September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,071 replies, has 74 voices, and was last updated by  FasterJo 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 1,074 total)

  • Day 3 – USA – NFD

    If anyone is looking for a very low carb delicious bread, try “So Lo Carb Bread” at They have a few different types, my fav being Artisan Rye. You have to keep it frozen, which is fine with me because I don’t eat it every day. @fivetwofan5252, welcome back! @rainbowsmile, don’t know if you’ve ever read the Bible, but it’s the ultimate healing book, IMO.

    Day 3 – NC, USA – MFD?/CFD?/NFD?

    After learning I should eat my goal weight TDEE I upped my goal to 145 at lightly active so I could get it to 1800. My regular dieting limit was around 1700 and it was important to me at least at this stage that my NFD felt not like normal diet days.

    After all that I squeezed on a pair a size 14 pants (5.5 194.5lbs ) when I normally wear 18 to 16 that I could not get on when I was over 200. They were finally at the point I could sit down without unzipping them. Anyways I left them on as I went about my day not thinking about it but recording my food in MFP. After dinner I had only eaten 800 calories or so! Guess the pants was acting like a corset and making me feel full on less. Was thinking on making it a MFD but wanted to stick to the 500 fast days. So I took off the jeans and ate a protein bar with some yogurt for dessert getting me to about 1200 calories. A CFD I think. I woke up this morning back down to 194, my post FD weight.

    Today is a holiday and I let myself sleep around the clock to 9am. My 9 year old DD had down the same thing and was eatting coca crispies so I joined her in a bowl with about a 1/4 a cup skim milk. I think it was around 150 to 200 calories worth. Since I woke up so late, normally up at 6am was thinking this could be some kind of acidentally FD. I have brunch with a friend planned but could just get eggs and english muffin. I was planning on doing a FD on Tuesday this week. Could just do another 1200 CFD.

    I don’t know what to do right now but maybe I can decide after lunch. I just really liked fitting in the pants and would love it to get them a bit loser even on me. Don’t want to mess up and do too few calories for the week and slow down the weight loss though.

    Oh some other facts about me, I am Bipolar Type 1 (well controlled on meds) as well as ADHD so am very implusive about food and life in general. I had high cholesterol but am now “normal” on meds for it. I have a DH who is gluten free by choice and a 9 year old DD who is also ADHD. All three of us typically eat separate meals, DH makes his own, I will make something for DD who is picky eater and something for me. Yes I know it is not ideal. I plan to talk to my therapist this month about going on this WOL but wanted to try it for a while first to make sure it fit me.

    Sorry for the long post. Also sorry for not responding to everyone elses struggles.I felt lost in a sea of posts and am having trouble keeping track of everyone on here. However please know that your sharring your stories is very helpful so it doesn’t feel like I am the only one trying to do a fast day or even trying not to overeat a “normal day”. Saved by the bell, DD wants to play Animal Jam together so I will finally end this post.

    Day 3 USA-FD
    Hi Everyone, now jumping in after a very quick trip across WA state to help our daughter move. I would love to master the art of traveling and sticking to this WOL, since I travel a fair amount these days and it always throws me off track. At any rate, I am glad to be back with this supportive group after being away, and look forward to a slow, steady downward journey!

    Day 3 Pocket List – Copy and paste – add yourself if you’re fasting

    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @michelinme WFD

    Day 3 Canada NFD
    I’m travelling for the long weekend so lots of eating that isn’t part of even a NFD. Not too worried I knew it was on the cards and will be back home fasting Tuesday and Thursday.
    This forum is so helpful, thanks for hosting @daffodil2010 and to everyone who is along for the ride this month!

    @at: Hello there!
    @northerndawn: Thanks for the support offered…
    I’m still struggling with my poor foot (Plantar Fasciitis) in my job (delivering mail) not the best thing to have, eh?
    Someone said when they did the round I’m on this week it came to over 19,000 steps!!!!

    Day 3 Stevensville Maryland USA CFD

    Forgot to add myself to the pock list. Feeling a little hungry so I logged back on. Thanks everyone for being here it really helps me on hungry fast days. Which are far and few between I am at home today for Labor Day holiday taking care of my sweet MIL and it is always harder for me to fast at home. Going to go cut some celery.

    ay 3 Pocket List – Copy and paste – add yourself if you’re fasting
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @michelinme WFD
    Onward and downward.

    Day 3 London, UK FD

    Oh @snowflake56, how kind of you to look up the flea market! I have a friend who was in Lille last year so now have some suggestions of how best to use our time there. She has recommended a Moroccan restaurant which I am particularly excited about! @at thank you for your info re Lille! We are staying in an Airbnb apartment near the old town. My friend is a late riser and I am an early bird so I’m quite exciting about getting out in the mornings to have my daily walk and explore a bit by myself.

    @gretta Good luck with the half marathon and the training! The furthest I have ever managed is 10k before I realised my knees were just not up to running. Between your 12k and the wine, it sounds to me like you had a well-balanced weekend!!

    @sarahbob a 30DS session at 9.30pm – now that is dedication! I feel exhausted at just the thought of doing Day 3 before I eat this evening. I’m with you on the anterior raises…but the absolute worst for me, the one that makes me want to cry is the chair squat with a V-fly in Level 2! I can’t imagine ever being able to do them without stopping for a 5 sec break (or 10 secs…)!! All this complaining from me, you wouldn’t think I do really love it (for the most part) especially the feeling right after a workout! Have you done any of her other DVDs? I was thinking about Ripped in 30 – similar set up in terms of time, circuits and 30 days.

    @rainsbowsmile sadly I don’t have any suggestions re books on healing but I am wishing you well and a speedy recovery. Can only imagine how frustrating this must be especially for a dancer!

    @babs_b Congratulations on your new kitchen!

    @fatfingers You’ve come this far and you’ve totally got this…and we’ve got you! To paraphrase, “nothing tastes as good as reaching your goal weight feels!!

    @michelinme I hope you have managed to remain focused and have taken the breaks you need. I love your mantra – “taking good care of the Future Me”, made me think that’s what this WOL is all about, isn’t it?

    @shinything @at sounds like yesterday was the day for EFS for a few of us. Glad we are in this together whether it’s FD or FSD! In all seriousness, I hope you have had a good FD so far today. It’s later afternoon now, we are almost done, STAY STRONG!

    @skinnyminny57 Hope your first fast day of the month is going well. I too love soup on FDs, usually save mine for one big meal in the evening. My advice if you find you are losing interest is to come on the forum and read (or post). There is so much support on here for motivation to keep going.

    @fivetwofan5252 Sounds like you had a great time gaining the extra 5 lbs… Looking forward to following your success in losing them!

    @laurello Welcome to the Sept challenge! I started in June and have found this forum to be invaluable in reaching goal weight. Hope you are having a good FD so far.

    @dingping So much of what you wrote struck a cord with me. If there is a day when I don’t post on here or log intake on MFP it’s because I am feeling low, have not exercised or gone way overboard on sugar/carbs. And “Fasting gives me control in mind and body, I feel balanced” yes, yes, yes! I kept having to remind myself while on holiday that I would regain that feeling on control once we got home. I started the holiday feeling very anxious and realise that I need to train my mind-set out of years of unhealthy relationship with food/diet/body image. Possibly a lifelong work in progress but one that I am glad to have embarked.

    Had a productive first day back so gave myself a break here and there throughout the days to come and catch up on here. Have been writing this on and off for much of the afternoon! Almost hometime for me as I leave the office at 5pm to pick up my little one from nursery. It’s been a great FD so far at 50 cals! Hope everyone is having a good day, and I hope those of our lovely group based in the US are enjoying Labor Day X

    Day 3 – France – NFD

    Hi everyone!
    Today has been a stressful day! Just started in a new position and everything is new and overwhelming. The result has been a light lunch and no snacking at my desk as I sit right opposite my boss! Good for my weight.

    Have not had a fast day yet this month and hope one can happen tomorrow.

    Good luck to all! Will now go back and read all your posts with a well deserved post work glass of red 🍷 in hand hahaha!

    Day 3 Florida
    FD today. Although I feel like I’ve been fasting the past week every day, this is my normal FD.
    Going to a potluck today so, it may end up being modified.
    Hope everyone has a great Labor Day. Florida is expecting a tropical storm to go by and out to the gulf. No hurricane for us.
    @daffodil2010 thanks for your Spain suggestions.

    Day 3 Pocket List – Copy and paste – add yourself if you’re fasting
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @michelinme WFD

    Onward and downward.

    USA Day 3 FD

    Just checking in as I am busy with the holiday! FD going well, probably because the heat is making me lose my appetite! Have a great day everyone!

    my first day of a new healthy eating plan. Please add me to the list.

    Day 3. UK. FD

    Great day – as long as I don’t eat anything else. I can do this.

    Day 3 UK second post

    popped back here to keep up WFD motivation. I see someone put WFD next to my name on the list, so that’s me nicely motivated – thank you!

    Written & sent the two short pieces (annual report & response to a briefing note) so now need to get the 3rd short piece written & sent. Then I can start mapping out my talks, which have to be ready to roll by the time I leave on Weds am!

    Tidying up the pocket list while i’m here… Someone asked about the pocket list – sorry, can’t find the original post to find your name, but hello and welcome!

    It’s a list people all on the same challenge – eg 30 day shred, dry til Fri etc. It’s called a pocket list bc some people print it out & carry it round. The daily pocket list is a note of all the people fasting that day. We add ourselves to the list in solidarity, for encouragement, external accountability etc. When you know others are doing it alongside you in helps – together we are stronger! Back to work….

    Day 3 Pocket List – Copy and paste – add yourself if you’re fasting

    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @michelinme WFD

    2nd post

    @skinnyminny57 I believe it was you who asked about the pocket list? Already the wonderful @at and @michelinme have responded. Somebody who is fasting will start off the list (its usually our Aus and NZ fasters firs) and as the day goes on, and daylight travels across the globe, more and more of us join the list…providing support and encouragement to each other as we try to make it a good fast.

    And it seems that so many of us had an Epic Face Stuffing (EFS) weekend…..I don’t feel so bad now, ha ha. I weighed myself as normal this morning (I am a daily weigher, it keeps me on track and I REALLY look forward to weighing after a good FD), but then I weighed myself when I got home from work…and had lost 2.5 lbs!!!! So we will see how this looks in the morning after my liquid fast.

    @rainbowsmile I sure hope you are not rusting in that bath! My heart goes out to you with that injury you picked up and I really hope you recover soon. As @beedoo said, it must be so frustrating for you, as a dancer, to be laid up with a broken foot.

    Welcome @laurello and @carolsu…I am looking forward to getting to know you as September goes on. This forum has been the secret to my weight loss success….knowing that I will post every day to keep myself accountable, or share when I have gone overboard, and just being part of this great online community – we have great connections here.

    @beththenew that is a good idea having a pair of pants that you can use as a “measure”. I had a pair of UK size 16 smart trousers that I used as a measure for quite a while. Now that I am a UK size 10 I could probably fit in one leg, but seriously, it certainly focuses me to see how big I used to be. When I was losing the weight last year I had an array of sizes in my closet which were my motivational clothes. It was so good to get into a Size 14, then a 12, and now a 10…….best of luck on your journey.

    Another motivational tip I have is to measure your waist, and as the weight slips off, put the measure out to the waistline that you once had…it is so satisfying to see that expanse of fresh air between tape and belly!

    Have a great rest of day all you pocket fasters….Together we are Stronger

    Day 3 Belfast FD
    Missed the last few days of August so a BIG thank you to @ Rainbowsmile 🌈 for her excellent stewardship and inspiration and to @ Daffodil2010 for taking over. I’ve skimmed the posts for the end of August and the first busy pages of the September challenge. It’s great to see so many familiar faces and lots of newbies too. And a big welcome to a few faces from the past. I shall be MIA later this month because I’m away to Madeira on the 17th for a week, but I intend to do my best to keep the scales low.

    A quick bit about myself. I’m a 63yo retired primary teacher and self confessed sugar addict. I am a member of the tortoise group – 2 1/2 stone disappeared over a couple of years and it’s gone to stay. I’m in maintenance but have a bit of ‘trimming’ to do around the waistline.
    Current weight : 145lbs
    BMI 23.4
    My goal this month (again!)is to work at slaying that sugar dragon 🐉🗡

    Now that’s a pocket list! Belatedly adding my name.
    Day 3 Pocket List – Copy and paste – add yourself if you’re fasting
    @daffodil2010 1st of B2B
    @michelinme WFD

    Onwards and downwards everyone!

    Hi, Please can you sign me up too! I see some old friends after doing this 2 years ago. I seriously slipped the last few months. The kids all left for the summer, so just me and my hubbie, no more pizza nights and ice creams! It’s so much easier to do when we are just the two of us! Yesterday I managed my first fast yesterday but boy am I tired today! Trying to find the energy to do the 30 day Shred but mother-in-law duty calls first…….

    USA Day 3 FD

    Thank you michelinme for adding me to the pocket list! My computer won’t let me add myself. Anyway, I almost lost my way today as I felt I needed a few stiff celebratory drinks today but didn’t take them. Maybe a glass of wine later! I just received the wonderful news that I am to be a first time grandmother!! I am so excited and still trying to process it! 🙂

    Second post
    Day 3 London UK FD

    Just flicking through posts while waiting for soup to heat (got day 3 of 30DS done, phew!) and I had to come on to say CONGRATULATIONS CCCO!! That is just simply marvellous news! Xx

    Day 3, Gozo, Malta, cd

    Today s fast day turned into a cd at 1,150 calories. Alas At I don’t always have your resolution.

    Tomorrow is another fast day for me.

    Good night 🌙😴💤 everyone.

    Second post….

    @skinnyminny57 and @laurello welcome to our challenge, and to this WOL 🙂 . For support and encouragement you are in the right place, this is a cool, accepting group of people here 😀

    @dingping we missed you here, I hope you don’t have those dark days, but if you do, we will be here to hold your hand 🤗

    @at you are right, I will stick to weighing myself after my FD, no point in getting unpleasant surprises like that 👿

    @lilymartin I can feel your hand, holding tight, we will get through this! 💪

    @beththenew don’t be sorry about the long post, thats what this forum if for, to debate things and get them off our chest. I enjoyed reading it :). And I know what you mean about being lost in a sea of posts, its perfectly ok to just add your thoughts/struggles/successes, we will read it. Stay strong 💪

    @beedoo FD has been really good so far, just had a meal (around 6pm) of boiled basmati rice with fried mushrooms, alltogether 250 cal 🙂 . Thank you for the support, it does help 🤗

    @sparklyshoes starting in the new position is always a bit stressful, it will get better, hang in there 🙂

    @ccco what a wonderful news that is! Congratulations! You must be over the moon 😀 xx

    Stay strong everyone 🌸

    USA Day 3 FD

    Thank you Beedoo and ShinyThing! We are over the moon! Still processing it all! 🙂

    Well. As of today I am 6.5kg down . Not sure what that is in pounds. Half way to my second 5kg goal.
    My BMI is now exactly 30.
    So that’s nice.
    Been off line for a month or so.
    8yrs of my life came crumbling down.
    At least I’m not eating my feelings I guess.

    Day 2 & 3 – visiting Chicago (from Eastern WA USA)

    So enjoyed the destination wedding; a wonderful Greek wedding. Much feasting, celebrating, some walking along the river walk.. now waiting in airport as flight is delayed.

    @songbirdme – it was my 1st time to Chi town. I thoroughly loved it.

    It looks like a great start to September. I’ll plan to get into a better routine as I get home. Will plan a FD tomorrow. Have coffee with a friend tomorrow, but think a FD is doable.

    2nd Post

    Day 3 – NC, USA – FD

    Ended up a FD today so I can have a NFD when my sister normally visits. We usually meet up for dinner after work on Tuesdays. This will work out better so I won’t have to just have water or something very light.

    Really hungry now so made some pumpkin spice tea. Already 8pm so only a little bit of time before bed. Hope everyone had a good day.

    Day 4 (end of Day 3 for me) — Ohio, US—FD (#7)

    This FD has gone a little slowly (ok, it really dragged). Usually Monday is one of my busiest days of the week, but today was a holiday, so I had lots of time to keep checking the clock and see if it was time for a meal. I did persevere and now feel pretty happy with myself —- sort of like my dog does when he comes prancing back from chasing a rabbit. Hmmm — I suppose that if we all had to chase the food for our meals, weight would be less of a problem. Now that would be a paleo diet!

    Day 4 for me, FD, Tas, Australia. Am going to stay under 400 today to try to kick off Sept. Have a Konjac noodle ratatouille ready for my dinner & just polished off my lunch of a Yoplait forme zero tropical yoghurt & 4 strawberries. Did 5 km on my exercise bike 1st thing this morning. Feeling good.

    Day 4, Finland, NFD

    Good morning everybody a quick note before work to say hi. Yesterday was a successful FD. It was also my first day back at work after summer holidays, and I was greeted by my colleagues with how much have you lost! It was a nice feeling for someone to see a difference. While I am a definite Club Tortwah, my daily yoga challenge on my holidays helped move 6 cm off my waist and cm from everywhere! I reached my goal of comfortably wearing a smaller size work shirt, now I have a L pants and M shirt!

    I will endeavour to read posts and post again myself after work, or at latest tomorrow/
    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 3 Minnesota, USA NFD

    I’ve just skimmed over the posts and will go back and read more thoroughly in morning. Stayed under TDEE of my goal weight today. I hope everyone is pleased with their day!

    @ccco, congratulations: If there is anything better than being a grandmother, I don’t know what that would be! What a blessing is coming into your life!

    @ciren2, I can’t imagine having such an active job and also having plantar fasciitis. That is so painful! I’ve had an episode or two but only for short periods. Weight loss can help when it comes to foot pain. It’s actually partly why I must lose the weight I’ve gained back. Just too hard on my feet and ankles to carry all this blubber around. I hope to see you back on the forum in the future.

    Welcome to the newbies and hello to some familiar names from the past! It’s great to see you again!

    FD tomorrow. I will get back on and read in the morning for inspiration and motivation.

    Let’s all carry on together!

    Day 4 – France – FD

    First FD of the month for me. HOping things will start moving downwards for me because my net loss after 1.5 weeks on 5:2 is exactly zero. 🙂 Granted the EFS weekend that just went by certainly didn’t help.

    Hugs and easy FD vibes to all!

    Day 4, Emden Germany, NFD

    @dingping yesterday was another struggle. I used to do so well on FDs in the past, but I’m sure Saturday will be a better day, we don’t have a choice, do we? Seems to be a lack of motivation this time, so please stay with me. Feeling balanced is important, thanks for reminding me.

    @michelinme what kind of display will that be? Being asked to take in old pieces sounds interesting. Our house is full of old things, we postponed our planned move to the Netherlands because we don’t want to declutter and downsize (and the fact that my DH doesn’t want to fully retire yet). We seem to collect everything.

    @lilymartin “5 workers who have turned up for sheep work today.” You seem to be on a sheep farm, how many sheep do you have? Is it time to shave them. Overhere the sheeps were shorn a few weeks ago, they’re on the dikes from spring until the winter arrives.

    @northerndawn I’m trying out the split screen, it’s much more convenient than a piece of paper and a pen.

    @gretta training for a half marathon, I’m impressed, I don’t run at all. Will it be in Melbourne?

    @sarahbob and @beedoo we tried to do the 30 Days shred in July but failed miserably, our ankles seem to be too old from the jumps. But I’m still doing my planks every day.

    @skinnyminny thanks for reminding me of soup. Soup used to be my favourite thing to eat on a FD. Will go to the market later on to buy chicken thighs.

    @fivetwofan5252 the same with me, gained 5,5 kilos during the summer. We will get there, we know how to do it, we did it once and we can do it again. This sentence looks if I have to convince myself, which I have to.

    @at just the thought of hosting panics me. Apart from lacking eloquence and wisdom, I really miss the computer- and language skills to do it. It would mean endless ours sitting in front of the computer and sleepless nights. After every post I’m frustrated about the fact I can’t express myself the way I would. It took me 1,5 hours to read and respond to yesterday’s posts and I didn’t even responded everyone I would have likes to.

    @beththenew measurement clothes can be very helpful. I have a dress I want to fit in. After losing weight it fitted a while, after gaining 5,5 kg it doesn’t anymore so back to basics again.

    @ccco congratulaions on being a grandmother!

    @sparklyshoes just stick to the basics and keep coming here and you will reach your goal.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 4 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD
    2nd B2B

    Good morning Day 4. It’s a glorious sunny morning, but it was so chilly when I went for my 6.30am walk that I had to put on a woolly hat and gloves. Autumn is approaching and soon we will have the Equinox and onward into shorter days. I love it though, the turning of the year, life continues on no matter what. ☺️

    I almost dropped 3.5lbs on my LFD yesterday….easy on, easy off. I plan to be at or below 125lbs by holiday time next week and do my best not to gain too much. For that reason my stepdaughter and I have committed ourselves to taking the daily Zumba class at the beach, one good walk a day, and I will not have breakfast, will keep it 16:8.

    With that fore planning how hard can it be 😁

    @ccco Super congratulations on your wonderful news. It’s so much fun being a grandmother, ☺️
    @snowflake56 Well, there is absolutely nothing lacking in your communication skills on this forum, I love your posts. But if the thought of hosting panics you then don’t do anything that you don’t want to do. I truly believe this forum looks after itself, there are so many helpful and knowledgeable people here, commenting and updating, we have built a good community here. 👍

    @kerryn73 How cool that your work colleagues noticed your loss after the summer. Well done.

    @sparklyshoes I was lucky this weekend that the EFS did not implode on me. I still have 3lb to get to last week’s low weight, so you are doing well maintaining!

    @matpi Your persevered and made it through a bank Holiday FD, now that is something to be proud off. Laughing at having to chase our food…thank goodness we don’t have to 😆

    @slacknz Welcome back with open arms. I hope you can get through what you are going through, but know we are here to provide encouragement and support.

    Hi there @ali wants to wear a bikini , welcome back to the forum. I have been here a year myself, but I too plan to be one of those stalwarts still posting on this forum in the coming years……that means that I am maintaining and I want that so much.

    Pocket List Day 4 – Together We Are Stonger

    Today is a good day to have a good day

    Day 4 – Spain – NFD

    Found yesterday’s FD remarkably easy! Made a huge pan of chunky vegetable soup and ate that in about 5 separate portions. When I got very hungry had a hard boiled small egg and a fat free, sugar free yoghurt. Did go to bed early to avoid the internal nagging for alcohol! Feel great this morning, BUT, my weight is exactly the same as the day before the FD ☹️ Which is disappointing. Oh well, just keep going, as my DH said, at least you didn’t put any weight on 🤡

    Day 4 – Japan – NFD

    Just working …

    Good morning, I’m joining the challenge with a slight delay (on day 4) and after a long hiatus generally. But better late than never, right.

    So today is Day 4 for the group, FD for me (hopefully).

    I won’t weigh myself yet, but will do so after the second FD.

    Good luck to everyone who’s fasting today 😉

    PS Skimming the posts, I remembered that I have to say where I’m based. London.

    Day 4 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    After 15 months of 5:2 I’ve learnt to accept that the scales can discourage and mislead so don’t fret if you are weighing yourself frequently and they are disappointing you. I did that in my first month and nearly gave up. Then I switched to weighing just once a month for the end/start weight for the challenge…… and the trend was always downwards…….not the fastest weight loss but really sustainable. Now 30 lbs down and weighing more frequently again as I learn to maintain……now I understand my weight fluctuates I give myself an acceptable weight range with a red line that cannot be crossed 😉

    Strength to the Tuesday fasters 💪

    Day 4 UK NFD

    We made up for our fractious Sunday (OH and me) with a slightly indulgent Monday that involved cinema and pizza! Just done the NHS know your heart age test after hearing about it on Radio 4 this morning and shocked to find out its ten years older than me! Shocking and if I didn’t need it another wake up call, is it ever ‘never to late’?!!!

    @beththenew – I get lost in a sea of posts too! They are wonderful to read and its always lovely to have that two way conversation within them but I can at times get stressed at not reading enough and responding insightfully. I marvel at those that can with apparent ease and with humour! But its wonderful to put a thought out there and have it ping back with loads of validation, knowledge, love and support. Just being here is enough and you will find your rhythm.

    @krisnia – mine should be is slow and steady journey, but actually its slow with hiccups kinda journey! I aim to get there though.

    @ciren2 – big sympathy re plantar fasciitis, no one wants that, especially when having to deliver the post, but 19,000 steps per round wow!

    @skinnyminny57 & @beedoo – soup (vegetable with a bit of cheese) is my favoured food of choice on an FD and I leave eating it until the evening. I might slurp marmite tea during the day plus loads of water.

    @beedoo – I also need to re train my brain after years of unhealthy relationship with food/diet/body image. The sad thing is, it took decades for it to become this ingrained so it’s going to take years to unfix it, it’s the vigilance that’s exhausting but determined to do it, we have only one life and I want the next decades to be the best I can be.

    @sparklyshoes – good luck in your new job and the new you.

    @carolsu – hello and you can do this!

    @ccco – wonderful news, congratulations.

    @shinything – thanks.

    @slacknz – Well done on being 5.6KG down even though it sounds like things have been tough, admire your ability to get through with out ‘eating your feelings’.

    @matpi – had an ahhh moment imagining the joy of your prancing dog!

    @snowflake56 – sorry to hear you struggled yesterday, I’m sure the first week back will be the hardest. My next FD will be Thursday. I gained the same weight during my two months absence from here, amazing how quickly we can undo all our hard work!
    Re – being a host I understand your reasons and anxiety as I would have the same in buckets but I would agree with @at I think you would be perfect, you have oodles of eloquence and wisdom!

    @kerryn73 – down a size that must have felt great and the affirmation form your colleagues, how great was that – well done.

    @at – I always think of myself as a practical person but thanks for the advice of two windows open and the judicious use of cut/copy and paste, what a Doh! I’ve been, makes life so much easier!!!! Thanks.

    @wellrounded – welcome.

    @missybear – Oh the dilemma, when to weigh and when not, you seem to have it sussed and such wise words I know I should listen. For me the scales were something I avoided for many years (complete denial) and now doing 5:2 I step on them every morning. If I don’t weigh myself then I’m a bit like @beedoo, avoiding the issue because I know it’s probably not going to look good. Like fasting I think it’s all about finding a balance and finding out what works for me and not becoming obsessed, the scales are a tool, hopefully they will be my best friend more often than not, she adds fingers crossed!!!!

    Wishing everyone a great day and go out and conquer some of those demons.

    Ta x

    As my 1st FD for Sept is nearly at an end, I must say this one has been the easiest since I started back on 5:2 in mid-July. I have only had 326 cals so far & will have another small tub of yoghurt, which will bring me up to just under 400 cals. Maybe I am getting used to it now. Hope everyone is having a good day 🙂

    Waking up at 3am unable to sleep but reading all your posts has really motivated me. Thank you all. I don’t feel so alone. It’s nice to have so many international people on this forum. Are your family accepting of this? Mine just want to eat Pizza and ice cream ! I swear I was slim before I married someone with 3 kids!

    Day 4, UK, NFD

    After successful FD yesterday, the scales how just slightly lower number, but I will take that as even. Its fine, I feel good and I feel slimmer. I must start measuring myself actually, I haven’t done that yet 🙂

    @slacknz welcome back 🙂 , and sorry to hear about crubling down part, that sounds harsh :(I hope you are ok. Sending you a hug and positive vibes 🤗

    @matpi “I suppose that if we all had to chase the food for our meals, weight would be less of a problem.” – That is exactly why our ancestors didn’t have a problem with weight, we are bombarded with food these days so the things have turned around, food is chasing us now and tempting us, everywhere we look. Hence our weight problem and relationship with food.

    @kerryn73 congrats on smaller sizes clothes 😀

    @snowflake56 as @daffodil2010 said there is absolutely nothing wrong with your language skills, your posts are always a great read 🙂

    @skinnyminny57 don’t get disheartened that you didn’t see the weight go down strait away, our bodies sometimes need more time to process and do things we are not aware of. Just keep going, it will happen 🙂

    @dykask hope you are ok, should we worry about you? Sending you a virtual hug 🤗

    @wellrounded welcome to the challenge, and good luck with your first FD 😀

    @missybear thanks for reminding me about the weight range 🙂

    @cateaus well done on your successful FD, its great that you find them easier 😀

    Lets keep on keeping on together 😀

    Day 4, London, UK, FD

    Finally, finally caught up on posts!!!!

    I’m back after the madness of a carb filled weekend sailing!!! I ache all over, so there was some exercise, but breakfast, lunch and dinner with my crew involved huge amounts of carbs, and you KNOW me ……………………… resistance was futile!!!!!

    So, having bounced around throughout August, putting pressure on myself to avoid the wine dragon (To know him is to love him & I love, love, love him, what can I say????) I believe I was starting to get into a binge/fast cycle, substituting bread & cakes for the vino I REALLY wanted!!!! So, September is back-to-basics, 5:2, moderate boozing, 30 Day shred and I WILL drink 2+L water per day!!!!

    @rainbowsmile, thank you for a fabulous sunshine filled August challenge!!!! I loved it!!! Despite the ………………. Shhh, whisper it ………………………. Gain of 0.8lbs!!!

    @daffodil2010, new job, new challenge, you’re a star!!!! Thanks for herding us cats …….. again!!!!

    Newbies, oldies, good to see you all here ……………………………. BEST……………….DECISION………………EVER!!!!!

    By BMI calculations, I have a good 20+lbs to lose, but I’m trying to avoid the wrinkly crêpey look ……………………. NOBODY needs that in there mirrors!!!! So my target is still 147lbs, but for this month any progress I make on that last pesky 10lbs will be a win!!!

    Onward & downwards folks, we’ve got this ……………………………………….

    Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. ~Dr. Seuss

    Please add my name to the list (Robert, Portugal) any further advice on entering gender, age, weight, goals etc would be appreciated.

    Day 4 – London UK – FD 2 of B2B2B

    Happy Day 4 everyone! I’m feeling under the weather here so I’m determined to fake a chirpy mood until I feel it!

    @ali Yes come and join us for the 30DS! Am intrigued – what was your mother-in-law duty?! Interesting question regarding family supportive of this WOL. Husband is very much so but I do miss eating the same food in the evenings. However man-size portions of spag bol, risotto, etc is what got me into a mess in the first place! I try to save Sundays for feasting now and have found its working well so far as Monday is always an FD so helps with the guilt!

    @ccco Hope the news in sinking in! It really warmed my heart. Can only imagine the excitement at your end. I was thinking last night what a wonderful thing it is to be able to share the joy of someone I have never met who lives half way around the world from me.

    @shinything Sounds like you had a great FD yesterday. Also, I read your post at a hungry moment…and could have devoured a bowl of basmati rice and fried mushrooms in one swift mouthful! You’re most welcome re support. It always lifts me when I see someone has responded to me!

    @slacknz I was so sad to read your post. Well done on getting towards your second goal but I’m sorry you are going through what sounds like a very tough time. Please know that we are here to listen and support whatever you want to talk about – life, love, diet or anything else. I hope you have a network of support around you…you have one here X

    @annemarilyn Your big fat greek wedding sounds wonderful, do tell about the food served (I’m a glutton for punishment!)! Hope FD is going well today.

    @cateaus How are the Konjac noodles? I saw some at the supermarket here which got me interested, but have read reviews about them smelling fishy!? Congrats on reaching end of first FD of the month.

    @kerryn73 What a lovely boost to have people notice and comment on your weight loss. 6cm off your waist is great – what is the daily yoga challenge that you do?

    @snowflake56 I feel your pain re ankles and 30DS, for me it’s been my knees. I think the extra walking I’ve been doing is helping with my knee pain/making me stronger. However, it’s definitely why I prefer level 3 which focusses on working out on the ground on abs, compared to levels 1 and 2 which involve hellish amounts of jumping around!

    @dingping I love my soup in the evenings – is there anything more comforting?!

    @flourbaby Welcome back. Sounds like you had a great time! I’ve missed your upbeat posts!

    Day 4 – USA – NFD

    Day 4 – NC,USA – NFD

    Did an unplanned FD yesterday so NFD today. I have decided to make Mondays and Fridays FD. Start and End the week strong I guess. Plus it works with my schedule. Tuesdays – sister dinner night. Alternate Wednesdays (every 2 weeks) – Friend 1 long lunch day. Alternate Thursdays – Friend 2 long lunch day. Since I don’t want to do Weekends, less busy days, that leaves Mondays/Fridays. Only issue is once a month game night on Fridays but will deal with that when it happens next.

    Goals for the day eat 1800 calories or less and try to get a 30 min walk in.

    Day 4 USA – NFD

    Very good FD yesterday – 410 calories. That’s what I got from my normal daily apple and Caesar salad for supper with some ham chunks added. If I am having only salad at supper, I must have some creamy dressing, or else I really feel deprived.

    Family and friends not “getting” our WOL might happen for a while at the beginning, but my experience was that once the weight melted off, no one gave me any grief. When I might be cooking for granddaughters,they often would say “Grandma, can you eat today?” Even still with maintenance, people understand if I am having a FD.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 4, Guildford UK, NFD

    Very tired today, am resting in bed. Will be back later, just wanted to check in.

    @ccco many congrats.


    Day 4– Colorado USA— NFD

    Hello, beautiful Fasting Friends!
    It’s been a while (sadly) since I’ve popped in. Apparently I fell off the wagon & it ran over me! 😜

    I went thru some upheavel at work, very stressful. Then hit some strange rebellious wall, where every day that I’d start as a FD never-ever turned out that way. It always ended with restaurant or take-away plus a beer or wine. WAY over my TDEE. I finally threw my hands up in despair & found comfort in junky fast foods. Oh, the barrels of french fries I plowed into my pie hole. Mmmmm.

    Not surprisingly, I piled on the pounds. And reached an all time high of 161 lbs./ 73.2 kg.

    What finally stopped me? I now have 2 flexible-hours, fantastic jobs. Still as a Surgical RN, but one is only 2 miles from home so I can ride my bike. The other is a job-share in OR where we get to set our own schedule. So far I’m busy but it’s working out tremendously!

    And the real eye-opening kick-in-the-fanny I needed? …TMI warning!! My panties were no longer fitting. Every time I sat down, my new bigger belly would squish the elastic & they’d roll down under my new tummy bulge. Required rearranging every time I exited car or stood up. Ugh. But I REFUSED to go up a size…instead I was truly motivated.

    Before coming back though, I had to make sure I could really do 5:2 again. I knew it was the best WOE I’d I’ve tried (better than Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, etc, etc) But did I still have it in me? So in August I did a trial run of intermittent fasting.
    YESsssss! It still works beautifully!

    Start weight = 161 lbs. / 73.2 kg
    Current weight = 154.5 lbs./ 70.2 kg

    Enjoyed on successful FD yesterday, even though it was a holiday & we grilled out. 😃👍🏼 Have my meals prepped for TDEE today. .

    And I’m back to asking myself, “WILL THIS GET ME CLOSER TO MY GOALS?”

    I should’ve never left this wonderful & motivating group!!! Live & learn. Onwards & downwards

    (PS: my panties are back to fitting properly 😁)

    Day 4 NSW Australia NFD
    Hi everyone, just checking in.
    Bye for now!

    Day 4 – UK – NFD

    Hope all our American friends enjoyed their Labor Day Holiday yesterday!

    For me yesterday was a strong FD coming in at 118 cals with a semi skimmed flat white and a few cups of tea with skimmed milk and over 2L of water consumed – I also did a 1hr Pilates class in the afternoon and a 90min Yoga class in the evening.
    This morning felt energised and went for a brisk 6km walk/jog with a friend – now back home showered and have yet to break my fast – amazing what support and motivation a long pocket list provides – Thank you everyone! I definitely feel like I pressed my RESET button after that weekend……..

    @beththenew – no need to apologise for a long post – this forum is for sharing about life and everything not just about the 5:2 WOL – lovely to know a bit more about you 🤗
    @krisnia – Nice to have you back on board – I found following 16:8 way of eating great for travelling and I also try to fast on the main travel days – worked for me when I was in Australia for 4-5 weeks earlier this year!
    @ciren2 – Hello – sorry to hear that your plantar fasciitis is still causing you havoc – when I suffered with that years ago whilst still working in the hospital – an orthopaedic surgeon colleague injected the area with a mixture of local anaesthetic and steroids and I was cured – no recurrences since 🤞might be worth asking your GP to refer you – I know some GPs do this themselves but I would not trust a GP to doing it – best to go for a specialist x
    @sparklyshoes – you got the worst day done – here’s hoping you soon settle into the new position and start to enjoy!
    @ccco – are you in maintenance now? Many congratulations on your happy news – about to be a 1st time grandmother – how wonderful!
    @carolsu – welcome onboard the September Challenge – hope you had a successful FD yesterday!
    @michelinme – so glad that adding WFD next to your name kept you motivated and it looks like you had a productive day with your writing too x
    @debster251 – so happy to see you back – I have added your September goal to the spreadsheet as an extra incentive for you – hope that is OK!
    @ali-wants-to-wear-a-bikini@wellrounded and @hqmpest- welcome to the September Challenge – we are an International group and lots of support available here – read our host’s @daffodil2010 first post on Page 1 telling you what we are all about – I have added your names to the spreadsheet in case you want to use for extra motivation!
    @slacknz – nice to have you back with us – sorry to hear about a major upheaval in your life 🤗 I have added you back to the spreadsheet in case you want to use it – remember we are all your cyber family here if you need us xx
    @annemarilyn – great to hear that the wedding went off well and a good time was had – shame about the delayed flight on your way back home 😒
    @kerryn73 – what a wonderful welcome back to work for you 💃
    @snowflake56 – you don’t need to host if it does not appeal but you don’t need to worry about your English – it’s great and you certainly don’t lack eloquence and wisdom and you provide lots of great advice and support!
    @dingping – you are welcomed – lovely to have you back contributing on the forum x
    @flourbaby – sounds like you had a great time sailing – so lovely to read your posts once more – they always bring a smile to my face 😊
    @happymargo – how wonderful to hear from you – have missed you on these challenges – sorry that you fell off that wagon and it had the temerity to run over you!!!!! sounds like you got even though- what a wonderful effort and result you got in August 💪💪💪 great news about those panties!!!!!!!! You are now on the spreadsheet so no escape from us 😀
    @arelkade – I hope September is starting off well for you and is “inspiring yo to take the time to make your life the best it can be!”

    I’m out to do some shopping and meet a friend – may even now break my fast with a cup of tea and a scone……….☕️ 🍪(could only find a cookie emoji 😀)

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas Edison

    Day 4 – Florida

    NFD Went over a bit on my FD but not bad. Getting back to normal routine. Where we live, we escape the tropical storm. We got a little bit of rain but nothing major.
    Have a great day!

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