New Girl with Questions

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello all,
    I’ve come to this community looking for some tips. I’ve briefly tried intermittent fasting but going a full day or 16 hours without eating is tuff! Anyway, I’ve been looking around at other diets and came across this article -> and it has a 2-week diet. Has anybody tried this, or had success? Thoughts? Thanks

    @nicole. Really???? 16 hours is tough?? 1 in 7 people don’t have enough to eat and you cant go 16 hours. Buck up little soldier, its not that hard. Good luck with that diet you have in the link. Im sure it will make your wallet a lot lighter. Get back to us and tell us how it went.

    Nicole, a Fast day doesn’t have to mean no-eating-at-all. On the 5:2 Diet, you could eat anywhere from 500-800 calories/day, as long as they are high-quality calories. I’ve been eating 600-700 calories/day for 2 days each week for the past 5 years and have lost all the weight I needed to and then some more. This is very do-able. Did you read the Fast Diet Book to see how to approach it? Might help.

    @fasting_me. I suspect Nicole is not genuine but just another “poster” that tries to direct people to other websites. They are usually pretty easy to spot. Hence me coming in rather like a bulldozer.

    Roger that.

    Thanks for the feedback all. I had a nurse tell me one time that I was on the verge of being hypoglycemic, and that I needed to be careful of diets, that was why I was curious about the 16 hr fast. I got the book just to learn what to eat and when not so much to diet for 2 weeks and then go back to eating my normal intake. Cheers!

    how long ago was that suggestion of proto-hypoglycemia? Has it been confirmed since then? You don’t have to Fast for 16 hours anyway — breakfast at 8 am, small piece of fruit at 1 pm, dinner at 6 pm would still qualify as a Fast if you stay within the calorie guidelines.
    Good luck.

    It’s been about two years since they told me that. Thanks

    Are you a diabetic on various drug treatments? How did the nurse arrive at the conclusion that you were hypoglycaemic? Did you have bloods taken? If this is an ongoing situation I would seriously seek professional medical advice. Your liver & pancreas are not functioning as they should. Purchase a blood glucose meter, they are very cheap (about $50). Test your blood glucose levels while fasting several times a day if you have genuine concerns. You can even purchase systems that monitor your blood glucose 24/7 and you can get a reading sent to your phone (even set up an alarm if it goes low).

    Nicole, I’d get a second opinion about your blood sugar, in addition to that off-hand remark by a nurse. Then you’ll know for sure and can address the situation as needed. In any rate, Fasting is not off-limits to people with blood sugar issues, as shown in Dr Mosley’s newest book on The Blood Sugar Diet.

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