November 2018 Monthly Challenge

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November 2018 Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 756 replies, has 62 voices, and was last updated by  steffieagle 6 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello fellow fasters,

    I like to start the thread with the spreadsheet if possible, that way it’s much easier to find and update with your stats. I can’t officially change the name of the spreadsheet until November begins because October is still running. Ignore the title and either add your name or update with your info if you need to.
    I am honored to be your hostess this month. My name is Bassey and my moniker is a combination of my name and hubby’s name. Non-sequiter I know; I am famous for those.
    I stumbled on intermittent fasting very early last year and my life has not been the same since. When I started this WOL I wanted really quick results, so my fasting schedule was every other day; I dropped 20 unwanted pounds in 3.5 months and then struggled with maintaining that schedule. Since then I have tweaked and modified and I am back to classic 5:2.
    This is just an initial post to introduce myself, the next post will answer questions about how to participate in the challenge as well as a link that will answer questions if you are new to this WOL.


    I am in in in!

    Thank you for hosting.


    This is an international forum so while some of us are just waking up, others are getting ready to say night night. To keep us all on the same page, please begin your first post of the day with the sequential day of the month, where you are and whether you are fasting (FD) or having a non-fast day (NFD). For example, my first post will be: Day 1, North Canton OH, FD.

    * In your first post, please share a little information about yourself to help us all get to know each other; you may share as little or as much as you feel comfortable with.
    * Post as often or as little as you wish, but daily accountability has proved to have great success for many of those who post on this forum.
    * A pocket list is a list of people fasting on that particular day. It helps to know others are going through the same trials and tribulations!

    Rainbow smile created a dictionary of sorts to help with some of the acronyms we use in this forum:
    IF Intermittent Fasting
    WOL Way of Life
    FD Fast Day (500 cals)
    MFD Modified Fast Day (800 cals)
    WFD Water Fast Day (Water only)
    CFD Controlled Fast Day (1200 cals)
    NFD Non Fast Day
    LFD Liquid Fast Day (liquids only)
    5:2 5 days NFD:2 days IF
    ADF Alternate Day Fast, FD, NFD
    DAFD: Day after fast day
    16:8 16 hours fast 8 hours non fast
    20:4 Warrior 20 hours fast 4 hours window
    B2B Back 2 Back (days of FD or WFD)
    OMD One Meal a Day usually 23:1 Or 20:4
    Feast Day: planned day of eating over TREE
    Refeed follow WFD B2B gradual increase in food
    DD, DS, DH Darling Daughter,Son, Husband
    OH, Other Half
    LOL Laughing Out Loud
    EFS Epic Face Stuffing
    Tortoise Club: (or Club Tor-Twah) for those looking weight very very slowly
    Pocket List: put in your pocket list for support
    Challenge: gauntlet thrown down for food or exercise
    Cruella: those pesky scales
    MFP: My Fitness Pal (app)
    Fitbit: recording for exercise wrist band
    Keto, way of eating that generates Ketones
    LC, Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF, Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    TDEE: Total Daily Energy Expenditure
    The link below was created by simcoeluv to answer any questions newbies and veterans may have about this WOL

    Finally I would like to credit @coda for starting this monthly challenges many eons ago, I credit these challenges with my success and I know the same is true for so many others that participate.

    We can do this!

    This is an international forum so while some of us are just waking up, others are getting ready to say night night. To keep us all on the same page, please begin your first post of the day with the sequential day of the month, where you are and whether you are fasting (FD) or having a non-fast day (NFD). For example, my first post will be: Day 1, North Canton OH, FD.

    * In your first post, please share a little information about yourself to help us all get to know each other; you may share as little or as much as you feel comfortable with.
    * Post as often or as little as you wish, but daily accountability has proved to have great success for many of those who post on this forum.
    * A pocket list is a list of people fasting on that particular day. It helps to know others are going through the same trials and tribulations!

    @rainbowsmile created a dictionary of sorts to help with some of the acronyms we use in this forum:
    IF Intermittent Fasting
    WOL Way of Life
    FD Fast Day (500 cals)
    MFD Modified Fast Day (800 cals)
    WFD Water Fast Day (Water only)
    CFD Controlled Fast Day (1200 cals)
    NFD Non Fast Day
    LFD Liquid Fast Day (liquids only)
    5:2 5 days NFD:2 days IF
    ADF Alternate Day Fast, FD, NFD
    DAFD: Day after fast day
    16:8 16 hours fast 8 hours non fast
    20:4 Warrior 20 hours fast 4 hours window
    B2B Back 2 Back (days of FD or WFD)
    OMD One Meal a Day usually 23:1 Or 20:4
    Feast Day: planned day of eating over TREE
    Refeed follow WFD B2B gradual increase in food
    DD, DS, DH Darling Daughter,Son, Husband
    OH, Other Half
    LOL Laughing Out Loud
    EFS Epic Face Stuffing
    Tortoise Club: (or Club Tor-Twah) for those looking weight very very slowly
    Pocket List: put in your pocket list for support
    Challenge: gauntlet thrown down for food or exercise
    Cruella: those pesky scales
    MFP: My Fitness Pal (app)
    Fitbit: recording for exercise wrist band
    Keto, way of eating that generates Ketones
    LC, Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF, Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    TDEE: Total Daily Energy Expenditure

    The link below was created by simcoeluv to answer any questions newbies and veterans may have about this WOL

    Finally I would like to credit @coda for starting this monthly challenges many eons ago, I credit thes challenges with my success and I know the same is true for so many others that participate.

    Yesterday doe not have to define you, what decisions will you make today to move towards your goals?

    hi @basyjames, thanks for hosting, I’m in!


    Oh yes yes yes! I am so in!

    It has been a whole year since my last 5:2!

    I left the Nov 17 challenge around this time as I found out I was pregnant!

    I did 5:2 for my wedding and from Jan 2015- Aug 2016 (my wedding) I lost 23kg through this WOL. I maintained my weight after that until around Nov when i noticed I couldn’t handle my FDs anymore, so i panicked but a few days later I realised I was preggers! 👼

    Anyway i am totally wanting to go back To it and lose the weight. Today is my first day so will be hopping on the Nov challenge.

    Yay! X

    @basyjames, thank you so much for hosting the November challenge! I’m in as well.

    @basyjames: Me too (on or off the wagon!).

    I am in!

    Happy to found this forum! My name is Mina, 62 yrs young and lives in Portland, Oregon with my husband and our fur baby. Up to a couple of years ago I have always kept my almost ideal weight with clean eating and exercising, however, in the last two years, the overeating has cost me extra 30 lbs and I am hoping this plan can help me shed the extra weight.

    May I please join in too!! Even if I just maintain during these next two months, I will be thrilled! Thank you so much for hosting @busyjames

    I’m in!

    Thanks for hosting this months challenge @basyjames!

    I’m getting married on the 17th November (not long now!!), and will have a week off following that (and although I try to eat mindfully, I don’t fast on holidays), so would love to be part of the November challenge to get me back on course when I’m back! I’m pretty much at my goal weight, so really want to keep it that way!!


    NC USA
    I’m back for more.

    This will be about my 3 month on this WOL. I started at about 199 lbs and am now 182lbs. My goal for November is to get under 180 which while only 3 lbs away my be tough with Thanksgiving coming up. I also decided I may try to just count Calories on FD days and not track on NFD.

    Sign me up please – I need to get back on track. Self-sabotage is my game, any excuse to stop this routine and I am all over it.

    However, my oldest sister has just been told she has Type 2, and I don’t want that to be me in 5 or 6 years. Now is the time to get a bloody grip!

    Ultimately, I need to lose 30kg. 5 kg by Christmas seems like a worthy goal. Let’s go for it!

    I am sticking with our WOL for maintenance. Haven’t missed a challenge since @coda hosted in May 2016, so why miss this one!

    @basyjames – thanks for taking the reins!

    Welcome to the November challenge guys. Let me know if you need with the spreadsheet, I do not have access to it at work so I will probably not be checking it as much as I want,because my evenings are always packed. As your host I want to be able to provide as much support as possible but will welcome the assistance wherever I can find it 🙂

    Keep calm and carry on – I am looking forward to the month ahead

    Yes please @basyjames and many thanks for taking over the reigns.
    My mojo is so wanting but where there is a glimmer and a will there is hope!
    November already feels likes it’s going to be a good month, spreading my hope and optimism to all.
    Ta x

    Hi, count me in and thank you 🙂

    I’m Lizzie, queen of fad diets and the ‘I’ll start tomorrow’ delusion. This has to change so I’m going to take it slow and steady with 5:2. I have a long way to go but am planning on enjoying the journey.

    Hello to fellow 5:2 newbies and the wise owls who have proven that it’s worth sticking with it.

    Hi Basyjames
    Many thanks for hosting and count me in. I will be off to Spain to the Finale of the Moto GP for a few days mid month, followed by my stepdaughters graduation in Manchester, so lots of things to look forward to. I am 51, married to my lovely DH, into motorbikes and travelling, and enjoying being slim again…..I am a yo yo weight on/off since I stopped smoking in 2002. This time it’s staying off….I mean it!!!

    I plan to stick to classic 5:2 because after 16 months I was losing my mojo due to a huge holiday weight gain that won’t shift…….I need to keep reminding myself I have lost over 30lbs, my BMI is still healthy, it’s only a few pounds….NOT a few stone.

    See you all in November.

    Dear @basyjames – thank you for hosting us for November 🤗💐 I’m definitely in as these challenges are my lifeline in maintenance!

    Welcome to those new to these challenges @yirrakurl (I think I remember your name from that Nov 2017 challenge) @chance @rhubarbbutnocustard (I remember your name too!) @lizziestar – remember that this is not a diet but a Way of Life (WOL)

    I have been in maintenance for 22months now and this is my motto “if I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. and when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    @basyjames, thank you very much for hosting the November challenge. Please count me in too.

    This is fab just what I need thanks so much for hosting. Never done it before count me in please

    Hi @basyjames, please put me down for the November challenge. I’m just coming off the October challenge, and although I don’t post regularly, I enjoy reading about everyone’s progress, and I have my daughters 21st in early December as a motivator.

    You are so amazing!! You are so kind to remember all of us!

    Can I join you please. Just finished the 8 week BSD and will now stick to the 5-2.

    Hi Everyone

    @basyjames thank you for starting November’s thread. I joined the forums mid October 2018, so this will be my first full month.

    I’m nervous about adding myself to the spreadsheet. Could someone add me please?

    I’m in the uk. I’m trying to lose about 30lbs for Christmas …. I’m joking 🙃 Over the next year would be great though 👍.

    Thank you @basyjames for taking over for November and please count me in.

    I am a retired primary school teacher with two boys and a fur baby. I am quite active, walking the dog daily, swimming twice a week and doing Pilates. I also volunteer. I follow a daily 16:8 regime and usually fast on a Monday and Thursday.
    I have been doing this WOL for nearly two years and am a fully paid up member of Club Tor-twah (the tortoise club) I have lost 30 Lbs and am in maintenance.

    My goals for this month are to drink more water and target the excess flab around my waist.

    It’s good to see returning faces, particularly those from further back. Welcome to anyone starting their journey. This is a way of life, not a diet and it really works. The inspirational stories you will read here are testament to that.

    Good luck everyone

    @basyjames, of course, I’m in for November; after-all I have to get my inspiration & mojo to continue with this WOL from somewhere!!!!!
    After a successful October I know the self-saboteur in me is going to try to gain the upper hand………………. so I’m IN!!!!

    @basyjames Thank you so much for hosting this month. We’re in great hands!

    I’m definitely on board for November. For me, this forum goes hand in hand with this WOE. It has helped me reach my goal weight and maintain it…so I’m not going anywhere!

    A bit about me:

    Living in London since I was 18 and still very much in love with this city I call home. I am now 38 years old, Mama to my darling, mischievous, full-of-fun, active 2 year old boy, wife to my love, and part time professional (Monday to Wednesday, which is when I tend to fast).

    I started 5:2 with a goal of losing 5kg (11lbs). I had put on the extra weight during and after pregnancy. Although if I’m honest the month I got pregnant my weight was at the highest it had been in years so I can’t blame pregnancy entirely! Two years after having my little boy, my self-confidence was at an all-time low. I hated looking in the mirror and trying on clothes. At 5ft 2 and a half inches and a petite build, every extra lb shows. I had all but resigned myself to thinking that this was my new post baby shape and that I would just have to get used to it. Then I saw the BBC Horizon documentary by Michael Mosely and decided I had nothing to lose…except 5kg of course!

    Once I started I found 4:3 worked for me and I combined that with a brisk one hour walk every day. I also logged everything I ate on My Fitness Pal. I reached my target 8 weeks after starting and I can’t quite describe how wonderful it felt to stand on those scales and see the magic number appear! I switched to 5:2 (500 calories) and found I was still losing weight. I have now switched to 2 x 800 calories FDs per week and the rest are TDEE (with 1 or 2 indulgent meals…or more in October!) however I am still trying to find the right balance.

    October was a bit off plan. We had a couple of long weekends away and many, many indulgences. For November I’d like to:

    Go back to posting here everyday
    Logging food and weight – to find a healthy balance, including indulgences…let’s be realistic (chocolate is my greatest weakness)!
    Meal planning in advance (and I don’t mean 5 mins before the mealtime!)
    Focus on good nutrition and cook more often
    Exercise daily – complete Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30

    LET’S DO THIS – November is going to be our month!

    @judyjudes, I added you to the spreadsheet. You’re golden 🙂

    Welcome all, old familiar faces and newbies. Can’t wait to get this party started!!!

    Hello old and new friends 😀
    I’m in, thank you for taking the hosting job for November @basyjames 🌹
    I didn’t have a successful October, so I’m looking forward to correct that in November 🙂

    Good luck to us all 🤗

    Edit: quick question regarding our spread sheet, it seems that weekend days are not showing/highlighted correctly?

    Thank you @basyjames. Going forward what do I put in spreadsheet. Sorry for being thick lol.


    Count me in Basyjames and thank you for being our November leader!

    Day 0 UK

    Muchas gracias @basyjames for hosting us all in November! I’m looking forward to being part of my 12th challenge – what a difference a year makes 🙂 x

    I’m in!

    Starting my new job tomorrow, on my BIRTHDAY!!!

    Hoping this will also be a new start for me and I find my motivation to stick to being healthy and taking time to exercise more.

    I will try harder for November after a pathetic October.

    Hi there, can i join November challenge please!! October got off to a great start but ended badly!!

    Day 1, New Zealand – FD
    First to get this party started!

    Count me in @basyjames 🙂

    @judyjudes – You can put in as much information as you like into the spreadsheet. Some put more than others, and some not at all. I put in my starting weight and my goals for the month. Also, I’ll mark FDs or NFDs.

    Looking forward to the new month tomorrow!

    Day 1 NFD London UK

    Please count me in for November. Still reading everything. My weight is going vvvveeeerrrryyyy slowly down. I’m a tortoise but v happy. Looking forward to a new month. H

    Count me in @basyjames, and thanks for hosting in November!

    Day 1 – Melbourne AUS – NFD

    Has been a fairly overindulgent start to the month, exhaustion has set it (with a touch of anxiety) and that has manifested in mega sugar cravings. Morning tea at work with delicious blondies has not helped.

    Will have a cup of peppermint tea, lots of water (and maybe some chocolate), and ride it out.

    Hope you all have a great month!

    Day 1- Tasmania, Australia. NFD.
    Looking forward to having a really good month & hoping to lose 1.5 kg. Also looking forward to completing my details on the Nov spreadsheet. Thanks again, Bassey!

    Day 1, Emden Germany, NFD

    Hi old friends and a very warm welcome to my new friends!

    My journey so far:

    I’m Dutch (from Limburg), 62 years old and recently retired. I never had any weight problems and always was a stable 56 kg until 7 years ago when I started a new job as a practice manager. My weight got more and more due to ice cream and sweets, it was 72.9 kg December 2016. In January 2017, weighing 70.9 kg, I decided something had to be done and started to lose weight on my own. Started 5:2 at the beginning of February. From March on I joined the challenges. It worked very well, the weight just fell off, the support I got here was amazing. I reached my goal being 56 kg on March 29th 2017 and maintained until July this year when I left the challenge. Without support my weight crept up again. Lost the excess weight during the September challenge, s oback in maintenance again. This morning my weight is 57,2 kg. My goal is to keep my weight in the range of 56-58 kg, below this weight I think I’m too thin. We have to go to a wedding on the 10th of November so my DH decided to lose a few kilos, he stated at 80.9 kh, this morning his weight was 77.4, he wants to stabelize under 76 kg.

    @at Happy wedding Anniversary!

    @claire-suzanne Happy Birthday and a very good start in the new job!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 1 London UK FD

    Joining WACM on the pocket list. Add your name if you’re with us for an FD today!

    Day 1 Pocket List

    An early start here. Toddler up at 4:30am…he didn’t get the memo about the clocks changing last weekend. Playing fire engines at this time of day 🙄 🚒 😴

    Day 1 Norfolk (UK) NFD BIRTHDAY!!!

    Would normally fast today but not going to as I want to enjoy my birthday.

    Good luck to all taking part this month. xx

    Day 1, Cornwall UK, FD

    I’m in. Thanks @basyjames

    Hoping for a good month and trying to shake off 2kgs to get under BMI25. Its taking a while because i’ve become very good at fasting 2 days a week but not so good in controlling myself on the non fast days. But having shifted 34kgs so far i am not complaining and am keeping going. I see it as practice for when i get into maintenance! I need some inspiration to do the final stretch of the marathon…

    Day 1 UK FD

    I’m rolling over from the October Challenge and looking forward to sharing the next month with old and new friends.
    I’m a fifty plus lady who has always struggled with my weight and it will be awhile before I’m happy with myself.
    Started this WOL in February but have struggled with consistency so I have had ups and downs but overall I’m heading down.
    Going to take it day by day and nurture my mojo which has been very floppy this past month.
    Wishing everyone lots of good health, happiness and downward success.

    @claire-suzanne – good luck with the start of your new job and happy birthday.

    @snowflake56 – love your cat rescue story from the October Challenge you obviously have some cat whispering skills!

    So hoping all our mojos are fired up for November!

    Joining @wacm and @beedoo’s FD party today!

    Day 1 Pocket List

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -FD

    Hello November!! A new month dawns bright fresh and blinking cold here, in the minus C again. I feel bright and fresh myself though at the start of this new challenge. It’s an FD today and aim for LFD …..I have yoga tonight so may not have much today until after yoga….will wait to see how I feel. FD is much harder when it’s cold.

    I had dinner and wine with my friend last night but surprisingly feeling good today. My village was awash with spooky goings on and fireworks when I got home, too late for trick and treaters, but the older kids and adults were letting off fireworks on the green. My poor cat, although kept in the kitchen for the day, was spooked by the loud noises, so I had to give her special lap sitting and petting treatment 😄

    Have a good Thursday all.

    Day 1 – FD -UK

    FD should be a breeze today. Admitted to hospital early hours with acute abdominal pain.

    Hope to be home later.

    Warm Wishes to all.

    Happy Birthday Claire 🎉🎊

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