November 2018 Monthly Challenge

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November 2018 Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 756 replies, has 62 voices, and was last updated by  steffieagle 6 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 760 total)

  • Day 4, London, UK, NFD (CD)

    I’m aiming to stay controlled today considering yesterdays’ feasting.

    @badgertastica, you seem to have hit the ground running, as others will tell you, it’s so much easier to have your OH on board!!! Maybe you’ll get to the end of the week, see how successful you’ve been and swerve that pasty!!! Or, if you’re anything like me, you’ll think you deserve it & swallow it whole!!!!! LOL!!! That mentality does dwindle the further you get into this WOL though!!! At least there’s no guilt attached with indulging a bit on a NFD!!!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone!!!

    Day 4 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    I’ve declared today a lazy day of relaxation…..mainly because I feel a bit stiff after spending all day yesterday doing housework. It will be a healthy food choices day, no wine, in preparation for my Monday FD. I always get more hungry on FDs that follow a wine drinking day.

    @arelkade I aspire to live in the here and now, not dwelling on past grief or worrying about the future but I do find being mindfully in the present takes practice….. but I’m improving.

    Keep on keeping on everyone 🙂

    Day 4 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Yesterday turned into a FD (yeah for that!)with lots of hot tea on a cold, rainy fall day. I forgot I had a packet of miso soup that also helped make it only a 350 calorie day.

    Today could be rather rough if I don’t manage two church concerts that each say they have “treats” following. One even says “dessert bar.” Wow! I will try to just take a polite little serving. Those types of things never mean anything with protein.

    Onward and downward.

    USA Day 4 FD

    This is my first day in a series of water fast preparation days. Today I don’t eat breakfast, which is really easy for me, since I seem never to be hungry at this time of day. I am starting a pocket list if anyone cares to join!

    Day 4 Pocket List:


    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 4 Norfolk (UK) NFD

    Sorry haven’t posted for a few days. Been hectic.

    I started my new job on Thursday and all is going well so far.
    My boss/owner told me on Friday afternoon that she’d been waiting for someone like me to come along, that she was so pleased I had joined the team. Really impressed with me.
    I felt quite emotional at all that.
    Everyone has been welcoming and I’m hoping this is a fresh and happy start for me.

    Then went out for dinner for my birthday so didn’t have a fast day on Thursday as I would normally do.

    I think working again might help with the “dieting” as I’m busy and not thinking about food. I went out at lunchtime on Friday and bought myself a bowl and some fruit to put in it.
    I went back to work smiling. The sun was out and I am earning again and making myself useful and I’m appreciated. That’s a big boost.

    Had a little look at wedding dresses yesterday and I’m now panicking I’m not going to be how I want to be in the 251 days I’ve got left. Help!!!!

    Can I ask how you keep track of replying to people’s comments? I have trouble scrolling back through the pages and then coming back to my post. Am I making it too complicated?!

    Day 4 – USA – NFD

    @claire Suzanne…I have a little notepad that I use to jot down people I want to respond to while reading the day’s posts and before I post my own. Like you, I’ve been at a few new jobs recently, so with schedules and routines askew, I don’t post or reply a lot lately…it will take time for it all to gel together. So happy for you in your new position!

    I’ve been on the lookout for you since Thursday! SO glad your new job is turning out so well for you. A good thing you didn’t take too much notice of the bad reviews by disgruntled ex-employees. Always two sides to a story. I’m so pleased for you.
    251 days? That’s AGES…’ll look fantastic….what a great incentive to stick to 5:2, because I can tell you, it works, and you have a motive. Aim at 1 to 2 pounds per week and add it up. Is it about 30 weeks or so?

    Day 4 – NFD – UK

    Sorry I’ve not yet caught up on reading this thread. Feeling a bit better, not brilliant, but definatley better.

    Interestingly I havnt lost any weight. Not eaten hardly anything in 4 days. But whilst in hospital I was continually on a drip so I might just be fully hydrated and full of water.

    Sending positive vibes to you all and wish everyone a successful 5:2 week ahead.

    Day 4 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    A lovely sunny fall day here as well after a few rainy ones. It’s a little crisp with still many fall colours about. I’m happy to be in a place with more distinct 4 seasons. Keeping my eyes open for some winter tires so I’ll be ready for that season and able to get around to all the schools.

    @claire Suzanne – so glad you’re enjoying your new job & being appreciated! Yes, if you’re busy it’ll be easier to focus on other things besides food. Before you know it you’ll be all set for your wedding.

    @judyjudes – may this week be a better one for you.

    @badgertastica – so good to have your hubby on board with you! That should help you both.

    Glad we’re on this journey together!

    Day 4 Canada NFD

    Had a great FD yesterday, so nice to be back in the swing of things after a few weeks off.

    I totally agree that this WOL is a winding road @flourbaby. We get there in the end and there is lots to learn and appreciate along the way.
    @annemarilyn I bet you enjoyed the meals after a few FD’s
    @ciren2 that’s an impressive step count. How is the plantar fasciitis going?
    @claire_suzanne so happy that you have found what sounds like a job of your dreams AND your boss appreciates you. One of the forum pro’s pointed me to opening 2 windows on my browser when replying, use one for your reply and the other for scrolling through posts.
    @judyjones glad you are feeling better, I am sure you are only super hydrated and it will pass 🙂

    Day 5 – Japan – WFD … #79 in 2018

    So what is the challenge?

    @mrsscaggs05 – welcome! If you read the beginning posts on page 1 by our host @ basyjames, she explains how things work.

    Hello everyone! Another day in the books and I am still in the game 🙂

    Day 4 Ohio, US — NFD
    Day 2 — NFD
    Day 3 — NFD

    So far so good with the NFD’s. I overdid it a bit last night, but still kept the added sugar intake under 35 gm.

    @bellyblast Thanks for the reminder about the two windows. That’s a good idea! I sometimes use double windows at work, but hadn’t applied the idea to working here. I guess that it’s something of the work-world and the real-world, never the twain shall meet!

    @songbirdme Looks like we’ve been having the same weather. Yeah, they really don’t make many high-protein, low-carb desserts — oh wait! Yes they do! They’re called “entrees”!

    Hope everyone has a fine start of the week!

    Day 5 – Melbourne AUS – MFD

    Hi all, caught up on all the posts from the last couple of days, had a lovely active weekend, did a 8km hike out in the Werribee Gorge (about an hour west of Melbourne), and did some shopping for final things with the fiance for the wedding which is now less than 2 weeks away!!! Then went and ate an entire tub of magnum icecream (4 servings apparently…all of which were delicious). You would think an impending wedding would curb the ice cream inhale, ah well, i guess not. My poor tummy was cramping in spin class this morning as a result.

    So @at and @annemarilyn it wasnt all moderation over the weekend, but it happened, and back to it this morning with a spin class, and going for a 800 cal FD/CD, which I will do again on Wednesday, and try for a full FD on Friday.

    @claire Suzanne glad the new job is going great, was thinking of you. Congrats on the wedding, that is absolutely heaps of time so no need to stress. Just keep plodding along with the 5:2 and you’ll be there before you know it!

    Pocket List Day 5:

    Day 5, Emden Germany, FD

    Have to use DH’s phone before he goes to work, no internet again. Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 5, Cornwall UK, FD

    I did weigh myself on Friday and only 0.2kgs up, so feel OK about that. Feeling a bit gloomy with the dull weather and the business slows down in winter. I have lots to be getting on with but i like the buzz when things are busy.

    Day 5 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Another Monday, another FD with weekend weight to shift. My fault entirely. It was not a complete blow out, I made sure not to leave the house yesterday because I knew I would stock up on chocolate and crisps…..but I still found some cheese and crackers 😆

    I realised with a surprise this morning that I have this full week in work, then a few days next week and then I am off to Valencia in Spain for the Moto GP! It does not feel like a year ago when I was last there! I was posting on this forum then, it’s great how this has become such a habit and WOL.

    @clairesuzanne Delighted to hear you are getting on well in your new job. I might have mentioned to you before that I too had a toxic work situation that came to a head at the end of July and I eventually walked. Now I work on contract in a great company, and every week I am thankful that I left the other place…not least that my pay packet has increased considerably 😄 But also the professional people I now work with make me realise I am worth much more than how I was made to feel in the other place. Enjoy!

    @flourbaby Yes this WOL is a long and winding road and right now I am out in the meadow taking the very scenic route as I see the wagon trundling along ahead of me 😉

    @cornish-jane yes, gloomy weather coming into winter and the world of horticulture slowing down…no wonder people get seasonal affective disorder. It was a beautiful Autumn weekend but now it’s damp, raining, and everything is grey. Blah. Hope you pick up soon.

    @ccco I am interested to see how your water fasting experiment goes. Right now I can just about manage basic 5:2. Good luck.

    Pocket list Day 5

    Day 5, Finland, FD

    Good morning everyone. Had a nice controlled weekend, started a week holiday today. Am going to try and use it to kick start my training regime!(No more ‘exercise’ right 😉 ). After this is yoga, a jog tonight while my son has floorball training, and then I have floorball training for an hour.

    @emma Taylor good luck on your trip to Venice…seems like an impossible task to stay away from carbs! Hope it is a bit drier for you when you get there.
    @judyjudes hope you are feeling better
    @coda you are not a fraud. It doesn’t matter what speed you go as long as you are going in the right direction and are happy with your progress. I too am guilty of comparing myself with others, but am trying to remember we all have our own journey. I have decided I am a sloth…they are slower than tortoises right!
    @ciren2 having made the opposite trip to your daughter, left Melbourne to come for my European sojourn in 1998, I can tell you she will have a wonderful time and make lifelong friends. I understand how my mother felt, and it must be difficult I am sure to watch your child leave to so far away. I am already worried my children will live in Australia! Be strong, and use it as a great opportunity to travel there.
    @beckyt64 sounds like you are going great in the weight loss, congratulations!
    @claire Suzanne I too am glad your job is better than expected. A perfect example of why not to believe everything you hear.
    @daffodil2010, @cornish-jane while Finland is actually warm for this time of year, 9 degrees, the darkness has certainly arrived. Every year I feel the SAD getting a little worse….have to wait for some snow on the ground to make it brighter.

    As an aside…just watched a CNN report on the crisis in Yemen. While I am undergoing a self imposed FD millions of people have no choice and are dying from malnutrition. It is heartbreaking. Just decided all the children I buy christmas presents for will be getting something from UNICEF, so I can do something however small to help. After all my kids don’t really need for anything.

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Pocket list Day 5

    Have a wonderful Monday everyone!

    Day 5 – UK – FD

    Thank you to all the lovely people who’ve wished me well. I havnt got my note book to hand to jot down your names and I can’t remeber them all. Sorry 😐😊

    I am feeling somewhat better and the bleeding has stopped but they need to find the source. Hopefully CT scan soon. NHS won’t provide one as I’m not old or infirm enough 🤷‍♀️. They offered a scopy in 6 weeks. Going private but need to see GP to initiate referral. I didn’t even receive any discharge papers from hospital. Fingers crossed I don’t have a further significant bleed before they find where it’s coming from.

    Pocket List Day 5

    Day 5 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Pocket List Day 5

    Day 5 UK FD

    Well I just about survived the weekend with the family. Thank you so much @annemarylin for your kind works. It was excellent advice. 😁

    Its so good to be back home. Having a much needed FD today as I over indulged far too much and was nursing a bad hangover yesterday. 🤢

    Wishing you all a fab Monday.

    Pocket List Day 5

    Day 5, Surrey (UK), FD

    Decided to make this a FD, even though it’s scheduled to be a 6:1 week this week. 2 reasons: 1. I feel I would miss the discipline if I didn’t do it, and 2. I had a whopping gain over the weekend after a delicious Chinese meal – my nemesis! I realise the gain is mostly water weight, and this will be an 800 calorie FD.

    Thank you to everyone congratulating me on my 50lb loss over the past year. It feels quite emotional! Yes, I fully intend to stay on this forum, not only for accountability, but also to report progress on my maintenance strategy – currently being fine-tuned as you can see!

    I feel should talk a bit about my 50lb loss, to put it into context. Firstly, I did start from a high base, 200+ lb, so I had a LOT to lose. Secondly, I have a very large frame for a female, so a 500 calorie FD will probably have a much greater effect on me than someone of a similar height but more petite frame. So what I’m saying is, I guess, my experience may not be typical. But wherever you are in your journey, whatever you are aiming for, I feel sure you will make good progress following 5:2. It really doesn’t matter if you are a tortoise or a hare, a long-distance lorry driver or a Miss Daisy Sunday driver (I’m sure you get the analogy). You can get to where you want to be, wherever, whenever that may be.

    Good luck to everyone out there. Keep on keeping on. You know you’re worth it.
    Pocket List Day 5

    Day 4 NSW Australia CFD
    9.20pm Monday

    Hi everyone, just checking in!
    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 5, UK, FD

    I really need this FD, weekend was a disaster food wise 😣 . There was wine, and chocolates and all sorts. This must stop now!

    Lets do this!

    Pocket List Day 5

    Day 5, London, UK, NFD (CD)

    Yesterdays’ CD didn’t quite work out, you see there was this cheese board……………!!!! Wine, cheese or ANYTHING made from flour …………….. that’s all I need to survive, and all I really want in life, I still need to work on self-control around these favourites!!!!

    Soooo looking forward to tomorrows’ FD, I wish I could manage one at home!!

    Stay strong everyone!!!

    Day 5 UK FD

    Not sure but my post from earlier seems to have disappeared?!

    Well I just about survived the weekend with the family. Thank you so much @annemarylin for your kind works. It was excellent advice. 

    Its so good to be back home. Having a much needed FD today as I over indulged far too much and was nursing a bad hangover yesterday. 

    Wishing you all a fab Monday.

    Pocket List Day 5

    Day 5 – UK – FD
    Day 4 – NFD

    Good morning from a dry Cumbria at last…………..It did not stop raining in my part of Cumbria on both Saturday and Sunday. @daffodil2010 looks like you had all the sunshine in Ireland!!!

    DD stayed over on Saturday night as she had to work late on stocktaking – I cooked us a lovely ribeye steak with mushroom sauce, green beans and sweet potato wedges and shared some red wine. OH had oven roasted vegetables (he’s a non meat eater and does not drink alcohol!)
    On Sunday we met up with old friends visiting the lakes including DD and her OH and the beagle 🐶Archie (they wanted to meet him!) we had a lovely evening catching up in a dog friendly local restaurant.

    Out for that 7am broga class again this morning – I did sign up for a block of 6 with OH!!!!! Pilates this afternoon and then an evening yoga class 💪

    @beckyt64 – Wow 33.5 yrs since that liver transplant – how wonderful that gift was 🤗 Welcome to the 5:2 WOL – my advice is stick to the basics – it works!!!! I’m celebrating my 2nd anniversary in maintenance next month!
    @fatfingers – inspiring first post on the 2nd
    @metatauta – glad the new job is working out
    @michelinme – sounds like a lovely weekend with your friend – great for the spirits
    @arelkade – lovely to see you continuing with us
    @ciren2 – good news that your DD has found a house share in Australia – I too like @kerryn73 made the opposite trip from your DD – left Australia with OH for a year of travel and never went back to Australia to live – have been back to visit on a regular basis until I lost my darling mum in 2014 (dad passed away 9 years before her!!)
    @ccco – an interesting way to build up to a full water FD – keen to hear how you get on – sign in daily and let us know
    @claire-suzanne – good news regarding the new job! Nice to feel welcomed and wanted. 251 days on 5:2 and you can meet any goals you set yourself!! “You are stronger than you think” To make it easier to answer the posts – I open 2 tabs of the forum and read one and answer not the other!
    @judyjudes – sorry to hear that the cause of the problem has not been identified yet – fingers crossed that no recurrence in the immediate future x
    @mrsscaggs05 – I see someone has explained about the challenge – welcome on board if you decide to join – we are a friendly international forum who offer support/advice but no judgement
    @gretta – these things happen to all of us……the important thing is to press that RESET button ASAP which you are doing with that MFD and a spin class to start your Monday off right!!!
    @basyjames – the spreadsheet seems to be set on view only access at the moment……….

    Joining today’s Pocket List – Pocket List Day 5

    I saw this today and thought I would share it “Remember your dreams are as hungry as your demons. Make sure you are feeding the right ones!”

    Day 5 NC USA FD

    Joining today’s Pocket List – Pocket List Day 5

    Day 5 North canton FD!

    I have to run to a meeting and I will catch up on posts later:

    Joining today’s Pocket List – Pocket List Day 5

    Inspirational quote of the week
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending – C. S. Lewis

    What choices will you make today to move you towards your goal?

    I was unable to edit the settings because the link was originally debster251’s. I just created a tab in her sheet. The link above is the same but I was able to change the settings and make it editable by all.
    Please let me know if you encounter any other issues.

    Day 5 Ireland FD

    My 1st FD this month, getting by on lots of hot drinks!

    Cannot figure out how to copy or paste on either my phone or tablet so if anyone updating pocket list add me please!!

    Day 5 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Managed to make it through yesterday under TDEE. I only ate one frosted pumpkin bar after the first church service, Evensong. I wasn’t feeling well following the 2nd one, so left before indulging at the “dessert buffet” which was good. After sitting for an hour at the concert, my back disc issues caused my legs not to work well – hips and legs feeling like they were “asleep.” I know, that’s not good, and I have been in denial about what is happening. I promised my friends who helped me to my car that I would seek some sort of treatment. As long as I keep moving, I have been okay. Ugh.

    Happy Monday FD to all you – stay strong. Come back and read posts for support.
    @basyjames – I love that C.S. Lewis quote.

    Onward and downward.

    Second post

    @fatfingers congratulations! Huge win for you and inspiration for those who are on or considering the 5:2 lifestyle.
    @michelinme feel better
    @beedoo roast cauliflower curry soup sounds amazing, can you share your recipe? I would like to try it
    @debster251 I add 2TBS of ground flax meal in either a half cup of yogurt, or drink it straight in a half glass of flavored water. I like the nutty taste, so I could probably eat it from the bag if I needed to
    @northerndawn, I will be happy to share if hubby is comfortable with it
    @metatauta and @claire Suzanne I am so glad that your new jobs are working out
    @ccco interesting strategy, please let us know how it works out
    For @yellowandblue here you go
    Pocket List Day 5

    Day 5, Guildford UK, MFD

    Had a few over eating days, did some dancing. Still struggling.

    I had a major boiler breakdown and had to have my heating and hot water system overhauled, turns out it had been leaking for a long time. All the electrical wiring, ceiling and cupboards are having to be replaced.

    I am living on a building site with no kitchen and proper electrical. No cooking and all of my kitchen contents are in my living room. The attic contents are in my bedrooms. I think all of this is getting to me a little bit. Plus no matter what I do this weight isn’t shifting.

    But I have hot water!

    Will post when I have more cheerful updates.


    USA Day 5 FD

    Rainbowsmile: my heart goes out to you. That’s a hard way to live. I lived that way a couple of times when I was renovating a couple of homes I once lived in. Such chaos! Good luck! My roof is leaking, so my Thanksgiving will include roof replacement construction! Oh well! It has to be done! Glad it will be done before my grandson arrives!

    I am on my second day of my build up to my water fast diet and I already lost 1 lb. Hurray! I am so into this that I eliminated wine. I love my glass of wine but it will have to wait for when I try to find a way to put it back into maintenance. My gain during October seems to be entirely due to my bringing back wine into my diet. I ruined all my losses! Well, at least I learned something!
    All this week there will be no breakfast or snacks. Mornings are easy for me but early evenings are not. All the stress of the day seems to build up and then I stress eat! It’s extremely hard for me to control, so I will have to work on that.

    Adding myself to pocket list:


    We have quite a pocket list today! Good luck, everyone! 🙂

    Day 5 Belfast FD

    My exercise routine has been in the doldrums a bit so this morning’s walk was brisker than usual, and a swimming class tonight should kick start the routine.

    @ciren2 – I think you probably get the best of the weather deal overall. My mum used to live in Worcestershire and quite often our weather was fairly similar but we got it first. However, it is wetter here for sure. That’s why it’s so green! BTW I’m glad your daughter is getting sorted.
    @ClaireSuzanne – I use an iPad and flip between the forum and ‘notes’. When I’m finished I cut the text and paste it into the box. It works for me. I’m glad life seems to be going better for you. There’s a place for everyone. Have faith in this WOL. You’ll get to that magic number and be a beautiful bride.
    @songbirdme – I hope you manage to stay strong in the face of adversity!
    @ccco – I’m following your posts with interest.
    @judyjudes – glad you’re feeling better.
    @songbirdme – hope you can get that sorted soon.
    @rainbowsmile – I was thinking about you yesterday. What a run of bad (and expensive) luck you’ve had. I suppose on the positive side, at lease you can dance a little. Stay strong and positive my friend. Xo

    Adding myself to pocket list:

    Stay strong everyone

    Day 5: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Been down to Southampton to arrange for the broken floor in our rental flat to be replaced before the sale goes through. Funny how tenants suddenly report problems at the most inconvenient times, eh? Can’t complain though, they’ve been our best tenants in nine years of renting it out. Some have been horrendous…The flat is now empty, which will make the repair job much easier.
    @bellyblast: Plantar Fasciitis is not so bad these days….I can walk through it now. I do have pain in my hamstrings and sacroiliac joint area on the opposite side though, but I’m having acupuncture, which is helping.
    @at: You’re originally from Australia? You didn’t ever go back to live? This is what I fear may happen with DD, but they must be allowed to fly the nest.
    @debster251: Aah, the Emerald Isle; I’ve never actually been there, but I know it’s beautiful (when it’s not raining, eh?).

    USA Day 5 FD

    I just finished my first meal of the day, which I had at 12:30 p.m. I measured and journaled everything I ate to be sure my meals don’t go overboard. I am feeling very full and am quite sure I will easily make it to my last meal at dinner time. No snacks! I also completed my exercise program. Things are going very well. I hope to end the day with 726 calories eaten and I am on track! 🙂

    day 5 FD Montana
    I am adding myself to the Pocket list


    I had a great weekend, lots of eating… I need this fast. I have soup for lunch. I hope I can stay out of the candy today… I hope everyone has a great day.

    Day 1–FD AZ,USA
    Is it too late to join? I just began this WOL and would love the challenge. I tried to add to the spreadsheet but couldn’t…

    Day 5 – Ireland – FD
    Hi all, I am hoping to get back on track after 2 months off this way of life… I had a very active September and a birthday month in October and generally just got into bad habits… I generally find winter is a better time of year fasting for me so hopefully can begin to lose what I’ve gained in the next few weeks. I tried to add myself back onto the spreadsheet but wasn’t able to but I’m happy to post and just be accountable again…
    Hope everybody is doing well!

    Onward and downward!

    Day 5 Canada NFD

    I find FD’s relatively easy, it is the eating that brings me undone. I start off with the best will in the world and then somehow I am eating enough chocolate for 10 people or a sack full of nuts or, or, or…
    I am focussed on getting this in order so cheer me on as I walk away whenever my “meal” should really finish.

    I know from other challenges that the end of the month comes around really quickly, and then we will be facing the holidays and all the fabulous food that brings with it.

    So, I am going to make the next week one of my best so that the challenge makes as much impact on my fat pockets as possible. Feel like joining me?

    @rainbowsmile, I thought of you yesterday as I was running a bath and hoping all was working out. I am so sorry to read about you need to do more reno’s. Hang in there and try and think about the sunshine that will be back in your life.

    USA Day 5 FD
    Second Post

    My strategy is going well. I am in my witching hour for stress eating but have warded it off so far by knitting, which keeps my hands busy! If it weren’t such an awful rainy day, I would have gone out for a walk to calm me but the knitting seems to be working! Soon I will have my last small meal of the day and I am not really hungry! Hope everyone is doing well today! 🙂

    Day 5 Norfolk (UK) NFD

    @debster251 and @at and @bellyblast- I am trying reading the posts on my phone and typing on here!! Thankyou for your kind words about the wedding and getting myself into shape. It’s long overdue.

    @fatfingers a big milestone for you. Well done. x

    @judyjudes Sending you healing thoughts. I am Reiki-attuned but haven’t done it for a while so I’ll see if it works again or not!

    @kerryn73 Thankyou. x

    @daffodil2010 These toxic places are everywhere. I hope this place turns out to be a fresh good start for me.

    @gretta I’m worried about my “shotputter arms” !!!!!!

    @annemarilyn I have been SO hungry today that I had to sneak a kitkat into my mouth. Naughty.

    Day 5 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Needing this FD. It’s always interesting how the NFDs usually cause the scale to move up. I do usually weigh every day and mark it on the calendar. Looking back on the last month of Monday’s at least the trend is downward.

    Day 5 FD Pocket list:


    @Ipswaite – it’s never to late to join the challenge. Just read the beginning couple of posts by our host for the month, @basyjames, on the 1st page of posts. That’ll get you started.

    @sarahbob – I did see your post twice. Interesting with posts sometimes. Glad you made it through the weekend okay 🙂

    @rainbowsmile – so sorry you have a major renovation going on. Stop by anyway. We care! You can do this!

    @songbirdme – Hoping you can get things sorted out so you get right as rain. May you get someone that can get to the root of things. Do you think it could be as simple of needing an a couple of adjustments from a good chiro and maybe some massage?

    @jaifaim – welcome back !

    Glad we’re together on this journey!

    Day 5 Minnesota, USA NFD
    Day 4 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Saturday the 3rd was a good FD at 600 cals. Busy day yesterday and then a late night babysitting granddaughters. Sorry I didn’t check in. Another busy day today so I hope to catch up on posts over morning coffee tomorrow morning. Planning a FD tomorrow.

    My best to everyone and good luck with fasting and controlling!

    Day 5 Massachusetts USA NFD @basyjames Suddenly I can’t access the November spreadsheet, even with the link to it. I was able to 11/1-11/4. Can you help?

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 760 total)

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