September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,071 replies, has 74 voices, and was last updated by  FasterJo 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 1,074 total)

  • Day 6 USA – NFD

    So many wonderful and encouraging comments abound on this forum. You all are terrific support for everyone. Yeah and congratulations on your care and concern. It is wonderful to read.

    @annemarilyn – so sorry I don’t live closer to O’Hare to have come to your rescue with a bed and hot breakfast! It just wouldn’t have worked. I had a similar return to a dead car battery not long ago and also thought my key fob was dead. I decided the new phone charger I was using the car had not been pulled out before I left it in the parking lot for days on end. Very disheartening after a long travel day for me too that day. Hope your new job in retirement is worthwhile!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 6 – USA – FD

    Thank you for the comments on my latest Cruella mishap. My clothing doesn’t feel any tighter; I’ve been wearing size 14 or 16 capris all summer and they are still very loose; weighed again today twice and was 158, so all I can do is suck it up and start whittling down towards my goal range of 145-150. @annemarilyn, I had a similar adventure in 2003; it was unnerving sleeping in the airport and I was reminded of how fortunate I am not to be homeless! Congrats on your new p/t job. I’m starting mine today in a much smaller retail environment, and I think it will give me enough hours to live more comfortably. @matpi, glad your pup is okay. @cornish-jane, thank you for mentioning the fat mass ratio. That is probably a wiser choice than Cruella’s pronouncements! Hmph! @flourbaby, your post was very motivational; thank you! @EmmaTaylor enjoy your vakay! @moukinator, I have also been using MFP and can’t go a day without fessing up; @johnnyr, WELCOME BACK! You have been missed along with @SteveToon, @diverdog, and a few others. @marylousw, welcome! @beththenew, thanks for the research. I was just about to jump to Google to see how to figure that out!

    Day 6, Finland, FD

    Finding it difficult today after a night shift…no real sleeping time to break up the fast. 36 hour fast is alot easier when you can sleep for 14 hours of it 😉

    @michelinme a friend and I are coming to London for a long weekend next weekend. We used to live and work in Slough, so we are going back for a 20 year reunion. Going to be great to see everyone, and London is always great! I think if i can keep alcohol to a minimum I will be ok…although i am counting on getting some pub food in my belly!
    @bert1802 quite a summer you have had! Sorry about your dog….
    @beedoo I wholeheartedly agree that the return to work is bad for our health..I have been back for 3 shifts and feel like I need a holiday already!
    @sarahbob I will have to have alook for the dvd then..seems like a few of you are having some success with the shred. Hope your stomach pain wasn’t anything bad.
    @annemarilyn aahh the joys of airport sleeping! On a trip to Australia we had a 12hour layover in Shanghai. I had planned a trip to the city with the kids, but noone had slept on the flight from Helsinki, so everyone but me spent the time trying to sleep…i was keeping a firm eye on our luggage ;-)!

    Adding myself to todays pocket list
    Day 6 Pocket List – Together we ARE stronger

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 6, Gozo, Malta, cd

    Weight remained same as yesterday ie 68 kilos.

    Especially for you Snowflake56: I cooked roasted vegetables with chicken whole legs. I chopped two aubergines, four zucchini,, four red and yellow peppers and put them in an oven dish. I seasoned with sea salt and pepper and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. Then put on top of vegetables 🍅 six chicken legs and topped with fresh chopped basil and dried thyme ( plus fresh mint but I didn’t have it today so I omitted it) plus four chopped garlic cloves, sea salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil. Then I baked it the oven for 1 hour five minutes at 200 fan Celsius.

    Today is a cd. I already consumed 700 calories.

    Have a great Thursday everyone.

    Day 6 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    First things first

    Adding myself to todays pocket list
    Day 6 Pocket List – Together we ARE stronger

    It was so rejuvenating to have some me time yesterday. @metatauta the retreat is at the end of October. I am so looking forward to Sedona AZ for this spiritual retreat. Here is the link if anyone is interested.

    Thank you for the thoughts, prayers and hugs in regards to my MIL. She is staying comfortable and is safe with us. Her care giver Gina is amazing and that allows me to continue to work without guilty. Have a wonderful day everyone. Blowing kisses to all of you, we’ve got this.

    Day 6, UK, FD

    Just posting to be accountable, I have no chance on catching up on all posts today, I tried.

    Have a lovely day everyone 🌸

    Day 6, UK, FD

    Having problems posting again 🙁

    Hope everyone is having a good day 🌸

    Adding myself to todays pocket list
    Day 6 Pocket List – Together we ARE stronger

    Day 6-USA-FD

    WIll catch up on posts later, but here’s to a productive day of not eating!🙂

    2nd post……………………….. (Clearly, I’m busy at work!!!)

    Just musing & wondering whether @dykask is doing ok with the typhoon followed by the earthquake in his part of the world???

    @johnnyr welcome back, it sounds like a plan!!!

    @moukinator, I recall an earlier epiphany where @metatauta (I think) and I discovered that a plain bagel is a whopping 250 calories (before the cream cheese etc.)!!!! ………………….. BUT, and it’s a good one ……………………………….. the recommended portion size is ½ bagel!!!!! ………………..…..Who………………..Wha……………………..WHAT!!!!????? That goes into the same imaginary box as 1 biscuit, 1 slice of bread, 1 wine gum and 1 glass of wine!!!!!

    Good to see you @marylousw, have a read of the first post on page 1 from our lovely host this month @daffodil2010. Don’t despair we’re good at holding hands here!!!!

    ‘Til tomorrow folks!!!

    Day 6, Idaho USA 20-4 FD

    I am proud to say I made great choices yesterday for the first time in a few weeks. I got sidelined by a weekend of emotional EFS and have been struggling to come back from it, but Tuesday my OH encouraged me to add a second run to my day when I was feeling upset that I had eaten more than I should yet again, and that seemed to have flipped a switch. I don’t want to run and work hard and see no results, so yesterday I finally pulled off a true good FD with my eating window and calorie (WW points) goal. Yay!

    After work I will be planning out my new menu for the next two weeks, and shopping tomorrow. I will be glad to get some more veggies in my house. It’s a good problem when the kids are eating up all my prepped veggies, but it’s a bad problem too 🙂 Will stock up more! At least I have green beans to harvest tonight to add to our dinner.

    I am just elated to be back on track! Need to remember this feeling if it gets harder later today!

    We are starting to look at accommodations for our anniversary get-away in 4 weeks! It’s been ages since we’ve gotten away. Usually the grandparents take the kids and we stay home alone – also nice – but I’m really excited to get out for a couple of nights. I’m also finalizing my plans for a new tattoo. Am I the only tattoo lady here? Well, I have been wanting another one for over a year and while I didn’t have a specific goal to get to before getting it, I’ve made such good progress that I feel much more confident about it! I haven’t had the artist sketch it out yet, but a couple of tulips similar in style to on the far left side of my back/shoulder.

    Ok, must get to work! Have a fabulous day all!

    @flourbaby – I LOVE K.I.S.S. ending in sexy! I haven’t heard that one before.


    2nd post

    @foodfreedomgirl – nope, definitely not the only tattoo lady here. I have 4 tattoos already and am itching to get one more before my wedding next year. I got my previous one last summer, very spontaneously as I had gotten one in Feb, in memory of Chester from Linkin Park (my all time favourite band, LP are also my initials).

    The fiance has been toying with the idea of getting a tattoo, the current plan is to get one when he reaches 100kg. Let’s see!

    Day 6 – post 2

    @cateaus interesting that this is happening to you too. I admit that i am not very careful and may be going slightly (usually not massively) over tdee on non-fast days. What annoys me is that i was eating *anything i wanted* before, snacking on chockies in the office etc and didnt gain from the 62 kilos that my body seems to have embraced as its set-point. Let go, body, let the weight go!
    I think if this had been going on since mid-july i would get it checked out too. Maybe a thyroid issue?

    Day 6 Minnesota FD

    Wow! I have just read every post, and also the links re: Body Fat Ratios. Two hours!!! Thank you for all of the encouraging posts and the eye-opening information. Talk about cutting through my denial….I finally picked up the tape measure and used it for WHtR ratio and was appalled. Guess I’ve been avoiding that particular task.

    @fivetwofan5252 and snowflake56, thank you for the pep talk about sticking to the basics. You are right, and I know it works that way. I have been trying to push it because of my week long Holiday starting Saturday, wanting to get some wiggle room for the week ahead as far as calorie intake.

    Also, in the spirit of @happymargo dieting before writing down her weight and officially starting back on 5:2, I have my annual Physical the first week of October and wanted to go to the Doctor’s office with less weight and any potential blood work coming back as healthy as possible. (I should have been trying to stay healthy all year, instead of trying to “look” like I have been). She’s never really yelled at me for weight and is supportive of 5:2, as well as not giving statins if cholesterol ratios are good.

    @bert and @flourbaby, you are both so entertaining. Waiting for the next installment. I hope you to some revenge, @bert, if only to teach that woman not to be so underhanded and such a despicable human being.

    One of these days I hope to have the time to respond more personally to everyone at least a few times. I read each post and think of each of you throughout the day.

    Adding myself to the Day 6 Pocket List:


    Sorry I haven’t post in a while. Dental issues, but I promise to get back on track on Monday. In the meantime, I saw a rebuttal to the newest study purporting that LC diets can cause an earlier death in it’s practitioners and I wanted to share.

    @lilymartin: Thanks for the suggestion, but, yes, I’ve tried heat. Sometimes it makes my foot feel a bit better, but only for awhile. Acupuncture, massage, stretching…anything but what it really needs…REST!
    This week at work, I’ve been put back on town rounds (as opposed to rural) SO much more continuous walking. We are short-staffed with two others also supposed to be on light duties, but NOT. It feels like the last three months on the rural round, and the gradual improvement, have all been undone. 19,000 steps per round…at a pace too.
    Thanks all for kind words about my poor old dog, Pixie. It was for the best. 18 is a very good age…the oldest we’ve ever had.
    We’ve also had a new, younger, rescue dog for the last year…she’s Sooo cute…Sola, a terrier/pomeranian, three years old, loving her new status as “only dog”!

    Day 6 – Eastern WA USA – FD (hopefully liquid)

    Oh yes, someone mentioned it taking 2 hours to catch up on posts. It took me quite a while this morning. Have run out of time to respond as I’d like so will hopefully do so later. Also want to check on some of the links shared. Wanted to be sure to be added to the pocket list.

    Day 6 Pocket List:


    Day 6 UK FD

    Early 5am start and busy day, just got home and about to have vegetable soup with some cheese, first bite of the day.
    Just wanted to add myself to the P list and stay accountable.

    Day 6 Pocket List:


    2nd Post

    Re your earlier post @cornish-jane regarding Fat Ratio……so I calculated mine and I am 33.6….barely making it under the upper limit of 34!! At least I am there. I had already moved my original goal back to 120lbs from 127lbs (where I sort of am now), and this new ratio proves that I was doing the right thing. I don’t want to be just about hovering under the maximum limit in the healthy range, not at my age where pre-menopausal issues could shoot me back into fat land again!

    The Body Fat indicator thingie on my App tells me that I am at 34.5% – I never bothered to wonder what this means, but inspired by above, I googled, and for my age group and sex, I (once again) just about squeeze into the healthy range…….its between 23 to 35% for women between the ages of 40 to 65.

    With this WOL and these indicators I plan to remain healthy for the rest of my days.

    Lots of talk about measuring skirts and trousers – they are super handy tools.

    However, just now I pulled out a black sparkly cocktail dress from the inner reaches of my closet. A petite size 10 dress which I last wore 20, yes, 20 years ago. I could not bear to throw it out. I have just tried it on, but you know what, it fits around the waist but I have difficulty zipping it up my upper back. I seem to have broadened over the years…….or is it all the dumbbell arm exercises I have been doing for the past 5 years?

    Has anybody else noticed a change in body shape as they get older and/or lose weight?

    Great rapport on this forum. Got to love you guys.

    2nd post
    @daffodil2010 I fit comfortably into new size 10s yet some of my vintage (30 years old favourites) size 12s are snug. I suspect clothes sizes have changed over the past 3 decades and to confirm this the waist size on one of the old size 12s is 26 inches and is too tight for my 27 inch waist. I have probably broadened around the waist over the years as I was heavier when the old size 12s fitted.

    Its been a good day and I’ve just finished my FD dinner. Will have a mug of camomile tea and an early night. Long pocket list today, hope you’re all doing well.

    3rd post

    This fast day was the easiest yet. Fasting is getting progressively easier. I sort of get it now when people say they “enjoy” their fast days (not quite there yet!). Did not experience brain fog today either. So to all the newbs, know that it does get a whole lot easier.

    Now if only that whoosh effect would happen so i could lose some actual weight!😐

    To all my fellow fasters, onwards and downwards!

    Ended fasting day at 600 cals! Grrr. Have made very healthy salad mindfully putting in only very healthy foods. Will try to do control day to compensate. Also received my ‘invitation to nhs health check’, really nervous about going before I have lost at least a little weight. How awful is it to give myself time? Here is where pride is not allowing me to be honest with others who are going to objectively assess my waistline, and it will be noted down for posterity on my medical records😟. I have had a day of honesty, taking all my measurements, being horribly brought to reality that I really am this weight, this size. Now that I am taking control, facing up, I want a bit of grace before it is officially recorded.

    2nd post……

    Warning! Matilda is running a muck! If you see her, you have my permission to bonk her on the head!
    So, my FD did not turn out like I wanted it to! ⚠️ Warning to the newbies……. guess what there is always tomorrow……Tomorrow, tomorrow, it only a day away! I only need two 500 calorie days in a week, so I ate today and my FD will be there waiting for me tomorrow! How much easier can it get!

    I forgot what Chapter I was on 4 maybe?

    Man, was I upset! I went home and stewed that whole night! Now think our computer system, there are 7 columns, we only need to worry about 4. First row, is code for what the order is….R- new to system S- inventory being moved in or out. H- manipulation of inventory not through a order. Next column is a date and time stamp. Next is who computer and program the work is being done on and Finally, a description of what was done.
    Now, I showed the boss, playing dumb of course because I wanted him to see what I saw with out influences. Although, my name was on the order, it was done on said co workers computer and her program, the time stamp was before I came to work. Remember I always late! So, while yes it was done during the hours I was suppose to be there. I happened to be 10 min. Late that day. Camera and time card verification.

    I won’t repeat what the nice boss man had to say! It wasn’t good!

    A couple hours later, he comes to me with a stack of papers, he called his credit card company and had them pull every refund that used the same card numbers ran more than once. Now my job was to find every stinking fraudulent order in our system, then pull every fraudulent order…….
    then my boss and our account pulled every credit card receipt that matched those orders! Oh my what a task!

    That took about a week, in the mean time, a lawyer, the police, a detective from the white collar division we’re all contacted!

    Now, here comes the fun part!

    It was me…..I admit it…..I let the dog out!

    @sparklyshoes- Fingers & toes crossed for a whoosh soon. I’ll ask my doctor this morning for another thyroid test. I’m going back to weighing everything I eat every day, rather than using recipes saved on MFP. Weight this morning-only .5kg from when I started 5:2. A week without wine starting tomorrow (bbq tonight).

    Day 6– Colorado USA— NFD

    Oh my gosh @bert1802 I’m on the edge of my seat for the next installment!!

    @flourbaby – as you recommend so aptly, since I’m freshly “back in the game” I am definitely tracking every sip & morsel passing my lips! I use the “Lose it” app on my phone. It’s awesome, user friendly & keeps me toeing the line.
    Eventually, maybe in the far off nebulous future, I may reach a point where tracking is no longer necessary. But for now, I’m Back To Basics: doing 5:2 (allowing my 500 cals, not up to water fasting yet) & enjoying my TDEE.
    Once I’ve re-built my will-power muscles, we’ll see where it takes me. But results on the original 5:2 are still rolling in, so I’m happy.

    2nd post day 6 –

    @anna6 – thank you for sharing your yummy sounding recipe. I will hopefully try it soon.
    @basyjames – TY for the very informative link; rebuttal to a poorly run study re LC eating.
    In keeping with that, it made me think of “How to fix your broken metabolism” video by Dr. Jason Fung on the site. He goes over the fact that “a calorie is a calorie” is not true and more. When we keep eating frequently and when we eat things that cause our insulin to spike, we don’t lose weight. It helped clarify things for me and give me a reason to embrace fasting and also the LC way of eating.
    @bert1802 – oh my, what a cliffhanger!
    @beththenew – TY for your link. It helped me do things in inches (metric also there) and let me know how much work I still have to go.
    @songbirdme – TY for your comments & thoughts re my travel adventure. This country is so big so even in the same state it is still often quite a distance to an airport. Maybe someday we’ll connect.
    @metatauta – Yes, the airport experience gave pause for reflection & a gratefulness for my many blessings that I tend to take for granted. How did your 1st day at the new P/T job go?

    Day 6, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Glad your pup is ok again @matpi. My pup was up twice last night, so not better rest @snowflake56. But I am glad he is doing ok. This is all that matters! 🐕❤

    It also took me a long time to read through all the posts but they were all so interesting. Height and waist ratio, really great to know.
    Also, the shape of the body does change. Even with the same weight I do not fit in clothes from 25 years ago. 🤔🤔🤔

    Looking forward to the exciting next installment of your real life novella @bert1802!🌸🌻⚘

    Have a good rest of Thursday and a great Friday! 😊🌺😊🌼😊

    Day 7 CFD country West Australia
    St George would be so pleased with me . I have been busily slaying dragons left, right and centre – namely carb and sugar dragons but hey, a dragon is a dragon.
    After 6 days of fasting ‘ correctly ‘ – keeping under 500 calories – drinking 2 litres of water and being VERY mindful on NFDs , I am FINALLY starting to get rid of some of the excess weight I managed to accumulate in the past several months of eating for Australia.
    Someone ( can’t remember who) said they’d been eating for the UK.
    Well in the eating Olympics I think I would have earned a medal ! Not necessarily something to be proud of, but life happens…
    @bert, Wow! What a … your co-worker is. Can’t wait to hear the next chapter I( as long as it ends well for you)
    @happymargo, sounds like we are on the very same path. So nice to have someone to stroll along with and enjoy the view.
    For newbies on this forum, I sat on a plateau for SO long ( 3 months!!!!!! eating mindfully, fasting etc etc) that I actually took up residence there and enjoyed the view ( with gritted teeth to be honest) as others went down the mountain of weight loss. What kept me going and has inspired me again are the health benefits of this WOL.
    Already I feel better than I have in some months.
    @metatauta, glad to hear about your new job. Hope it goes well for you.
    @missybear clothing sizes have definitely changed . I think they changed the sizes up so people didn’t feel so bad about themselves. eg size 12 today was a size 14 years ago. BTW how can some models be a size 0? That’s what my children were as babies!
    @daffodil2010, my body shape has definitely changed over the years and after 3 children. My waist will never be as small as it was BC.
    @ciren2, what a dilemma – walking is probably the worst thing for your PF. Have you tried Lodi taping? It is sort of like a tape shoe on your foot and tries to unload some of the inflamed tissues.
    @flourbaby, portion sizes are a real eyeopener! 1/4 cup cereal; a piece of cheese the size of a matchbox; meat serve only the size of your palm; cooked pasta 1/2 cup. Yikes!!!! that was the initial problem – not a clue as to how much I was overeating as I got older.
    @moukinator,I had never counted a calorie until 2 years ago when I started 5:2 and used MFP. I really had no idea I was eating about 3 x my TDEE!! I found that I had to count calories for some time to get my NFDs under control.
    FDs were not as bad as NFDs but as a lover of large flat white coffees I learned pretty quickly that 1 or 2 of those bad boys ( why don’t we say bad girls??) had the calories count up pretty quickly.
    500 calories is really not a lot if you have milk in your tea or coffee and I tend to have quite a lot of milk so tching,tching, tching go the calories. Ditto fruit, bread etc etc. Pesky little calories pop up everywhere and in totally unexpected places.
    I was much better with mindful eating and portion/calorie control until some months ago when I put my brain somewhere ( obviously not in my head) and started to eat woefully. Fried foods, carb loading as if training for a marathon and in fact not doing a skerrick of exercise, eating almost a whole chocolate in one sitting, biscuits and LOADS more.
    It was actually quite bizarre because I was eating foods that I normally wouldn’t have eaten. Not really sure what was going on except it was a blowout of MASSIVE proportions and went on for MONTHS.
    I am a daily weigher, weekly recorder and actually watched as my weight went up … and up…. and UP!! and still wilfully consumed mountains of food.
    Anyway back on the wagon and so happy to be back.
    @kerryn73, I have fond memories of Slough. Used to go shopping there when I lived with friends near Reading for a few months.
    Welcome back Johnny R. Good to have you on board.
    @beththenew, I plan to plug more figures and see what the fat ratio is. Not something I am looking forward to , but the moment of truth awaits.
    Hope everyone has a mindful day.😎

    Day 7 – Melbourne AUS – NFD

    Hi all! I haven’t had a chance to read all the posts, but I’ll hopefully have some time this afternoon, so just thought I’d check in.

    Today’s NFD has started off nice and controlled (let’s hope I manage to keep it that way!).

    Had a great weigh in this morning of 69.6kg! Though I think I was a little dehydrated, so that number might jump up a bit over the next day or so…we’ll see!

    Happy Friday everyone!

    2nd post

    @lilymartin – thank you for the warm welcome back.
    As you said, we’re walking the same path. That’s why I kick myself for dropping out of this group for so long!
    Life got hectic & I used that as an excuse to comfort-eat, lose motivation & pile on extra pounds. We all know what that does to waistbands (and confidence levels.)

    My promise to myself is twofold.
    Firstly, to stick to the 5:2 Basics. It works as planned, so no reason to color outside the lines (unless I feel brave & saucy farther along my progress.)
    Secondly, to keep checking in here to maintain motivation & accountability. See? Easy, right?

    Oh and @NiorthernDawn – thank you for the reminder nudge to go take all my measurements. I should’ve done that at my peak weight…but just couldn’t muster up courage. But now I’ve got my current #’s and can chart the downward trend from here.

    Day 7 (End of Day 6 here)—Ohio, US — FD (#8)

    Just checking in, quite tired this evening. My dog had a lot of blood in his stools this morning, so we got another trip to the vet this afternoon and some more medicine. He hasn’t gotten to the point of more medicine than food, but the present trend is toward that. With any luck things will turn around this coming week.

    Have a great TGIF!

    Day 7, Tas, Aus-NFD. Saw my Dr today & she tried talking me out of 5:2. Asked for a ref’l for Thyroid test etc. I am going to reduce what I eat on NFD & no wine for at least a week & stick with 5:2. I also am going to measure as I know my waist has shrunk. Just had a massage & feeling wonderful. I am going to have one once a month from now on. I also got let off with a caution by a lovely policewoman on my way home. I was too busy chatting with my husband about how good the massage was & obviously not concentrating on my speed. When I told her this she smiled & said she wouldn’t book me.
    Happy Friday, 5:2’ers 🙂

    Day 7 NSW Australia NFD

    Hi everyone. Just checking in!
    It’s Friday afternoon here, so have a lovely weekend.
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 7, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Got a bit more on the Relative Fat Mass index.

    For women:
    76 – (20 x height/waist) using cms
    Ideally the answer should be less than 34. But i think its a very challenging figure for women based on all your calculations yesterday. @daffodil2010 congratulations!

    For men:
    64 – (20 x height/waist) using cms
    Ideally the answer should be less than 23.

    Here’s the article, and you have to read the Discussion section to find the targets.

    @snowflake56 – thanks for sharing your friends and family reaction to your weight loss. After losing 33kgs i have a family member who appears not to have noticed! I am lucky as she is the lovliest person and was so nice to me when i was big and i really think she hasn’t noticed. Big hug for her I say.

    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Right, I have now completed my final (official) FD of September. Did not get to where I wanted to be, but only a pound off. Last year I was thrilled to be going on Holiday weighing 149lbs (I had already lost 14 with 5:2 then). Now I am 126 so it’s all about focus and perspective.

    The rest of the month lies ahead like a no-mans land with potential trip hazards…….so, being mindful now of this, although I do not plan to fast on holiday I pledge to do 16:8. This might be difficult as its a family holiday and DH loves slapping out the breakfast for the gang, but I will be going the 10am Zumba class on the beach so there is my excuse to just have coffee….can’t Zumba with full Tum-ba 😄😄

    Really enjoying my new job. Love dressing up in skirts and high heels and wearing make up every day again. It’s nice to be a girl again.

    Thanks all re body shape changes. I guess it’s bound to happen. @lilymartin I have never had children so hips and waist not much changed (always had a large waist) but the broad shoulders surprised me.
    @missybear I too suspect clothes sizes are also manipulated depending where you shop. The cheap and cheerful Penneys (I think it’s Primark in the UK), well the size 10 is too tight, but M&S, size 10 is a bit loose 🤔

    @bert1802 Bejaysus but I am looking forward to the next chapter. It’s fascinating….
    @cornish-jane thanks for the further links….I am happy to be below 34, even if just by fingernails
    @arelkade can’t believe your Friday is nearly done already, I love how this world turns
    @cateaus Phew re the caution! Monthly massage is a great idea
    @matpi Hoping your pupper gets better soon ☹️

    @dykask Shout out to you, you have normally posted by now?

    Have a good Friday everyone

    Day 6, Guildford UK, NFD

    I took the boot off yesterday, 17 days in and I am weight bearing on broken foot. Golly, gosh healing is tiring. I am doing the exercises 4 times a day and today i start strengthening. Bought some lovely boots from Cotton traders to hold my feet. I am taking it very steady. The sports physio has given me the all clear. I will see him again in a week. Have been given the all clear for static body pump, pool, spinning (No dynamic spin) and rehab. Not allowed, running, lunges and dancing! But i can walk. The knee walker will stay for two weeks and then be resold on eBay.

    I will try driving today.

    @ciren2 I have mild PF, I have assumed that you have found doc on the run?

    Apologies for being so quiet but my energy is being used for healing this month and so I am not doing much in the way of fasting. This month is hold month if I can so keeping to the principles and hoping not to lose too much muscle.

    This has been my go to song for the last few years, for those who are new I first joined the board here after leaving behind domestic abuse in a late marriage to a covert compulsive gambler. This was followed by a destructive high conflict divorce. The lovely @debster251 was so supportive and encouraged me to join the monthly challenge, I haven’t looked back with holding on tight. I have lost 40 lbs with another 10 to go on this WOL.



    Day 7 Naoussa Paros. Greece. NFD, again….

    Yes, as @daffodil2010 says – @ dykask, where are you? Your last few posts didn’t sound like you. Are you ok over there in Japan? Your weather looks bad. Let us know you are alright. H

    Day 7, UK, NFD

    My FD yesterday went OK, it was a 500 cal fast. Scales showing minus 0.3 kg today, which gives me 1 kg lost after the second fast of week 1.

    I congratulated myself today on avoiding a blow-out yesterday, as I had a small french macaroon in work. But managed to overcome my normal reaction of “Oh, I’ve blown it now, might as well give up, etc.”. Instead, I checked the calories of the macaroon that I’d inhaled 😉 (80 cal- not the end of the world) and then carried on with “Da Progamme” ;-). So my food for that day was: unlimited tea, one small soya latte, one macaroon and then two bowls of home-made carrot soup in the evening.

    I have 5.8 kg left to my ideal weight. Mood: armed with patience. Plan for the weekend, not to exceed TDEE.

    Day 7 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Oh the bouncy, bouncy scales 😡 after 2 good FDs this week Cruella de Scale thinks I weigh 4 lbs more than this time last week. I know it will be food in transit, fluid retention……but still annoying. I’m holding on to the fact that the fit of my clothes hasn’t changed 🙂 and 5:2 maintenance is for life.

    @rainbowsmile I’m happy your foot is making good progress 🤗

    @daffodil2010 enjoy your holiday 😎

    @matpi hope your dog is feeling better x

    @bert1802 next chapter please!!!!!!!!

    Happy Friday everyone and keep on keeping on slaying those dragons.

    second post
    CFD going well only because of this forum.
    Forgot how lots of cold water + lots of cold weather = super duper efficient kidneys !
    Came home from a rushed trip to town. Very cold here and I was starving.
    Got out the toaster and bread for a couple of slices of toast dripping with butter. Then thought ‘ What am I doing???’
    Instead got a teaspoonful of peanut butter and slowly licked it whilst having yet another cuppa and thought of ‘ the gang’ on 5:2 so reading posts. Almost caught up.👍
    So you have collectively rescued me from a huge overeat.
    Soup all ready for dinner in an hour. Can’t wait.😅

    Day 7 Belfast NFD

    Well, easy on, easy off. Two fast days have stabilised my weight at 145.5, just under the top number of 146, so I’m happy with that.
    @bert1802 and @ciren2 so sorry about the loss of your fur baby and sorry to hear your pup is sick @Redrockgirl and @matpi.
    @beththenew – when I first started this WOL I used MFP to track cals every day. However, now I don’t count calories at all, unless I’m eating something very new. However, NFDs are so tricky because there is always a temptation to eat something that common sense tells you is not good for you… sugary food in my case ☹️
    @cornish-jane – as an apple shape, sadly I came to that realisation a while ago. Interesting measurement and I’m actually scared to try it! Will do it when I get home.
    Good to see you dropping in and sharing your success @mogaman. Hope your hand gets better soon!
    @sarahbob – hope you feel better soon
    Great quotes@foodfreedomgirl.
    @lilymartin – I’m with you on that lean feeling, for me particularly the morning after when you wake up!
    @metatauta – that’s why some here call their scales ‘Cruella’ Lol! So frustrating.
    @bert1802 I had forgotten how your stories brighten up my day! Can’t wait for the next one! I’m holding my breath for the outcome!
    @annemarilyn – that was some journey! Glad you got home safe n sound!
    @gretta that’s a big decision to make. Hope your physio gives you the advice you want to hear!
    @sparklyshoes – many of us have been stuck on a plateau. Your determination shines through 💪
    @cateaus – are you eating enough on NFDs? If you reduce your calories on NFDs you are basically doing a low calorie diet rather than the 5:2 with all the pitfalls that brings.
    @daffodil2010 – I’m with you on the ‘waist whittlin’! Isn’t that a great phrase? I’m going to use it on the spreadsheet! I might need to some extra whittling myself after a week in Madeira!
    @fatfingers – what a great post to inspire us all! Is your SIL thin? Maybe she’s jealous? I remember listening to a professional girl on TV who had lost a lot of weight. She was shocked about the difference in the way people treated a ‘fat’/‘thin’ person. She talked about people’s superior attitude towards the fat her and how she felt she had more gravitas when she was thinner. Maybe you’ve upset the power balance as you say. Whatever the reason, you’re the winner!

    As far as change in body shape is concerned @daffodil, swimming 2/3 miles a week (this has slipped over the summer☹️) my bra size has gone up a size!. However, being Apple shaped, doing this WOL, I have found that I’ve lost weight from most of my body but not enough from my waist. So waist whittling and back to planking is definitely on the menu! However, I comfortably fit into a U.K. size 12 and @ 5’6” I’m happy with that! I accept that after two babies my waist will never be quite what it was.
    @metatauta – enjoy your new job.
    @happymargo – I love that phrase ‘re-build my will power muscles’! One for my exercise routine for sure!
    @lilymartin – your comments about portion sizes and milk in coffee surely rang a bell here! On FDs I have got into the habit of ‘excusing’ those little indulgences, particularly the milky coffee, with the thought ‘Ah well, it’s under 800 cals’. I’m now working hard on a reality check!
    @rainbowsmile – I love Leanne Rimes and yes, you are definitely one strong, inspirational woman my friend!

    Apologies for this epic post. That’s what happens when I’m not in my own home and all the rest of the family are still in bed!
    Off to walk the dog and enjoy the sunshine.

    Have a good day y’all!

    Day 7 Uk FD

    Successful FD yesterday – phew and yay!
    Didn’t sleep well last night, got cold in the night, is it time to put the duvet back on now the summer temperatures are dipping? Autumn does feel just around the corner!

    Feeling calmer now my brain is taking control.

    There is a lot of interesting talk here and a lot to catch up on from just 24hrs out of sync!

    Another FD today and again tomorrow.

    @fasterjo – I’ve recently had one of those NHS health check. I did feel shameful as it was ‘official’ (fully documented on my records) that I was what I was! It was eased a little by the nurse doing the documenting was also a little chubby so we shared angst over it, so no judgement form him just me putting all the shame on me. It gave me, as if I didn’t need it, a nudge further to embrace change. It’s going to be great when you get reviewed as you’ll be able to show off your new commitment to a healthier you.

    @rainbowsmile – pleased to hear you’re getting there.

    @cornish-jane – thanks for passing on all your knowledge re fat ratio.

    Best wishes all.

    Ta x

    Day 7 Pocket Fasting List

    Day 7, London, UK, NFD

    There was wine last night and I’ve an unanticipated lunch out today, so more of the good red stuff!!!! I know it stalls my weight loss, but I’ve still got to enjoy life and this WOL allows for it!!!!

    @bert1802, the expectation is killing me!!!! If by chance she gets off in the next instalment, NOBODY here will blame you or snitch if you put a ‘hit’ out on her!!!

    @happymargo, I’m going back to basics too, looking at my record, I was dropping 4-5lbs per month at the beginning just sticking to the basics. No angst no beating myself up and achieving good results with keeping it simple. So if it ain’t broke …….…………..!!!

    Anywho, I’m off to Pilates. Catch-up later folks!!!!

    Day 7…..Florida…..trying for FD

    Happy Friday! Today will be a difficult FD for me as it is the first Friday of the month, which for my family means First Friday Mass and then out to eat afterwards. So, it may turn into an 800 calorie rather than a 500 calorie that I like.

    I’m so ready for the weekend to begin! I’m thankful lately for everyday for the days off I get. Good news, my bosses at work, started a 401k plan for everyone. Cool thing is that I don’t have to contribute it I wish not to, but I’m going to review the paperwork this weekend and maybe start putting something away for retirement.

    Chapter 5

    All the research is in……

    Over $50,000 worth of fraudulent refunds were issued to 5 different cards. Each transaction was only for a couple hundred dollars, nothing that would pull a red flag.
    There are almost 300 different transactions spanning almost three years! Each transaction in the computer came from her computer and program and each card was keyed in by hand!
    Now….. this is where the story starts to get a bit unbelievable. Now, I promise you I could not make this up if I tried.
    Now, our accountant happens to be the cousin of my boss, but more importantly, this co workers best friends! In June, the accountant and her family, the co worker and her husband took a major vacation to California. In the process of planning for this trip, the accountant was booking the trip, the co worker gave the accountant her a copy of her credit card. The accountant just happen to have that copy and the credit card matched one of those cards that were flagged!
    At this point, the detective and lawyer came in, all the evidence was given to the detective, I was questioned because my name was on it. I did voluntarily give them permission to access my financials so that I could be ruled out. I was quickly ruled out, also I need to note, my bosses never once suspected me because I found it and it was done on a computer I never used!
    Once that was settled, the detective recommended that the co worker be presented with the last transaction to get the co workers explanation and to be fired.

    The exciting parts are coming, so stay tuned!

    It was me……I admit it…….I let the dogs out!

    Day 7, Finland NFD

    Yesterday ended up a CD, ended the day just under 1000kcal, FD ruined by a pasta dinner! Forgotten how calorie laden pasta is, having eaten gluten free pasta for the last 6 weeks. We get a food bag delivered once a week and i forgot to change it to gluten free…next job after posting here.

    @bert1802 I will give Mathilda a bop on the head when she returns….for those that don’t know my daughter is unfortunate in that she has the same name as Berts dragon 😉
    With bated breath i await the next installation in your summer saga….
    @lilymartin normally noone knows where Slough is!
    @cateaus did your Dr give any reason for not supporting your 5:2 journey?
    @daffodil2010 have a wonderful holiday in the sun!

    I also share my concern for @dykask, although looking at the news he may possibly be a bit to busy to be posting, but I hope he and his family are safe.

    Back to finals Australian football on the radio, C’mon Cats!!

    Enjoy your day everyone.

    Day 7 – USA – NFD

    No FD yesterday…still smarting from Cruella’s slap of an extra 10 lbs. Weighing daily now a few times within a few minutes to make sure, crossing my fingers that perhaps she is wrong and miscalibrated…sniff. Now at 157.2, and more than ever determined to get to my goal of 147-150 AGAIN. I think my pride is hurt more than anything, lol! But it wasn’t enough of a smack to stop me from eating up to my TDEE!

    Day 7 Northern NSW Australia FD

    After veering off course during my previous two NFDs, I welcomed the relief of today’s FD. It’s a return to sanity. Thank heaven for FDs!

    Prior to veering off course, I’d hit a new recent low of 56.8 kg which is actually below my September challenge goal of 57 kg. Had I continued to eat with more care and consideration, this week might have turned into a deserved 6:1 week!

    Day 7, UK – FD

    Third FD for me this week! Trying to put right my holidays excesses!!

    @northerndawn – absolutely, as you know the basics really do work! Have a great holiday and we’ll all be here when you get back! 🙂

    @snowflake – thanks for the welcome back 🙂

    All going well for me this week. All my FDs I have been really easy which is a major blessing!!

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