November 2017 Challenge

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November 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 1,403 replies, has 122 voices, and was last updated by  Anna6 7 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 1,404 total)

  • Hi. Haven’t done a challenge before. Been on 5:2 for a few months. Hoping the challenge will keep me on track. (Hope I’ve entered data in spreadsheet correctly!) Thank you @jessyoursize

    Hello, please add me in! I did a few challenges ages ago (maybe even last year) and found the support and accountability on the challenges really motivating. I’m in New Zealand so summer is just around the corner – and my summer dresses are going to be a very snug fit if I don’t make changes now. So, for me Nov 1 starts in just under 3 hours. Good luck everyone!

    I would like to join too. Fasting is so easy for me…. that is until the evenings when I want to graze constantly! Secret for me is not to have anything to graze on in the cupboard. Have a long flight early next year and would really like to have a bit more room in the seat!

    Hello all , Thanks for hosting November Challenge @jessyoursize

    Never formally joined any forum. So this is my first time. Wanted some motivation to restart. I have tried 5:2 a couple of years ago after watching the TV show by Dr Michael Mosley. I found it helped me eat healthy and be alert.

    I just have the habit of getting a bit bored out of a routine and have a tendency to go a bit wayward and loose focus. Hence the reason I thought I will join this forum and hoping I will be motivated to stay on track with your support.

    I am reasonably fit and do good exercise. Have a stone to loose .

    I have the same problem as @heragain mentioned, I am good at staying on track till abut 4 pm and i loose all my will power and start raiding the fridge.. 🙂

    Hello @jessyoursize and thank you for hosting.

    I have been off the spreadsheet for a couple of months, but need the support.

    I have been doing 5:2 since February and have gone from 73kg to just under 60kg. So happy with this weight loss, but still keep fearing that I will pig out one weekend and it will all be back … with a vengeance.

    I live in Shanghai. I walk home through the “wet market” past eels, turtles, live fish, many types of tofu, fermented vegetables and the regular fruit and veg.

    My latest project is kombucha. Loving experimenting with different types of tea and different fruits for the secondary fermentation. I think dried peach is my favourite so far.

    I am looking forward to reading everyone’s posts. I am aiming to shave maybe .5kg off this month.

    Looking forward to joining the November challenge! Thanks for hosting @jessyoursize

    I live in South Wales, UK. In my late 40s, 3 teenage kids, working. I’ve lost 27lb/12kg since starting the 5:2 diet in April this year (I was overweight – BMI 28.3 – miserable at looking podgy and annoyed that my clothes wouldn’t fit).

    I’m so pleased to have found this forum, and ‘met’ all you wonderful, supportive folks on the same journey. It makes such a difference and helps keep me on track.

    I’m aiming to lose another 11lb to get to my goal weight in the middle of the healthy BMI range for me, hopefully by Christmas.

    This month’s goal is to up the ante, knock off 4-6lb at least, limit alcohol to Fri and Sat night, start walking/hiking to keep fit.

    Thanks @jessyoursize for being the November host. Please count me in.

    Hello and thank you for hosting this challenge, I’ve done two weeks so far on the 5:2 and I’ve been waiting of the November challenge to start to join in 🙂

    I’m 47 y/o female, and I have 12 kg to loose. I have an auto-immune disease (rheumatoid arthritis) and this would help relieve the strain on my joints. I’ve stared hiking again a couple of times a month and I cycle to work but with an electrical bike so that doesn’t really count lol Unfortunately I can’t do anymore high impact sports but trying to stay as active as possible and weight loss will help…

    Looking forward to this

    I too have autoimmune disease – coeliac, sluggish xthyroid and also have no gallbladder. Am sure this affects the way I absorb food.
    In addition to 5:2 I am aiming for a wine free November. Trying to give my liver a rest prior to over indulgent December.

    I Gave up alcohol ompletely for about ten months a year or so ago. Used to drink about two thirds of a bottle of red most nights. Found it easy once I got past the trigger point in the evening and felt so much better in the mornings. I know a glass a day is good for you but as a ‘feaster’, can’t stop at one!

    Plan to report back once a week about my success/misdemeanours.

    Good luck everyone and thank you for the challenge.

    Hello, all. I have been following the 5-2 way of eating since Mid April of 2017 and have lost 24# which have stuck around for years! I have found it relatively easy, and have felt quite energetic most days. At age 67, consistent weight control has eluded me for years.

    I initially started because of an emergency room visit in November of 2016, for sutures on an hand, where my blood pressure was quite elevated. It took me a while to get my “diet” act together, though, but it happened. The blood pressure is down to normal now! I would like to lose that “last 10 pounds” or so.

    Thanks to all who contribute their insights to this site. It is so helpful.

    Does anyone else experience being very full and not hungry at eatings days? After eating brekfast i am not able to eat for 4-5 hours, and my stomach hurts. I eat small meals. Is this normal? I actually like my fastings days, more than my eating days. I know most people do the 5:2 diet, but i do the every other day diet. Am i the only one doing this?

    Hello all!

    Great to see some old friends and new names. Welcome!

    No need to add me to the spreadsheet, Jessmysize.

    Have lost about 6kg since I started 5:2 in July. Slow progress, but steady and moving in the right direction. Heragain – you’re talking my language; no such thing as only one glass of wine in my household. Kudos to those of you who are planning on a dry November, but I’m a card carrying member of pocket winos, a self-confessed boozehound, and I aint giving it up! I usually do liquid only (coffee and water, not vino!) FDs on Mon and Thurs.

    Thanks Jessyoursize for hosting the November challenge. Please count me in. I’ll weigh tomorrow and report it.

    Bananaboo96 its good you’re feeling full and eat small means. It means you’ve educated your stomach and yourself for that matter and don’t need to binge out or eat and eat and keep on eating. Alternate days fasting is very effective for weight loss. Keep on keeping on.

    I eat because I’m hungry and try not to eat when I’m bored. Somethings I feel full but still love eating especially treats and desserts but I try to limit these for the weekend. I’d like to lose about three more kilos and then maintain.

    Hi all!
    I would love to join you all in the Nov challenge. I’m relatively new to this, started 15th Sept 17 and so far I have lost 13lbs (only another 29lbs or so to go!) I really need this to become a WOL for me, so weary of yo-yo-ing, but feeling positive 🙂 and happy to go slow and steady. I have a modest goal of 1lb a week, I need to live a little too! So I will set my goal for Nov at 5lbs, my weigh day is Friday.

    Hi @jessyoursize – I will try to add myself to the spreadsheet

    I am in for this challenge

    Hi Jess how do I get to the spreadsheet?

    @calikat @ukfaster @bananaboo96 @crazynoon @lew @heragain @brainbloom – I have added you all to the sheet!

    @bananaboo96 – I’ve done both styles of fasting (water only & 500 cals) and I found the 500 cals to be easier to start with. And I don’t think I understand your question? This is a thread on the Weight loss Forum – this is the “challenge,” you write in the box like you did for your response and it posts it to this thread. I do not believe we have other threads for the other challenges. Each of those are more groups or “pockets” since you can write a list of all the people participating in each challenge and keep it in your pocket. That I know of there are the Dry Winos, the Plankers, and the Sugar Slayers (okay I made that name up – but they are the group eliminating sugar from their diet).
    If you’d like to post within the Weight loss forum, go to the top of the page where it says “start a new topic in Weight loss” and it will bring up a posting box to post a new topic (aka thread). That I know of there isn’t a way to have a thread within a thread on this forum. I hope that answered your question.

    @crazynoon – hmm you shouldn’t be prompted to download the sheet since the link should take you to where it’s hosted on google sheets (a cloud drive). If you are on a computer it should take you directly there without any fuss, but if you are on a tablet or a smartphone it may be prompting you to download the Google Sheets app from either the Apple (for iOS) or Google Play (for android) store. Based on what you wrote, I’m thinking you are on either a tablet or a smartphone and you haven’t setup your account within the app store, which is why it’s asking you to insert your card info. The Google Sheets app is free, but from what I know of apple devices you usually have to setup your account with a card/gift card before you can download anything, even if it’s free. I don’t know about android though. I would either try setting up your account within the app store and then try to download Google Sheets, or use a computer.

    @marsupial – Oh, the link to the spreadsheet was on the 1st page in the second post! Here it is for your convenience:

    Okay guys are you ready?!!! Just one more day to go (actually just a few hours for those of our Aussie friends)!

    We are here for each other! As our fantastic quote master @at said:
    Losing Weight is a Mind Game. Change your Mind, Change your Body
    The decision is yours to make and to reap the benefits!

    Hi @jessyoursize – I would really like to be included in the November challenge.
    I’m based in Ireland, am in my mid forties and am very active but seem to find dropping weight difficult with just healthy eating and exercise.
    I followed the 5:2 two years ago and loved the flexibility of this WOL. I managed to tone up and lose the extra weight I wanted to shift but the weight has slowly crept back on..
    Currently 178lbs but hoping to get to 164 if I can. I would love to lose 4-5 lbs a month but it seems hard to shift as I have quite a muscly physique but would be nice to fit into my clothes a little better..I’d be happy with that.
    I reached a point about three weeks ago where I was uncomfortable in my clothes and I’m stubborn and refuse to go back to bigger sizes so hovered on the October 2017 topic and drew great support from reading all of your posts. I cut sugar and have completed two weeks of B2B fasts and dropped 5lbs so I’m back in the FD zone!! it just can’t go back on…

    Thanks so much and I look forward to a healthy November!

    Thank you for hosting! I find this challenge helps motivate me because I want to hit that goal each month. I like competition & this is a competition against myself to see if I can achieve the goal I set for myself. Im actually looking forward to weighing myself tomorrow to see how I did. I ❤️ 5:2! I feel 100% better eating this way than when I was eating too many calories & too much junk food. Thank you Dr. Mosley!!

    @jaifaim Cutting sugar is key! Good for you!! Your success is all but guaranteed.

    Bananaboo96 I know what you mean. I’ve been doing 5:2 for just over 2 months now. There are plenty of FDs that I’m just not hungry. Plenty of NFD that I’m not hungry either. It’s good to respond to your body but a word of caution. If you go too many days in a row eating too far under your TDEE, it will probably catch up with you and one day you’ll be ravenously hungry and that could result in binging. It happened to me twice in the first month of 5:2 before I realized I need to make the effort to get as close as possible to my TDEE even on days I’m just not hungry at all.

    (For those of you wondering how I got fat when I’m not often hungry… my problem wasn’t volume but quality. I ate a lot of very high calorie foods, mostly junk food. Now that I’m eating lots of veg & fiber etc. I’m much fuller feeling so I don’t often get hungry. Perhaps that will change as I grow accustomed to 5:2? Idk)

    @jessyoursize Can I join in? I am 48 and trying to stop the climb…I am from Montana, have one kid still at home, she is in her last year of high school. I have a fantastic husband. My goal for November is 5 pounds. Can I be added to the spread sheet? Thank you.

    @melania – that is some good advice! I am not very hungry today after my fast day yesterday and had to remind myself to eat lunch (which was just two slices of rye bread with avocado, but still). I definitely remember those bingeing days from last time I did 5:2, after regularly not eating adequately on my NFDs. So get that food in! 🙂 x

    @jessyoursize, thank you for hosting November! It will certainly be a challenge as the holidays begin.

    Hi, did my first FD yesterday and was amazed how easy it was. Ate breakfast and a mainly vegetable dinner. Lots of tea and water did the rest of the trick.I actually felt relaxed having made the decision of what to eat up front and not having to think about food the rest of the day! My husband is slim and eats lots of nuts in the evening. For years we had rows about him dangling food in front of my nose when I was trying to lose weight. As it is only 2 nights a week, he now offered not to snack in the evening on FD! So,great start all in all!

    Day 1/NFD/Melbourne Australia

    Lovely to see so many new faces and old friends.

    A little about me. I’m a 65 year old, recently retired, mother of 2 boys and grandmother of 5 delightful grandchildren who keep me active and curious. I’m happily married to my OH of 42 years. Thanks to this WOL my health is good and I’m medication free.

    My 5:2 journey began in September 2014 with a strong desire to improve my health. Weight loss was a bonus. I had no expectations of losing or keeping it off. I’d given up any hope of ever doing so after 40 odd years of yo yo dieting. Delighted to say I have gone from a BMI approaching 30 to a BMI of 22.5 which I have maintained since April 2015.

    Along the way I’ve changed many bad habits. I no longer consume a family size bag of crisps/chips, together with a family size bar of chocolate nor drink a bottle of wine with my OH on a daily basis. How and why do we do that to ourselves? Wine is still a weakness, together with cheese and savoury biscuits. My November aim is to limit my wine consumption together with the support of the @pocket winos. The beauty of this WOL is nothing is off limits, just in moderation and not every day. I no longer see food as a reward. My reward is my health and size 8 wardrobe!

    @jessyoursize I’m having trouble accessing the spreadsheet on my iPad. It keeps crashing. I’ll update as soon as I can. Thank you again for hosting.

    Together we are stronger.

    @koekie that’s great! And I’m glad your hubby is being supportive of you 🙂 x

    @onahealthyhigh – wow, congrats on reaching your health and weight goals with 5:2 – and in such a short time frame, from September to April, that’s fantastic. Do you have a weekly fast day now that you’re maintaining? x

    2nd post

    @abfab5 I’d love to say I have fasted weekly since achieving my goal but that wouldn’t be true. I aim to fast 1 day per week but some weeks it doesn’t happen. Either because I don’t have the right mindset or life gets in the way. What I do during those weeks is practice a form of intermittent fasting – either 16:8 or skipping meals when I don’t feel like eating. This together with eating a mainly Mediterranean diet, attacking any weight creep when it occurs has kept me under goal for over 2 years. The joy of intermittent fasting is its flexibility, freedom from meticulous calorie counting and no sense of deprivation. It really is a great WOL.

    @jessyoursize, I know I mentioned it over in October, but here’s my official entry – I’m in for November!!! I’ll give my November aims tomorrow morning along with my final October/Start of November weight. Welcome to all the newbies & hello again oldies!!!!

    @abfab5, I think @onahealthyhigh got to maintenance over 20 months, having ditched the crisps/wine/chocolate diet a lot of us are familiar with, LOL!!!

    I thought about joining the No-booze November-ers!! But I think 2 dry months is about all I can manage……………. I’m sooooooo thirsty!!!!!

    See you all tomorrow for a reset month before the Xmas indulgences!!!! I think they call that a pre-emptive strike!!!

    @murph58 @koekie @jaifaim Welcome! I’ve added your names to the spreadsheet. Just find your name and add in as much or as little detail as you would like to share! Whatever you write (or delete) in each cell will auto save. We are so glad to have you join us!

    Google Sheet:

    @koekie FDs are surprisingly easy when you pre-plan your food for the day. At least that’s how I do all my FDs! And that is so great that your hubby is being supportive of you!

    @onahealthlyhigh way to go joining the No-Booze November-ers (aka Pocket Dry Winos)! And I am so with you on the cheese. I couldn’t live without cheese – I can NEVER turn it down.

    @flourbaby Love your name for the Dry Winos this month! I cracked up at No-Booze November-ers 😂

    The Dry Winos need YOU! Feel free to join the no booze, 30 day challenge


    It is lovely to see so many new faces joining us in these monthly challenges and obviously great to have so many old friends joining once more – some have decided to take a break from the challenges and will be missed 🤗

    I would like to share a brief summary of my journey for those new to the challenges and hopefully show that losing weight, improving health markers and maintaining the weight loss is all possible with with WOL (Way of Life) 👍

    I’m a 59y.o. female – 5’4″/163cm tall.
    *January 2014 = BMI: 27.9 Wt: 75kg/165.3lbs (retired from a stressful although enjoyable job, moved to the beautiful Lake District; started walking and being more mindful about what I ate)
    *January 2016 = BMI: 25.6 Wt: 68.8kg/151.7lbs (started 5:2 WOL on my own for health reasons)
    *October 2016 = BMI: 22.1 Wt: 59.5kg/131.2lbs (had plateaued for 3 months previously so decided to joined the November Challenge – Best decision I ever made! and I have joined every challenge since then!)
    *December 7 2016 = BMI: 20.3 Wt: 54.7k/120.6lbs (55kg was my target)
    *October 2017 = BMI: 20.2 Wt: 53.5kg/117.9lbs
    *December 7th will be my 1 year anniversary in maintenance (below 55kg) 💃 so losing weight and maintaining can be done on this WOL = it does work!

    My FD are usually Monday and Friday but I do vary these to fit in with my social life and I also follow a 16:8 pattern of eating omitting breakfast daily – never been a breakfast person truth be told! Like everyone else I have very naughty days where the little 😈sits on my shoulder and I overindulge……but then my 5:2 😇gets me to press that RESET button – 5:2 Is Not A Diet, It’s A Lifestyle Change!

    I love living here and enjoy walking on the fells and doing Pilates and Yoga. This WOL has allowed me to lose weight and maintain without giving up on the pleasures of good food, cake 🍰and wine🍷🥂! I just no longer indulge everyday or in the same quantities as before but it means that I do appreciate it all the more!!!

    I look forward to getting to know those new to these monthly challenges and of course hearing from the great cyber friends made during this amazing journey – I am so looking forward to another month of laughter, friendship and reading interesting, entertaining and educational posts.

    @jessyoursize please add me to the spreadsheet!

    I’m in Kodiak, Alaska. This will be my first time really trying 5:2. I actually started today and didn’t think i would join a forum but have changed my mind! I’m about half way through my FD and doing pretty darn well! I’m very excited about the science behind this and about how, for me, intuitive it is.

    I’m 50 years old, 5’4″ and weigh 148 lbs right now. My goal is to lose 20 pounds. I feel my absolute best and look good too, at slightly below 130, so this is my goal. And my big all time, long term goal is to MAINTAIN it.

    Really excited to get to know all of you!!

    @jessyoursize please add me to your list for the November challenge. I will be turning 53 mid-month and have been struggling with my weight for the last 18 months.
    Hoping this is the catalyst for change.

    @at posting below you was really inspiring. Such a great job. Congratulations!

    Looking forward to talking with people and supporting each other.
    I am in Portland, Oregon USA.

    Could you please add me.

    Starting weight 140 lbs
    Goal weight 126
    Height 5 ft 2
    Age 50

    First grandchild is due end of November

    I’m new to this woe

    3rd post

    @flourbaby and @abfab5 I ditched 35lbs between Sept 2014 and April 2015. Took me 7 months to my goal 🙂. I lost another 8 lbs but found the lowest weight a little too difficult to sustain. Very happy maintaining below my goal weight equating to BMI 22.5. I did it by following the original 5:2 and following Dr Mosley’s advice to eat a mainly Mediterranean diet – lots of veg, protein and lowish carb.

    I’m a little shaky at the moment. Just got hit by another car. No damage to me, just my car.

    Forgot to add:

    Height: 5 ft 5 in.
    Weight:182 lbs 😩
    Goal:152 lbs. (but at this point I would be happy with losing 10).


    Sorry, it took me a bit to let you know….. I’m here for Nov.

    Had a bit of trouble with the ending this month and didn’t want to post until I settled on one.

    About me….. I just started my 2nd year on 5:2. Last week marked my one year anniversary. I’m down 35lbs!
    I fast strictly from 7pm to noon or beyond every day. I try my hardest to do FD on M, W and F
    The biggest lifesaver for this WOL is this group and gum!

    It seems like most of you all know me but for newbies give it time. I pretty much tell my whole life here in this forum.

    I’m a mom, I work full time, I’m a wife of 20 years! I like to give myself new challenges to spice up my anxiety and over work myself! I just recently decluttered my whole house. Seriously, I do things to inspire my family to be better versions of them selves every day by practicing to be a better version of myself! Except in getting my YS to make his damn bed! 18 yrs and I’m still working on it!

    Well that’s it so far!

    @jessyoursize….. thank you for hosting! Could you keep my stats in the spread sheet up dated for me….. I can’t access it…..Thank you!

    I’ll let you know my Nov. weight in the morning!

    Here’s the new ending…..

    I do not have ducks!
    I do not have rows!
    I have monkeys and they’re running the circus!

    Oh gosh a few things I forgot to add…..

    I’m in Florida
    Welcome to all the newbies….. ask questions if you have any….. you’ll always get an answer.
    @big Viking….. I did horribly for the no sweets Oct. but I’m a pro at being a dry wino! So, I got your back…..

    @flourbaby….. start of year 2….. We got this!

    My new Nov. self challenge is washing all my walls down in the house! Even bought a wall mop!

    I do not have ducks!
    I do not have rows!
    I have monkeys and they’re running the circus!

    Hi, please add me to the November challenge @jessyoursize.
    I am new to the Fast diet way of life. I did my first FD on Monday- 30th Oct 2017.
    As of this morning, 1st Nov, I weigh 76.6 kgs and my long term goal is to lose 20 kgs.
    Short-term, I want to touch 70 by the time ny birthday arrives in February.
    Happy to be here and sharing!

    Thanks @jessyoursize for hosting this month and for adding me. I dont post much on here as I do post in another forum and it gets too much for me to read everyones posts. I met the challenge last month of fitting into a dress I wanted to wear to a wedding at the end of October.
    We have 5 birthdays in our immediate family this month so I think losing 600grams is a doable goal as I am nearly at goal weight.
    BTW Im 55yo, retired, happily married, mother of 4 and nana of 3 gorgeous granddaughters. 2 children+my Ds fiancé still living at home with us.
    Goodluck everyone x

    Day 1-UK-nfd

    Day 1/NFD/ Germany
    Hello everybody! In Germany it’s already morning and wish everyone a very good start in this challenge! I am new to this forum and really excited to do this month challenge! Just a few words about myself : I am 38 almost 39 years old, married with 2 sons (7 and 4 years old). started 5:2 in February since I realized that even though I am a quite controlled and healthy eater, my weight was creaping up slowly but steadyly. I guess it’s normal that the older you get the less you can eat without gaining weight. I am coming from an eating disorder (since I was 13 years old). Through therapy and anonymous self aid groups I managed to stop bingeing (99% of the time at least). I hardly ever eat sugar, because this is what makes me really want to eat more! My highest weight back
    then was 75 kg. When I started 5:2 I only wanted to lose those last 5 kg again that I couldn’t get rid of anymore after my pregnancies. Now I have 2 more kg to go and then the hardest : to maintain!! I don’t find it as easy to fast, as many of you have written here and especially the NFDs after a FD are hard for me because I sometimes already wake up and just want to eat! I also have to admit that I usually am over the 500 kcal on FDs, more between 600 and 700 kcal. Today is a NFD and my ground rule to that is to stick to three meals with nothing in between! I am really grateful that this support group exists and that I may be a part of it! Wish you all a good day 1 in November!

    I am brand new – just starting – hoping to lose a bit by Thanksgiving.

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    We made it to November!! I made my October goal of 140lbs!!! Great to see a new challenge, with lots of newbies, this WOL is great, and the monthly challenges really keep us all on track.

    I am a 50 year old female, 5’2″, have been on 5:2 since 22nd July this year, and as of this morning I am down 25 pounds 😄

    I try to do 4:3, shake up my FD’s a bit by doing 500 calorie days, or practice liquid only fast days, or OMAD (one meal a day), and this lifestyle really works for me.

    Off out to dinner tonight for a celebration meal to celebrate that milestone. No calorie counting tonight 🍷🍾

    Day 1 – Woking, UK – NFD
    Start weight for Nov 238.2lbs
    Will post properly and fill in the spreadsheet later as I’m off to work now.

    Day 1, NFD
    Abroad with work, so no idea what my weight is. Weigh-in for the month on Friday.

    @bert1802 I’m pleased to have you as our (permanently) honorary Dry Wino 😀

    Day1 FD…Essex,UK
    I am 55 years old. I am about 4feet 10 inches. Really vertically challenged!
    I am pretty much desk bound but try to do yoga or Pilates once or twice a week
    Weight today 67.6 Kg
    Would like to go down to 57Kgs
    For November, would like to lose 1-2 Kgs
    Getting lots of ideas from this Forum. Thanks

    @bigviking, I’m in for dry November. I re-read that book Alcohol Explained this morning and I definitely don’t want to drink this month. Those Campari Spritz will have to manage without me. I’ll try to add myself to your list again. Thanks for setting it up. I feel sooo much happier without alcohol, it’s just a bit difficult to swerve.
    Hello to the newbies. This is a very supportive place and I feel part of a great international group. I look at posts just before I go to sleep and it makes you feel there are lots of lovely people in the world. Onwards and downwards, all….

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 1,404 total)

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