Monday and Wednesday faster needed!!

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  • Welcome lazycat – purrfect! Go for it, we will be here to help. The first day is always hardest. My suggestions would be keep busy and make your plan. My opinion would be do 5:2 but eat very lightly on your 5 non-fast days. Do what you feel you can. There is loads of good advice and support on this web site
    Good luck GL. X

    Hi Gooseylucey,

    Thanks for your reply. I can eat lightly as long as I don’t start eating the demon cheese or chocolate then it all goes downhill rapidly, As tomorrow is a fast day and I am taking a day off I fear it may be more of a struggle than a fast day at work. I will have a good old nose around the web site as a distraction and to keep me motivated.

    Thanks again

    Hi guys I am starting tomorrow I will be monday and Wednesday too I have been calorie counting with my fitness pal for six weeks not been weighed for 3 I am going on how my clothes fit (best way for me as I get obsessed with weight) anyway don’t seem to be loosing weight fast (clothes still very tight!) so trying 5-2 diet lovely to read through your posts good luck every one working tomorrow then the gym so that will keep me focussed

    Hi all.

    Mondays here again, no problem, we’ll be fine.

    Good morning all – Lost 1lb yeh!!! I think ther may be a little bit of dehydration going on there as I indulged in some wine last night. But hey it’s weigh day for me and that’s what the scales say so I’m going with it.
    Good luck to you Monday fasters. GL X

    Hello all,

    Totally relate to all I have read, and I too could really benefit from a buddy – fast days are Mon and Weds – today is day one, after a very indulgent Easter break. Would be great to track results and keep on the straight and narrow with some other fellow 5:2’ers. Need to get back into some old fav’s in the wardrobe, also, trying to keep this low key at home as my family think I am a serial dieter!!! Here she goes again….:-)

    Well done on the loss goosey.

    I’ve got a busy day planned to keep my mind occupied, really does help.

    Thanks to everyone who writes today, we can motivate each other.

    Hi all and congrats to everyone who is steadily losing weight….I am starting today, my fast days will also be Monday and Wednesday and I would love to join you all for support and inspiration. Zacindie72….had to laugh my family think I am a nutty serial dieter too, so I also want something I can keep low key, without tracking, counting, food optimising etc., I have tried them all…..I need to be free!

    Ha Ha blacksharp1, glad its not just me:-) Must say, I work from home, its about lunch time here and I am not feeling the urge to nibble at anything as yet. Going to measure myself instead of weigh, as currently have a pathological fear of scales which I also hope to address throughout this journey.

    I’m on a week off from work this week so I’m also at home and not feeling like I need lunch yet either, in fact I am quite enjoying hearing my tummy rumbling now and again, is that sad?! I’ve never done the measuring thing, I maybe should so that I can see progress not just on the scales….but I don’t want this to consume my head so,I figure once a week on scales every Thursday is how I’m going to play it, that and seeing my clothes getting looser (and the clothes that are stored in boxes under my bed fitting again!!). This time it feels like I’m in no rush which is great, I figure I am what I am today and that is where the journey starts, I have 2 stone to lose.

    Hi all Monday fasters,

    Hi blacksharp1, I too am off work today and think it has contributed to an increase in food thoughts. Luckily I have not given in to temptation, which is good as still feel tired from a weekend of way too much gin and comfort food during my never ending hangover.

    The posts of everyone’s weight loss is keeping me motivated. Well done!

    Glad everyone’s chatty today.

    Think i’m just going to wait today and have a nice (ish) dinner tonight.
    What’s everyone else having.

    I too have a family who say I’m always on a diet.

    Made me laugh lazycat, gin gives me a terrible hang over also.

    Hi Elc72,

    I do love gin but am very greedy for it.

    I was just wondering what you all do- 3 small meals, 2 small meals or 1 decent meal??

    Yes gin, sounds like we all have a common love of mothers ruin!

    I am doing two meals. Day one and I had a cup of black coffee with cinnamon first thing, herbal teas, then a wholemeal pitta with two large tomatoes, 3 x slices of ham, pepper and salt. Tonight, I will have soup and some stir fried veggies.

    Ultimately, I want to get to eating one meal, with the family so I don’t feel I miss out and disguise the fact I am ‘dieting’, until such a time that I shrink and they wonder what happened to me:-) I have about 2 stone to lose and am thinking July I should have really started to see some results and gained some body confidence.

    What does everyone else have for meals?

    I’m one decent meal around 7pm, if forever reason I can’t make it I will have porridge made with water only 150 cals, or home made veg soup, still leaving me 300 for dinner. I have 50 cals for milk in tea or coffee.

    Top tip, drink as much water as you can, it makes you feel a bit fuller, and you are always on the toilet, so giving your system a good flush.


    ps, have the same problem with the gin, wine, beer etc etc etc….

    No alcohol on diet days NONE!!!!

    Usually have 2 quorn sausages for breakfast and same for lunch (they are handy as I can eat them on the go) and a tin of soup for dinner. Today am having only one meal which is big bowl of home made lentil soup. That will also leave me some spare calories if am still hungry. I am a bit of an evening muncher.

    I’m keeping it simple with a can of baxters chicken broth for lunch and a roast beef dinner ready meal for dinner tonight. I will start looking at recipes and healthier choices as I go. Zacindie72, I’m like you with 2 stone to lose, July is a nice first thought for feeling/seeing a difference, it will be interesting to see how we are both feeling by then 🙂

    Hi All, lovely to have you join us. One of the beauties of this diet is the flexibility, you really do make it fit your own lifestyle. I fast on consecutive days, don’t eat anything day one have fish and greens 5 p.m day two – spend a lot of time planning the lovely things I am going to eat on my 5 eat days. Smaller portions and healthier choices seem to have happened naturally, and cravings subsided – all good. No alcohol fast days, but OMG how I love a glass of wine. Good luck to you all GL X

    Thanks gooseylucey, that is exactly what I need to hear, healthy choices along with freedom to have the occasional glass of wine or piece of cake thrown in without guilt, bliss. Thanks to everyone for words of wisdom.

    I fear that the weekend has caused major damage to my weight loss. I had lost 3lbs in the first 2 weeks, Jumped on the scales today for a sneaky peak and the 3lbs back on. Really considering 4:3 this week in hope that it will undo some of the damage. This is week 3 so really want to continue with this progress.

    Any thoughts???

    Hi lazycat – you really are beating yourself up aren’t you! Relax and don’t eat. You could do 4:3 if you feel you can, it certainly won’t do any harm. Double check your calories for fast days, just in case you’re having a few to many, do you eat your 4 Quorn sausages on fast days? Would that be about 400cals? You could have lots of veg soup for that, – I don’t eat on fast days because I can’t be bothered to count calories. If I need a boost I eat leeks and ONLY leeks for 2 days, the bonus is it gets rid of water retention. Don’t panic!! Make you plan. Take a big breath and dive back in. Hope any of that helps. GL X

    Yay I found my Monday Wednesday peeps … Although I may add Friday into the mix for awhile … Fell off the wagon and under the train the last two weeks and put 4 lbs on … Arrgggg ….

    I weigh daily but on my Aria scale that syncs to my computer … I need to learn to NOT look at it at all except maybe on the first of the month when I measure and do all the stats .. Today is my first fast day back .and I’m struggling … Was figuring on an easy dinner of breakfast for dinner .. Hubs was supposed to be at a meeting … He cancelled out because of his back .. I’m debating it still being a breakfast for dinner just making some extra to go on his plate …

    Oh man let me get thru this day and I will be back!

    BTW How do you all deal with stress eating … I’m trying to turn it into stress stepping for exercise but struggling with that too


    I’m a Monday/Wednesday faster. Mondays are fine. Wednesdays are getting more difficult – I’m actively hungry and it’s not getting easier!
    Have been doing 5:2 since Jan 26th – My New Years resolution to finally get a grip on my weight problems – but had to read the book first!
    I’ve lost 19lbs in 11 weeks but that has included normal life – eating out, Easter chocolates etc. etc. so I maybe could have done more but my clothes are fitting me and – well, I’m in this for the long haul – 5ft and over 15st at my worst. I’m hoping to end up more like 9 or 10st over time – not too quickly though because I want to enjoy my existing wardrobe!
    Wine is a problem for me too – especially when cooking – so I’ve cut it out during the week – Monday – Thursday thereby avoiding the problem and I feel better for it. My problem is keeping out of the kitchen when I’m on a fast day(!) so I try to plan easy fast lunches and evening meals that can be carbed up for my partner. Does anyone have any simple favourites that they can recommend??

    Hi Gooseylucy,

    4 quorn sausages on fast days, 70 cals per sausage, the protein helps to keep me full until I have tin of soup about 7.00pm. Luxury tonight with home made soup. YUM YUM! Should also heat me up as always freezing on fast days.

    Are you just boiling the leeks?


    Hi everyone
    Havent posted for a while so thought i would report on progress. I have been doing 5:2 for 12 weeks and have now lost 12lbs. I have lost 1lb each week without fail and i am so delighted. I have never faltered from fasting on Mondays and Wednesdays and i cant believe how easy it is to keep on track. The other five days i really eat anything i want but always keep under my TDEE. Just to encourage you all that it can be done with a little willpower. I am so feeling the benefit of it and, surprisingly, i am losing weight in exactly the places i want! Please all keep going – your goals are totally achievable.
    G x

    Sorry I meant to say well done to all who have lost weight! You are keeping me focused as have a good bit to go. Only being short girl every lb really shows on me. My weigh in day is Thursday so will report back then.

    Waves of hunger come and go much easier than the lbs, however I am looking forward to dinner.

    Hey all, Finished work now, which means I’m thinking about food!!.

    Although evening meal is all planned out, and have 450 cals to spend on it.

    Hope everyone else is coping alright.

    Hi Elc72 and other fasters,

    Today has went ok considering that I have had only 3 cups of tea and endless cups of herbal tea. Must say it was easier than I expected although I am looking forward to my dinner. As not at work today I have been keeping busy with housework and having a nose around various forums. However, I have been freezing for most of the day- warm bath did help and feel toasty again.

    Good luck for the rest of the day fellow fasters!

    Hi all lovely to read through all your posts this evening first day of fasting for me went ok, got to about 3pm and I was starving lol drank loads of water and green tea so these kept me feeling full and still managed the gym I must be mad haha

    I am always freezing on fast days. It was good to read everyone’s posts. Need to get remotivated. Didn’t stick to the strict 500 today- more like 900 cals today. Feeling bad. Going to do it strictly on Wed. Started a new job 2 months ago and have been outta whack with the fast. Everyone keep up the good work.

    Hi Folks,

    Having to switch my fast days from Monday and Wednesday to Monday and Tuesday this week due to social thing. Anyway 2 days in a row is working out ok, although I am feeling a bit tired today due to poor nights sleep. Again am going to try and not eat until dinner so fingers crossed.

    How is going with you all? Please keep us updated on weight loss as I find it quite motivating.

    Good luck lazy cat. You can do it. You will feel so happy tomorrow knowing you did the work today. I did the fast exercise thing on the eliptical today and feel proud of myself for doing it. Tomorrow I do the fast and going to stick to it.

    Hi all.

    I’m a Thursday weigher, so no updates as yet.

    Kept busy yesterday so no problems there.

    Today I’m working from home, just 3 hours though, but as always after a fast day, I’m not in the slightest bit hungry.

    I should really have another one today, but I always have in the back of my mind an interview I heard with Dr Mosley when he said. The diets easy just eat a quarter of your normal calories 2 non consecutive days.

    I am not preoccupied with food on non fast days. I think the idea that I am on a fast day, makes me more hungry,because I know I can’t eat much. I love the 5:2, it’s a relief not to measure and be obsessed with every little calorie on the off days.

    Not sure that I would do 2 days in a row again. Unsure if tiredness is due to poor sleep or fasting. Considering fasting on another day this week instead of today. Not preoccupied with food just tired.

    Morning All, my second fast day today, had a great day yesterday, v.busy today which is good. Wishing you all a good days fasting. Keep posting I love to read your thoughts,
    Lazycat- I am going to try your Quorn sausage trick- nice and easy-cheap on the cals.
    Tight belts, GL X

    Hi all.

    I have menu pinned to my fridge for fast days, with the calorie amount highlighted.

    Each meal has between 250 and 350 cals, so if I eat lunch and dinner I can have 2, if I only have dinner, I can have a bigger portion.

    Morning all,

    GL- Quorn sausages are great and can eat them on the go. Only 70 cals per sausage you can,t beat them. I usually cook them in batches for fast days as I would just eat them as I cook them.

    As you know had to change fast days so done Monday and Tuesday. Despite my greed over the weekend I have last 1lb. I am a very happy lazycat today. Slow but sure. Hoping for at least another 14lbs but a wee bit more would be great.

    Elc72- I agree that it is best for me to plan my fast meals.

    Good luck and happy fasting!


    Meant to say you should check out other quorn products. Chicken fillets are only 45cals so 2 fillets ans salad only around 120cals. Quorn peppered steaks are lovely and around 120 cals. Good to have in the freezer for fast days

    Hi all….I put off posting yesterday as I was so annoyed with myself, 1st fast day was Monday and I was doing so well UNTIL…..I came back from gym at 9pm and had a sandwich. It was mind over matter and I really let myself down, I only had an hour before bedtime….so, that was practice, today I am determined and ready and know how great I will feel succeeding in this. Any motivating words will be welcome. Thank you for listening!

    Morning Balacksharp1,

    Please don’t be so hard on yourself. I am much the same despite knowing that it is not helpful. I drank my weight in gin on Saturday and munched my weight during my hangover on Sunday. Great fast on Monday then on Tuesday fast like you munched on oat cakes later taking me over my 500 cals. However I actually got out of bed to eat them. I am sure that you will manage fine today.

    Good luck!

    Thanks lazy at, it does help and you lost 1lb, seeing that is the best motivation.

    When I hear about everyone’s weight loss it motivates me to keep going despite having days when I totally blow my cals. Please keep me updated. Am off work this week so will check in later to see how things are going.

    Lazycat, I’m off work too this week, today is ironing, loads of it, so should keep me occupied, thank you for you support.

    Think I may buy a load or quorn products, could make a lovely sausage and bean casserole, that would be filling.
    Another recipe for my fridge door!!!!.

    I actually ate one of my fast recipes yesterday on a normal day, because it’s all I fancied, smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. My calorie intake from food was less than 500cals, I wonder how I ended up having over 1000 calories in total??? Bet you can all guess!!!


    Hope everyone is doing ok today.

    God I hate ironing and try to avoid it when possible.

    Great idea about recipes on fridge door.

    May try and do a fast tomorrow and paint kitchen as a distraction. Been meaning to do it for ages but it kept putting it off as I would probably have to another room as it would look shabby. Anyway we will wait and see what tomorrow brings.

    I’m with you tomorrow for my second fast, busy day at work so should be OK. I was Ok with the first fast, although, the sleeping was as everyone had mentioned much shorter and felt wired!

    Have been eating loads of veg, and lots of soup, coming into Autumn here (Cape Town). Not as hungry as I have been, so feeling virtuous, I am sure that will change:-)

    It worked for me having a lunch and dinner when fasting, this may progress to dinner as my body get used to this. Have also experimented with some low cal dinner options that we all eat, lost of courses, soups, stuffed mushrooms, chicken, veggies and so on…

    Also, take into account scales reveals a lot of the water retention, but the loose clothes will reveal the actual fat loss. This is why I am ditching the scales momentarily. Thinking inches!

    Good luck and please let me know how weight loss/inch loss is working out for you all!

    Magic, it is good to have someone in the same boat when fasting. I haven’t done a 4:3 before (this is only my 3rd week on 5:2) and not sure if it will be a regular thing but will give it a bash as am off work this week.

    When am fasting I sleep worse than normal- cold feet and weirdly very restless legs. Last night arms were restless too. Any suggestions about the restless arms and legs???

    Maybe a hot cup of decaf before bedtime?

    I, oddly it seems, sleep much better on fast days. Caffeinated coffee or tea in the morning, water, water, water, 500 cal meal around 7pm followed by a decaf tea and I could pass out by 9pm.

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