Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years ago.

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  • What a wonderful story, Milena! Hope they’re might tasty after all that work! A colleague of mine actually makes haggis this time of year. Has to commission a local farmer to get the sheep’s stomach. I think it’s probably illegal, but no one really keeps track. I’m afraid I gave it a pass this year. Do like the neeps and taties, though.

    It’s snowed all day here. We Minnesotans were going around all morning saying things like “‘Bout time” and “You bet” and “Uff da.” We’ve been languishing with only a few inches (sort of like what was under a few of those kilts?) and even had to start the annual sled dog race 50 miles further north than usual.

    Thanks for lightening my afternoon on a fast day.


    Milena, forgive me if I often don’t know what you’re talking about! I’ve heard of haggis but wasn’t sure what it was. Looked it up and saw it was a “fictional creature with left and right legs of different lengths, allowing it to run quickly around steep mountainsides only in one direction.” Further stated “there are two varieties of haggis, one with longer left legs and one with longer right legs and they are unable to interbreed because in order for the male of one variety to mate with the female of the other, he must turn to face in the same direction as his intended mate, causing him to lose his balance before he can climb aboard. As a result of this difficulty, the differences in leg length among the haggis population are accentuated”! For any other U.S. girls, who, like me have no clue, haggis in a traditional Scottish dish made from the innards of sheep including the heart, lungs, and liver. Whew! Thanks for the education!;)

    Hi Sherry

    well as I write a load of tosh most of the time, its now wonder!!!

    The Scots sometimes make the dish you have described and called it Haggis, cos the real thing is bloody awful!!! The dish with the offal is not bad actually. In days past every part of the animal was eaten, nowadays the offal is made into dog food – or perhaps they make it into frozen and chilled ready meals.

    Actually the vegetarian version is quite lovely, McSweens being the best brand for both veggie and meaty!

    Though I come from Yorkshire, our dish is Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding – I do feel sorry for the Scots sometimes!

    Lol Sherry,
    You’ll know forever now!
    And ofcourse they make out haggis to be as disgusting as possible, when infact it is a wonderful mixture somewhere in between a sausage and a savoury pudding. I’ve even seen a recipe for a vegetarian one.

    Re the filing… No worries. I am really good at it, and just love it. That is why there is a metre high pile on my desk. The minute it has gone I’ll be over!
    I not only file, I ADDRESS all the things that have to be done as I go. Should only take me a minute or two!

    Cheers MM, jump on those cross country skiis! Cheers for your fast day!

    Thank you ladies! If nothing, I am always entertained by you all! πŸ˜‰

    Hope it’s okay to jump in here. I’m mid-fifties and needing to lose about 20 pounds (sorry don’t know the conversion – should have looked that up before typing). I just plugged my stats into the BMI/BMR/TDEE on this site and it’s worse than I thought!! Menopause and thyroid issues and my inability to control myself have left me really out of shape, depressed and rather pre-occupied with my body. Not good. I saw Dr. Mosley on youtube a long time ago and he’s been on some radio shows here in the U.S. but I’ve never made an effort. So here I am. I haven’t read through all the posts on this thread yet. Thank you and looking forward to making some 5:2 friends.

    Hi Lizzy, you are very welcome to jump in here!
    Hopefully 5:2 will be exactly what you need to get rid of those extra pounds, and to help with your longterm health.
    The trick is very much making it a sustainable part of life, and a light fast twice a week is pretty sustainable for most people.
    Have you got your first fast day sorted?

    PS Thanks for giving me an excuse to stop filing and have fun on the forums instead. Mind you, I have sorted about half of the pile, and most of it has gone into the recycling bin. Yay!

    Hi Lizzy and welcome – we still do pounds – and kilos.

    I have always used metric, sold desks for a living, can work which size will fit by eye, yet I haven’t the foggiest what my height is in metres.

    And your can still order wood at 2 metres by 2 inches by 2 inches!!!

    Happy Australia day Cinque.

    Filing is sitting here anytime you are ready!

    Good Morning!

    Hi Lizzy & welcome! I’m from the US too, so you’ll see me referring to pounds rather than stones or kilos, but we all seem to understand each other!

    Happy Australia Day Cinque. So….what does the day entail. Are there parades, or parties or other types of celebrations? Sorry, I’m not familiar, but eager to learn!

    Was feeling a bit off yesterday, so no fast for me. I didn’t count calories, but didn’t each much, so maybe it was a fast day and I just don’t know it! I have a wee headache this morning, but I usually do in the morning and I chalk it up to dehydration as it usually passes after my morning glass of vinegar water and first cup of coffee.

    Speaking of coffee, it’s time to finish it up and get ready to head to the boot camp studio. Have a lovely day!

    Good morning Lori,
    Milena we order metres of 2×2 too!

    Thanks for the Australia Day best wishes.
    It is a strange holiday here. It marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip.
    Therefore, for indigenous Australians it is known as Invasion Day.
    It is a day for celebrating the good things about Australia, and trying to work out what to do about our more shameful history. Ie should we move the date? Each year the call is louder: but what to change it to? It makes for interesting conversations.
    Oh and we also talk about becoming a republic. You never know, that might happen one day too!
    There has been a nice move from lots of drunken barbeques to more sociable things like the growing celebration of the Australia Day Citizens of the Year Ceremony, and we have the Australia Day Honours and lots of ceremonies for newcomers becoming Australian citizens.

    True to my usual form, I do nothing! Can’t even shop as they are closed.

    But I did a bit of filing!
    Sorry Milena, quelle surprise! I haven’t got mine quite finished yet!

    I did make a big veggie lasagne and had two helpings. I am SO full!

    Enjoy Boot camp Lori! Glad you are feeling better!

    PS I have just discovered that Melbourne has an annual Australia Day parade. I had no idea.

    Thanks for the lesson Cinque…very interesting! Now about that veggie lasagna……I’d like a nice big slice for lunch! πŸ˜‰

    Hi there all, I am joining you from Canada … I am mid forties and about 40 pounds, 18 kilo’s and 2.86 stones over weight. Peri menopause … possible thyroid .. whatever it is I swear it is such a drag! So … I am going to start the 5 and 2 and I really think this group will help me to stay on track.
    I read a bunch from the beginning of this discussion and then some posts from the very recent .. would love to hear how everyone is doing with this … steady weight loss? How long on the diet? I also would love to hear about recipes and tips you have all learned along the way!

    Good morning everyone!
    I’ll just pass a plate of lasagne through the monitor for you Lori!

    Welcome here Briar Rose. Cheers for your decision.
    I could tell 5:2 was right for me by the end of my first fast day. I’ve been doing it for six months and I have lost about 6 kilos. I am going slower than many people but I have a chronic illness ( me/cfs) and have to be very sedentary, also I am getting close to my optimum weight (4 or 5kg to go) and it goes more slowly. However, just yesterday I making another pile of clothes that have got too loose, to take to the op shop! The best fun!

    PS another Australia Day tradition: arguing about changing our flag πŸ˜‰

    Hi everyone, including the new gals, Lizzy and Briar Rose!

    It’s the end of a busy day. Hubby arrived home about 1:30 in the morning an slept in till 9:30 (he’s still 2 hours behind!). I took a morning walk then later we went back to the kids’ school to be present while one of the twins did a presentation entitled “All About Me”. Most notable was that in the future she fully expects to have a yellow flying car (you never know, it could happen!) πŸ˜‰

    This evening we had a large company dinner (I didn’t eat- food just didn’t seem appealing/worth wasting the calories on!) and live auction to honor our employees of the month and year. It was a great time!

    Happy (I’m sure it’s belated by this point!) Australia Day Cinque, however they celebrate it!

    I need to get more regimented. I’ve been neither good or especially bad with the eating. Just tired and unmotivated. I’ve been wanting to make some great recipes I’ve been collecting, but no time and that’s a bummer for me. The whole week is crazy until possibly Sunday. Saturday we are invited to the 92nd birthday of one of our clients. He used to march with Martin Luther King and knew Jimmy Hoffa(and yes, he does know where the body is buried)! Incredible, huh?

    Ok, need my rest now for that hopefully not so rocky boat ride tomorrow!


    Just took my Dramamine as one of the twins (the other is sick) and I are going on a whale watching field trip tomorrow. Hoping we see some, as the El Nino weather pattern has created warmer waters and we heard that the whales therefore aren’t travelling as far to reach the warm waters in Mexico and the South Pacific. Not sure if this is true but we surely didn’t see any while in Hawaii earlier in the month and that’s usually when they’re migrating through.

    Whoops, the above post got disordered! Bottom paragraph was supposed to be near the top! That’s what happens when you’re tired and insert some info, forgetting you have typed below it!

    Sherry you are doing so many wonderful things! It is no wonder that you are tired and wishing you had time to cook those interesting new recipes, but you are doing so much, and living a wonderful life, so I hope you can just enjoy it. I so hope you see some wonderful whales.
    Things should catch up as OH’s jetlag eases, and hopefully you can organise some quiet time for yourself.

    Is the dishwasher fixed?

    I had a day without coffee today. So I am feeling a bit jetlagged too! I bought a couple of pieces of clothing at the Op Shop (I took a box without about a dozen pieces of clothing to drop off). But maybe the things are too small for me, even when I have got rid of all the excess weight. Oh well they can sit in the wooden chest for a year and see if they fit me next summer.
    They will really suit me, if I can wear them!

    Hi all and welcome to all our lovely newbies, including the other Susie!
    Brief recap that one asked for- toto dieter forever, got to goal at least twice with WW and regained it all 😞
    Now post menopausal and it comes off a lot slower but watched the tv programme, read the book several times and believe this is a good way forward.
    I am doing two FD days back to back usually a mon and tues, I have ‘juices’ in the day and home made veg soup for dinner with hubby. Weight coming off slowly- am also doing SW to keep me accountable on the other 5 days and am enjoying finding new dishes to try now I am retired ( since end of year).
    Think this is a healthy way to eat and am also trying to walk more to get fitter, Susie

    Yo yo dieter!

    I learnt my lesson from last nights lasagne and only had one portion tonight. With salad. Excellent meal and I am replete! πŸ˜‰

    Getting ready for tomorrow: Dashi and chicken out of the freezer. That’s it!

    Briar Rose, when I started fasting I had a small bowl of porridge in the morning and a bowl of veggie soup in the evening on fast days. But I also had all my usual cuppas (tea and coffee) with milk. So I went a bit over 500 calories. But I still lost weight!

    After a couple of months I worked out that if I didn’t have the porridge I could drink my cuppas without feeling guilty! I had miso soup with chicken in the early afternoon instead, and my soup in the evening.

    Then a few weeks ago I realised fast days had become ridiculously easy and didn’t really feel like they were doing their job, so I moved my miso soup to the evening and didn’t worry about the other soup any more.

    I still have my cuppas, but I try to have as few as possible, and lots of water.

    Hi Susie! Hi everyone else!

    Morning girls,

    Wet and windy in Derbyshire this morning

    Just posting on here at work (!) so can’t stay on but wanted to say hello

    Only started the 5:2 this week, although husband has done it before. He is doing it with me so this makes life easier.

    Monday was my first fasting day and it was relatively easy. Probably because I had eaten so much over last weekend with my daughter and boyfriend with us for the weekend, that my stomach was glad of the rest!

    Ate healthily yesterday and tried not to go mad just because I could! My allowance for the non fasting days is just over 1700 cals but I will try not to get to my limit on those days as I think that is more than enough.

    So many tricks and tweaks on any diet, that it’s good to hear everyone’s ideas and thoughts. It all helps to stop any boredom and stops us getting into a rut.

    Have a good day everyone and hope to speak later, if not, then tomorrow.


    Good Morning,

    Sherry…busy, busy! Your schedule makes my head spin! Glad the husband made it home and that things can return to normal for you. So your client knows where Hoffa is buried? Did he tell you? I’ve heard rumors.

    I got thru my dental appt yesterday, but it was not pleasant. I had to have an old filling replaced and OY the drilling! One shot of Novocaine was not sufficient and he had to give me a 2nd one. ACK! My jaw is a bit sore this morning, but not bad. I’m just glad it’s over. The old filling was over 40 years old, so I guess my Mother got her money’s worth, huh? πŸ˜‰

    Enjoying a leisurely morning. I may even eat breakfast before work as I didn’t eat much yesterday. I usually fast until 11 or 12, but feeling hungry this morning. I’m down 6 lbs so far this month and want to keep it going! I want a salad for lunch so have to figure out where to get a good one. I think I’ll have the husband pick it up and deliver it to me at noon when he finishes for the day at his part time job.

    Time to get the day started…make it a good one!

    Hi girls,

    I opened the site several times with the intent of following up on all that has been going on, but have been interrupted and therefore did not write anything. So, today, I decided to write a note to say hi to all of you (including our new members) before reading the posts and before being interrupted and to apologize about being AWOL for the past period as I am traveling with work and under tremendous stress. All my resolutions to carry on with 5:2 during my travels have gone out of the window so far as I have to attend work lunches and dinners. I long for my routine and for 5:2 if that makes sense. It seems to create structure to my week. Right now, I hardly know what day it is.

    I do keep up with your news and feel connected although I have not been writing much.

    Take care y’all and do wish me luck.


    Good morning from a lovely sunny Melbourne morning. Heavy rain forecast.

    Salma thanks for popping in. I am sorry you are so stressed. Sending good wishes that work settles down. I hope it isn’t the people that are a terrible stress, that is the worst.
    Sending best wishes that, even if you can’t manage fasts at the moment, you can eat well, so that your health is good.
    I hope you can get back and chat soon, but in the meantime you have a steady stream of good wishes coming.

    Hi SusieA, great start! How nice to be doing 5:2 with your husband, it should make it so much easier and more fun. I usually find fast days easy ( even when I’m hanging out to eat!) but I have had some every now and then that are really hard. Luckily they are only one day long!

    Yay for your leisurely morning Lori, a lovely treat. And I am glad the dentist visit is done and dusted. It sounds a horrible one, but as you say, your mum got her money’s worth!
    What great weight loss you are achieving! are you feeling gorgeous? I hope so.

    I’m starting the morning, a bit leisurely until I have finished my cup of tea. Then I want to get productive. It is fast day for me. Off to make that cup of tea that I am going to drink in a leisurely way. Maybe outside looking at my little garden, before the rain comes. Fast day!

    Hello all! Back from the whale watching field trip and happy to report there were no children overboard and no barfing overboard! πŸ˜‰ We were blessed to see a pod of 10 whales exhibiting courtship behavior (tails slapping the water)! One even went directly under the boat and looked florescent blue-white as it glided by! So cool! Also saw lot of dolphins under and around the boat-they like to ride the wake created by the boat. It was cold out on the water but thankfully we were bundled up well!

    When we returned to school I was recruited to help with the face make-up for the Lion King crew before they went through a dry run of the play. After seeing it, I’m just a tad worried! My normally easy-going, animated son is looking stone faced now. He’s got the teacher and a lot of us moms worried. I tried to tell him to lighten up and just have fun and that “he’s got this” after rehearsing for 4 months. Hoping it sinks in by tomorrow night’s play!

    Happily, my husband (who hasn’t yet fixed the dishwasher, Cinque, but has the part needed on order!) got dinner started before I got home at 6pm (a long day!). Had a healthy taco salad. The rest of the day’s eating was ok, but the same sorta weird eating since I haven’t had time to organize proper meals. Oh well, at least it’s not overeating.

    Ok, I feel stupid! Cinque, what is the “O” in OH? I get that the “H” stands for husband. And what is the “me” you’ve been diagnosed with? Sorry to be so dense! Yay for the box of smaller new clothes! Hoping they end up working out for you!

    SusieW, are you finding it easier to stay on track with the eating now that you are retired? I’m thinking having less stress would make it so much more do-able! Happy retirement btw!

    SusieA congrats on the food fast day! I’m the same in that I can’t eat as much as I’m supposedly allowed on the NF days. I think I’m allowed around 1700 too. I don’t really count now, just try to eat healthy and within reason.

    Lori, the client said in an unmarked grave in Woodlawn cemetery in Detroit- he won’t say where exactly! He’s very mysterious about it, almost like looking over his shoulder mysterious. I think it will go to the grave with him! He likes my hubby because they both grew up in Detroit, MI. We can’t have female caregivers with him because he still, at 92, has an “eye” for the ladies! Does it ever end for these men? πŸ˜‰ Congrats on the great weight loss-

    Salma, wishing you less stress and that you are soon able to come back to visit longer!

    Nighty night!

    Hi all, just popping in, second night working through the night – give up at about 3pm and had a couple of hours kip, nearly done! As usual thinking of resolving to tax return done sooner,but OH did point out that, working 90-100 hours most weeks, it would be tricky for me to fit things in! Hoping to have a day off sometime in February, getting hair done Friday, 40 miles away, doing about 150 miles in all, but I have stuff to catch up on so it will just be a change, not a rest! Then fair to prep for – off to Durham on Sunday, my favourite city, but won’t even get a glimpse of the cathedral!

    Sherry, see if ournumbered in on youtube, watch the last episode with your son – younger lad is playing Spartacus – your son will feel empathy with the character!

    OH – got me thinking obnoxious husband, only husband, obedient, obese, obtuse, obstinate?

    It means other half! Though in my case, quite a few of the other words apply!

    Hi SusieA, good luck, my hubby is doing 5:2 at the mo, two edged sword, men seem to lose weight so quickly!

    Hi Salma – another stressful job? Hope there are lots of good bits!

    Hi everyone else, have a great Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes Sherry, he is your Other Half! Hope you don’t mind him being called that.

    ‘ME’ is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and, although some people argue with this, it is the name CFS generally goes by in the UK, while it is CFS in the USA. In Australia everyone agrees Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not a useful name, but not everyone thinks Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is any better, so we use both! Typical. It is me/cfs (or ME/CFS) until a better name comes along.

    So glad you saw so many wonderful whales! Fantastic experience.

    Don’t worry about your son, if he stuffs up badly everyone will get over it. (These are the words of Cinque who spent her whole daughter’s childhood worrying madly about everything and has only calmed down now that said daughter has grown up into such a gorgeous, well adjusted woman. How did that happen?)
    So come to think of it, worry away, it won’t make things worse!

    Oh dear Milena, I hope the paperwork is done now. Poor darling, you deserve a holiday!

    It is still muggy here and hotter, we might have missed the rain! Damn.

    I’m having a hungry fast day, went out and drove home past my favourite fish and chip shop. My mouth watered! I’ll have to go there some day soon!

    Another couple of hours and I can have my miso soup. Ooo won’t I love every mouthful!

    Best wishes to you all.

    Good morning (or evening) ladies,

    Thanks for all the good wishes (I just mistyped ‘good wishes’ as ‘food wishes’ – that also works, right?).

    Milena, yes this work is stressful at the moment as there is a lot of traveling involved, continuous meetings and a major presentation come Saturday. Physically tiring and throws my entire routine out of whack. I am hoping it will get better but they brought me on to manage major change in an old fashioned organisation, and that is never easy.

    I am glad to read everyone’s posts and see others are steadily doing well. To keep myself motivated, i checked my starting weight and despite all the fluctuations up and down, i am now 7 kgs less than when I started one year ago almost (feb 9th is my 5:2 fday). That is not bad going is it? In the grand scheme of things. I wanted to be down by 15 or 16 but achieving half that is not a total failure. So, I am giving myself a half pat on the shoulder and resolving to do better this year.

    Here’s hoping!!

    Have a great day my friends.


    Good Morning!

    Salma..so glad you had time to post. So sorry the new job is so stressful and hope things calm down soon. I’d say you had a very successful 5:2 year! On to the next chapter!

    Sherry, the whale watching sounds like it was a great success! Hope your little lion king ends up stealing the show & has a good time too.

    Milena! Working thru the night? Yikes, hope it was productive and now you can get back to normal. I’m not sure I could pull that off.

    I’m planning a fast day today. I wasn’t sure I’d do one this week, but after eating a lot yesterday(although all low carb) I feel like I need a low calorie day. I’m making Paprika chicken in the crockpot for dinner tonight. Hope it’s good. Yesterday I started with an early breakfast and I felt queasy all morning. I don’t usually eat breakfast, and I think I feel better when I don’t.

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Hi everyone! So happy to be a part of this great group! I haven’t started my fast days yet … wanting to get some specific foods in the kitchen first. I found a great web site/ blog called Tinned Tomatoes that has some great vegetarian recipes for the 5:2. I have started counting my calories with My Fitness Pal on my iphone and that has gone well. I really am excited to start this new venture .. a slow but sure path. My ex mother in law has been doing this diet for quite some time and she actually had to stop because she had lost too much weight … here’s hope!!
    Cinque, thanks for sharing … I am inspired that you have lost so much weight without too much exercise. I used to walk and jog almost everyday, but have been too busy to do that for a couple of years now. I home-school my 16 year old son and run my own little business…
    Today I am heading to town to get groceries with my hubby. Will let you all know what I eat for my fast days …. we live in a small village about ten minutes outside a small city. (Peterborough)
    I must have clicked something … or not clicked something because I wasn’t notified about new entries. Will change that.
    The weather here is more mild than usual but still cold. Still snow on the ground and still icey!!
    I enjoy reading all the posts and am really happy to be a part of this! All the best to all of you!

    Hi BriarRose.. I just popped in to say hi to all the new gals. I think you will find us a friendly and encouraging lot. We moan, we groan, we cajole and we empathise.. Just as it should be. Let us know when you start and we will all be behind you. There are many ways to do the 5:2, and you will find plenty of help and exercise in this corner of cyber space.

    Lori.. thanks for the words of encouragement. When I put it that way, it did not seem like a failure. Success is in re-framing. When you look at what you have lost rather than what you haven’t, t does put a positive spin on things.

    Where is Makica? We miss you girl.. come back!!


    Hi Salma,
    Thanks for the encouragement. I am really excited to be starting this. Your job sounds fascinating …what do you do?!
    I wanted to include here that I am an Herbalist and am open to any questions about using herbs. I just started taking Milk Thistle tincture for some liver support. I imagine my liver must be a bit sluggish as I seem to be retaining more and more water the last few years and more so this last 6 months. Examining all the organs involved with elimination is so important.

    I also make Nettle infusions which are full of nutrients and great to drink on fasting days…. on all days actually! Not sure if you get this personal on here or not … but since we are all tackling our health through diet I thought I would share a bit. πŸ™‚

    Very interesting work, BriarRose. I am quite ignorant about making infusions etc, but always glad to read about natural things. I like using essential oils too, do you delve into that realm?

    Milena, how about adding “ostentatious” to the line-up?! Can’t believe that didn’t click in my brain as “other half”, but it’s been driving me nuts for months now when I hear you all say it so just had to ask! Sounds like your business is crazy but fun! I love jewelry so would enjoy what you do (minus the long hours!). Do you ever come across any nice 18k byzantine pieces with emeralds, rubies and sapphires? Years ago in Greece I bought some byzantine earrings and a small band ring and always wanted a necklace to go with them.

    Cinque, thanks for reminding me that things usually turn out in the end! All that worrying about how the kids are doing doesn’t end up damaging them for life then I guess? Hoping you get some cooling rain soon and a nice batch of fish and chips on you next NFD!

    Lori, thanks for the good wishes for the little Lion King! Will let you all know how it went tomorrow! My wellness counselor prescribed some essential oils (Doterra) for me for various things such as hormonal, etc. What/how do you use and for what if you don’t mind me asking?

    Salma, thanks for popping in! What you’re doing does sound tiring, but in the end, when you’ve successfully turned that stodgy place around, what an accomplishment it will be! So great to add to your resume! I’m hoping you can get some ordered eating going in the near future (I need to do the same!).I agree with Lori, the weight you’ve lost is awesome! You’re in so much better a boat this year than last year at this time! You go girl! πŸ™‚

    Briar Rose, I’m sure I’ll be bugging you the most about herbal questions! I’m totally into the natural path. I take various Chinese herbs for things and am seeing a wellness counselor & naturopath who are guiding me on that path too.
    What an interesting and self gratifying business to be involved in! I keep thinking I should be drinking a milk thistle tea to help the liver out. I have that MMTHFR gene that doesn’t allow me to detox easily/assimilate B vitamins so helping out the liver in any way I can I think is key. Any ideas?

    Ok, time to get done, get to pilates, back to the school a bit later for cast make-up and then the play!

    Sherry, I have one essential oil blend that I use every night. It is called “Good Night” and I rub a few drops on the bottom of my feet for good sleep. I’m not sure if it really works or not, but I typically have no trouble falling to sleep at night. I also have one called “Tummy Rub” that I will use if my stomach is not feeling right. Again, I just rub a few drops on my belly. Again, not sure if it works, but I figure it can’t hurt. I also have tea tree oil around to aid in healing. I use all of these topically, I do not ingest any essentials, but I know there are some that are food grade and can be taken in water or something. I don’t use Doterra brand and can’t really remember the brands of the ones I have on hand. Oh…another I have is called “Breathe”. If you are stuffy or have a headache, you put a few drops in your palms, rub them together and then hold your palms over your nose and breathe deeply. I’m far from an expert, but those are the ones I use regularly.

    Hi all, and welcome to the newbies. This is really an encouraging group of lovely ladies. I find hearing from those who’ve been doing this for awhile–Salma, Milena, Cinque–and had so much success really helpful in keeping me going.

    Lori, I read your post about going to the dentist and 40 year old fillings and thought “hmm, I’ve been lucky. Mine are all still hanging in there.” I must have tempted fate because last night a filling gave way and took out half a molar. So it’s off to the dentist in about 15 minutes. What was I eating, you might ask? Cheese fondue! Go figure.

    Got to run. Love to all

    Oh no MM!! Hope it is an easy procedure. Luckily, mine have always been found during a routine checkup when the dentist decides it is time. Or maybe it depends on whether he wants to buy a new car or go on vacation! ROFL! Just kidding! I believe my dentist is very ethical.

    Sending positive thoughts your way MM!

    Hello everyone,
    Note to self, make dentist appt. overdue!

    I love your ‘food wishes’ Salma, it’s like my ‘crime brulee’ !
    That 7 kg loss makes it a productive past year.
    Just a thought, can you and Lori do some cosmic balancing, so Lori’s work gets a bit more interesting, and yours gets a bit less stressful?
    Just a little solution from the Southern Hemisphere πŸ˜€

    And maybe my health could wondrously improve and I can cosmically balance with Makica.

    No one else get any busier!!!

    MM🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 busy bee. I hope you have a good day. Good luck at the dentists!

    Briar Rose, enjoy all the preparations! You do sound busy too. Do you grow a lot of herbs?
    People are always complaining of emails not coming through etc so maybe it is the website’s fault and not yours!

    Lori my mouth is watering for that chicken paprika! Even more than for the fish and chips! I hope it was yummy.

    Sherry I’ve got my fingers crossed for a wonderful Lion King.
    I’ve woken up to rain, rain, rain. The cat is not impressed!
    The garden is delighted!
    And I get to have breakfast! Woot! So glad it doesn’t make me queasy!

    Best wishes all! 🌿🌷🌿🌷🌿

    oh no MM.. poor thing about the dentist. I hope it goes well.. I went through that last year. One thing you should bear in mind is mercury toxicity that is released when you remove an old filling. Do ask your dentist about that, but they usually pooh pooh patients’ concerns.

    Sherry.. Cosmic wishes for your son’s play. I hope it all goes wonderfully for him. I wish you could post a few pictures.

    Cinque. I love your cosmic balancing idea.. do you think the universe is listening? My major meeting is tomorrow and I do not feel at all prepared. I travel there today and then travel again on Sunday. Sigh!

    Have a great day you guys, and keep sending those positive vibes through the ether.


    Hi Salma,
    If the cosmic balancing thing works at all, then that sharp mind I once had, that could function on little sleep and rise to a challenge, must be out there in the ether somewhere. Reach your hand up and grab it for your major meeting! You’ll be brilliant! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

    Best wishes to you and everyone!

    Oh my….what a day. I’m so glad it’s nearly time to head for home. Today was a flurry of one thing and then another. A rare occurrence in my little office! No worry about boredom today! Perhaps some of Salma’s work stress came thru the ether to me today?

    On a personal note, another 1.2 lbs down for a total of 5.2 in 3 weeks of being quite strict with carbs and having a couple fast days each week. Fingers crossed that the downward trend continues and I can get the next 20 off before Spring. Wouldn’t that be lovely?

    MM, hope the dentist appt was not too brutal.

    Salma…hope Cinque’s cosmic balancing found it’s way to you and helped you thru your meeting.

    Cinque, hope the rain does no damage and just makes your garden perky. Too bad the cat is less than happy about it! πŸ˜‰

    Hugs to you all. I’m heading home for a nice, lite beer……

    Hi all.

    Well, not so good news from the dentist. I have to have a crown put on that tooth. So yesterday he just smoothed it down and I go back next week. And again two weeks after that. Sigh. Lori, glad yours was able to just replace the filling.

    Salma, I hope your travels go well and you get Cinque’s cosmic balancing. I’m off tomorrow myself to visit my mother in Pennsylvania and then to give a talk next week at Villanova University just outside of Philadelphia.

    Lori, my goodness you’re doing well on the low carb track. I’m just doing generic 5:2 right now, but may try out the low carb route after this trip. Enjoy the lite beer–you’ve earned it!

    Sherry, holding your Lion King in the Light.


    Thank you all for the good wishes for my son’s performance! I’m happy to report after a few hiccups all went great! He had a performance last night and this morning and has another tonight. I may have mentioned that he was acting a little “off” this week and the drama teacher and other moms even noticed it. Everyone kept telling him he needed to lighten up and have fun. I finally boiled the problem down to the issue of costumes! He wasn’t happy because the drama teacher rented some “stylized Broadway” versions of the Lion King costumes. He was only wearing some baggy tribal looking hangy pants and a multi colored cummerbund and was originally supposed to go shirtless. He was not having any of the shirtless part! So, she agreed on a tank top. She also had us paint the faces more tribal/Egyptian looking and less lion-like and he had no mane! He felt stupid, like he didn’t look the part! Other kids, including the lionesses even had some sort of lion face headdress. So, another mom who’s really handy made him a mane and we convinced the teacher to let us do actual lion make-up. It made all the difference in his attitude and confidence level because then he actually “felt” the part. So all is good!

    Here’s hoping everyone’s cosmic balancing works out! I have to run and get ready to feed the kids, run to a friend’s 60th birthday happy hour party for an hour and get back for the last performance!

    Hooray for the lion king! So glad you worked out the problem, and that it could be fixed. Your mama sense was right on!
    Enjoy your friend’s celebration Sherry! And best wishes for the last Lion King performance too!

    Just been for a coffee with my friend Lin. She gave me some jeggings (jean-leggings) that she had got too skinny for (she is also doing 5:2 and is tiny, as in a few inches shorter than me). They fit me and make my legs look so skinny she thought I should stop doing 5:2. What if my legs get really skinny and my arms stay fat? I’ll look like a pelican.

    MM so sorry about your tooth, although crowns are wondrous things and they do them so well nowadays. I have several.

    I did make my dental appointment but it is a couple of weeks away.

    Ooo dear Lori, you might curse me for my cosmic meddling if this keeps up!
    Btw did you finish your nutrition course?
    My garden is looking extremely happy. I finally have tomatoes coming, and so much basil I need to make pesto pronto!

    Salma hope your travel and meeting went well.
    Makica, sending good wishes!

    Best wishes all round.

    Sherry, so glad to hear you solved the lion problem. I hope you son is really proud of a job well done.

    Cinque, you make me jealous with talk of fresh tomatoes and basil! We’re having a crappy winter–today was sleet and freezing rain. I think if we’re going to have winter it should be winter with lots of snow and below zero. Instead it hovers around freezing with gray skies every day. Depressing.

    Off to be early tonight since I have to leave at 7 to catch my flight.

    Good night all.


    I bet we have the same conversation the other way around in six months (except without the bit about snow! πŸ˜‰ )
    Best wishes for a good trip and a great time, cheers to your mum! And best wishes for that talk you give next week too!

    Good Morning!

    Enjoying my leisurely Saturday morning with a good low carb breakfast and 3 cups of coffee! I do have some errands to run, but I’m putting them off until it warms up a bit outside.

    Cinque…I did finish my Nutrition course. I’m officially a certified nutrition and wellness consultant. I even had cards made! I’m not sure what will come of it, but I wanted to have the cards at the ready in case an opportunity presents itself. The final exam was a bear! It was online, 240 multiple choice questions. I did it in 3 sessions and spent a total of about 6 hours on it. I have to recert in 2 years and hope the retest isn’t as intense.

    So awesome that the little Lion King feels better in his new outfit and makeup. Mom to the rescue!

    We’re going out to dinner with our son and his family tonight. It’ll be a salad with grilled shrimp for me….oh….and a lite beer or maybe a glass of white wine.

    Last night I made a low carb pizza. The crust was a bit of a pain, but it turned out ok and DH even ate 2 slices! I got high praise from him as he said “There’s nothing wrong with this” That is the extent of his excitement over most any food. LOL!

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

    Great to hear you have been certified Lori πŸ˜‰
    I do hope some interesting opportunities come along.

    I hope it was a wonderful night out.

    Congrats on your successful low carb pizza, although I must admit that it is making me hungry for the woodfired pizzas they make up the road.

    I’m at the beginning of my Sunday fast day. It is looking like a long day ahead at them moment, but ofcourse it will be done before I know it, and I have plenty to keep me occupied!


    Hi gals,

    The last performance of the Lion King last night was hysterical! One of the “tech ninjas” helping out back stage knocked over a panel of the back set during the play and Pumba, had a full wart hog head (with his own body inserted in the middle) and bum at the back which he bumped into some “trees” and knocked them down onto the stage. Otherwise, a good performance! My son was feeling a little forlorn when we returned home-he was sad that it was all over after putting in 4 months of work on it. I know that feeling when you’ve really been looking forward to doing something and then all of a sudden it’s over!

    Went to that 92nd birthday of one of our clients today. He was so appreciative of all that came and even came to tears a few times. He was so happy to show us his scrap book and photos of him shaking hands with Jimmy Hoffa and Martin Luther King. He also supposedly did a little running with the Rat Pack. Interesting guy!

    I’m so happy that this super busy week has come to an end. Tomorrow a HUGE storm is supposed to hit us in Southern California with rain and extremely high winds. This will be my excuse to stay in and do the cooking and baking I’ve been wanting to do! I think I’ll make a nice feta, sun dried tomato and roasted pepper frittata, egg and bacon muffins, pumpkin bread, black bean chili, and maybe some healthy cookies.

    Cinque, congrats on looking skinny in the skinny jeggings! Nice to hear your friend was successful on the plan too! Gives us all more hope!

    Lori, great to hear you passed your test and are officially certified! Is this something you plan to do full time when you retire (was it this year?). Interested in the recipe for the low carb pizza crust! Your husband’s reaction to the pizza cracks me up!

    MM, hope your trip/talk goes well. Salma, are you still traveling? Milena, hope your jewelry fair went well and that you sold a lot of pieces!

    Have a great Sunday all!

    Good early Sunday morning!

    Sherry…glad your son had a successful run as the Lion King! He’ll have to get involved in another activity now that the play is over. Hope the storm today is not too bad. Wind is scary!

    We went out with our son & his fiance last night. The restaurant was pandemonium. It took forever to get seated, served and out of there. It was nice to sit and talk to them, but frustrating to wait and wait for everything. Oh well…first world problems, right?

    Today my husband and our son and grandson are going to an outdoor show so I’ll just be puttering around the house doing this and that. Hard to believe tomorrow is Monday and the whole work week cycle starts over again. Sigh…

    Oh, Sherry, for the low carb pizza crust, just search “Fathead pizza crust” My problem came in when I melted the mozz cheese and cream cheese in the micro and then tried to combine it with the almond flour. You know how “gummy” mozz cheese gets? OY…I never thought it would work, but it wasn’t bad. I have found another recipe that says it is a thin, crispy crust, so I’ll try that next.

    Back to my coffee…..

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