Monday and Wednesday faster needed!!

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  • Welcome Jenja,

    Lazycat just don’t go into the kitchen girl! Hot, hot drinks, water and lemon if you’ve got some.
    I hardly dare whisper this – I only have 1lb to go to the final target I set myself 112lb, there were a few along the way, little steps, little steps, I haven’t been this slim in my adult life. I do like it. It’s new so it’s scary!

    Good luck to all Goosey x

    Welcome Jenja and good luck!

    Goosey, I think that you should shouting it from the rooftops. What an achievement. You are an inspiration and encourages me to keep going to shift this extra stone which like a mill stone around my neck (more like around my belly). Yeah I plan to stay out of the kitchen as much as I can. Have planned what I am eating today and will try not to stray from my plan.

    Lazycat- sorry if I come over pushy but I read this blog all the time and find it very interesting, I have posted it before, but if you have time in your poorly bed it’s worth reading.
    Feel better soon Goosey x

    Happy Monday all!

    Had a boozy weekend as my partner got a promotion and we celebrated!

    Looking forward to my fast today.

    Plus my day is quite busy so enough distraction when the hunger pangs happen!

    Goosey, your not coming across as pushy at all just offering support and guidance. Whatever that you are doing is working and that’s great. As I am stuck in a cycle of being very good the very bad all help and advice is greatly appreciated. Will spend some time reading it today. Thanks again

    Hi – It’s my first day and like so many of you, I’m fine in the day, but it’s the evenings when everything goes wrong! I am a working mum of two, and I’ve weighed in at 59kgs for the first time in my life (I’m only 5 foot 5), so I really want to lost 5 kgs (about 8 pounds) and go back to my comfortable weight of 54 kgs or just under 8 and a half stone. So not a lot to lose but sometimes it’s the little bit of weight to lose that is so hard!

    Hi Chilly Mama and welcome. I am sure that those 8lbs will be off you in no time. Hope today goes well.

    Goosey, great article and can totally relate to it, especially that cycle of cal reduction and not feeling satisfied. That little ghrelin playing havoc with me. Thank you again.

    Thanks Lazycat – so far, so good but it’s this pm and evening where it’s tricky!

    Hi All
    Started the day feeling strong, made me think I could tackle a task I have been putting off for at least a year, my Step dad died,followed by my Dad followed by my Mother Dec ’12. Feb ’13. Feb ’14 and all with the inevitable sh*** /drama that it seems some families thrive on. Anyway, I had the task of clearing their homes, what did I do – took all photos paperwork ect and put it in my attic! Yes I think I was a little on the mad side at the time. So today it ALL came down and I have been ruthless, left myself with only happy beautiful stuff that means something to me.
    I have made myself a promise ” I will not hoard stuff”.
    Thanks Goosey x

    Hi Goosey, all that stuff can be really emotional good and bad. Please be good to yourself tonight. It is easy to hoard stuff, I just chucked out stuff from 15 years ago when I was at uni. God knows why I kept so many articles, journal papers, books and notes. None of the relevant to current day. Anyway I have noticed only one week into a new course and I have already started to gather journal articles and ordered another book today. Need to caw canny as they say in Scotland (excuse spelling)

    Hope everyone’s fast is going ok.

    Struggled today, despite having lots to do. I really had major hunger pangs in the late afternoon.

    I didn’t go total veggie either like I do, so many that effected me? Who knows.

    So today I have reached, 470.

    I had this today,
    Green tea x3 6
    Berrocca 6
    Soup with veggies/noodles and chicken 82
    Rice cake 51
    Salad, rocket and lettuce, with red bell pepper, cucumber, croutons, pumpkin seeds, chili flakes, cheese and dressing 325

    I have enough left over for a cup of tea later.

    KatieJoy, you have done great today. Like you, I love chilli flakes and sprinkle them on most food.

    I also struggled being at home today. Thank God for slim pasta and rice. So far 374 cals which includes yoghurt which I have still to eat. Need to be extra good this week to try and undo the damage of last week.

    Hi again everyone,
    Well, I survived my first fast day coming in at around 470 cal. Apart from the mid-afternoon hunger pangs (always the worst time of day for me), the evening wasn’t so bad and I wasn’t really that hungry when I woke up this morning. Kept up my regular coffee date with friends today and really enjoyed a slice of cake knowing that I will be back to my second fast day tomorrow.

    Great to read all of your posts – very encouraging – and all the best for tomorrow!

    PS: Gooseylucey – you should be so proud of yourself – big congrats to you!

    Hi everyone – I survived Monday’s fast too – came in just over 500 calories at about 520. My daughter’s maths homework was to weight and then bake double choc-chip cookies but I resisted!!! Didn’t feel too hungry during the late pm and went to bed early to avoid any evening cravings! Hope tomorrow goes as well – good luck everyone!

    Hi everyone- I tried my best yesterday, but wasn’t able to stick to the 500 calories as I was sick and hadn’t prepared anything,had to grab the leftovers in the fridge, not too many calories though. I am fasting today instead, and then tomorrow as well. Going ok today, 0 calories so far, a bit hungry but not too bad, will manage until dinner time. I didn’t have the best weekend, once again, with another difficult weekend ahead, will be travelling back home to see friends, dinner out Thursday, Friday and BBQ on Saturday. Will try to keep it under control week will definitley be a 4:3 for me to make up for all of this.

    Hope everyone had a good fast yesterday and will have another great one tomorrow.

    Hi all. I tried to fast yesterday but fell at the first hurdle as I didn’t realise I had to sit in a catering tender at work, which required tasters all morning.

    I am fasting today instead and have done well so far. I have to eat something during the day otherwise I feel weak and shaky. Doing well so far. I’ve only eaten 160 calories so far, snacking on vegetable sticks and a couple of crackers. Has anyone tried fasting two days in a row? How does it compare?

    Hi all,

    Those that fasted today I hope it is going ok. Those that struggled, I can feel your pain as I have had those days and I expect to have them again.

    Anyway the sun is shinning which makes a pleasant change, feeling optimistic again despite my sore throat. Back at work today so not surrounded by food which always reduces the risk of munching. Fast again tomorrow and looking forward to it. May try for an extra fast day but I say that every week. Will wait and see.

    Good luck for tomorrow!

    Hi All
    KatieJoy congrats on OH’s promotion, something’s just have to be celebrated in the right way! Well done for Monday though, it’s often harder when you have indulged a little.
    Oh, Maia, that just sounds like cruelty, tasting! I have changed my eating pattern around a couple of times, this is what I have found the most effective for me. Hope it helps.
    Sunday. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner
    Monday. Breakfast. Lunch. Fast. Vegan
    Tuesday. Fast. Fast. Dinner. If things are going to plan have a light lunch
    Wednesday. Breakfast. Lunch. Fast. Vegan
    Thursday. Fast. Fast. Dinner. If things are going to plan have a light lunch
    Friday. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner
    Saturday. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner
    Glad your back on your feet Lazycat
    Good luck to all and happy fasting. Goosey x

    So my day is done!
    I didn’t go complete veggie today.
    I have reached 484 calories.

    I have consumed this,

    green tea x2 4
    Berrocca 6
    Soup (vegetables/noodles) 87
    Cracker 32
    Salad (celery, Apple, lettuce, rocket, pumpkin seeds, bean sprouts, chicken and yogurt dressing) 355.

    I have enough left over for a non milky cup of tea later.

    Today was kinda easy. No hunger pangs like I did on Monday, so feeling good. 🙂

    Hi all,
    Weigh day for me, stayed the same.

    I’m going to start the fast 5 diet this week as a bit of a boost.

    Hi all,

    Didn’t fast yesterday, no will power as full of the cold and felt sorry for myself. Had sneaky jump on scales and only 1/2lb off (surprised I lost anything). Actual weigh in day tomorrow although I am not expecting to lose any more this week.

    Elc, please excuse my dimness but this head cold is effecting my brain am struggling to think of my own name today, but fast 5 day diet does that mean you fast 5 days or have I misinterpreted it??? Nothing wrong with staying the same especially as you have so little to lose.

    Sorry if this message doesn’t read properly. Need my bed

    Hi lazy,

    I read about fast 5 on another thread. It’s basically only eating in a 5 hour window, for example, no calorie intake all day till say 5pm then eat what you want till 10pm, then nothing again.

    I can’t see how it could possibly work, but I read up on it and it shows similar results to 5.2. I think you’re supposed to do it every other day.

    Well done on the half pound.

    Hi Elc, that diet sounds totally achievable. I usually don’t eat much during the day when I am at work so no real hardship there. Evening is my munching time during the week, weekends are more difficult especially if gin comes into the equation. If you give it a try then please let me know how you get on? I worry that I would go on a mega binge during that 5 hour window so would be interested how you get on.

    Enjoy the weekend.

    I did the 5 hour window yesterday, you’re right very easy.
    This week I will do this plan every other day, but on Monday and Wednesday just have the 500cals in that window.

    My weigh day is Thursday, so we’ll see if I have any results.

    If you look it up online, it says you don’t see any results for 3 weeks, then 1lb a week.
    Its called ‘fast 5 diet’.

    Hi Elc, I have had a look at it online and I like what I am seeing. Think I may join you this week and try and do it Mon-Fri when at work, but still do 500 cals Mon and Wed. Think that I will still need that cup of tea in the morning though. Hope that you continue to breeze through it!

    Hi lazy.

    I know what you mean about the tea, my drink in the morning is coffee, I have one of those dolce gusto coffee machines, and have a café o lait in the morning, I’ve had to change that to an espresso on my diet days. You’ll have to take your tea black I’m afraid.

    God that will be a sore one. Only like a spot of milk but it makes all the difference. Although when I was vegan I always had my tea black as wasn’t too keen on soya milk. Have totally munch crap all day so need to do something proactive to make up for it. As I am sitting here I an thinking about chocolate buttons.

    Hi All,

    First day Fasting Ever, should be interesting how I go.

    I am 43 weighing in at 92 Kilo’s, I am fit, train at the gym 5 days a week, just cant seem to shake the last few kilos from my gut and hips, I think I should be able to do this, it will be interesting if it affects my training.
    Anyway, good luck my fellow fasters, and may the fast be with you.

    Hi Sharms and welcome:

    Here are some tips that might help you going forward:

    Good Luck!

    Hi all,

    I’m Fiona, 26 currently living in London and struggling to stay at a healthy weight with the drinking/ eating culture here.

    First day on 5:2 and going really well so far- wasn’t sure if i was going to manage it because got back from a holiday yesterday and was expecting really bad jetlag (8 hour difference) but i think it has just confused my body into thinking it isnt eating time so its working well!

    Glad that I’ve found a group that seem to be having really good results from the diet, I’m another evening snacker- I always eat really well in the day but struggle in the evenings. Am planning on starting a regular exercise programme and combining it with 5:2 for a (hopefully) low effort diet! I have about 3 stone to lose- currently at my heaviest around 180lbs so am looking to lose around 50lbs to get back to the weight I was 2 years ago although the last few I’m going to see how I feel (i’m 5’6″).

    Wish me luck!

    Hi sharms and Fiona welcome,
    How is everyone doing?
    I’ve had a hard week this week, a real struggle to eat mindfully. Just wanted, well everything!
    BUT ladies, 1 lb off, 🙂 So that’s me- 112 lb, BMI 22, waist 29.5 that was the target weight I finally settled on. A smaller waist would be nice but unless I do some exercise I don’t suppose that’s going to happen. 🙂 Now I’ve just got to stay there, that should be fun 🙂
    Thanks for all the help and support, I think I’ll stay around if that’s o.k by you girls, because I know it could all go to pot in no time at all.
    I am going to continue fasting as before, try to eat sensibly, but not going to count calories as meticulously and see what happens.
    Good luck to all Goosey x

    Hi Sharms and Fiona and welcome,

    Yeah evening can be tough not to snack but you are in good company.

    Only fluids so far today and quorn chilli for dinner with enough cals left for some strawberries later. Wed should be a breeze as one of my cats is going to the vets for boosters so there goes my opportunity to snack.

    Hope that Mondays fast is going ok for you all.

    My day is over. Was a really good day, was ultra busy so didn’t have hunger pangs distracting me.

    I reached a total of 478.

    I consumed this,
    Green tea x2 4
    Berrocca 6
    Soup with veg and noodles 87
    Celery with light version of Philadelphia 56
    Salad, with lettuce, rocket, red bell pepper, cucumber, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, croutons, chili flakes and dressing 325

    I have enough to for a cup of tea later.

    Feeling good!

    I hope everyone else has had a good day.

    Katie, it is great that your so precise with your cal counting. Puts me to shame as I sometimes guess especially when cooking from scratch and don’t weigh things, although I am getting better and noticed my guess cals in dinners are much the same.

    Goosey, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You must be delighted. All your hard work has totally paid off. I would love it if you continued with this forum and provide me with your words of wisdom and helpful tips. You can keep me motivated (that will keep you busy).

    Been very good today but yesterday, God I went on a binge with cheese, nice bread and chocolate. Why can I not go on a berry binge or apple binge????

    Goosey what an absolutely fantastic achievement. You should be very very proud of yourself. WOW!! I’m in awe.
    Hopefully if you stick with a 5:1 regime it should stay off. Your relationship with food has obviously changed. Hope you stick around with us x

    Congrats goosey!

    Need to change fast day as friend popped in with ice cream and chocolate, rude to refuse such a kind offer. Will do Wed as usual and Tue or Thur to make up for today. Hope everyone is having a more successful fast than I am.

    Thanks for the cheers girls, I’ll be here to pat you on the back too.
    Goosey x

    Lazycat I’m the same today, I went all day with nothing but water. Had an omelette for dinner but pinched some of OH’s chips 🙁 then he decided to get the mint matchmakers out….epic fail. Going to fast until dinner tomorrow as got a busy week of eating and drinking from Thursday. Hope everyone else has better success than me

    Some fasts days am in the zone then I get the odd one when I go crazy bananas and will power goes right out of the window and the mention of goodies. Think that I may need to stick to slim pasta on fast days, not eat at all or go to bed at 6.00pm. On a positive it is still the start of the week. Am sure that we will get there Michelle and manage 2 fasts.

    Hi lazycat and Michelle, I definitely think “not eat at all ” is the easiest, because once you start you can’t stop, especially carbs. Protein and full fat bizarrely satisfies and keeps you full longer and doesn’t seem to have that binge effect. Are you going to try the Fast 5 lazy? It sounds as if it could be a good option, I don’t know if I could wait three weeks to see some results though.
    Goosey x

    I’ve been looking at the fast 5 as I find it easy to go all day without food. I’ll see how it goes especially this week as its my sisters 50th birthday and we have lots planned 🙂

    Goosey you’re so right,if I have carbs I find I crave them and I definitely do better not eating all day.
    I don’t see results quickly on the fast diet but I do get results without feeling deprived all the time.
    Let me know how you get on with fast 5 Lazy. X

    Hi All,

    Yesterday I ran 7.5km in the morning & did a circuit class at lunch, over a 1000 calories burnt.
    I stuck to the 600 calories I allowed myself for the day, should I allow for more calories on these days because of my training?
    Who would have thought Vegetable soup could taste so yummy.

    Hi Sharms
    No stick to the 600 calories. Hopefully you should get a better loss

    Thanks Michelleg22, I will keep at it then, thanks for the quick reply:-)

    Yea you keep at it,I think you’ve done enough for all of us lol

    I am lucky, we have a gym at work, I go before work at 5.00amish and at lunch if I have time, a lot easier than going after work I have found, free weight training done, spin class here I come.

    Hi, I’ve never done this before, so I’m interested in how it goes. Stayed under 500 today. I wanted to ask Goosey, how much exercise did you do to get down to you target weight? Congratulations by the way, that must feel brilliant. How tall are you? You must be little with that as you target weight. I’m not that much different, my target is 120, 20 lbs to loose if possible. I did it before 3 years ago, don’t know what happened really but here I am again. I like the idea of this because I hate counting, but I’m sure I can do it 2 days. Can I ask people what really fills you up the best on a fast day?

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