Newbie Faster!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  dykask 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Over recent months the weight has crept back on,7 kilos(mainly due to Christmas/birthday, not weighing myself!So now my clothes are at the point where they look too tight’for comfort,not atall flattering & don’t even mention getting into a bikini to join my grandkids for a swim!!So, I feel extremely bloated, have been suffering insomnia & depression,and I badly need to get my life and my health- back on track!Almost dinnertime on day 1 ( I decided to save my 500 cals for dinner), feeling very pleased ( and lighter already!)with myself!Would love to chat to others on the same journey, and stay motivated!

    Hi, welcome. I started in early January and it’s going well so far.
    I’ve found it helpful to join an existing forum community – much easier than trying to start a new one. I have found the country/region based groups and the Monthly challenge groups are the most active, so select “active topics” and have a look though the options for one that suits you. If you read through the recent posts you’ll quickly get an idea of whether they sound like a helpful community.

    Hi LJoyce,

    Yesterday went extremely well; 1.5 kilos lost on the the scales this morning!
    Although I’m sure most of that was probably “water weight;, I already feel ‘cleaner’, and my stomach flatter, so that’s motivated me to continue fasting today as well. I do feel abit tired though, but am drinking loads of water as recommended in the Fast Diet book,and looking forward to my meal at 6pm, salmon and a large green salad! Hope to interact with others to compare notes and keep motivated, but not sure how to do this? Cheers, Carold64

    Carold64 – “Hope to interact with others to compare notes and keep motivated, but not sure how to do this?”
    Just select one of the existing topics that look useful to you and go to the latest posts (sometimes there are many pages), so click on the highest numbered page as it will have the most recent posts. Then just type a message and introduce yourself. I joined the “Hello Southern Hemisphere” forum topic as I am in Australia and they have been a very welcoming group.
    There is also a “Fat Busting Brits” group for those in the UK that also looks very active and supportive.
    And an American group which seems to have fewer members and isn’t as active as the 2 I’ve mentioned above:

    Also, at the beginning of each month there is usually a new forum topic opened for those who want to challenge themselves or set a target and share progress – have a look at the “28 day February 2017 challenge” and see if you think this type of support would help:
    Someone from the Feb group will open a new topic for March soon that you can join.

    If you want to look at other forum topics that are active and supportive then click on “Forum” at the top of the page and then select “Active Topics” his will give you some other options of forum discussions that are active at the moment.

    Carol64 if you like a lot of interaction I also encourage you to join the monthly challenge. People there try to post daily updates on both FD (fast day) and NFD (non-fast day) days. It can be hard to read all the threads though. As LJoyce pointed it the current one is

    Good luck with your journey and I hope you’ll be able to lose those extra kilos.

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