September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,071 replies, has 74 voices, and was last updated by  FasterJo 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 1,074 total)

  • Day 5. FD – United Kingdom

    Thank you – as always – for your kind words! You are so nice and so good at inspiring so many people on this site!

    Everyone is different! I personally do not watch what I eat at all on NFDs. If I did, I would just lose the will to live!!
    For me the beauty of 5:2 is exactly that – I only have to think about “dieting” two days a week.
    I’ve been playing with 5:2 since 2013 and doing it seriously for about 2 years now (I think!) so I really think about this as a WOL rather than a diet.

    We are all different… you will find what works best for you 🙂

    I take my hat off to all the people on here who make their FDs into liquid FDs.
    I stick solidly to 425-475 calories of real food on my FDs.
    I think the key is finding something that you can live with in the long term.

    16:8 is great as you can eat when your body needs it most. I like to eat in the morning and then not eat after 430pm… variety is the spice of life!!

    You WILL be successful if you do what works best for you 🙂

    Day 5 Pocket List:

    Day 5, Idaho USA Warrior fast day

    Day 5 already! I’m so behind! Got sidelined the last week of August, still down for the month, but up a little from my lowest. I’m just on page one reading, will have to catch up and get myself in gear! Anniversary get-away in October, really want to feel great for that so even more motivation to stop slacking off. So pleased for my high days to be in the 140’s though, in the past a few bad days would always land me in the 150’s!
    Need to run off now, will keep reading and check in when I can.

    Day 5 Pocket List:

    Day 5 London UK – FD 3rd of B2B2B

    Final FD of the week and I’m glad it’s nearly done. I’m exhausted this week. Going back to work after a holiday is not good for ones health! Thankfully my working week is over today!

    Mustn’t complain as I worked from home this afternoon, got so much done that I gave myself an early finish and just got 30DS done. So much easier without a toddler clambering over me! He’s still at nursery. And I say easier in the loosest sense of the word as I can’t ever imagine it being easy. @flourbaby I feel your pain! Enjoy your drinks tomorrow. Hoping I can get up the motivation to do 30DS while I’m away the next three days. Have it downloaded so we shall see…!

    @snowflake56 2 kilos down is fab. A real dent in the numbers! Also, I know exactly what you mean about the fear of being judged. I had an upbringing of being told I could/should do better. Results in a lifetime of trying to please everyone else. Another mindset that I’ve been trying to retrain for years. Anyway, good luck for tomorrow’s FD. It’s always satisfying to get back to back ones done!

    @bert1802 Lovely to meet you! I only joined in mid-June but have heard many of the long time fasters here asking about you since I joined. You have been greatly missed. I look forward to following your success here.

    @diana123 enjoy your ME time, much needed and well earned! I hope things with MILs health are as settled as they can be at such a time. You are a wonderful example of what it means to have and be part of a family. Glad you are able to take some time out for yourself xx

    Back to the question of how people in our lives feel about our WOE, I’ve found most of my friends to be sceptical about how healthy this actually is. This is despite me pointing out the studies and research, and sending links to the BBC documentary. It’s frustrating at times and like someone else here said (sorry I can’t recall who), I too tend to just keep quiet about it now. It’s a shame as there are a few people I know who I think would truly benefit from this WOL but I hate being preached at so am not about to start doing that. I now plan my FDs for days when I know I won’t be seeing those friends so it doesn’t need to be a topic of conversation. I particularly dislike the eye roll and “oh, you’re not eating today, are you?” Grrr! Rant over! On a positive note I do have some very supportive friends as well as my husband…apart from bringing home chocolate (but only ever on a NFD!).

    Must go, so many posts I wanted to reply to but need a quick shower before little one comes home with daddy and the bath and bedtime fun begins!

    Day 5 Pocket List:
    @beedoo 3rd of B2B2B

    Have a great rest of the day, and in case I don’t get to log in while I’m in France, have a great rest of the week X

    Day 5 Massachusetts USA FD I always do the spreadsheet but haven’t posted in awhile here. Just thinking of you all keeps me accountable though. I’m feeling the need for a reset today so I’m fasting. I’ve been on Maintenance since last November. I do a lot of CD’s and an occasional FD. We’ve been in a rural area all Summer and it’s harder to plan meals here. Nearest big town is 90 minute round trip. I don’t own a scale so I need to stop at YMCA and do a weigh-in. What I do know is I’m missing the mark in terms of fruit and vegetable consumption. I injured my left hand very badly last week so I can’t properly cook. My husband is very capable in the kitchen though. Does anyway else feel like they’ve forgotten how to put meals together?

    Day 5 – Florida

    NFD today. Not much going on today. Will work on my new watercolor painting.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    @rainbowsmile: Thanks for directing me to the video. I’ve tried so much for this wretched Plantar Fasciitis, support socks, insoles…nothing has helped. I must say I have looked at the idea of a night-splint. This little film may persuade me to try it. I was worried it would keep me awake…very bulky and hot, I would imagine. They are not cheap either!
    Thanks again….and also all others who’ve sent kind words.
    @bert1802: Special hug for your little dog xx. We had ours put to sleep on our wedding anniversary in July. She was 18 and could no longer stand up.Run free and happy ever after…

    NFD for me today here in Canada. I managed the FD yesterday with no problem. I still dare not step on the scales. I am really disappointed in myself with how I let myself go the past few months, but on the right track.

    We are flying to London UK on Saturday for 10 days to look for somewhere to live. How do people manage FD when travelling? Does anyone know any healthy restaurants in London? I am thinking to skip breakfast/lunch and have a healthy dinner out.

    I see some people are going through challenging times – it’s nice to see a forum where people can support one another. Another FD for me tomorrow as trying to kick start things with 3 FD a week. Does it really go quicker than 5:2?

    2nd post

    Hi all. I am really annoyed that a super long post I had written this morning just disappeared into the ether and just as I had to go to work. I was kind of hoping it would re-appear (sometimes they do) but nope…its gone for ever. I had comments for so many of you guys, but now I have to go out and cannot post again, so I can only apologise for not being a text-book hostess this month.

    Everyone else is doing a great job anyway so this caretaker hostess wishes you all many thanks.

    Special hello back to @bert1802 and what a story. So sorry about your dog, very sad (and so sorry for you too @ciren2 – heartbreaking).

    Got to go, have a super rest of Wednesday.

    Day 5 Massachusetts USA FD 2nd Post @daffodil2010 Thank you for hosting this month! My post today also appeared to disappear, however, it shows up in my profile under “replies created” but not here in this thread.

    Day 5, Gozo, Malta, fd

    After yesterday s feast day scale remained 68 kilos only. Today I fasted at 850 calories.

    Good night everyone.

    Day 5 – France – NFD
    Hello all! Just discovered an unexpected upside of my new job. I sit right opposite my boss (thats not the upside… she is wonderful but still…) and so far in the last 3 days i have done NO daytime snacking! Dont want to annoy her. i hope this kills my snacking habit.
    @ali have a great trip, London how exciting. My choice would be to have a normal lunch as the only meal, with maybe a piece of fruit or yogurt or small salad in the evening. But hey you have to live a little on vacation.

    That’s a great upside! Keeping busy means no snacking!

    Good idea on the lunch but London is kind of rubbish to grab something on the hop when you are gluten free as well. Will see how it pans out – it’s only 2 days out of my trip!

    First lot of movers here today to give us quote – I haven’t lived in the UK for 24 years, so it’s going to be strange but lovely being back with my people!

    Good luck with anyone who is FD. I am just heading to the gym to keep my hands out of the fridge!

    Day 5 UK NFD

    Just a quick check in to report that I did my 30DS earlier today. @kerryn73 30 Day Shred is a DVD. They used to have it on YouTube but the last time I checked it had been taken down.

    I’m heading to bed now as I’m not feeling too good. Really hoping I’m not coming down with something but the pain in my stomach is pretty bad. ☹


    Day 5, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Not enough sleep, puppy is on diuretics and needs to go out during the night. Then when he is back snoozing I cannot get back to sleep. Unfortunately, lack of sleep makes me hungry. Then DH’s alarm goes off a bit after 5am during t gr e work week. I am really tired today…

    I am so sorry about your puppy @bert1802 and your puppy @ciren2.🌼❤🐕❤🐕❤🌻

    Have a good Wednesday/Thursday everyone!😊😊😊

    Second post

    Hi @ali wants to wear a bikini – just a quick post as I saw your earlier message re gluten free London options. I asked a good friend of mine who has coeliac disease about gluten free options in London. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. She mentioned a few chains if it’s a quick meal you’re after – “Cote Brasserie, Carluccio’s, Browns Bar and Brasserie, Pho, Prezzo all have gluten free menus. Leon (a personal fave!) have a range of gluten free options if you’re looking for something on the go. Whole Foods is fab also for takeaway and for ingredients for any and every dietary requirement. Planet Organic, similar idea to Whole Foods, also has lots of gluten free options on the go.” She said there are many many more including independent places, just depends on what area you are moving to. The above have stores that are located all over London. Hope that helps!

    Day 5, Second Post.

    Mostly caught up, but alas, out of time… These are the thoughts I’ve accumulated so far, will try to catch the last bit up tomorrow with all the new.

    Re-posting a couple of quotes that are inspiring me today as I haul myself back onto the wagon!

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison

    “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It’s the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

    @julesmw – I recently decided to combine 5:2 with the USA program Weight Watchers. I have been a member for years, made my lifetime goal in 2007, but now I want to go lower. I reduced my official goal by 15 pounds and attend the local meetings in person.

    @minka – I think we are on a similar journey. Most here are really, but I have been chanting Nourish, Nourish, Nourish for the better part of the last month. I really want to eat for that purpose, none other. (Well, aside from the cheesecake I fully intend to indulge in on my wedding anniversary next month!)

    @beththenew – Weighing in is one of those things that people have very wide opinions on. I weigh every day – I like the information – but I only record my weight once a week. That way I get to see a full week trend at a time on my chart. That’s what works for me. Something different may work better for you, but I like getting a long view and a daily view. I just don’t let a bounce up one day upset me. 🙂
    re: NFD eating. I didn’t track, just tried to focus on nourishing foods no calories etc, I lost about a pound a week that way, but I did a week of Weight Watchers points tracking with my plan and lost 5 pounds! After that I did a weekend of EFS and gained it mostly back, but it really made me aware that I need accountability now, while losing. I do plan to go back to the other someday though!

    @gretta – congrats on the 1/2 marathon training! woo hoo! I love a good race for motivation. Right now I’m aiming for 3 miles a day consistently, but I’m starting to feel the tug towards something more again. It’s a hard time of year for me though, busy season at works means I need to run more than ever, but it’s harder to do the long ones….. I get tempted just seeing you post though!

    @ccco – cheering with you for that grand baby! Congratulations!!!

    @happymargo – I hear you on not buying bigger! That’s always a huge thing for me, be it panties or anything else. As soon as something gets to be too big I toss or donate to keep me in forward motion or maintaining losses. No going back!

    Diana123 – you are helping me remember something that I forgot this past weekend. Tomorrow. I can have that tomorrow. Thank you so much for getting my head back there.

    Day 5 USA – NFD

    Yesterday’s DAFD wasn’t terrible, but was glad to break my fast with a nice full noon meal. Doing okay today, got to the gym and did weights. Will do Silver Sneakers on Friday.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 6 CFD country West Australia
    Well yesterday turned into an accidental FD . Had planned to buy lunch at the shop opposite my office but when I got there it was shut due to a power problem. It was raining and I didn’t have time to get my car and drive down the street for something so I stayed in my office and ate nothing and was grateful for the ease of another good FD.
    Had a little bit of chicken and 2 spoons of leftover veggies when I got home – ahhhhh! I enjoy the feeing of not feeling stuffed!
    That one good fast day has reset the appetite which is key for me.

    The accountability of daily posting and reading others’ journeys also helps me with WOL.
    Had 2 pages of posts to read so settled down after dinner to read. Told DH that I would be ‘ 10 minutes’ but realised more than an hour later that I still hadn’t finished. Still have a few to go but have read most.
    Interesting to see a lot of oldies back here and some with a very similar journey to me.
    @shinything, thanks for holding my hand – can certainly feel the help it gives and no hand free to stuff the face🤝
    @ccco congratulations on grandmother in waiting – what a special time for you and the family👏💐
    @beththenew this forum is for long short and everything in between posts. We share the good the bad and the ugly ( let’s face it – a gain of 12 kgs is ugly in every sense)😁😞😫
    @krisnia welcome back!!😁
    @ciren2 – ouch! plantar fasciitis is a real pain in the foot ( deal with it professionally often.) As others have suggested, I have seen some good results with cortisone. The night splints work for some .
    I tell my clients there are always 3 results from any treatments – you get better ; you get worse ; there is no change. 😕
    Different things work for different people and sometimes it is trial and error. Have you tried heat? taping?
    @debster251 – so glad to see you back😀
    @slacknz – celebrating the 6.5 kgs loss but sorry about life difficulties. Hugs from across the ditch.🤗
    @matpi – congratulations on maintaining the FD – feels so good doesn’t it?✌️
    @kerryn57 – tortwah or no, 6 cms is very impressive!!😇
    @sparklyshoes – ( such a happy moniker!!) don’t lose hope, it is early days. I stayed on a plateau last year for about 3 months!!!!😞
    @snowflake – I too am finding FDs harder than 2 years ago but today’s FD was like the FDs of old – done mindfully and staying under 500 calories for 36 hours✌️
    We have about 7000 sheep. Our sheep are shorn in March ( autumn) but the lambs born in July/August are given their vaccines for various diseases and tagged ( like getting your ears pierced) for identifying everyone’s sheep.
    @daffodil2010 – WOW for the weight loss! And thank you for hosting. I am so grateful for all those who have hosted over the past 2 years. I think you are all fabulous!💐
    @skinnyminny – your DH is right!!👍
    @missybear – good to see you again and that is a terrific weight loss👏
    @rainbowsmile – sending hugs🤗
    @happymargo – I too was run over by the 5:2 wagon but sadly the 12 kgs GAIN of lard protected me ( otherwise I might have jumped back on sooner!!)🚍
    Our journey sounds so similar it is amazing , right down to the French Fries . The shop opposite my office does very nice hot ,crisp, fresh hot chips ( fries) and I have consumed more in the past 6 months than probably in my whole life!!!)🍿🍩🍷🥂🍰🍟🍟🍟🍟
    @basyjames – at least you were only run over by a bus not the 5:2 wagon!!🚌
    @bert1802 – so good to have you back. Life sounds as if it’s been pretty hectic for you, looking forward to hearing more and good on you far maintaining calm amidst the storm of your working problems.👏
    It feels so good to be back!!and amongst friends – it makes it feel a bit like a re-union!
    Phew!! There were others I was going to comment on b ut feel as though this is already too long.
    Looking forward to a CD today. Mindfulness, lots of water , portion control and the dreaded calorie counting to keep me accountable are all helping.😁

    Day 5 – USA – NFD

    My jaw dropped to the floor this a.m. as I weighed myself. I have a WW digital scale and as you may know, I reached maintenance earlier this month. On the 2nd of September, I weighed 148.2. I’ve always used the same scale.

    For some reason, I picked up the scale because it has been giving me different readings within a few minutes, so I was taking the average of all 3 of the readings as my weight. I thought that perhaps my battery was low, but I researched the life of the battery and it’s supposed to last about 10 years. Mine is only about 3 years old. When I put the scale back down, I was a full 10 lbs. heavier (158.2), which is 10 lbs. heavier! No matter what I did, it still showed that extra 10 lbs. Now I must take myself off of maintenance, because my goal was 150. If anyone has had a similar experience, please splain it to me, lol! I have not changed my eating habits in the past 3 days.

    Day 6 NSW Australia FD
    (10.40am Thursday)

    Hi everyone. Looking forward to another FD today with hopefully no slip ups – usual snickers bar at 7pm will be sent on its way! Enjoying today so far – water and a cup of coffee with 40gm full cream milk.

    Would like to start today’s pocket list – please copy and paste to add your name, if fasting – enjoy!

    Day 6 pocket list:

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 5 – USA – NFD
    Second post: @basyjames, hope that root canal pain is ceasing. I know how it feels when the good stuff wears off! @diana123, I hope your MIL is doing better. Did you ever go on that retreat? @ccco, congrats! @bert1802, welcome back and so sorry to hear about your puppy! @ciren2, hope your PF gets some relief and also sorry about your pup! @happymargo, @krisnia, welcome back! @skinnyminny57, congrats on an AF day! Keep telling yourself “I can have it tomorrow”. @mogaman, welcome back and take care of that hand!

    2nd post…..

    You all have made my heart dance and cry at the same time with all your love. I’m truly sorry, I fell off the side of earth for a bit!
    Does anyone know the movie Footlose….. the original of course….. this is one of my favorite movie! Well anywho…… does anyone remember in the last scene when Kevin Bacon comes down the stairs in their transformed grain building? Bear with me I am going some where…….well when he hits the dance floor, he yells….. Let’s Dance!!!
    Keep that in mind….for just a moment!
    Today, was my NFD, I did really well until lunch which happened to be yogurt, peanuts, raisins and cheese…….. then instead of my mind and body yelling Let’s dance……It yelled Let’s Eat!!!!!
    So, I just ingnored Matilda until she bit me! and made me eat a Yogurt Parfait from McDonalds…. Then for dinner….. loaded Nachos!
    Right now, Matilda is locked in her cage!
    Matilda and I need to reestablish who’s in charge!

    Chapter 2

    So, I made sure I was getting out of work whether it be on a call or in the warehouse across the street. One day, I was just wasting time over in the warehouse and began to try to make some head way in the enormous mess! I picked up a box of tile about 50lbs lost my grip and when I tried to regain my grip, I heard my elbow pop. Thank Gosh nothing broke but recovery has not been good. I have no grip strength and my muscle burns if I use my arm to much! Uggg!
    So, I made myself disappear for a good part of three weeks…..
    Well, one day I was in the office doing statements, one of the jobs given to me. My boss comes to me and shows me a email from his credit card company! I look at it, it says that it flag one credit card ending in 0000, for an excessive amount of refunds about 11,000$ worth. As I was looking it over, reading it, trying to make sense of it and figuring out if it’s a scam. I tell my boss, it looked like a scam, because the person writing it can’t spell if her life depended on it.
    About 5pm, the women who wrote the email called by boss and confirmed it was legitimate! I go home for the day!
    P.S……. this happened on the first day of that one co workers vacation! So this, why I was in the office!

    It was me…..I admit it…..I let the dogs out!

    Day 5 – Eastern WA USA – top side FD

    Good to be back home after a travel adventure. The travel delay in Chicago Monday caused me to miss my Portland connection. I was issued a flight for Tuesday morning but no overnight accommodations. I spent my first night in the airport in my life with my backpack as my pillow and Hawaiian wrap and light jacket as blankets. I was grateful to doze a few minutes here and there until about 3:30 AM when the Starbucks kiosk started preparing coffee. When I got to my car in Spokane, I couldn’t open it. I thought my key fob battery had died. So in solving the problem I got several walks around the airport and across the parking complex… in the end it looks as though I drained the battery after probably bumping an interior light as I exited the car last Saturday the 1st. So after some wonderful assistance and two separate jumps, I finally got home just before 11 AM Tuesday. On the food front, my body got feeling kind of strange so no FD transpired.
    Today I came in around at 800 cal as I took my daughter out for her birthday celebration at a Greek restaurant; continuing the Greek theme from the weekend. I’ll go for a proper FD tomorrow.

    @metatauta – how are your clothes feeling? They might tell you a truer story than your scales.

    @bert1802 and @happymargo – so good to see you both on the forum. You’ve been missed! And @krisnia also.

    @lilymartin – 7000 sheep ? Wow! that must keep you busy.

    I’m glad to have my computer set up. It’s still minus the printer yet so need to scoot over to the public library to get a couple of things printed before it closes for the evening. I have papers to fill out for my new part-time job at one of the local universities. It’s good to know I’ve definitely been offered the work and that it’ll be quite flexible. I am supposed to be “retired” after all. 🙂

    I see it’s already Day 6 in Australia @arelkade. I’ll be joining you in a FD when our Day 6 begins.

    Day 6 (Day 5 here) Ohio, US — NFD

    Stayed sort of on target today, and even was able to maintain my “meta-rule” and didn’t have any big dessert.

    @RedRockGirl — I can empathize with you about your dog. Starting two weeks ago my pup got a bleeding diarrhea that lasted until the vet put him on an antibiotic. Most nights I had to get up around 2 am and clean his quarantine room with Lysol and give him a mini-bath. I don’t think I’ve yet recovered from the sleep deprivation, but am glad that he’s now sleeping like a baby.

    Day 6 – Melbourne AUS – FD

    Hi all! The fast this morning flew by, but feeling a few hunger pangs, didn’t sleep the best and am a tad hormonal which always makes for a bit of extra hunger, but will get through it!

    Back to the physio in the morning, so will make a call on whether to run the 10km fun run this sunday – It’s feeling soo much better, but I’ll just see how it goes, the last thing i want to do it hurt it more.

    Lovely reading through everyones posts! Sorry i’m not responding individually.

    Can i just say…what is with all these ‘accidental’ FD’s? I’m not sure i’d ever accidentally eat under 500 cal, but good on you to those who can!!

    Day 6 pocket list:

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

    Day 6 – FD – France

    Good morning all.

    Ate mindfully yesterday, and still gained back almost every gram of the kilo lost after my fast day of the day before.

    @ lilymartin your comment about being on a plateau for the first few weeks is giving me hope, THANK YOU! I am an annoyed woman right now. my body is fighting the weight loss with every ounce of fight it’s got. But i will win! Ha!

    Day 6 pocket list:

    Day 6-FD-Tasmania, Australia.
    Hi, everyone. I am actually feeling very frustrated as I started doing 5:2 on the 15th of July & have only lost 1 kg. I’m seeing my doctor tomorrow & will try to see if there is a medical reason this is happening. I weigh everything I eat on FD’s & definitely eat under 500 cals. I eat way under my GW TDEE on the other 5 days. I am sticking with this as I feel it is good for me, but I’m wondering if anyone else has had this happen. I did 5:2 in 2016 & lost weight easily & consistently. I feel really down about it today as I struggle through my 2nd FD of the week.
    Sparklyshoes- What is your experience? Is it similar?

    Day 6 pocket list:

    Day 6, Emden Germany, FD

    yesterday’s FD went fine, I’m getting into this again, only had chicken soup, we both shredded another 500 g.

    @basyjames how did the root canal Treatment go, any pain left?

    @diana123 how fortunate your MIL is to live with you and your DH, not everyone is so lucky to have loved ones around to comfort in the last stage of life.

    @daffodil2010 regarding family and friends on this WOL. My DH always was very supportive but with friends it was much harder. Most of them didn’t understand at all what I was doing and just found it a very unhealthy behaviour and thought I was starving myself. The worst one was a girl at work who was on WW and very convinced of it. She lost a lot of weight but didn’t learn anything about healthy eating, it was just about counting points and her WOL resulted in a serious eating disorder. When I reached my goal weight last year my best friend (chubby with huge breasts) told me I looked boyish and unfeminine, that really hit me. It was weird, we know eachother since 1984, in the past I didn’t look any different and always wore the same style of clothes.

    @valleyview hi and welcome! A lot of us put the weight on after a serious life Change, but you know how to get it off again. How is your husband doing now after the injury?

    @anna6 I miss your mouthwatering recipies.

    @dingping no, you didn’t trigger anything, I did it myself, I’m the one putting the pressure on. Everything is fine again now.

    @cateaus if you’re uncertain about the results on the scales go by the way your clothes fit. This often tells you more than the scales do. The weight variation on the scales can be caused by holding back water or food in Transit. For this reason I have my measurement dress,I trust the dress more than I trust the scales.

    @gretta what a throwback, I hope you get well again. I can imagine how it must feel to run in a Stadium with people cheering at you, what a great help for the last meters this will be. Any improvement on your back this morning?

    @wellrounded 0,7 kg down is a good start, well done!

    @debster251 thanks for holding my hand, together everything seems easier to do. We will get there! I’m so glad you offered to host October’s challenge, thanks!

    @bert1802 I’m so sorry for your loss, animals around you can be such a comfort. Do you still have to work with this terrible person?

    @at nobody did anything to me, I did it to myself, I’m very good at this at times. Don’t worry, I’m fine. Hugs x

    @beththenew I went for my goal weight TDEE with a sedentary lifestyle and never had a thought of having a small or large frame, I think I have a normal frame. I did’t up my TDEE when I exercised, it’s always less than you think it is.

    @northerndawn I tried to do a liquid fast days once and was so hungry. I stick to the 500 cal a day, it works, so I don’t see the need to do liquids only. Try to be busy in the evening, do something with your hands, knitting or so. Don’t nibble in front of the TV.

    @fivetwofan5252 welcome back!

    @beedoo I’m sure my parents wanted the best for us, it just didn’t work out. One of my sisters Held a reeally mean speech about this at my dad’s funeral and upset everyone. It’s sad it’s so hard to get over the expectations others have and we just can’t be ourself.

    @mogaman hi to you, how is your puppy doing?

    @ciren2 sorry for the loss of your dog, they are such great friends.

    @ali-wants-to-wear-a-bikini your travel plans do sound well. Perhaps one of the Londoners can answer your question of where to go out for a healthy dinner. I just saw @beedoo answered your question.

    @sparklyshoes just stay with this new habit!

    @redrockgirl I hope you had a better sleep this night.

    @lilymartin that’s a lot of sheep to care of. Here the flocks aren’t that large, mostly about 50 mother sheep and then from spring on the lambs. After almost one week in the FDs are getting easier, I’m on FD nr. 5 today, have to compete with my DH.

    @metatauta you can’t gain that much in only 3 days! How do your clothes fit, any change?

    @annemarilyn what a travel you had, glad you came safely home in the end.

    When I started this post there were 274 of them, a while ago now. I’m going to post without editing, I’m too scared to lose it.

    Day 6 UK FD

    I have woken up feeling much better than I felt last night but still feel a bit off. I am still planning on doing my FD but it may turn into a MFD depending on how I feel.

    Wishing everyone a great day.

    Day 6 pocket list:

    Day 6, 2nd post

    pooh, that post took me forever and then it didn’t show up. It does now, it seems it takes a while to show up.

    @gretta I’m glad you’re feeling better now, be careful though.

    @sparklyshoes just stck to this WOL, you will win in the end.

    @cateaus although small, it’s still a loss. How you read @lilymartin‘s post?
    Let’s just do this FD together.

    @sarahbob take care and eat more if you think you need it.

    Day 6 pocket list:

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 6, Cornwall UK, FD

    Another fast day – its become routine now and i don’t need to think about it too much. This is the calm mind of the yoga tortoise!

    I’ve been reading about what is a healthy weight. I now realise that a BMI of 25, my longed-for target which i am now approaching, will not deliver a flat stomach! So I’m going to switch from a BMI target to a Fat Mass Ratio target, which uses waist size to help work out what is a healthy size.

    For women, it is:
    74 – (20 x height/waist)
    use metric (cm)
    And the answer should ideally be less than 34. Its different for men. Will try and find the men’s equation if anyone is interested. Apparently this measure of fat is very close to a DEXA body fat scan.

    For me, this is a much tougher measure than BMI, and i need to lose at least another 8-10kgs to get my waist/fat down to a healthier level. Any thoughts from others out there?

    Day 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Good CD yesterday, stayed the same weight, and today is my final official FD of September because with the best will in the world I won’t be able to pull off an FD whilst on holiday. And I don’t want to either 😉

    Very busy in my new job, so happy I have moved away from toxic boss. Hope that your story @bert1802 comes out OK as it’s sounding like a stressful work situation so far in Chapter 2. Looking forward to the next instalment……and love your new ending 😄

    @mogaman I hopefully ran to the replies created part of my profile when I logged on, I was going to double post today if it was still there….but no, gone. This blinking iPad is a nuisance. I will my husbands up to date one on holidays and hopefully things will be better.

    @cornish-jane Hello my horticultural friend. That sounds very interesting re the Fat Mass Ratio target. I am at BMI 23 now but only just under the healthy height / waist ratio and I feel my waist needs more whittling. It’s currently 30″ (down from 42″) and I reckon I need to slip into a smaller waist for health. Will work it out tonight. Would you send the men’s equation when you have it? Might try to get DH to consider it.

    @snowflake56 Your long post is here! Yay. The forum fairy has been kind to you today. I am scared to edit my posts now too in case I lose everything 😨

    Day 6 Pocket List – Together we ARE stronger

    Pushing the submit button now and praying it will post this time 😳

    2nd Post

    Oh just wanted to thank @debster251 for offering to host October. You were the hostess on my first monthly challenge in August 2017 and I feel you have guided me on the right path. I will sure need you in October after 3 weeks in Spain 🤗

    Day 6 Spain FD

    Just wrote a ‘feeling very sorry for myself’ message and I lost it! The gist of it was that yesterday I ate for England and drank for the whole of the uk and today I weigh more than I did at the beginning of the challenge!! Really, really need to get the drinking under control and work on the NFDs!! Was going to add myself to the pocket list, but for some reason can’t work out how to copy it – just not my day today!!

    Day 6, 3rd post

    @cornish-jane did the test came at 31.105, but what does this tell me? I hope it doesn’t mean 31.105% of me is fat? My BMI on the tracker was 21.9 this morning.

    @daffodil who would have thought not losing a post would make us happy?

    I’m decluttering like some of you, started yesterday with the over 5000 books we have, this will take me a while but the first 300 are in the basement ready to go to the different (Dutch/German) salvage shops. We have all the books listed at LibraryThing so I’ll have to take them out there.

    oh no @skinnyminny I put you on the list

    Day 6 Pocket List – Together we ARE stronger

    Day 6 UK FD

    1st proper post

    Hi everyone,

    My plan was to keep reading the thread every day before I post, and have made a valiant effort, but am realising it is not possible with other life commitments, especially as the first weekend I was visiting with family, and this coming weekend will be catching up with some friends. So apologies for not being up to date, but it seems like that is a regular phenomenon this month, not sure if the group is larger than normal, or if we are all just a chatty bunch, whichever way, the posts I have read (up to start of pg 5) have been fabulous, funny, inspiring, supportive and always extremely human.

    *A little about me*: I am a 50 yr old physiotherapist (and do not feel much of an example as the common expectation is, a sports mad torturer, not a moderately squishy middle aged non-sporty person). I also recently moved in with my partner (2 hours away from previous home) which meant a job change (started last week) and therefore a completely new routine. I did a ‘taster session’ of 5:2 just over a year ago for 3 months, and lost 4.5Kg (10 pounds), was completely sold on it, and even tried to stick to it on my hols with my 20 yr old daughter (who was also motivated to try it given my results), but as I had just started this new relationship, the wheels came off, and never went back on. Back to my start weight (which in itself is motivating, as it took a year to come back, which in my books is a win, of sorts).

    On my 2nd FD for the week, my 6th overall for this round. Biggest issue has been tiredness and brain fog on fast days, but that seems to be getting better overall. Managing it with early nights, any other advice greatly appreciated.

    *A little about you*: All your stories are so inspiring. I really take so much from hope, especially from women in my age category and older that weight loss is possible, even if it does take longer for some, the key word is perseverance. Also that you are also not a bunch of ‘motivational speakers’ who want to brandish the whip of what we all ‘should’ be doing, but rather a bunch of inspirational real humans who live in the real world and deal with normal day to day drama’s as we all do.

    *On Plantar Fasciitis* I feel I should weigh in here, as a physio I see people weekly with this condition, and whilst an injection is useful, it really should be a last port of call, especially as tears have been known to occur in the fascia of post injection patients. It irks me that GP’s don’t just send people off to physio at the first sign as there is so much you can do to not only alleviate but completely cure this condition. The man ingredients are stretching the back of your legs (calves and hamstrings), stretching the bottom of your foot (stand on your toes – one foot at a time as both together might be too painful, so essentially lift your heel and push it forward as much as you can), use ice to reduce swelling at the end of a busy day, and make sure when you walk you have soft shoes on and walk from heel to toe (most people with this condition walk ‘flat footed’, this makes the problem worse as your foot doesn’t get the normal stretch it should get during walking). Most patients feel a relief within a week, and complete cure within the month. Sometimes the plan needs tweaking (footwear, deep tissue massage, stretch technique).

    Sorry for ‘banging on’, but as a plantar fasciitis sufferer myself years ago, it is a matter close to my heart, pity I had to do a degree to figure out what to do (did the degree in my 30’s).

    Onward & Downward


    Day 6, London, UK, NFD ………………………………. There’s gonna be wine!!!!YEAH!!!!

    @bert1802, you’re back in the saddle, back on the horse, back on the wagon & I’m loving the ending, of course!!! I can ALWAYS rely on you for a chuckle!!!! Life & other 4 letter words happens, it’s holding your head up, keeping your dignity & faith that gets you through it with a smile ………………….. hiding the gritted teeth, but still a smile!!!!! I’m eagerly awaiting Chapter 3, don’t leave us hanging!!!!

    @beththenew, If you calculate your TDEE for your sedentary ‘goal’ weight or even midway to goal and stick to that on 5 days and 500cals on the other 2 days, you won’t be able to NOT lose weight!!! Try it for three months, no adjustments, no guesstimating, calorie count like your life depends on it, just until portion control becomes 2nd nature and you lose that “I must eat ALL of the time” mentality!!! After 3 months you’ll be able to just look at something and know the calories (yes, that muffin IS 564 calories!!!!), you’ll know what a normal portion of pasta or rice looks like (it’ll make you cry, but you’ll know!!) and you’ll discover that vegetables in all varieties give you sooooo much more bang for your calorie buck!!!! Keep It Simple (K.I.S.S) and you’ll soon be on the way to that final Sexy ‘S’!!!!

    Too true, @annemarilyn, the scales continue to do their bouncy-bouncy rubbish, but clothes are falling off of me, I’m shifting pins regularly!!! @metatauta,you know those scales LIE, don’t fret, just go with the clothes until you get back to your target …………….. it’s all in the mind!!!

    I’m amazed at all the runners we have here, I don’t think it’s envy, maybe AWE!!! Maybe I’ll try it one of these days……………………. Still carrying a bit too much baggage for these knees to try running!!!!!

    Is it wrong for the talk about sheep & lambs to make me hungry??? Mmmmhh, Mint sauce anyone????

    @cornish-jane, after doing the imperial to metric conversions …………………………. apparently I’ll need a 29” waist to get below 34 …………… Target set!!!!

    To those not losing, losing like a tortoise (welcome to Club Tortwah, there’s LOADS of us here!!!), suffering at the dials of the bouncy-bouncy scales, using every NFD as an excuse to binge ……………………………… STAY STRONG!!!! Keep the faith in this WOL, it isn’t a quick fix, it doesn’t work the same way or speed for everyone, but you know that a weekly calorie deficit MUST mean weight loss!! There may well be a whoosh in your future ……………….patience grasshopper!!! So, recalculate, take a long hard look at what you’re really eating ……………………. (That sneaky biscuit could be 100cals ………………….. & who in their right mind eats 1 biscuit??!!!!), give your body a chance to adjust, you’ll never know what works if you keep changing things around, stick to the basics, then in a few months you might try ADF, 4:3, 16:8, LFDs or WFDs ……………………. Until then stick with the programme………………. And DO NOT PANIC!!!!!!!

    Keep the faith people!!!!

    Day 6 UK FD

    Hi everyone, wrote a long introduction post, but it didn’t seem to load/not showing. Will try again another day.

    Happy FD


    @FlourBaby- Thanks for the reassurance. I was tempted to switch things & maybe do a 3rd fast, but will stick with 5:2 & hope for that whoosh! I think I would risk giving up if I did add a 3rd. I have re-done my TDEE calculations(changed to sedentary) & have not messed up. I have been eating under my TDEE every day since I started. A week without wine may make a difference.
    Jo- hi to you, too 🙂

    Day 6, UK FD

    Yesterday was a bit rubbish (need to sort out my TDEE calcs and not go crazy on NFDs) so I’m actually looking forward to the fast. Planning to have tea and coffee during the day and then maybe soup in the evening.

    Day 6 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Great day out yesterday with a lovely coastal walk, ended with a visit to the pub last night and two large 🍷 very enjoyable……so if I have a hungry FD today I’ve only myself to blame. Actually I’m feeling good this morning and if a little hunger gets to me I will drink water and remind myself it is just one day.

    Right off to calculate my fat mass ratio, thanks @cornish-jane
    Have a wonderful day and strength to my fellow Thursday fasters 💪

    Day 6 Pocket List – Together we ARE stronger

    Hi all. I’m still reading everything but not posting much. I’m away again so just trying to keep an eye on my eating. My OH says he wants to lose some weight while we are in Greece for 3 weeks, so that helps. I know I’ve said this before, but the book Alcohol Explained by William Porter is very helpful, not preachy in the slightest, if you want to cut down or stop drinking. I read it a year ago and stopped drinking. Never been happier, or felt healthier. ( Mind you I was a complete toper, so I HAD to stop drinking before I did myself in…). Have a good day all. H

    Emma- I just checked out the website. It’s definitely food for thought.

    Day 6 – NFD; Dublin, Ireland

    Hi everyone,

    what a result, down 1.3kg after just one FD after our holiday. Fiance down a whopping 2.4kg! That was some water retention…

    Food market at work today, looking forward to my usual burrito which is so big that I rarely feel like having dinner afterwards, so hopefully today will be a controlled NFD.

    As @flourbaby advised, I think it’s best to log absolutely everything that goes in your mouth on any given day. Especially those glasses of alcohol or biscuits with tea/coffee. I got some Swiss chocolate while on holiday and 1 square is 93kcal! Another colleague brought some chocolates back to and his is a frickin 200kcal for 1 portion, which is insane – that’s my whole breakfast allowance on a FD.

    I had no idea about any of these numbers until I started this WOL and have been logging all of my food using MyFitnessPal, I find it really helpful because it’s still not second nature to me to eat healthy. At least this way if I overindulge on a NFD, I’m not surprised or disappointed if my weight goes up the next day.

    I hope that helps anyone struggling with slow weight-loss, I hope it didn’t come off as preachy. I hit a month long plateau in June and then had a sudden whoosh of -1.5kg in July which came after two weeks of meticulous planning and eating.

    Good luck to everyone fasting today!

    Day 6……Florida…….FD

    Hopefully, Matilda stay in her cage today…….so I can make it through the day!

    @cateaus ……. 4 months…….4 long long months. This is how long I sat high up on plateau mountain! Nothing, I tried would help me climb down! But, oh yes there is a but and it’s a biggy! In that 4 months……I lost 2 pant sizes, and had to buy new underwear! I think some call the pants or undergarments! Have you ever experienced underwear traveling south under your clothes? Do you old timers remember?
    Sometimes it just takes a minute for our bodies to catch up and in all reality, losing inches is a whole lot better than loosing pounds. The inches means, your body is using its extras that it stored over the years! Got to get your self measuring outfit!
    I got one……it’s this damn skirt that nearly killed me!

    Chapter 3

    The next day, the boss brings me an order with my name on it that is showing fraudulent refund! Do I remember this? What were the details of this transaction?
    I stare at this…….. No, I don’t think I did that because honestly, I don’t remember!
    How can you not! Your name is right here. I can see that but I’m telling you! I don’t remember!
    So, this bothers me all day! The boss leaves for the day and leaves me to close up shop!
    So, I begin some investigation of this order. How come I don’t remember it, just trying to find something that juggles my memory.
    Takes me about an hour then. Holy shit! I now know why I don’t remember! Now the next twenty words or so are cussing, swearing, just pure anger running through my brains! That stupid f$&#ing little b$&*# tried to set me up!

    Oh by the way, I made copies of all this!

    It was me…….I admit it……I let the dogs out!

    Bert- 4 months? Wow! My undies are starting to feel baggy I must say. It’s weird that the weight is hanging on, but I’ll stick with it!

    Am I OK to join in the fasting fun. Been away from the forum for a while, but need the incentive and support it brings 🙂

    I’m planning to weigh myself tomorrow and set a target for the end of Sept. I’ll do the spreadsheet then.
    I read Dr Krista Vardy’s book The Every Other Day Diet recently so I’ve started doing 4:3, with 500-600Kcals on the 3 FDs. She says to weigh every day (which I hate, but it makes sense.
    Also trying to do a minimum 30 mins exercise a day 🙂 Running and HITT using the 8-FIt app.

    FlourBaby encourage me to join you folks. This is my second day of fasting. I am afraid that I will be going nowhere. What and how to I share with all of you? Looking forward to being on this journey with you.

    Day 6, Surrey (UK), NFD

    Thank you thank you THANK YOU all of you who supported me through my FD on Monday. I could feel the positive vibes through the ether! It was a really good FD – at last I seem to have shed the last remnants of the holiday weight gain. Once more, I’m on the right side of the door to 10-stone-something land, with only 3lb to lose to reach my goal, then it will be maintenance time!

    I’d like to add my two penn’orth to the discussion about the reactions of friends, family and colleagues to this WOE, and the effect on self-esteem. Having lost some 47lb over the past 10 months, my weight loss is very obvious. It’s bound to be, unless I decided to go around wearing a space suit! So, of course, I’m bound to be on the receiving end of lots of comments. It would be strange if it didn’t happen, frankly.

    The most important person in my life, my DH, has been very supportive. He’s generally very easy to live with, and is happy to eat pre-prepared meals on my FDs, when I don’t feel like cooking, as well as reduced portion sizes on NFDs. He’s even lost a stone in weight himself, thankfully around the waist, where he had been carrying a bit of excess. His shorts fit him better, so he’s pleased.

    The vast majority of comments I’ve received have been overwhelmingly positive, supportive and encouraging, which makes me feel wonderful, and that the effort has been extremely worthwhile. Most people say, “Wow, you look great!” To which I reply, “Thank you”. And that is usually all that is said. One or two individuals, though, have commented that I’m starting to look scrawny, or I might fade away, or else they ask me if I intend to lose more, because “you really don’t need to, now”. These comments usually come from folks who have not seen me for some time, so my appearance might come as a surprise, so in a way I can understand why they say those things. As it happens, I am close to my maintenance goal now, and with a BMI of 23.5, so I really don’t think I’m in serious danger of fading away! On the whole, those sorts of comments don’t bother me.

    Of those making positive comments, just a few are interested enough to know how I’m doing it. So, I start to explain the basic principles of the fast diet. By the time I get to the part about restricting my food intake to 500 calories over 36 hours, I’ve usually lost them. They usually say, “I couldn’t do that!” I think this is because the concept of 3-meals-a day is so firmly embedded in our culture, that the idea of very small meals, or longer periods between eating, is just too alien to them. So, their eyes glaze over, and that is the end of the conversation. Of the hundred or so friends, family and acquaintances I know, I can think of only two people whom I might, just might, have persuaded to give it a try one day, but I don’t know for sure if they ever will. Who knows though?

    The one time I received a hurtful reaction, that did briefly dent my self-esteem, was from a sister-in-law. Upon opening the door, she looked me up and down with a disdainful flicker of the eyes, and simply said, “You’ve lost weight.” And that was the end of the conversation. Hmmmm. I was bewildered, I admit. What was she thinking, I wondered? Was she pleased for me? Concerned? I’ve no idea. But then I remembered. This is someone who has always wanted to occupy the position of “queen bee” in our family, to be the superior one, the giver of her wisdom in the most patronising way (she never asks for advice – she knows it all). So, there has always been an unpleasant undercurrent between us, punctuated by episodes of subtle undermining and passive-aggressive behaviour from her. Perhaps she purposely withheld her reaction because she thought I was attention-seeking. Who knows? I admit, I did feel hurt by the complete lack of acknowledgement from her at the time. I think this is because we are social creatures, and we crave interaction from the people around us. We depend upon feedback to let us know how to progress, whether that comes from the scales, the tape measure, the fit of our clothes, or other people’s comments.

    On reflection though, I realised that I was the one internalising things. Why? What does it matter to me, what she thinks or says? Instead of thinking, “I wonder what I’ve done to upset her?”, I could have thought, “[Rude-word] you, sis-in-law, I’m doing all right!” And forgotten all about it. Because after all, as has been said before, those that matter don’t mind, and those that mind don’t matter. So, to my sis-in-law, and on behalf of any readers similarly oppressed by unhelpful comments from relatives/ friends/ work colleagues, here’s a silent message to say in your head, to boost your self-esteem (don’t be tempted to say it out loud though):

    “[Rude-word] you, [relative/ friend/ colleague] I’m doing all right!”

    2nd post
    Day 6 NC USA CFD
    Found height weight calc
    Looks like my waist needs to be 33 inches or less. Starting at 41 inches 8 inches to go.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 1,074 total)

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