Hi all, It was a busy week here for us … I work at the Farmers Market every Saturday, today (Sunday) we are having friends over for a visit .. I am making carrot soup.
Lori, I do use essential oils quite a bit but my area of expertise is Herbal infusions which are much less concentrated. Right now I am passionate about Black Spruce Essential Oil and the tree itself. It is great for Adrenal exhaustion ..which is much like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Symptoms very similar. Basic burn out from pushing yourself too much.
Sherryanne, great to hear your interest! Milk Thistle is wonderful but not for everyone. If your liver is sluggish it is helpful, but if the liver needs nourishment and support herbs that are more like foods can be extremely helpful. Like burdock and dandelion. I wonder if you are low or lacking Intrinsic factor in your gut… probiotics would definitely help you. I can’t say enough about the B vitamins. I encourage you al to read about what each of the B’s do for us. So many disorders and diseases are actually the result of deficiencies. The B vitamins all work together so if you are taking a particular B, you should also be taking a B complex with it.
Cinque, yes I do grow many herbs … which are considered weeds by some! I also do lots of “wild crafting” (collecting from the wild forests and fields)
I make a wonderful pesto with Nettles in place of (or added to) basil. Always looking for ways to get Nettle into peoples diet. Do you have any Nettles growing? Chickweed would be a great weed to have in your garden. It is FULL of iron and other important nutrients. It also helps to clear out fat. It makes our cells more slippery so that they can more easily absorb nutrients. You can add bits of it to your salad or just munch on it while weeding!
I have managed to stay under 1200 calories/day all week, and had one day that was under 500 .. so I guess that was my first fast day although it was unintentional.
This week I am planning to fast Tuesday and Wednesday.
All the best to all of you!
3:42 pm
31 Jan 16