Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Good Morning!

    Salma…so glad to see your lovely post. Good news about your Mother’s scan and hopefully the new meds will make her feel much better quickly. Good luck finding the live-in help for her. The right person will be a God send for all of you.

    Also congrats on the fat loss Salma! I know what you mean about wanting to see “that” number on the scale, but the fat to muscle ratio is the more important thing. Good luck with the next 10 days!

    Went out for a run/walk with a friend at 5:30 this morning. She is recovering from a strained calf muscle, so we took it quite easy. We covered about 2 miles, but didn’t break any speed records.

    Just biding my time here at the office. Set up in the conference room with a laptop and my Kindle, I spend a lot of time reading. The new girl is doing great and I’m mainly here for questions. 35 more days to walk thru the door!

    Have great days!

    Lori.. So glad to know your rash is better.. it must have been so very bothersome.
    35 more days! I am rooting for you.. I can’t wait until my turn comes. I’m afraid I am in the thick of it right now. Deep breath!!


    Hi ladies,

    Woke up to a non-functioning freezer in our garage this morning…everything at least half thawed! 🙁 With such a large family, and no room in our kitchen for two frig’s, in addition to the frig in the kitchen, we have one in the garage as well as the large full size stand-up freezer! My husband hurried to the appliance store and bought another and then we transferred what we could and tossed the rest that had melted too much already. The silver lining is that I’ve been meaning for over a year to sort through that mess of a freezer and get rid of the expired or “questionable” contents in it, so this just forced us (in an expensive way!) to get it done. I’ve promised myself to stay on top of the freezer from here on in and get a better organizational system in place so things don’t get pushed to the back and “lost”, etc. Here’s hoping at least…you guys know about me and my lack of organizational skills!

    Salma, I agree with you and Lori, it’s nice you’ve got more muscle, but darn it, “SHOW ME THE (lower weight) NUMBERS”, right?! It will come. Just frustrating waiting for it to happen. So your pilates must be paying off already if you’ve gained muscle? I just went to my pilates today. Unfortunately, my instructor, who also has a pilates studio/retreat in southern Spain, has to return there for 4-6 months until he finds a replacement for his ill manager. I will miss him, but will find a class to replace him in the interim. I’m glad things are progressing on the addition to your parents’ home. Soon it will be done and it will all be worth it.

    Lori, your countdown cracks me up! You’re not anxious or anything are you? 😉

    So, I had to add another post to comment on the entrees on the page prior because, as many of you know, you often lose your post when you flip to the page prior to read and come back to it!

    Anyhow, Kitty, good luck with your fast day today. Hope it’s less “fuzzy” and you get those fluids in!

    Carolina, yes, I’ve fallen into the trap of the chip feeding frenzy myself recently! I can commiserate! Move on, right? 😉

    Oh, and Salma thanks for the PA info. Have you ever utilized a virtual PA and if so, how did it go?

    Scale up a bit this morning (maybe 1/2 lb). I think from too much salty stuff yesterday. That and the heat we’ve been experiencing might mean some water retention. At least that’s what I’m hanging my hat on today!

    Cinque and everyone else, hope you’re all well!

    Hello again!

    Salma, I’m so happy you’ve had a little bit of good news with your parents. You deserve a break! I meant what the British call crisps but I can do something similar with fries!! My English is terrible these days–to be honest, part of why I didn’t take the class was because I would have to review so much. Also, I’m not naturally a teacher so it’s kind of draining.

    Lori, I really need to follow your lead for doing something in the morning. The weather is too erratic later in the day.

    SherryAnn, I hate when appliances fail! It’s hard now that everything is so computerized–if there’s a problem you usually have to toss them rather than repair them. I’m really not looking forward to our kitchen remodel and being out of commission for almost two months!

    So far so good today for my fast day. Fingers crossed! Have a good day/evening wherever you are…..

    Welcome Joneill! Welcome Maryland Gale!
    Joneill I am the same age and height as you and was just a few kilo over 80kg at my fattest. Very glad to be in my low 50’s now!
    Was yesterday/today (I get confused on the Australian side of the world) your first fast day? Best wishes for it!

    Congrats Gale on cutting down caffeine, it is hard and does come with such a nasty headache. I keep planning to have a few caffeine free days a week, and it would be perfect to have them on fast days… but I haven’t managed any yet!

    It is day after Fast Day for me. I love the feeling waking up in the morning. And then I love breakfast! 🙂

    My last post disappeared as this site did its irritating thing of logging me out in the middle of my typing. So I’ll post now and see if it comes through.

    Yay it worked.

    Hi Kitty,
    How excellent that your first fast went so well! Yes, fluids and maybe salt!

    It was my fast day yesterday and it was a nasty one. I was so tired and all I wanted to do was comfort eat. A busy morning but once the afternoon came I could just rest and keep telling myself how good I would feel the next day. I held out for my miso soup and went early to bed.
    And look! It is the next day and I am so pleased with myself!

    Sherry, Hooray for the new school year! I hope all the kids have nice teachers and aren’t complaining too much! Enjoy that wonderful silence!
    Oh yes, and then the freezer had to go, didn’t. Lol. Glad you got a good tidy out, and good luck making a new system. I only have the small freezer on top of the fridge, but even so I have to force myself, every few months, to stop buying groceries until it is bare. It is the only way I can manage not to waste the things I put in it!

    Salma what an agent for change you are. Excellent that you are making the changes that need to happen at work. May I hope that some of the old stickinthemuds decide to leave and you can get wonderful new people? At least one or two?

    And then all the changes at your parents place. I’m so glad your mums scan didn’t show scary things, and hopefully the new meds will suit her well.

    And then…. bye bye 3 kilos of fat! Can you see it in the mirror, and in your clothes? Hooray for all your hard work!

    Better stop and write an email. I’ll come back soon!

    Hooray that the itching has gone! I hope you never have to go through that again (and your husband too).
    Isn’t it hard, those horrible eating days! You are angry at yourself as you know it is destructive, and yet you want to enjoy every mouthful because, fingers crossed, you will never do it again.
    I hope your green tea day felt very kind to yourself.

    Carolina I knew just what chips you meant! Oooh I wanted some yesterday as my daughter bought a big packet for my granddaughter’s 2nd birthday party tomorrow. Josie wanted some too! She cried all the way home, yelling ‘Kip! Kip! Kip!’. I knew just how she felt. We had to hide them quickly.

    Yes, hooray for Slow And Steady.

    Salma, my sister is better enough for me to visit her this afternoon, she rang last night and it was so good to hear her voice. The drip is out and she can eat. Should be home on the weekend. Horrible experience!

    Off to make that lovely pot of coffee now! Best wishes all!

    Cinque, glad you made it through the tough fast day! I made it through as well although I probably went over a bit. In a way, I’m starting the program again after our vacation and the elimination diet earlier. I’m easing into it and when school starts I will go full force!!!

    We’re trying to think what we want to do this weekend and next. After that my daughter’s dance will dominate our Saturdays. I’d like to go up on the Parkway and pick blueberries but we’ve been in “rain forest” pattern for the past two months or so. Every day we’ll alternate sun and rain. It’s just not pleasant outside–extremely muggy. Maybe a movie or Biltmore…

    Happy end of the work week!

    I woke up sore and achy this morning and decided not to do my normal walk. BUT, then I felt guilty and after a short while I felt not so bad so I went after all. I feel good now but we will see about later. I think I have crappy athletic shoes even though they’re only a month old- so I think I haven’t been getting the proper support when I walk and that’s why I’m achy?

    Anyhow, cleaning day today, working alongside my cleaning lady organizing! Later it’s an evening at the local small waterpark for my elementary kids’ school. The kids love those places but I can’t help but feel they’re a big pool of germs no matter how much chlorine they put in! YUCK!

    I’m doing a traditional fast day today, not the cleanse/fast I usually do. gh I probably will, however, throw in some of my bone broth I’ve made that’s in the freezer as it’s low cal and satisfying.

    Tomorrow is yet another birthday party (for my great nephew who’s turning 1). As I’ve said, in my large extended family there seems to be something going on almost every weekend! I endeavor to stay away from chips this time! Maybe I’ll bring a bag of parsnip chips that are a good, healthy, low carb substitute!

    We have a new-ish couple with older kids that moved in across the street who are about our age. I talked to the wife today about taking a hike in the hills near us (with giant sticks and pepper spray in case we encounter any mountain lions!) when her hubby, who’s a pilot, is off flying. She’s game! Also they want to go out with us to a local brewery next weekend. I’m excited because it’s so hard to find people you can hang out with that aren’t school friend related at this age and time when everyone’s so busy! Here’s hoping we have a good connection!

    Cinque, I’m so happy your sister is feeling better! When does she get to go home? Any fun plans for the weekend with your family?

    Carolina, enjoy your last few dance-free weekends! I hope you get to pick those blueberries! That’s one of the things I envy about you people who live in wetter climates…you have wild berries you can pick! When I visited my hubby’s family in Michigan, we’d always pick blueberries and make pies. Isn’t it late in the summer now for them? As far as movies, my friend said that new movie with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant was really good and that her husband even enjoyed it!

    Have a good day everyone! 🙂

    Good morning,
    It is a sunny Saturday morning here and exactly two years since my little granddaughter was born! Special day.
    I will head over there in a couple of hours and take her to the playground while the party prep is happening. And the party will be this afternoon. There will be chips/crisps!

    It was lovely to see my sister yesterday but I can see she still has a lot of recovering to do. I’m going to make her a big pot of soup for when she gets home.

    Carolina, the weather you describe makes me think of Boroloola when I lived there as a teacher. In the wet season it was so humid, and torrential rain one minute and fierce sun the next. I hope you get to the blueberries though!
    It will be nice to ease into all the lifestyle/diet things you want to do.

    Sherry I do hope you find lots in common with your new neighbours. It is a limiting time when all your friends are your kid’s friend’s parents! Enjoy that hike!

    Well I am off to meet the day. It is my fast day tomorrow. Cheers to everyone fasting today!

    Happy Birthday to Cinque’s granddaughter. Such a cutie! Hope it was a magical day for her. Sending healing thoughts for your sister. I’m sure your support will mean the world to her.

    Sherry….hope your new friendship with the neighbor works out. Hiking with Mountain Lions? Yikes….be careful!

    Off to the golf course in a couple hours. I’m not really looking forward to it after the way I played last weekend. Maybe today will be better? One can only hope. I’ll just enjoy being able to be out there and not worry about the score. I will try to be mindful of my attitude today….getting upset certainly doesn’t help and in the grand scheme of life, my golf game matters not at all!

    I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. Be happy & love life!

    Hi everyone,

    Yes, Cinque, hope your granddaughter’s birthday was wonderful! Two is such a cute age. I hope she got her wish of lots of “kips”!

    Speaking of “kips” (not to mention a cupcake), I got into way too many of them at my great nephew’s birthday today! UGH! Why I do this to myself I just don’t know. And, I’d had a good fast day yesterday which was all laid to waste by today’s eating. Ok, back to the drawing board tomorrow with another fast…I’ll be fasting with you, Cinque!

    Lori, was your golf day a good one? Did you keep your attitude in check and just have fun? ;)? Oh, and for the record, I’ve never seen a mountain lion out here! Just heard they do inhabit these parts. I’ve only seen coyotes and the bobcat I told you all about a few months back.

    Talked to the neighbors when we came back from our walk and saw them out weeding. We’re on for dinner at the brewery next Friday! Should be fun.

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

    A quick hello, resting after a big day yesterday.
    Granddaughter started saying “No! Mine!” on her birthday, so she must be 2!
    Fast day today. And rest. A good combination!
    My sister might need a couple of days rehab as she is still finding it hard to get her balance walking.
    Good luck at golf Lori, for your quiet Sunday Salma, and for recovering from those ‘kips’ Sherry! I avoided them ok so that is a relief. Cheers to everyone!

    Good Morning!

    Ah yes Cinque…a typical 2 year old response! Yes & Mine! 😉 Enjoy your rest day today.

    Golf was much better yesterday. My friend and I ended up playing the back 9 with a Father & son who were playing ahead of us. Play was slow so we decided to team up. We had a nice time, but we were never quite sure where they were going to hit the ball! LOL! They don’t play often and it showed. We had some laughs and they were very nice.

    I’m heading back to the course this morning, but the weather is not looking great. 100% chance of thunderstorms. The golf course is not the place to be during a t-storm. I’ll take a cart so I can come in quickly in case it starts to rumble overhead.

    Ok…time to get the day started. Enjoy your Sunday!

    Hi ladies!

    I’ve been in Milena’s “layby” all summer. Relationship issues got the best of me so I decided to set the fasting aside for a time and concentrate on that. And I didn’t want to burden you all with one long whine. But now a few things have been ironed out, the fall term begins next week, and I’m ready to turn over a new leaf and give it another go. Today was my second fast day and it feels good to be back at it.

    My yearly physical forced me onto the scale and I was pleased to find it showed only a 2-3 lb. gain over the summer. So I now have about 10-12 lbs. (5 kilos) to lose. Should be doable, right?

    Anyway I’ve missed you guys and your lovely support and hope you are all doing well. I’ll try to catch up with your posts from the last few months a bit at a time.


    Hello all you young ladies..

    So, yes.. I have not shown up here the last two days, but it was all for a good cause. Saturday, I went for a 4 hour hike in the mountains with a hiking club. I have not been hiking for so long.. it felt good to be out in nature with a big group of hiking enthusiasts. The weather was a bit hot, but, since it was a “sunset hike” it soon cooled and we got to watch the sun go down with the beautiful hues of pink, orange and red. The day ended with a gathering around a bonfire eating corn on the cob (delicious) which I had not had for ages and baked potatoes. Starchy.. but we had already burnt off many calories.

    This morning, I went for a walk on the promenade by the beach for one hour. I have not been this energetic for a while. It is true I took up Pilates, but that is not exactly cardio. It feels good to be moving again.. I only hope I keep it up. When I walk, I listen to audio books (currently: A Thousand Splendid Suns), so I am actually achieving 2 things that I want to do.. physical and mental exercise.

    MM.. welcome back! It is so nice to see you here again. In February, it will have been 2 years since I started on this journey, and I still have not reached the finish line.. we just need to keep plugging at it and will eventually get there.

    Cinque, it is great that your sister is better.. what a relief!
    Sherry.. I laughed when I read that your neighbour was ‘game’ in the same sentence you mentioned mountain lions. I most certainly hope she doesn’t end up as such :). It is always so nice when you make a new friend. I hope that you enjoy your dinner with them.

    CC.. I had intended to be below 80 Kg by the end of this month. It is now not looking very likely. I am stuck where I am.. but we can only do the best we can. When we stall, we get up and do it again until something shifts. Good luck.It is much like Lori’s golfing.. when you play a bad game, you just have to go back to the golf course.. and look.. her game this weekend was better. I am glad you enjoyed the game Lori.

    I have a question I would like to ask everyone:
    I was looking at my figure in a long full-length mirror over the weekend.. I know all the positive thinking.. love yourself theory.. but honestly, jiggly thighs and jiggly inner thighs are not attractive no matter how many times I chant the “I love myself” mantra. With weight loss, I imagine, it will only get worse. I fleetingly considered lipo. Am I being stupid? Has anyone else gone through this? Any thoughts?


    Grr–just had a mysterious delete of my post!

    Anyway, last Monday before school and the weather turned nice!

    Salma, you do the lipo and give us a report, haha. It is the jiggly flabby stuff that gets me, too, but I have hope I can improve. I feel I’m just over the line so if I can stay focused long enough ….

    Cinque, enjoy that two year old sweetness!!!!!

    MM, welcome back. Good luck!!!

    SherryAnn, I hope it clicks with your neighbors. We have a few neighbors we enjoy but when my son was small we had one family that was very close and it was awesome.

    Lori, I’m guessing you are the competitive driven type! My kids are like that. I have to say it’s served my son well although I’m always trying to get them to take it down a notch.

    My goal for this week is to undo the weekend damage and prepare for full throttle next week when school starts!

    Happy Monday everyone!

    Can you believe that I only have 5 more Mondays to come to work?? We have a Holiday on 1 of the Mondays, so that takes 1 away! 32 more days in total…..WOW!!!

    Salma…your weekend of hiking and walking by the beach sounds divine! As far as the lipo…I am at the stage in my life where I don’t mind the jiggly bits too much. I have toned a lot from all my exercise, but my upper arms and upper thighs are far from attractive. I have the “they are what they are” mantra in my mind. If I can stay healthy and enjoy retirement, the jiggly bits will be the least of my worries. If you decide to pursue lipo, you’ll get nothing but support from me. To each her own, I say.

    MM..SO glad to see you here again! Sorry you had a rough summer, but it sounds like your weight stayed stable thru it all. I hope you enjoy the new school year.

    Cinque…a bit of a typo on my last post when I said “Yes & Mine” are typical 2 year old responses…..of course I meant “NO & Mine”….No becomes a favorite word, doesn’t it? 😉

    Have a good start to your week everyone!

    Hi Salma and everyone!! I’m enjoying looking through all of the posts! You sound so much like me:) I’m getting started today and am very hopeful about the program. The only time in my adult life that i have maintained a heathy steady weight I was pretty much doing the Fast Diet without knowing it so when i dicovered the program a Light bulb went off for me then I went through a down time and gained again. Since then I have tryed everything! Atkin, Ideal Protein, Xyngular, Weight Watchers Ect……. Totally screwed up my food mentality. I have about 40lb or more to lose. Wish me luck!!

    Happy start of the week all!

    Managed a not-too-hungry fast yesterday to take care of the excesses of the day prior. It helps when I have a light protein drink in the morning. It held me till dinner time. This morning I rewarded myself with some yummy pumpkin pancakes. I’ve got Fall on the brain I guess! 😉

    Cinque, I was wondering what Josie was referring to when she said, “NO, MINE”? Was it the beloved “kips”? 😉 You’re a strong and better woman than I to have avoided those kips! I hope you had an easy fast day and nice rest to go with it!

    Lori, your countdown continues! Glad the golf is going well! Soon you will have almost unlimited opportunities to golf! 🙂

    Hi MM, welcome back and thank you for the birthday wishes back in June (I got the email notification from FB, which you know sorry to say I never really use!) I’m working at maintenance right now; currently drifting between 118-119 and wanting to settle in at 115-117. Hoping that will happen by year’s end! I too am sorry for your rough patch and hope all has worked out for the best because you deserve the best!

    Salma, now that’s MY type of weekend! Hiking and strolling by the beach! Wish I was there to join you! And, HA! Didn’t realize I used “game” in the same sentence as mountain lion! So funny, but yes, let’s hope not! Re: the lipo, no I’ve never considered that (I’m fine with the size of my legs), but I would consider anything that could guarantee the tightening of the leg skin which I had mentioned prior the plastic surgeon told me is difficult to do unless it’s minor skin laxity. There’s lots of procedures out there that claim to do both lipo and firm the skin up at the same time so you just need to do your research on that. Good luck, and as Lori said, I’m in your corner whatever you decide. I think we all need to do what we need to in order to feel our best!

    Carolina, yes, the dreades disappearance of posts on this site! Drives you nuts! Best of luck undoing the weekend damage and getting back on track for the week ahead. I think it will be easier for us moms with kids still at home to stick to plan now that they’re back in school, don’t you? How’s your daughter doing now that she’s back to her good eating plan?

    Hi Rosie, welcome! You’re one step ahead since you already know this plan can work for you! I know the feeling of all those different, crazy diets messing with your head! Here, you can take a deep breath and just “simply” cut back twice a week. No crazy counting of points, etc. It is truly freedom in my mind! Good luck! 🙂

    Time to get the smoked paprika chicken in the crockpot! Have a good one all!

    Good morning!

    Welcome here Rosie! I do hope you find 5:2 is just the thing. It works best being longterm and sustainable (in my opinion!) and it is nice having the others on the forum sharing the journey. Let us know how your first fast day goes!

    MinnesotaMiss, SO good to see you back here! I am so sorry you had a hard summer, but I am very glad if things have worked themselves out. I hope you find 5:2 extra enjoyable as you get back into it, and those last kilos start fading away.

    Ha Lori, She hasn’t managed ‘Yes’ yet! It is all NO and a special laugh is her way of saying yes. But I did guess you had meant to write NO!
    That was a very friendly game of golf where everyone had a fun day!

    Salma, the jiggly thighs are a hard question. I remember saying to my friend that I hoped my arms would manage not to have a big saggy flap and she (a very forthright woman!) told me I was dreaming, I am so old now the skin would stay saggy. However, while it is happening slowly, my upper arm circumference is shrinking.
    I don’t know just how jiggly your thighs are, and it is your decision of course, but you are doing all the right things to help them (Pilates and hiking!) and winter is coming (more clothes for disguise! 😉 ). I guess the trick would be to do more research so you can make a good decision.

    Carolina, cheers for undoing the weekend damage!

    Good Morning Everyone!!

    Thank you sooo much for the encouragement :). I had a wonderful first day and feel better mentally about the “program” (not diet!!) than I have about any other in a VERY long time. I think that this will really work!! No more stressing about what I’m going to eat all day and how many carbs it has is very liberating!!
    Salma, See if the skin bounces back a bit before you consider surgery. A friend had lipo on her stomach a few years back and its very lumpy now and the skin tightening looks pretty invasive ans leaves some not so attractive scars. although when i do get the weight off and don”t have the fat to plump up my skin I’ll probably be singing a different tune 🙂
    I have a question about how you all handle the social drinking events that come up in life?? For me a couple of drinks can lead to senseless eating but I do like to have them 😉 any advice?

    Hiya ladies,

    Rosie, congrats on your first success.. many more to follow. This IS doable and you WILL feel and look better, but give it time. The weight came on in the space of months and years and it will take time to shift.

    Thanks for the advice re lipo. I was toying with the idea. I hate the idea of having scars. just to look good in a dress or pants. I want to look good for myself. I am doing Pilates and am beginning to enjoy it and to feel that my muscles are working too. So, I will leave off on the idea of any procedure for now. Let’s see if I can combat the effects of years of yo yo dieting and lack of exercise (to a reasonable level). I won’t be making any films soon, so I don’t think that it is worth going under the knife for vanity.

    Cinque.. your friend is too forthright.. Too old now? really! I know we cannot expect to look like we did in our 20s but we can try to look the best we can at any age. My own sister told me to enjoy how I look now because it is the best I will ever look from this point on (another forthright lady), but she has a point. We always try to live in another dimensions: tomorrow, twenty years ago, when I become X or Y. In fact, we are, for all our faults, much better off than other people who have real problems. I see little kids selling flowers at 1 in the morning in the streets here, refugees from Syria. I can only imagine what happens to these kids or what happened to their parents and families. In reality, jiggly thighs or upper arms (which I also have) are not so important in the grand scheme of things.

    Sherry.. yes I am so happy that I have started moving again. I did my Pilates yesterday then went for an hour’s walk by the sea. It felt good. I will have A LOT of travel in September and hope it will not undo the good that I have done so far. My mother is not getting better. She has episodes of great anxiety and upset because she realises she is losing her memory. We had a bit of a melt down this weekend. However, I do have some happy news to report. I just got off the phone to a possible care-giver and the agency that I am working with to hire her. She sounds really kind and experienced and has midwifery experience as well as experience working for a sick 90-year old lady. Fingers crossed.

    I am inching towards my goal for my birthday. I weighed in at 81.2 this morning. I don’t think I can go down 2 lbs in 4 days, but I will try. I want to see that number !!

    Talking of birthdays, Rosie, the best way to handle social drinking from my experience, is to limit yourself to wine, a couple of glasses at a maximum and to steer very clear of chips/crisps, nuts and that sort of thing. If you must munch on something, then carrot sticks. When I am being very virtuous, I opt for sparkling water with some lemon juice. When all else fails, just chalk it up to experience and fast the next day. That is the beauty of the 5:2 program!

    On my birthday, I intend to have a no holds barred attitude and will eat whatever I fancy. My son has booked at a very fancy restaurant which is famous for its steaks and great wines.. so I will definitely indulge.



    The better weather continues, yay!!! Also, my son was invited back to intern next summer in California!!! I had a long walk yesterday and will do one today. So things are going well.

    Salma, so glad you’ve made progress on finding a care giver and reaching your goal. Woot, woot!! You are so right about the proper perspective on life, too. The refugees are on my mind a lot and while we have done things to help it’s just a drop in the bucket.

    Lori, so exciting to have this countdown! Enjoy!!!

    Cinque, you are not so very old, haha.

    Sherry, the pumpkin pancakes sound very tempting! I love pumpkin in some things but not others. My daughter is doing better. It’s not perfect, but many times improved.

    Rosie, glad your first day went well!!! For the drinks, try alternating seltzer water.

    Today is fast day. Going well so far, knock on wood!!!

    Have lovely evenings, all.

    Good morning. Guess what, I fasted on Wednesday instead of Thursday! (It is Thursday morning here already.) I overate on Tuesday night, so a fast day was just what I felt like. And now I can have lunch with my sister who is still in the rehab hospital.

    Rosie, hooray for a wonderful first fasting day! haha yes, d don’t call this a diet. Sometimes I just say “I eat lightly a couple of times a week” which makes it sound so normal!
    But mostly, if anyone asks, I say “I do the 5:2 fasting, it works really well for me”.
    Re social drinking, I can’t be any help. I am awfully alcohol intolerant, boo hoo. I’d say, eat something good before drinking, so the drink doesn’t go straight to your head, and then try not to nibble.

    We’ve all got them! Forthright friends can be quite enlivening, and it is a bit fun to prove them wrong now and then.
    My sister (sisters eh!) pointed out that no matter how you feel about how you look, in 10 years time you will look back at today’s photo and say: Oh I was so young, I wish I was like that now! And it is very true, even looking back at our fatter selves.

    And Salma you are so right about focusing on how lucky we are, and how privileged we are. Even managing with ill health on a disability pension, I thank my lucky stars every day to be somewhere safe that HAS a pension, and public housing (although it is so much harder for people to get it here now) and how many choices I can make, and how many opportunities I have,

    I am so sorry to hear that your mum is so anxious and upset. My mum was the same, it is so hard to see. Fingers crossed that once you have the caregiver, she will settle down. That one you spoke to does sound nice!

    Best wishes everyone!

    Good evening ladies,

    Just finished dinner, yummy chicken tikka masala out of that wonderful crockpot! Not much going on hereabouts…the usual, shopping, cooking, cleaning (though I did have the Rumba vacuum/sweep today…love that thing!). Did pilates yesterday with the tough instructor whom I haven’t seen since three months ago when I started my travels. I feel the deep soreness every time I go to sit down or get up. It’s good to know it gets at those deep core muscles. Do you feel that after you’ve done pilates, Salma? This is my monthly upkeep and maintenance week, acupuncture to move the ol’ qi and chiro on Friday to adjust my back.

    Rosie, YAY on your first FD going so well! Re: the social drinking/eating: I’m kinda a lightweight and don’t drink much or often. I usually limit it to one glass of wine (as I’m usually the designated driver as well!) and if we’re going to a restaurant, peruse the appetizer menu online in advance so I can try to find the healthier options. Also, I try not to go hungry (i.e. my old mentality of starving myself before I go out so as to eat unlimited food when I get there!). I eat an apple or a handful of nuts beforehand to take the edge off and then I don’t go too crazy. Hope that helps!

    Salma, I’m so sorry for your poor mother. Were there any helpful tips in the book I recommended to you? I was wondering if you found it useful. Is there a natural remedy perhaps that can help with her anxiety? Maybe investigate online or talk to a naturopath? Obviously get it cleared with her doc beforehand. Music can be very soothing and calming to them too, especially the old tunes since they’ll usually remember those old memories. With regard to the potential caregiver, my fingers are crossed for you too! The fact she sounds kind is wonderful! Do agencies there do background and reference checks on the caregivers? Is she TB tested and does she know CPR? All good to know. Enjoy your upcoming birthday and dinner! 🙂

    Carolina, so glad your daughter is doing better for the most part. Good job on your walking. How’s the fasting going? The pumpkin pancakes I made were made with almond flour…very low carb and filling. I know what you mean about pumpkin! I like it in things like bready stuff but not when it’s mostly pumpkin, like pumpkin pie!

    Cinque, how right you and Salma are that we are very fortunate and should count our blessings. It is great that Australia offers you the pension and housing to help out. My mom always says, all you can do is look the best you can for your age-don’t compare yourself to what you were years ago or younger people. Be happy with what you’ve got in other words! I’m not thrilled with my loose skin on my legs but hey, those legs are strong and enable me to walk, hike and get where I need to go and they look a lot better than they used to 15 lbs. ago! 😉

    Time to tuck in the little monkeys! Good night all!

    Good Morning!

    This is my last work day for the week! YAY! I’m taking tomorrow off as my sister is coming for the weekend and will get here around noon. I’ll do a bit of tidying up around here before her arrival. I have her bed all ready and just need to throw open the window in her room tomorrow morning to let some nice, fresh air in. Tonight’s project is cleaning the front porch & furniture including her favorite…the swing. The darn spiders make such a mess!

    My friend decided she didn’t want to run this morning, so I’m going to head to boot camp. That will make my 3 sessions this week. I’ll take tomorrow off from exercise and enjoy a leisurely morning.

    Salma…hope the caregiver for your Mother works out well. I know how hard it is to care for our parents at this stage of their life.

    Rosie & Carolina…sounds like you’re both doing well!! As far as the social drinking…I tend to go for a lite beer(or 2 or 3) when I’m playing golf. When it’s not golf season, I seldom drink other than a possible glass of wine when we go out to dinner. For me, the occasional drinking is not something I plan to give up. I’m sure it doesn’t help my weight loss, but I do enjoy it.

    Ok…time to finish my coffee and get ready for boot camp. Have a great day!

    Lori.. I am convinced the beer is your secret ingredient! 🙂

    Hi my name is Susan and like some of you am in my 50s an my weight has gone up and down over the last 10 years. I am now at my heaviest and have about 50lbs to lose. Tuesday was the final straw. i saw my doctor who told me I have hypothyrodism and very high cholesterol. I dont want to take medication so we have ageed to wait 3 months to see if I can get my levels down through diet and exercise. Ive read that the 5:2 is a good diet for getting cholesterol down so that is a real incentive. Today is my first fast day and the thing Ive noticed is how thirsty I am and how I am missing my coffee. I cant face it without milk so I thought I would cut it out all together on fast days. I am looking for encouragement as I am feeling very daunted as i have failed so many times before.

    Hi Africa, welcome here! All power to you!

    It is rough to fast and cut out coffee at the same time!
    In fact I ended up having my cuppas with milk on my fast day, and so 160 calories in milk. And then have a bowl of soup at the end of the day.
    I do mean to have a couple of coffee free days a week, and it would be good to have them on fast days… One day!

    You’ll work out a way to do it that suits you!

    Hi Salma and Lori, bed time here! See you tomorrow.

    Hi Africa/Susan.. my heart goes out to you!
    I was at that stage a year and a half ago. I needed to lose around 50 lbs. I am half way to my goal and feeling tons (if you will pardon the pun) better. Please stick it out .. it CAN be done, but don’t expect things to happen overnight. In fact, it is a slow training on how to change your entire way of eating and maintaining.

    I, too, have huypothyroidism (Hashimoto, in fact), and my advice would be, if it is advanced to take the Thyroxin meds as this regulates the hormone that your body is not producing. Hypothyroidism affects metabolism hugely and can cause weight gain or exacerbate it. Cholesterol levels can definitely benefit from weight loss and exercise.

    As Cinque says, please don’t try to go cold turkey with the coffee.. you will get the mother of all headaches. Be kind to yourself. Have a bit of milk in your coffee on FDs (Fast Days) until you get the hang of things, and pleasedrink LOTS of water and herbal teas. Don’t let yourself go thirsty. Don’t get miserable on FDs, it will not help you to stick to this new way of life. In the experience of many of us here, focusing on breakfast the next day pulls us through the hunger pangs.

    Good luck!!Remember, we are all here to help and support each other through this tough journey.
    Cinque.. good night


    I had a nice long, hilly walk with my friend this morning and I’m very sweaty. I’m so ready for fall, but it was good to get some real exercise. Fast day yesterday went well so now not to blow it today!!!

    Africa, I echo the idea about coffee. In fact, I have more caffeine on fast days. I’m on the side of doing what you need to do to make it work long term. For me that means coffee with milk and sometimes I’ll even have a diet Coke. Find the pattern that works for YOU. For me, that’s not eating until late afternoon, when I let myself have a tiny bit of juice and ham/cheese or something IF I feel that I need it. Also, after dinner I will allow a tiny bit of the same if I need it. And I’ll use no calorie breath mints when I start thinking about food….may not be ideal but it enables me to keep with the plan!!

    Sherry, I love tikka masala! Mine is never as good as the restaurant’s though.

    Lori, enjoy your time with your sister!!!

    Salma, hope your mom is having a good day.

    Cinque, I guess you’re getting ready for the weekend already!

    Now that I’m sweaty I should do some dirty housework…..

    Take care!

    Hi ladies,

    A quick hello to you all. Just finished pilates;great stretching and a bit of “ouch”! Got my pedi in anticipation of our dinner out with the neighbors tomorrow night. Tonight is “back to school” night where the teachers lay out their plans for the year.

    Susan, welcome! This is just the place for you if you are in need of encouragement! 50lbs might seem daunting, but you can do it! We are here to support you along the way! I agree with the others, do what you need to in order to get through those fast days, including coffee! 😉

    Elizabeth, the tikka masala recipe I used is good. Let me know if you want it! So proud of you that you’re getting your exercise and fast days in! You go girl! 🙂

    Today is a fast day for me. Figured I’d do one before the dinner out and then again on Saturday or Sunday to take care of any damage done!

    Africa, Susan! How did your first day go? Did you survive it without coffee? Don’t we all relate to what you are going through! haha

    Carolina I hope you are having a wonderful sensible eating day after your glorious walk!

    I’m just being quick as I need to write an email, I think, and then take my daughter shopping (she is hoping to get her drivers license in a couple of weeks!)

    Yes it is Friday morning here, Good morning everyone! Hi Sherry, Hi Salma! Great golfing Lori!
    And this weekend I am going to try fasting on Saturday, instead of my usual Sunday!

    Good morning ladies..

    Sherry.. ‘ouch’ is the word. My Pilates is progressing slowly and recently, painfully. My muscles are sore.. my arms, my calves.. ouch.. ouch! It feels good to actually feel my muscles again.
    I have not managed to go for my walk in the morning today, but my Pilates instructor has convinced me to do a cardio class with her this evening. I am not one for classes, but I will report how it goes.

    To be hones, with all the stress at work and with my parents, the Pilates and walking are proving to be God sent. Let’s hope I continue. My birthday is on Sunday, and I am inching towards my goal (unlikely to reach it). I weighed in at 80.8 this morning. At least I am seeing the 80 figure, right? I can ignore the decimals!!

    Susan.. well done on your first day. How was it?
    Everyone else.. enjoy the weekend. TGIF, eh? Lori? Soon, you will not even have to think about or long for weekends.


    Morning everyone

    Thank you al for your support yesterday. So yes I made it through my first fast day. And no I didnt have any coffee. I was suprised that i didnt feel hungrier, I kept busy and then ate at 5pm. I am suprised that i dont feel hungry particularly this morning. What I am even more pleased about is that I made it to a yoga class which was wonderful and had a go on the treadmill the first time in a year. A year ago i ran my first 5K for a breast cancer charity and it was the most brilliant feeling. Since then things have gone down hill with the hypothryodism and overeating and i have done no exercise at all so yesterday was major pyschologically. I only walked for 4 mins on the treadmill and ran for one, but at leas I got on! I also decided that I need to make friends again with my lumpy body that I have so abused. So after the yoga class i gave myself a bit of pampering, rubbing in a lovely body lotion. That seemed more positive than staring hatefully at my body in the mirror.

    For me diets fail because of the sense of deprivation, and feeling I have no choice. So I follow a diet a bit, rebel and then overeat. How lovely it was to wake up today and feel that I can have my cup of coffee and eat what I want.

    Lets hope it lasts!

    Good Morning!

    I’m up way too early for a day off! Husband and I were both awake at 4, so we just got up. I have the washer spinning already and am well into my first cup of coffee. I have some things to do before my sister gets here, so the morning will fly by.

    Congrats to all those having successful fast days this week! Kudos to you. I’ve just been holding my own this week, no loss and no gain…..thankful for that, but I really need to put my head down and get serious!

    Salma…glad the Pilates and walking is helping you deal with the stress of everyday life. I know all about sore muscles, I’ve been sore for 3.5 years ever since I started boot camp! 😉 Happy Birthday weekend!

    Cinque…have fun shopping with your daughter. I know I’ll be doing some shopping with my sister today too.

    Sherry…hope back to school night went well. Remind me how old your kids are? Tonight is your dinner with the neighbors, right? Hope it is a fun evening.

    Off I go….lots to do this morning!

    Hi folks, hoping to have some camaraderie with the group since I fit the bill as mid fifties and trying to lose weight and get healthier. Just wanted to introduce myself and say how much I appreciate everyone’s posts. I don’t feel quite as alone.

    Hi Marc and welcome:

    Here are some tips that might help: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Just started back to school and working too so I will check in when I can. Back from vacation earlier this week and won’t weigh in right away!! Back to the fasting though as I feel so much better and lighter on my feet. Will give periodic updates as time allows…

    Best to all of you and I enjoy reading about your successes! I plan on trying to build muscle and seeing inches go down and not rely on scale so much. I see some frustration out there with the scale. I just want to say if your clothes fit better its all good!!

    Salma, I have seen some info on cold therapy for the jigglys. I forget exactly what it’s called but they freeze the fat cells and then those cells shrink, the before and after pix are great and not as much risk with that procedure. If I find the info I’ll post it.

    Salma–the procedure is called CoolSculpting.

    Hello Everyone,
    It is Saturday morning and I am trying a Saturday Fast after months of having Sunday as one of my Fast Days. My daughter and I are having meal prep Sundays, so they aren’t my quiet day any more.

    Sitting here with my first cup of tea!

    Hi Marc! Welcome to this band of companions! Have you begun 5:2 already? All power to you!

    Africa, congratulations on a good first day. Isn’t it fascinating finding out which parts of fasting are easy or hard or simple or complicated. How wonderful that you are getting back into some exercise, AND having some pampering!
    My very favorite part of 5:2 is waking up the day after a fast day. I generally feel wonderful.

    Hello CactusRose! I am so glad you have been able to pop in and share your news. Good luck for school this year! You have a busy life, but hooray for slotting 5:2 into it so that you can keep getting lighter and healthier. Yes, sometimes you have to kick the scales, but you can always enjoy feeling lighter and healthier!

    Lori, so glad you are having a lovely weekend with your sister!
    My sister is home, finally, so I am going to make her a big soup and take it over to her today.

    Salma, you ARE seeing the 80 figure! Woot! I am so glad that those physical things are getting you through this stressful time, and helping with your strength and fitness! You are going to feel brilliant on your birthday.

    Cheers everyone else!

    Good afternoon, everyone. Just a quick note to say that I completed my third (on this iteration) fast day yesterday and was amazed at how easy it was. Though I expected to be hungry this morning, I wasn’t, so am continuing the fast till about 1, when I’ll have a light lunch. Like you, Salma, my birthday is a bit of a goal. Mine is September 7 and I hope to have dropped maybe 2 lbs. by then. I’ve figured I need three fast days for a pound, since my normal calorie count is only 1600, so I’m really not much more than 1000 down each fast day. We’ll see how it goes, but this time I’m hoping to be committed for the long haul.

    Sherry, are you on maintanence now? Do you fast just once a week? Hope you had a great time with your neighbors.

    Well, this screen is acting funny, not letting me move the curser around, so I’ll sign off for now. Good luck to anyone who’s fasting today and especially to Susan and Marc, and welcome.


    Good Saturday morning ladies & gent!

    We had a great dinner out with the neighbors at the brewery restaurant. I received a compliment from the neighbor woman when she said, “You know, people think skinny people like “us”! don’t have to watch what we eat, but of course we do”! Ok, so I’ve never been called skinny by a skinny person so that was a wonderful first! 🙂 This is what true “skinny” people like her do: they eat HALF their dinner and then try to give the rest to their husbands (he declined-he’s skinny too!). For me, I’m always thinking I’m out to eat, I’m paying for it, I’m going to eat it all and eat it now-no take home boxes! I ate healthily at the restaurant and then got home and snacked too much. Very weird- I’m a work in progress! Yesterday, I was back into the 117’s after the prior day’s fast and I’m sure I’m not there now! So, today I fast!

    Tonight is yet another great nephew’s birthday party at a crazy kids’ pizza place where they have tons of kids, games, etc. You’re ears are ringing by the time you get out of there from all the kids screaming! Can’t wait. 😉

    Cinque, are you and your daughter busy at your multi-meal prep today (Sunday for you)? How was your Saturday fast?

    Salma, I can relate to your pilates aches! Arnica gel helps tremendously! I just ordered a product called “Quell” that you supposedly wrap around your calf and it stimulates a pressure point that gives all over body pain relief. It’s highly rated so I thought I’d give it a try. I will report back once I’ve tried it. Glad you are getting some much needed stress relief from the exercise. It is definitely what I do for stress relief! Yay for the 180 number! You are there. Doesn’t have to be an “even” 180 to celebrate! What a wonderful birthday gift you’ve given yourself!

    Susan, congrats on a great, no coffee fast day. I’m happy it was relatively painless for you. See, you can DO this! I know what you mean about other diets making you feel deprived, you lose a little weight and then go off the rails and gain it back. That’s always been me in the past.

    Hey, Lori. To answer your questions, back to school night was fine. The usual, only now my son who is almost 11 and in 5th grade is starting to go to different classes for different subjects (they’re training them to get ready for that in junior high), so you have to run between 5 class rooms to get the scoop in the span of an hour. My husband did that while I went to my twin fourth grader’s (they’re almost 10) class to listen to their teacher. My oldest is almost 16. Have a great sisters weekend!

    Marc, you are not alone! We’re here for you. We’re mostly a bunch of gals but we all go through the same stuff with regard to weight loss, so hoping we can be of support to you! Good luck! 🙂

    Welcome back Cactusrose! Hope you had a wonderful vacation. Look forward to hearing about it!

    Hi MM, yes I’m pretty much on maintenance as I mentioned before. Teetering now between 117-119 but aiming for maintaining between 115-117. Hoping to get to that point before the year is out. I’m happy that your 3 fast days went well and hope you hit your birthday goal.

    Hi to all you others out there!

    Good Morning!

    Monday again!! I had a fun weekend with my sister, but too much eating and drinking. 🙁 I am here to declare that today marks the start of true 5:2 for me. For the next 6 weeks, I pledge to be a good little faster! I have been far too wishy-washy about my plan and it’s time to get serious. I stepped on the scale this morning and nearly fainted. Up 3+ lbs over the weekend. I know a lot of it is water from extra carbs etc, but it was still shocking to see the number.

    I will fast today and Wednesday and then Thursday morning(Sept 1) I will weigh again. 6 weeks from Thursday, we leave for our trip to Key West FL. I have purchased a bunch of new clothes and want to look and feel smashing in them. After Key West, I’ll be home for 2 weeks and then my sister and I take our road trip to Myrtle Beach, SC to meet up with 8 other friends for a few days. Sis and I will have a few days on our own and then the other girls arrive for a long weekend. Whew! It’s going to be a whirlwind week!

    Anyway, these are the things that I need to use for motivation to get serious about my plan. Retirement is getting very close now..I have 29 more days to walk thru the door at the office! Yikes!

    I hope you’ve all had a great weekend and are ready for the start of a new week.


    Good morning!

    Its a Bank Holiday here in the UK and the sun is shining. It is also my second fast day and already I am feeling peckish! I think I am going to have to keep myself busy today to distract myself from hunger pangs.

    Lori, good luck achieving your plan over the next 6 weeks. I am sure you will look smashing in your new clothes, whatever. Your trips sound incredible, how I would love to do them.

    Salma, I hope you had an enjoyable birthday and celebrated in style.

    Sherryann, enjoy your compliment. How lovely. I am trying to eat like a skinny person and not feel obliged to eat everything on the plate just because it there. Have you been on the 5:2 for long?

    Have a great day everyone.

    Hi Girls,

    So, I am officially 56 now. This is my first day of my new year. I celebrated in style, with much champagne, wine and good food over the last two days. Delectable rich chocolate ice cream and ‘pain pedu’ with caramel sauce was partaken of, chocolate birthday I did not manage my target, alas, but I am near enough, so I am just going to pick up where I left off, starting today.

    I dare not step on the scales.. but it really doesn’t matter.. I am ready to face the world anew; an older, saggier but happier version of myself!

    Lori.. I am SO envious.. I am beginning to HATE coming to work. Today, I had to fire two people. Can you imagine how upsetting that is.. urrrrgggghhhh.. but it has to be done. I wish, I wish, I wish I could just quit.

    Africa.. stick it out.. it gets better, I promise. There will be good and bad days.. but focus on tomorrow’s breakfast and sleep early tonight!

    Have a good one ladies.


    Good morning, everyone.

    Salma, it sounds like you had a lovely birthday! So sorry things are difficult at work. Firing someone has to be really painful, I imagine even worse than failing a student and I hate doing that. (Funny how much fun Donald Trump seems to get out of saying “You’re fired!” Tell us something. How awful if we end up with a president who has so little empathy.)

    Lori, I’m jealous of all the travel you have planned. My next trip comes up in about six weeks as well and I, too, am committing to sticking to regular 5:2 for those weeks, so let’s support each other. Recalling the success you had last January and February with low carb I’m also trying to restrict myself to having a starch at only one meal a day. Not too hard since most days I either don’t eat breakfast or have a single egg with a bit of feta. It just means salads, lettuce wraps, or soup for lunch.

    Africa, it does get easier. And while those peckish moments will come, they generally go away rather quickly. Once you’ve fasted for awhile you get much better at ignoring them.

    Sherry, how wonderful to be within two pounds of your goal! You really stuck to it over the spring and summer.

    Now, my whine for the day. I have either fleas or bedbugs in the bedroom! I’ve thought it was fleas (I have two lovely large poodles)and have been laundering, sweeping,etc. like a crazy woman all summer, but today found something in the seam of the mattress that looked more like a bedbug. Got bitten four times last night. So I’ve finally admitted defeat and called in the professionals. Someone is coming on Friday for an inspection. It’s hard not to get a good night’s sleep.

    I’m fasting today. Good luck to any of you who might be as well.


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