New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 963 total)

  • Day 2: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Much colder here today. DD (newly arrived in Australia) brags about the Melbourne temperatures! I like cold and frosty weather as, with my job delivering the mail, it’s so much better than mild, dull and RAINY!

    @gylyb: The pocket list is the list of fasters for that day, put it in the pocket for inspiration if you like. Copy and paste and add your name as appropriate.

    Day 2 – Iceland – FD

    Happy New Year everyone!
    A big thank you for hosting January @at – I am definitely in!
    @jojo52 – I often cook something Indian on FDs (dal or vegetable curry), it is tasty and not too many calories if you skip the naan. This chana masala is one of my favourites: (I use olive oil instead of rapeseed oil)
    @michelinme – “actions have rewards” thank you for the reminder on this first (and maybe hardest) FD in 2019.

    I am glad to start 2019 20kgs lighter than 2018 and 27kgs lighter than mid November 2017, when I began fasting and joined this forum. I hope to keep fasting 2-3 days a week until I reach my goal, which is about 12 kgs away… and then of course keep on fasting regularly to keep the weight off for good!

    Pocket list Day 2
    @jojo52 2nd of B2B

    Stay strong everyone!

    Day 2 Minnesota, USA FD 1st of B2B

    Going to stay with liquids only today to try to reduce the bloated feeling from over indulgences over the last two weeks. Throwing out the leftover crackers and Baklava to the squirrels and birds. It just must be done.

    Pocket list Day 2
    @jojo52 2nd of B2B
    @northerndawn 1st of B2B

    Stay strong and best of luck to everyone!

    Day 2, Guildford UK, FD 1st of 10 B2B

    Adding myself and starting the exercise part of the 10 day New York Body Plan.

    Welcome to the Newcombers starting this month and to all my fellow fasters of yore.

    Pocket list Day 2
    @jojo52 2nd of B2B
    @northerndawn 1st of B2B
    @rainbowsmile 1st of 10B2B

    Onwards and downwards!


    Day 2, Gozo, Malta, cfd

    I’m joining today At. Please count me in.

    Bert welcome back, although I don’t read all posts I missed yours.

    I joined this group back in July 2016 and was my ideal weight by end October 2016 but I have gained about 6 kilos now and need to lose them. Today was supposed to be a cfd and this morning my son in law persuaded me to have his special ice coffee telling me to fast tomorrow. I managed somehow to keep it a cfd and intend to have a 300 calories meal this evening despite the fact that a veal stuffed with chicken mince and baked potatoes are calling my name. I spend a lot of my time today with my brand new granddaughter Eve and her little brother of almost three years.

    May I wish everyone a very happy, prosperous and blessed New Year 2019.

    Day 2 Belfast FD
    The forum is getting busy now and I haven’t time to read it all. I’ll try and catch up later.
    I have taken the green from my name on the spreadsheet (‘cos let’s be honest, 6lbs above my top weight is hardly maintenance is it?) Also I am going to put a tick on the spreadsheet for my sugar free days to make me more accountable. So @Daffodl2010, you’re just above me on the spreadsheet so you have permission to stalk me and check on my progress.

    And yes @michelinme. Thank you for that . I’m hoping for an easy on/off few days! And great poem.
    Glad you had a NYE @flourbaby! Lol! So did I!
    @basyjames – happy birthday for Saturday.

    Pocket list Day 2
    @jojo52 2nd of B2B
    @northerndawn 1st of B2B
    @rainbowsmile 1st of 10B2B
    Onwards and downwards!

    There is a recurring theme in the posts… so many of us have slipped a little. Remember, there is no such thing as failure. We just pick up the pieces and carry on. As someone (@Flourbaby?) says, there is no other alternative. This is a way of life not a diet and it truly works. Just read the success stories here.
    Stay strong and have a good day.

    second post

    @rainbowsmile 10 B2B days yay!, may I hold your hand as we walk this path together?

    Hi Betsylee,

    Hope you have a good day today.
    You can email me if you want at:

    Then we can encourage each other.

    Ive just done my first FD and it was fairy easy as ive drunk plenty… im getting fitter anyway with the frequent trips up and downstairs to the toilet 😂

    Have a great day Betsylee

    Day 2 – UK – NFD

    Another lovely winter’s day here with some cloud but lots of sunshine too – Broga class this morning with OH then light lunch out with a friend to catch up after the festive season.

    Welcome to the challenge @weasoil @elainevick @gylyb @jumpgoldpenguin (I too first joined these challenges when near my goal – reached it within 6 weeks and have maintained since by continuing to remain part of the monthly challenges – good luck!) and not least to @rozb – I hope I have not missed giving a welcome to anyone who has joined 😊😊

    @jojo52 – well done on your first completed FD yesterday and for following it with another today going for a B2B 💪 to you
    @judyjudes – so glad to have you back with us
    @emma-taylor – swimming in the outdoor pool in Hampton……Brrrr……🥶
    @cornish-jane @jaifaim @flourbaby @basyjames @anna6 – so nice to have continuing with us for the January Challenge
    @shinything and @bert1802 – holding on tight to you today to help you get through that FD – you know you can do it 🤗
    @betsylee – yes English squash is the Australian cordial (I grew up in Australia!)

    @rainbowsmile and @basyjames – what is the 10 day New York Body Plan? Is this a diet and/exercise plan??

    I have put everyone who has posted into this “New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge” onto the spreadsheet for you to use if you wish – 48 have actually signed in so far for this challenge – I do hope some of our old timers who have yet to say hello will join in or pop in to say “Hi” and let us know how you are doing…….

    To lose the weight and keep it off – we cannot go back to doing what we did before when we gained the weight! “IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT LOSING THE WEIGHT; IT’S ABOUT LOSING THE LIFESTYLE AND MINDSET THAT GOT YOU THERE” Steve Maraboli

    Day 2 – North Carolina – FD
    Day 1 – NFD

    Happy New Year everyone! And thank you @at for hosting the January challenge! What a great way to start off the year! After a 4 month hiatus from the board, I’m very excited to be back!

    My 5:2 story:
    I started the WOL last March and lost 20lbs over the next 6 months by doing two 36 hr water fasts per week, and being very intentional on NFDs. Love the results I get with fasting, and except for being very cold all the time, I like the feeling of being empty and clean a couple of times per week. It’s just a good fit for my all or nothing personality I think. And beyond the weight benefits, I love that it’s good for my health!

    Up to now I have always just done water fasts because introducing 400 calories on FDs was making me hungrier than not eating anything but these past couple of months I have been experimenting with eating just vegetables on those days to see if I can still do well weight wise but have a bit more food. I have joined a martial arts gym with classes at night and I find that if I’m completely empty, I am much weaker than I’d like.

    I have plateau’ed at 127lbs since October mostly due to my reintroducing chocolate and desserts in my diet, and I’m hoping the challenge will be great motivation for me to get down to 122-125lbs and start the transition to 1 fast per week so I can maintain for life. This past week I have gone a bit off the rail with the holidays so it’s definitely time for a reset!

    Good luck to everyone and cheers to a fantastic 2019!

    Forgot to add myself to the pocket list for today:

    Pocket list Day 2
    @jojo52 2nd of B2B
    @northerndawn 1st of B2B
    @rainbowsmile 1st of 10B2B

    Onwards and downwards it is!

    Day 2 Portugal NFD
    Just trying to cut down after the Christmas overeating. Hope to begin fast days next week. I have been eating healthily and clocked up another 6k walk today!

    Day 2 UK second post

    Somehow pulled an accidental FD by forgetting to eat thus far – while sale shopping via online supermarket (!) so adding myself to the pocket list to keep me on track.

    Delighted to have resisted the cut price steamed puddings, fantasising instead about what I can make with a mountain of half-price frozen cherries. Got stuck on pretend ice-cream with frozen bananas, raw cacao & chopped nuts – what’s not to love?

    Remember, if you resist today it’ll feel SO GOOD tomorrow

    Pocket list Day 2
    @jojo52 2nd of B2B
    @northerndawn 1st of B2B
    @rainbowsmile 1st of 10B2B
    @michelinme 2nd of B2B2B 😉

    Onwards and downwards it is!

    Day 3 NSW Australia FD
    7.13am Thursday

    Hi everyone. Just checking in.
    Pocket list for today:

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now 🤗 xx

    Ohhh the poem at the end is really good and very thought prevoking.
    Thankyou for the encouragement @michelinme

    Day 3 – Melbourne AUS – FD

    Happy new year to everyone here!

    Bit late to the Jan challenge party, but would love to join the challenge following the Christmas indulgence!

    A bit about me, I’m 30, Civil Engineer, recently married, and actually hit my goal weight of 67kg just before Christmas (wooooo!!!). I haven’t yet jumped on the scales since the break, figured I’d be kind to myself and fit in a FD and some gym sessions before facing the reality (it feels like maybe 3kg, but we’ll see). So for now will just keep plodding along with the standard 5:2 and go from there.

    Good to be back, and looking forward to catching up on all the posts!

    Day 3 Pocket List:

    2nd post……

    So, I think I’ve done an official FD today! I haven’t had dinner yet but where having zucchini di pasta for dinner but I’ll be careful with my pasta.

    I have only managed one soda so far today, drank 48 Oz of water so far. My intake of calories has only been around 135. So, I have about 365 to play with.

    Thank you for all who gave me the idea of what squash was…..I don’t see me trying it anytime soon. Going across the pond is on my bucket list, so who know what will happen when I get there!

    Welcome to all the newbies, who have joined the last couple days! Your gonna love it here!

    Okay well, dinner is ready!

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam
    So no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 2 – Eastern WA USA – FD (Water)

    So good to be fasting after all the feasting! I see several of us are doing multiple days. @rainbowsmile & @basyjames – are you ladies doing WFDs for the 10 days?
    @betsylee – yes, I did some reading and also Youtube videos by Dr.Jason Fung. His patients who have lost a significant amount of weight with therapeutic fasting, have not needed loose skin removal. This is credited to autophagy when the body consumes the protein cells in the excess skin.
    I’m on about a 70 hour fast that I began about 8:00 PM last night and will go through about 6:30 Friday evening. I have a family Christmas event I’m hosting that night. I’ll have a lot of healthy options and so plan to join in with some eating at that time.

    Pocket list Day 2
    @jojo52 2nd of B2B
    @northerndawn 1st of B2B
    @rainbowsmile 1st of 10B2B
    @michelinme 2nd of B2B2B 😉
    @annemarilyn 1st of 70 hour fast

    So good to see a good bunch of us beginning the New Year strong! We can do this!

    Day 3 – Perth AUS – FD

    Page 3 and day 3 and I have already lost track of everyone (but I do read everyone’s posts!) I think I need to copy and paste names and make notes to be able to reply as by the time i get down to this little box I can’t remember who said what or is doing what and what I wanted to say to everyone!

    Glad to see successes being shared as that’s the inspiration I need! Also great to see that yes, we can slip a little, but we get straight back up there 😀

    Yesterday’s fast day was OK, with about 500 calories all up. Got by on cauliflower rice and tuna, and plan to do the same today 🙂 I was expecting to wake up starving today after the first fast in a long time, but felt nothing. I guess that means my body remembers this whole fasting thing, and knows I’ll give it some yums in a day or two. If I get through today OK again, I might try a water fast on Friday.

    Day 2, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Late check in, busy day. Will read posts tomorrow.
    Walked over 12 miles. Fighting with sugar dragon. He won today. Hopefully all the walking will help to keep things in balance.

    Hope you all had a good Wednesday!😊😊😊

    Day 2 Ohio, US — NFD

    A good NFD, within the TDEE. Well, I did gain a couple of extra pounds by year’s end, but not as much as I usually do, so I feel that the 2 FD’s a week are doing what they’re supposed to do. I have been thinking about maybe going to 4:3, but perhaps before doing that it would be better to get life on the NFD’s back in order.

    Just a word about me — I live in a small rural town and teach for a living, so mostly a sedentary lifestyle (more so in the winter than in the summer). I’ve been doing 5:2 since August and participating in the monthly challenges since September. I want to thank the people here for their support: for teaching me so much about this WOL and for helping to keep me accountable. You all are great!

    @at Thanks for the Mariboli quote. During the last few months my regular healthy habits seem to have deteriorated. In view of what Joe says it definitely seems that paying attention to lifestyle matters is a higher priority than playing around with the fasting routine. The 2 days of fasting really have become the foundation stones for my life as a whole. Again, I thank the people here for helping that to come to pass!

    Day 3. UK. FD

    Last 2 days have been around 800 calories, so they were more like CFD.

    Will be interesting to see if they treat my low thyroid if it makes a difference to my metabolism! I’m waiting until I have my CT scan on 11th January before I revisit GP to discuss 2nd abnormal thyroid blood test.

    #Elektron I’m with you remembering who wrote what! I am usually in a different room to where pen and paper is available to make notes.

    Day 3 Pocket List

    Day 3, Emden Germany, CD

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 3 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -FD

    Well, already into the new year and I fall off the wagon. First FD went fine until I came home from work and was craving a particular chicken dish that our local restaurant serve, and with DH still being off work post operation we merrily skipped along to the restaurant and had that meal……with wine 🍷,!!

    Bad Daffodil 😆

    But it was an itch that needed to be scratched, we both enjoyed the unexpected treat, and I lost a pound overnight (so much liquid consumed yesterday…not counting wine 😄), so today WILL be my first FD of 2019

    I have a spinach and lentil soup already made this morning for my meal tonight. 3 litres of water and, green tea to be drank, already a walk under my belt and another planned for lunch time. Today will be the day!!

    @debster251 Yes, I saw the ticks on the sheet and wondered what they were for. Good idea ☺️

    Day 3 Pocket List

    Day 3 – Ireland – FD

    Good morning all! #Elektron and #Judyjames I’m exactly the same… Read all the posts but this box wipes my memory of who said what further up… 😂
    Good FD yesterday thankfully and appear to have dropped 2.5 lbs.I’ll take that even if it’s only temporary but tempted to fast again today even though I have a business lunch. Will do my best 👍
    Will try to stick to classic 5:2 in January even though I am in awe of those of you doing multiple B2Bs..
    Walked at lunchtime yesterday, cycled 35km last night and avoided sugar and hooch!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 3 Pocket List:

    Day 1. UK. FD.

    Good morning! Please could you add me to this, although I am a little late to the party.

    I am based down in Cornwall, UK. I am interested in Intermittent Fasting because of the science behind it in relation to IF’s effect on various health markers. I seek to do everything I can to optimise my health for a long, active life.

    I would also like to reduce my weight as part of a 2019 goal to really improve my climbing. I am roughly 64.5kg, 170cm tall. I wouldn’t like to give myself a weight goal as it’s not so much about a weight number as about improving body composition & general wellbeing. I am interested to see how I feel over time with a 5:2 plan.

    Managed to swerve the outdoor swim yesterday, and mess up the FD. Forgot DH had taken a chilli out of the freezer and he looked a bit put out when I said I was fasting. So bit of a duff day… never mind. I’ll fast on Friday. My clothes also feel a bit snug. I’d just like to feel empty! I seem to feel quite full most of the time at the mo.
    Have a good day all. H

    Day 3 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    My first FD of 2019, normal service is resumed 🙂

    Day 3 Pocket List:

    Together we are stronger 💪

    Day 3…….Florida…… B2B

    So, last night after dinner, we decided Friday night, that we are going to have pizza for dinner which means let switch thing around to make pizza work or make this WOL work depending on how you want to look at it!
    @emma Taylor and @daffodil2010…….that’s why this WOL works, why our goals are achieveable because we can switch, adjust and rearrange as we need too! No need to say no, miss out on anything! No need to be upset, remember in one week (7days), you need to only do 2 FD’s! There is always tomorrow!
    So, I making today another FD!

    Yesterday, I worked in the warehouse, so I woke up a bit stiff this morning! I think I’ll be in the warehouse again today! It such a short week, there is really no reason to go out.

    Oh remember the tea, I talked about yesterday? Well, it was 25 calories and tasted fantastic after all the damn water I drank. I asked them how many calories in there shakes which was 185 and if you pair it with the tea that’s 210 calories!
    After much thought, Im not going to try the shake. There is so many different good foods, I can have for that amount of calories.
    Again, when I passed and explained why, I got the same old recording! So, I’m going prepared today with research from Dr Mosley and Dr. Fung. I’m going to educate the uneducated today on the benefits of fasting! Oh and get the tea!

    Okay, I think I’m just rambling this morning!

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam
    Now no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 3 Melb Aust FD

    An okay day today. Probably more like 850 cals, but some very heavy gardening, so my TDEE today is 2300 cals. which gives me a little leeway.

    I would appreciate some advice. I’ve been trying to do 3 FDs per week, and if something comes up, they may end up B2B, – done one so far, and am doing another now, and I’m wondering if it’s a good idea for me. I felt a bit “off” after the last one, and ate more than I should have for 2 days afterward, and with this one, I’m not feeling great again today. Maybe I should stick with just 2FDs and up the exercise??? What have others found about that?

    @annemarilyn, thanks for the info re Dr Jason Fung and no loose skin. Someone else mentioned him, too, so I’ll do some searching on Google and youtube for him.

    @elektron, yay for your first successful FD. Well done.

    Day 3 North Canton OH 2nd B2B FD

    Still in search of a successful water fast day. I did well at work but when I got home, I was so tired, cranky and hungry that I headed straight to the kitchen and ate some leftover pot roast, a few slices of honey baked ham and a baked chicken thigh and then I felt better. Still better than my average intake over the last week though. I believe I will try to water fast on Friday, today will be regular FD, it seems I cannot bully my body into doing what I want it to do like I used to, I have to coax it along 🙂

    @emma Taylor, I also like feeling “empty”, sadly I haven’t felt empty in a long time. I am hoping to get there soon.

    @elektron, I usually open two screens and compose my post as I read other posts. I could never hope to remember who said what when, so you are not alone. I was also insanely hungry for a few hours yesterday on my first FD in 3 weeks but woke up feeling fine, and I have successfully gone for my morning run two days in a row, #babystepsforthewin

    @annemarilyn, I plan to do water fasts next week. Fingers crossed that I make it, I will get some bone broth made over the weekend to prepare

    @at I am not really sure, I am fasting for 10 days to kick off the New Year and was just really excited that @rainbowsmile is doing the same.

    @rainbowsmile can you share a bit about your plan? I added you to the pocket list, hope that is ok.

    Day 3 Pocket List:
    @basyjames 2:10 B2B
    @rainbowsmile 2:10 B2B

    USA Day 3 FD

    Adding myself to the FD list:

    @basyjames 2:10 B2B
    @rainbowsmile 2:10 B2B

    Today will be my first water fast of the 2019!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 3 UK FD (3rd of B2B2B)

    Yesterday’s generous OMAD came in under 800 calories, so another successful MFD. Somehow I resisted the rebound temptation of post- FD coming hot on the heels of EFS week. Especially the voice whispering in my ear to make mug cakes or raid Christmas present fudge that my DD left here to collect at the weekend. Yay!

    This morning’s weight is a steady 66.5kg/146.6lb, still 1.5kg/3.6lb up on my mid-December weight but I’m already feeling more like my recent regular self – ribby and leaner, less bloated & clearer-headed. Great to feel the reward of just two MFD!

    Now I need to refocus on my January goal of earlier bedtimes and better morning routine bc late night and up too late for yoga or meditation, and I can feel the morning has been much harder than it needed to be. Balance has to be worked for, and change won’t just happen unless I take action! My decluttering day hasn’t happened but lots of clearing up and finishing off at home today which will help, and I’ll work on decluttering next week.

    Day 3 Fasting Pocket List – think i’ve caught everyone 🙂

    @bert1802 2:2 B2B
    @basyjames 2:10 B2B
    @rainbowsmile 2:10 B2B
    @michelinme 3:3 B2B

    Stronger together x

    Day 3 – California – first FD of 2019.

    Haven’t figured out how to copy the list of FD participants yet and I’m rushing to get ready for work but consider me added to it!

    I have my meals planned out already.

    Day 3 USA – NFD

    Actually went over TDEE yesterday, I seldom do that, but some good cooking was the reason. Oh well, likely will do a FD tomorrow.

    @michelinme – I like the EOEO concept and abbreviation! I have seen that in maintenance, especially.

    @basyjames – it is so true that routines make a good difference..

    @northerndawn – how kind of you to share your leftover temptations with the birds!

    @annemarilyn – excess skin has been a problem for my tummy area after losing. Over the 2 years, though, it does seem a little bit better. That water fasting theory is interesting.

    @matpi – I am a retired music teacher who lives in rural Illinois and fully understand the sedentary lifestyle. This group is amazing for support.

    @gretta – welcome to you.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 3 – UK – NFD

    A rather cold day here but it’s dry even if we don’t have any sunshine today!

    Well done to those who have already completed their first FDs for this challenge – mine will be tomorrow!

    @arelkade – lovely to have you with us for this January Challenge – hopefully 2019 will be a better year for you – stick around and know that we are here for you if you need us 🤗
    @gretta – Welcome back, it’s never too late to join us – you know that!
    @bert1802 – well done on that Day 2 FD and will be thinking of you today for your B2B 😇
    @elektron @judyjudes @jaifaim – Like @basyjames I find it easier to open two screens of the challenge on my laptop – I read from one and type into the other – hope that helps x
    @matpi – I too find that the basic 5:2 works well for keeping me in maintenance and allows me some over indulgence on some of my NFDs – 5:2 will always be a part of my life I think as I know that “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”
    @greeneyedtrailmonster – Welcome to the challenge – I have added you to the spreadsheet if you want to use it ☺️ Have you heard of Dr Jason Fung? google him and he has lots of youtube videos that might be of interest – this link might be a good start
    Intermittent Fasting – Questions & Answers with Dr. Fung – Diet Doctor
    @betsylee – If you felt a bit funny after doing a B2B – I would suggest sticking to the basic 5:2 until your body adjusts – is that 2300cal TDEE for your current weight?? When I was trying to lose weight I worked out my TDEE for my target weight and only ticked the lightly active box even though I am a fairly active person and tried to stick to that TDEE which meant that a) I lost weight faster b) it got me used to eating much less so that when I reached target I was used to much smaller portions
    @rafiki44 – I have added you to the FD pocket list for today x

    Day 3 Fasting Pocket List – think i’ve caught everyone 🙂
    @bert1802 2:2 B2B
    @basyjames 2:10 B2B
    @rainbowsmile 2:10 B2B
    @michelinme 3:3 B2B
    @rafiki44 first FD of 2019!

    “Your strongest muscle and your worst enemy is your mind – TRAIN IT WELL”

    Day 3 Canada NFD
    Yesterday’s FD wasn’t easy which was to be expected. I know it’s going to take a little effort to get back in the swing of things. That’s okay. That’s why I’m here.
    Have a strong day everyone, yoga and meditation for me plus a cross country ski!

    Hi AT

    Can you add me to your list please, today is my first ever FD!

    Day 3 Minnesota, USA FD 2nd of B2B

    I am feeling so much better today after a good solid liquid FD yesterday and tons of water to flush out the sodium and toxins. It’s like day and night when comparing the feeling of a post FD to a post EFS high carb day (Or days, as the the case may be). It makes me wonder why I think eating such junk or indulging in wine or spirits is some kind of treat. It obviously isn’t to my poor body!

    Another FD today but not liquids only, perhaps. I’ll just see how I feel around 5pm when I eat. I am having quite low-cal and successful FDs when I eat between 4pm-6:30 or 7pm only, mostly homemade soups of roasted vegetables or lentils and perhaps an omelet or small amounts of chicken or fish for protein….filling enough and finding I sleep better. Herbal tea for after dinner and if I must have something else, just an apple.

    y 3 Fasting Pocket List – think i’ve caught everyone 🙂
    @bert1802 2:2 B2B
    @basyjames 2:10 B2B
    @rainbowsmile 2:10 B2B
    @michelinme 3:3 B2B
    @rafiki44 first FD of 2019!
    @northerndawn 2:2 B2B

    Best of luck to everyone!

    Day 3 2nd post

    Looks like I clipped off the beginning of the above post. Sorry!
    Good luck @daw1962 on your first ever FD!! you’ll do fine, we are cheering for you and sending you hugs. Whatever you think you want, you can have tomorrow. Drink plenty fluids, and a little salt is good for a headache. Stay strong!

    Day 3: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Cold and grey day, good for delivering mail though because it’s not RAINING! Busy day at work with more catalogues, brochures, sales stuff (so they can keep spending, eh?) NO!
    @basyjames: what a simple solution, not appreciated previously by the technically challenged, like me….open two pages in order to keep track of who said what and then reply.
    @greeneyedtrailmonster: welcome! Make today day 3….it goes with the date, so we’re all the same regardless of our personal start-dates. Good luck.
    @annemarilyn: 70 hours….wow that’s going to be impressive. Here’s me simply trying not to eat too late in the day, in order to fast about 15 hours…

    Day 3, Rocky Mountains, US, MFD

    Have a sore throat since yesterday evening. Very unpleasant.
    Hopefully I still can do my walking today but feeling not really good. 😖
    Weight up, I don’t know why because yesterday was a solid CFD. That is ‘cruella’, do not believe the scales!
    I plan on fighting the sugar and carb dragon with vigor today and I will win this round!
    Breaking fast later with nuts, then have a salad with grilled chicken breast, avocado, mushrooms, shredded mozzarella with oil and balsamic vinegar dressing.
    And an apple afterwards.

    @betsylee: Thank you!😊

    Have a good Thursday everyone!😊😊😊

    Day 3 – Iceland – FD (2nd of B2B)

    Yesterday’s FD went ok, finished at around 700cals, plan to have max 400 today.
    Great to see such nice and long pocket list, good luck to all!

    Day 3 Fasting Pocket List

@bert1802 2:2 B2B

    @basyjames 2:10 B2B
@rainbowsmile 2:10 B2B

@michelinme 3:3 B2B
@rafiki44 first FD of 2019!

    @northerndawn 2:2 B2B
    @borealis 2:2 B2B

    Day 3, London, UK, NFD

    Very quick, and late, check-in today.

    It’s been a good CD so far, I need to stay focussed & mindful …………. or just go to bed if I can’t do either!!!!

    Happy fasting people!!!!

    Day 2 for me and work has just cranked up – so Happy New Year to me! I will be doing this challenge but may not log back in until end of next week.

    Day 3 North Carolina NFD

    My first FD of the year is down in the books and it was a success! It wasn’t a WFD as I ate 400 cal worth of veggies last night but I felt good and I’m counting it as a win. I walked at noon and got in a Krav Maga work out in the evening. A good day!

    It feels so good to be back! After 3 months away from the board, I could really tell a difference in my results. It’s amazing the difference the support, motivation, companionship, and accountability makes!!! I didn’t gain back, but I stagnated completely during that time in spite of continuing my 2 FD/week. So thank you to all of you for being here!

    My strategy this time is going to be consistent in posting, and keep myself accountable both in terms of results but also in terms of my strategies. I want to stick to a low-carb, high fat and moderate protein (LCHF) lifestyle very similar to yours @metatauta. Not quite Keto, but very clean and filled with healthy vegetable carbs. Ideally I would love to stay away from sugar entirely, but that’s not realistic for me so I’m going to try to keep it to a sweet treat once a week at most, make it a quality sweet like dark chocolate, a clafoutis or even a GF walnut cake, and keep it in very reasonable portions. I love your idea of ticks @debster251, so if it’s alright, I’ll put a tick next to the days I avoid sugar entirely as well. Forcing myself to make this public somehow works for me. Exercise wise, my goal is more modest. I want to exercise 30 minutes each day at least 5 days a week, and since I joined this Krav Maga gym with DD, we have committed to going 3 times per week which I count as a strength workout (it’s more like me taking a beating but one day I will be stronger and will be able to dish it back :p )

    Thank you @snowflake56 for the list of abbreviations used on the board. That is SO helpful!

    Hang in there @daffodil2010 today is the day! You are going to do great!!! We are all cheering for you!

    @jaifaim, I had to comment on your username. Just too funny! I love it! Hunger is where the magic happens I read on a t-shirt the other day. Made me think of your name!

    @betsylee, I would think if you felt weak yesterday, it might make sense to just stick to 2 FD initially and make sure you get some exercise in. I have found that it’s better for me to be gentle with my body and stick with it for months at a time rather than jar it into panic mode. I have noticed that if I don’t exercise on a FD, my body tends to hibernate and it holds on to water, weight etc instead of letting it come off.

    Good luck @daw1962 on your first ever FD!! You will do great! We’re pulling for you and remember there are people around the world doing it with you.

    Thank you @basyjames for the idea of the 2 screens. I hadn’t thought about it either.

    Again, a warm welcome to everyone who is new to this board this month and good luck to all fasting today. 

    Day 3 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Yes, starting to feel leaner as the fast continues. Having treats is all well and good but I think my body is happy to give it a break!

    @betsylee – if you are new to fasting, it takes a while to build the fasting muscle. Keep it simple and listen to your body as you start. Also, keeping hydrated is important and also perhaps a little salt, as someone else mentioned. Your body was probably telling you it needed some water.

    What a long fasting list today! We can do it! 🙂

    USA Day 3 CD

    My FD turned into a CD instead, I just got too hungry! LOL That’s fine with me. I will try for a FD again tomorrow. I did successfully complete a 16:8. I’ve been doing that for awhile and that seems to keep me from being too hungry most of the time.

    My brother-in-law says that the best predictors of longevity are low blood pressure and slight starvation! Maybe he is onto something there!

    My kitchen is closed and my work for the day is done: Have a great evening, everyone!

    Day 3, Gozo, Malta, cfd

    Just checking in as my DH and I will soon go to sleep.

    I managed to do cfd although I might have gone a bit over.

    Bert1802 tomorrow is the first Friday of the month. Are you going to attend mass? My second daughter took my car as hers is being repaired at the mechanic. So I’m waking early with my DH ( as normally he leaves me to sleep when our son doesn’t have school) to go to mass walking to the town s square where there’s the towns main church.

    Good evening/night everyone.

    Day 3 Portugal NFD

    Hi everyone, Another normal eating day after all the feasting. It felt good. Another walk as well. Haven’t done a FD for a long time … getting geared up for it next week.

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