reversing type 2 diabetes & the fastday lifestyle

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reversing type 2 diabetes & the fastday lifestyle

This topic contains 854 replies, has 38 voices, and was last updated by  PeonyLover 2 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 861 total)

  • Ruthi πŸ™‚ xx Thak you.

    You know the best advice I got – from a counsellor in my fitness group! was to see eating as a fun friend who was not actually being very kind to me. She said you don’t have to break off that friendship but make it on your terms! It utterly made sense to me plus – it fits in perfectly with 5:2
    So, sometimes I have that friend over (feast days) and other days I don’t see them – fast days! But it is my choice. And sometimes Ijust see them briefly (500 calorie days!)
    Rather like Gollum and his ring. He liked it but it did him harm!
    (What is it they say? When you are ready the teacher will appear? Well she did! That was great advice.)
    I have friends but have never been very outgoing – yes my dog is my fabulous outgoing friend who is good for me in every way.

    Really, I was just makigthe point (a few messages back) that my biggest problem with fast days is not hunger but missing the rhythm the enjoyment of eating. It was just a small point to make. Non 5:2 ers think that hunger will be a huge problem but in my experience it isn’t. That’s all I meant really.
    Hope you have a very good day. πŸ™‚ xx

    No, its not the hunger! I find myself thinking ‘I’m hungry’ but in pre 5:2 days that hunger would have passed by the time I got to the fridge and I would eat anyway. Now I think ‘Oh, hunger, I remember, I am fasting today.’ and that’s it, gone.

    I am a great snacker, and that is the bit I find harder, that little sugar fix, which sometimes turns into a big one! I know I am addicted to sugar (it stimulates the reward centres, apparently) and that is a whole different story. My sugar cravings have lessened on 5:2 though, both in frequency and intensity. There was a time when I could eat 3 Mars bars in a sitting and I don’t even like milk chocolate! But no more! Now if it gets too bad I can eat a square or two of dark chocolate and that is enough.


    thanks so much 4 these synopses πŸ™‚

    i’m going 2 c the one about diabetes 1st

    & hopefully finally will succeed

    still only saw part 1&2&6 but will c all others

    calcium i threw that away a long time ago

    because i read an article
    me & my articles πŸ™‚

    plus again dr prescribed then i had 2 high calcium in blood test

    kidney stones r very prevalent if u take them ugh

    but also my dad was given vitamin e

    that is extremely dangerous for the heart

    he always felt he had more problems w/ his heart &

    Vitamin E. Long touted as an anti-cancer agent, vitamin E is a very popular supplement. A large study last year, of 35,533 men, looked at vitamin E and the risk of prostate cancer. The authors found that the risk of cancer increased for men taking vitamin E. In an even larger review done at Johns Hopkins University, Edgar Miller and Lawrence Appel found that the overall risk of death was higher in people who took vitamin E. The Mayo Clinic summarizes the evidence this way

    take care


    “see eating as a fun friend who was not actually being very kind to me. …
    So, sometimes I have that friend over (feast days) and other days I don’t see them – fast days! ”

    Great analogy for me to remember.

    As my sister once told me about a difficult relationship: she wanted a different type of relationship.

    She asked and received it.



    “Its only the Western world who consume loads of milk. ”

    I have long ago given up on dairy products, except for the cheese that comes on a pizza.

    I once had a birthday party that I provided the pizza as the main food, but had it made without the cheese. I took a lot of flack about that. People still ate it.

    Years ago, I started labeling myself as lactose intolerant to give people a reason for my not eating any dairy. Some would still tell me and insist that I was not.

    From an article that I read, it had mentioned that except for Scandinavian countries, which had built up a lactose tolerance, the world has difficulty digesting dairy products.

    It’s a message not well received by those that promote the “Got Milk” campaigns.



    “♣invite fellow fasters & make a fast dinner & converse”

    That visual is amusing to me in that the fast dinner would be empty plates & plenty of water.

    Mints and gum included, of course.

    Funny, somewhat funny, that only a faster would think it so.



    “Someone was writing recently about replacing meal times with me times. I would have found that useful when I had a full time job and before my husband died but my days are fairly empty at the moment. ”

    Hey, that someone is me.

    I’ve created my Metime at noon and it’s going well. Sometimes, I nap. Most of the time, I think of what could I do for myself without eating. I used to watch the news while I ate. I stopped the watching & the eating.

    I’m refreshed for the afternoon of giving to others.

    Now, it’s defined who I am.


    Rocky, its all about money. The production of beef is bound up with the production of milk, and the two go together really well (in economic terms).

    My daughter lives in France, where cheese, yoghurt and milky puddings are everywhere. The reason? in the heady days of the Common Agricultural Policy (EU farming subsidies to you and me) they had a milk mountian, where they farmers were entitled to produce as much as they liked and have it bought at a guaranteed price. So they decided to promote milk products, and the result is still there for all to see – although I do love their yummy cheeses!

    I have already labelled myself gluten intolerant (well actually a perfectly respectable doctor did it for me!) and everyone looks aghast and asks what I can possibly eat. If I do the same with milk they will stop speaking to me! And the one food that I have thoroughly tested, and know I am tolerant of, is milk. That’s because my daughter was fully allergic to the stuff as a child. Which is not to say that its a good thing, or that I plan to eat very much, especially as I have low bone density already.

    Pizza is off for me anyway, there is no such thing as acceptable gluten free pizza – its better to do without.

    “If I do the same with milk they will stop speaking to me! ”

    I’ve had family and friends stop speaking to me over eating & drinking choices. Maybe it was me.

    It’s a solitary path that we take with fasting.



    ♣invite fellow fasters & make a fast dinner & converse”

    “That visual is amusing to me in that the fast dinner would be empty plates & plenty of water.
    Mints and gum included, of course.
    Funny, somewhat funny, that only a faster would think it so.”

    i’m still lol hahahaha



    “Someone was writing recently about replacing meal times with me times. I would have found that useful when I had a full time job and before my husband died but my days are fairly empty at the moment. ”

    that’s @speedy not i

    R&R – It is indeed a solitary path that we take with fasting.
    I’ve mentioned it to a few people and most turn into builders, such air in through their teeth and say; ‘Oh that is so unhealthy …’ all except one.
    A physiotherapist!
    She was interested and said that clearly the current diet advice isn’t working so we must look for other solutions. She also said though that amongst her colleagues (dieticians, she couldn’t say all this. πŸ™
    I could have kissed her! Such open mindedness from a +/- medical person. THough to be fair my GP is also quite open about it – at least interested. (And that’s a great incentive for me because it makes me very determined to do well so that she see’s that it works.)

    Sadly, the two diabetics in my fitness group wouldn’t let me finish even describing 5:2 saying (as they have been told for years):
    ‘I have to eat little and often to kep my bs steady; I can’t fast; I can’t lose weight; I have to eat carbs.’
    It’s not them, it’s the advice been drummed into them.

    USA – intersting point about vit. E I didn’t know that.

    Ruthi, 3 Mars bars – me too I’m afraid. But that was then. πŸ™‚

    Yes, it was I πŸ™‚
    Apologies, I could remember the content but not who wrote it.


    no cheese cheeeeeeeeeeeese oh no

    so based on part 4

    i thought the french were skinny & no diabetes

    we luv there cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeses

    what can we eat?

    please give us a synopsis what we can eat

    of course the

    Insulin Toxicity and How to Cure Diabetes

    might b even more restrictive

    i’m going 2 watch that now

    take care


    oops meant 2 say their cheeses


    “gluten intolerant (well actually a perfectly respectable doctor did it for me!)”

    how did he do that?

    what was the procedure?



    it is nice 2 have 2 med peaple in ur corner

    isn’t it nice 2 also

    know we r not one of the brainwashed society



    “Yes, it was I πŸ™‚
    Apologies, I could remember the content but not who wrote it.”

    don’t understand??????

    USA I was sent to a gastroenterologist because of chronic constipation despite a v high fibre diet and she took a full history. When I told her I had done an exclusion diet 30 years ago and had reacted to wheat she just said ‘Oh, there you are then, it’ll be wheat or gluten intolerance, or ‘silent’ coeliac disease. All the coeliac tests came back negative, but once I cut them out all the gluten bearing grains gave me IBS type symptoms so I was pronounced gluten intolerant.

    The constipation turned out to be Proton pump inhibitors, which are supposed to give you the dire rear, but not me, I have to be different. Since I dumped them I have been much better!

    You can eat

    Vegetables, root and leaf, lots and lots, and ‘vegetable’ fruits
    Meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, but in moderation since they do have downsides.
    One serving of milk products max daily
    Nuts and seeds
    Animal fats (including butter, I believe) and olive oil.
    Whole grains other than wheat, so rice, quinoa, buckwheat, chia etc (not made into flour, and not rolled as in oats)
    Berries and fruit, other than bananas and grapes is what the good Doc said, I think
    Spices, onions etc, no problem

    That is lots of stuff, it just seems like it isn’t when you have been used to basing your diet on grains and milk all your life. And because you are cutting down on carbs (probably, its difficult to stuff the same amount of low density carbohydrate in as you can get from flour based foods) and possibly on animal protein you will need to get your calories from fats – there are lots in nuts and seeds, and you can use fat in your cooking with a clear conscience.

    And the good Doctor seems to think that the odd blow-out for high days and holy days wont’ do any harm – just do an extra fast day! How easy is that?

    I don’t mind being thought odd, but I know it distresses the people who care about me that I can’t have “all the good things” but if that means I avoid all the bad things, I’m cool with it. I won’t distress them further by refusing milk, I just won’t eat so much the rest of the time. And as for fasting, I do that on the QT, and don’t really mention it unless asked how I have lost all that weight. I think what saddens me is that I can’t share with them my excitement at all these fantastic discoveries. I can really only talk to you guys!


    thanks 4 the breakdown

    what about mango/kiwi/papaya/watermelon/cantaloupes
    exotic fruits

    what is a veg fruit?

    so NO banana grapes

    coconuts gluten free πŸ™‚

    flax gluten free πŸ™‚

    quinoa gluten free πŸ™‚

    so rice, quinoa, buckwheat, chia etc (not made into flour, and not rolled as in oats) yay!

    gluten free πŸ™‚

    & the cheese yay

    β™₯ruthiβ™₯ u should make that flaxmilk/flax milk recipe is in this post just put it in search

    it is creamy & good

    wish dr fung had a newsletter

    i have 2 watch all these vids

    i’m watching the diabetes cure 1

    i hate when people interrupt him

    will recap the diabetes 1

    will try 2 do it in ur synopsys way

    take care



    what is Pulses?

    back 2 dr fung vid

    Pulses are peas and beans. Protein rich, and carb rich, but they don’t upset your insulin because so slowly assimilated.

    I think your exotic fruits are rather high in sugar (fructose) so personally I’d keep them as special treats. But they weren’t mentioned so far(I am only partway through his diabetes vid)the reason for excluding bananas and grapes is because they are high sugar/starch and quickly assimilated. I suspect the exotic fruit would fall into the same category.

    I hate coconut, always have. I don’t really feel the need for milks – no cereals or porridge so what do I need it for? On the rare occasions I make a white sauce (thickened with corn or potato flour, or forbidden treat like creme caramel, I’ll just use milk. I do make my own yoghurt, so will have to read up on that and insulin.

    I agree a blog or newsletter would be lovely, but I don’t think he is really thinking about becoming any kind of celebrity doc, not like Dr Davis (or MM for that matter!). I get the impression that he really likes the research!!

    For a good newletter, although not quite as highbrow as Dr Fung, look at What Doctors Don’t Tell You its got a broader scope, and is UK based unlike Dr Mercola, but is very straight and unbiased. I’ve been reading it on and off since it started in the 90s.

    Do you do sprouting? Its the easiest way to grow veg, even in an apartment, and delicious and super healthy to eat (and counts as veg, even if what you are sprouting is a legume!

    By vegetable fruits I mean things like cucumber, pepper, tomato, squash.

    I should have mentioned salads separately, perhaps, they come under vegetables in my mind. Oh, and for more strange carbs think of millet, cassava, etc. But for diabetics and weight loss I still think you should be restricting total carbs as much as you humanly can.

    Just confessing (re your message at 4.39 πŸ™‚
    No worries, it’s not important. xx

    Oh, and no mention of wine, thank goodness, but I think elsewhere I have seen it lumped in with fruit juice, which is a no-no, of course.


    if u only want 2 know about the fasting start @ 39 minutes

    Insulin Toxicity and How to Cure Diabetes

    Diabetes is actually reversible disease!!!!!

    dr fung says that fasting:

    1. fasting is a time tested treatment using fasting it has been around 3000 yrs hypocrites believed in fasting

    2. u get a very healthy body

    3. because ur body is feeding on ur own fat it luvs fat the body is happy
    4. growth hormone levels increases which preserves ur muscle mass

    5. it improved his insulin sensitivity

    6. plasma insulin decreases

    7. ur not tired ur adrenalin goes through the roof (don’t we know all that πŸ˜€ )

    8. hunger disappears binjing disappears

    9. ur metabolic rate is maintained

    10. fat is being burned off carbs go down

    11. increase mortality

    12. intermittent fasting or adf 5 days episodic fasting is better than continuous it is better 2 not eat just have water or u can eat fat however, it is better 2 let ur body eat ur fat don’t eat protein because it raises insulin levels (so I have been doing it all wrong πŸ™ yay I’m now definitely going 2 let my body oxidize my fat : D ) mayb that is why dr mosley has still cholesterol problem

    13. intermittent fasting adf is a way better outcome reduces diabetes 5 days episodic fasting is even better

    14. u do not lose muscle

    15. better glucose control

    16. standard diets u lose muscle mass & fasting u lose only fat

    the Mediterranean diet the biggest people thing people forgot 2 say is that they fast 180-200 days a year

    so basically all we have 2 do is
    Bariatric surgery without the surgery
    but do intermittent fasting

    basically the medical community has been
    treating diabetics wrong
    insulin caused more problems
    drugs r deadly

    he feels that we really need 2 put patients on fasting they r cured (he has tested his own clients)

    wow every dr including dr mosley should c this

    of course dr fung backs up all the research

    so it’s time 2 get STARTED

    world record fasting was a 495lbs world record 382 day fast water only he lost so much weight & was super healthy


    ooops meant 2 say

    world record fasting was a 495lbs person who fasted 382 day fast
    water only
    he lost so much weight & was super healthy because his body was eating his fat
    it was not starving

    WOW this has really clarified fasting

    i’m no longer afraid of the myths/misconceptions that dr fung said


    1. puts ur body in starvation mode NO IT DOESEN’T
    2. deprives body of nutrients NOPE
    3. weight loss from muscle water NOPE
    4. causes hypo-glycemic / yoyo dieting NOPE
    5. overwhelmed w/ hunger NOT @ ALL


    oh so the message/correction i gave 2 rocky

    got it

    u have 2 c that vid just did a synopsis really explain fasting @ 39 minutes

    Its great, isn’t it?

    Programme on UK telly right now, 85% of people who have bariatric surgery have their relationships break down.

    Very sad.

    [Of course they are going about it the wrong way, Dr Fung would say, but I don’t think that would save their relationships!]

    Hubs has assured me that he won’t leave me for a fat bird!


    i use flaxmilk in my


    white sauce


    carob cocoa drink no sweeteners β™₯ruthiβ™₯

    make dressings w/ vinegar & spices

    no no more cereal

    still have not tried the hot grinded flax seed

    that might go good w/ flaxmilk

    who hoo peppers yay don’t want them 2 go 2 waste i hate waist

    u have 2 c that cure diabetes video it is fantastic also if u want 2 c only fasting start @ 39 minutes

    i’m going 2 be svelte & it will reverse

    also look @ my synopsis

    Pulses must be an uk term

    however, 4 a type2diab i agree, keep it as low carb as possible!!! fat is the key!

    like he said even protein causes high insulin never knew that
    dr mosley is definitely wrong there on what 2 eat
    that is probably why his cholesterol is still high

    still, he did introduce fasting which i’m so grateful thanks again dr mosley

    dr fung such a cutey pie isn’t he
    he really explains it well nice 2 know he has patient who were on 100 mlgr of insulin & he has reversed it. also means he is a practicing dr

    he is the ideal dr because he loves solving the problems through research & curing his patients

    i’m just going 2 let my body eat my fat period

    woo hoo

    sprouting sounds good
    i do not have direct sunlight will it still work?

    “For a good newsletter, although not quite as highbrow as Dr Fung, look at What Doctors Don’t Tell You its got a broader scope, and is UK based unlike Dr Mercola, but is very straight and unbiased. I’ve been reading it on and off since it started in the 90s.”


    take care β™₯ruthiβ™₯


    Tut tut! We’re becoming a coven of Fung groupies! But I do agree he’s my kind of guy – just a bit young, even for me!

    No, direct sunlight isn’t necessary for sprouting, but you do need some natural light, I think. My daughter does it on the side in her kitchen, and has a north facing window. I have a west facing french door and no windowsills, and the sprouting is done a good six feet away from the door.

    I have always made vinaigrette – I use balsamic vinegar though. Probably safe given that I am not diabetic. I wonder if lemon juice would work as well?

    Have been reading up on milk and insulin – no real conclusions about yoghurt yet. I might have to experiment with other milks.


    i 4got ABOUT LEMON yes i use it
    only because dr mosley
    mentioned it & how important it was
    can’t remember where

    yes, my bottom of the stairwell has a great big window i can do it there

    what a great idea!

    what do u sprout?


    ooh 4got

    it is great in coffee & tea & good smoothies

    also making flax/seed pancakes

    anything 4 creamy liquid

    Alfalfa is my favourite, but anything will do – small beans like Mung and Aduki, Fennel, cabbage, mustard/cress. You can try almost any seed and see if you like it.

    I personally don’t bother with grasses, but of course wheatgrass is highly thought of by some.

    I prefer my caffeine black, hadn’t thought about smoothies.

    Cashew nuts make a good cream whipped up. I used to make banana magic for the children – banana (nbg now of course, but another fruit would probably do), cashews and soymilk. Honey in those days, but now I would probably go for cinnamon.


    cashews nuts do u just put in blender?

    i don’t think grass will be my thing

    oooooo i wander if u can do the same 4
    hazelnuts 4 coffee/tea/smoothies

    great ideas

    i’m getting good ideas 4 what 2 eat 4 this coming hard work life

    when i come in late @ night will just nibble the sprouts if i’m 2 tired

    what containers 2 u use cheap plastic egg cartons?


    now that i finished this video

    i’m really worried about u

    it is sugar

    that causes death heart/attacks/disease/inflamation/cancer

    please watch give me ur opinion

    The Real Cause of Heart Disease
    October 25 16:24 in Failed low fat diets, Heart Disease, Saturated fat

    i’m so embarrassed that my country the usa
    who now seems 2 be greedy politically oriented murderers concerning our health

    they did/do not mind

    accepting a dr’s fudged/omitted intentionally research
    ignored the worlds scientific research data that was imploring how wrong they were & don’t do this 2 the population
    duped generations because of greed
    & still is duping us go 2 their site & they still promote lowfat
    have caused obesity
    heart diseases
    high blood pressure
    & numerous deaths

    knew all along & still knows that sugar is one of the biggest causes

    ugh it is so sad that we r now paying w/ our health/lives
    because of their deceptions & will still
    we make our own informed decisions

    2 all

    just found his actual site dr jason fung

    very good info

    Example of 24 and 36 Hour Fasting Schedules I LUV THIS

    What 2 eat not 2 eat β™₯ruthiβ™₯

    Intensive Dietary Management Program
    Please Visit Dr. Fung’s Website

    Introduction to Fasting

    Top 5 Natural Appetite Suppressants

    and many more tips/faq

    he even has dr mosley’s fastdiet video

    BBC documentary by Dr. Michael Mosley on how fasting steered him on his personal journey towards greater health.

    many more research on overeating all kinds of things


    β™₯ruthiβ™₯ & all

    we can subscribe w/ dr fung yay

    To receive updates and new posts by email

    Hello FD-ers
    USA, we must have been reading Dr Fungs website simultaneously-I was just looking at it, loads of interesting info.
    He actually lists “The Fast Diet” under recommended reading along with “Eat, Stop, Eat”, which I haven’t read.
    I sent an e-mail saying he has fans on this forum. I also just watched the show on the cholesterol as cause of
    heart disease expose’,I was amazed that in one study, those with the highest cholesterol live the longest!


    we must be twins thinking the same

    i just sent him an email

    hi dr fung,

    this is wiltldnrUSA

    u may call me usa i’m from pa however speak french & spanish. a voracious reader/researcher

    i’m on dr mosley’s fastdiet forum this forum is a very democratic/nice/laissez faire /simple & elegant

    we have posted every video of ur lectures site
    we r saying this is required seeing b4 ur start this lifestyle the fdl (fastday lifestyle)

    this is a very large post it has my trials & tribulations on trying 2 reverse this

    reversing type 2 diabetes & the fastday lifestyle

    we/i would luv 4 u 2 write something on this post/topic

    here r some reviews about ur lectures i retitled this

    example in quotes

    “we all can’t stop talking about u

    what is obesity it is not what u think required 2 c b4 the fdl fastdaylifestyle

    dr jason fung thanks so much i now feel that we will finally reverse it

    also u r in the site where every newbie should know (created another topic)

    u lecture in an understanding/cohesive way 2 us layman & especially 2 people like me
    who luvs the left brain however, will never b able 2 use it fully sigh

    “our posters r realizing how important this is
    4 all of us 2 c even the ones that do not have 2 lose weight
    but wants 2 make sure we don’t get/want all those diseases either
    all due a poster eddy thanks
    posters reviews so far


    β€œRight, I have watched Part 1 and I am in heaven – scientific proof for all that I know to be true!!!”
    β€œneed to watch the whole series! It’s amazing!”
    β€œIt is really, REALLY worth investing the time, because then you will understand properly what is happening to your body and why.”
    β€œI think its required watching for all, but especially if you have a lot of excess weight and/or type 2 diabetes.”


    β€œI’m loving the Jason Fung series”

    β€œHi all-you on this link got me interested in Jason Fung series on you tube so just finished watching the Obesity #4
    where he talks about sugar, wheat and intermittent fasting in regard to insulin resistance. Very well done, I plan to watch more.
    So, thanks for that!”

    wiltldnrUSA (known as usa)

    β€œi cannot get over this video that eddy introduced
    it is mind blowing & the conclusions r so surprising
    it really explains so much & will be the healthiest way of what 2 incorporate on nonfastdays & fastdays
    it really explains what diets/foods have caused such diseases as well as what will keep us away from those diseases”
    β€œthis is worth repeating again & again again & again again & again ad infinitum”
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 1 of 6: A New Hope
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 2 of 6: The New Science of Diabesity
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 3 of 6: Trial by Diet
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 4 of 6: The Fast Solution
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 5 of 6: Diet and Disease
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 6 of 6: Dietary Villains – Fat Phobia
    Insulin Toxicity and How to Cure Diabetes
    Dietary Villains – Part 2: Salt Scare

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) πŸ˜€ ”

    hope 2 hear from u

    u really have helped us clarify our path in fasting

    if u have any questions on what i take in meds or eat i would be happy 2 give u all info especially if it helps other

    my question is since it seems that pure fasting w/ water is the way 2 go

    however i have 2 take meds & supplements

    i should not take them on an empty stomach

    what should i eat w/ this required stuff

    thanks in advance

    & thanks so much

    u must have a telepathic mind

    what have u sent?

    USA: Oh yes, I saw that he recommends a fast day of coffee, tea or water, broth (such as chicken or beef broth, I think),
    and if you take meds, an apple or pear, (with skin). I personally would have to work up to fasting without my 500
    calorie allowance, although I have read on here that several are managing fine on no calories. Of course, at first
    the thought of 500 cals. on a fast day seemed pretty scary.


    do u have type2diab 2 (hope u don’t πŸ™‚ )

    where did u c about apple?

    i’m still perusing his site

    should go watch a movie/tv

    this is intense

    can’t u tell i’m fasting πŸ˜€


    I need to take medications with food.
    What can I do during fasting?

    Try to take your medications with a small serving of leafy greens.

    i think i will actually prefer not eating he does have broth on fastday so that better than nuttin


    Hi Usa
    No I don’t have diabetes (1 or 2) but have had serious PCOS which is related to insulin resistance, so I think it all ties in.
    In my case I think my sugar addiction is the culprit.
    Not being very skilled on the computer, I’ll try to tell you how I found the fasting info:” Home” to “Programs” to “Intensive diabetes Management” to “patient resources” to “intro to Fasting”. If my daughter were here I could just send the link.
    I hope that helps.


    thanks it is a big help

    because i have not eaton @ all 2 day

    & i guess i should take my meds

    i’ll figure it out

    glad 2 know u do not have it & have the chance 2 stop it

    ur right it is all related/connected



    found it great stuff i copy pasted

    4 noncomputer people πŸ˜‰

    Intensive Dietary Management Program
    Please Visit Dr. Fung’s Website

    Introduction to Fasting
    The purpose of the Intensive Dietary Management (IDM) Program is to
    help patients gain control and even cure their diabetes through
    intermittent fasting and lose weight without surgical intervention.

    How often do I have to fast?

    Patients are asked to fast every other day (3 to 4 days per week) for a
    period of 24 to 36 hours.

    What can I eat on fasting days?

    β€’ Lots of water! It is important to start each morning with an 8 oz glass
    of water and stay hydrated throughout the day.
    β€’ Coffee and/or tea. Some people find coffee and tea to be an
    appetite suppressant.
    β€’ Clear broth. Clear broth such as vegetable, chicken or beef broth.
    Make sure to add a good pinch of sea salt to your broth!

    Bone Broth Recipe

    β€’ Vegetables
    β€’ Chicken/Pork/Beef Bones
    β€’ 1 TBSP of vinegar
    β€’ Sea salt (to taste)
    β€’ Pepper (to taste)
    β€’ Ginger (to taste)
    β€’ Water to cover

    Simmer for 2-3 hours until ready. Strain and defat. Ready to drink.

    What if I take medication that is to be ingested with food?

    If you take any daily medications that require you to take that particular
    medication with food you can have a small portion of green vegetables
    or a small piece of fruit with the skin intact, i.e. an apple or pear with the

    Intensive Dietary Management Program
    Please Visit Dr. Fung’s Website

    Fasting Tips!

    1. Drink water – It is important to stay well hydrated throughout the
    day. A lot of the time people mistake hunger for thirst. Start each
    morning off with a glass of water.
    2. Stay busy – It keeps your mind off food. It often helps to choose a
    fast day for a busy day at work. Alternatives include, games, video
    games, books and surfing the internet.
    3. Drink coffee or tea – Some people find them to be appetite
    suppressants. Bone broth is also acceptable.
    4. Ride the waves – Hunger comes in waves – it is not continuous.
    When you are hungry think β€œyou are not hungry – you are thirsty”
    and drink a glass of water or a cup of tea or coffee.
    5. Don’t tell anybody you are fasting – Most people will be
    discouraging as they do not understand the benefits of fasting.
    6. Give yourself 1 month – It often takes some time for your body to
    get used to fasting.
    7. Intermittent fasting is not an excuse to eat junk food.
    8. When you are finished a fast – act as if it never happened. It is not
    an excuse to binge.

    The most important tip for intermittent fasting is to make sure you fit fasting
    into your own life! Do not limit yourself socially because you are fasting.
    Try to arrange your fasting schedule so it will fit in with your lifestyle. Adjust
    your fasting schedule to what makes sense for your lifestyle.

    Who to contact if you have any questions or concerns?

    Please contact Megan Christie at (416) 279-0855 extension 248 if you have
    any questions, concerns, or need to change/book your next
    appointment. Megan is in the office Monday to Friday between the hours
    of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. If you call during working hours please leave a
    voicemail message and Megan will return your call by the end of the day.
    If you have a medical emergency please proceed to your nearest
    emergency room.

    Intensive Dietary Management Program
    Please Visit Dr. Fung’s Website

    Where can you go for more information?

    Please see Dr. Fung’s website for additional information on fasting and
    weight loss management. There are two programs on Dr. Fung’s page.

    Program 1: Aetiology of Obesity

    β€’ Offers a series of 6 lectures by Dr. Fung
    β€’ Provides additional documentaries and suggested reading

    Program 2: Intensive Diabetes Dietary Management

    β€’ Offers a video lecture by Dr. Fung on insulin toxicity and how to cure
    β€’ Provides additional documentaries, patient resources and
    suggested reading materials

    Hi USA, Ruthi, Speedy et al, just back from my hols and trying to catch up with all your posts. My weight remained static in spite of some food excess intake, However… I have spotted a couple of news articles that may be of interest.
    Article in author Dr Loretta DiPietro of George Washington University Hospital. Small research experiment on group of over 60s showed that a 15 min walk after main meal (usually evening time) can have a positive effect on rise in blood sugars after the meal and may be beneficial to help prevent type 2.
    2nd article. This is a small respected local newspaper in Newcastle. Some quotes by Dr Hobbs and Dr Roy Taylor. The university is to carry out research on 140 type2 diabetes sufferers for between 8 and 20 weeks consuming 800 cals per day mainly in the form of liquid shakes. Some will also have MRI scans to observe what is happening to their inner selves during the research period.
    USA,It may be worth an email to Dr Taylor to get some update on this.
    Have to go out to work now so this post is a bit rushed. Sorry if you are all aware of these articles, I am a bit behind on updating all your posts.
    Good luck to you all.

    Right, sprouting.

    Its the easiest thing in the world. All you need is a glass jar and a bit of old tights or other loosely woven fabric (synthetic gets less manky, but good old muslin would work as well. I used to use those J-cloths, sythetic non-woven fabric used as kitchen wiping cloths, but they are too densely ‘woven’ and need stabbing to give air flow. Your jar needs to be quite big, I used to use the bottles that fruit juice was sold in which held about a litre (quart) or preserving jars. If you only have something smaller, then just cut down on the seeds. For a quart jar put in a teaspoon of alfalfa seeds, or a handful of mung bean seeds. Cover the top with your bit of fabric or tights held in place with an elastic band.

    Run water through the fabric into the jar and shake around then leave big seeds to soak then allow the water to drain out through the fabric. Beans need soaking overnight, but alfalfa no longer than half an hour, my general rule is the bigger the seed the longer you should soak them. Leave your jar on the side. Once or twice a day rinse with water again, until the sprouts have formed and you can see the beginnings of green on the leaf bits (they aren’t true leaves, of course, they are the coyledons, for most sprouts, by the time you have true leaves they are losing their tendeness). Then eat, raw, as salad. You can cook the bigger sprouts like mung beans, very quickly in boiling water, but why bother?

    You can buy sprouters if you want something neater. The best is the Easy Sprout available on Amazon on both sides of the pond. I am intrigued by the Sproutman sprout bag, and will buy one when I have refurbished my kitchen and created a place to hang over the sink!

    Your seeds need to be sold for sprouting, or organic, because the non organic might have been treated with something horrid.

    Good video here.

    There are other methods, but to my mind they are unnecessarily complicated.

    USA I know all about sugar, but I’m addicted, and so its not that easy. Ask Mulville!

    However, sugar cravings are much reduced by fasting for me, which holds out hope for an eventual cure. Its a tricky one in comparison to smoking or drinking, because with those you can simply give up, whereas sugar is a product of carbohydrate metabolism, so is always in our bloodstream to some extent.

    Here we have this substance that is always there, but that stimulates our reward systems as Dr Fung calls it, so we have to learn to find other pleasures! I don’t do drugs, smoke or drink much, so its my drug of choice, I suppose. I have been doing really well since starting 5:2, but its those really stressful moments, and social situations that get me started. And then stopping is a challenge.

    Mulville, have you come across Kathleen Desmaisons of Potatoes not Prozac fame? I couldn’t get on with her regime – too many carbs for me, but its worth reading the book just for explanation of the biology of sugar addiction.

    Welcome home Couscous! You’ll have lots of reading and video watching to catch up on!

    I’ve looked at several reports on the Newcastle study. They are using conventional VLCDs, (shakes) which I suspect won’t help their subjects stay slim in the long run. And I am not sure why they think that fat in the pancreas causes T2D when there is too much insulin in the sufferer’s systems if you look at what Dr Fung is saying. Or maybe there are actually two different routes to T2D, and we are just calling anything that results in high blood sugars Diabetes.

    The question is, is diabetes (and its precursor insulin resistance) making people fat, or does being fat give you diabetes. I think that Dr Fung’s model makes more sense.

    As for walking after dinner, I do that every night when hubby is away, because dogs expect it! I find it makes it difficult to get to sleep, and to sleep properly, so not good at all! I can see that walking after food will change metabolism, though. I generally find I am sleepy after lunch (even on fast days, when I haven’t eaten!) and I guess being active would have a noticeable effect on metabolism. I wonder what the mechanism is? Is it affecting resistance? Or causing more insulin to be released?

    If I win the lottery (difficult without a ticket, I know) I can see I’ll be setting up a research institute!


    “Fasting Tips!
    1. Drink water – It is important to stay well hydrated throughout the
    day. A lot of the time people mistake hunger for thirst. Start each
    morning off with a glass of water.
    2. Stay busy – It keeps your mind off food. It often helps to choose a
    fast day for a busy day at work. Alternatives include, games, video
    games, books and surfing the internet.
    3. Drink coffee or tea – Some people find them to be appetite
    suppressants. Bone broth is also acceptable.
    4. Ride the waves – Hunger comes in waves – it is not continuous.
    When you are hungry think β€œyou are not hungry – you are thirsty”
    and drink a glass of water or a cup of tea or coffee.
    5. Don’t tell anybody you are fasting – Most people will be
    discouraging as they do not understand the benefits of fasting.
    6. Give yourself 1 month – It often takes some time for your body to
    get used to fasting.
    7. Intermittent fasting is not an excuse to eat junk food.
    8. When you are finished a fast – act as if it never happened. It is not
    an excuse to binge.”

    There is one more tip that no one seems to mention directly:

    9. Dress up even more than normal. Dress to impress oneself and others. Dress as if just having won something tremendous.

    With the time left over from fasting, use it on oneself.

    This probably applies more to men than women.

    I know that I have to remind myself of this.


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