Mum (60) and Daughter (35) 5:2ing Together

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  • Good evening to all who read this and I’m hoping this account will keep us on track!!
    My daughter and I live together! Horrid at times but mainly good. We tend to share cooking and shopping and so we’re hoping we can be practical and encouraging and so both become fitter and thinner.

    Today I weighed 11stone and 0.5lb; BMI 27.3; aim 9stone.
    Daughter 10 stone and 0.5lb; BMI 22.5; aim – I don’t know!!

    Today was a fasting day. We ate yesterday evening and fasted all day. All pretty easy. I was sewing a beautiful pink skirt and was very absorbed and not hungry at all. But plenty of fluids. My exercise was all around the sewing machine and the ironing board and a quick trip to the market where I bought a carrier bag of sprouting broccoli.

    BUT this is what we ate:
    Salmon – 130g – 151 calories
    Purple Sprouting Broccoli – 250g – 90 calories
    Rice Vermicelli Noodles – 70g – 140 calories
    Orange – 69 calories
    Honey – 32 calories
    Red Grapes – 110 calories
    Cold Pressed Rape Seed Oil – 10ml – 90
    TOTAL 682 calories
    Oh dear! It would have been so simple to omit the oil and reduce the amount of noodles. Better planning and attention to detail next fast day!

    Thank you for reading and a happy tomorrow.

    It’s about progress and not perfection! Keep up the good work.

    Our weights this morning: me 10st 13.2lbs (oh why don’t my scales do ounces and not tenths of pounds?)
    Daughter 9 stone12.8 lbs. She went swimming yesterday morning and spent the rest of the day knitting a scarf – lots of exercise there.

    Breakfast was home made granola with pawpaw and orange and a little (pure no additives ) soya milk.
    I tried to make a South Indian breakfast a millet version of poha rice. But I cooked it in the pressure cooker and added too much water as I was afraid it would stick. And I used too much chilli. So some lentils are cooking to be added and hey presto supper is prepared.

    Lunch it likely to be at ‘Food for Thought’ Hurry if you want to eat there as high rents are causing it to close.

    Thank you VibeRadiant – fantastic name – onward and upward.

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