November 2018 Monthly Challenge

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November 2018 Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 756 replies, has 62 voices, and was last updated by  steffieagle 6 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 701 through 750 (of 760 total)

  • Day 29 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    My DH snapped his calf muscle at work yesterday in the airport during that storm, so I spent yesterday evening picking him up and administering care. He is immobile and on crutches. I have to go to work so I have asked my brother to pop down to keep an eye on him today. Have to get his meds as no late pharmacy around us last night.

    At least his toes have not gone blue which would have been the trigger to bring him straight back to the ER!

    So I am stressed. He is out of action for at least a week. He is bring a brave soldier but I wish he would be more demanding so I would know how in pain he is.

    Day 29, London, UK, FD

    I struggled to get out of bed this morning, I slept last night but it was disturbed, again, at 3:11 a.m …………………………..Deja Vu!!!!

    @basyjames I’m glad the CBT is working for your daughter, it’s something I would like to try next year to deal with a multitude of ‘issues’ although MO, niacin, daily meditation and tapping have been working well in combination. I think my hormones are out of whack, whether it’s pre-menopause or not. I self-medicated yesterday with 2 handfuls of cashews!!! I believe it was Dr. Saul (who’s study on niacin hooked me!) who said just 2 handfuls of cashews before bed had the same effect as a dose of Prozac!!!! Not bad, but only on a NFD!!!!

    @matpi ……………………………….”I used up all my executive decision-making reserves by the end of the work day and had some donuts for supper” …………………been there, done that…………………………. Enough said!!!!! LOL!!!!

    @daffodil2010, good grief, snapped calf muscle!!! It sounds too painful to think about ………………………………. I don’t suppose you were planning to take him Xmas shopping & he just “Happened” to get injured??? It may sound drastic, but I’ve known men who feigned paralysis to avoid shopping!!!! Don’t stress too much, he’s in good hands & brave or not; if the pain kicks in, I’m sure he’ll holler/ bellow/ shout/ scream!!!! Get well soon Mr. Daffodil.

    Sitting on a plateau of my own making, and unless there’s an early Xmas miracle today or tomorrow, there won’t be a massive fat eradication this month!! Hey-ho, as long as I know where I went off track, I can either beat myself up about it, give myself a stern talking to or simply chalk it up to experience …………………………..again!!!!

    It’s my brothers’ birthday tomorrow, 54 going on 24!!!! I guess there will be wine!!!
    Stay strong everyone!!

    Day 29 Wales FD

    DH and I have had some kind of tummy bug so eating wise this has been a good low week! Certainly is the time of year for nasty viruses and the stormy weather doesn’t help my mood. Looking forward to December and enjoying the festivities to cheer us up.

    Strength to Thursday fasters 💪

    Day 29, Surrey (UK), FD

    @judyjudes, @northerndawn and others – thank you for your supportive comments. I’m glad that if, by sharing my journey, I’m helping others even if only in some small way.

    Yes I agree about Varady’s book – I too didn’t warm to the style of writing, but I did gain one or two insights, especially about maintaining. I do like to read around a subject to gain many different points of view.

    Like others have mentioned, maintaining will be harder in the N hemisphere now that the gloom seems permanent all day long, and there are all these festive goodies to tempt us! So my strategy is to keep on keeping on with 2x FDs per week at 800 cals. Thankfully there won’t be too many occasions to derail me – my Christmases are fairly quiet these days. We even have a park run taking place on Christmas morning, which will set me up quite nicely for a late Xmas lunch!

    The other thing I do, which I think is useful, is to weigh myself daily. This just helps me to get a general sense of what my fluctuation range is, and what might be causing those daily changes – quite often there is nothing I can pinpoint. I only record my weight once a week on my tracker, and I can see that the range isn’t that great – maybe 5lb max. and I can go up or down by as much as 3lb in a day, depending on whether its the day after a FD or I’ve enjoyed something like a Chinese meal. I don’t agonise over it but I think I’m gradually gaining an understanding of what are ‘normal’ fluctuations. This was something I couldn’t do when I was in the weight loss phase, because there were underlying losses mixed up with daily fluctuations. I hope this provides some reassurance for those who are currently struggling on plateaux.

    Keep on keeping on folks, you know you’re worth it!

    Day 29, Sicily Italy, nfd

    AnneMarylin thanks for sharing your quotes. This morning my OH and I came to spend a week in Sicily. We left our teenage son home but my daughters will look after him although he managed to cook his favorite pork chops yesterday evening.

    These passed couple of days I didn’t post. I didn’t seem as hungry as the last ten days. I’m not going to fast in Sicily however.

    Keep on keeping on everyone. Have a great day.

    Day 29 UK FD

    @annemarilyn – like @debster251 I had to google Chex Mix too, not something easily found here but your Muddy Buddies sound a bit like chocolate crispies made with Rice Krispies here, but with peanut butter, can’t imagine how savoury ones would turn out though, but take your word they are scrummy!

    @michelinme and @ccco – I’ve finally made some decisions on presents and feeling less stressed by it all. I’m a bit like that, hard to start but then I get into a groove! Stuff ordered and going charity shop hunting for some nice jewellery for DD and son’s partner and some homemade goodies and I’ll almost be done, £10 challenge sorted phew!!! Thanks
    Oh and @michelinme – ‘Why is it that I actively resist the things that are really good for me?!’ Yes, why do we do that??? I have that problem as well, soooo frustrating a little blip that knocks me out of a routine and I forget to carry on with x or y, when what I need is to carry on with x and y. Guess my brain resets to an unhealthy default mode, especially in times of stress, must create a new default mode, not factory settings as these haven’t got me anywhere!!!

    @daffodil2010 – That sounds horribly painful for your OH but it’s surprising how different we all are to pain. My OH fractured his leg whilst out running several years ago, by the time it was diagnosed they said it was too late to treat. My point is you would never have known by the way he was walking or not complaining that it was that bad. He said it hurt but the only bit of comfort he felt he needed was an ankle support I bought in Poundland! Maybe your OH has a high pain threshold like my OH? Either way wishing him a speedy recovery.

    @flourbaby, @basyjames, @northerndawn, @fatfingers, @annemarilyn, @daffodil2010, @cornish-jane and many more – love the learning that comes from people just sharing personal and useful stuff. Thanks I’ve learnt so much these past months.

    @fatfingers – enjoy your festive Christmas Day Park Run, its great fun even as a spectator! The Bushy Park run in Teddington has been the perfect start to OH and DD Christmas’s many a time.

    @anna6 – sounds like you have a bit of ‘me time’ enjoy Sicily.

    Day 29 Pocket Fasters

    Stay strong everyone.

    Ta x

    Day 29: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    More terrible rain overnight and on and off today. managed to walk the dog for nearly an hour without getting rained on, so that was good! This is the 2nd of my two days off from delivering the mail after my injections, so resting the hand and wrist nicely. I can drive ok, changing gear slightly painful on the wrist, but ok. So, tomorrow, back into the fray. Deep end.
    @daffodil2010: Sorry to hear about your husband’s accident. Sounds horrible. Wishing him a speedy recovery.

    USA Day 29 FD

    Just checking in. Today is my second FD of the week!

    Putting myself on today’s pocket list!


    Can’t believe the month is almost over! They sure go fast!

    Day 29 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Keeping at maintenance, although I always wonder if my DD’s scale is the same as mine at home. Hmm, maybe I lost a pound or two!

    @daffodil2010 – wow, I can only imaging and feel for you the stress of OH’s injury. You are strong, though, and will make it through this I am sure.

    @missybear – never any fun getting a tummy bug. Hugs to you!

    @dingping – we make Rice Krispies into bars here too with marshmallows and a little butter. Not being able to find the Chex cereal would really alter that Muddie Buddies recipe.

    University of Utah (my SIL’s alma mater) is playing U of Washington Friday night for the PAC12Championship ,and it looks like some friends are coming over. I am going to make an interesting sounding recipe with Pillsbury crescent rolls around Italian meats and cheese. Perfect football viewing food!

    Onward and downward.

    Not going to use the peppers, though, cuz I don’t like them. Going to use the alternate of sliced olives.

    Day 29, Emden Germany, NFD
    Day 28 NFD

    How glad I am to be home again with my caring DH and our lovely cat! This morning I put on a pair of tight jeans and a tight turtle neck pullover and felt like Jane Fonda! In Barendrecht we binge watched “Grace and Frankie”, I must say, Jane Fonda looks great.

    @daffodil2010 I hope your OH’s calf muscle recovers fast, must be painful.

    @bellyblast perhaps just read posts when you feel like it.

    @annemarilyn and @northerndawn my friend is fine but still tired, it’s getting better every day. Her OH went to his GP on Monday (on his bike!), she told him he has to move more and sit less. He has to take the dog out,we know this won’t happen, he’s morbidly obese and has no plans to change it. Poor dog, he had such a good time running around and playing with the other dogs. My days with doing so many steps are over now, back to normal again.

    @michelinme I prefer to go by the fit of my clothes and the mirror, not the scales. I know my weight fluctuates, so why weigh every day, too stressful for me.

    @shinything thanks for putting up the December spreadsheet!

    @gretta welcome back!

    @matpi poor dog, not easy to decide what to do.

    @ciren2 hope your wrist/hand stay well, you have such a busy time ahead of you.

    @basyjames I’m glad your daughter is doing better, it’s not easy to find the right treatment for a 16 y.o.

    DH is off to heart sport, I’m going to exercise for myself. I want to keep my thighs and bum the way they are now.

    Have a nice day/evening everyone!

    Day 29 Canada NFD

    The scales have stalled in their downward progress but I am still feeling there is more spare room in my jeans. My main motivation in this WOL is for the health benefits, losing a couple more pounds will happen at some point along the way. I have reduced the amount of alcohol I drink to less than a glass a week which has been a big achievement for me. It left me sleeping way better at night and definitely shrinking that belly of mine.

    @daffodil2010 I am also a fan of kefir, make my own and drink a glass a day. The whole gut biome topic fascinates me and I love the taste of fermented foods
    @dingping I have also been feeling a sense of panic about the fast approaching Christmas crazies. Spent some time yesterday planning and that has helped me lots

    Thanks @michelinme @shinything @debster251 @snowflake56 I look forward to being part if this group for the next months and next years challenges. This forum has made a big impact on my life.

    Will be fasting tomorrow to finish up strong!

    @snowflake56: Always good to be home, eh?
    I do feel sorry for your friend’s dog though..I hope your friend will soon be fit to do the walking.

    Day 29 – UK – NFD/CD
    Day 28 – NFD 👿

    Busy last couple of days with volunteering but still managed to fit in my daily exercise quota! Yesterday ended up being a bit of a feast day involving a bit too much 🍷🍷but it was a good evening😈

    Today was my team’s morning cooking in our local parish centre’s Fareshare’s kitchen – we made curried parsnip soup, vegetable pasta bake, mushroom pasta bake, mixed salad, apple crumble and custard and fruit salad and we fed 42 people!! The cooking part is fun but the washing up afterwards is not!!!!

    Enjoyed a much needed rest this afternoon as I’m out with a group of girlfriends to see a live telecast of “The King and I” from the London Palladium this evening with Kelli O’Hara (Anna) alongside Ken Watanabe (The King) – looking forward to that!

    Re menopause chatter – I was one of the lucky ones where in a blink of an eye it was all done with minimal symptoms – I did take Sage Leaf capsules for a year not sure if that helped or what but I stopped after a year and have had no problems.

    Re Christmas and presents – this year a group of friends and I have decided to stop exchanging presents but to enjoy time with each other instead so I have minimal present buying! We don’t do a traditional Christmas meal in our house – I usually cook a nice fish/seafood dish!

    @daffodil2010 – 🤗 thinking of you on the 20th anniversary of your dear brother’s parting
    @bellyblast – as others have said the forum is here to offer support in many forms – we would miss you if you left us – stick with the challenges and post when you can 🤗
    @daffodil2010 and @basyjames – my DD found CBT and a low dose of antidepressants very useful when she experienced a period of depression towards the end of her university days – I’m glad to report that she has had no relapses to date and continues to thrive without the need for ongoing medication xx
    @gretta – great to have you back from your honeymoon – sounds like you had a fabulous time all round
    @ciren2 – hope your poor hands recover sufficiently before you have to go back to work x
    @flourbaby – I’m sending lots of positive vibes your way – Please don’t leave us – I so enjoy reading your posts – you have such a way with words xx Happy birthday to your brother for tomorrow 🎂🥂
    @debster251 – another of stalwarts feeling under par – must be the weather – this is for you 🤗
    @basyjames – great job on getting “back to where I was before I threw caution to the gallows”
    @metatauta – good job on achieving your 2nd FD for the month and nearing maintenance!
    @matpi – hope your fur buddy is doing OK – he’s a good age and sounds like a good companion 🐶
    @daffodil2010 – your poor OH – sounds very painful
    @fatfingers – I’m with you on your thoughts re maintenance – no park run for me on Christmas Day but OH and I always go for a hike in the fells near us and we have our meal in the evening – just a lovely quiet time together. We have always had a quiet Christmas even when DD lived with us – this year she and her new husband are staying in their home with their fur family – 2 cats and the new puppy who will be 10 months old by then!
    @songbirdme – thanks for sharing that recipe – sounds 😋
    @snowflake56 – makes you appreciate what you have at home 💑 Glad to hear your friend is doing OK – maybe this will stimulate her OH a bit???

    I was going to London on Saturday to sort out my passport at the Australian Embassy but I see that there is now a Train Strike so will have to check if I can still get there!! So annoying if I can’t as I will probably have to wait until the new year to get another appointment…………

    I saw this the other day and loved it and so thought I would share with this group
    “Believe in yourself and in your dream
    Though impossible things may seem
    Someday, somehow you’ll get through
    To the goal you have in view
    Mountains fall and seas divide
    Before the one who in his stride
    Takes a hard road day by day
    Sweeping obstacles away
    Believe in yourself and in your plan
    Say not – I cannot – But – I can
    The prizes of life we fail to win
    Because we doubt the power within”

    Day 29
    2nd post

    @ciren2 and @at nothing better than being in your own home! My friend isn’t allowed to walk the dog for a fortnight, not good for both of them, they love their long walks in the morning. Her OH isn’t going to change ever, not even having a heart attack and 3 stents made him alter the way he’s living. It’s a pity, he could have a better life.

    Day 29 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Day 29 pocket list!


    @daffodil2010 – your hubby’s injury sounds quite painful & he’s not demanding! I do pray he heals well

    @anna6 – enjoy your visit to Sicily! Visiting another place in the holiday season must be quite festive.

    @bellyblast – it sounds like you’re at a healthy place with your body. It is good to be aware of our goals in the decisions we make. You’re right that the health benefits of fasting go beyond weight loss.

    @snowflake56 – it is sad when those we care about don’t care for themselves as they could. You’re right though that change is not in his future unless something changes within him.

    @songbirdme – interesting how things have a variety of names in different regions.

    @at and others describing and talking about Christmas plan makes me reflect on ours. Now living close to my adult children, and no one is needing to travel to see each other we are having different conversations. Maybe some new “traditions” will be started for us. One we have done and will continue, is to have advent together. We each have some kind of an advent wreath set up with the candles for the season. Then each day of advent leading up to Christmas, we light the candle(s), read a piece for the day, and meditate and or pray. We sometimes do a conference call so we’re doing at the same time a few times during the season. We even do it in person a couple of times if possible. The advent wreath/stand I use, my son made for me when he was 8 years old.

    Hoping to finish November strong.

    Glad we’re on this journey together!

    Day 29 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Quick check-in. Yesterday’s driving on snowy, slippery roads left me stressed and tense………which led to some food therapy when I got home. FD became a CD, but that’s okay. Weight down this morning to 153 lbs, or 69.5Kg. I’m thrilled to get below the 70’s. i believe that’s the first time in a couple years!

    @daffodil2010 Your OH’s injury so terrible and I’m sure it’s painful. And what a time to happen, so close to Christmas time. I hope you can both just go with the flow while he’s healing and try to be kind to yourselves. You and OH are in my thoughts….prayers for quick healing.

    @anna6 enjoy your trip!

    @songbirdme and @annemarilyn I’m afraid that I’m now going to have to make “Puppy Chow” (what we call it here) and also Italian Hero Cresent Ring. For my kids and grandkids, of course. 😉

    Best of luck to everyone. Stay strong.

    DAY 29 – UK – CD

    Should have been a FD but genuinely forgot! Didn’t have breakfast or lunch anyway and had a medium sized evening meal and 2 roses chocolates.

    Will have a FD tomorrow.

    Warm Regards to you all.

    Day 29 UK FD

    My last FD of the month – and I’ve actually done a FD! Yay for slowing down & avoiding carbs the day before 🙂 Must go eat my small soup supper, but thus far have had one v small hard boiled egg – most of it was lost in the peeling! – two vegemite teas, two black coffees and 2litre water with a dash of blackberry shrub 🙂

    Caught sight of myself in the mirror this morning and was surprised to see my carbtastic tum stuck out less than I remembered! 😀 Goodness knows how other people see me tho – every time DD sees me she choruses “you’re so skinny!”

    Today’s foray into the Uniqlo sales resulted in two 3/4 sleeve cotton t-shirts – delighted with myself for choosing teal and dark grey – plus a pair of pale green soft brushed cotton stretchy jeans. Tops fell off my shoulders, bagged in most places but tight across bust; trousers I don’t know what i was thinking bc they’re far too small 🙁 Clearly the numbers are not helpful and I’ll need to go by fit … bc I don’t seem to fit standard clothes just yet – or perhaps not the ones I’m going for?

    Did my first gentle Christmas shopping today – small presents for DD & mother bc I’m making things for most people. And bought my Christmas chocolate in the shape of 4 bars of Green & Blacks 80% dark chocolate. My plan is to now say to myself “I already have all my Christmas chocolate”! and regard it as my ration 🙂

    I started this WOL on 1 December 2017, and last Christmas researched & made healthier versions of mincemeat, Christmas pudding & cake which all went down just fine. I still have a tiny pudding and small jar of mincemeat left (!) but not enough for the visiting hordes. Next shopping trip I’ll stock up on nuts, then focus on baking/making & shopping for particular meals rather than getting in lots of sugar, carb, fat etc. My Attempt At Disclipline – pls remind me 😀

    @bellyblast well done on your CD

    @daffodil2010 so sorry to hear about your hubby! Hope he is better v soon

    @dingping well done on Christmas preparation… and if you find an answer to resisting what works for us, please let me know 🙂 On the subject of pain, I broke my wrist last Christmas Eve and didn’t know…until lump didn’t go down in January… Cue Google, GP visit, x-ray, GP visit, MRI… one broken wrist, too late to do anything and still causing problems 🙁

    @northerndawn congratulations on your new low!

    Day 29 Fasting pocket list


    Day 29 – Ireland – CD

    Quick check in after a busy day. Have eaten quite well today thankfully.

    @daffodil2010 – I have great sympathy for your DH.I tore my calf muscle whilst skiing one year that I happened to have two ski holidays booked so had to try get back on track five weeks after tearing it … I recommend dry needling -that worked really well for me and I was back on the slopes five weeks afterwards having thought I’d never walk normally again…
    Onward and dowward ⏬

    Day 30 – Japan – WFD

    Water fast #86 in 2018, however December has many conflicts. Such is life.

    USA Day 29 NFD
    Second Post

    Today turned into a NFD. Tomorrow will be my next FD. Have a great evening, everyone!

    Day 29 Ohio, US — FD(#33)

    Just checking in. The FD went well. I’ll have to keep on working until late tonight, so I hope everyone manages a good end of the month!

    Day 30, Emden Germany, FD

    last FD of this month, didn’t do too bad. No weighing this time, tried on my measurement dress, it fits perfectly.

    @dykask hope your hand gets better.

    @northerndawn enjoy your success, well done!

    @michelinme it’s annoying every brand has it own sizes, you really have to try everything on. That’s why I only buy in real shops, not online, I don’t want to send ill fitting clothes back. It must be a great feeling, hearing your daughter call you skinny.

    Pocket list day 30


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 30, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Didn’t want to come on here in the last week because i gained 0.2kg last Friday. It sounds ridiculous when i write it but its the truth!

    I too watched the menopause programme @daffodil2010. I thought i was sailing through it no problem until i was hit by night sweats and early waking. I like the idea of no-drugs CBT.

    Big congratulations to @fatfingers and @michelinme on your 5:2 anniversary. Your stories are inspirational so thanks for being here.

    Frog pose – a coincidence its come up on this forum as i have been trying it but no luck yet! I think i’m still a bit heavy and need to build up the core strength some more. More boat poses needed. @dykask – please keep posting about your progress, injuries and all!.

    Today is weekly weigh-in. I’ve done 2 proper fast days and 4 dry days. I promise to myself to come on here later and be accountable and report results!

    Day 30, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Agghhh – up this week to 71.9kg. Its infuriating as I had a good week. Just assume its increased muscle mass as the yoga is going well!

    So for the month I am down 0.4kg. Not bad for a Tortoise Club member and at least its down. But with BMI at 25.2 I still have to hit the 24.9 target. It will happen…

    I think I have to eat less now I weigh a lot less. A big adjustment not completed yet.

    Day 30, Cornwall UK, NFD

    And thanks @basyjames for hosting!

    Day 30 UK CD

    Seeing friends with a Chinese meal tonight so aiming OMAD today.

    Not weighed myself this month as I know I’m only standing still which is good enough for me right now, hoping to be more engaged next month and come January full on.

    @ciren2 – hope the wrists hold out.

    @songbirdme – thanks for the advice re Chex Mix recipe.

    @snowflake56 – pleased to hear your friend is making good progress. It’s always good to get home and sink into your own bed and your own routine and even better when you get a lovely welcome home. All that dog walking had an added boost!

    @bellyblast – I hate feeling out of control and the start of Christmas countdown always gets me, until I work out a plan, glad you’ve got yours.

    @at – being with those you love and like is the best gift, hopefully we are keeping it simple but special.

    @michelinme – congratulations for tomorrow such a shame your shopping trip was frustrating – clothes seems to come in all shapes and sizes and hardly ever conform to regulated sizes. Better luck next time. Good luck with your Christmas pep and if I find the answer to our forgetting to do what’s good for us problem then you’ll be the first to know!

    @dykask – quite agree there are many conflicts in December!

    Many many thanks @basyjames for hosting November.

    Good luck Friday Fasters, stay strong.

    See you all in December.
    Ta x

    Day 30 – Ireland – FD

    Good morning all.

    Slightly dissapointed this morning on weighing in as I seem to have gone back up a little since mid week despite being controlled and eating less…but that is what happens sometimes I suppose. will keep the faith and complete this last extra fast day today as feeling a bit stressed about other things so it should be easy enough…I don’t eat much when stressed thankfully.

    Hope today goes well for everyone and looking forward to a fun and fasty December!!!👍🎄
    Onward and downward ⏬

    Pocket list day 30


    Today is The Last Day of November! Day 30 North Canton OH, it will be a Fast Day for me.

    I am so thankful I had a chance to host the November edition of our monthly challenges, I would like to thank you all for bearing with me- I was not as present as I would have liked to be; I planned to respond to every post – but I just have too much going on.

    I would like to thank @shinything for fixing the spreadsheet and @at for always being willing to offer a word of wisdom and encouragement to everyone who posts.

    @daffodil2010 that sounds incredibly painful! I hope hubby feels better soon

    Like I said I wish I could have responded to every single post this month, even if it was just to offer a word of encouragement; unfortunately, I have more obligations than I have time

    However I do want to say this- as we continue on this journey of being our better selves, there will be high points and low points. The high points are great because they inspire others and motivate us to keep pushing, however the low points (while not as much fun) are important too; because they build character and provide depth and substance to our lives. The most beautiful paintings have depth, highlights and low lights for contrast. Our low points do not define us, they help mold us into the masterpieces that we are becoming

    My best to you all

    Happy holidays and see you on the other side

    Day 30 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Yesterday wasn’t that bad, but I did indulge a bit in things I was hungry for. I blamed having gone to a good Silver Sneakers class, and I was hungry. Oh well — still at maintenance.

    Found a specialty grocery store here near DD’s home that has many international food items. Needed to find some of those Italian ingredients for that crescent roll ring I am making for tonight’s football game viewing. 🏈 American style. I bought a jar of Marmite to make tea like so many of you enjoy, but I could not find any in my little midwestern town back home. Debated between Marmite and Vegemite…. hope I made the right decision. Are they really any different?

    @northerndawn – so many good looking recipes are posted on Facebook, it is little wonder I don’t weigh 200 pounds. That Italian Ring was one of them.

    @basyjames – hard to believe November is finished. Thank you so much for your great hosting efforts! Wow… on to December, and I am anxious to enjoy the lovely Advent Calendar my friend sent me from Jacquie Lawson. This year it is in Scotland!

    Onward and downward.

    Hello just popping in to say hi Day 30 one meal today

    I must make a concentrated effort to catch up on my group of friends, so sorry I have lost touch with all that is going on in your lives but I hope you will forgive me as I once more get off my chest with what is going on in mine.

    I started of the month well, lost the plot and though it has taken a bit of an effort I feel I am on track again. I did have a dry November and apart from that sip of Gin I managed it. At times I would have liked to pour a large glass of wine and sit and enjoy but I resisted. I am however looking forward to one, or 2 in December. I am back running and playing squash as rib injury number 2 is much better, I can at least sneeze now. I have also started to do a body weight exercise plan, starting small, 6 exercises, broken into 3 parts, each part 3 repetitions. Squats, lunges, planks etc. I certainly felt muscles I had forgotten I had. Also trying, again, to log everything into MFP, I usually fall by the wayside on this one.

    The matter regarding my Son is now with Solicitors, whether that will make any difference I don’t know. If any are interested in reading a book on a similar subject look up, Please…let me see my son by Thomas Moore. It’s a true story of one man’s journey to have access to his son and how the courts let him down so many times and the will power he needed to continue. It was a few years ago but I don’t know if things have vastly improved. So many things are familiar in our journey with the Mother of his child albeit my son is getting to see his son, at the moment. It is however under her control, in her house and apart from sitting on her sofa getting to hold his baby, he is not permitted to do anything else. The good news is that our son finally agreed to see a counsellor. I could have cried after his first session. He was so animated and up beat. Not sure if I told you he was let go from his job 🙁 on top of everything else but he has sourced another though not as well paid and the hours are not as settled. This will most likely have an impact on his ability to visit his son during the week but we will cross that bridge in due course. We, the extended family, have not been permitted to see Theo or him us for 4 weeks now which is heartbreaking as they grow so fast and any bond we had is diminishing as time goes on. He is a stranger to us. How anyone can be so heartless and cruel to use, the baby she professes to love, to hurt is beyond my comprehension.

    On a lighter note, its only 4 weeks now until my OH and I fly to NZ. The only thing we need to do is book car rental. My head is now full of things to do and pack as well as the normal Christmas stuff.

    Thank you @basyjames for taking care of November – these are for you

    I also see that @michelinme is taking care of us in December – many thanks to you all for keeping the challenges going.

    Best wishes L x

    Day 30 UK CD

    Good enough OMAD MFD yesterday making a reasonable week of 3CD, 2MFD 1NFD and 1EFS… Friday month end weigh day is 144lbs, back 3lbs down to the plateau I’ve been on since August after gaining 3lbs in October! It’s so easy to get discouraged when weight loss slows down or weight goes on, but the fix is simple bc the 5:2 basics work… but NB All alories are not created equal and if I eat carbs/sugar I’ll bloat as well as gain!

    I’ve picked myself up and dusted myself off after yesterday’s repeat of disappointing clothes, and remind myself that it took time to build up a wardrobe and it can be done again… besides which, I always enjoy the fun of charity shops and secondhand. No more stressing about size or trying to buy clothes in a hurry. I’ll stick to yoga trousers/leggings & skirts, layer up with oversized jumpers and bright scarves and see where I am in size & shape when it’s time to take the layers off 🙂

    So I’ve bought a couple of oversized jumpers from ebay and some basic turtle necks from the Uniqlo online sale. This evening I’m off to my DD’s for supper & to go through her wardrobe for things now too big for her/might suit me. And I’ve finally booked a bra fitting for Sunday afternoon – amazingly the only shift my previous regular fitter is around. Life always feels so much better when my bras fit!

    @dingping @cornish-jane @snowflake56 thank you! I’m so glad to be learning from & among this challenge, always inspired by our various adventures and wisdom x

    @coda – sending you a hug and hopes for better times to come x

    @basyjames thank you for hosting November so gently and supportively xx

    Time has flown and tons to do… onwards and downwards 🙂

    Day 30 2nd post

    @snowflakeme don’t think there’s any big difference btw Vegemite & Marmite. We just picked up the Vegemite habit when we visited Australia about 20 years ago and have kept it up…

    It works wonderfully easily as a “tea” for cold weather FDs, staving off hunger and headaches. Hope it works for you – people either love it or hate it 😀

    Day 30
    2nd post

    last FD of this month is over, it went well. DH stayed the same, not bad after a month with a few parties.

    @coda my heart goes out to you and your family, perhaps there will be a bit of progress now a solicitor is involved. Hugs!

    @basyjames thanks for guiding us through November!

    Hope to see you all tomorrow on the December Challenge!

    Day 30, UK, FD

    Today is the last FD of the month, so I will weigh myself tomorrow and post results. I think they not gonna be kind to me 😬 ,I can tell by my clothes that I haven’t lost any weight, and in fact might have gain a bit. Onwards we go 🙂

    @coda its a right thing to involve solicitors in your son’s case imo, good luck to all of you! Its a horrible thing when a mother/parent use the child as a weapon. Big hug coming your way 🤗

    @basyjames thank you so much for being our host for November 💐

    Lets cross the finishing line and go into December together 👭

    Day 30
    2nd post

    last FD of this month is over, it went well. DH stayed the same, not bad after a month with a few parties.

    @songbirdme I think @michelinme mixed up our names, so this was for you: “@snowflakeme don’t think there’s any big difference btw Vegemite & Marmite. We just picked up the Vegemite habit when we visited Australia about 20 years ago and have kept it up…”

    It works wonderfully easily as a “tea” for cold weather FDs, staving off hunger and headaches. Hope it works for you – people either love it or hate it 😀

    @coda my heart goes out to you and your family, perhaps there will be a bit of progress now a solicitor is involved. Hugs!

    @basyjames thanks for guiding us through November!

    Hope to see you all tomorrow on the December Challenge!

    Day 30: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD:
    Well, another month gone by. I’m quite sure everyone on this forum did better than me….that is; got at least one fast-day in…!! So think on, it could be worse. I had a grand total of…NO FDs. @dykask is my hero, 86 WFDs this year and counting. To think; I used to be able to do these….what happened?
    @coda: I feel so sad for your son and you. Why are people so mean to each other? I hope, one day, all will be well and you get to see Theo regularly. It’s good for your son to be able to talk to a counsellor, rather than bottle everything up. Best of luck.
    @basyjames: Many thanks for looking after us all.
    See you all in December xx

    Day 30 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Joining the fasters for this last day of November:


    @dykask – what do you allow yourself on the water fast days?

    @cornish-jane – hooray for going down a tad. You’re probably pretty close to your goal. You mention the BMI goal you have set. What about looking at the waist/height ratio of .5 as a goal? I’ve read that it might be a better indicator than BMI.

    @coda – your post was a mix of good news, bad news. I pray things might be sorted out to a healthier place for the family. I’m glad your son is getting some counseling support. I know your heartache. Hopefully things will improve. It sounds like you’re doing things for your well-being. That’s good.

    @michelinme – wishing you better clothes shopping. I agree with @snowflake56, that in person shopping seems to work best for me. Yesterday I was at a shop I go to frequently and still tried things on to determine best size.

    @basyjames – thanks for hosting November even in the midst of your busy life.

    Will weigh in for finale results tomorrow morning.

    Let’s finish well forum friends!

    USA Day 30 FD

    Just popping in to add my name to the FD pocket list!


    Yesterday’s FD turned into a CD, so today is my second FD this week. So far so good! I am encouraged as today was my weigh in day and I have lost 2.4 lbs. this week. So happy! Onward and downward! 🙂

    Following the yoga conversation is interesting lately! My yoga teacher quit, so I am becoming dependent on DVDs for my classes. That’s fine anyway, since the weather if getting too cold for me! Congratulation on your wedding, Gretta! Have a great day everyone!

    Day 30 Wales NFD

    Well November flew by, another successful month of maintenance for me, weighed in at 129.8 lbs this morning which is at the bottom end of my maintenance range so a good place to be as we enter party month🎄 🥳

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting 💐

    @songbirdme I hope you enjoy the Marmite, I stir a level teaspoon into a mug of boiling water and sip when hunger strikes on a FD.

    See you all in December 🤗

    Still day 30

    @ccco – I already added you earlier; maybe our posts crossed
    Hooray for your loss this month!
    @missybear – you’re mastering the maintenance phase!

    Day 30 pocket list:


    USA Day 30 FD

    Thanks, AnneMarilyn! I hadn’t realized my addition to the list.

    Hello ccco,glad you are still losing (you know what I mean😊)Just wanted to thank you for cheering me up earlier this year when I was feeling a bit low.I got back on track thanks to you and Simcoeluv (he’s another one of my heroes).Still got around 10 lbs to lose….nearly there.Love seeing your posts.Congratulations on forthcoming Nannyhood .Very best wishes .Chris

    Day 30, London, UK, NFD

    Final weigh-in tomorrow ………………. I’ve got EVERYTHING crossed!!!!!

    I’ve had a fantastic Vietnamese lunch (with Vino!!!) and a couple of additional glasses to celebrate my brothers’ Birthday …………………….. and a few wine gums , for no other reason, other than, they were there!!!!!

    @at, no fear my friend …………………….. I’m going nowhere!!! I haven’t got to grips with self-control yet, so this forum is my lifeline!!!!

    @coda, I have no words ……………………….. but If I was closer to you, there would be some serious ‘invasion of personal space’!!!! I’m feeling for you, hugging you, thinking of you & praying for you, your son & Theo.

    @michelinme, I’m living proof of how unequal calories are!! Dry months consuming the same calories as non-dry months are NOT the same!!! I log everything on MFP and I know during dry months I may lose 3+ lbs more than months where the calories are the same, but I allow the vino to flow freely!!!!! A cucumber calorie is definitely not a refined/wine calorie!!!!

    @basyjames, Thank you for hosting this month, no need to feel you’ve done a less than stellar job!!!! As a complete technophobe (words, are my thing!!) I applaud every one of the hosts who have made this forum THE place to vent, share, laugh, support, gloat (yes I DID lose 6.8lbs last month!!! – don’t be surprised, we all do it!!) and empathise, because we share a common goal that the skinny people in our lives CANNOT even begin to grasp!!! Never a truer word was spoken (written!) …………………………….WE ARE STRONGER TOGETHER!!!!!!!………………………… Thank You!

    Final day Belfast CD

    Despite a successful FD yesterday the scales show 1lb above top range. Maybe food in transit. Who knows.

    Thank you @ NorthernDawn for your very informative input to the menopause discussion.
    @daffodil2010 – your poor OH! Wishing him speedy recovery.
    @flourbaby – I’m off to buy cashews! I like your brother’s style. Aren’t we all twenty something inside?
    @songbirdme – mmm recipe looks great!
    Thank you @at

    Well done to everyone for staying the course and being part of this forum. Whether you’ve lost, maintained, or weren’t successful this month, by committing to this WOL you are working towards a healthier lifestyle and you are a winner.

    I haven’t time to reply to all but a big thank you to @basyjames for taking time from a busy schedule to herd and support us. Also to @michelinme for offering to hold our hands through the minefield of Christmas celebrations.

    See you in December.

    DAY 30 – UK – NFD

    I started on this website on 14th October. Weight was 156lbs. Today it’s 153.6lbs. Very very slow but I’m pleased to have made some progress.

    Warm wishes to you all.

    Day 30 – USA – CD

    I will be travelling for a few days, so I will post my weight as of 11/30 as 150.8, a loss of .6 lbs. in November with only 2 FDs. I did manage to reach a few other goals, though, like toning arms with free weights and walking; my new job is also very stressful and I move around a lot. 150 has been my goal weight, but I want a little wiggle room, so I’m going to join the December challenge and try to get myself down to about 145-147 and then maintain. I doubt if less weight than that will look good on me because of wrinkly skin, especially in the face. See you all in December!

    Day 30 – UK – NFD

    @basyjames – Thank you very much for hosting this past month 🤗💐

    Goodness me – last day of this November challenge……..Today was meant to be a FD but an unexpected lunch out with friends changed that – weight this morning was 54kg so that’s OK.

    Usual Friday walk with the gang this morning – did get some rain but nothing too heavy – wearing the right gear helps!!

    Baked some gluten free cakes this evening for a craft fair tomorrow – lime and courgette cake with lime curd and a cream cheese frosting and the old favourite of gooey chocolate brownie

    @flourbaby – wow 6.8lbs lost in the last month 💃

    To all the who participated in the November challenge thanks for sharing/participating on this forum as TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER – hope to see you all in December with our lovely host @michelinme – Thank you for taking up the reins for the last month of 2018 🌹

    December will be my 2nd anniversary in maintenance, thanks to this WOL but I still have to remind myself regularly that “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now” so no quitting for me…………

    Day 30 – USA – CD

    Second post – @basyjames, thank you, my cyber friend, for hosting this month! Over the months I have known you, you seemed to pick up on my tone and responded in a way that feels so connected to me! Thank you!!!! xoxox

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