
This topic contains 17 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Minka 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi all,

    I started the 5:2 diet just yesterday and have lost 2lbs already, which I think is down to cutting out Fizzy pop mainly. I have read the intro on here and I must say it’s a lot different to a Facebook group I’m on. On the 2 fast days they don’t eat until they have dinner, but on here I see you can actually eat on the fast days….I don’t do well not eating and my Hanger (hungry anger lol) goes sky high and I need that boost now I have my baby. My fast days are Friday and Monday, I drink loads of Lemon Water (hot and cold) and cut down to have two coffees now. Do you all eat on your fast days?

    Hi Stevie:

    Here is how 5:2 works and some tips. As you probably know, your two pound loss was probably water weight.

    Good Luck!

    Seeing as I can eat on the fast days that’s what I will do, rather happy now lol.

    Hi Stevie:

    From your post it did not sound like you are doing 5:2. The first paragraph of the post I linked you to explains 5:2. Sorry if I was wrong.

    Good Luck!

    I AM doing the 5:2, I eat normally (2,000) and the fast days (5/600). I have read the link but still hasn’t really answered my question…do I only have one meal and just have water from the morning onwards or spread it throughout the day?

    Hi Stevie:

    You can eat any way you want. The reason many eat one meal high in fat/protein in the evening is because they are less hungry through the day and they tend to sleep better at night.

    Good Luck!

    Would you suggest me to do that for my first fast day on Friday?

    CAN I have a Smoothie?

    Hi Stevie:

    You can have a smoothie if you want. After you eat whatever way you want for awhile you will find an eating pattern that works best for you. So eat what you want, and adjust.

    My thoughts on what to eat on diet days are in my 12 Dec 15 post on the thread I gave you.

    Good Luck!


    Are you making the smoothie or are you buying it? At least if youre making it you can be 100% sure of whats in it. I suspect that bought ones have a very high sugar content which will work against you. Personally Id tend to put berries into the smoothie as the sugar spike will be less and it will still have a lot of taste. Large sugar spikes tend to make me want more food so for me it makes it hard in the evenings. Just find a routine that works for you.

    I do make them yes, today I had Raspberries, Banana and Strawberrys…was lush! I’m trying to cut down on my sugar levels as I used to have loads, think I’m doing ok so far.

    Hi Stevie,
    I’ve been doing 5:2 for a couple weeks now. This what I do……
    About 7 pm the day before I have a high protein meal, low carb. Tonight, it was baked chicken 4.5 ounces and carrots and broccoli. The rest is my already planned out FD.
    5:30am….. . 2 cups of coffee with creamer 45 calories
    6:30 until 9:00…….. 2 16 oz of water
    9:00am…………. 1 egg…. Either poached or hard boiled….. 72 calories
    9 am to 1 pm……… 2 16 oz of water
    1 pm……… Low sodium chicken noodle soup….. One serving…… 50 calories
    Plus, my diet soda
    Then for dinner about 6:30 pm left over chicken”……… 3oz for 110 calories
    Left over veg………… 50 calories
    Cinnamon applesauce… 50 calories
    Cup of coffee………… 22 calories
    If I’m hungry…… I’ll have for snack….. String cheese for 80 calories
    Or ……. A piece of fruit like an apple…..
    Overtime it gets much easier and I’m to the point that on FD, I have to remind myself to actually eat.
    On FD days, I do find things to occupy my time. I actually found that I’m cleaning out rooms that we don’t use…. Doing a heck of a lot of laundry and such…
    You can actually eat quite a lot of your FD, if you take the time to explore new low cal. foods, plan your day before it happens, stay away from carbs such as bread, pasta and rice…. You can have that stuff tomorrow!
    It does take some preparation on your part. I grocery shop Sat. Knowing my FD days are Mon and Thursday, so I starts preparation then. Buying everything, I will need just for those two days.. And what my family needs as well.
    I also recommend finding a support group and being very open with friends and family so you can get support at every waking minute.
    I hope this helps you!
    Remember, you can do this! Plus, if the journey was not hard, we would not enjoy the destination when we get there!

    Hi Stevie – I am now able to go almost all day with just some coffee with coconut oil, butter & 33% cream (the fats make me quite full) but when I first started 5:2 I found it easier to eat 4-5 100 calorie meals per day so I didn’t feel deprived. I still use these meals for dinners some fast days and posted them on the web so I could access them easily when grocery shopping I’m in Canada so you may not be able to get the exact same items but it might give you some inspiration.

    Every person is different and you will tweak how you fast to meet your body’s needs, the only rule is the 500 cals (women) and 600 cals (men). I couldn’t do a fruit smoothie because I know the sugar would make me hungry but it would work great for a lot of other people. Wishing you all the best on your fasting Friday!

    My first fast day is tomorrow so will take this on board, thank you all.

    Well here it is, my first fast day

    2 glasses of water and a cup of coffee 7:30am

    At 9am I’ll have another cup of coffee

    10-12pm glass of water

    12pm apple

    1-3pm carrot sticks glass of water

    4-6pm glass of water

    6pm Sausage, mash and carrots

    7-9pm water

    10pm Nightime Detox Tea

    HI everyone,
    I am about to embark on this 5:2 journey.
    I have a lot of weight to lose – I currently weigh 95 kg and am five foot four……….so really want to lose some kilos……………dream weight would be 60 kg……..dunno if i can ever get to that……..i plan to start on thursday……(tomorrow is australia day and i have family over and am doing big roast beef dinner, then wednesday i have a conference thingy for work and they are providing food and so i know that’s not a good day to start…… i will start first day back at work which is thursday)
    I have not been very physically active (apart from normal walking etc with job) but actual physical stuff…… i used to swim…… the morning before work……….thinking of getting back into that………I actually enjoy swimming so I guess this is good because I might stick to this…………I do have a treadmill and exercise bike at home which i find do not get used at all………to be honest feeling a little overwhelmed by the thought of beginning a program and that it could actually be the right one…….

    lets go you can certainly loss what you want.

    I strongly recommend that for the first two months (at least) strictly adhere to the 5:2 pattern as written before you make any changes or attempting to modify 5:2 in anyway.

    I recommend reading and reading and going back often to the FAQ at the top of the page

    A few threads that can really help especially this one.

    Weight loss stalls and plateaus


    Tips: recalculate your TDEE frequently and stay within it on feed days, if you are doing this for weight loss set small monthly goals and reset them each month, easiest way of course is to calculate your TDEE for you final goal weight and eat to that, however it can be a big adjustment for some and that is where monthly goals can be better.

    I am curious; how are you Stevie, and all that posted here, doing at this point in the year? Were any able to stick to the life style? If so, how did you do it and what were your results and impressions. Thank you

    Hi August, I’m a relative newbie too, as I’m just reaching my 8th week of this way of life. You’ve probably seen in other threads that simcoeluv is still around assisting many of us on our journeys! In fact there is a group of dedicated veterans (as I call them), those who long ago reached their goals, are now on maintenance and very graciously continuing to give of their free time to help the rest of us. Knowing they are there makes me certain that I can follow in their footsteps.

    I’m aware of the large numbers of threads started and then left to wither and I wonder what happens to those who no longer post. I ask myself whether they’ve discontinued with IF or if they were successful, reached their goals and have gone onto spending time doing other things than writing here?

    All I know is that I’m sticking around because I’m one of those who better succeeds when I’m part of a group and I credit a lot of my success so far to the knowledge and support I’ve received in this forum.

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