October 2017 31 day challenge.

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October 2017 31 day challenge.

This topic contains 1,500 replies, has 98 voices, and was last updated by  Mia139 7 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,401 through 1,450 (of 1,507 total)

  • Still chugging away below TDEE and severe control days this month.

    No fast days, thank you all for your support, I have had 3 binge days, much more than feast days which are planned.

    I finished the month at my starting weight. So I will live with that as a mini triumph.

    If you can bear it then I will join you in November? Please say if that’s too burdensome as I know I have some distressing stuff to come.

    I do want to at least hold my weight steady if I can on my journey and my ambitions to loose are not great for this year. A lb or two would be lovely. I hope I can make it to the end of the year whilst maintaining the weight loss I have the cheese this year which is about 10 pounds of the gruesome white stuff gone off my small frame.

    I wish I could thank all of you who have posted to me and have said such a lovely things which have been so supportive and kind. I’m just a little bit too stressed at the moment because of life circumstances hitting me quite hard so I understand if this is bring anyone down. I am determined to achieve the revenge b o d I so wish for in my dreams full stop I think I said that I do jive and that I love my dancing but I was too heavy to do several of the moves that I see for lovely dancers in my club taking taking part. I would love to dance in some of the advanced classes and make the moves that the groovers and shakers make on the dance floor but until recently I was too heavy to learn them and felt too clumsy on my feet. I’m looking forward next year to getting my arse into gear as it will be a smaller arse and therefore more worthy of getting into gear. Especially if that gear is dance gear as it is enormously sassy.

    I did a closet clear out a few months ago and I’ve had to buy some new things which I’ve got from charity shops at remarkable prices. I want to be buying lovely dance clothes similar to those that some of the younger dancers wear. I hope that as as I get more competent I will require a better dance wardrobe. I love dancing to music and I feel freer when I do dance which clearly lifts my mood. It’s also good company and gets me out of the house without commitment. Friends who are enormous loving often simply want to discuss the awful things that have happened in my life just recently. I can’t be sad if I dance to great music. And when I’m feeling better I would like to dance to jazz and blues, this is clearly less appropriate and uplifting than lively rock music. I will need all my revenge body honed in great condition in order to be able to do this as it requires a great deal of mobility.

    I will generate body heat and this will help with weight-loss.

    Can’t all be bad and there will be lots of dancing at Christmas and New Year which I hope I can join in.

    See you all over in November challenge if that’s ok.


    Day 29 – USA – NFD

    Day 29 – McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
    So far so good on TDEE!!

    @rainbowsmile – I hope you will hang in there with us, I will miss you if you don’t!! What a great goal you have to dance, great exercise too.

    Day 29, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Ate and had a great time at my granddaughter s birthday party.

    Onwards and downwards

    2nd post
    @bert1802 – Thank you for telling your story. It does my heart good to know that this WOL works, you just have to keep trying. I needed to hear that today.

    Day 29 – Cumbria UK – NFD

    What a gorgeous day – beautiful ☀️day if a bit chilly with that cold breeze!

    Went to see alive telecast of the ROH Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland this afternoon – Steven McRae as a tap dancing Mad Hatter! Lauren Cuthberson as Alice with the handsome Federico Bonelli as The Knave of Hearts and Laura Morera as the Queen of Hearts – great comic timing! One of the best versions I have seen of this of this very entertaining ballet!

    @jessyoursize – Thank you for hosting next month’s challenge – I’ll be joining you as it will be my one year anniversary of joining the challenges – I first joined the 30 Day November 2016 Challenge with @back2thefuture having started this WOL in January 2016 on my own – Joining the challenges is the best thing I ever did, as it got me to my maintenance weight and has kept me motivated and on track with this WOL – Next month will be be my one year anniversary in maintenance!
    @aljomisaza – I too love a good Italian meal – so glad you and your OH had a wonderful celebration of your anniversary
    @debster251 – love your Edith Piaf quote – very apt 😉
    @Strawberriesandcream – Thank you – I keep myself motivated by reminding myself where I started from and that I have no wish to be back there again!
    @bert1802 – you have a way with words – loved your story!
    @rainbowsmile – please stay with us and join the November Challenge – remember that Together We Are Stronger! You are amongst friends and there will always be an ear or shoulder for you to unburden 🤗

    Who will join me in a FD or even a B2B FD to end this October 2017 31 day challenge on a high note? From the spreadsheet I have taken the liberty of adding anyone who has stated an intention to do a FD – Copy and paste and add your name if you are joining us:-
    @at – B2B
    @cocorocks – B2B
    @daffodil2010 – B2B
    @debster251 – B2B
    @coda – Day 30
    @annemarilyn – Day 30
    @jessyoursize – Day30
    @JustinB – Day 30
    @louis05 – Day 30
    @mari84 – Day 30
    @melania – Day 30
    @missybear – Day 30
    @molij – Day 30
    @msraven – Day 30
    @onedayordayone – Day 30
    @snowflake56 – Day 30
    @Strawberriesandcream – Day 30
    @taraga – Day 30
    @tenoro – Day 30

    As a reminder @jessyoursize is hosting the November challenge. She already has it up if you want to join. https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/november-2017-challenge/

    “Losing Weight is a Mind Game. Change your Mind, Change your Body” The decision is yours to make and to reap the benefits!

    Day 29 USA (IL) – NFD

    Made it home last night, and the scale this morning showed I am still right at my 160# maintenance. YEAH for that! We did have a Reformation 500 Years Sunday service and potluck (where people bring a dish to pass – tremendous cooks in our church!) but I tried not to eat many carbs. Half a piece of apple pie sure was good though. One friend said she wanted to find a new church: one where everyone is overweight so she would fit in better. She was very complimentary of my loss and continued maintenance.

    One friend said she is on the “S Diet.” No Sweets, Seconds, Snacks except on days starting with S.” Sure enough: here it is – http://www.nosdiet.com/ I will watch how she does with it! I brought a vegetable medley hot dish. Of course, it had cheese in it. We here in Northern Illinois love cheese.

    I’m off to join the November challenge with @jessyoursize. Thanks so much for jumping in, Jess! Hang in there, fellow travelers.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 29 North Wales NFD

    Day 30 – Japan – FD

    83.4kg – Wow, seems like I just of drank the fish tank!
    (Y2 FD #3)

    Yesterday a typhoon was passing by, not a monster but lots of rain. Two typhoons in 8 days. Kind of getting water logged.

    @rainbowsmile & @bert1802 – Lots of closet stories! I typically buy my pants in the US and I’ve gone from a snug 38″x32″ to a comfortable 33″x32″. However 33″ waist isn’t always easy to find. I can wear 32″ waist pants but the legs tend to be a little tight. One trip I when I was just down to 34″ waist, I threw out a bunch of my old 38″ & 36″ pants. My mother-in-law was here and told my wife that is good thing I was doing. The pants were pretty old as I don’t like throwing out much, but mentally it was an important task. I don’t like shopping for clothes so I have no choice but to keep the fat off now.

    Day 29 Gold Coast NFD
    Day 30 Gold Coast FD

    I’m a day behind so catching up with lots of posts.

    @at – great to hear you’ll be visiting our lovely city. Of course in April the Commonwealth Games will be on, so lots of fun and excitement. I’ve been accepted as a volunteer for the Games, so very excited to be part of it all.

    @jessyoursize – thank you for the November spreadsheet, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know everyone in October and look forward to continuing the shared journey.

    @dykask – I know lots of others have commented on your teenager woes, but I wanted to add my support. We live next door to a family with teenage daughters and yesterday I overheard a screaming match between one of them and their mother – I was reminded of my own kids and the challenges I faced as a single mother during their teenage years. My daughter (now 34) and I are now best friends – you just have to survive! We’ve reflected that I was much tougher on my daughter than my sons, and I think that is common for mothers. Its probably because we know what they will face as women and want to make sure they have the strength and skills to make it. In my experience it is the opposite for fathers. Wishing you kindness for that tough journey.

    @aljomisaza – great to hear you enjoyed the Sunny Coast, we were in Noosa for our anniversary and loved it.

    @afridgetoofar – I totally relate to your issues with your mind re: eating. I have had very similar experiences, which is why I starting using the Eat Right Now app about 3 months ago. It is a mindfulness program which addresses all those issues with food and our relationship with it. I now feel soooo much better about myself, and find it integrates beautifully with this fasting WOL. It is really helping me deal with all those crap cravings that I couldn’t control, and I’m now a lot kinder to myself (and much more present). There is a cost, so not for everyone, and I’m sorry this sounds like an advertisement, it has just really helped me so wanted to tell you about it. Congratulations on all your success!

    @bert1802 – thank you for your story! It was really inspiring for me, as I’m only a bit over a month into 5:2 so wonderful to read about your success.

    @at – Joining you for a FD Day 30
    @at – B2B
    @cocorocks – B2B
    @daffodil2010 – B2B
    @debster251 – B2B
    @coda – Day 30
    @annemarilyn – Day 30
    @jessyoursize – Day30
    @JustinB – Day 30
    @louis05 – Day 30
    @mari84 – Day 30
    @melania – Day 30
    @missybear – Day 30
    @molij – Day 30
    @msraven – Day 30
    @onedayordayone – Day 30
    @snowflake56 – Day 30
    @strawberriesandcream – Day 30
    @taraga – Day 30
    @tenoro – Day 30
    @camcd – Day 30

    Our staycation is now over, so back to normal routines. I’ve just been asked to work this afternoon 2-6, which is great as I don’t get a break during my hungry monster time – late afternoon. So looking good for a successful FD. Yesterday was not looking great, so skipped our evening meal. Gave me a great boost for a FD today.

    May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you taking care of yourself joyfully. May you be free from inner and outer harm.

    @at – B2B
    @cocorocks – B2B
    @daffodil2010 – B2B
    @debster251 – B2B
    @coda – Day 30
    @annemarilyn – Day 30
    @jessyoursize – Day30
    @JustinB – Day 30
    @louis05 – Day 30
    @mari84 – Day 30
    @melania – Day 30
    @missybear – Day 30
    @molij – Day 30
    @msraven – Day 30
    @onedayordayone – Day 30
    @snowflake56 – Day 30
    @Strawberriesandcream – Day 30
    @taraga – Day 30
    @tenoro – Day 30

    Day 29 – ABQ – CD

    Boy this weekend has been busy filling up with family time, last min projects, and get set up for November (whoop whoop!!). Today is a little more than a FD but a lot less than my usual CDs coming in at around 950 cals total. Staying busy does help! I FINALLY got my new scale in and set up (the one I ordered at the beginning of the month was all kinds of wonky and they had to back order a new one). I was a little disappointed to see such a huge difference from this scale to the one I had used at the gym. I thought I was much closer to the 158-155 range, but according to this new scale I’m 161.4 lbs. A little disappointing, but I shall just use it to feed my motivation to finish this month STRONG, and hit November with all I’ve got!

    Thank you for sharing your story @bert1082. I have related to it so hard so many times on my 3 month journey, thus far. You have such a wonderful way with words to capture exactly what we are all feeling.

    Day 30 FD country West Australia
    beautiful sunny glorious day in the country.
    Sun is shining, birds are singing and I am trying to fast – despite having just made an enormous Pastitsio which is calling to me from the fridge.
    I have succumbed to a cruskit spread with a smidge of peanut paste, drunk 2 large glasses of water , but STILL it calls …….
    @dykask re teenagers, my only suggestion is to choose your battles. Whilst they are testing their boundaries and parental authority most teenagers , I think, actually DO want to have the safety of boundaries but it can be exhausting so we tried to choose our ‘ battles’..
    We tried ( not always successfully!) to choose what was REALLY important and sometimes not engage with the other ‘stuff’.
    Funnily enough our children have grown up into wonderful human beings (of whom we are inordinately proud ) DESPITE our parenting!!

    Day 30 UK FD

    Day 30/FD/Melbourne Australia

    DAY 30 – UK – FD

    Catching up (again)….have had the grandchildren again for the weekend on my own as hubby away for the weekend…..absolutely exhausting even tho I loved it..absolutely
    no chance of a fast just not mind strong enough. Hopefully things will be calmer in November where I hope to lose this blimen’ 5 lbs. that I just cannot budge….but am going to have a jolly good try. (Again)…it worked in January, so it has to work in
    November I think I am going to “cheat” out of desperation, soups and calorie/portion control ready bought meals 3 times a week from M & S, – I am on to desperate measures as I seem to have lost my mojo and unable to prepare home cooked food without giving myself to big a portion….and of course have been living on apple crumble for weeks as I have so many apples. But …. I’m still hanging in….
    Good luck all.

    Day 30 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD B2B

    Very proud of myself – I ignored the sweet siren call of the red wine and crisps last night, and enjoyed BigBills chicken noodle soup very much. I lit a fire, got into my pj’s, read the Sunday newspapers by the fire, and was in bed nice and early.

    I fought the dragons and won!!! Yay me!! 🤗

    Two days to go. B2B FD’s and delighted to see so many doing the same. I can’t copy the list for some reason but I am with you guys.

    It’s a bank holiday Monday here in Ireland. The streets are quiet. I have to go to work (double time so happy days) so it’s liquid only until dinner when I will have chicken and chickpea curry with konjac rice.

    @rainbowsmile I am a relative newbie so don’t know your backstory, but I wanted to say that a friend of mine has also found a new lease of life and happiness from dancing. Her marriage broke up years ago, she always loved dancing, she took lessons, now she is out spinning around at least 3 nights a week with her new partner, slimmer, trimmer, much happier. You go girl ☺️

    Hello I am a relative newbie, started this WOL on 24th September. Am 48 years old and started at 82.2KG with a goal for next year of 70KG. Am currently at 80.2KG so am pleased with result so far.

    My FD’s or rather CD of around 600 calories per day are Sunday and Wednesday when I know I don’t have to drive as I find I do get a bit light headed when I have an FD!

    There we are that’s me… not sure if you can add me in or not, am not very good with computers, I am currently rather proud that I managed this : )

    Am more of a reader than a participator but thank you for all your posts, it gives me encouragement and support to carry on.

    From Uk
    FD today.
    Plan to keep to 500 calories

    2nd Post.

    Catching up on posts…thanks for good wishes re hubby. Still no results, but expect them this week…surely if it was a problem we would have heard by now???????????
    I’m thinking positively….. Jx

    Day 30, Newcastle UK, FD (1st of B2B)

    Some wonderfully inspirational posts to kick off the last two days of October.

    Of course you must stay @rainbowsmile x

    Love that last quote @at – thanks for the reminder about how much of this WOL is about mindset.

    Let’s go for it! Together we are stronger.

    Day 30, UK, FD

    Day 30 – Woking, UK – FD
    Day 29 – NFD
    Day 28 – NFD
    Day 27 – NFD
    Day 26 – NFD
    I’ve fallen off the wagon and it seems to have driven off somewhere. I’ve been bouncing up and down in the same 4lb range since mid September and I don’t seem to be able to get back on track.
    Although I’m sticking to my fast day on a Monday, the Wednesday one has fallen by the wayside a bit whilst I’m travelling so the 2 part of 5:2 isn’t happening. This just feels too hard when I’m consistently working 12-15 hour days and commuting between countries.
    Sorry I haven’t been contributing to the group. I’m not up to date with posts at all so I just hope you are all doing better than me.

    Day 30 North Wales FD
    Looking forward to the weigh in at the end of this month.

    Day 30, Gozo Malta, fd

    I need to fast as my weight is up this morning. Doing a B2B2B.

    Onwards and downwards. Have a great Monday everyone.

    Day 30, Norway, FD

    This weekend past pretty well, no overeating…. I’m in the try out for some new migrane pills…and one of the side effects is lack of hunger-feeling… so…forgot to eat after lunch on friday, had two small meals on saturday, and one small dinner on sunday… was 86.4 this morning… looking forward to the weigh in-day tuesday morning,,,after a real FD today.

    Lucky for us norwegians, lol, the B&J’s are pretty expensive…89kr ($11) for 500ml (16oz), but its like an abra kadabra moment when its bought… i will definitly have a look into if we are an ice cream eating nation, i think we are…. anything wirth celebrating is celebrated with “all you can eat”-ice cream mentality. If you ever come to norway: Hennig-Olsen is the brand to look for!! 🙂

    Day 30 – 🇬🇧- NFD

    Apologies i’ve been AWOL – I did manage 2 fast days last week. I’ve weighed myself – I am ending Oct at my starting weight. I can’t be disappointed as I haven’t gained! Onwards and downwards for the Nov challenge 😊 motivation a LBD for Christmas do!!!!

    Day 30……Florida…..FD

    Happy Monday, my friends!

    I’m so glad that my beginning story, is helping those who are struggling. This path has been a wild one, I must say! Right now, weight loss is extermely slow but let’s be honest, it’s all my fault as to why. I’m not done but I’m so much better than where I started.

    Today, is short post as I have tons to do this morning!

    I saw a little stiletto of a man, he’s on the loose, he’s on the loose carrying a can of fandango

    Day 30 – Cumbria UK – FD (1st of B2B)

    What a cold morning – frost on the car!!!!!!

    @saffy420 – the names seems to have all disappeared from the October Challenge Spreadsheet????

    Ate way too much and enjoyed just a bit too much 🍷last night so really looking forward to FD today! Planning a liquid low calorie FD today and a 500cal or less FD tomorrow to end the month on a high note. Not planning on breaking my fast on Wednesday until my evening meal as going out with OH to celebrate our 37th Wedding Anniversary that evening 🥂

    @daffodil2010 – I have added you to the list 🤗
    @liathanail – I have added you to our list to give you some support – together we can do this! Just keep checking on here for motivation – hope to see you in the November Challenge x

    Day 30 and Day 31 FD List – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER – I have added everyone who has stated a FD today and also those planning on B2B to finish the month 😇
    @at – B2B
    @cocorocks – B2B
    @daffodil2010 – B2B
    @debster251 – B2B
    @Strawberriesandcream – B2B

    Last 2 days of this challenge – Let’s make it count and then look forward to the November Challenge with @jessyoursize

    “Weight loss is like driving: If you ever veer off the road, just make a U-Turn and head back in the right direction”

    Day 30 – Perth, Western Australia – FD

    Day 30 Wales FD

    Enjoyed a long beach walk before breakfast. Its a really beautiful sunny day today which will help me to have a good FD.

    @rainbowsmile – good to see you’re back with us.

    @coda – hope you’re foot is better and you’re doing OK?

    Stay strong everyone……..I’m going to need your strength next month, I’ve signed up for @bigviking ‘s Dry November challenge!!!!!

    Day 30 – USA (IL) – NFD

    Quick post as I have things to do this morning. Really debated about buying candy for Halloween trick-or-treaters, but I generally am able to get rid of all of it. Of course I ask myself, is all that candy good for them?? Of course not. So bought candy despite my better judgement.

    Off to home tasks —

    Onward and downward.

    Day 30, London, UK, NFD,

    @bert1802, Happy 1st anniversary, we’ve been travelling the same path!!! My 5:2 anniversary is November 1st, and I too (depending on which way the wind is blowing!!) have lost 35lbs, I started 20lbs heavier than you at 195lbs, so I’ve still got at least 20lbs to go to a healthy BMI.
    Funnily enough, like you, during ‘tricky, plateauing, bouncy-bouncy scale’ times, I never considered giving up. For me, mainly because in this WOL cheating was allowed, on other ‘diets’ cheating meant throwing in the towel and waiting a week to start again………….. and again…………..and again!!!! I soon stopped seeing it as ‘cheating’, after-all I was only cheating myself, now I call myself out for self-sabotaging, and even a year down the road it’s difficult to control that particular dragon, but I will get there and join you, @at and the others in maintenance, my road is just a little longer!!!

    @dykask, If only I could say ‘I don’t like shopping for clothes’, my bank balance would certainly be healthier!!!

    @jarbia, that 5lbs hasn’t got a chance of survival!!! I’ve got everything crossed for your OH, positivity, positivity, positivity!!!!!

    @liathanail, stick with it, this WOL has to fit into YOUR life however you can do that!!! 6:1 is way better than 7:0, that’s where we were before. Maybe choose 2 days that are consistent in their schedule as FDs and don’t deviate until you see results you’re happy with?

    We did something similar a couple of challenges ago, so I thought I would kick off the….

    ‘Things I’ve learnt this month’ list
    1. There was a song (I know I’m showing my age!!) that said ‘You don’t have to take your clothes off, to have a good time’…………. I’m substituting the naked bit for alcohol!! I haven’t missed it, I haven’t felt deprived, I’ve had that good time and I’m firmly in the mindset of I could have it, but I don’t want/need it, rather than I can’t!!! However, I have stocked up on numerous bottles of booze, creating a fabulous booze mountain a la @bigviking !!!!!!
    2. This should be something I re-learnt, ‘cause I KNOW this!! I got complacent and thought I had soooo much more control than I actually have!! So I can now admit…………… My name is Flourbaby and I have a problem with…………well Flour!!! I’ve fallen off the refined carb wagon a few times this month, there was cake, there were doughnuts, there were biscuits, there was more cake and then there was a minor wine gum incident, ok major then!!!
    3. I’m in awe of so many of you who can say, ‘I’ll just have one’…….. this may never apply to me so I need to remain vigilant and controlled enough to do a Nancy R and ‘just say NO’
    4. I know myself so much better than 1 year ago, so I wonder why I sometimes think I can live like my friends and family who don’t have eating/weight issues?? I don’t need to eat what, when, how or as much as they do ‘cause my WOL suits ME and me alone!!!!
    5. This month I’ve found I’ve used B2B2Bs as a recovery from an EFS weekend (Epic Face Stuffing) far too many times, that’s not the aim of this WOL so I need to pull my finger out for November and stick to 5:2 or ADF, rather than B2B2Bs or liquid fasts!!!

    Thanks @saffy420 for keeping us together for another challenging month!!! @jessyoursize, I look forward to joining you in November………………. Is it a No-Booze November for you again???!!!! (you and @bigviking might persuade me ….. I said might!!!)

    One more day to go, mine will be a Fast one!!! LOL

    Day 30 Belfast FD

    Monday’s reset button firmly pushed. Why did ny last caravan weekend have to be so close to the end of the month?
    @rainbowsmile I’m so glad you’re back posting. My yoga teacher says I have an inner dancer! Music and dance make the world go round!
    Let’s make these two days count!

    Day 30 – USA – NFD

    Pocket winos: Maybe it is a good time to go dry. Or not! (I love Aussie wines.) https://vinepair.com/booze-news/wine-shortage-2017/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=pagepost

    Day 30, S.Wales, NFD

    My eldest is home from university this week, so deviating from the normal FD and hoping the effects on the scales are not enough to sabotage a modest loss of 2lb so far this month. We’ll see tomorrow morning!!

    Good luck for the last 2 days all – big thank you to @saffy420 for hosting Oct, and @jessyoursize for November!

    Day 30 – SW WA USA – FD

    Thank you @at for putting together the fasting list for this Day 30.
    Going for a liquid FD – for me that doesn’t mean only water. It’s also coffee with almond milk,maybe some herbal tea, perhaps some bouillon at noon, and then probably some tomato soup for supper. Should come in around 350 cal or so.

    @tlc2 – What is a LBD? Liquid Birthday? Just guessing 🙂

    May we finish well! Together we are stronger!

    Day 30 London UK FD

    After stopping alcohol for four months, I’m now drinking again and wish I wasn’t. I’d like to join dry November but off to Italy soon so it’s not likely I’ll manage to resist those Campari spritz. Maybe I’ll try to do first week of November without booze.

    Thanks for the support all. Your posts keep me on track. Onwards and downwards.

    Day 30 Akron OH. FD!!!

    @flourbaby I think you are my twin, everybody knows I love refined carbs; and I was also using B2B2B to salvage EFS weekends! That is so hilarious EFS weekends ha ha ha. Can’t stop laughing.

    @saffy420 many many thanks for hosting October.

    @jessyoursize thank you for hosting November. I signed up for the Maintain don’t Gain campaign at work. I believe this is the year I will achieve success, Yay ADF.

    @rainbowsmiles my heart goes out to you. You will get your revengebod just hang with it, if all you do is maintain what you have lost in this difficult time, that is more than a lot of people can boast about.

    I weighed in on Saturday morning and I am still in maintenance with a BMI of 22. So I am happy with that. More importantly, my current regimen works for me; I don’t feel deprived and I can indulge on Saturdays.

    So adding myself to today’s FD list.
    @at – B2B
    @cocorocks – B2B
    @daffodil2010 – B2B
    @debster251 – B2B
    @coda – Day 30
    @annemarilyn – Day 30
    @jessyoursize – Day30
    @JustinB – Day 30
    @louis05 – Day 30
    @mari84 – Day 30
    @melania – Day 30
    @missybear – Day 30
    @molij – Day 30
    @msraven – Day 30
    @onedayordayone – Day 30
    @snowflake56 – Day 30
    @strawberriesandcream – Day 30
    @taraga – Day 30
    @tenoro – Day 30
    @camcd – Day 30

    Day 30, US, FD

    I’ll be with you @at for almost a B2B FD to round of the month. I’ll do a LFD today and tomorrow until dinner time. So that sort of counts!

    Day 30 – ABQ – FD

    Keeping today strong after the scales of disappointment were read to me yesterday, lol. Lots of water and a few small veggie snacks.

    @flourbaby – oh no, I will not be doing a Nov Dry Wino challenge. I’ve got too much on my plate for Nov already, I’m gonna need me some wine lol.

    Day 30 – NFD – Norway

    Thanks for all the support from my previous post. Im so glad Im not alone!

    @bert1802, your story surely was an inspiration!
    @camcd, I will try and download that app, maybe itll help me :) Ill give a review after some time!

    NFD today as I have a 13(!) hour shift at work. Tomorrow normal hours, and Im cleaning the house after work, so Ill get an FD down then. Still off the sweet stuff, and I feel really good about that! The goal is to go through November and then try some chocolate and see how it feels. hopefully itll be too much and Ill be satisfied after one bar.

    Day 30 Sarasota Florida CD I’m finally near a scale and, low and behold, I’m only 1 pound from my goal (not the 2 or 3 I expected.) The way I did it, even with a month in Sicily, was by staying at or near 6000 calories/week. This meant at least one FD/week and a couple of CD’s/week. This shows the flexibility of this program. I ate pasta, drank wine, ate awesome bread, and ate gelato in Sicily- and still I weighed less when I got home. The key was not to eat all of it every day! Thanks @jessyoursize for hosting November. I guess you’ve already counted me in. I’ll check now!

    Day 30 California FD

    Another repentant FD Monday. I need to be more mindful on NFD instead of cancelling out all my FD progress! Do I hear an “Amen” on this? 😇

    If you’re fasting today, please add your name to today’s FD list.

    @at – B2B
    @cocorocks – B2B
    @daffodil2010 – B2B
    @debster251 – B2B
    @coda – Day 30
    @annemarilyn – Day 30
    @jessyoursize – Day30
    @JustinB – Day 30
    @louis05 – Day 30
    @mari84 – Day 30
    @melania – Day 30
    @missybear – Day 30
    @molij – Day 30
    @msraven – Day 30
    @onedayordayone – Day 30
    @snowflake56 – Day 30
    @strawberriesandcream – Day 30
    @taraga – Day 30
    @tenoro – Day 30
    @camcd – Day 30

    Day 30-uk-FD

    Really pleased with myself as did a fast day and stuck to it. Had soup at 12.30 nothing since..light dinner then bed. I have two kids and my youngest was ill so had to leave work early and collect her from her childminders. She got a cold but she fine really. This usually would have sent me in a spin but I realised If I respond to every stressful situation with crap food and glasses of wine at night it’s not really dealing with anything and just making me fat! I’m tired now so will get these two treasures down then off to bed myself as not sure what my night may bring. Some really honest and insightful posts lately. Nice how everyone supports each other. Have a good one x

    Day 30, USA, Missouri Ozarks, Controlled eating day

    Hello all. Back to work from my four days off, back to eating more sensibly. Made homemade “soft batch browned butter – brown sugar cookies” this weekend and some marshmallow brownie concoction when family was over on Saturday. Ate my fair share of both goodies but weight was down today from last Monday’s weight (which was three pounds down from the Monday before). I think when I overindulge on foods I normally don’t eat I automatically eat less at meals. So, it’s all good.

    Feeling great, drinking my green tea. Today would normally be a fasting day but I felt a little queasy and weak (probably from the sugar overload) so I decided to spread out my calories rather than having them all at 7 tonight.

    I ate a grapefruit about 9 a.m. and an avocado about 1 p.m. Will eat an apple about 3 p.m. and then a sensible dinner. I so identified with Simon Cowell when I read about him fainting and falling down the stairs due to low blood pressure. Same thing happened to me (luckily no stairs, just hitting the kitchen floor and then later the same day crashing through the bathroom wall – leaving a big hole in the wallboard !! ) After the second episode I couldn’t talk my way out of it so my husband called the ambulance. The EMTs said my blood pressure was critically low and that I was dehydrated. I begged to avoid the hospital and they were kind enough to allow me to stay home with instructions on what to eat and drink. They even called later that night to check on me (small town – they eat at the diner with my husband most mornings if they are not on a call). Scary stuff.

    Have a lot of reading to catch up on, stayed off the computer the last few days to devote time to the hubby and kids.

    My best to each of you.

    Mogamom, congrats on enjoying yourself and still maintaining sanity with your eating. Your post reminded me of something Dolly Parton once said,

    She said she realized she could eat anything she wanted –
    just not all at once !

    Rainbowsmile –

    “You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching,
    Love like you’ll never be hurt,
    Sing like there’s nobody listening,
    And live like it’s heaven on earth.”

    ― William W. Purkey

    Day 30 – McMinnville Oregon USA – FD
    I’m waiting for the plumber to show up as our kitchen faucet decided to give up. Meanwhile I’ve only had liquids so far today.
    @liathanail – Don’t be too hard on yourself. Please stick with us and you will get your mojo back!!
    @songbirdme – OMG I guess I should be stocking up my wine cellar like @flourbaby and @bigviking.

     @saffy420 Thank you for hosting Oct!!
    @jessyoursize – Thank you for hosting November.

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