New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 963 total)

  • Day 9 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Busy morning planned: yoga, Silver Sneakers, massage, then some museum duties. Our Children’s Museum location is shaping up nicely but sure has been a lot of work. One committee member is hardly sleeping, and I fear the stress of it is adversely affecting her health. Funny how retired teachers never really retire. We seem to just shift to the volunteer side of the world.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 9 North Canton Oh FD 1:3 B2B
    Today is the first work day without a gazillion meetings, and I am hoping I can get caught up somewhat on my pending bin.
    @beedoo & @elektron you are right, I am realizing now how little nourishment the human body actually needs, 800 calories after a couple fast days is a feast!
    I am also going through ‘the change” and I feel much more comfortable temperature wise on my FD, on NFD if I indulge in refined carbs I am way too warm, add a glass of wine and I turn into a furnace – and my mattress becomes a swimming pool – it’s very uncomfortable not just for me but for hubby as well (poor guy).
    @bert1802 your ending always makes me smile but this year I got memory foam running shoes for my birthday and they are so comfortable- like running on clouds but I still forget why I walked into the kitchen
    @emmataylor would your hubby be open to adding a couple FD a week to his eating plan, and you dedicate those days to doing something you have both always wanted to do but never got around to?
    @jumpgoldpenguin I am also one of those who cannot do without regular exercise, the more stressful life gets for me the more I exercise. And I have not seen a drop in strength at all, my fat percentage has gone down and my endurance has gone up. I exercise every weekday regardless of whether I am fasting or not and while I am usually more energetic on Mondays (after weekend rest days) my performance level has not been affected.
    @michelinme ‘Chuffed as bunnies” put a smile on my face
    @at thank you for the update on TRE, I was wondering what it was

    Here we go – Day 9 pocket list
    @basyjames 1:3 B2B

    Im doing the 5:2 diet too, im on day 2 of week 2.
    Hows it going?

    Day 9 Minnesota, USA FD

    8 a.m.: heading out door soon. FD yesterday was way over, not even a CD. Today will be a FD! The remainder of chocolates that have been plaguing me and ruining my good FDs are being handed over to DD. Thank you to everyone who reminded me: the sane thing to do is simply get them out of the house, since I am obviously unable to resist at this time.

    @at…..thank you for the in depth post on the Fast800. Sounds like a plan that I can do with OH to get the both of us on track and his blood sugars down.

    Best of luck to everyone!

    Here we go – Day 9 pocket list
    @basyjames 1:3 B2B

    USA Day 9 NFD

    Today is another NFD! Tomorrow will be my second FD for the week! I haven’t decided yet if it will be a water fast or not. I have to wait till the morning to see how I feel. Will be back later! I have someone working on my house! Gotta get everything done before my grandson arrives! LOL

    Day 9 UK NFD

    Almost hometime and the end of my working week. I might not get a chance to log in tomorrow/Friday but just wanted to say it’s lovely to be back amongst you all.

    Have managed 396 calories so far today so this might end up being an 800 cal fast day. Always handy to have one in the bag before my long weekends. I can enjoy a glass or two of wine with less guilt that way!

    @at thanks again for the summary of the new approach. it was such an interesting read. I do practice 16:8 or 17:7 so it’s nice to know the health benefits related to that. I also put down my success so far in maintenance to sticking to a long fast window/shorter eating window.

    Happy Humpday all

    Day 9–Colorado, USA—NFD

    It seems like I’m getting a slow start to this WOL after falling off the wagon for 6 months, due to various family/travel issues, aged parents, etc. I’m still trying to get my schedule of FDs working out. I used to do Monday and Thursday, but now I have joined a women’s hiking group on Mondays that always ends up having a nice late lunch after our hike and I have an all day painting class on Thursdays, which always has a social drink after. Now I’m thinking Tuesdays and Fridays, but Fridays we are often invited to parties, dinner, etc. When food/drink is in front of me at a party,I have no willpower. I guess willpower is what I really need to work on!

    @emmataylor—I love to cook and that is my downfall because I’m always tasting as I go along. Those little bites add up. I have started to approach my Fast days as a cooking challenge—what delicious food can I create that stays within my FD calorie limit? On those days I’m using more vegetables, Asian recipes, and exploring new ethnic recipes. Perhaps your husband can take a similar approach with his new found interest in cooking. It is a nice challenge to create meals that are flavorful, satisfying and low calorie. Sounds like it would be healthy for him as well 😉

    Day 9 – NC, USA – FD

    Quick check in to put myself on today’s Pocket list.
    Good luck everyone!

    Day 9 pocket list
    @basyjames 1:3 B2B

    Day 9 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Day 9 pocket list
    @basyjames 1:3 B2B
    @annemarilyn 3:3

    Adding myself to the fasting list because I feel like I’ll continue through to tomorrow instead of breaking at the evening meal tonight. The scale was at a new low this morning & I’m feeling well so I think I’ll continue fasting until lunch with a friend tomorrow.

    @daw1962 – yes, I’m often cold during fasting but the longer I go the less cold I believe. I’m on my 3rd day of fasting and feel warmer today. I’ve heard we are colder until we start burning our excess fat. At first we’re burning off excess glucose, and that’s the cold stage. I drank coffee but also herbal tea and warm water with lemon yesterday to keep my hands less cold.

    @hyacinth – it’s great that this WOL is so flexible. You’ll figure out what works for you at this time.

    Glad we’re together on this journey!

    USA Day 9 NFD
    Second Post

    I am rooting for you AnneMarilyn in your fast!

    My kitchen is closed for the day as I have finished my NFD inside my 16:8 window. Tomorrow will be another FD for me. Haven’t decided yet whether or not it will be a water fast, though.

    Hope everyone is having a successful day in whatever you are into! 🙂

    Day 10 Wellington, NZ FD

    Not sure how we manage pocket lists across time/date zones so I’ve added myself to day 9

    Day 9 pocket list
    @basyjames 1:3 B2B
    @annemarilyn 3:3

    Had a disappointing 400gm gain after my three days away – but today am on track for a strict fast day.

    I really get motivated reading others’ success stories of overcoming temptation, so keep sharing them please.

    Day 9 – UK – NFD

    Busy day starting with a morning yoga class followed by coffee with a friend, then a meeting about our role as volunteers. This was followed by my usual Wednesday afternoon of volunteering!

    Back home to make two cakes – an Italian apple cake for a friend of my DD (her birthday tomorrow) and a new recipe for me – Parsnip & Orange Spiced Cake by Nadiya Hussain for a friend who is partial to vegetable based cakes…….
    OH and I had a lovely big plate of mixed salads for tea so that has kept me to around 200cals below TDEE…..Kitchen door is now firmly closed 😇

    @jumpgoldpenguin – no drop in strength – in fact I am full of energy and often do an exercise session both on the FD and the morning after before I break my fast!
    @kaywesterman – good to hear and I totally agree sunshine is very healing – we have had 2 consecutive sunny days here and it does make you feel upbeat x
    @songbirdme – hope the dental work was not too bad – I hate having anything done – each dental checkup is a worry but luckily I seem to have healthy teeth and gums……so far 🤞
    @lilymartin – I’m willing you on for that FD – hope you completed it OK
    @ccco – you don’t have much to lose so I’m sure you’ll get there before in the next month or so – I suspect the trick for you is to start finding out what will help you maintain the loss….
    @matpi – another one with dental work – I feel for you too – a bit of self care x
    @daw1962 – it is Day 9 for everyone – same as the date – though I understand that you only did your first FD with 5:2 on Day 3 (Jan 3) but Day 1 (Jan 1) and Day 2 (Jan 2) were just NFD for you. Amazing doing 3 FDs in 6 days – great effort! Sometimes I feel cold on FD too, I find that is more so when I’m also tired or not in the right frame of mind for a FD……
    @emma Taylor – Include lean meat, fish and chicken in your diet to ensure adequate intake of proteins, iron and zinc. Another good protein-rich food for healthy nails is eggs which are rich in vitamin B12 and folic acid.
    @elektron – good luck with your 800 per day for the month – Dr M does think it works well even doing for 2 weeks – log in here and we will give you all the support you need
    @beedoo – be positive you were below TDEE and you enjoyed a controlled treat – that’s great
    @rozb – nice to hear from you again – thought we might have lost you – I see you have managed 3 FD since the beginning – great job – how are you feeling on it so far?
    @hyacinth – where there is a will there is a way – consider making a light lunch your OMAD with your hiking group and keep it under 800cals – then you can hike and do a FD at the same time – I’m sure you will work something out 🤞
    @annemarilyn – WOW B2B2B – as @ccco says we are all rooting for you!
    @chipmunk13 – if you have already started on Day 10 in your time zone you can start the Day 10 pocket list and we in the UK can the join you when we wake up to start ours

    The nice thing about 5:2 and the variations that Dr M is introducing is that there is something to suit everyone – if you have a lot of weight to lose you can start with one or two weeks of 800cals/day then swop to 5:2 or even 4:3 when you feel the need to – you can mix and match and find what works for you……….After all this is a WOL and not a diet – none of us want to go back where we started from!!!
    Even now in my 3rd year of maintenance I still mix and match depending on how I feel or if my weight is moving to the top end of my maintenance range or if I have a heavy social calendar involving food/drink I might toss in some extra FD before the events and I usually follow 16:8 daily – this suits me as I have never been an early breakfast person


    Day 9 NFD Portugal

    Such a busy day. No time to read all comments. I really need to get my first FD under my belt. Tomorrow I am going to try. And I must weigh in! A little anxious but I must do it!

    @at thankyou so much for all your wencouragement.
    Im doing well so far… on 3rd day today of 2nd week of 5:2. Come through it fine although all the runs to the toilet can count to my daily exercise 🤣

    Happy fastin everyone

    @basyjames — our memory foam shoes aren’t working very well, are they? @bert1802 seems to think they ought to be returned. 🙂

    thanks @at

    Pocket List for Day 10


    Day 9 UK second post

    I forgot to eat before I left home, had a banana and clemetine at 5.30pm with 10g salt popcorn then supper of vegan curry, sprouts & spinach when i got home. I was a little over 800 and still hungry, so rounded out with a few brazil nuts and my fave pudding of fat-free Greek yogurt with cacao, date syrup and apple. That’s a respectable CD at 1150 & feeling well-set for tomorrow’s FD

    Dry Januarians – If you’ve access to BBC2 there’s a Michael Mosley programme on BBC2 early hours of Friday looking at effects of giving up alcohol for a month

    @borealis thank you for the curry recipe – by far the nicest I’ve tried 🙂 I’m so proud of having made something quite this delicious!

    Day 9, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    @at: Thanks for the summary of Dr. MM’s new book. Very interesting. 😊😊😊

    Tai Chi today, coffee at noon with DH, walking about 18.000 steps.
    Food: Big salad with eggs, avocado and cheese;lots of nuts; a big apple and tea and mineral water. Doing 20:4.

    Hope everybody had a good Wednesday! 😊

    Day 9 Ohio, US NFD

    No check mark today since I’m sure that my sugar intake was higher than the guidelines. I had to travel up to Michigan today and it was supposed to be clear weather with no precipitation going and coming. But by the time I got to where I would ordinarily have had a nice sane lunch it was snow white-out conditions on the freeway and so had to by-pass by my usual lunch place and get my meals for the rest of the day on a catch-as-catch-can basis. It wasn’t an EFS day, but more uncontrolled than usual.

    @redrockgirl302 Thanks to you I got back into my qigong and Tai Chi practice yesterday and was able to get my Tai Chi practice in this morning before the trip.
    Although my feet got a lot of exercise with the driving, I don’t think I’ll make anywhere near the number of steps you’ve done.

    @erika45 Voc^e fala portugues?

    @at and @daw1962 I also get a little cold on FD’s. In fact my body temperature when I sleep is a good indication of how I’ve eaten on that day. On FD’s I sleep cold and if I’ve gone over the TDEE I sleep hot.

    Have a joy-filled day everyone!

    Day 10 – Melbourne AUS – FD

    Feeling a bit off today, few people in the office have been sick so hope it’s not that! Lots of water and tea to help me through.

    @judyjudes hope the migrane is passing
    @debster251 well done! We’re almost halfway there (can you believe it?!). There’s been very little added sugar in the stuff that I’ve had, so I’m counting that as sugar free, but I’ll also aim for constant improvement. Tell you what, even just trying to commit to zero sugar has really raised the awareness and made me consider every little that I’m eating. It will get easier.
    @missybear thanks for the advice, I do try and avoid sweeteners as is it (though occasionally have a little stevia) but will try and be extra mindful of those little bits that sometimes sneak in! I figure the more I cut it out, the less I will crave it, so will keep at it!
    @daw1962 yep I’m always freezing on FD’s, always need an extra jumper in the office when fasting. Thought I usually run a bit cold in general.
    @matpi agree with the hot at night if overindulge!

    Pocket List Day 10:

    Day 9, Second post to keep me motivated.

    Today’s FD has been harder than usual. I had to deal with a few difficult conversations and missed my Krav Maga workout that was supposed to help me adjust my attitude. I know intellectually food in my stomach would not make me feel any less annoyed at my situation, but it’s amazing how tempting it is. So I’m trying to stay strong by reading everyone’s posts.

    @daffodil2010, so glad your dad’s health is doing better and congrats on your pounds dropped.

    @beedoo, thanks for the words of encouragement. I have been using swerve (the name brand I have for xylitol) in some desserts lately and that has worked pretty well. I can’t quite determine if it stops me from dropping weight, but it doesn’t highjack my good judgement the way raw sugar does :p For my tea, I still prefer Stevia. I buy a really pure form of it and I think it’s okay. I tried tea without it and I just can’t.

    @northerndawn take heart, we have all been there, eating more chocolates than we meant to. That’s what the Reset button is for.

    Thank you @at for the info on TRE. I plan on using that method + 1 FD a week once I reach my goal weight. I love the flexibility of fasting because you can mix in other strategies that work for you like the Keto-ish nutrition or 16/8.

    @daw1962, I do get insanely cold on my FDs too. In fact, DH has had to buy me an electric blanket because I have a hard time sleeping on those nights. I think it’s because my blood pressure drops so much and I’m cold from the inside. Fasting over the summer was easier than fasting in winter for sure! Hot tea all day is key for me. @annemarilyn, I didn’t realize that about burning glucose vs fat. Thanks for that info! (and congratulations on the scale hitting a new low and continuing with your fast, that’s fantastic!!!)

    Day 10 – California – FD

    My last fast day went really well and I’m hoping for the same tomorrow.

    Pocket list 13


    2nd post

    That should have read:

    Pocket list 10

    …think my eye was drawn to chipmunk13 underneath!

    Day 10 – CD – Ireland
    Janudry and sugar free 🤞

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 10. UK. FD

    Day 10 Pocket List


    Morning all.

    I’m supping black coffee and trying to stay warm. When does summer arrive in the UK!?


    Day 10 Pocket List


    Wishing strength to all other fasters. Together we are stronger.

    Day 10 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    4th FD of the year. Had a good NFD yesterday, well below TDEE and lost another pound. Now, for the first time in a long long time I am actually HUNGRY at the start of this FD, stomach growling. But I will ignore that dragon and will do the usual liquids only until lunchtime and completing 16 hours fasting.

    Oat bran bread for lunch, lentil and spinach soup for dinner.

    I have a bad sore throat and feel a cold coming on. Not sure whether I should visit my Dad tonight if I have something coming on…will see. There are plenty of us in the family so Dad won’t be lonely anyway.

    It’s a long slow process this recovery thing with Dad. We seem to be constantly battling to get updates on his treatment, and last night we had to insist on getting him moved from his ward as there is another patient there who is an ex con, ex junkie on methadone 😨 And he is bullying everyone. Dad is confined to bed on a catheter and I am sure feeling very vulnerable. In the olden days Dad would have had no problem telling this idiot to go jump……now he can’t. It’s very stressful for everyone.

    Anyway, will fast today despite it all.

    Consider me on the Day 10 pocket list.

    Hi all

    Just finished my first week, did 3 FD days as started midweek. So happy with my results!

    Weight lost – 5 1/2 lbs
    Waist lost – 2 inches
    Hips lost – 1 inch
    Arm lost – 1/2 inch

    One happy lady 🙂

    Day 10, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    Yesterday was a successful cfd.

    Today I cooked Lemon Chicken and Creamy mushroom &Tarragon soup.

    I’m eating within my tdee.

    Keep on going on.

    Day 10, London, UK, FD

    So I’m whispering this, since I don’t want to jinx it ……………. It’s my 3rd day of a B2B2B………………… Days 1&2 have been successful, yoga last night meant getting home too late for my chicken salad, so ended the day at 340cals. I don’t want to count chickens just yet, so fingers crossed for todays’ final FD of the week!! ……………. Or is it????

    @beedoo, I’m a Truvia fan, which is the brand of stevia I use, however, the 1/3 tsp=1tsp sugar doesn’t work for me, I find it almost equivalent!!! Unless my sweet tooth has grown and I’m just abusing the 0calories!!???

    @gretta & @daffodil2010, I’ve been knocking back the bone broth this week to help ward off the numerous bugs my colleagues are coughing & spluttering & sharing around the office!!! It’s working so far!!! I hope you feel better soon!

    I’m applying the following to my WOL, because too many people have too much to say about MY life choices, which have sweet FA to do with them!!!!! I’m directing the fat fairy their way!!!!!

    Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. ~Dr. Seuss

    Onward & Downwards folks!!!!

    Day 10 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Day 10 Pocket List

    Stay strong and well everyone 🤗

    Day 10 UK FD

    5th FD of the year which looks more epic than it has felt! I’ve pinged between post-Chrimbo carbtastic catastrophes and skinny OMAD FD while rediscovering the joy of cooking vegan recipes.Forgot to weigh myself this morning but yesterday I was down to 65.5kg – just 0.5kg above my mid-December weight and 5.5kg from target.

    Good to be reminded of longterm and short-term goals. Not doing quite so well on the BALANCE front tho – since I decided to have better sleep routine I’ve been far worse than ever, pulling one all-nighter and 3 x 2am bedtimes! Reset this weekend with no project work, commitments or time-commitments – rest, yoga & meditation and making lotions and potions.

    Day 10 Pocket List

    Have a good day x

    Day10 Belfast FD

    I saw a kingfisher this morning.. A grey day was brightened by a little iridescent flash zipping along the river. Amazing!

    @gretta – I fell off my perch yesterday evening. Those Xmas chocolates called too loudly. The tin is now out of sight! Today I’m back on the wagon.

    Day 10 Pocket List

    Stay strong and well everyone


    Day 10……Florida…..FD

    Well, yesterday turned out to be just one of those days. We had planned on taking my BIL to a nice little food shack he’s never been for dinner. Yup, it’s a little shack, I swear no bigger than a outhouse but the make the best seafood you can imagine. I’m in love with the pecan crusted fish!
    My BIL has a house like 4 houses down from us, he’s a snowbird, so he’s only here a couple months out of the year, he also is trying to battle cancer the doctors have only given him 8 to 14 months of life left. So, we are trying to spend as much time with him as possible.
    Anyways, the hubby calls me at work and says hun, the washer is making all kinds of crazy noises, I’m going to look at it when it’s done but I think it might be the gears. 20 min later another call ….. het hun, it’s not draining, what the hell am I going to do with all these wet clothes.
    Well, he finally got the water drained out of it. I’m sure this after a lot of cussing, kicking it and yelling at it… He does tinker with it but-to no avail. When I get home, we start a small load, no noise, thinking we were in the clear then the noise is back.
    So the decision is made, that it probably won’t last much longer.
    So, off to buy a wash machine….
    The BIL didn’t want to go with us to buy a washer, we went to dinner after by ourselves, we going to take him sometime next week.

    I think I surprised the sales guy, because we were in and out of the appliance store in less than 20 min. All while getting him to knock $30.00 off the price and give us free delivery.

    So long story short, I did horrible yesterday, ate to much, did read any posts and must start all over again today!

    I’m going to do a B2B today and tomorrow, research a bit on MM new philosophy to possibly give a go starting Monday.

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam
    So, now no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 10 Melb Aust CD
    Day 9 NFD

    It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster the past several days, mainly because of the chocolates still in the house. I threw out a lot of them, but there was one box left – decided to go through the chocs and pick out the ones I really liked and ate those, ditching the rest. Gone, yay!

    So, @northerndawn and @beedoo, my sympathies re the choc temptation. I’m now hoping to do better as they’re all out of the house.

    @ccco, @at, @beedoo, I also weigh daily, on my bathroom scales. I weigh once a week on my “gives me lots of info” scales, and record that plus measurements. Wish my waist measurement would go down more, but as it’s already my smallest measurement, maybe I just need patience.

    @jumpgoldpenguin, I think others have already answered you, but I’ll throw in my own observations – no loss of strength, but it’s necessary to continue with your weight regime. If you’ve reduced the amount you do, of course you’ll see a difference in strength. With the 5:2, there should be no need to ease off on what you would normally do. I think I’m actually becoming stronger, because I’m increasing my exercise/ strength training as I do the 5:2

    @daw1962, well done with the amount you’ve lost – excellent result. Not surprising you feel colder on fast days. I recall Dr M mentioning that happening in one of his books. With fewer calories coming in, it’s normal. Just add an extra layer of clothing on fast days.

    Out to lunch tomorrow and Saturday, so am adding a FD to Sunday, and now the chocs are all gone, hoping to swing back into top gear with this WOL from then. Feel like I’ve been idling along a bit much the past 1-2 weeks. Not expecting any weight decrease this week (serves me right!) when I weigh on Saturday.

    Day 10 Melb Aust CD
    Day 9 NFD

    Great, just lost a long post as I decided to edit it – eek!! So, just posting that I’ve been eating too much of the remnants of Christmas chocolate over the past several days, on and off, turned yesterday’s FD into a NFD as I opened the last box, ate the ones I really really like and chucked the rest. All gone now. Lunch out tomorrow (but still probably a CD), but out to a restaurant Saturday so definitely a NFD. But, from Sunday, back on serious track and weight loss again. Feel like I’ve been too “on and off” these past 1-2 weeks.

    Day 10 North Canton OH FD

    Another busy day for me today. No time to respond to posts but wanted to check in really quick. keep on keeping on and stay strong and well

    Day 10 Pocket List

    USA Day 10 FD

    Adding myself to pocket list!


    Have a great and successful FD, everyone!

    Day 10 USA (Illinois) FD

    Might be more of a CD, but going to try a FD. Adding myself to pocket list!


    Day 10 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Sounds like many of us are getting our fasting muscles back in gear. It feels good after the indulgences of the holidays! This morning’s weigh in, yes I usually also weigh daily usually, shows all Christmas weight gone plus a couple more pounds. It seems I may have had a whoosh. I have not usually experienced this much loss in a fast before. I sat at a plateau for quite some months so I am sooo glad to see things moving.

    @betsylee – it’s strange you couldn’t see it but I saw your long post followed by a shorter one.

    @snowflake56 – are you doing okay? Or maybe you’re just keeping your head down as you work on your challenge. I remember you said you and a person you met had set up a challenge.

    Planning to refuel the tank today with lunch out with a friend and some chili and veggies for supper. I may go for a 42 to 48 hour fast beginning after my evening meal; still to be decided.

    Keep strong whether fasting or feasting! 🙂

    2nd post –

    @songbirdme – after reading that article, I wonder if we get to a healthy waist/height ratio does our brain grow more grey matter?

    2nd Post

    @northerndawn we are a very similar weight (mine continually fluctuates between 152 – 153.7) but my BMI is around 30 and yours is around 24 (if I read right) I am petite/short and I’m thinking you must be tall and willowy.

    @shinything Lovely murmuration, Thank you for sharing.

    @basyjames Happy belated Birthday! Here’s hoping it was a good one.

    @Dingoing Happy House Warming, hope you settle in nicely.

    @debster251 the scope downwards was fine but the scope upwards didn’t make it through. Very very painful, even with sedation. Today I’m prepping for a CT scan with contrast tomorrow. This has coincided with my planned FD today. If I eat sensibly when I get home tomorrow that will be another FD. Thank you for asking.

    @daffodil2010 Hope your father is feeling better in himself.

    @betsylee thank you for the notes about MM book. I myself generally do 17:7. This gives me an eating window of 12:00 midday to 19:00pm. I really can’t face food before lunchtime and don’t like eating later as it sits heavy in my stomach. Try not to be hard on yourself. The main thing is you’ve got straight back in the saddle.

    @kaywesterman sending condolences at this sad time. Sorry for your loss.

    @moukinator what an exciting time for you! I’m sure you’ll do great on this woe and be the weight you desire in time for your wedding 👰🏼

    @gretta yes the migraine passed after nearly 3 days. Today I feel shattered and I am looking forward to going to bed.

    @bert1802 sorry to hear about your bil. I hope you find comfort and peace in spending quality time with him.

    OAN I know most of the acronyms but what is EFS please?

    Also I had intended to have a dry January (don’t drink regularly anyway) but succumbed on my weekend away. I only had 2 drinks 🍷, and very nice it was too.

    One last point, can anyone help me locate the spreadsheet please. I’m sure I’ve entered myself on it but can’t remember where I left it. Perhaps I need to borrow @berts1802 memory foam shoes 👠

    Gosh that was a long post … sorry 😊. Just needed to catch up.

    Peace & love to you all.

    Day 10: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    One day I will do a FD….?
    @at: The new 5:2 book sounds worth a read, if only to try and re-inspire and re-motivate myself.
    @daw1962: When I used to be able to follow 5:2 I was always cold on fast-days, and it’s understandable during winter too.
    @judyjudes: I believe EFS is known as “epic face-stuffing”! (I should know all about that)!
    My day off work tomorrow, always a danger of the EFS dragon.

    3rd post –

    @judyjudes – thanks for updates on your tests. Hopefully they’ll be able to get to the bottom of things and you can get some relief.
    EFS – stands for Epic Face Stuffing 🙂 (just saw Ciren2 answered that one.)
    There’s a link to the spreadsheet on the 1st page of this month’s forum. I just find mind in Google docs.

    Well. Fast day nearly done and I maxed out my cal allowance just shy of 500! Never mind. I’m still on track. Hope all other fasters are having success today.

    Day 11 Wellington, NZ. FD

    Embarrassed to see my name at the top of yesterday’s pocket list as the day didn’t turn out to be a FD. You know how some days are a struggle? Then we went to friends for a drinkand half a bottle of 🍾 and enough cheese and crackers feed a family of very hungry mice…….. we’ll, you all know the story.

    Strangely I was down 300 grams this morning! But today I’m feeling stronger so FD IT IS. I will today lead by example on the pocket list 😀

    Bought the Fast 800 book yesterday so going to see how a couple of weeks on 800 goes.

    @judyjudes, thanks for asking as I too have been trying to figure out EFS.

    Pocket list day 11

    Day 10
    NFD Well it is my FD but had a muffin for breakfast, (140 calories) and a friend asked me out for lunch and I went. Oh well. Not going beat myself up.
    Had a fun morning with my Shell Group. We painted shells and made them into funny fishes. It was good to be back with friends.
    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Day 10 second post

    Off for bath & early night – at last! So tired & grumpy today. Tomorrow I have a mss of project stuff, plus friend coming to advise on garden and mother coming for me to fix her phone & giver her tea. Nothing like a little variety 🙂

    @judyjudes good to hear from you – never apologise for an epic post, they’re often hugely welcome 🙂 So sorry you’ve been having such a rough time with your health, and hope that tomorrow’s scan & contrast are straightforward & helpful results x

    bath calling my name… zzzz

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