New to this

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Roo 4 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi All,

    I’m brand new to the 5:2 diet and my first fast day is tomorrow. Don’t know why but I feel scared to start this – i think it’s partly a result of all the other diets i’ve tried and failed at over the years, putting the weight back on plus a bit more. I’ve now got to a point where I am very heavy and need to get this weight off me.

    Any tips, help or even a smile would be much appreciated!

    good luck Roo,

    its a brilliant way of eating not a diet a way of life no more diets they just dont work, best advice I can give is read the book but if you cant get it the FAQs on this site are really helpfull

    well done for making the commitment you wont be dissapointed

    Thanks Twigglet, I’ve already read the book, i hope it has all the benefits it says – i can’t help being a bit cynical. One thing that confuses me a bit is that the book says you can eat normally on the other five days but through reading some of the posts on here, it seems a lot of people follow a general diet on those other days – i don’t think i can do that!

    Hi Roo 4 and welcome,

    I too have attempted other diets and have not been able to maintain them, I done the 5:2 last year but to be honest I just played at it. More motivated this time. Now on week 3 with 3 lbs lost in the first 2 weeks. I find these forums very helpful and supportive. Hearing about the weight loss from others keeps me focused. I am sure that you will be fine during fast days. For me I am still experimenting with how to split my fast calories, so far I think fasting until my dinner is working best. Sometimes if I have split my calories it just gives me the taste for more food (I can be such a greedy girl at times). I also try to drink a lot of herbal teas on fast days, if keeps hunger at bay.

    Good luck!

    Hi Roo,

    I started last week and have done two fast days so far (last Thursday and yesterday). Already the second one was easier than the first.

    I don’t think you need to be afraid – a lot of the feedback received in these forums show positive feedback about the 5:2 plan, and some definite weight loss.

    I think the key will be to see if in the long term after the 5:2 becomes the 6:1, do people still stick with it.

    I don’t really have any tips to give you as I just started myself.

    Good luck!

    Thanks Lazycat and PhilPlasma, I am keeping everything crossed that this works for me! Good luck to you guys too.

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