Not working like it used to

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ginette K 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi guys, I’ve been on 5:2 since half way through last year. I had great results last year…amazing in fact. I didn’t have much to loose weight wise (5Kgs) but felt AMAZING! I did the best I could through Christmas but we had the busiest social time ever for three months. A house full for most of that time and SO MUCH consumption. Even the fasting days did nothing to curb the up hill gain. And to be honest I did not enjoy how I felt just eating and drinking all the time!
    So back to it properly 5 weeks ago. Nothing. Nada. No weight loss, no gain. I’m a bit frustrated to say the least. I am a good exerciser, drink heaps of water and have a reasonably good diet on non fasting day.
    However, because I had this notion that you could eat what you wanted on non fast days I’ve had some old bad habits creep in. Do you think that’s it?
    If it is then surely that negates the whole 5:2 theory?
    I also tend not to weight myself, just go by clothes feel. I can’t fit any of my jeans!
    HELP, HELP, HELP! Am I just on a big plateau? I wont stop the 5:2, its part of my life…but I want something to happen so I can get excited again!
    Thanks for all your ideas in advance.

    Hi Emak

    Just recalculate your TDEE and make sure your non fast days are within this. You will soon start to lose again. You can’t expect your body to cope with a lot of excess calories and not react.

    Be sure to calculate drinks into the calorie count. A couple of weeks like that and you will see a difference. Update me with how you are doing. I am on a bit of a plateau after relaxing too much, so I will also take my own advice.


    Hi Ginette,

    Thanks for replying.

    I am very strict with my 500 days. I can go all day without anything. Just black tea, water and soda water. My main meal is at around 5pm.

    My husband thinks I’m crazy how anal I am with calorie counting.

    So I suppose I just have to stick it out.

    You will soon get back in the swing. I need to have a couple of strict weeks as well. I have had a stressful time with family problems and I have done the 2 days a week but maybe over compensated on other days. Stress makes me turn to food. I just need to get a grip!

    Hopefully we will both suceed. Nothing worse than posting and people not bothering to answer. I am usually on another thread. Ladies over a certaing age. For the 50 + the people there are really supportive. Not sure of your age but you could try that one.


    Hi Ginette,
    You’ve been so helpful. Thanks so much for talking with me.
    I am just 40 but am going through peri-menopause right now. Its awfully early and awful. So I guess it only makes it all a bit harder.
    I’d like to be the sort of person who could accept being a bit plumper but I’m not. I like being in shape.
    I’ve just gotten myself a little too used to the wrong things on my off days.
    But up until Christmas last year I was literally eating what ever took my fancy and I will still loosing. It must be my body just having a freak out!
    I’ll keep the faith and it sounds like you are too! 🙂

    Well done to put the brakes on early. Sadly I went way past that stage and now have a really long journey ahead of me.

    Did you see Michaels Journey. He did really well and to me didn’t even look overweight. As he said he was fat on the inside. Sadly I am on the almost certainly on the inside and definitely on the outside.

    Oh slowly but surely. I read these forums to stop me losing heart. You will see there are many people who start this diet and don’t lose, but then something happens and they change.


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