November 2017 Challenge

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November 2017 Challenge

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  • Day 29, Belgium, NFD

    Day 28, NFD

    Forgot to post yesterday, I was so busy at work with all the end of year projects to complete!

    Yesterday was a reasonable NFD as arrived around my TDEE, I didn’t really calculate as I went along but before going to bed I was curious. It’s surprising how much food you can pack into 1800 calories !!!

    We weight ourselves on the 1st December? I was planning my usual FD tomorrow asq it’s Thursday?

    I think i’ll prepare a veggie soup tonight to take with me tomorrow, with the cold weather and first snow, nice hot food seems to be on the menu!

    Today skipped breakfast, I miss my breakfast food, maybe I should have breakfast at dinner time lol

    @daffodil2010, your job sounds fascinating, albeit freezing cold at this time of year!!

    @flourbaby, when you do OMAD, do you eat a normal meal once a day, or do you have also a specific diet for those meals? 🙂

    Well done all the FDs from yesterday and onward for those of today !!

    Day 29…..Florida…..FD

    Just a quick update as I haven’t read any posts this morning. I’ve been working late the last couple nights and this morning, I’m going in to run the contractors desk, so my work day is starting about two hours earlier than normal. So, I’ve only have 2 hours to be out the door than my standard three. And I can’t be late!
    Those who have been on the forum with me a long while, know I have a tendency to late for most things……

    I did find out some pretty good news yesterday, it seems as if I haven’t used all my vacation days for the year…, I will getting additional days off for the month. I have to use them before the 22nd of Dec. One good thing about this company, I have really good benefits….. the vacation time is a killer…. I get all major holidays off, plus 4 days at Thanksgiving and the Dec. 23rd through Jan 2nd paid. Those are days we are closed. Then 21 vacation, sick and Pto for the year.
    I was just thinking if I could save all of this until Nov., I could technically get a little over a month off starting Thanksgiving day until Jan 2nd.
    Can you imagine….a month off of work….. Oh my, I’d never want to go back!

    Okay, I’m just rambling a bit this morning…..

    I do not have ducks 🦆
    I do not have rows!
    I have monkeys 🐒 and they’re running my circus!

    DAY 29 Belfast FD
    I lay in bed this morning trying to talk myself out of my swim on a cold and frosty morning. However, I went and of course I’m glad now. My weight seems to have crept up, so probably won’t reach my goal. I’m still very near my all time lowest so being a cup half full girl, I’ll make a serious effort for the end of the month but won’t beat myself up if I don’t get there.

    @daffodil2010 – I have a lovely mental image of you 💤 wrapped in a blanket surrounded by little basil plants LOL! Hats off to you and @fatrabbit for coping with the cold.

    Starting a pocket list for today. Add your name if you want to join us!


    I think this will be a long list! 😂

    Stay strong for the final big push!

    @flourbaby thank you . Appreciate the time taken to explain guys.

    I am glad on my fastdays I have done a similar pattern you are describing. I never go beyond 500 or try atleast . Plus always wondered what OMAD was tho it seems thats again what i was doing. I need to understand all the acronyms I am getting there .

    Fast day today for me.

    Cant see a pocket list

    so starting it off

    *****DAY 29 POCKET LIST**** One more day guys !!!!!!lets do this ..

    **If you want to join just copy, paste and add your name**


    oops @debster251. I might have forgotten to reload my page

    so I started one too ..
    I have copied and pasted from yours now to make sure I havent missed any one 🙂

    Day 29, Belfast, NFD

    @metatauta @debster251 thanks for the kind words, I’m feeling much better 🙂

    Had a really good FD yesterday, with a swim on the way home from work. As you mentioned @debster251 it’s tough on these winter evenings to motivate yourself to get into a not-so-warm pool, but once you’re in it’s grand.

    I’m not sure if my November goal will be met, I haven’t really been tracking my weight, but I’ll weigh in tomorrow with fingers crossed!

    Good luck everyone!x

    Day 29 Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 NFD.
    I’m going to finish on a fast day tomorrow keep it steady today.

    Day 29 – Japan – NFD 81.9kg (I think)

    Day 29, South Wales, FD

    Can’t believe November’s nearly over!! Planning 2 FDs to try to get a little closer to the goal….

    *****DAY 29 POCKET LIST**** One more day guys !!!!!!lets do this ..

    **If you want to join just copy, paste and add your name**


    Day 29 Sarasota, Florida FD Ate a bit too much yesterday- out for lunch and dinner. Looking forward to today’s FD. I have a wonderful soup I made from the Thanksgiving turkey carcass so that’ll be my dinner. I want to thank all my companions on the way these many months. Knowing I won’t have any Jan 1 reckoning because I’m at my ideal weight and determined to have mindful eating through the holidays- that’s great!

    Day 29, US, NFD

    Think I’m coming down with a cold which is a natural appetite suppressant for me. Yay! I made stuffed capsicum (peppers) with leftover turkey stuffing last night and while it was suprisingly good, I could only eat half of it. I realised I felt full and stopped eating. So unlike me!

    @aprilsunshine – OMAD stands for One Meal a Day – either a way to do a FD eating your 500 calorie allowance in one sitting, or your normal TDEE. Works for some people – it might work for you too.

    Day 28 Ireland FD

    Checking in once more to this fabulous worldwide forum…
    I am very sorry to hear of those if you facing tough times through grief or illness and am thinking of you..
    All going well fastwise for me mainly down to the support on this site.
    I can’t remember who mentioned problems with diarrhea recently but one thing I’ve realised is that overeating sugar free sweets results in cramps,gas and sometimes diarrhea.. I tested this last week on two fast days and realise that I can eat one or two but any more will mean a sore tummy for me…
    Think I may have reached my November goal but will wait until Friday to be sure 🤔

    Day 29 -Massachusetts – CD

    Yestersay’s Fast left me not feeling well – I think a combination of the wrong foods and bad timing. You live and you learn. 😔 Might not have time to turn it around by Friday but it’s okay, I still made progress this month.

    Going to keep it light today and finish up with a fast day tomorrow. Tonight I have my swim class. 🏊‍♂️ I never really learned the proper way to swim so I’ve been taking a class to learn and it’s been great! But I’m not looking forward to the cold. It’s always so terrible getting out of the pool because the YMCA is so cold but it’s worth it!

    Good luck all! Be with me today to make smart eating choices.

    Day 29 (already!) Akron OH. 3rd FD in a row

    This year is flying by, oh my! One more day to December, I plan to watch at least one Hallmark movie every day in December. They are super cheesy but they definitely get me in the Christmas spirit!

    @daffodil2010 I believe you are about ready for a nice whoosh.

    @annemarilyn great idea to mark an “S” on the calendar, I believe I will add that to my routine as well. Winter is not my favorite season. Funny thing though, my birthday and wedding anniversary occur during my least favorite season – in January.

    Have a great day everyone and finish strong!

    Day 29, Germany, NFD
    Yesterday’s FD went well. Ended up with 500 cal. More than I wanted, but ok!
    Today I again skipped breakfast to make up a little for my binge on Monday …
    My lunch was plenty, though. Tonight I will go out with 2 friends and we’ll definitely have some wine and also dinner together. I will go for a salad and then tomorrow a last clear FD to not be too frustrates on December 1st!!!
    Whatever the outcome of November may be, it was a good month with you all!
    It is not only about numbers on a scale, there is so much more to it! I felt good in my body the very most time in November, I was eating healthy the very most time in November, I was doing at least 2 FDs each week in November and well, I did the best I could do in November and that is enough! You probably realize that I have to convince myself of that – and yes! I do… I try to learn to be loving and forgiving with myself… FLY – finally love yourself … I am learning – progress not perfection
    @debster251 your way of fasting sounds very clear, simple and inspires me! I am also a routine person and I like to have a plan.
    @maayyaa Congratulation on reaching your goal!!!
    @bigviking Yeahhh!!! Congratulations to you to! Enjoy your milestone!!!
    @leggit 5 kcal!!! I am impressed!!!
    Take care everybody!!! Together we are stronger!!!

    Day 29 – UAE – NFD

    @Strawberriesandcream Thanks for you comment. Yes I have been in maintenance for a while now.

    Day 29 – USA – FD

    Day 29 USA (Utah visiting) – FD

    I am going to try a FD today despite going to a water aerobics class this morning. Usually I don’t do a FD on a workout day, but lately visiting here I am getting to a class every day. Good for me there!

    I am happy to report two of our four children will be with me on Christmas! With them scattered across the country, this is super. So Christmas Day will be here in Utah. Yeah! Daughter here is thrilled to know her little sister (who is very tall and not little) and her boyfriend will be able to get here.

    Putting on my bathing suit for my first time doing water aerobics. This gym has a terrific hot tub as well, so that will be a joy!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 29, Newcastle UK, NFD

    We got finished on Operation Christmas Child today. I thought the last day was yesterday – and spent all day thinking how on earth are we going to get through this lot. Yesterday was the last day deliveries of boxes were taken into the warehouse. @songbirdme – I did some googling last night after your comment. I hadn’t realised that this project is just one of many organised by Samaritan’s Purse. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself.

    Had a massive blip last night – first one this month. Never mind, that’s life.

    Onwards & downwards.

    Day 29 – SW WA USA – FD

    @fatrabbit – so glad you have less pain this year!
    @daffodil2010 – your work does sound interesting. I can almost visualize your plants. Stay warm!
    @basyjames – I’m with you on the Hallmark Christmas movies! I’ve been enjoying several already.
    @Strawberriesandcream = one of the things I’d like to do when I “retire”, is take a trip to help in the distribution on the ground. Perhaps in Nicaragua.

    *****DAY 29 POCKET LIST**** One more day guys !!!!!!lets do this ..

    **If you want to join just copy, paste and add your name**


    Day 29, Gozo Malta, fd

    Another fast day at around 800 calories. Will weigh tomorrow and be more controlled on nfds.

    Today I booked for my husband and I a trip to Sicily from the 6 to 12 December. So next week I won’t be doing a fast day on Monday but will definitely do tues and Wednesday. Looking forward to this trip and I have to organize my son s private lessons as he’s staying with my youngest daughter.

    Good night everyone onwards and downwards.

    Day 29 Cornwall, UK NFD

    More about sleep disruption on fast nights for @mjrbcd44, @bellyfast

    I’ve done a bit more researching and it seems that another possible cause of sleep disruption can be low sodium (salt). There seems to be a link between low blood sodium and low carb, keto diets and fasting. You may want to check this out:

    As my sleep disruption is mostly on fast nights I think I’ll check if I might need a little more salt on these days.

    Day 29 – McMinnville Oregon USA – FD
    Day 28 – NFD
    My FD went completely sideways and here I am at the end of the month. 😞
    Another month down and weight is the same. Very disappointed.

    @toddybear, @bigviking & @onedayordayone – I could sure use of of your positive energy right now. My mojo’s tail is dragging.

    @mjrbcd44 – My sister suffers from SAD, she uses a full spectrum light fixture by her desk in the winter. She says it helps.

    Day30 NZ FD Well last day of the month before a new month starts. Final weigh in 82.5kg. Off Christmas shopping today so will keep busy and hopefully won’t think about food. Have a good day everyone.

    Day 29 – USA – FD

    Second post: @cornish-jane, you are correct…a low carb, healthy fat, moderate protein (LCHF) or a ketogenic diet must be supplemented with potassium, magnesium and sodium; some of these you can get through foods, but it’s always good to supplement unless you have very high blood pressure, then you don’t want to overdo it on the sodium.

    @strawberriesandcream – yes, Samaritan’s Purse is a fantastic relief organization as well as ministry. I sometimes donate to them for disaster relief too. Our church has collected boxes for years. It is so fun and fulfilling to fill them! In order to put a small soccer ball in mine this year, I had to purchase a 3 mini-ball set, so the other two came out here to these granddaughters. They love theirs almost as much as knowing one was going someplace in the world. (These two were basketball and football shapes.)

    Whew, that water aerobics class was much more strenuous than I thought it might be. I could tell it really got my heart rate up. Luckily the pool water was quite warm, otherwise on this FD I would have been too chilled.

    Day 29 – 🇬🇧- NFD

    Considering doing another fast tomorrow- will see how it goes, can’t believe it’s end of Nov!!!

    Day 29 – Iceland – CD

    @mjrbcd44 @cornish-jane @bellyblast – I have also been struggling with sleep on fast nights and it seems it may have something to do with increased levels of orexin, which promotes wakefulness:

    “Fasting causes stress and makes your body work off of fat rather than sugar. Sugar is of course related to insulin, which even in normal (non-diabetic) people must be maintained at a certain level (Kaditis et al., 2005). Without a proper level of insulin, your body will upregulate orexin in the brain until you eat (Willie, Chemelli, Sinton, & Yanagisawa, 2001). Orexin will give you artificial energy and inhibit sleep.”

    “When fasting the brain produces orexin, a hormone that keeps us awake and makes us want food when we are fasting; it is produced during the down regulation (decrease) of insulin. Since the body has no sugar to process (insulin processes sugar) during a fast, there is less insulin and more orexin, and consequently, less sleep.”

    “Orexin neurons are glucosensitive and respond to changes in blood glucose levels rapidly, making them an early hypothalamic factor for triggering food ingestion. Glucosensitivity makes orexins highly sensitive to changes in food intake. A reduction in food intake leads to increased orexin concentrations in the LH, increased orexin gene expression, and increased expression of orexin receptors.”

    Good luck everyone for the last fast of November tomorrow!

    2nd post Germany day 29
    Thinking about trying a LFD tomorrow. The idea is somehow scary… But since I know that many of you have been making good experiences with that why not giving it a try… I will let you know how it worked… Where are all my winter clothes??? I’ll definitely need them tomorrow 😂😂❄❄❄

    Day 30 – Japan – NFD 82.5kg

    I overate yesterday, but stopped way short of being stuffed. However even when I was overeating I was avoiding unhealthy foods. I actually ate five bananas yesterday. I guess it is better than a large McDonald’s milk shake. (I have don’t that a few times, years ago.) Still a bit excessive.

    @penz – Normally I don’t overeat much. Fasting has destroyed my joy of being stuffed. When I had a bigger gut, I sometimes worked out longer so I could justify having more ice cream. Somehow I pretty sure the food was winning then. Fasting doesn’t win all the battles but it is winning the war.

    Day 30, FD, Norway

    Not feeling good today, its my “week”, and this could also give me bad numbers on the scale, right? Im up 3-400grams since my lowest earlier this week, and that can not be from eating/not eating right. I had a successfull FD on monday, cd on tuesday, very cd (as in almost fd, no sweets/snacks and probably around 1000kcals) and today will be a FD again. I will do my final november weigh-in tomorrow morning. Hoping to see my low numbers again. Oh feeling NOT good today, tummy-ache and all…

    Day 30, UK, FD
    2nd day of B2B and last day of the November challenge. And last day of Dry Winovember 🍷
    New low today of 76.0kg, so hopefully my weight will start with 75 for the final challenge weigh-in tomorrow.

    Onwards and downwards!

    Day 30 UK FD

    @maayyaa, I can empathize with you. I am going thru the same. My weight always fluctuate a bit on the higher side during this time.

    @bigviking, well done on the new low 🙂
    And for a glass of wine to toast your achievement tomorrow.

    Day 30 UK FD

    @maayyaa, I can empathize with you. I am going thru the same. My weight always fluctuate a bit on the higher side during this time.

    @bigviking, well done on the new low 🙂
    And for a glass of wine to toast your achievement tomorrow.

    Day 30 Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 FD
    Pocket list for today anyone? Last day shed a few ounces😉

    Day 30 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD – 4th in a row
    Nov goal: 137
    Current weight: 140.5

    Only a huge whoosh overnight will get me to November goal, and today I weigh exactly as I did the 1st December. So it’s officially been a plateau month for me with weight popping up and bouncing back to 140ish. It’s ok. So much happier to be here than where I was a few months ago 🤗
    @basyjames I am hoping that whoosh does happen soon though!!

    @debster251, @annemarilyn, me and my baby plants kept warm enough yesterday, as well as my multitude of layers I brought in an extra warm coat and working hard ensured the heat stayed in. The little micro herbs sure loved their fleecy blankets, we made more yesterday, got to ensure the cold does not ruin our crop at the busy Christmas party season 😄

    I should really do an LFD to round off the last day of Nov. I have made an LFD “soup” of sorts which I plan for lunch and any leftover for dinner. It’s less than 50 calories in total. It’s simply mashed garlic gloves simmered with a chicken oxo cube, a tiny handful of shredded cooked chicken, some parsley and basil, and then a pack of Konjac noodles. Ok, not entirely liquid, but as the noodles are hugely water based, and the soup is more a broth, I am tricking my mind that this chicken noodle soup warrants as an LFD broth 🤔

    I told DH that I would make omelettes for dinner. I might pass on that for myself if any broth left over and try for LFDish all day.

    @miraclelou good luck with your own LFD

    To you all, best of luck on the last day, so excited to end the month on a good note, and start December with a new base. 👍

    South West France- FD

    Hello all. I’m up for a dry month. I have got into a really bad habit of always drinking wine with my evening meal, and while I am still losing weight it is coming off more slowly. Added to this I am just starting a new job and will have to get up very early in the mornings (5.20 am), so I simply can’t drink wine week nights, though I may still indulge Friday evening! We’ll see.

    I started dieting 14th Sept and started 5:2 two weeks later. Have lost a total of 8.1kg! Was 83kg now 74.9! Have lost 6cm from bust, 13 from waist and 11 from hips. I go swimming three times a week for an hour and I have much more energy than before and have lost a dress size! I just treated myself to a new dress which isn’t a tent! For the first time in four years I can wear fitted clothes.

    I lost my job this summer which is what pushed me into losing weight as I needed a pick me up and to feel that I was in control of something; Now I’m about to start a new job and am majorly stressing as have lots to do before and I will inevitably feel tired and rubbish tomorrow!

    I don’t really know how these challenges work though. How often do we have to post? The idea is to meet the challenge- a dry month- and lose weight- and support each other?

    Day 30 UK FD


    Going to HIIT class tonight…. a first as would never have considered exercising on anything but a well fuelled body!!! I’ll let you know how I go!

    Sorry I thought this was the new December challenge, where is that one?

    Day 29 – Cumbria UK – CD
    Day 30 – hopefully another CD

    Sorry I have not posted much over the past week – been very busy and today I’m driving down to Suffolk to see friends and have a pre xmas catch up – presents and cards for the Suffolk group all wrapped and written – packing this morning and hopefully on the road by 10am – some 280miles of driving ahead of me……..The joys of the M6 awaits……….

    A fairly controlled 4:3 week since last Thursday with the aim of dropping around 2lbs/1kg in preparation for the feasting over the next few days was successful as today’s weight was 52.8kg/116.4lbs/8st 4.4.lbs my lowest weight since I started this 5:2 journey – my wriggle room has certainly increased! This is why I love this WOL……

    Thank you @jessyoursize for hosting the November Challenge 💐 Look forward to catching up with everyone who has signed up for the December Challenge with @bert1802 – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    @lilimar I’ll gladly hand over the reigns for Dry Month to you 🙂 With both September and November under my belt, I can testify that it really helps with weight loss. And that it makes you thirsty 😉

    The December challenge is here –>

    Day 30 UK NFD

    This was the month I was supposed to enter maintenance but I haven’t done so, I have kept losing weight instead. I am 144 lbs this morning down from 151 a month ago, well under my goal of 150. My BMI is now 21.6 and even my aspirational clothes are loose. I am setting myself a new maintenance weight of 145lbs as I am fine as I am but am curious to see if it will keep going further. I have transformed the way I eat and my body is finding its own new equilibrium. Of course December brings lots of extra challenges…

    Day 30, Newcastle UK, FD….maybe

    Hi @lilimar – I see you found the December challenge. All the best with your new job and look forward to getting to know you. I shall be very happy to join you on the battle against wine having had a disastrous couple of months in that respect.

    I have no idea what my results will show when I weigh tomorrow. I’m going to attempt only my second FD this month but won’t add myself to the pocketeers list because my rebellious self sabotage devil will see that as a challenge. Will do the best I can, weigh in the morning and start again in December.

    Thank you so much @jessyoursize for hosting November. Maybe I missed your posts whilst I was offline battling my cold. Hope all is well with you and that we will see you in December. Thanks @bert1802 for taking on December. I shall see you tomorrow.

    Have a great day folks.

    Day 30 NFD Wales

    Checking out of the November challenge early to go on holiday to (hopefully) sunny Fuerteventura. Happy to report a loss of 3.4 pounds this month (those decimal places are important!) which at 138.2 pounds takes me below my goal weight of 140….bit of wriggle room for the holiday, but not much!!

    Good luck with the weigh ins everyone x

    Day 30, Brussels, FD

    Here we go for the last day, it’s encouraging that after a month and 13 FDs I still don’t feel like I’m on a diet per say ! Makes me want to continue next month.

    Weight in tomorrow, even if it isn’t much I feel better and I know I havn’t at least gained weight lol

    So pocketList fasters today … I expect this list might get long as the day goes one 😉


    Here we go for the last line! Thank you all for being here, it has really helped me keep motivated during the month

    Day 30 Belfast FD
    Final day of the month and a FD just to finish off so I will update my final weight tomorrow. I’m the same weight as the beginning of the month, so 1lb would be good and it would take me below the 150 watershed. So here goes….

    Jaifaim – that is a problem with some artificial sweeteners. All the more reason to give them miss!
    @leggit – learning to swim properly and master the breathing was the beginning of my relationship with swimming as my main aerobic exercise. I can factor in my sprints without putting pressure on my joints, which always brings more than a warm glow, despite the cold!
    @borealis thank you for that interesting link
    @lilimar – that’s an impressive loss. Well done you! Welcome to this forum. The challenge is yours to set yourself. If you look at the spreadsheet for December ( which you can use if you wish) you’ll see people are setting themselves goals for the month. Post as little or as often as you like. Posting daily helps me stay focused.

    And here’s the link to December. Good luck.

    So pocketList fasters today … I expect this list might get long as the day goes one 😉


    A big thank you for @jessyoursize for hosting November and to our host for December @bert.

    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow” Albert Einstein

    Day 30 – Perth, Western Australia – FD (B2B)

    So pocketList fasters today … I expect this list might get long as the day goes one 😉


    Day 30, South Wales, FD

    Joining the Pocket list for today!


    One last chance for November….

    Day 30 London UK NFD
    Happy last day of November, especially to all No Winovembers. I managed the first week and the last week dry, ( with Venice in the middle…) so I’m going to try for a dry December. How hard can it be? Haha. Well done those that stuck to it and toast me tomorrow with a big glass of red.
    Found it hard to fit in fast days this month so have tried to miss breakfast and eat as late as possible to counteract it. Off to Paris next week. Should be easy not drinking wine in Paris. Not.

    @you must be a glutton for punishment @EmmaTaylor. Dry Paris and Christmas?.

    Day 30 – Iceland – FD

    @bigviking and @at – congratulations to you both on a new low! Your success stories are very encouraging for a newcomer 🙂

    ***DAY 30 POCKET LIST***

    **If you want to join just copy, paste and add your name**



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