has been fed and walked, now off to Trader Joe’s, then hiking, harvesting tomatoes🍅🍅🍅 and hot peppers🌶🌶🌶, afterwards supervising DH washing some windows. 😄😆😂

    Later cooking pollo asado with cauliflower and broccoli. There might be 🍨🍿 and a movie. Re-watching all the Xfiles. 😊😄🤣

    Have a great Saturday everyone! 🌺🌾🌼

    USA Day 8 FD

    Very busy weekend, so a quick check in. I added wine back into my diet plan and immediately gained 2 lbs. I guess that tells me something! Have a great weekend, everyone!

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