USA. Day 3 FD
Pocket List day 3 👟
@babs_b FD800
Have a great. day, everyone!
This topic contains 387 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by Anonymous 2 years, 9 months ago.
USA. Day 3 FD
Pocket List day 3 👟
@babs_b FD800
Have a great. day, everyone!
Day 3 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD
Weigh in: 147.2
I ate above my calorie goal yesterday because I have some leftover bars from Sunday’s coffee-fellowship at church, and didn’t even really try to resist them, sadly. The good news, however, is that I didn’t eat/drink anything but water after 6:30, and while I woke up at 4:00 for about five minutes, I otherwise slept well, and for over eight hours. I think perhaps I’ve hit on why I’ve not slept well, so thanks, @mariaelena, for your musings a couple weeks ago that led me to trying out this theory; it’s been lovely to sleep better.
Oh, and I did some yoga with Adrienne yesterday, so get to check that off my goal sheet.
@rosie-sullivan1 Welcome! We’re glad to have you with us and look forward to getting to know you. Do note that the number at the beginning of each post is the day of the month, not how long we’ve been doing 5:2–LOL, for some of us the number would be in the thousands!
@linda.b Your Glinda quote is spot on and so thought-provoking every time I read it.
@lilymartin “Nurturing” May is an excellent time for you to slowly work back into 5:2 because you clearly need some solid nurturing. We can none of us do it in physical efforts on your behalf (bringing you a cuppa, washing your supper dishes for you, running a vacuum cleaner over your carpet) but we can and sure will nurture you with our words. Hugs across the cyber skies to you! 🤗
@snowflake56 Your afternoon today with friends sounds so lovely; enjoy it!
@jaifaim I was so excited for you when I saw your weight yesterday; congratulations!
@babs_b Good to have you back, and glad you and DH are feeling recovered.
Pocket List day 3 👟
@babs_b FD800
@stitchincarol WFD
My personal themes for May:
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” ~ Jim Rohn
“You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.”
Day 3 FD800
Newbie Here! Just jumped on this challenge because you guys all seem pretty great and I could use the support. I have recently gained 25lbs thanks to menopause and the pandemic. I feel like my body is unrecognizable to me right now. I am 169lbs and would like to get back to my comfy weight of 145. I just started the 5:2 WOL because it makes so much sense to me and feels like something I could do for the rest of my life. My goal for this month is to do 3 FD800 per week. I started last week and really struggled with hunger on my fast day and ended up eating more like 1000 calories. Hopefully today will be more successful.
Any tips will be appreciated. Also, do you guys have any preference regarding original 5:2 and Fast800 and if so why?
Day 3 USA (Illinois) FD
I am going to do my weekly FD today (6:1 seems to be working for maintenance) but might actually do 2 FD’s this week as I overindulged for my birthday yesterday. Thanks to @matpi and @jaifaim for the kind wishes!
@rosie-sullivan1 – glad to have you with us! I didn’t join 5:2 and this blog group until 2016 but together we can support each other.
@linda.b – yeah for FUN DAY as FD … good to think of rather than see it as drudgery! Your “Wizard of Oz” quote is so right on, as @stitchincarol agrees. She’s in Nebraska that is right next to Kansas! 🙂
@lilymartin – prayers for continued healing for you. 🙏🙏🙏 I have only known a few people who have been infected, and the symptoms and recovery have been all over the board. May you find full health soon.
Electronics disposal is a real problem! Our local recycle board brings in empty semi-trailers about once a year for people to unburden themselves of all sorts of equipment. The last time we got to participate, they had 4 trailers filled to the gills, and people were turned away! There is another place a 40 minute drive away that takes them a couple days a week ($20 to get rid of a TV!). We upgraded to a larger TV for our family room, put the replaced one in the guest room, and had a nice little flat screen that I was happy to donate to our recycle shop. Their sale support local non-profits, and our Children’s Museum has benefitted from that. Our local battered women’s shelter takes old cell phones to give to women who need them to call emergency services – 9-1-1.
Joining the pocket list: Pocket List day 3 👟
@babs_b FD800
Onward and downward.
@luluf71 – welcome! You will indeed find this group very supportive, especially if you’re willing to post, daily if at all possible!
The FD800 is a fairly new program, so I honestly cannot address it well. I do know that doing a full FD (under 500) two days a week was plenty effective for me, and easier than trying to count more calories. My concern was always not to over-eat on the 5 ‘normal’ eating days. For that, I began using MyFitnessPal to count calories (a task I used to hate). It can tell you your TDEE to not go over that. I was able to lose roughly 40 pounds over about 10 months with 5:2. That was back in 2016-17 and have done 6:1 in maintenance.
Day 3 – 16:8 CD
FD went fine yesterday- I was so busy, 8pm (my absolute latest time to eat) rolled around so quickly that it became a FD 500. But I did notice I was very cold last night. Maybe because of the FD, but the weather did turn quite chilly overnight.
@matpi and @songbirdme I am reminded of a memory from the early 90’s. My brother brought his girlfriend over for dinner and when she saw our radio (post-war era) she asked why we didn’t throw it away and get a new one. My mother was appalled- she coldly responded “because it still works”. That kinda sums up my family’s ‘waste not’ ways. My in-laws (well, some of them) however are (hmm, how to put this…🤔) aware of appearances and the latest fashions are important to them. They discard quite a bit of wonderful stuff because it is ‘old’. We often take in items they have in their discard list.
Combine that with Goodwill finds… well our home is cutting-edge 2005ish! lol
Today I’ve been thinking a lot about the ‘eat less move more’ diet ‘wisdom’, daily calorie watching etc. something just doesn’t add up to me, another reason 5:2 fits with me so well. I’m wondering, just how long does the energy I intake remain in my system available for fuel or storing. I mean, if I eat in excess of my caloric needs one day but am at a deficit for the week, how does that effect my overall metabolism/ fat storing.
Add in the complexities of hormones like insulin and cortisol of fat storage, gut biome, sleep, what effect exercising can have etc. and yeah. I don’t know how exactly my body works, but a daily deficit( or maintenance) caloric level reeks havoc on my sleep/hunger/resolve/mood.
5:2 helped me look at a more sensible and sustainable picture – a week of time instead of daily. I consider my eating/nutrition/exercise success/failure in a weekly basis now. And I can see an individual daily ‘wobble’ as just a part of a successful week. In fact, I look back on April as just having one excessive week (vacation) inside a successful month.
So I’m left wondering about ‘daily’ diet and nutritional advice – does the metabolism and nutrition intake have a lot/ a little/ any connection to a daily or circadian clock?
Mentally, thinking in daily terms is a demotivating factor to me. While with 5:2 any daily goal (a fast day) is in the context of a week. If a fast day doesn’t come off- I can change it to the next day and still mark the week a mental success. Removing the idea that I failed in some way.
@stitchincarol I’m glad the no eating late is helping your sleep! Related to my musings- I do find this ‘daily’ rule difficult to enforce, but since I know will suffer so from reflux if I eat too late – the added benefit helps keep me strong.
Ah, got to go now. Sending good vibes to today’s pocketlisters!
Day 4, Germany, NFD
Good morning!
We’re going away for a few days. I won’t be posting as the house we’re in doesn’t have access to the internet.
@jaifaim I managed to go not overboard on the cheeses, just took small bits of the cheeses I like.
@brightonbelle We tasted a new gin my friend’s daughter had bought, a German one, not nice at all, it tasted like mud. Our favourites are Hendrick’s and The Botanist 22 at the moment. Do you have a favourite one?
@babs-b My DH also joins me on this journey, he doesn’t have to lose weight, he just wants to help me and life is better if I’m not complaining a bout my weight.
@at and @stitchincarol Every time I read about yoga and Adriene, I want to look at one of het videos but then forget. Perhaps it’s a sign I don’t want to do it?
@luluf71 Welcome! I started with 5:2, it worked very well and I liked the rhythm of fasting on set days. I tried the FD800 but it felt like a forever calorie restricted diet. I don’t want to diet every day.
@at What are you reading in your Book Club?
@erinkeegan Welcome!
Have a nice day everyone!
Day 4 – Ireland – CD ✅ 🚫🚶🏻♀️
Welcome @erinkeegan! Hope you find this group helpful and supportive as you get used to 5:2. Have a read of the intro post on Day 1 which will explain how we post and the shortcuts we use etc
@snowflake56 well done to you! That’s a toughie.. I find it very difficult to stop with cheese….
@snowflake56 and @brightonbelle my favourite gin ever is Mermaid gin from the Isle of Wight. Very hard to get but if you ever see it pick it up… and the bottle is gorgeous.
Ok off to start the day… I had a super busy day yesterday and today will be similar. We have another funeral this week – an elderly relative who was a great age – it just seems to be a sad time for us at the moment but there are these periods in life. I’ll have work and airport pick ups today for people flying home and will aim to swerve the food offerings later..
Have a good day everybody.
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Day 4 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD
Sorry I am late for May. Mad busy. Have not even read posts but a quick glance shows @snowflake56 is back…hello and welcome back.
I will post later….where is May going already, and on page 2 already 😄
Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD
@luluf71 & @erinkeegan – welcome to the forum!
Odd article in the UK Mail from a very angry, obese woman who accuses her doctor of fat-shaming her by daring to suggest she lose weight. Surely that’s part of his job? Or maybe she’s just trying to promote her book?
Happy Hump Day 🐫 & May the 4th be with you! 🚀 🛸 ✨ 🌠
Pocket List – Day 4 🍏
Day 4 UK NFD
@snowflake56 & @jaifaim – mermaid I’ll keep a look out for that one , my problem is I like them all! Had a Tarquins from Cornwall recently that was very nice I’m also very particular about the accomplishments- lots of ice , a slice of pink grapefruit and Fevertree light tonic mmmm and when I’m being good I just leave the gin out 🤪
Happy🐫day all
Day 4 – USA/GA – NFD
Weigh-in: 211 lbs. I see hints that my body is ready to head back to the 200s, but I just have to accept after the interruption in March and the Easter feasting, it wanted to plateau a while at the 210s. I’ll just keep being consistent with my 2 to 3 FDs each week, and be careful how much and what I’m eating on NFDs. I’ve been craving a lot of sugar in the past month (and unfortunately, trying to satisfy it with the same, which just makes me crave more). I’ve done excellent on removing chips and crackers from my regular diet. Sugar, not so much. So, I think that is an area I can really improve on. I have heard intense sugar cravings are actually pleads for water. We’ll see. Maybe if I add lemon to the water and eat a few mini sweet peppers and a small piece of fruit. Anything to get away from the massive amounts super-processed foods loaded with sugar.
Tomorrow will be my last FD of the week. Good luck, everyone!
Day 4 USA (Illinois) NFD
Very good FD yesterday – lost 2.2 pounds. That seems to be my way in maintenance – over the course of a week I will gain that back. Okay… I can take it.
Off to our “Classic Cinemas” movie today with the history profs talking about “Goldfinger!” DH is an Army brat who went all through high school at Ft. Knox and remembers well when they came there to film some scenes. No, inside the gold depository wasn’t a place they could go, but he remembers it all well.
Of course that means popcorn lunch – buttered, yes.
I hope to get back and reply more later on if I can.
Onward and downward.
Day 4 – Rural Nebraska, USA – OMAD
Weigh in: 144.2 lbs
I’m gathering all the resolve I have for today’s OMAD, reminding myself I once fasted for 66 hours so another few hours after yesterday’s WFD is NOTHING, and steeling my spine to do the Ridiculously Big Salad from Eat Like a Bear. I may decide to eat my meal at three o’clock today, but I believe I have what it takes to pull off this challenge. The plan is to again do the RBS on Friday and Saturday, and then Sunday and Monday will be NFDs. After that, I’ll reassess where I am, and what I’ll eat next week. A little bit of extreme is okay, but I will not demand day-in and day-out extreme from myself as I did over the last two months.
@luluf71 Welcome! Our favorite is when a newbie shows up and just starts chattering, so you’ll be a grand fit to this group! As to regular 5:2 v. 800, I haven’t done enough 800 to be a good judge, but my SENSE–not based on real fact, you understand–is that 800 is better for those who truly struggle to pull off 500 calories. It’s also more doable for those who want to do a longer length, such as four or five days in a row.
@mariaelena I grinned at the story of your mom’s indignation; it was quite justified and that girlfriend was extremely cheeky, LOL!
@at That must be a lovely routine to visit with your daughter while walking dogs, being outside, getting exercise!
@erinkeegan Welcome! Do tell us about yourself; the benefit of this group is found in the sharing and the chattering.
@snowflake56 I roared when I read this: “My DH also joins me on this journey, he doesn’t have to lose weight, he just wants to help me and life is better if I’m not complaining a bout my weight.” Your husband is clearly a keeper, and sounds like mine: he also joins me, also not needing to lose weight but willing to help me, also knowing life is better if I’m not complaining about my weight! 🤣🤣😂🤣 We have good, good, good men!
@jaifaim I promptly looked up that Mermaid gin, and they even ship!…but not to the US, so my gin-loving SIL will not be getting a bottle for his birthday in July. 🤷♀️ My condolences to you and your family.
@funshipfreddie I loved that article. The woman is strong and raises some excellent points about health in general and statistics about what BMI is best. As to her struggle to be thinner, I’m reminded of Dr. Fung’s explanation of set points, and how our bodies want desperately to remain at those set points. What do others of you think of the article and the points she raises?
@northgeorgia I occasionally manage to break my sugar cravings…but it’s TOUGH. Truly, truly tough. Mostly, I try to have tiny candies on hand, although currently that’s not working for me either.
@songbirdme Enjoy the movie (and the popcorn!).
Okay, I’ve sort of committed to exercising M-W-F (not enough, I know, but better than never, and all I figure I’ll actually do at this point), so perhaps this morning I’ll walk with Leslie. Although Leslie isn’t doing ANY of the new videos, sadly. 😢
Pocket List – Day 4 🍏
@stitchincarol OMAD
My personal themes for May:
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” ~ Jim Rohn
“You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.”
Day 4 – FD 800
@luluf71 and @erinkeegan a big welcome to you here!
I lost weight mostly due to 5:2 500 and being rather short, I’m not sure I’d have done as well on FD 800 because that is still a significant portion of my TDEE calories. However, I have transitioned to FD 800’s as I’m moving into a maintenance phase. I find FD 800’s quite easy as I can have a full (yet very controlled) meal at dinner and a broth lunch on those days. @luluf71 personally, I’d try either and stick with it for a month or so and see where you are and then adjust to the other if you determine it might be better for you.
We are having a wonderful cool spell in our weather, very humid, but the coolth is so lovely. Outdoor exercise in a hoodie and yoga pants is much more pleasant than sleeveless top and shorts, imo.
@songbirdme Enjoy! Sometimes I find it difficult to watch old movies full of casual misogyny and cruelty/violence, but that movie is a favourite of so many, and such a cultural touchstone that I’m sure a lively and interesting discussion will result.
Re: gin. A favourite or mine, and occasionally we splurge for Hendricks- the best I’ve ever had. But it takes me about 2 years to go through a bottle (I usually have 1-2 alcoholic drinks a month) so I don’t know many different gins. My friends and family don’t drink gin, my mother was the only other person I know who liked it, so it is fascinating to me to see so many here enjoy it. @jaifaim I looked up Mermaid gin, that is indeed a lovely bottle. I see they have a pink gin, something I have never seen/heard of.
@funshipfreddie I was only able to access part of that article, but I sympathized with that woman. If the lose weight discussion were part of a wellness check up, that is one thing. But she went in for a specific injury, and it seems the Dr. was tactless at best. And he seemed to assume she didn’t exercise- didn’t ask. The BMI charts are old, outdated and based upon data from white men almost exclusively – and don’t account for individual differences. I may be biased, but I have had too many experiences with dr’s making assumptions and shaming me (about weight, my dispraxia disabilities etc) that I can see her side of things. But, I’m also a skeptic so I too wonder if the article was written in the hope of getting publicity for her book. 🤔
@babs-b and @snowflake56 How wonderfully supportive your DH are! I have to take the absolute opposite tack with mine. He is supportive (‘looking good, hon’ and ‘I’m proud of you getting out there exercising every day’ and the like) but doesn’t want involvement at all. And now, he is trying to shed excess pounds (‘people are going to say what is that fit woman doing with my fat old fart self’ 😂 ) and I have to keep my own counsel. He’s struggling to start but he has to do it alone without my input as my input only makes matters worse. Ah well. I keep in mind that his personality and mental challenges are different from mine so I just try to return the same type of support he offers me.
I have noticed every Wednesday when I check in here, I start my post thinking it is already Thursday and my two FD are behind me for the week. Then I shake my head and realize it is actually my Wed FD and have to go back and edit my post header. Lol. Wishful thinking I guess.
So I add myself to the daily pocketlist 😀 because it IS Wednesday not Thursday 😂
Pocket List – Day 4 🍏
Second post – updating pocketlist because posts crossed.
Pocket List – Day 4 🍏
@stitchincarol OMAD
Day 4 NFD 168lbs
Good morning all! It’s still morning here where I live in Northern California Wine Country. I am not fasting today because I am going to a wine tasting for work (tough, I know) and wine has no place in fast day. I cut my alcohol consumption several months ago and now only drink on occasion, however, I actually gained weight when drinking less….go figure, it’s one of the reasons I’m so excited to try this WOL. I did a fast800 day yesterday and it was not too tough. Just a simple soup for lunch and a controlled dinner, although I must admit I was very hungry at certain points of the day. I am going to stick with the plan of doing F800 every other day for a month and see how that goes, then maybe I will move into the 5:2 with 500 calories, thank you @mariaelena for the advice. I’m grateful for everyone’s comments and tips. What is a pocket list?
Day 4 Ohio, US — MFD
Day 3 — NFD
Tuesday was a strange day for me. In early afternoon I saw my dermatologist and he did cryosurgery on a few spots on my face and legs. The stinging was fairly intense and I felt like I had been hit by a truck. So on the way home I stopped for some comfort food, i.e., four candy bars. That got me home, where I took a painkiller and then slept for two hours. To offset the candy I decided to skip supper, but around 9 in the evening I got so hungry that I ate two bowls of cereal. Doing a FD today seemed like the best way to recover from that crazy Tuesday. Amazingly fatigue levels are very high today, so I’m just binge watching NCIS this evening.
@luluf71 Welcome! This is a great WOL and a really fine community to help you on the way. A “Pocket List” is the list of everyone who’s fasting on a particular day. That way we can keep each other’s intention for the day in mind.
@jaifaim My deep sympathies on your loss. There have just been too many losses the last couple of years.
Day 5 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD
Good FD yesterday but not a budge on the scales….aaaargh…this plateau just gives on and on ad nauseum.
Throwing another FD in today, keeping it mainly protein to sate hunger as I have an online course tonight so won’t have time (yay) to be eating!!!
@matpi hope you feel better soon, the surgery and sugar of course would make you tired. Take care.
@mariaelena I really enjoy your musings, they do make me think
@stitchincarol…DH and I have been doing Leslie since the start of the year, every week day morning, it’s such fun the two of us…however, we have recently moved on from Leslie and currently find Rocky to be our favourite when we want a really good workout. She rocks 😆
Pocket list day 5 – Together we are stronger.
Day 5 – Ireland – FD ✅ 🚫🚶🏻♀️
Hi all, a very busy day yesterday with funeral and then later work. It is sad that recently some of our family “elders” have pasesed having made it through the past two years of cocooning and strange times.
Yesterday was very sad but we also had a lovely celebration (“wake”) of a fabulous life and for that we must be so grateful. Thank you so much for you lovely kind thoughts 💕
I’ve read posts and great to see everybody here and going great in the first week of May.
I’ll be back on tomorrow to let you know how my much needed FD goes … 🫠
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Pocket list Day 5
Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD
@luluf71 – Your job sounds perfect for me! Any vacancies? I’ve got tons of experience, I don’t mind working from home, & no salary is necessary 😅
Entertaining documentary from YouTube about an Australian fitness instructor who DELIBERATELY gains & loses 40 kgs – in one year! Maybe not the best thing to watch on a FD, unless you won’t be tempted by someone gorging on burgers & junk food 🍔
Pocket list day 5 – Together we are stronger 🍋
Newbie’s 1st post
After getting to my ideal bmi over lock down – 13 stone I have steadily eaten my way back to being overweight 14 stone 13 lbs . 😩
So.. I am re re starting. Hard not to feel overwhelmed
Plan : 18:6 for 5 days and limit to 600 calories for 2 days
Triggers – eating when tired!
Thanks 🙏
Day 5 – USA/GA – FD
Weigh-in: 214 lbs. Looks like a good signal! This is the first time a post-NFD has gone below 215 lbs since early April, and that was after a B2B 2 day WF! If I can continue the trend throughout May, I can get into the 200s, and maybe reach my goal of 206 this month. My lunch wasn’t particularly good — fast food with a soft drink, but I made sure when I got home that evening not to drink any more refined sugar. I had a little charcuterie with sweet peppers, an egg, pickles, a few pork rinds, a half slice of my mom’s homemade bread, some fruit, and porridge made with milk, banana, cinnamon, and oatmeal (over about a 2 hour window). Temptation was strong for some cookies or candy or sugary drink, but I abstained. It helped a lot.
Pocket list day 5 – Together we are stronger 🍋
Day 5-FD-No. VA, USA
Is Cinco de Mayo a good fast day theme? Skip the chips and guacamole and stick with something like gazpacho? We are taking a trip to Charleston next week, so fasting there, with all the excellent food, is going to be a challenge!
Welcome to newcomers @5413.5 and @luluf71!
Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD
Weigh in: 146.0
I lost the plot yesterday. It all started when DH invited me to drive to town and go out for lunch. I said I couldn’t and reminded him I was doing OMAD, and he was okay with that…but I wasn’t, and decided to go anyway and figure it out later. It was a slippery slope from there.
Today is a new day. 🤷♀️
@luluf71 Try guzzling water throughout the day; it’s amazing how that helps mitigate hunger.
@matpi What a tough day you had at the dermatologist; glad you’re feeling better.
@daffodil2010 It was your commitment to Leslie that was part of leading me to start up again. 😘 I like Rocky also, although Nick is my favorite non-Leslie leader.
@5413.5 Welcome! We’ve probably all of us felt the pain of regaining weight we worked so hard to lose, so you’re in good company. About your “name”: are you brand new or have you been around awhile? If you look at everyone’s names, you’ll see that they all turn into links when prefaced with the @, but yours doesn’t…perhaps because of the “dot”? It’s a handy feature to be able to click on your linked name and find things you’ve posted (many of this do this to remind us of things we’ve said, solutions we’ve found, goals we’ve set) but it appears that’s an option you’ll never have, so if you’re brand new, perhaps you’ll want a new name that will be linkable so you’ll have that option. Entirely your choice, however!
@northgeorgia Nicely done with your restraint yesterday! Although, I must say: your day of restraint looks just like my day of losing the plot! Wowza, but you guys get to eat so much more than we short WOCA!
@excelsior12309 My lost-plot-day yesterday began with Taco Bell where I had the Power Menu Bowl at around 470 calories. Since I hate all pops and drank and unsweetened tea, that was my total calories (and would have been good had I stopped there), so there’s a decent-enough FD Cinco de Mayo meal for you! 🤣🤣🤣
Must head out the door; have a grand one, everyone!
Pocket list day 5 – Together we are stronger 🍋
@stitchincarol WFD
My personal themes for May:
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” ~ Jim Rohn
“You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.”
Day 5 FD800 Napa Valley California, USA
Happy to fast on Cinco de Mayo, no chips and margaritas for me. Did not weigh in because on my first NFD after a FD I believe I overcompensated a bit too much. Hello focaccia….
@jaifaim sorry for your loss, it is a strange day when the venerated “elders” in your world start to pass.
@funshipfreddie we would love to have you! The wine was delicious on a sunny spring afternoon.
@matpi get well soon and I hope the chocolate helped. My comfort food is anything with cheese.
2nd post
@matpi I hope everything heals quickly and well. I had a similar procedure (but with some unfortunate complications – long unnecessary story) and I was bowled over how it set me on my heels. My empathy spikes for you.
Cinco de Mayo. We won’t be going out to celebrate but I have set aside some delicious coffee flavour tequila for a celebratory treat tonight.
Musing about cravings. I rarely crave sweets. Chocolate craving sometimes. But, I have an ever-present constant craving for French fries/chips and potato chip/crisps. I mute that with many homemade baked and roasted potatoes (allows me to control the fat – no trans fat at home – and I get the nutrition benefit of the skins which I do enjoy). I have easily and without regret given up fast food places, but I think about French fries/chips all the time. Luckily potatoes fill me up, or I could keep putting them in my mouth never ending.
We did not have a tradition of sweets in the home (except homemade cookies and fudge in December for the holidays) but often had pretzels and potato chips on hand – especially on the weekends. I wonder if that is why those are what I crave. Certainly the most comforting food I can think of is a fluffy baked potato.
I don’t exactly crave fresh fruit, but it does make my mouth water to think of some fresh cantaloupe or pineapple . But in general I’ll reach for a salty savory treat before a sweet every time.
As my kitchen skills improve I find I am as happy to make my own food (and control there ingredients) as to go out for a meal. Speaking of Kitchen skills, my culinarily challenged brother asked me for a fool proof slow cooker pot roast recipe so I have some research to get to. It seems my papa has a taste for pot roast. 😀. So I best be off.
Day 5 Ohio, US — NFD
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Surprisingly enough there was no mention of the day on the local news. On the West coast of the US there are much greater festivities.
Today was a good day. Recovery has been good and now I’m just waiting for the blisters to heal. It’s tricky having to shave around some of them. I’ve stayed on plan with my eating and got 50 minutes of exercise in.
@5413 Welcome! Looks like you’ve got a good plan going!
Hope everyone winds up the work week in good shape!
Day 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD
Hope everybody had a good FD, unlike mine. 🤔 Somehow I kept it steady until Ingot home, the chicken I had planned was still roasting, I had an online Zoom at 7pm, DH needed food as he had stuff to do… a take out pizza was bought, and a bottle of wine to accompany 😄 Bad Daffodil.
Plus, my Zoom course was re Histamine Intolerance…..and I was finishing off my glass of red wine when the leader said that red wine was the absolute worse offender for raising histamine! Luckily I had my camera turned off ha ha 😉
Going out tonight to my friends house for dinner and overnight, as we are sorting out our plans for our Andalucian trip 💃
We fly to Malaga 15th May, the following say we journey by train (first class carriages all the way), to Granada for two night, a visit to the Alhambra is booked, then we travel by train to Córdoba for two nights, finishing off with a train to Seville fir three nights, then fly home. We planned this trip in Feb 2021 when we were deep in lockdown so really looking forward to it.
Posh Inter-railing I call it!!!! I went inter-railing with my backpack around Europe the summer of 1990, campsites and hostels and the occasional overnight train were our accommodations….this time it’s a good bit more luxurious and not a backpack in sight.
Day 6 – UK – NFD
Well I have a confession. I didn’t manage my FD800 on Tuesday – I snacked in the evening. And I haven’t attempted one since.
Boy, I really go through phases with 5:2 or F800 where, for a month, it’s the easiest thing and I barely have to think about it, then another month it’s the biggest uphill struggle. The positive of this week has been that I feel like I’ve finally managed to turn the ship…. it’s only taken 6 weeks, but I’ve done it 🙈😂! (Though, if we’re talking ships, it’s felt more like trying to get the Evergiven out of the Suez 😅). Instead of saying to myself ‘you should be doing a FD today’ and then beating myself up when I let it slip, I’ve decided to just eat when I’m hungry and to load up my meals with fruit & veg. I’ve had lovely salads, fresh fruit, grains, oily fish – all the good stuff – and I feel significantly more ‘chipper’ as a result. To carry the theme of the month through, I’ve definitely nurtured my body with some very good food, which I think will lay a decent foundation physically and mentally to get back into the 5:2 swing next week.
@daffodil2010 that Zoom webinar sounds v interesting! What was said about histamines? I find the minute my hay fever kicks in, the rest of my face & body seems to just get so puffy no matter what my weight is (gratefully, I don’t suffer terribly from hay fever symptoms, but enough to notice and cause my eyes some issues).
@5413.5 welcome! And to all the other new joiners this month 🙂
The sun is shining and it’s a short week for most of us in the UK – have a great Friday all! 🌻
Day 6 UK NFD
Not been able to fit a 2nd FD in this week and getting very giddy about jetting off to meet up with friends for a week in Dubrovnik on Sunday , so nice to be able to travel again and that trip sounds fabulous @daffodil2010🚂
So signing out now for a bit @at I’ll be back on Monday 16th ready to hit the 2nd half of May hard 💪
Day 6 – USA/GA – NFD
Weigh-in: 211 lbs. Well, a quick Sunday – Friday average between this week and last is exactly the same, so the plateau seems to be continuing a bit longer. Still, there are some good signs if I can be controlled on post-FDs like this. And, it’s not inching up, so that’s good! Just got to be patient, and all will be well.
Take care, all!
Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD
Weigh in: 143.0
Yesterday’s WFD went so well, I didn’t even resort to gum chewing in the evening. I don’t know how much gum sabotages water fasting results, but it never feels reasonable, you know? so I was proud to ignore it.
I had planned for today to be OMAD/RBS, but I forgot we have a high school graduation party to attend tonight, so now I need to figure out how to use up the ingredients I bought. Perhaps skip the OMAD and have a not-so-ridiculously-big salad for lunch.
@daffodil2010 What a lovely trip that will be; I’m so excited for you! But–red wine raises histamines? Is that the same as saying in spring, when you’re suffering from allergies, that red wine is an awful drink to choose because it’ll worsen what you’re going through? Or are these histamines giving other symptoms than itching eyes and running nose?
@brightonbelle Dubrovnik looks lovely; have a grand time!
My personal themes for May:
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” ~ Jim Rohn
“You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.”
Day 6 – Ireland – NFD ✅ 🚫🚶🏻♀️
Hi all, dreadful weather here and I’ve not had the best of weeks… looking forward to a better weekend and week next week ahead of some travel to France. Exercise and low sugar has been a challenge this week… feeling it now…
@daffodil2010 ah so interesting! I was due to attend the same session but got caught with mum so couldn’t make it… I hope it went well and you learned lots… there is no doubt that I am suffering more now than ever before so as you know it’s one of the areas I’m really interested in. Hopefully another session will be run soon.
Ok off to work a bit more and look after mum – look forward to catching up with you all tomorrow.
Welcome back @excelsior12309 and big welcome to @5413.5 👏👏
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Day 6 – 16:8 CD
Weigh in 134.3 lb. And all well here.
Not much interesting happening here. Weather beautiful again, 😁
@brightonbelle Dubrovnik is such a grand and beautiful place. Enjoy the trip!
@dafodil2010 I also think the histamine talk sounds fascinating- anything else to share?
My less padded self is finding my bed too hard. Had to add a layer of cushioning (an old comforter) under the mattress pad. My aching shoulder and elbows do seem to appreciate it, much less achy this morning.
Otherwise I’m just hoping all is well, everyone!
Day 6 – somewhere Near Bath Somerset – NFD
Hello everyone
Well, we’re having a ball on holiday, lovely area, discovering lots of new places. So far we’ve been sensible, more or less? Managed a FD yesterday, it was Thursday after all.
Walked for miles the last 3 days, being Friday today, time to let the hair down, called at a cider mill today and now having our 5 a day…. all involving apples 😉 well, the juice thereof 😉 The Inner Warthog hasn’t appeared, mind you if he had appeared today he’d need to be a bloody good swimmer ….
The beauty of 5:2 ….. have your holibobs, enjoy yourself, then back on the wagon.
Catch up soon.
Take care all.
Day 6 USA(Illinois) NFD
Have had a couple busy days – Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you) came and went. Then Cinco de Mayo we planned a stop for Mexican food (mostly salad) on our way to downtown Chicago ballet. The horrible rainstorm had one of our expressways so clogged, it took us over 3 hours for a normal 2 hour trip. So it was snack bar in the car, DH got a chocolate chip cookie at the ballet (The Joffrey did Tchaikovsky “Serenade” and a beautiful adaptation of “Of Mice and Men” that was amazing.) We were so starving on our way home, the only place open was a roadside oasis McDonald’s that we had to scarf down a Big Mac. Still lost a pound!
@daffodil2010 – great to see you back with us. Late doesn’t matter one iota.
@funshipfreddie – I felt sorry for the woman getting grief from her doctor. Obviously if she is working out that much, lots of her weight must be muscle! Don’t you think?
@northgeorgia – sounds like you’re happy with your progress. Good for you!
@stitchincarol – I am amazed how you can do those long fasts, more than 24 hours is truly commendable. But I am with you about huge salads on a FD.
@erinkeegan – welcome! We hope you can post often with us. We especially enjoy meeting and finding about the journey our newbies are taking.
@mariaelena – Sometime discarding needs to come from something other than upgrading! That’s where we are kind of stuck. I hate the thought of leaving a house full of our “stuff” for our kiddos to have to deal with like we had to of our parents’ possessions. Oh, and the “Goldfinger” profs who conduct our monthly movies did apologize for the sexist Bond-isms that movies of that era proffered. I looked up “dispraxia” as it is new to me. Is it something that has afflicted your or someone else? Such a rare condition.
@luluf71 – how great that you feel comfortable with FD’s and find them not too bad. We here have discussions about wine 🍷 fairly often, so feel free to jump in with your expertise!
Onward and downward.
Day 6 Ohio, US — MFD
The scales gave a reading of 184 lb (83.5 kg) which is going up, not down. Although there are strong indications that the water balance is off today in my body, I decided to fast just to make sure that matters don’t get out of hand. I got 50 minutes of exercise in, so am hopeful that tomorrow morning’s weigh-in will give a reading back where it should be. (Hope springs eternal!)
An interesting article just appeared in the Medical News Today about how fasting contributes to longevity. Here’s the URL:
It describes work done by Valter Longo, whom Dr. Mosley mentions in his books.
A quick question: I’m thinking of subscribing either to BritBox or to Acorn TV. Anyone have an opinion about which is better?
@songbirdme One of the fondest memories I have of living in Illinois was driving in to Chicago with some friends to see the musical “Hair” and then stopping some place for beers and dessert in the wee hours of the morning.
@ihatelettuce When you say cider, is that hard cider?
@jaifaim Hope the sun shines brilliantly for your whole trip to France!
@stitchincarol Yes that’s true. My brother is very sensitive to the histaminic levels in red wine, so that in allergy season he has to forego it completely.
@northgeorgia One of the reasons I dropped out of this group back a while was a plateau that seemed to go on forever. I like the article in Medical News Today, since it indicates that even with plateaus, important positive processes are occuring that help with longevity. So while weight loss is a primary goal, for me a good secondary goal is to foster long-term good health, no matter what the scales say. (Take that, Cruella!)
Day 7 – Near Bath UK – NFD
Good morning everyone
A fabulous morning, warm and sunny, it’s going to be hot. Heading into the city this morning for a stroll along the river and to the farmers market! Doing two of our favourite things, a nice wander then an explore in a good local market. It doesn’t matter wherever in the world we are, seldom miss the local market.
The afternoon could well be spent back at the cottage with the fruits of our foraging and enjoying the garden.
Where were staying is a lovely place, an old farm with open rolling countryside as far as you can see. Loads of wildlife, from the lunatic squirrel that runs along the top of the fence, a nesting sparrow hawk about 50 metres away, buzzards and red kites riding the thermals and skittish rabbits galore (skittish due to the potential of being a meal for the airbourn diners!)
@matpi – re cider, hard cider? If you mean alcoholic, then yes, otherwise it’s fruit juice 😉 Very nice pressing, slightly cloudy, abv of 4.5% rather fresh and nit too potent, but full juice no water added (many commercial ciders have the apple juice diluted by as much as 25%)
Take care all
Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD
I impressed myself with my good behaviour yesterday, despite the lazy 2.5 hour lunch with a friend. I declined dessert & had only one milkshake after the main course 😇
@songbirdme – um, I think I felt more sorry for the doctor – if she gave him the earful I imagine she did 😅 The poor guy was probably having a good day until she rocked up. How was he to know she’d written a book titled, ‘Fat, So?’
@matpi – thanks for the article; I’ll definitely read that later. I’ve heard of BritBox, but not Acorn, and I don’t have either; just Netflix & DSTV.
@brightonbelle – Dubrovnik – lucky you! I was there several years ago & visited a fort where much of Game of Thrones was filmed. Absolutely gorgeous place. I was there on a Saturday though & it was mad busy with tourists. I hope it’s calmed down for you.
Wishing everyone a nice weekend ⛅️ 🌈
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3 May 22