New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 501 through 550 (of 963 total)

  • Day 13 UK NFD

    yesterday became a bit of a carbtastic EFS -not far over tdee but almost all of my calories from oatbread. Albeit stuffed with almonds, sunflower seeds & dates, but you get the picture.

    This morning my fat suit was unsurprisingly pretty inflated. I’ve attempted to rein it in by not eating until I got back home at 3pm, then slicing and freezing the remaining bread. Apart from the odd misshapen slices. And the couple of slices that I dug back out of the freezer. But the rest is now frozen and will hopefully soon be out of sight out of mind 🙂

    Going to have a veg, protein & berry supper then call it a day. Tomorrow’s my regular FD but DD’s now coming for supper after an appt nearby, and starts new job tomorrow. Hoping I can get away with serving her cauliflower and parsnip masala with spinach and sprouts, that should get me back on track 🙂

    Whatever shape your weekend has left you in, here’s to flexibility & fresh starts 🙂 x

    Day 13 – USA – FD

    Decided to make this a WFD since I have a meeting tomorrow night and might have a hard time avoiding food. I have been stagnating this month hovering between 127 and 130 and not making any headways, but I’m hoping today will help my body budge in the right direction 🙂

    @matpi Thank you for checking on me. I made it through and I was so thankful to have this board as motivation. I’ve decided that the closer I am to my goal weight the more my body wants to send me hunger signals it seems. I can feel the resistance increase the closer I get. Ugh!

    @ciren2 so true! To have @evolutioncoach on the board is definitely helpful with accountability, support and motivation! And a little friendly competition helps too. lol

    Hang in there if you are fasting today and lots of well wishes to everyone fasting tomorrow.

    Day 13 – Ireland – NFD
    Janudry and sugar free
    Travelling this weekend.
    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 14 – Japan – WFD

    Feeling better and at least starting a fast. Family medical events may force a change in the fasting, but at least I’m starting. (Just testing)

    @jaifaim – Good going with cutting the sugar!

    Day 11 – USA – NFD
    Day 12 – USA – FD?

    Still in the middle of the day here, so not sure if I will wind up at 800 or above yet.

    Day 13 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Busy day, ate pretty smartly.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 13 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Eating a few more carbs today though usually I’m pretty low carb. Oh well, tomorrow’s a new day and I’ll do a solid FD.

    @daffodil2010 – hope you’re recuperating quickly. Being sick is no fun. You spoke of often doing breakfasts on Sunday. I don’t usually eat at breakfast anymore either but I do eat breakfast foods. Today, after church I treated myself to a buckwheat savory crepe at a wonderful Creperie plus some French pressed decaf. I just asked my GPS for a crepe place. I definitely plan to be back It was soo tasty! They make a lot of things in house and use fresh ingredients.

    @emma1202 and @evolutioncoach – glad you’re a team in this fasting journey! I’m sure it’ll benefit both of you.

    Carry on my fabulous forum friends!

    Day 13 Ohio, US — NFD ✔️

    A good NFD: kept within the TDEE and had only 6 g added sugars. I was very fatigued for most the day, so only was able to do my tai chi practice, with no qigong.

    @emma1202 You mentioned the resistance you were experiencing as you get close to your goal. One way to think about that is while fitness gurus advise us to do resistance training for our muscles, what you’re doing is resistance training for your soul!

    I was surprised that a number of people were eating cauliflower, because I’ve been doing the same. So today I had cauliflower and cashew butter sandwiches on light (35 calories per slice) whole wheat bread.

    Hope your week is off to a good start!

    Day 14 – Melbourne AUS – FD

    Doubtful that my weekend was below TDEE, but it wasn’t terrible…apart from the icecream blowout, but it’s done, and now I just need to move on. Going to try staying sugar free Monday-Friday this week (was soo close last week, but did do better than Mon-Thurs I had initially set out to do).

    Feeling pretty heavy, puffy, and generally in a rut. Think I may be a bit hormonal, and maybe coming down with a bit of a cold, so just going to keep plodding along and hope that the enthusiasm kicks back into gear!

    Even though the weekend wasn’t as controlled as I had hoped, logging onto the forum on Saturday did help, and I think I need to make time to do so on both days to help support my success, and get me out of this rut!

    @northerndawn I think the headache last week may have been withdrawals – they are back (and following some fairly significant icecream eating) so may now just be coming down with something *sigh*
    @at thanks for the mantra, much needed at the moment.
    @judyjudes I actually went through one round of treatment for HCP, and about 10months later symptoms reappeared, so went and did the breath test and it had returned, so had to go through the treatment for it again. Luckily things have been much better since. It may be worth exploring whether that is the case for you?
    @evolutioncoach I’m a bit of a runner, but nothing like the distances you do! Did a half marathon last year while, and tend to do a the odd fun run (10-18km distances) throughout the year, successfully doing so while fasting – would love to see how you go with it! I find it always takes a bit of planning to make sure big training sessions aren’t on fasting days, as I just get too ravenous! Good luck with your upcoming events!
    @emma1202 I got to goal in December, and leading up to that I was constantly hungry (even if eating the same) – sadly the weight has jumped up again, but we’ll get there in the end @matpi thanks for the explanation, I’ll have to keep that in mind as approaching goal to remind myself it’s not actual hunger!

    Day 14 Pocket List

    Day 14. UK. FD

    I’ve completed a couple of days of 800 cals. With completely nutrient dense foods I feel this is doable. However today, I’m going to try to be satiated on 500. This will be home made soup for a late lunch and a small amount of braised lambs liver and steamed veg. Small amount of shallot gravy. If I feel I’m overly hungry or feel weak/shaky/nauseous etc I will eat more.

    @gretta Triple therapy here is one treatment but it’s with 3 powerful antibiotics all at the same time. In fact I’ve always been suspicious that my gut biome never fully recovered and that’s when my weight started to creep up. I take probiotics and eat prebiotics but I feel this isn’t like your own flora. I think your right … I think I still have it! I will mention it to the consultant when I see him.

    @metatauta my initial goal is also to get below 150lbs. I did get to 150.2 in December but it didn’t stick. Yesterday I was151.2 so not far away. Wishing you good luck in your goal.

    @northerndawn sounds like you are doing well on your 800 a day. Sorry to read that you were really cold on retiring to bed on day 4. Is this a sign of fat burning? I am still going to try to have a 500 day today which isn’t a true fast as my TDEE is low and fast days should be under 400. Hope that makes sense. Which are your favourite recipes out of MM book? I did the spicy 🌶 pork one yesterday, substituting the noodles for spicy cauli rice. It was delish.

    @rafiki44 I feel your pain. I was looking over my progress and since I came to this board in October 2018 I’ve lost 5lbs. Overall I’m very pleased with this as it’s proving very difficult for me to lose any weight with an untreated underactive thyroid gland. I estimate without me being mindful about everything I eat & drink I would easily be stones heavier. Only last night we were discussing that 5:2/fast800/IF has got to become a wol for me in order to counteract an inefficient metabolism.

    @daffodil2010 hope your feeling better from your cold and chest infection; and that yours dads recovering well and feeling better in himself. It’s always a worry when loved ones are in hospital.

    @at Thank you for the yoga link. I need yoga in my life and just need to get on the mat. Yes, I have all the gear but no idea 😬

    @ciren2. How’s your back? I hope it’s not as bothersome for you today. When people have back problems it affects everything and understandably very frustrating.

    @kaywesterman if you’re going to be naughty might as well make it with a macaroon, they are rather delicious 😋

    Happy Monday Peeps.

    Day 14 Pocket List


    Day 14, Emden germany, FD

    Day 14 Pocket List

    @dykask WFD

    have a nice day everyone!

    Day 14 – FD – Ireland
    Janudry and sugar free 🤞

    Thanks @dykask! I’m finding staying off Alcohol easier than staying sugar free but I’m sticking with it… for as long as I can…😳 I think it is because I’m not faced with alcohol all the time and it is perceived to be bad for us (in the main… I’m actually of the belief that a little of everything is fine for most people) but sugar and treats are everywhere and consumed by all.. cigarettes and alcohol have a bad rep but sugar not so much… it’s also mindset… I’m trying to stay firm in that regard for January but…. know that like alcohol (and unlike cigarettes (gave up 20 years ago)) I will have sugary treats again and won’t cut them completely from my diet.. I like tasting new things so don’t want to give that up…
    have to say that I probably overdid salty snacks this weekend though!!Crisps – the next challenge!
    I have had slight headache for the past week🤕 but just dealing with that..

    Have a good day everyone..

    Day 14 Pocket List:

    @dykask WFD

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Lost 2lbs on first FD of New Year (after a few days restricting eating times). 5:2 at the moment though may shoehorn in and extra FD if chance presents itself – I like this approach as it gives a baseline and allows opportunities as extras so no pressure. With TRE it all helps to help me on the way to possible CRON (Calorie Restricted Optimum Nutrition) objective.

    Day 14 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Tummy still not recovered from taking 2 strong antibiotics a couple of weeks ago but continuing with FDs as I feel it will help. I’ve eaten lots of Greek yogurt on NFDs to try and restore my gut bacteria, I suspect it just takes time to get things back in balance. Any suggestions welcome.

    Day 14 Pocket List:
    @dykask WFD

    Keep on keeping on everyone 🙂

    Day 14, London, UK, NFD,

    Another NFD, yesterday wasn’t as controlled as I’d planned (nothing new there!!!) so today WILL be!! Looking forward to 3 days’ fasting starting tomorrow.

    Yes, @jumpgoldpenguin, I’ve been doing B2B2B’s for a long time now, simply because it’s easier for me to fast at work and I only work Tue-Thurs, hence the B2B2B’s. I was finding it very easy to have 3x500cal days in a row until last years’ launch of the revised 800cal allowance!! That was like giving me an extra 300cals to splurge on the wrong stuff!!! So it’s back to basics for me this year ……………….. 500cals it is!!! I had toyed with the idea of the ‘new’ plan, but I’m sticking with what I know!!!

    @evolutioncoach………………………………. I guess I’m a runner then, who knew???? It’s good to see @emma1202 back and she’s dragged you along too!! The shared support will be invaluable to you both!

    Keep the faith people, or better yet, keep BUSY for easy fasting!!!!

    Day 15 Melb Aust FD (starting in a.m. tomorrow; nearly midnight here)
    Day 14 CD, Days 13 & 12 – NFDs

    I’ve not been very successful with the fasting in the past few days. I’m stuck around a weight I plateau at, so I just have to be patient, and more diligent.

    Not a runner @evolutioncoach – I had a total knee dislocation (femur out of knee socket) in a bicycle accident in China, so am thankful to have a functional knee for walking (more than 50% of folk who dislocate like I did have their legs amputated!!!).

    Reading Dr M’s book, I think I’ve found why I’ve complained of feeling “off” – on pg 143 he mentions that some people who move to burning ketones when fasting get “keto flu” symptoms. He encourages that “like the flu, it will pass”, so I just have to soldier on. One positive – ALL the chocolate and other goodies from Christmas are now either eaten or binned.

    Day 15 Pocket List

    Day 14 London UK FD

    I can’t believe we are almost half way through the month already! I haven’t been on here since Wednesday night and love how many posts there are to read through (and keep me motivated!).

    I had a very indulgent carb and wine heavy Thurs-Sat and my weight was creeping up…I then had a shock on Sunday morning when I found I was 700g over the top end of my maintenance range! Completed a strict below 500 calories FD (not ideal on a Sunday!) and found myself 2kg lighter this morning! Must have been water weight. Wasn’t expecting such a quick drop but happily back in the comfort of maintenance range again. Phew. I’m eating out at lunch both tomorrow and Wednesday so planning to do an 800 calories (or less) day today.

    Adding myself to the pocket list for today

    Day 14 Pocket List:
    @dykask WFD


    Day 14 – UK – FD
    Day 13 – NFD

    Apologies for my absence yesterday but I had such a brilliant yoga workshop that on my return home all I wanted to do was to continue to build on the benefits I had gained from the day – I hope you all had a wonderful Sunday as well ☺️

    For those into yoga – we started with 1.5hrs of Yin Yoga which is a practice to stretch the body’s connective tissues, particularly around the joints. In order to do this, specific poses are held over the course of several minutes. This was followed by 1.5hrs of Yang Yoga, in contrast, a more active practice working on the (Yang) muscles and blood flow, building strength, stamina and flexibility. Yang styles of yoga are those with rhythm and repetition like Vinyasa Flow.
    We then had a break for light vegan lunch 😋 and a brisk walk through the ancient woodland near where we were based.
    For the last session of the day our teacher took us through a 45min Yoga Nidra session – translated as yogic sleep, it is a five-stage process that begins with a body scan to engage one’s physicality. It incorporates meditation on the breath, the balancing of emotional states, visualization, and self-healing. Setting a positive intention is another important step (which is called a sankalpa) and this gives the participant a specific purpose to the session.

    @judyjudes – good to hear that your Day 12 was a better one
    @erika45 – great job on that Saturday FD amidst temptations!
    @evolutioncoach – Welcome and it’s never too late to join a challenge – so nice for you and @emma1202 to do this journey together! BTW great job on that 24lb drop so far.
    @elektron – would be good to hear how the 800cal FDs are working for you – I see you started on Day 7 and planning on seeing the month out on them. I make “spaghetti” with lots of firm vegetables such as zucchini, carrot, pumpkin, daikon radish, sweet potato or leek, no boiling required, just cook in the pot with a little olive oil over a low to medium heat for 5 minutes. Add a splash of stock and herbs for extra flavour as you like.
    @jumpgoldpenguin – don’t be too hard on yourself! 24hrs FD is not that bad! If you are struggling a bit go back to the basics (either doing 5:2 500cal/800cal FD) for a while and you will find yourself settling down in the WOL.
    @daffodil2010 – hope you feel better soon x
    @ciren2 – sounds like you might need to see a good back physiotherapist???
    @chipmunk13 – are you doing 800cal FDs for a week??? certainly some of the new recipes sounds very nice
    @missybear – for the tummy issues post antibiotics try drinking milk kefir – kefir improves their digestion due to its probiotic content. Probiotics can help restore balance in the gut, thereby improving digestion. As kefir is rich in probiotic bacteria, it can be beneficial to include it in the diet for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal disturbances. I make my own and drink a glass every day except on a WFD!
    @beedoo – amazing what some water retention will do to our weight – great job with your strict FD yesterday and following it with a MFD of 800cals – in the new 5:2 800cals is still a FD 😊

    Having done my FDs at the beginning of last week I fear some overindulgence has taken place since then as I feel a bit “fat” around my middle section (kept forgetting to weigh myself for this past week!! – guilty conscience perhaps??) so I’m pressing my RESET BUTTON with a WFD today and hope to follow it with some mediterranean B2B2B 800cals FDs – will see how it goes………

    Started my day today with a Broga class with OH – I have a Pilates class this afternoon and will be ending the day with a yoga class this evening so plenty of exercise on this WFD – Black tea and lots of water is the plan for today! I’m adding myself to the pocket list for support as TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    I have added anyone who put a FD on the spreadsheet for support on this DAY 14 POCKET LIST:
    @chipmunk13 (who is doing a 800cal week!)
    @elektron (who is doing a 800cal month!)
    @dykask WFD

    Right I’m off to meet some friends for a tea/coffee before my Pilates class – it will be sparkling mineral water for me😇

    Last stanza from a poem by EDGAR A. GUEST
    “Success is failure turned inside out…
    And you can never tell how close you are
    It may be near when it seems so far.
    So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
    It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit”

    Day 14 North Canton OH FD.

    January is flying by, we are almost halfway through and it feels like the year just began.

    Adding myself to the pocket list
    @chipmunk13 (who is doing a 800cal week!)
    @elektron (who is doing a 800cal month!)
    @dykask WFD

    Day 14 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Have a busy day planned – Silver Sneakers, P.E.O., and a children’s museum board meeting tonight. Will fast tomorrow.

    @at – your yoga regimen sounds quite intensive! Likely I have mentioned our youngest daughter, Monique, teaches CorePower Yoga. I looked up a definition of it for here: “Sometimes also called Power Vinyasa, core power yoga is considered by many as a Westernized style of Ashtanga Yoga. An Ashtanga Yoga instructor named Beryl Bender Birch was the one who named this specific style of yoga practice as core power yoga.”

    I do know that Monique is incredibly strong, does more handstands than anyone I know (I see her upside down on Facebook more than rightside up), and has very neat yoga clothes. She gets to “rep” them for Carbon 38.

    Onward and downward.

    3rd post

    sorry for posting twice. It’s called an update, but it’s more about joining the new community you have to pay for. What a pity!

    3rd post

    sorry for posting twice again. It’s called an update, but it’s more about joining the new community you have to pay for. I would have liked more information.

    Day 14: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Workday. Back ok-ish, started off somewhat painful and stiff earlier this morning (and during the night) but feels better after a day in and out of the van delivering mail (strangely)! Movement is good, I guess.
    DD started her new job in Australia…I wonder how she got on….parents the last to get the news, I think!
    She paid them a visit last week to introduce herself, said everyone seemed friendly. So I assume all is well.

    Day 14 – USA – CD

    Yesterday turned out to be my second FD in the week and at about 596 cals. I was tempted to go to 800, but I know me – it would certainly go over and turn into a CD. @judyjudes, like you, I’m striving to maintain and never see the 150s again…today was 149.8 so I’m getting by by the skin of my teeth…looking for that 5 lb. wiggle room, which will keep me in happy maintenance. Not going green on the spreadsheet yet though until I can stabilize under 150. @daffodil2010, feel better!

    Day 14 UK FD

    Carbtastic weekend which again linked fatigue, cravings and inability to resist. On the bright side I enjoyed experimenting with adding almonds, dates, pumpkin seeds & cinnamon to my standard oat & yogurt loaf. Sadly it was too delicious as I ate the whole loaf over two days!!! Lesson – make smaller quantities for treats or visitors, or make a loaf for bring & share things.

    Today I’m almost 2kg up (!) and feeling puffy and sluggish – as in, moving like a slug. Drinking lots of water, a little black coffee and some herbal tea during the day then supper with DD – who’s also started new job today @ciren2, thinking of you. I’m going to make cauliflower & parsnip masala, served with lemon spinach and a little red camargue rice.

    Today is also my first Balance Monday – taking time out from the regular routine to rest, read & write. Done a lot of resting, some reading & gentle chores and now set up for yoga & meditation. Looking forward to more reading and some writing, cooking and catching up with DD ahead of an early night.

    It’s such an effort to stay away from emails – I’ve read but not responded – and not let my brain get distracted into to do lists or problem solving. Today needs to be a fallow time, setting myself up for a more balanced week.

    Wishing better health and energy to all who are struggling x

    Adding myself to the pocket list
    @chipmunk13 (who is doing a 800cal week!)
    @elektron (who is doing a 800cal month!)
    @dykask WFD

    Day 14. Belfast FD

    A weekend of EFS has left me feeling a little dejected and cross with myself. The chocolates were unleashed from the cupboard and as I put the first one in my mouth, I said to myself,’I shouldn’t do this,’ and promptly ate it.☹️. Say no more, but your ‘setbacks’ comment was meant just for me @at. Thank you. A BIG reset with a FD and a swimming class tonight. I don’t want to get into the habit of using Monday’s FD to reset bad food choices made at the weekend.

    Welcome @evolutioncoach. You’ve done so well so far and how great to be in this with your OH.
    @ciren2 – there’s nothing worse than a bad back. It’s so debilitating. Hope it gets better soon.
    Get well soon @daffodil2010
    @at your yoga sounds a mixture of hard work and relaxing practice. Bliss Mmmm…

    For some reason my iPad won’t let me copy and paste for the pocket list. I’m there in spirit.

    Have a great day.

    Day 14 – NC, USA – NFD

    A good WFD yesterday and I managed to fit in a workout. The scale didn’t reflect any dramatic downward movement, but I’m soldiering on this week and staying the course regardless of my uncooperative scale. I am hell bent on ending lower than 130 this month and I have 2 more weeks to get it done.

    @matpi Thank you for the inspiration. You are SO right! It’s totally resistance training for the soul! I love the way you put it! My body just wants to establish a different set point for me out of fear of starvation I’m sure, so I need to nudge it where I want it since I’m perfectly certain 125lb is not starvation lol. I know better but my lizard brain gets easily scared :p

    Oh goodness @betsylee, that sounds awful! So glad yo are able to walk and kept your leg. You must feel so lucky!!!

    We’ll be cheering you on your 3 days fasting @flourbaby!

    Hang in there @michelinme. By tomorrow you will feel so much lighter!

    Get better soon @daffodil2010. Being sick is no fun. But I’m glad your dad is better!

    Have a great day everyone and especially positive thoughts to all the fasters today!

    Day 14, Surrey (UK), FD

    First FD this year and first after a too-long break. Following lots of ducking and diving, dodging and swerving those dastardly December treats, I then got side-swiped by a common cold, right after Xmas day. Oh my goodness I could not face fasting, so I gave myself a break. Thankfully not too many naughty things have been consumed, so the damage is not too great (my clothes still fit, anyway!).

    A bit about me: I’m 58, female, 5’7.5″ and (ideally) 10st 10lb. After 11 months of following the standard 5:2 method, I reached my target last October. This feels like the right weight for my build, as I’m quite heavy boned and muscular for a middle-aged woman. In the process I lost about 50lb, or 25% of my body weight. I feel better, look better and have much more energy. Or at least I do when I haven’t got a cold!

    Interesting to hear about MM’s new Fast800 book. Seems like there’s a lot of good, new research to share. I’ll certainly be continuing with 800 calorie FDs even though I’m now at my target weight – I feel sure they are beneficial. Oh, and my DH has bought tickets for MM’s show later this year. We’re going to the one in Crawley.

    Day 14 – 2nd post

    Quick check in before I head out for my evening yoga class

    @snowflake56 – thank you for sharing that link about MM update on this site
    @songbirdme – I love Yoga but have to admit nowhere in the same league as your DD – I did check her website when you previously shared about her – she is superfit and flexible 🙏
    @ciren2 – good to hear that your back was slightly better xx
    @debster251 – I am adding you to the pocket list x
    @fatfingers – welcome and I have added you to the spreadsheet if you want to use it x

    Day 14 pocket list
    @chipmunk13 (who is doing a 800cal week!)
    @elektron (who is doing a 800cal month!)
    @dykask WFD

    Day 14 NC, USA -FD
    Doing M-W-F full day fast. I am +14 for no energy drinks. (goal is 365 days) Did a 3.74 mile run while fasting today. Scale was still a disappointing 183.8 lbs. However, today is my highest day after 2 days of eating on Sat-Sun. On that note, love Saturday mornings, best weight of the week after the 3X pure fast.

    Going to really focus on eating healthy this week with veggie prep, salads, and only meat once a day on my eating days. Full day today with a 14 hour workday. Coffee & tea (with stevia), la croix water and plain water only.

    Have to hit that 170 number for the upcoming marathons. Goal is to see some ab definition by March 2nd Umstead Marathon for sure by May 18th, Martha’s Vineyard Marathon. Thanks for all of the support and patience as I get the hang of this! J

    Hi all. Been quiet today as just reassessing what would work best for me. Decided to simply try zero cals for 24hrs and see how I go. That seemed fine and actually managed 27hrs again which isn’t too shoddy. I’m just going to play by ear and when I’m ready to jump back in to the 36hrs I will. I felt the compromise of less hours fasting but less cals was good and the idea I could eat when I was ready after 24hrs had passed was a comfort. Hopefully I can work on that and still maintain/lose weight.

    Day 14 Massachusetts USA CD ATTENTION: @at I just went to the Spreadsheet and next to my name the FD’s, NFD’s and CD’s are filled in right up to the end of the month. This is not how I use the spreadsheet I fill it in each night as my accountability. Did someone mistakenly fill in their routine next to my name?

    Day 14

    FD Thanks @at for adding me to the list today. Trying for the 500 calories. If I keep to my menu, I’ll go over by 34. After eating like crazy over the weekend, hopefully starting this week I’ll find my control. Isn’t it amazing how your mind plays tricks on you as you are trying to stay in your fasting range? 🙂
    Hope everyone has a great day.

    @at really can’t thank you enough for yoga recommendation. Have done a beginners session and 2 weight loss sessions (I’m a little sceptical about those but they certainly wake up the muscles!)

    Much more pleasant before bed that the weights or jump rope routine I was doing before injuring foot.

    Day 13 – NFD (post disappeared)

    Day 14 – California – NFD

    Today I was presented with bagels and home made cinnamon rolls at work which I incorporated into lunch (small piece of each)

    Day 14 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    So glad for this FD, starting with a water fast – including water, black coffee, herbal tea, warm water with a little lime juice so far. If I feel the need, I may add a “fauxbucks” in the evening. I indulged in more carbs than usual on the weekend and the scale showed a definite up tick this morning. Hopefully it’ll go back down quickly as yours did @beedoo. I agree with you @evolutioncoach – that I love the scales best on the morning after the last fast of the week.

    @at – thank you for the piece of the poem; a great reminder.

    @rafiki44 – sorry your post disappeared. Good for you for limiting the carb intake. That can be challenging.

    Day 14 pocket list
    @chipmunk13 (who is doing a 800cal week!)
    @elektron (who is doing a 800cal month!)
    @dykask WFD

    Together we can do this!

    Day 14 Portugal FD
    Great FD somewhere between 500-700 calories. Found it easier today. My DD made brownies tonight but I wasn’t even tempted. Have had no sweets, desserts, cakes or anything like that since 31st Dec! Still trying to walk 3 miles/5k each day. Weather still sunny.

    @matpi- Como é que aprendeu falar português? Eu aprendi no Brasil mas agora estou a morar em Portugal.
    @evolutioncoach – interested to read that you are aiming to run 1000 miles in 2019. I am aiming to walk 1000 miles in 2019. I’m not a runner but sometimes try to run the odd 5k.
    @at – thanks for your encouraging comments

    Day 15 – Japan – NFD

    I wish success to all those still doing the day 14 fast!

    I’m working on new exercises trying to improve my frog stands (bent arms) to crane stands (Knees almost in arm pits and arms straight) on my way to the difficult tuck stand. (No support for the legs)

    A variation of push-ups that helps is hands pointed almost straight back with shoulders forward from the hands. Form is important and the farther forward one leans the more difficult it is. I can barely do one in good form right now with a forward lean.

    Day 14, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Quick check in. Tai Chi today, walked my 10.000 steps and more.

    Hope you all had a good Monday! 😊😊😊

    Day 14 Ohio, US — FD(#47) ✔️

    A good FD. Today was quite busy at work so that I was only able to get my tai chi practice in early in the morning, but no qigong. I started doing yoga when I was a teenager and continued until this year. There have been just too many joint problems in the last couple of years (not due to yoga!) for me to continue with a yoga practice. Fortunately the Chinese practices are gentler on my joints, yet can give a good whole-body workout. The only trick is that they work better when you do them!

    @Ericka45 Aprendi falar portugue^s para conversar com alguns alunos do Brasil.
    Agora leio as noticias e livros para manter a lingua.

    Day 14 Minnesota, USA NFD
    Just a quick check in. Under TDEE today. Will fast tomorrow.
    Good luck to everyone!

    Day 15 – Perth AUS – FD [800]
    Day 14 – FD [800]

    Made the mistake of eating ~600 calories worth of lasagne last night for dinner. One of those frozen ones… The havoc wreaked on my appetite is audible! Stomach is growling and demanding to bed fed, but cups of tea are not cutting it, so I’m checking in here for motivation and holding out until lunch! The calories are half the struggle, the time restricted eating is the other. I have decided I will have an eating window between midday and 6pm, and the last few days all was OK until that <insert profanity> lasagne! 😛 So tasty, but so evil! The funny thing is I had a small pasta for dinner last week (home cooked beef ragu) and it made me hungry but I could manage. Those processed ones are something else!

    Great to read all the updates and I am loving the recipes. This weekend will require some scrolling back to check for ingredients then I will try a few out 🙂

    Day 15 – Melbourne AUS – NFD

    Trying to stay sensible and sugar free today. Great session with the PT this morning has helped my headspace (which has been a bit of an issue the last few days).

    @judyjudes I think it sounds like we had the same treatment for HCP, though the second time they added an anti-viral to help kill it off. It’s awful stuff, I felt soo sick taking it, but glad it’s fixed the problem. I feel exactly the same about tummy and gut just not being the same anymore, and have to stick to a low FODMAP diet as a result. But at least it controls the symptoms and I’m now pain free, even if it’s a total pain trying to eat when it’s not a home cooked meal. Hopefully they get to the bottom of your troubles, I completely sympathise!

    @betsylee be patient with the plateau, I had a massive one last year but found that’s when my body really started changing shape and losing fat (if you stay strong with the fasting during that time)! I remember reading that a few others have experienced similar.

    Day 15 Wellington, NZ, 800

    @at. Yes, I’m aiming for 2 weeks on 800 a day.

    My OH and I are away on our boat so I carefully planned out the meals using the fast 800 book and only brought that food with us. We are TRE between 10am and 7.00pm. OH is managing, and not complaining too much, but we have friends joining us for the weekend so while I will control my side of things (🤞), I’m sure he’ll fall off the wagon. He doesn’t really need to fast or calorie restrict but is being a sport helping me stick to the plan.

    At the end of day 4 and pleased to say all is going well. I can’t measure or weigh til Friday but I’m optimistic.

    @at please repost the yoga link. I have my mat with me onboard and while I can do my own thing, I like a class.

    @matpi – I always thought tai chi and qigong were the same. Can you explain the difference please.

    Day 15, Emden Germany, FD

    Day 15 Pocket List

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Well, according to scale I’ve gained 2.6kg since last Tuesday. This seems unlikely as I did one full fast and two part fasts. I’m wondering if my weight lifting, weekend jogging, yoga and reintroduction of jump rope has caused some water retention (I did loads of exercise over the weekend!) . Also I have pending TOM (tmi, sorry!) I don’t want to disappoint and give up so I might weigh again in a day or two and see what’s going on. A little frustrated but nothing to be done now. Going for a long walk this morning and having one meal today but much later.

    Good luck to all the fasters today!

    Day 15 – CD- Ireland
    Janudry and sugar free 🤞

    Half way through January and still sugar free… happy with that. Well done to those of you who are also slaying the sugar dragon 🐉
    Also still dry for Janudry although I have a yearly catch up with very good friends in Northern Ireland this weekend so may take a glass of wine with dinner and then get back on the dry… I’ll see on the night… it would be nice to be able to drive also..
    For all this though the weight is not dropping off… I weigh daily and am bobbing around in a good enough place but would have expected more of a change having had a gluttonous December and cut out two big binge type foods…
    I do feel so much better though… I would say I was all over the place before Christmas with headaches, foggyness, tiredness and a little anxiety (which of course I worried about 🤕).
    Much much calmer now although I do have a different type of headache.. a much clearer one if that makes sense!

    Have a good day everyone..

    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 15 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Had a terrible painful chest from this darn cold, coughing a lot, so much so that I took yesterday off work. So glad I Did, I Feel 100% better today and looking forward to getting back to normal.

    Thanks @annemarilyn, @judyjudes, @metatauta, @at @gretta and others for thinking of me. Your good vibes obviously worked.

    Afraid the situation with Dad is still unclear. We don’t really know what’s wrong with him, we can’t get to speak to the doctor at all. Dad is very frustrated and is getting increasingly narky with everyone. I can understand his frustration, his mobility is gone and he feels he is being treated like a geriatric and left to rot. He is not listening to us either and is just in such bad form.

    I am going in tonight after work to see him (I stayed away over the weekend due to this cold) hopefully he will be in better mood. God love him. In the meantime we got an Occupational Therapist out to his house yesterday and she will draw up a report recommending stuff to bed one to make his home more accessible for when he dies get discharged. I fear it’s going to be a very long road ahead.

    But today I fast and looking forward to it. Day 15 and my 4th FD of the year, need to knuckle down.

    @emma1202 I remember when both of us were the same weight, both near goal, but then I let the hunger pangs rule and am now up 10lbs. So keep on keeping on and get to goal my dear, I am willing you on and using you as inspiration ☺️

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