November 2018 Monthly Challenge

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November 2018 Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 756 replies, has 62 voices, and was last updated by  steffieagle 6 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 760 total)

  • Day 6 – Japan – A happy NFD

    I completed water fast #79 but that one was hard. In fact if felt similar to how I used to feel with calorie restriction. However one bad day every so often is a lot better than every day being a bad day. 🙂 The standard calorie restriction approaches leave me in a miserable state. Fasting is free and I feel much better most of the time.

    Day 5 Ohio, US — FD(#25)

    The FD went well, although after a very busy day, in the early evening I felt really cold and tired. Surprisingly I feel better now. Even so the old bed is calling…

    And for those of you who live in the US, if you have elections tomorrow, please be sure to vote! Voting is a great right and a great privilege. So many strange things can happen when not enough people turn out to vote!

    And for everyone — have a super day!

    I seem to have disappeared from the November spreadsheet. I had filled out the whole month. Eek!

    Day 6, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Good fast day yesterday. I am lying in bed – hungry – thinking about having a yummy breakfast!

    Been negotiating a plan with OH to reduce alcohol during the week. I think i could give up now as i can resist buying it. But if offered by my OH at 6pm (yes – we have a watershed limit in our house!) with some snacks – i just can’t say no. So i am working on him not to buy any alcohol for home consumption during the week. Its taking a LONG time to break this habit. The 5:2 Fast Diet needs a 2:5 Dry Diet to accompany it!

    I just read what i wrote and realise i am relying on someone else to break my bad habits! This self-delusion thing is difficult to fix…

    Day 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Good fast, and dispatched the weekend gain in one day. Yay. Looking forward to my NFD today but will still keep it 16:8 until lunch. Then I have prepared a tuna sandwich on home made oat bran bread. Nothing then until dinner with a mince beef chilli using my homegrown tomatoes and chill is, and Konjac rice with grated cheese.

    I had a pain in my lower back area yesterday, it did not feel muscular, then I realised I might be constipated 😱 I took a Dr Stuart’s Lax Tea and it helped this morning and no pain. Must keep an eye on this. I hear others talking of phyllium husks, might be something to look out for. Though the Lax Tea is gentle for me, I find things like Sennacot to be a bit, erm, aggressive for me 😨

    @cornish-jane Trying to stay Dry till Fri really is a good way to help the 5:2 WOL. But I empathise with you on the OH buying in the booze. Mine (luckily for my FD) works until midnight Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and every 2nd Thursday…so I can more or less abstain…BUT big danger zone in his Thursday off as he stands there proffering wine on my return home from working! That’s why I go to yoga on a Thursday night ha ha. Hope you can gently persuade your OH to wait until the weekend 🍷😀 When a pleasure becomes a habit it ceases to be a pleasure 🍷

    Day 6: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    I hope nobody minds me just running alongside the wagon for now?

    Day 6, Emden Germany, NFD

    @daffodil2010 thanks for adding me to yesterday’s pocket list, @northerndawn lost the internet on Saturday but I’m always glad to have a FD partner.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    @cornish-jane. Try reading Alcohol Explained by William Porter. Or even just look it up on Amazon and read the customer comments! I was the world’s biggest toper before I read it. I drank about 120units of alcohol a week ( I know.. I’ve got my excuses worked out, crap childhood, stressful job, etc etc) but really I’d managed to get addicted to alcohol. And I read that book and stopped. Unbelievable. I’ve even messed up a couple of times ( Italy. Nothing AF to drink in bars…) and still got back on board easily enough. And I’m somebody with NO willpower. But I do believe I can be talked out of something if somebody explains it properly and I don’t think they are trying to preach/ hoodwink/ bull**** me. Sermon over. Sorry to sound like a cracked record but William Porter saved me. Phew.
    Fasting I’m struggling with, if that’s any consolation. Veeeeerrrrry slow progress.

    Day 6, UK, NFD

    Successful FD yesterday, just about, was so hungry 😮 . Scales show the same, expected that somehow. We carry on 🙂

    @lpswaite its not too late to join, welcome 🙂 . I can edit the spread sheet, try this link, I think its different because @basyjames had to adjust it, here it is, for you, @mogaman and anyone else having the same issue:

    @cateaus sorry your name disappeared :/, I added your details from October so you just need to edit, hope it helps a bit 🙂

    @basyjames I hope you don’t mind me doing all this with the spread sheet 🙂

    We can do this together 🙂

    Day 6, London, UK, FD,

    Looking forward to fasting today after a weekend which was a little heavy on the carbs!!! I need to be a bit more mindful at the start of a challenge, rather than being gung-ho!; I seem to take my foot off of the gas because I’ve crossed the previous months’ finish line & I know I have 3+ weeks left to make this month a success!!! Self-sabotage AGAIN!!!

    @rainbowsmile, looking on the bright side, is this the perfect opportunity to get rid of that junk you didn’t know you had which lives in the attic???

    Aiming for just 1 or 2 boozy days this month, next Sat at the Rugby and my brothers’ birthdays (joint celebration I hope) at the end of the month. I think if I plan for it I won’t find myself indulging at every opportunity!!! Octobers’ near 7lb success was 99% down to being booze free. Could booze be the reason I’m a Club Tor-twah member??????

    We still have a few ‘Oldies’ who’ve gone AWOL, you guys know who you are!!! We’re still here, still not judging and still holding the wagon steady in case anyone wants to jump on board again ………………………………. Or not!!!!

    Onward & downwards folks!!!!

    Day 6 Belfast CD
    I had a very successful FD yesterday which has set me up nicely for the week. Feeling very positive. Dog walked, off to Pilates now and then going to the cinema to see a star is born.
    @daffodil2010 – yes, I agree about Sennacot, hence my interest In other remedies. I haven’t heard of the Lax tea. Am going to look out for that and the husks.
    @ciren2;- we’re not going to let you go!

    Remember: Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose

    Day 6 UK FD

    Having another fast day today as I’m abit snotty and not feeling very hungry. Hopefully I can undo more of the damage from the weekend 🤞

    My fitbit broke last night and I actually cried. I’m a slave to my fitbit and feel abit lost without it. 😭

    Day 6 pocket list:

    DAY 6 – UK – NFD

    Just a quick post. Not quite feeling myself but wanted to keep my momentum on this very supportive thread.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

    Day 6 North Canton OH Healthy eating day. It’s election day in America 🙂

    I feel so positive this morning!

    I tried to have a liquid only fast yesterday, but I finally gave in and had unstuffed cabbage rolls; it was calling my name – still successful FD though.

    @sarahbob I am very attached to my Fitbit too. I have had 3 over the last few years and every time one broke, I took it very hard. I finally stopped getting the wrist ones and got one that I clip to my bra. So far (knock on wood) it’s lasted longer than my last two combined.

    @flourbaby studies suggest that booze is a huge inhibitor of weight loss, you got this.

    @cateaus, @mogaman I had to update and repost the spreadsheet here is the updated link.

    @shinything I appreciate your help with the spreadsheet, please carry on and thank you. I wish I could do more with it, but I only have access in the evenings and right now my evenings are packed. It takes a village 🙂

    Inspirational quote of the week
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending – C. S. Lewis

    Your attitude today will determine your altitude

    Day 6, Surrey (UK), NFD

    Good FD yesterday with most of the weekend’s Chinese meal-driven gain now dispatched. My main nemesis! Thankfully I drink barely any alcohol, otherwise that would be nemesis #2!

    About 10 years ago I decided to give up alcohol completely, mainly because I felt it was affecting my sleep. As a result, my sleep patterns improved a lot. Then I went through the menopause, which was a very quick process for me – just like flicking light switch. Maybe the menopause was the reason for my disturbed sleep, who knows? But by then, I became so used to not drinking that I resolved only to have a drink when the occasion really demands it, e.g. a wedding toast. Actually – truth told – I lost my tolerance and turned into a one-pot screamer! Anyway, I’ve stuck to that resolve ever since, and I think that has had a lot to do with my weight loss success.

    The other positive thing that has helped me a lot has been upping my exercise regime. I try to do something that gets me out of breath at least once every other day. I don’t always manage it but I now have a variety of exercise routines I can pick and choose from. My current favourite is my local 5k park run.

    Good luck everyone out there. Keep on keeping on, you know you’re worth it!

    Day 6 USA (Illinois) Election Day! NFD

    Mondays are very full for me, so seldom do I fast, or even try to limit calories at all. I’ll be much more controlled today.

    I adore how so many on this board share struggles in whatever capacity.This is such a wonderfully supportive group, a sounding board as well as a helping board. Yeah for all of us!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 6 – France – NFD

    Hi all, I am back and hope it’s not too late to join you for the November challenge! I fell off the wagon towards the end of October as I was preparing a big workshop, and put this forum on hold due to lack of time. Workshop went well and miraculously I gained little in the interim even though i did not fast. Acute stress can be a very good weight control tool but I can’t say I recommend it long-term! 🙂

    Well I am back on track this week with a successful FD yesterday! I like this forum because it provides some accountability and I also enjoy reading all your stories.

    A good evening to all!

    USA Day 6 FD

    I just finished reading all your posts and I agree with all those who feel alcohol is a contributing factor to weight gain or an inability to lose weight. That’s what happened to me in October. After a year of not drinking at all (and losing weight), I started drinking wine again and quickly regained the lost weight. This month is back to no alcohol again!

    Yesterday’s FD went pretty well. Today, on my new regimen, it will be another FD with eating a controlled lunch and dinner with no snacks. I don’t seem to be hungry at all, so that helps, but now my sleep is impaired. I didn’t sleep most of last night. Hopefully, I will be able to take a nap this afternoon. I was too tired to read a book, yet not tired enough to sleep, so I watched TV mindlessly! Trust me! There is nothing worth watching after midnight! LOL

    Adding myself to today’s pocket list:


    Basyjames: I love that C.S. Lewis quote! 🙂

    Everyone, good luck today and have a great day!

    @ccco I have found Magnesium Citrate good to aid sleep.

    USA Day 6 FD

    JudyJudes: I will try that out. One thing I like more than eating is sleeping! LOL

    Day 6 Canada FD

    It sounds like an easy thing to do but I ignored that chocolate urge yesterday and stuck to the plan. Onward on my week of getting NFD’s figured out. Alcohol seems to be a theme. For me dropping the vino has made a huge impact, on my weight and sleep. @cornishjane my OH was onboard and that made it so much easier. I also got a lot out of Alcohol Explained, but Brooke Castillo’s method was a game changer. One of the tools is you can’t have a drink unless you have decided to do it 24 hours ahead of time. She has three episodes that explain it all and can be found by googling Brooke Castillo over drinking.

    A busy day ahead which helps on a FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list

    Day6, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    This morning I weighted 68.8 kilos.

    Yesterday I ate and didn’t do a cfd as usual and today was just the same. I intend to try tomorrow for a cd since on Monday at our Eucharistic meeting we celebrated the birthday of the priest who presides in the meetings with a birthday cake. He is 31 years of age. I ate a piece of cake too.

    Onwards and downwards. I hope all of you and myself stay strong as I don’t seem to be these last few days.

    Day 6 UK CD
    Day 5 UK CD
    Day 4 UK EFS

    Just lost a long post, and have now created another! Lovely to spend time with my lovely friend but started weekend feeling ill & fatigued so got completely exhausted. Made some lovely food this weekend – vegan chili with cauliflower and sweet potato, and tofu and cauliflower tikka masala with wild rice and lemon spinach – yum. A real strain for my damaged working memory, esp after a long day out, but really enjoyed the results. I foresee a winter of vegan curries ahead 🙂

    Managed OMAD CD yesterday rather than FD, trying for the same again today and will be mindful tomorrow, then hopefully a plain vanilla FD on Thursday. Currently feeling v puffy after all the treats that crept into the corners of the weekend, and grumpy bc tired and not meditated.

    I need to get my head together and get back into the flow of good things that boost my energy bc I’m bored with this feeling ill for 4 months now! I am committing msyelf to a week of looking after myself as a first priority by: going to sleep by 1030pm latest; starting each day with yoga and meditation, even if it is for 10 mins; mindfully drinking more water.

    On the bright side, I’m completely ready for an event tomorrow – even finished my talk for it yesterday afternoon, which is unheard of for me! And beginning to see the bottom of my intray. V nearly at the end of my busy season, and amazingly survived it all despite being post-pneumonia. 8 days to go, two more meetings to prepare for, and my life rebalances in the other direct. Looking forward to the chance to catch up with home and health appts, and with family, friends and myself!

    @claire-suzanne delighted your new job has got off to a great start
    @judyjudes hope you feel better very soon – good luck with sorting out the tests
    @rainbowsmile delighted you’ve been dancing and have hot water, sorry about everything else 🙁 Here’s to the other side of all this work, and having a warm and welcoming space to enjoy and to share xx

    Alcoholism runs in my family, apparently for generations – my father was an alcoholic and my brother is too. I watched it and found it ugly. In my late 20s i realised I was self-medicating with alcohol so stopped drinking at home except when friends over for supper. In my late 30s I was trying to minimise medication/maximise health around a neuro condition and realised my body was responding to alcohol as if to a poison so just stopped drinking. Nowadays I have the odd beer, glass of wine/port/sherry. It’s an occasional thing, generally high days and holidays or the odd bad day, but generally I drink buckets of fizzy water adding home made cordials for festive occasions

    Day 6 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Reading through the posts made me a little hungry so looking forward to a hearty late breakfast as I break my fast from yesterday. Think I’ll make a scramble with veggies, a some sausage & scrambled eggs plus some toast made from some keto bread (almond flour, flax meal, egg…)

    Blessings on your day fellow forum friends!

    Day 6 – UK – CD

    Yesterday ended up an under 600cal FD and today will be a CD at just over 1000cals

    Thankfully no rain today but overcast – still had a lovely brisk 90min walk this morning with my usual walking group and OH and I had a High Intensity Pilates class together this evening!

    @basyjames – thank you for that C.S.Lewis quote – the power is all within ourselves to make the necessary change!
    @rainbowsmile – You did not need that expense with the boiler and the other issues that arose as a result but stay strong and positive and don’t let it make you stray from all the hard work you have already put into making changes to your life – look back to where you where and how far you have come already – sending a big hug 🤗
    @ciren2 – yes grew up in Australia – married an Australian and did the usual thing for those days – took a year off work to travel through Europe – ended up in the UK and never left!!! This was some 36years ago now…………although I have been back to Australia to see family/friends on a regular basis!
    @lpswaite – never too late to join – welcome – looking forward to getting to know you – I have added you to the spreadsheet so you should now be able to add more details as you wish x
    @jaifaim – welcome back – I have added your name to the spreadsheet if you want to use 🤗
    @cornish-jane and others who are struggling with the effect of alcohol on their weight – As most of you know I too enjoy a glass or two of wine 🍷👿 and for the last few weeks I have been working on abstaining for 4 or 5 days a week – in effect doing a 4:3 or 5:2 in relation to drinking – It seems to be working 🙂 My OH no longer drinks alcohol so I have no one else to blame but as he did introduce me to wines so I can still blame him……🤣
    Since finding 5:2 I have tried to adapt it to other parts of my life too e.g exercise – I exercise 5 days a weeks minimum and 5:2 has kept me in maintenance so far so I’m carrying on as I don’t feel that I am missing out on anything and certainly don’t feel deprived!
    @ciren2 – no one minds you running along that wagon – we miss you when you are not there 🤗
    @shinything – thank you for sorting out the spreadsheet x
    @sparklyshoes – Lovely to have you back in this November challenge – good to hear that your workshop went well and even better that you maintained during that stressful time 🤗

    For those who have set a weight loss challenge for the year we have 7 weeks until Christmas – plenty of time to make a difference……..TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    Remember to eat for the body you want not the body you have! “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.” ~Jim Rohn

    Day 6 Minnesota, USA ?CD

    Just a quick check in until later. Meant for FD today but slept poorly and feel out of sorts. I was out the door early to vote, and then grocery shopping and then cleaning, laundry, cooking and such.
    Temperature dropped about 12 degrees F in the time I was in the store, and now there’s a cold drizzle with snow flurries flying in the stiff breeze.
    It’s 1:45 pm my time and I haven’t eaten yet, but I’m just going to try to stay under 1200 and see where I end up. It’s hard to watch election results without snacking or a glass of wine or two (especially depending on how the votes are trending!). Weight is still staying within a half a pound of 158 lbs, either direction. Been here for several weeks now. My own fault: the Halloween candy cost me twice my TDEE, so I feel good about sticking right around the same weight.
    Best to everyone, and I will try to post later and reply. Was caught up with all the posts until this morning’s posts.
    Stay strong! (She says to herself, more than to anyone else!)

    Day 6 Norfolk(UK) FD

    My first fast day for November.

    Got up and did my situps and crunches, then had my fast day porridge.

    Nothing all day to eat.

    Got home and went out for a C25k run, then had my veggie chilli tea.

    But have had a cracking headache for a lot of today.

    I’m feeling quite pleased that I didn’t give in to any temptation.

    Went to Morrison’s at lunchtime and found 4 different flavours of….MALTLOAF!!!!

    Day 7 country west Australia FD
    Day 1 NFD
    Day 2 NFD
    Day 3 NFD
    Day 4 NFD
    Day 5 FD – yay !!!
    Day 6 Melbourne Cup – much celebrating whilst watching horses run around in the rain. Chicken and champagne lunch through o dinner – completely OOTD ( over the top day)
    Day 7 attempting another CD

    Can’t believe I started this WOL 2 years ago on November 1st 2016.
    The journey has had plenty of ups and downs.
    Accountability has always helped as has , unfortunately, counting calories which I hadn’t done pre 5:2 but need to from time to time to keep me on track with what I am ACTUALLY eating compared with what I THINK I am eating.
    Have always loved the support and stories of the lovely people on this forum.
    Life is currently very unpredictable with 2 elderly relatives needing daily help and looking for Aged Care in country WA – almost impossible!!
    Look forward to catching up with everyone sometime…
    Welcome to newbies, ‘hi’ to the old timers.
    Have a good day all.😎

    USA Day 6 FD

    Today turned into a total success and the kitchen is closed! 🙂

    Hope everyone has had a great day!

    Day 6 Ohio, US — NFD

    Well, it was pretty stressful at work today, so I wound up eating about 300 calories over my TDEE. Let me ask people’s advice: Tomorrow is also a NFD. Should I just eat 300 calories less than my TDEE to make things balance out? Or just chalk the day up to experience? What do you think?

    Days 5 and 6 – USA – NFD

    DAY7 – UK – NFD

    @matpi you could try to even it out by cutting back today? You could even it out over the week if you feel 300 is to much to shave off 1 NFD.

    Day 7, Emden Germany, NFD

    Day 7, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Thanks for ideas on alcohol @daffodil2010, @emmataylor, @fatfingers, @bellyblast, @michelinme and @at and others.

    My OH didn’t come back with alcohol last night but did come back with snacks!

    I lost weight easily when v big and just started 5:2. But its much harder now so reducing the alcohol further is my next strategy.

    I see two other younger women in our extended family who enjoy a good time (food, wine, etc) and gaining weight over the years just like i did. I want to tell them to re-think what they are doing or they will end up like me but its not my place to do so. Hard to hold back as i don’t want them to struggle like i did. It is probably better to inspire with a positive story about transformed health rather a negative one about a life ended too early by excess.

    Day 7,Guildford UK, MFD

    Keeping on truckin’. Keeping on keeping on.

    Turns out the water has been flowing under the concrete in the kitchen. A broken pipe. The electrics are done and it’s a complete mess. It was very dangerous and someone could have been killed or even worse a child playing on The floor.

    I have been eating badly as I have no kitchen. Biscuits for instance.

    It is time to move on.


    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Decided on an FD today instead of tomorrow. I might have a B2B tomorrow but right now I am not so sure so am banking today as my 2nd FD of the week. Lost a quarter pound yesterday on my NFD…woo hoo….🤗

    Interesting comments regarding alcohol and I really enjoyed reading them. @bellyblast I read two of the three articles from Brooke Castillo’s Stopping Overdrinking (I can’t bear podcasts 😳) and will read the other tonight. I love the whole lack of blame towards our desire to drink and how we can overcome it. It resonates hugely with how I stopped smoking for good (I can’t believe there was a time when I thought I would never have a good night out again if I wasn’t able to smoke 😱), it resonates a lot with how I treat the office snacks and baked goods, and also how I mostly succeed with the Dry till Fri. Just have to reign it in now at the weekend 😄

    I have spent all my adult life surrounded by alcohol as my career from the time I left school has been in the drinks industry… importers, big drinks multinational…and every day surrounded by advertising, marketing, free samples….even though responsible drinking was pushed on us in the latter years, our desire to drink has been honed all around us from an early age.

    @sarahbob and @basyjames. I have escaped from the FitBit tyranny. I could barely get out of bed if my FitBit was charging as the steps would not count. But I got sick of the straps breaking (twice in 2018 alone 😡), and prior to that I had the one that you can clip onto your bra…but I nearly lost them to the laundry many times, and at least twice I had forgotten I left them at the airport security check and had to go back red faced looking for them. Got fed up with it all…..I am free since August…..and it’s very freeing. I reckon I do be same amount of steps but now I am not anxious if I am not near to my daily challenge. Big Brother FitBit is watching you 😨

    Have a great Wednesday

    Pocket List Day 7

    Day 7 NSW Australia FD
    (7.40pm Wednesday)

    Hi everyone. First real FD today, for November, and it’s gone really well – nearly had biscuits with morning tea coffee, remembered FD, so put them back in the tin. Had miso soup and water to keep hydrated. Had evening meal then OH just offered a Magnum icecream and I refused! – today’s a success!!! Feels good. So glad to have my mojo back – it means so much.

    Hoping all others who have recently struggled get to feel good again real soon – thinking of you all and wishing you well!

    Enjoying everyone’s posts. So nice to know we are all happy to help each other in this WOL, and share our experiences – thank you all!

    Pocket List Day 7

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now xx

    Day 7 Belfast NFD

    Interesting conversation running through the thread about use/abuse of alcohol. Living in a household where it is a problem, I am very aware of how often adverts of TV appear and how appealing they make drinks look. I’m not a regular drinker now. I have one or two nights a month where I enjoy a night out and have resolved not to drink unless we’ve company. That excludes close friends, who now accept that I don’t drink much. @michelinme Alcoholism runs in my family and in my OH’s so my kids have been made very aware of the choices that are theirs to make.

    And yes, @daffodil I’m with you on the Fitbit tyranny. When I retired it helped me cement a good routine, but now I have settled into a fairly busy daily routine without it and resent its intrusion.

    I’ve had to postpone my usually early doggie walk. Overnight heavy rain has resulted in local flooding and rush hour chaos so sitting here with a coffee and contemplating a mountain of paperwork awaiting inspection. Hmmmm…

    Keep your eyes on the prize!

    Day 7 – UK – CD

    Yesterday evening’s High Intensity Pilates was hard work – very sweaty – so after a FD on Monday followed by a CD yesterday weight this morning was 53.6kg

    An energetic yoga class again this morning followed by an afternoon of volunteering so not much spare time today! Hoping today is another CD

    @lilymartin – lovely to have you back with us – sounds like you have your hands full atm – great job of sticking with this WOL
    @matpi – I tend to go for a CD/FD if I have overindulged if at all possible
    @cornish-jane – what is worse OH coming back with alcohol or snacks………My OH would never dream of bringing either home for me – he is too much into healthy eating to even think of it 🤣
    @rainbowsmile – sounds like you were lucky that the problem has been picked up and being sorted out now 🤗
    @arelkade – well done on that first full FD for November and resisting the biscuits and especially the magnum after your evening meal 👍

    Got to go get ready for my yoga class – positive vibes to all whether you are doing a FD/CD/NFD

    “Feed the mind a positive seed in the morning and harvest the reward all day” Bob Miglani

    Day 7, London, UK, FD

    Quick check-in from me today,

    Yesterdays’ FD turned into a CD as my colleague took me to breakfast, and there was a sausage & avocado sandwich to die for!!!

    Feeling more positive about todays’ FD being a success as I have an apple with yoghurt & soup ready to go for lunch and as a ‘just in case’ snack, which could round out the day at 565cals……………… I’ll take it!!!

    @lilymartin, good to see you back again, Nov 1st is my 2yr 5:2 anniversary too, then I joined the forum the following Feb!!!

    I’m off to actually do some work now!!! Happy fasting people!!!

    Day 7, Finland, NFD

    Had a successful FD on monday and a controlled day yesterday despite meeting an old friend for lunch, and enjoying some lollies at the movies. I have a body measurement. While it will be better than my last one, it’s not going to be pretty. I should be exercising and fasting today… it’s a grey day outside, perfect for Netflix….final House of Cards series…

    @fatfingers I felt like you were not giving yourself the credit you deserve for your wonderful loss. It doesn’t matter how much you started at, how ‘big boned’ you say you are, you have achieved a wonderful loss.
    @at interesting that you and your husband emigrated, it is usually because of a spouse people end up staying!
    @ccco i am with you in the knitting to keep busy…I have learned to knit socks, a necessity here in Finland. I have started a christmas themed table runner cross stitch which is keeping me busy along with Netflix at the moment.
    @ciren2 your seat is waiting when you are ready, just reach up and grab one of our hands
    @arelkade yeah for finding your mojo, it feels good doesn’t it!

    Have a wonderful day everyone.

    Day 7 NC USA FD

    Made bad food choices all day yesterday so I thought I would make up for it by doing a FD today. Not sure yet if I will still do another FD day on Friday or not since I already did one on Monday.

    Pocket List Day 7

    Day 7 UK CD

    Made some better food choices yesterday eg starting my OMAD supper with yummy salad before reheating the small portion of weekend vegan curry leftovers. But stayed up to follow US election & fell into the tired carb craving:(

    Amazingly I’m still at my 1 November weight of 147lbs but this is 2lbs up since 1 Oct and I’m feeling generally puffy – what we eat is as important as the calories. Today will be about lots of water, taking healthy food out with me and aiming for either 16:8 or 20:4.

    I’ve had a lazy morning in bed bc feeling pretty viral, going to do some gentle yoga stretches and meditation then head out for a low key meeting and this evening’s event. Decided not to wash my hair as no energy and don’t want to go out with it wet – I’m sure no-one else will notice, unless I see my dd! The event is all prepared including my talk (yay!) so it’s more about having capacity and a gentle mind.

    This evening I think a veteran friend is coming to stay ahead of the peace & Remembrance day events this weekend. Her room’s ready and the flat is tidy enough, will make a big veggie stew and portion it up. Easy, healthy warming food to grab , and if she wants anything else she can help herself. I can simply retreat to bed when needed- I’m providing a quiet place to stay rather than entertainment 🙂

    November challenge is a week old already. I’m glad to feel like I’ve finally arrived – gentle steps in the right direction

    Good morning from Clarksville, TN, USA

    Daughter showed up with pizza Monday night and we had fast food yesterday after voting and shopping. Back on that horse today! Going to eat fewer calories today, tomorrow and having sinus/ear surgery on Friday, so light eating that day as well. I was feeling pretty good until after eating pizza.

    Day 7 USA (Illinois) CD

    I’m going to a new class this afternoon: water yoga. The teacher is a P.E.O. sister, and she is doing a 4 week class on Wednesdays at my gym. It ought to be good, although I am not fond of swimming when I have to go out to cold weather. Northern Illinois is predicting snow (maybe 1″) Thursday night. Wow! Too early for winter!

    I remember some of my first times using MFP and entering wine or such. What a shock as to how many calories! So more than anything, that has curtailed my drinking — not that it had been a problem, thank goodness, but now I am very careful.

    Onward and downward.

    Hello day 7 – NFD in NI

    Sorry not checked in for a few days, I am still on an emotional roller coaster at present. first off I bumped and tweaked my left bottom rib somehow painting and boy does it hurt. I tried to soldier on but have had to stop all running and squash until it settles. How I miss my exercise to run off steam! The other matter in my personal life, well it continues. The first week our request for a half hour visit was denied was due to her being still too upset when she deemed another son was disrespectful to her 2 days earlier. He had asked if he could have some family time alone with his brother and with his nephew (denied, this was her house). Second week our request for a half hour visit was denied due to she deemed our grandson was still unsettled from his first injections 4 days previous. Not as though I would be completely incapable of coping for half an hour? 3rd request this week denied it didn’t suit, a further request for a different day this week – denied as we have been disrespectful to her. She has declined a face to face meeting, she didn’t respond when I asked in a short letter if she could help us understand what it is we have done as we are at a loss. Given the fact that we have not spoken or even seen her since before the baby was born – is writing a letter so disrespectful? She hasn’t mentioned to my son if she received a letter from mediation inviting her to discuss ways going forward. My poor son feels physically sick every time he visits his son as he doesn’t know what he will be met with next. He asked if he could take his son to visit his elderly grandparents who haven’t seem him yet – denied, no way. He is going to ask if he can take him for a walk this weekend but the likely hood will be a no. Yet my poor son can only look at her Instagram and face book to see how she can take him out and about.
    Any parent who keeps their child alienated from relatives or the other parent is abusive and controlling – its a pity everyone doesn’t see it that way.

    Anyway life goes on through the tears – I have a few pages to catch up on

    I had meant to comment earlier on the matter of Psyllium – I take 2 psyllium husk capsules (when I remember) – very easy to take with plenty of water, I think much easier than the powder in water.

    So far so good for a dry November – unless one wee sip of a rhubarb gin counts? My son was given a bottle and asked if I wanted to try it – it was only a sip. This weekend will be my first real test as we are meeting a niece and new boyfriend over from England and going out for a meal on Saturday.

    Hope all is good with everyone, Love to all x

    Day 7 Canada NFD

    @coda what a heart breaking post, I am sure others arounds her will soon see clearly what is going on. Hope the injured rib heals quickly xx

    Never heard of water yoga @songbirdme can’t visualize downward dog 🙂

    @beckyt64 we all have food that isn’t on the scripts from time to time, each day is a new start. Hope the surgery is minor
    @michelinme what a thoughtful host you are
    @flourbaby your apple and yoghurt soup sounds delicious, would you share the recipe!
    @at I have a high intensity yoga class this morning- boy they are tough 🙂
    @lilymartin Hi to you as well, nice to see you here
    @clairesuzane I’m on the C25K program as well- week 3 🙂
    @daffodil 2010 I am glad you found the articles worthwhile. I was at a loss as to how to give up daily drinking and she described the situation I was in perfectly. There is so much attached to drinking and it’s place in our society. Just like most people think fasting would be impossible, once you understand the science behind drinking it is easy to cut down.
    Glad you have found your mojo @arelkade, I have as well and it’s the best

    Had a great FD yesterday and have firm plans for a successful NFD today- Already down 1 kg this month- yahooooo!

    Day 7 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Just hopping on to add myself to the fasting list for the day. Will catch up later.

    Pocket List Day 7

    USA Day 7 FD

    My new eating schedule is going well with two meals a day for one week, carefully calories counted. Next week will me a challenge because it will be one meal per day for a week, so those meals will have to be good ones. I am calling this week FDs, even though the two meals combined amount to more than 500 calories. I recalculated yesterday and discovered that 500 calories on FDs on 5:2 is actually too much for me. One quarter of my TDEE only comes to 343 calories. I will keep that in mind. You can eat quite a lot of food for that if you stick with vegetables!

    Kerryn73: I am going to pretend that you are sitting right beside me knitting and watching Netflix because that is exactly what I am doing, too! LOL

    Rainbowsmile: I sympathize with your house problems. Although mine are not so severe as yours, I am in the midst of working on my house piece by piece. I wanted to redo my master bath but my roof is leaking, so that has to come first. I just hired my roofer, so here I go! I have holes in my kitchen and bedroom ceiling but I think it’s best I wait for the roof to be finished. Every time I decide I want to fix something, the house seems to dictate what that will be. Oh well! Older homes are like that! 🙁 But it will look so beautiful when done and you will no doubt be happy, too!

    Putting myself on the FD list:


    I will be back later! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    USA Day 7 FD

    Looks like the FD pocket list got longer while I was cutting and pasting my list from above. I will do it again!

    Day 7 Pocket List


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