Reached a slum :(

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rubyredster 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I’ve been on the Fast Diet for more than a year now and I’ve really fallen off the wagon recently. I’ve gone through lots of upset and hurt over the past few months and have comforted myself with food. This has now left me feeling worse as the pounds have piled on. I need a kick up the arse and to feel good about myself again. I’m not exactly really fat, but I’m overly curvy and dream about being slim and fit. Inspiration and an ability to believe in myself are both desperately needed. If anyone can help motivate me, I may love you for life!

    Hi there,
    The fact that you’ve identified where your at is great! The trick is to take baby steps and set small
    Targets to motivate yourself!
    I’ve just started the 5 2 way of eating and am on day 2 and although I can’t see any physical changes, I
    Just feel better so chin up and take one day
    At a time- and if you don’t follow the plan strictly, it’s okay, get back onto it tomorrow.
    You owe it to yourself to look after your health.
    By the way I have 3 stones to lose but am doing it slowly so
    It stays off! Good luck and chin up!

    I’ve only just realised my typo in the subject line – I clearly mean slump! Thanks for your response, it was kind and helpful.

    I’m more than sure you’ll lose your 3 stone really quickly. Last year I lost a stone in a few months and felt better than I ever have. Just don’t get complacent like I did and have to start again!

    Thanks for replying! 🙂
    I can’t get complacent- I get so down when I look

    In the mirror- but no
    More! I have to change my mindset and habits
    And get back
    To my pre pregnancy weight!
    Got to be done this time! Good luck
    With your 5 2 !

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