Monday and Wednesday faster needed!!

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  • Hi.

    Fast day or very very low cals as daughter wants to make small cakes – can I resist?!

    Also nervous as back to work tomorrow after 6 weeks off – might help weight though. Hmmm.

    Good luck fast people.

    375 cals over. What the hell is wrong with me and where has my motivation gone!!!

    Measuring day!

    Here are my results. First numbers my last measurement and the last my measurements today. I have lost and gained some. I have been struggling massively with sticking to my 500 cals, and I eat far too much bread on my off days. I really really need to get back on track. My next goal is to lose another dress size by my birthday, which is in October.

    Waist 31. 31.5
    Hips 42. 41.5
    Bust 37. 37
    Thigh 21.5. 21
    Arm 11. 11

    Haven’t been able to do any proper fasts, i find it quite difficult right now. But 0.8 kg off this morning. Hoping to continue the trend somehow with calorie restriction and a lot of workout.

    hope you all have a good weekend.

    How are you doing lazycat?


    I am a Monday and Wednesday Faster however I have discovered that it is not too much hardship to be flexible with the days when my diary dictates. Last week I did Sunday and Tuesday and this week I have fasted today, Saturday due to having a work event yesterday and feeling the effects and I will fast on Monday. I like to get the two fasting days done so I enjoy the rest of the week.

    I too can struggle in the evening, not with alcohol as I am a recovering alcoholic so that is not an option but when i have eaten my meal and then watch some tv my mind wanders into the depths of naughty food thoughts – i tend to clean my teeth, chew gum or go to bed!!!

    I just love the morning after a fast day, i feel AWESOME!!

    Loving this site 🙂

    Hi all and welcome LadyMacca,

    Didn’t manage any fasts last week. Out with the girls last night so not my best today (way too much gin). Anyway had a total clothes disaster prior to going out as was having a fat day, actually it has been more than a day as old bad habits slipping back in. Nothing I put on looked right so it has motivated me to get fasting and eating relatively healthy again starting from tomorrow. However, may fast Tue and Thur this week.

    Good luck

    Hi all,
    welcome LadyMacca!

    hope you had a good weekend. I had a very unhealthy one unfortunately. However I’ve cooked for the whole week, measured calories and made meal boxes. Really need to get on track, I have an event in 5 weeks and I really want to reach my first weight goal at that point, which is 4-5 kg off from what I am at right now. Seems a bit ambitious but I have to try. I notice that I lose weight during the week and gain it back during the weekend, same pattern every week. Really need to restrict myself during weekends.

    Good luck all!

    Hi all.

    No excuses this week, I have to do 2 good weeks now, as on holiday on the 24th for a week.

    Hope everyone else is on board.

    Elc, that sounds like fighting talk and I love it. I am doing a fast tomorrow as on A/L today and still so tired from the effects of gin excess. Hope that your motivation rubs off, think that a few of us are struggling.

    Hello! New to this site and forum although not new to 5:2. Did it the first time back in Jan 2013 and got down to my goal and then managed it intermittently on and off to keep the weight off. Been a bit ill the last few months though and the weight has piled on so today is the first day of starting again… Mondays and Wednesdays are fast days so day 1 almost done, whoop whoop!

    Hi Skylander and welcome,

    It is so easy to put on weight when you are ill but here you are back on the saddle and doing something about it. Hope that your fast went to plan and please keep us updated on how you are getting on.

    Thanks for the encouragement! I used a 5:2 facebook group last time and other fasters support was really helpful. I’m also rereading Michaels book to remind me of why I’m doing it and the other benefits I can gain from it. Fasting tomorrow, then it’s done for the week!

    Hi All, I am a monday wednesday or monday thursday faster. I tend to try with the idea of not eating but usually do around 300 cals. bizarrely fried eggs and sugar free jelly. Not togther!

    Hi, I’m a Monday -Wednesday/Thursday faster, depends on what’s happening in my life. Only started last week, 3th fast day tomorrow. Lost 2lb last week, enjoying the diet so far! Don’t seem to be hungry the day after a fast day which seems extremely weird! Off to Majorca next week, not going to fast but will try to eat healthy. Good luck everybody. X

    Determined to be on track this week. Monday I reached 501 and today I reached 491. Really pleased! I want to lose another dress size, by my birthday, which is in October. Really hoping to get my hips down to 40 inches. Currently 41.5!

    I’m now back at 9.8st!!!

    Gutted, was 9.3.5st, just 3.5lb away from target a month ago.

    Now a full 8lb away from target. My own fault, if I do my fast days, I lose weight, if I don’t, I gain. it’s not rocket science!!!.

    Two weeks away from my holiday, I’m going to sew my gob up!!!!

    Well done everyone else though.


    I am probably much the same. However, I have not weighed myself as I know that the scales will be very cruel to me. More so as I have just scoffed 2 chocolate biscuits while pottering about in kitchen. I keep thinking that I will not post anything on this forum until I have something positive to write. Sadly that time has not came yet so just continue to shame myself in hope that motivation kicks back in.

    Those who are sticking to their fast days, I must say well done.

    Enjoy the weekend when it comes.

    Hi and hello new fasters.

    NSV – a colleague at work said I looked ‘tiny’ today! My scales are moving so slowly backwards and forwards this was a nice compliment, so maybe something is happening I cannot see myself. 🙂

    I have been booking in my fast days but have found outside forces have disrupted them ,so this week I would say very low calorie days. Back to proper fasts next week now. Hmmpt!

    I’m going to try my hardest today.

    I did it!!, 1st fast day in weeks.

    Come on lazy, your turn.

    Yesterday I reached 491 again. Really determined to lose a dress size by October.

    Didn’t manage AGAIN! Remember that I was fasting at work then came home and it went totally out of my already full head. Will try tomorrow. Will have a postit stuck to my fridge and cooker. Soup will be defrosting in preparation.

    Well done Elc! You have both inspired and motivated me.

    I’m trying really hard again today, must admit that I don’t feel as motivated as Monday, but I’ll give it my best shot.

    Katie, you seem to be doing well, are the scales moving for you?.

    Lazy, I got determined when I got on the scales and saw the gain, I had been plodding along not gaining, thinking, this is ok. It takes the shock factor on the scales to re motivate. I think you’re going to have to jump on and check if there’s any damage. If there isn’t, then fab news, if like me there’s a gain, maybe it’ll work the same for you.


    I am yet to measure myself this month, not weighing myself. I am planning on measuring myself next week Thursday.

    Today I managed to reach 421. So enough for a cuppa later and perhaps a very small nibble. I had a weird one with my usual fast day soup. I was face timing my mum whilst eating it and she kept talking about massive spiders she is finding at home and also my incontenent grandma. Put me right off my food. Thanks mum! So I reduced my calorie in take drastically for that soup.

    (My mum has an amazing ability to talk about bowel movements when someone is eating dinner.)

    Elc, your right, I will weigh myself on Friday. Am more than certain that there will be a massive shock factor.

    Katiejoy-your post made me laugh

    Hi all,

    well no fast days for months and this has certainly shown on the scales 4.5lbs on. Not surprised as have been eating loads of crap. Will definately get back on track next week, freezer is full of soup and will make a batch of something healthy over the weekend.

    You all have permission to shame and hassle me.

    Oh, somehow had 841 calories on what was going to be a fast day. Having an off week.

    Pretty much the same as me then lazy, in fact exactly the same.

    Well Elc, it is now time for me to get back on track and get in to a routine again of doing 2 fast days per week. Should I continue as I have been eating then I will be the size of a house. It will be wearing a tent for Christmas rather than a little back dress, and I don’t like tents or nylon!

    Count me in, I’m going to be extra good this week.

    Am with you Elc, am really going to try my hardest this week. Not promising anything as when I do it normally goes very very wrong. Will post tomorrow evening with outcome of today.

    Wishing you all loads of luck!

    Reached 467 today. Didn’t struggle.

    I am planning on measuring myself this Thursday, hopefully would of lost something. I did go out to a restaurant last Friday and had desert!! Lol

    Weigh in day today… 3lbs down! This on top of 4lbs last week means half a stone so far! Only 11 lbs more to go now. Keep at it to all those flagging: it works!

    Hi all,

    Katiejoy- you are doing great ans I am sure that the desert was lovely and well deserved,

    Skylander- WOW! That’s a great loss. Sounds like you are doing great. It was just what I needed to motivate me and stop me from popping in to the kitchen and popping food in my mouth. Thank you.

    You’re welcome! Support is really important and seeing how well others are doing spurs me on.

    Well 475 cals today. First fast day in months the 4.5lbs on over those few months has been a shock to my system. Plan to have early night with a book in order to avoid any temptation.

    Well done lazy, skylander and Katie.

    I was trying yesterday as a liquids only day, but got starving in the evening so had chicken and egg fried rice. don’t think it was too bad though, it was home made, and only 50g of rice and very little oil, but still definitely over. should have just had the eggs!!!.

    Elc, am sure that it wasn’t too bad. However, it’s still a low cal day.

    Not sure if I will fast Wed or Thur this week as I am at a work thing tomorrow. Although making excuses and putting things off ended up with me gaining weight so may just bite the bullet (rather than every other food in sight) and fast tomorrow.

    Good luck for all those fasting tomorrow.

    Reached 409 today. Didn’t fancy my usual fast day soup, so I skipped it. Wasn’t too hard. I have enough for a few cuppas later! 🙂

    Well done Katiejoy.

    So far 495 cals but the night is still young and I am not out the danger zone yet. Plenty of time left tonight to do some serious damage.

    Hope everyone is doing okay.

    Measuring day! Below is my previous measurements and then my results today. Would of loved to have lost more but losing anything is an achievement!

    Waist 31.5. 31
    Hips 41.5. 40.5
    Bust 37 36
    Thigh 21. 21
    Arm . 11. 11

    Didn’t manage fast yesterday as caved in and had toasted cheese at the last hurdle.

    Think that I need to give up cheese until I get some successful fasts under my belt. It is a huge weakness and once I start I don’t stop.

    Hi am new to 5:2 planning to fast on Monday and Wednesday/Thursday. Found it really helpful reading all your comments. Do you read the fast diet book and use their recipes on a regular basis?

    Hi Dollydiet, it is lovely to have you join us. No I haven’t read the book but I have heard it is very good. I usually eat soup or something made with quorn on fast days. Unfortunately, I am really struggling to get back on track at the moment. I can be good all day, come home and have a healthy low cal dinner then start snacking around 7.30 and it all goes down hill. As mentioned above cheese is my weakness so eating cheese this weekend as using it up then no more cheese.

    How are you getting on with the 3 days of fasting?

    Hi Dolly diet! I have read the book (Micheal Moseleys) but don’t really bother with the recipes. I tend to stick to fresh soups, eggs (poached, scrambled or omelette) baked beans, toast etc. I like to make it as easy as possible with a little counting and measuring as possible…

    Lazy cat- try reading the book. I go back to it every time I fall off the wagon and it reminds me of all the reasons I do this not just weight loss
    The potential health benefits are amazing!

    Am really going to try and make this a successful fast day despite being off work. Have melon all chopped and loads of fruit in to try and make this week a very healthy week when not fasting. Cheese, chocolate and bread all gone so no temptation there.

    Elc, how are you doing? Are you back on track?

    Hope today goes well with all you fasters.

    504 cals, not great but it is a start.To be honest I am delighted that I managed to keep it at that. Hopefully that this is my motivation returning and that I will manage 2 fast days this week.

    Hope everyone is doing ok.

    Hi all,
    Just back from my hols, no weight gain!!!. Great news.
    I thought I had eaten a lot, but obviously not too much.

    Good to see you back on track lazy.

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