September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,071 replies, has 74 voices, and was last updated by  FasterJo 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 1,074 total)

  • Day 4 North canton OH FD

    This is my first post in September. I am getting a root canal in the morning and right now I feel like I have been run over by bus 🙁

    Day 4, Mountaintop PA USA, FD

    Labor Day weekend called for three days of golf, three days of delicious food, and three NFD’s. The Labor Day grilled burger, hotdog, fresh corn and tomato-avocado-mozzarella salad was perfect. Time today for FD.

    Very hot here in Northeast Pennsylvania (NEPA) – 89-90 so hydration is compulsory. My vegetable garden is about spent. Too much rain and too many critters sneaking in to eat the tops off the plants. I did get about 3 dozen tomatoes from 10 plants, which is a very poor yield. Have been making stir fries with squash, broccoli, peppers, onions, garlic and tomatoes. Lots of fiber there. It is a “hot salad”.

    My daily diet doesn’t differ much from the FD’s. Just a treat now and then. Maintenance is easy once you get there and don’t stray too far from regular FD’s once or twice a week. Moderation is my mantra. Portion control is natural after you’re on this WOE for awhile. I am pretty much an 800 calorie FD person. Works for me.

    Keep up the positive attitudes and where ever you’re going you will succeed.

    USA Day 4 FD

    Thank you all for your wonderful thoughts and congratulations about my news of becoming a first time grandmother! I am still processing it! My daughter told me not to tell anyone. Her husband’s parents, her father, and her brother don’t know and I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone! I was so bursting with the news that I thought I could share here and that shouldn’t bother her! Again, thank you all! Today I am heading out to buy an outdoor rocking chair! I am thinking it will come in handy on my front porch! 🙂

    I am not in maintenance yet! I should be but I have less than 10 lbs. to lose now and my body wants to hang on to it! 🙁 I lose, then eat, and immediately put some of it back on. Frustrating being on this roller coaster! I am sticking with this WOL because it does work! Today is another FD because I want to take advantage of this heat wave when I have no appetite!

    I will have to end my post now but hope to return later to respond to your posts! Have a wonderful day, everyone!

    Day 4 – London UK – FD 2 of B2B2B

    Happy Day 4 everyone! I’m feeling under the weather here so I’m determined to fake a chirpy mood until I feel it!

    @ali Yes come and join us for the 30DS! Am intrigued – what was your mother-in-law duty?! Interesting question regarding family supportive of this WOL. Husband is very much so but I do miss eating the same food in the evenings. However man-size portions of spag bol, risotto, etc is what got me into a mess in the first place! I try to save Sundays for feasting now and have found its working well so far as Monday is always an FD so helps with the guilt!

    @ccco Hope the news in sinking in! It really warmed my heart. Can only imagine the excitement at your end. I was thinking last night what a wonderful thing it is to be able to share the joy of someone I have never met who lives half way around the world from me.

    @shinything Sounds like you had a great FD yesterday. Also, I read your post at a hungry moment…and could have devoured a bowl of basmati rice and fried mushrooms in one swift mouthful! You’re most welcome re support. It always lifts me when I see someone has responded to me!

    @slacknz I was so sad to read your post. Well done on getting towards your second goal but I’m sorry you are going through what sounds like a very tough time. Please know that we are here to listen and support whatever you want to talk about – life, love, diet or anything else. I hope you have a network of support around you…you have one here X

    @annemarilyn Your big fat greek wedding sounds wonderful, do tell about the food served (I’m a glutton for punishment!)! Hope FD is going well today.

    @cateaus How are the Konjac noodles? I saw some at the supermarket here which got me interested, but have read reviews about them smelling fishy!? Congrats on reaching end of first FD of the month.

    @kerryn73 What a lovely boost to have people notice and comment on your weight loss. 6cm off your waist is great – what is the daily yoga challenge that you do?

    @snowflake56 I feel your pain re ankles and 30DS, for me it’s been my knees. I think the extra walking I’ve been doing is helping with my knee pain/making me stronger. However, it’s definitely why I prefer level 3 which focusses on working out on the ground on abs, compared to levels 1 and 2 which involve hellish amounts of jumping around!

    @dingping I love my soup in the evenings – is there anything more comforting?!

    @flourbaby Welcome back. Sounds like you had a great time! I’ve missed your upbeat posts!

    Day 4 London FD

    second post but first one seems to have disappeared. I copied and pasted it to try but get a message saying I’ve already posted it although it isn’t showing. Hope it might show up at some point as I spent ages on it!

    Just adding myself and a few others to the pocket list as it seemed to have get lost along the way today. My apologies if I have miss anyone, please do add yourself.

    Pocket List Day 4 – Together We Are Stonger

    Day 4 – NFD; Dublin, Ireland

    Hi everyone,

    we are back from our holiday and ready to hit the reset button, hard. I weighed in at 72.1kg and fiance is up to 118.3kg.

    I’m hoping it will be a case of ‘easy-on/easy-off’ so that we can get back on track fairly quickly.

    I haven’t had time to catch up with all the posts, we were busy running around wedmin-ing.

    Good luck to everyone fasting today!

    Day 4 Canada FD

    Looking forward to a strong and easy fast day. Lot’s of eating over the long weekend but it is time to give my body a rest. I have used this WOL for a little more than a year and love it, it works and the more fasts you do the easier it gets.

    There is often comments about drinking……too much or how it sets off some bad eating. I listened to a fantastic podcast which really helped me understand why the urge to drink seemed to come over me like a wave, and it has helped me almost cut out the nightly wine consumption. Here is a link to the podcast and transcript

    Looking forward to catching up on posts during the day, right now I need to get busy!
    pocket list

    Have a great day!

    @at: I was interested to hear that you had steroid injections for your plantar fasciitis…and it worked. I’d try anything. I’m so sick of it. The trouble is, my boss doesn’t adjust my deliveries and they don’t make any kind of allowances to help even though my doctor’s note says they should. Perhaps I should ask about this possibility…
    All this kind of pain and bother helps keep me comfort-eating.

    Day 4 Spain 2nd post

    After my negative vibes in previous post, really, really pleased to have a whole alcohol free day 😊

    @ciren2, many years ago I had planta fasciitis. Could not get out of my chair, it was so painful. Had cortisone injections in my foot which were also extremely painful, but OMG!! The relief was almost instantaneous!! Go for it, it’s worth it 😊

    Day 4 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Yesterday was a tough FD as I was home all day but I made it under 500 calories. I just finished the half of bagel and lox I so badly wanted yesterday.

    These past few weeks have been very tough. My darling MIL is 93 years old and lives with us. She fell and is now enrolled in Hospice. We also have an in home care giver come in while we are at work. She is now in a hospital bed in our great room and we are sleeping on the pull out bed to be close to her at night.

    My DH and I have taken a big shift in our lives right now. It’s funny how nothing really matters right now except her comfort and safety.

    Beauty begins the day you decide to be yourself. Have a great Tuesday everyone.

    Skinnyminny57 day 4, NFD – really love all the comments and support on this forum! Would love it
    Evan more if you could respond to a post with just a thumbs up, a love, or just a hug, rather than having to reply individually to each lovely comment 💕💕💕. Being a lady of a certain age I am definitely challenged when it comes to textspeK,Facebook speak, anything basically 😂

    Day 4, Emden Germany, FD

    today I had an unplanned FD, I just couldn’t eat.

    @daffodil2010, @at, @shinything and @dingping thanks for your reactions on hosting a challenge. I’m afraid it doesn’t have anything to do with wanting to do it or if it appeals to me. I’m just absurdly terrified of failing or being not good enough. I had to stop at university because of this, I suddenly couldn’t do any exams anymore. My sister has the same problem, it’s a family thing, if we weren’t the best in class, it was seen as a failure.

    Tomorrow will be a better day and I will enjoy eating because it’s a NFD!

    Have a nice day/evenig everyone!

    2nd Post

    A quick check in to see how everybody is getting on, and my, you are all getting on very well today. Great supportive comments. You guys are great.

    @skinnyminny57 Congratulations on a full alcohol free day. I know were you are coming from, as both myself and my husband were daily drinkers of wine with our main meal. Unfortunately it is very hard to sustain that daily habit and lose weight. I now find that if I can get by dinner without any wine, then I am ok for the rest of the night. Its that dinner time siren call…..I try to stay “Dry till Friday”, but I still hear that wine calling….most times I ignore it, otherwise I would be back putting on weight again.

    @basyjames…ouch for the impending root canal. Hoping you will be ok soon

    @diana123 Giving you and your DH a big virtual hug. You have been through a very rough summer and I know that you can both provide your MIL with the comfort and safety she needs. Prayers for you.

    @ccco this forum is great when you have news to share but cannot share it in the real world!!!! I am so delighted for you.

    @rainbowsmile Hope you are not feeling so tired today.

    @at thank you so much for updating the spreadsheet. I really appreciate it. To be honest, I am running around a bit this week and perhaps do not have the time I should have to be a proper hostess, but you, and others, are really making this forum a very welcoming place for everybody.

    Finally, there was a question regarding how our families and friends relate to this WOL. Well, my DH has gotten used to me by now, and he actually practices a form of 16:8 himself on his working days so that particular barrier is breached. My friends however are a different matter. I nearly had a heated argument with one of my pals last week while discussing this diet – she has been to Weight Watchers and Slimming World and is still of the mindset that we go into “starvation mode” if we don’t eat at least 5 times a day, and would NOT listen to anything I had to say about the benefits of fasting (she is very stubborn anyway)….so I had to stop. Sometimes silence is the better way…plus looking fab in slimmer clothes….

    Have a great evening/day everybody.

    Hello everyone!
    This is my first time joining the Challenge group, although I had great success with 5:2 four years ago and weighed 125lbs I was very successful at maintaining it with 5:1 for at least a year. But then my husband had a terrible injury and life has gotten difficult. I put on 23 lbs since then, which I didn’t know until I weighed myself for the spreadsheet! I knew I had gained a lot of weight because I have gone up three sizes since the accident, but wow, to actually see the scale helped cement my determination!

    So a big hello to everyone. I am in school (retraining for a new job as I am the sole breadwinner now!)so I might be a bit sporadic with posting but I just wanted to say thanks to everyone. It is a great motivator!

    Day 4, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    Today I binged and ate over my tdee.

    I have to press my reset button.

    I hope that all our American friends enjoyed Labor Day today.

    Good night 💤😴🌙😘 everyone.

    Day 4 Minnesota, USA FD

    @at, the two tabs or split pages work great, but now I have no time to post to each. Hopefully, later. I’m out the door into the rain, and soon storms, to go to DD house and ride with her to pick up 6 y/o granddaughter from first day back to school. I’ll sit in the car with little 2 y/o while DD goes to door to meet her. I guess she was very hesitant this morning and shy with old friends. I’m bringing her a treat to help her remember the day as a good one. I hope it was.

    2 p.m. here and only 50 calories so far. Getting hungry, though. may have some smoked salmon and green salad tonight if I must.

    Joining pocketfasters;


    Your good company will keep me strong. Hope to be back to post later.

    (Hi oldfriends, @debster and @happymargo! Glad to be back on this journey with you!

    Day 4 UK FD

    Yesterday’s WFD lasted until late evening medication, which i had with a bite of apple & cheese – perhaps 50 calories? This morning the carbtastic tum had gone down and the weekend lbs had begun to shift, only 1lb up on Friday’s start weight!

    Moved FD to today bc away Weds/Thurs for event who are attentively and carefully Hosting me! (I’m feeling very Hosted!) Thus far today a banana and some seaweed things, total 100 calories. About to have some red& wild rice with peas salad stuff and eggs, should bring me in under 500 – yay.

    Got report in on time and all things either done or scheduled except one which I hope to do on the train tomorrow as light relief. Now going to eat, colour my hair and then work on my talks for this event for an hour or two, and hope it all somehow comes together between tonight and tomorrow lunchtime when I have to leave. It’s my first big training day Ever and it all seems to be pretty together – except my personal part! I’m sure there’s a reason i thought i could write two 20 min talks at the last minute, but not sure how reasonable that thought was. No idea why i’m not worried, but I’ll take it.

    Saw GP this evening and lung function is pretty good, O2 sats 98/99% even when I’m breathless. Definitely going in the right direct post-pneumonia, just going to take a while yet.

    Thank you to everyone who posted about their life or day; I love feeling connected even when – like today – I’m a bit caught up in my own stuff. Big hugs to all who are feeling weary or under the weather, or generally struggling, esp @rainbowsmile @beedoo @slacknz. @snowflake56 it’s lovely to have you back, and I love your wise thoughts. Love & prayers to @diana123 in this chapter of your lives together and to @ccco in this new beginning xx

    Day 4 Fasting pocket list

    2nd post

    @ciren2 this was what I did plus the exercises to ease my PF. Apologies if you have already tried it.

    I love these guys, I also did what they recommended for shin splints and a minor shoulder problem.

    I find them hilarious.


    Day 4 UK NFD

    Just finished 30DS which I found extra hard to do today. I think it’s because I had a run this morning and it pretty much exhausted me for the day. However I have eaten well and come in under TDEE.

    @beedoo I have started Ripped in 30 but never completed it and I was thinking of doing that as my challenge for next month. A few months ago I did Jillian Michaels 30 day slim down challenge which involves alternating 30 Day Shred, No more trouble zones & Burn fat boost metabolism. Those workouts are pretty hard-core and make the days you do 30DS feel like a rest day! Lol.

    Good night all. See you tomorrow.

    2nd post
    @snowflake56 – I hope my comment on you being a good host wasn’t to blame for your unplanned FD. I had hoped to lift your spirits not bring them down. I’m sorry for triggering something from your past and hope these feelings do not follow you into tomorrow which I’m sure will be a better day.
    Ding x

    Day 5 NSW Australia CD
    7.40am Wednesday

    Hi everyone, just checking in.
    I hope you all have a wonderful day, be you fasting or not fasting!
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 5 NFD, gained .5kg after yesterday’s FD (400 cals only). Will weigh again tomorrow & do my 2nd FD of the week. If that doesn’t show on the scales I’ll do a 3rd on Sat. I won’t give up!

    Day 4, Rocky Mountains, US, FD

    Just a quick check in. Busy day today! 😊

    See you all tomorrow! 🌼🌺🌻

    Canada 2 FD for me today and had 100 calories. Going to save the 400 for dinner as I couldn’t sleep the first FD. Congrats everyone on their weight loss. I am too scared to step on the scales after a summer of eating and drinking,

    Husband is not doing it, so hard when he is eating scones etc! Will power!

    Hi All……
    Was just wondering if I could jump back into this forum? Oh my gosh, so much has happen which made all my systems fall apart but I’m getting them back!
    Here’s a sneak peek….
    New job promotion
    Money Laundering
    Power struggles
    Arm injury
    Weight gain
    Flylady……flying away!

    Let me know, I can come back!

    Day 5 (end of Day 4 here) Ohio, US — NFD

    Just saying hi before closing down for the day. I find the FD’s relatively straightforward. The NFD’s are another matter. While I have an eating plan for NFD’s, I haven’t worked out a good way of sticking to the plan and not indulging too much. So I’m trying an experiment with a “meta-rule”: Only one dessert (i.e. something with major sugar) on the day after a FD; on other NFD’s stick to the plan. The origin of this “meta-rule” is from observing that in many Alternating Fast Day approaches, they say to only have one dessert on the full food days, which in those approaches is the day after a fast day. So my experimental rule is just adapting that idea to 5:2. Well, we’ll see how that works out.

    Have a great Day 5 everyone!

    Day 5 – VIC Australia – NFD

    So after a good FD on Monday (went over the 500 by 85 calories, but did plenty of walking so not worried), good weigh in yesterday morning (70.3) and a 5km run followed by what was to be a circuit training session, I pulled my lower back!!! Burst into tears at the gym, and had to leave the class and hobble to work). Have barely been able to sit or bend down!!

    Pretty upsetting to be honest, have done lots of training for these fun runs coming up (10km this weekend, and a half in 6 weeks). The physio has said that the diagnosis is a sprained/strained ligament in my lower back, but that because I generally do lots of core work I may recover quite quickly. It’s feeling better than I thought it would today, I can actually sit at my desk (yesterday had to borrow a colleagues standing desk as I couldn’t sit down at all!) so recovery is looking positive. Fingers crossed (as well as a break from the gym, lots of walking on the docs orders, and positive thinking)!

    To top it off, the day ended with a huge bowl of pasta to drown the sorrows. Today has been much more positive and moderate – let’s hope it stays that way! First warm day of spring, so will walk home which is always a mood booster.

    @ccco congrats!! Such wonderful news!

    @snowflake56 yes it’s in Melbourne, it’s called the Melbourne Marathon – you finish the end of the run in a big stadium the MCG which makes you feel a little like an Olympian! This back issue has worried me a bit, but I’ll just take it easy for the next few days and see how it goes! The physio reckons the run isn’t out of the question, and some solid resting is probably just what I needed – have been exhausted the last couple of weeks, this was my body trying to tell me to slow down a bit!

    @ali wants to wear a bikini I’ve been waking up early the last few days, it’s very stressful lying awake in bed, good idea to read the forum (instead of what I sometimes do and just browse random stuff on the internet). And I think you were asking whether families were supportive of this WOL, my fiancé doesn’t mind at all, it’s the days he orders take away or makes something that I cant eat, as I have IBS and have to follow a relatively low FODMAP diet (so no onion or galic) – so he’ll order some indian or make a garlic pasta – which he was never able to do before I started 5:2…so it benefits him too!

    @flourbaby your posts always make me laugh! I’m exactly the same with a bit of vino, if I abstain completely (which, I’ll be honest, rarely happens), I just give myself permission to eat all the chocolate… quite counter productive!

    @happymargo I love that you also need to diet before starting a diet!!! I think I lost just over 1kg before writing down my starting weight… lol!

    @cateaus my scales jump around a lot – and I often find I weigh less after a NFD directly after a FD, maybe something to do with the amount of salt I eat on a fast day?!

    FD tomorrow. Onward and downward!


    Good morning, lovely people.
    Day 5, London, NFD
    My first fast went OK yesterday, I did a 500 cal, mainly soup day.
    I did weigh myself (even though I thought that I should not, as I did some fasting two years ago and remember how, weirdly, the scales did not always show a loss after a fast day, which was majorly disappointing at the time, though of course, I did lose weight overall- which I have since regained.)
    So, minus 0.7 kg after the first fast.
    Remaining to lose to reach ideal weight: 6 kg.
    Mood: ready for a croissant 😉

    Day 5, Finland, NFD

    Good morning everybody! Had an interesting day yesterday…controlled eating while on a 14hour day at work, lots of salad and didn’t feel hungry at all, and then when i get home the was a lovely smell in the house and i headed straight for the fridge. Found the source, and proceeded to fill my face with lasagne. How easy it is to step back into old habits…after my months holidays where I worked hard to eat and exercise well, 2 days at work is all i need to return to old ways. I am going to have to be very disciplined to keep my daily yoga practice going….but i want to because I am so happy with the changes in my shape.

    @steffieagle what a wonderful success story you have! Congratulations on making this WOL work for you.
    @cornish-jane Club Tortoise will miss you, but good luck with your goal this month!
    @merryapple you mentioned earlier your husband was having his art on display in London in September. Could you say again when and where…I am heading to London on the 13.9 and thought i might check it out if times and places coordinate. And glad you have survived the renovations.
    @arelkade sending you a virtual hug, because I have been away….
    @sarahbob improved fitness…well done! Is the 30 shred on you tube or id it a dvd?
    @wrxgirl your leg sounds painful, be strong!
    @rainbowsmile I didn’t realize you were a poo officionado! Where and how did you gain this skill! 😉

    At this point I have started skim reading…there are so many posts. Will get back to having them sent to my phone so i can read when they come in. Faster and easier for me.
    I am also a big fan of MFP. When I startd this WOL in January I was adamant i didn’t want to count calories, it was a bonus of this WOL. But! It has been through using MFP that I have started shifting faster the kgs, and against my usual policy of only using free apps…I upgraded and paid the yearly fee.

    @beedoo I did, and am redoing, the beginner 30 day yoga challenge by Kino McGregor. Someone, I am sorry I can’t remember who, mentioned her on this forum, and I find she is great! Look her up on youtube.
    @diana123 my thoughts are with you at this difficult time, virtual hugs your way. I hope your MIL is comfortable.
    @bert1802 your seat on the wagon has been safely held….jump back on!!!

    Well that took 2 hours! But posts read, all be it some briefer than others! Now to do some house work before some yoga then knitting. Taking it easy before night shift, will get my exercise in while kids are at their sporting hobbies.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 5 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD – less than 1000 calories

    My B2B FDs have dispatched 4lb from the weekends festival of food and alcohol, and I have another couple of pounds to get to my start holiday weight…..which I hope to maintain. Each holiday has me piling on 10lbs, it’s definitely easy on with me, bit with this WOL its relatively easy off…..relatively ☺️

    I plan to have a less than 1000 calories day before final FD tomorrow. Then really I don’t see any further FD opportunity before the trip to Spain. I am however 20lbs lighter than my trip last year, and last year I had already lost 15lbs……so perspective needed.

    @bert1802 Hello, hello, a very warm welcome back! So many have been asking for you, so glad you are back, and WOW, how busy you have been. I have a new job too, a shock and originally unplanned decision but one I am delighted about now.

    @valleyview Welcome to the September challenge. Great to have you on board this particular wagon.

    @michelinme Good news about your lung function. You are always so busy, I don’t know how you do it. You are an inspiration 🤗

    @gretta. oh I am so sorry to hear about your back injury. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery so that you can participate in this weekends fun run.

    @cateaus that’s the spirit, never give up, this WOL does work, better than any other weight loss program I have ever done anyway (which is very many 😱)

    @wellrounded well done on the loss after your first FD.

    Which goes to show that all of us are different with different metabolism and speed at weight loss and gain. But the thing to remember is that the 5:2 does work, as well as setting our bodies onto a healthier life too.

    Have a great Wednesday

    Day 5 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Looks like my.long post has been swallowed up. Got to go to work. Grrrrr.
    Later guys

    Day 5 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    @bert1802 welcome back 🤗

    Quick check in today. Sun is shining so we’re off to explore somewhere new 😎. Have a good day everyone x

    Day 5 UK NFD

    A nothing day yesterday working on today.

    @ali wants to wear a bikini – “I swear I was slim before I married someone with 3 kids!” – LOL.

    @rainbowsmile – hope you are feeling perkier today and I love Bob & Brad too!

    @happymargo – Oh I wish I could have described my recent off piste episode with as much humour and colour, fully agree with ‘should’ve never left this wonderful & motivating group!!!’

    @at – you are the human form of the ‘energiser bunny’ running every hill and dale!

    @basyjames – ouch, good luck.

    @ccco – Front porch, rocking chair, thats obligatory in the USA isn’t it? Enjoy getting yours and using it with your ‘secret is safe with us’ expected little one.

    @beedoo – did fake chirpy work?  Agree soup is comforting but ice cream would be better! 

    @snowflake56 – sorry if it felt like pressure yesterday.

    @diana123 – sending you my best wishes and strength to get through these tough times. You are both wonderful in the love and care you are giving your MIL. Take care of yourselves.

    @valleyview – welcome.

    @michelinme – what’s one persons ‘light relief’, is is another’s…
    Good luck with your full on day I’m sure you will knock em dead!

    @matpi & @kerryn73 it’s the vigilance on NFD that’s exhausting, I hope one day to reach
    @steffieagle level of moderation but it’s still a work in progress here.

    @gretta – what a blow to all your hard work, fingers crossed for a full and speedy recovery.

    @bert1802 – please jump back in! Your post read like a plot to a Raymond Chandler novel!

    Everyone, wishing you joy in your day.
    Ta x

    Day 5 – FD; Dublin, Ireland

    Starting the Pocket List for today, hope some of you will join me. Fiance is already down 1kg since yesterday and I hope I can shift some of the holiday weight by our official weigh-in day on Sunday.

    Day 5 Pocket List:

    Day 5 UK CD

    Up until the small hours after getting stuck into writing at last. Today is going to be got through on 5 hrs sleep, and the talks will be finished in 4. Sadly got my phone a tiny bit wet yesterday evening & it’s died, so life will be more complicated for the next 24hrs! These things always happen when stressed.

    I had a late night food boost of 2 pieces toast/vegemite & 2 clementines and definitely felt better for it. Still comfortably under 800 calories so I’ll take that. The next 2 days are going to be about making good choices in different / difficult circumstances – no doubt a useful learning curve. But glad I’ve set myself up with 2 good FDs to start the week.

    @kerryn73 great to catch up with you – and wonderful achievement completing the 30 day yoga challenge. 6cm from your waist is amazing! and you’re coming to London? 🙂
    @bert1802 lovely to hear from you, tho sorry you have been having such an eventful time! Welcome back xx
    @rainbowsmile hope you feel better after yesterday’s rest day. Please look after yourself, go gently xx
    @valleyview welcome to the Sept challenge – hope its good
    @moukinator hope you had a great holiday
    @diana123 thinking of you today
    @dingping thank you – hope to do the best I can with what I have – and learn something useful along the way x
    @daffodil2010 bummer re lost post 🙁 hope you have a good day at the office x
    @gretta hope your back heals soon
    @arelkade i always love to see your posts start the day off as we are ending 🙂

    Here goes… leaping into the wider world. Yoga, meditation and writing is no bad way to start the day. Carrying you with me to help me make good choices 🙂

    Day 5, London, UK, FD

    I’m out for drinks (I can’t wait!!!) after work tomorrow so today is my 2nd FD of the week, unplanned B2B, but it’s no big deal as I’m used to B2B2B-ing.

    @diana123, what a year you’re having, stay strong; you’re absolutely doing your best to offer your MIL some comfort …………………… it costs nothing to give of yourself. I’ll be thinking of you and your family, hugs and healing vibes all around!!

    Welcome back @bert1802, of course you can come back ………………………………….. but only with a fabulous ending!!!!! Only joking, your heated seat aboard the wagon awaits!!!

    I did 30DS last night, I patted myself on the back and promptly passed out with exhaustion!!! I get to the point where I think, ‘this is getting easier’ have a couple of days off because, well, life gets in the way (4 days sailing this time), then attempt to pick up where I left off and lo & behold my fitness level has dropped 70% and EVERYTHING hurts again………………….. I’m guessing this might have to become the 365 day Shred, no rest for the wicked ……………or the unfit!!!

    I’m feeling good about September because I’ve nothing big planned, when I go all out for an event – holiday (got to fit in those shorts), sailing (got to fit into the same shorts!), Birthday celebration (Ooh, that dress!!), Xmas Do (another dress!!) etc, I put too much pressure on myself and it all goes T#*ts-Up, so thinking & feeling +ve for September!!!!

    Happy fasting today folks, enjoy it …………………………Newbies, you WILL enjoy it and look forward to FDs …………….. NFDs? Not so much!!!!!

    Day 5, Emden Germany, FD

    today is a much better day than yesterday, thank you all for the nice comments. DH is doing very well, I have to keep up with him, so today another soup-day, I can’t let him win, we both shredded 2 kilos. Can’t open 2 screens today, forgot how to do it.

    @dingping I’m the one bringing myself in the state I was, so don’t worry. I’m pleased to hear you all think I can do it, it’s the fear of being judged. As DH is planning another FD tomorrow, I will join you on tomorrow’s FD. xxx

    @beedoo thanks, I’ll look up the 30DS level 3.

    @rainbowsmile how are you today?

    @happymargo and @bert1802 welcome back!

    @moukinator it will be easy on/easy off, that’s the great thing about this WOL.

    @michelinme thanks for adding me to the pocket list yesterday.

    Day 5 Pocket List:

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 5 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Welcome back @bert1802 and thanks for the hugs, thoughts and good vibes as things are starting to settle in a bit with my MIL.

    Took today and Friday off work I needed to use up the last of my vacation time. Care Giver will be in so I plan to do some ME errands today. Facial, nails, Trader Joes and Whole Foods.

    Maintenance is going well with one FD a week.

    The best preparation for tomorrow is to be your best today. Have a great day.

    Day 5 Belfast FD

    Off to Dublin tomorrow for a couple of days to visit my boys so I’m fasting today rather than my usual Thursday. The scales are all over the place. Yesterday 5lbs on, today down 2lbs, but still a pound above my highest number so myst be good.

    @ccco just read your news! Many congratulations! I have to admit I’m a little envious,
    @slacknz well done on reaching that milestone. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through a bad time. Stay strong my friend.
    Congratulations @kerryn73 and wow to that 6cm!
    @sparklyshoes – good luck in that new job. What a good time for a new you!
    @ciren2 – I can’t believe that after all this time you’re suffering still with your foot. You poor thing. I hope you get some relief soon.
    @snowflake56 – I’ve kinda lost my mojo too so I’m holding your hand from afar! We can do this!
    @dingping I just did that too. I know my cholesterol and blood pressure is good but didn’t know the numbers to put in so it gave me an age of 66 – 2 years older than I am which is disappointing. I shall get m blood pressure and cholesterol measured then go back and hope to get a better result lol! And diving in on the weighing discussion, I’m a daily weigher, but record my weight weekly if that makes sense. It helps towards a sense of being in control! Have you tried a pair of ‘measuring pants’? Try on a pair of too tight trousers regularly and watch your progress that way.
    @flourbaby – I agree about the moderation. Especially now I’ve discovered gin with pink grapefruit lol! Now I couldn’t give that up!
    @hqmpest welcome. You can give as much or as little information about yourself as you feel comfortable with. You’ll find some excellent advice posted by @daffodil2010 on the first page. Good luck
    Welcome back @ happymargo. Your post made me laugh! 😂 I think I still have tyre tracks on my butt from that wagon!
    Thanks @at 👍
    @basyjames – ouch 😦
    Great post @steffieagle.
    @ccco – when I went jewellery shopping with my son before he popped the question to his girl I shared it here before anyone else. That’s the joy of this forum!
    Thanks for that link @beedoo. Very interesting
    @diana123 – so glad you and your MIL have got a care package sorted. Caring for our elderly parents can be so stressful. ((Hugs)) to you and your husband.
    Welcome @valleyview
    @michelinme – good to see you are thoroughly on the mend.
    @bert1802 – you are well and truly back! We’ve missed you and your endings!
    @matpi sounds like a great plan!
    @gretta – ouch! Hope you heal in time for your marathon.

    Jumping in to the supportive family discussion, I’m very lucky. My OH has type 1 diabetes and has been following 16:8 for a long, long time. He finds it keeps his blood sugars much steadier. So he was pleased when I slotted into his routine. And he just makes his own dinner on my FDs. Also, one of my BFs now also does the 5:2 based on my success. It’s tricky one though.

    Day 5 Pocket List:

    If no one steps up to host October, I’m happy to do so.

    A reminder from this tortoise.
    Even if you lose 1/2 a pound a week, you’ll lose 26 lbs in a year.

    Day 5….Florida….NFD

    Thank you so much for welcoming me back and keeping my seat warm on the wagon. It’s so comfy here amongst friends. Yesterday, was my first FD in a long time, I only managed to gain 7lbs during this hiccup of my life. As of yesterday, I recommitted myself back into my lifestyle and invited fly ladyback into my world.
    Okay so I forgot how much dang energy, that this lifestyle gave me. Last night, I felt like a ping pong ball on steroids……..
    Okay, so here’s the story, It’s kind of long so….. a little at a time.

    So most of you know, I got a promotion……Yeah, me! But one particular person was not extremely happy. I got it, you wanted more responsibility, the aggravation, the whole. So, she decided to point out every single flaw or mistake I had. The best one was the $16.00 mistake she tried to convince my bosses was over $100 and to take my promotion away….. so, we never recovered from that. Everyday, she found something whether it was me or not, even tried to blame me for something when I wasn’t in the building when it happened and tried to rope everyone she could into her games…..
    I took a cool calm approach to the whole thing, all the while defending myself with proof and staying as far away as possible from her…… By the way this just made it worse…… Got to love promotions.
    Now this went on for about 6 weeks….. in that time, I received numerous complaints from my mothers retirement community about her behavior, she step on a needle had major surgery to remove it and broke her arm!
    And if it could get any worse, my puppy of 17 years, was taken home! God Bless his soul! We miss him terribly!

    Stay tuned to for Chapter 2…..

    It was me…….I admit it……I let the dogs out!

    Day 5 — Colorado USA — FD !!!

    Never thought I’d be so gosh dang happy for a Fast Day!

    Oh, how I’ve missed the simplicity of fasting. No food planning, prep or clean up. Just me & my trusty (giant) mug of plain black decaf. And if I’m feeling a bit saucy… I hit it with a few dashes of cinnamon & nutmeg. Mmmmm.

    Thanks for all the warm “welcome back” wishes! You are, hands down, my favorite people on the internet.

    Still practicing on taking my pre-food pause & asking myself, “WILL THIS GET ME CLOSER TO MY GOALS?”

    Day 5 – NC, USA – NFD
    Decided to check my stats on my dr’s portal and notice that it had my height as 5′ 6.5″ not 5’5″. Yeah for an extra inch of height gets me a few more calories! Speaking of calories I meet my goal of eating under 1800 by eating only 1700 but when I weighted myself this morning was up .2 of a pound. 🙁 Maybe I need to stay under 1700? Also didn’t get the walk in maybe that made a difference too. I adjusted MFP to about 1700 for today and will try to stay a bit under that.

    Whoa! 😳 @bert1802 your plate of life is over-flowing. Between your job, coworkers, mother’s difficulties & your darling puppers going to heaven…you could use some ((hugs)) & support! 🤗

    Seems we returned on the very same day (good to “see you” again) & hope we meet with success along with the rest of this amazing group!!

    Day 5 – UK – FD/NFD???

    Another beautiful sunshiny day here – had a great yoga class this morning in our usual Wednesday room that has a wonderful view of the fells with brunch afterwards with a few yoga friends – perfect start to my Wednesday!

    Not sure if today is a FD or not – feeling like I want it to be but not 100% sure at the moment so will see how the day develops…….maybe a 500call day??

    @basyjames – hopefully you are not feeling too rough after that root canal treatment
    @beedoo – I can see both your posts!!!
    @moukinator – good to have you and the fiancé back and on the 5:2 bandwagon!
    @diana123 – I’m sure your MIL fully appreciates the support you are and your OH are providing for her – she’s very lucky in having you as a DIL 🤗
    @skinnyminny57 – you are a youngster at 61……………..
    @snowflake56 – we love you for who you are and for the amazing contributions you have made to this forum and sharing your experiences with us – so sorry if suggesting that you host has reared up some bad emotions – it’s the last thing I would want – sending you the biggest 🤗
    @valleyview – big welcome to the September Challenge – having the group support given so freely on here is wonderful – thank you for sharing a bit about yourself – sounds like both you and your husband have had to adjust to a new life following his terrible injury – we will pull you back on the 5:2 bandwagon and help you reach your goal TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
    @michelinme – thinking of you on your “first big training day Ever” I’m sure you will shine and great news about your improving lung function!
    @cateaus and @wellrounded – try not to get too hung up about what the scales say – as we know they are cruel and lie seriously though maybe try weighing yourself once a week after your 2nd FD and see what the trend is instead – also using a pair of trousers/skirt/dress that is too tight as something to aim for is good – Stick to the basic 5:2 – it works! You don’t want to see 5:2 as a diet – whatever you choose to do has to be a way of life and has to be sustainable………
    @bert1802 – of course you can hop back – we often refer to your bandwagon so there will always be place for you on it – some of the issues you listed that have been happening to you makes the mind boggle……Chapter 1 made interesting reading – looking forward to hearing more..
    @gretta – Oh dear – here’s to a quick recovery
    @dingping – and it’s all thanks to the 5:2 WOL!

    On the question regarding how our families and friends relate to this WOL? My OH has always been fully supportive and he has seen the changes in me but as he is superfit, and does lots of exercise as well as running he seems to eat all day although very healthy in his eating habits and he does not drink alcohol (unlike me!!!) luckily for me it does not seem to bother me if he is eating whilst I’m enjoying a cup of tea – I don’t even mind cooking for him or making cakes for a group I volunteer with on a FD…..Initially I had mixed reactions from friends but by now they accept it as part of me, I have even converted two friends recently – one is 3 months in and the other is trying 16:8 days

    What a busy first week of this September Challenge – great to have so many newbies joining and lovely to welcome back some oldies too – personally these challenges have helped to keep me focused and in maintenance so thank you to everyone who participates 🤗💐

    Will log in later this evening to report if today is a FD or not 😇😈 is the question………….

    Day 5 -USA-NFD
    Good morning! One of the things I always notice when I am back on 5:2 is how much more mindful I become, even on NFD. Had the opportunity to load up on fresh fruits and veggies from a local farm yesterday, and I am keeping them toward the front of the fridge. I am also using this challenge as an opportunity to do a declutter challenge. It is amazing how much stuff we have accumulated, now living in the same house for over 20 years. Both the food and the decluttering call for a slow and steady approach!

    Day 5 – Atlanta,GA , USA – FD

    2nd post
    Day 5 – NC, USA – NFD
    As I am trying to figure out my NFD calorie limit. I wondered what everyone else does for their NFD. Do you all mostly track calories in apps like MFP or just try to “eat normally” without tracking? If you do track what is your NFD calorie limit? Does everyone here use the goal weight TDEE? Does having a large or small frame size matter in your calculations?

    Day 5 Canada NFD

    Looking forward to a busy day, eating some controlled delicious food after an easy FD yesterday. I find the FD’s pretty easy and have settled into an easy routine- lots of water, some tea and coffee, an apple in the early afternoon and then a salad based dinner. I am not much of a calorie counter so having a “format” is perfect and I know that the rare hunger pain will quickly pass.

    I am more interested in losing weight for health reasons now than vanity. Having a few issues with my health at the start of the year was a wake up call and carrying pounds around that belly area isn’t something that is best for me.

    @ciren2 I hope you can find relief, that sounds like a nasty injury for someone who is one their feet a lot.

    I am so sorry you are in a boot @rainbowsmile. I have worn those wretched things 3 times in the past! My advice is to not rush, I tried that and ended back in the boot for another 6 weeks as I re-fractured a stress fracture.

    @slacknz hang in there it sounds like you are going through tough times
    @krisnia the mindfulness is one of the biggest benefits of this WOL, I had no idea I was grazing away constantly and eating as a reaction.
    @bert1802 can’t wait for Chapter 2 and love your ending!

    Looking forward to sharing success and struggles with everyone- that is all part of this process and what makes the forum work so well!

    Day 5 Minnesota, USA CD

    Yesterday’s FD became a controlled NFD at about 7 p.m., but it was liquids only until then.

    I am having a hard time trying to do liquids only on FDs. As I get back into this WOL, I think I’ll do better by sticking to the under 500 cal/FD rule for a couple weeks and see if I can be more successful. Then I can advance to 1/4th TDEE as I become a better “faster”, and then maybe progress to LFDs in a couple months.
    I eat to the TDEE of my goal weight, and I usually do 16/8. It’s the evenings that really challenge me.
    I’ll get there, I’m sure, with all the support here.

    Thanks for all the inspiring stories and posts, everybody! So inspiring. It keeps me positive and determined.

    Have a great day, everyone!

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